=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
tasdomas | hi | 08:24 |
tasdomas | what is the best way to run bundletester on my charm in a "pristine environment" ? | 08:24 |
anastasiamac | tasdomas: m afraid to ask :) what do u consider "pristine"? | 08:26 |
tasdomas | anastasiamac, basically as close to the automated test runner used by the juju charms team | 08:27 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
g3naro | can i search juju modules from the cli ? | 13:46 |
rick_h_ | g3naro: juju charms? | 13:50 |
g3naro | yeah | 13:50 |
rick_h_ | g3naro: hmm, we're working on a store cli plugin but it's not public yet that does have some search abilities. | 13:51 |
rick_h_ | I don't recall if the eco folks had a plugin for that. marcoceppi lazyPower was there something you all had in charm helpers/tools? | 13:51 |
g3naro | ohh k | 14:01 |
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marcoceppi | rick_h_: g3naro `juju charm search` | 14:33 |
g3naro | nice 1 bro | 14:33 |
puzzolo | lazyPower: ping | 14:38 |
lazyPower | pong puzzolo | 15:39 |
magicaltrout | help, bzr newbie here | 16:16 |
magicaltrout | https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-store i completely suck and don't understnad how to get my bzr repo into launchpad | 16:17 |
magicaltrout | charm/trusty/saikuanalytics I have a folder structure like that and created a bzr repo in the charm directory | 16:18 |
magicaltrout | but can't figure out how to get it into launchpad, I just get No such source package | 16:18 |
beisner | magicaltrout - still around? | 16:33 |
redelmann | Hi, is there any juju-restart function/method in charmhelper? | 17:09 |
redelmann | or just need to call subprocess.check_call | 17:09 |
redelmann | marcoceppi, ^? | 17:11 |
redelmann | juju-reboot, sorry | 17:11 |
marcoceppi | redelmann: not sure, let me check | 17:11 |
redelmann | marcoceppi, i search on charmhelpers docs, and didn't find anything | 17:12 |
marcoceppi | redelmann: then not yet, you're welcome to submit a patch though | 17:12 |
redelmann | marcoceppi, ok, thank you | 17:13 |
skylerberg | beisner, wolsen, coreycb: To follow up on our conversation yesterday about connecting to nova-compute. I think it will be best to keep it simple and just use the config-flags options in nova-compute. I can use my README to communicate that users need to do this. | 17:19 |
skylerberg | However, I see that config-flags takes a comma separated list. One of the values I need to pass in does itself have a comma in it. | 17:20 |
skylerberg | Without having looked at the code, I am not sure if nova-compute will choke on a config flag that has a comma in it. | 17:20 |
whit | what's the command that shows all the tools available to a charm? | 17:30 |
whit | ah.. juju help-tool | 17:32 |
puzzolo | jo lazyPower any news on these lxc networking thingies? | 18:13 |
lazyPower | puzzolo: hey there | 18:13 |
lazyPower | puzzolo: i dont have any updates unfortunately | 18:13 |
beisner | hi skylerberg - as i understand it, the config-flags config option is there for one-off edge case needs. what are the config options you're needing to pass in? if they don't collide with others, that may be a sane approach today. but there's no way to say there wouldn't be future collisions if it's not in the nova-compute code base for reviewers to know about down the line. i do think the better / more-official (tm) approach may be to add a charm confi | 18:39 |
beisner | g option to twiddle the conf bits you need. | 18:39 |
jcastro | jose: ping | 18:41 |
skylerberg | beisner: I would be adding something like "cpu_mode=none,nfs_mount_options=vers=3,proto=tcp". Looking at it, I don't think it is possible to parse that correctly. | 19:03 |
beisner | skylerberg, ok so we already have another need to control cpu_mode in ppc64 scenarios, just need to add that. keep in mind, in kilo and later the cpu_mode directive got moved to a different conf file that the charm currently has no other reason to touch (so that's not plumbed just yet). | 19:05 |
beisner | a lot of conf directives scooted around between icehouse and kilo, so we just handle that via the templates in the charm. | 19:05 |
beisner | makes it transparent to the user. they just set a charm config option, the charm lands it in the right file | 19:05 |
beisner | so anyway, that kind of makes the case for using charm config options instead of that little backdoor-ish conf hole we have open. make sense? | 19:06 |
skylerberg | beisner: I need to talk with someone on my team to see if we really need cpu_mode=none. So for the nfs_mount_options we should probably just add that as a nova-compute charm configuration option and then I can just tell users to set it. | 20:00 |
skylerberg | beisner: Okay. All I actually need to do is set nfs_mount_options=vers=3. So we just need to add nfs_mount_options as a config option for the nova-compute charm, right? | 20:22 |
skylerberg | I was going to try to make a pull request to add the configuration option for nfs-mount-options, but the repo on github is two years out of date. Is there somewhere I can get the source and make a pull request? | 21:24 |
lazyPower | skylerberg: https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers | 21:38 |
lazyPower | any of the /next branches are the current dev focus and where you want to make merge proposals against | 21:38 |
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skylerberg | lazyPower: Thanks for pointing me to the repo. I tried deploying nova-compute based on the latest code and it failed http://paste.ubuntu.com/12138183/. | 22:42 |
lazyPower | skylerberg: i would certainly file that as a bug, it seems something changed in /next thats causing a problem. (is this unmodified /next, or was it patched w/ the modifications?) | 22:47 |
skylerberg | Perhaps this is because I am running it in a container and it wants to install kvm. | 22:48 |
lazyPower | thats indeed possible. | 22:48 |
lazyPower | fwiw - you can us ea KVM based local provider and it will be slow (hypervisor in hypervisor) but should complete without issue | 22:48 |
lazyPower | https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/config-KVM | 22:49 |
skylerberg | lazyPower: Thanks. I think I can get around it by just marking the issue as resolved. I am really just trying to see the effect on the config file. | 22:50 |
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