
=== sfn is now known as mauved
lordievaderGood morning.06:09
soeegood morning07:20
sitterRiddell: kmbox still fails to upload to unstable https://launchpadlibrarian.net/215193259/upload_7823728_log.txt08:58
sitterRiddell: unstable kcontacts_15.08.0+git20150821.0830+15.10-0.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 15.08.0+git20150821.0830+15.10-0 <= 4:15.07.90+git20150820.0806+15.10-009:01
sitterin unstable kamoso_3.0.0~rc1+git20150820.0210+15.04-0.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 3.0.0~rc1+git20150820.0210+15.04-0 <= 3.0.0+git20150804.1622+15.04-009:02
Riddellsitter: hmm ok, removing09:30
soeeshouldnt teh final Plasma 5.4 be released yesterday ?10:06
Riddellsoee: I sent tars to packagers, release is on tuesday10:13
clivejoRiddell: it on depot?10:13
Riddellclivejo: yep :)10:14
soeeah im always confused with tars release and official 10:14
clivejoare you staging it?10:14
Riddellmost release people call tar day tag day but the git tags aren't pushed until tuesday, it's slightly confusing either way10:15
Riddellclivejo: nope, the task is open :)10:15
Riddellclivejo: I don't suppose you got a response from debian-qt-kde team?10:15
clivejogot the last few manual apps to fix10:15
clivejoyofel helped me with few last night10:16
clivejothe patches on kde4lib stumped me10:16
clivejoyou time today to get the last few sorted?10:17
Riddellclivejo: do you know if he put them into debian git?10:18
Riddellyeah I should do, just make sure we coordinate so we don't overlap10:18
clivejoI think so10:18
clivejowhat are you working on at the minute?10:18
RiddellI'm compiling libkgapi and looking at my gsoc student's patch so unrelated10:18
* clivejo hops on to EC10:19
clivejoRiddell: no word from debain git10:21
clivejoRiddell: is this the packaging for kde-l10n - http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-sc/kde-l10n.git/10:22
Riddellclivejo: that's rather special in the way it's done, this page says how https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide10:23
clivejoLOL  it is better to push and revert than not push at all! 10:24
sitterRiddell: btw it looked as though for example kdepim-runtime was not merged from stable 10:39
sitteralso it was lacking a changelog entry in general I think10:39
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:08
Mamarokshadeslayer: this one is for you: http://www.wimp.com/instrument-brain/12:11
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Riddellclivejo: yay you have debian access!13:08
clivejonews to me13:08
clivejodont I get an email or something?113:09
Riddellclivejo: dunno, you may want to join #debian-qt-kde on oftc13:10
shadeslayerMamarok: neat stuff, I play because I needed a disconnect :P13:10
clivejoI cant, keeps forwarding me13:10
clivejo470 #debian-qt-kde ##debian-qt-kde Forwarding to another channel13:11
clivejohow do I ask if I cant get into the channel?13:12
clivejooh you are asking13:13
Riddell<lisandro> that happens when you try on freenode iirc13:14
Riddell<themill> wrong network13:14
Riddell<themill> (channel forwarding doesn't exist on oftc)13:14
Riddellclivejo: so make sure to join OFTC and join on that network13:14
lisandroirc.oftc.net iirc (or even irc.debian.org )13:14
clivejocan I use alias?13:15
Riddellclivejo: how do you mean?13:25
yofelname alias, see oftc13:25
clivejogot it sorted thanks13:26
Riddellclivejo: dunno I'm not on it yet13:33
RiddellI'm looking at update_excuses13:34
Riddelland wondering what to do about kdenlive not compiling on arm https://launchpadlibrarian.net/214829299/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-armhf.kdenlive_4%3A15.07.90-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz13:34
Riddelldo I just make it not compile on arm?13:34
yofel/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/mesa-egl/libGLESv2.so.2: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line13:35
yofelsounds like missing -lGLESv2 or so13:35
clivejoIm going to need help with kde-l10n, its double dutch to me13:38
Riddellclivejo: where are you at?13:39
clivejoreading the "guide" you sent me13:39
yofelshould be only adding a changelog and running 2 scripts13:40
yofelwe could also try to migrate to the debian source, which is one of those bazillion-tarballs-in-one-source-package things13:40
Riddellclivejo: run dch and add a new changelog13:42
Riddellclivejo: setting release to wily13:43
clivejohows that?13:44
Riddellclivejo: lovely13:45
clivejomy internet is driving me crazy13:46
clivejodo I need to push that change back to debian git?13:47
yofelno, just to launchpad13:49
Riddellbzr diff  then bzr commit13:49
clivejoWhat do I put as commit message?13:51
Riddellclivejo: that'll do13:51
clivejoRiddell: what next? run the scripts13:54
Riddellclivejo: you got it13:54
clivejoRiddell: is access to the EC slow today?13:56
Riddellclivejo: I don't think so13:56
Riddellnot for me13:56
clivejoits taking 5-50seconds for what I type to appear13:56
clivejobut only on the ec13:57
Riddellno that's not the case for me13:58
clivejogonna try relogging13:59
yofelignore that, that's just harald reminding everyone since years ago that this would be a good idea14:03
clivejowhat has it done?14:04
yofelactually, where was that from again?14:05
soeeuh oh, with all those dependency problems i was able to update some pacages and have this Application Dashboard now :)14:11
clivejosoee: the full screen kickoff thingie?14:12
clivejowhat package is it?14:13
soeei have installed: plasma-dataengines-addons14:14
soeeit isntalled also: kdeplasma-addons-data kwin-addons libscim8v5 plasma-runners-addons plasma-wallpapers-addons plasma-widget-kimpanel plasma-widgets-addons14:14
clivejoapparently I have that package14:18
clivejohow do you enable it?14:18
soeeclivejo: it is available as an alternative 14:19
soeeor add it as widget 14:20
soeeits called Application Dashboard14:20
clivejoso it is!14:20
clivejothat wasnt there last time I looked!14:20
clivejoits displaying on the wrong screen though14:21
soeeoh i'm on laptop so can't est it on multiple screens14:27
soeeclivejo: but maybe worth writring bug report14:28
clivejomightnt be a bug14:29
clivejoseems to follow where my last active window was14:29
soee[16:29] <d_ed> soee: there's one reported, yes14:30
soeeclivejo: join #plasma14:30
Riddellclivejo: I pushed the change, go ahead with running the script14:40
clivejoRiddell: what was wrong?14:40
Riddellclivejo: I just ran bzr push14:40
Riddellclivejo: with bzr you can either checkout in which case a bzr commit will sent it to the server (like svn) or you can branch in which case you need an additional bzr push (like git)14:41
clivejoso I branched it?14:41
RiddellI guess so14:41
clivejowow german is a big file14:45
Riddelllots of germans use kde :)14:45
Riddelland you know german, they like their long words14:46
soee15.08.0 apps wont be released for Wily ? we have to wait for 15.08.10 ?14:47
Riddellignore that, my typo14:48
clivejosoee: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.08.0_wily.html14:48
clivejoRiddell: bzr: ERROR: The build failed.14:51
clivejolots of errors in that script14:52
Riddelldpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: extra-cmake-modules kdoctools-dev libkf5i│···················································································14:54
Riddell18n-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools14:54
Riddellclivejo: try installing them I guess14:54
clivejoRiddell: E: Unable to locate package 18n-dev14:55
Riddellwell obviously fix my copy and paste :)14:55
clivejothis is too slow14:56
clivejoI cant use it properly today14:56
Riddellbother slow internets14:57
yofelwait, why is that script calling dpkg-buildpackage -S?14:58
clivejosorry, I cant handle this14:59
yofelI'm trying something14:59
clivejoIm just seeing flashes on the screen14:59
yofelweird, you're using konsole and bash?14:59
clivejorandom nonsense14:59
Riddellclivejo: I see the script running good here15:00
yofelthat was me ^^15:00
yofelbut yeah, here it works fine as well15:00
yofelactually, let me try konsole515:00
clivejoI can see it downloading stuff15:00
yofelyeah, konsole5 is fine too15:01
clivejobut if there is too much scrolling it just goes to random characters15:01
clivejowhy is sed failing?15:02
yofelIIRC because not all packages have all files it looks for15:03
yofelanyway, someone commit the change I made later15:05
yofeldebuild != dpkg-buildpackage15:05
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soeewhat do you think: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/08/21/dashboard.png ?15:09
clivejolooks good soee15:10
Riddellclivejo: looking good, I'm signing15:27
clivejodid it do it?15:33
Riddellclivejo: still signing...15:34
clivejoRiddell: could you commit yofel's change?15:34
Riddellclivejo: where's that?15:34
clivejoIm giving up for today15:34
Riddelland can't yofel?15:34
clivejoin the script15:34
Riddellthanks for your help clivejo, have a restful friday :)15:35
yofelI'm not in the shell anymore15:35
clivejonot in great form today15:35
clivejoand this internet is just the final straw15:35
Riddellyes slow internets causes brain damage15:36
alleeclivejo: did you find the time to give kconf_updaet a try?15:36
clivejogiving me a headache all right15:36
clivejoallee: no sorry I didnt15:36
alleeclivejo: no problem!15:37
clivejoallee: I think it needs to go upstream15:37
clivejoInvited to a BBQ in the pouring rain.  I must be mad! 15:38
alleeclivejo: :-)15:38
yofelthose that frequently debug boot issues might find this interesting: https://summit.debconf.org/debconf15/meeting/305/your-systemd-tool-box-dissecting-and-debugging-boot-and-services/15:50
yofelstarts in 10min15:50
clivejoRiddell: did you shutdown the EC?22:38
Riddellclivejo: yeah I tidied the rest up and threw them into the staging ppa and shut it down22:38
clivejowow, wasnt expecting a reply!22:39
Riddellvarious bits to be tidied at http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.08.0_wily.html22:39
Riddelland now you have rights to do it all yourself if I'm not mistaken22:39
Riddellyou can commit to pkg-kde git22:39
clivejodo I have permission to upload to staging?22:39
Riddelland you can upload to staging-kdeapplications22:39
clivejowhat commands do I use to commit to pkg-kde git?22:40
yofelgit as usual, but with git.debian.org as server and your alioth username as username22:41
yofelso, clivejo-guest or whatever22:41
Riddellclivejo: I put this in my .gitconfig https://paste.kde.org/pvlajqivg22:41
yofelhm fancy, I splitted that between .gitconfig and .ssh/config ^^22:42
Riddellkubuntu-dev-tools has kgit in it which does the clone and checkout in 1 command so you start off using the right branch22:42
Riddelldon't update the changelog if you're just putting it in a ppa22:43
Riddellinstead use git-buildpackage-ppa -s X from kubuntu-automation22:43
Riddellwhere is is the number you want to put in your ppa upload ~ppa2 or whatever22:43
Riddellwhere X is the number you want to put in your ppa upload ~ppa2 or whatever22:43
Riddelloh I also put this in ~/.bashrc    alias dputstagingapplications='dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-kdeapplications'22:44
Riddellthen I can do    dputstagingapplications foo.changes22:44
yofelRiddell: hm, I don't see him having upload rights for kubuntu-ppa. If you're +1 I'll add him to ninjas22:44
Riddellyofel: he's in ~kubuntu-packagers22:45
clivejoRiddell: Ill use the full commands until Im bit more experienced22:45
Riddellhmm that might not be enough22:45
yofelit is not22:45
yofelI'll add him22:45
Riddellyofel: yes please add to ninjas22:45
clivejotyping them out helps it sink in22:45
yofelclivejo: you're now a ninja, and ofc. don't tell anybody, we don't exist ;P22:46
clivejodo we have a secret handshake?22:46
Riddella secret ninja hug22:47
yofelclivejo: you now also have access to the private ninja PPA, which we sometimes use for unreleased stuff. Apt setup is explained in the PPA description22:48
clivejoRiddell: are you working on plasma?22:49
Riddellclivejo: nope22:49
Riddellstill marshalling 15.07.90 through into wily22:49
yofelclivejo: and as I said yesterday, be careful when uploading anything to the non-staging kubuntu ppa's22:49
Riddellthese powerpc builds are holding it up22:49
yofelother than that, welcome :)22:49
clivejoyofel: sure, and thanks for the trust :)22:50
clivejoI dont intend doing anything without you guys saying so22:50
clivejobut if I can help out and take the pressure off give me a shout22:51
clivejokalarmcal relies on kcalc by the looks of it, now thats been built a retry will probably solve it.  Can I do that now?22:56
yofeljust click on the architecture link, and you should see a retry button22:56
clivejowould it not be helpful to open the links on the QA page in a new tab/window?22:57
yofelprobably, I always do that by hand so I never bothered to add that22:58
clivejomenu click and open in new tab?22:58
yofelmiddle-mouse-button-click, which is why I don't care22:58
yofelor rather I have the flexibility to NOT open it in a new tab that way, but if you want to add that go ahead22:59
clivejojust an observation23:01
clivejoah fiddle sticks23:24
clivejokcalccore has symbol issues23:25
clivejoyet showing as yellow?23:25
clivejoyofel Riddell : can you shed some light on why this error message is being displayed - https://paste.kde.org/papxbypr123:27
yofelinvalid syntax would be my first guess23:28
yofelclivejo: new symbols are yellow, missing ones are red23:28
clivejoyofel: how would i fix that?23:29
yofeljust run pkgkde-symbolshelper with the buildlogs as usual. As nothing is missing that's all you have to do23:29
yofelas for that build log, uhm...23:29
clivejosorry I meant the syntax23:30
clivejothats part of the source23:30
Riddellkde-baseapps looks like an upstream issue, maybe we need a newer cmake or something or maybe it's a mistake23:31
clivejowould you write a patch to correct the mistake temp?23:32
clivejostupid Hash Sum mismatch!23:40

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