
amofiuhr_Using Lubuntu 15.04. When I click on the Volume Control Settings in the taskbar, the volume control pops up, and will stay up until I click it again, even if I click elsewhere. It does not automatically disappear.04:33
amofiuhr_How can I make it automatically disappear after a couple seconds?04:33
ianorlinamofiuhr_: I do not know how to do that04:36
eipi10you there ianorlin?04:39
ianorlinif you have a mouswheel you can move volume up and down with that04:41
ianorlineipi10: anything I can help with?04:44
eipi10do you have a preference to pcmanfm?04:45
ianorlinI know how to use it yes do now can you ask a more specific question04:45
eipi10oh you know what, I think holstien and I were typing about it.04:45
bodhihello. I had applied additional drivers that I needed on Live desktop setup. One was for wireless networking and other was for amd cpu. And now when I reboot the computer freezes.11:55
bodhiHow do I correct this? I need the wireless networking capability at least.11:56
tsimonq2Just wondering(not going to do it, just would like to know how for future reference :D), how do I run wily-proposed instead of wily?21:17
tsimonq2nvm I will ask in #ubuntu21:18
S2L3LSKDthere is a problem with the download page for 14.x.321:41
S2L3LSKDi think21:41
S2L3LSKDthere are two listings for 14.x.3 for the Desktop21:43
wxlS2L3LSKD: one amd64, one i38621:44
S2L3LSKDno, there are a total of six choices on that page for download21:44
wxlS2L3LSKD: per architecture, yes21:45
wxliso (http), torrent, zsync, the list, the manifest, and the metalink21:45
wxlearlier versions have amd64+mac which is no longer published21:45
wxland ppc is missing because of issues beyond our control21:46
S2L3LSKDaren't they 14.0421:46
S2L3LSKDthe previous versions21:46
wxlhere's an iso example:21:46
wxlsee the .03?21:47
wxlthe md5sums kind of say it all, no? http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/trusty/release/MD5SUMS21:47
wxl`cat MD5SUMS | awk '{print $1}' | uniq -d` → nothing21:48
wxli.e., every md5sum is different21:48
wxli.e., all the isos are different21:49
wxlgot it S2L3LSKD ?21:49
wxland there are no alternates either, i forgot about that21:49
S2L3LSKDyes, i was aware of that, but wouldn't 14.04 and 14.04.03 have different pages ?21:50
wxlpoint releases appear on the same page21:50
S2L3LSKD*shrug*, ok21:51
wxlthat's how every flavor does it21:51
wxland has been doing it for quite a long time21:51
S2L3LSKDi did not know that21:51
wxlnow you know :)21:51
S2L3LSKDhrm, it seems the last 15.04 installation on a pc has resulted in a white screen with a mouse pointer21:57
S2L3LSKDnothing else21:57
wxlS2L3LSKD: did you check the md5?21:57
wxlthen that may be why21:58
wxl!md5 | S2L3LSKD21:58
ubottuS2L3LSKD: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:58
S2L3LSKDnm, it works now21:58
S2L3LSKDit seems it does not like an external monitor plugged in upon boot21:58
S2L3LSKDwill safari work on lubuntu21:59
wxlif they make it work for linux21:59
wxlaccording to wikipedia they do not22:00
wxlS2L3LSKD: here's a list of browsers using the same engine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit#Installed_base22:01
S2L3LSKDupdate fixed the external monitor issue22:14
S2L3LSKDaptitude is default for 15.04 ?22:22
wxlS2L3LSKD: i don't think aptitude is the default for anything22:35
S2L3LSKDwhen lubuntu goes to "sleep" while connected to an external monitor, it "whites" out23:14
S2L3LSKDthe white screen of ...23:14
S2L3LSKDnm.  it's ok23:15
S2L3LSKDheh, were making jokes about the time it takes to get a working linux system :)23:39
S2L3LSKDwe need a channel called lutubunu, like you tube23:49
wxljoin #lubuntu-offtopic S2L3LSKD . it's like that.23:49

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