
sergiusenselopio: do you know if the launchpad api can now check git repos?01:14
sergiusenselopio: I guess we aren't using tarmac anymore for MPs, are we?01:14
guest"Thank you developers"03:17
guestOwncloud works again03:17
guestBut an old question:03:18
guestHow can I change the storage location from "/var/www/data" to a folder in a usb drive?03:19
guestBad time for question, I guess you all are asleep :)03:39
dnlplmI have a question related to a snap package06:57
dnlplmis there a way to unpack a snap package?06:57
vsuojanencurious how do you update the snaps and distribute the updates to 100 devices? what component is it listens and startups update if there are changes in the service/cluster? is there a local connection config in each Snappy system ?08:50
ogra_vsuojanen, afaik the component is snappy itself09:04
Chipacavsuojanen: snappy is not at this point cluster-aware, if I understand your question correctly.09:04
ogra_well, you can easily have a central server that pushes snaps via snappy-remote09:05
Chipacaogra_: yes, but that's like saying ubuntu is cluster-aware because it ships with ssh09:06
ogra_its all a matter of the shell scripts you add ;)09:07
tbrdidn't someone replace docker with a shell script?09:07
ogra_heh, yeah09:07
Chipacait would be nice to be able to say "uppdate the cluster in phases, have no more than one rack in each dc updating at the same time, switch over after first N upgraded" or something09:08
Chipacatbr: nah, docker would need at *least* five lines in that script09:08
Chipacatoo much work09:08
Chipacawhat we replaced with a shell script was the idea of snappy-remote09:09
ogra_well, there is always ; to make it a single (very long) line :)09:09
Chipacaogra_: not beyond 2090962 characters (on my system)09:11
Chipacaxargs --show-limits ftw09:11
vsuojaneni didn't get now all, but you say snappy-remote ?09:27
vsuojanenyes i just have the idea of delivering updates to devices without interrupting client device use09:29
Chipacavsuojanen: by default snappy checks the store periodically and updates things that are updatable09:33
vsuojanenI don't have a clue what is available from you and what are the best practices. I'm just interested aboth delivering updates this way09:34
vsuojanenthank you. it's here https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/tutorials/build-snaps/09:45
ogra_Chipaca, did you see the mail on snappy-app-devel ?13:23
ogra_looks a bit like the binary isnt found by ubuntu-core-launcher to me13:24
Chipacaogra_: subject of said mail?13:41
ogra_"execv failed when running my self-built customized minicom"13:41
ogra_the strace in there is a bit sparese13:41
Chipacaogra_: i haven't got anything from snappy-app-devel since aug 613:41
Chipacaand there it seems to be via snappy-devel13:42
Chipacaogra_: can you ask them to pop on here?13:43
Chipacaogra_: that strace is needing a -f so we can see the second execv13:43
Chipacaogra_: so it's either not finding the binary, or the binary is needing libraries that it isn't finding13:44
Chipacaogra_: given that they've gotten as far as they have, money is slightly more on the latter13:44
ogra_i answered13:46
Chipacaogra_: my hero13:49
longsleeplove is everywhere!13:53
Chipacaand especially in this hummous!14:00
* Chipaca is having a slightly late lunch on a very lovely sunny afternoon here outside london14:00
davmor2Chipaca: man you so funny14:01
ogra_same here ... *munch* *munch*14:01
Chipacadavmor2: hummous is serious stuff14:01
davmor2Chipaca: ask jibel if it is sunny in London it breaks the weather apps tests that looks for rain and london14:01
Chipacadavmor2: https://goo.gl/photos/aEffhN6NM3Ca88T4714:02
ogra_pisa near london !14:04
davmor2Chipaca: you could be anywhere you don't blag me with your holiday snaps of Italy ;)  No Queen genuine or pearly and you are not in London :D14:04
Chipacadavmor2: https://goo.gl/photos/yVWnTzftxoufYLjo614:06
Chipacadavmor2: of course, i could've carried it with me to wherever14:06
Chipacadavmor2: but i'm not going out to hunt for better proof at this time, sorry14:07
Chipacadnlplm: hello hello14:12
dnlplmI wrote the mail in snappy-devel14:12
Chipacadnlplm: were you able to re-run strace with -f?14:13
dnlplmyes, I have it14:13
Chipacadnlplm: pastebin?14:13
dnlplmok, just a minute and I will put it14:13
dnlplmthanks for your support14:14
ogra_dnlplm, hmm, does /apps/minicom.sideload/2.7/minicom actually exist ?14:18
ogra_(and hi !)14:18
dnlplmactually not14:19
dnlplmso this is the problem14:19
dnlplmI installed the package with snappy-remote14:20
dnlplmso does this mean that there is a problem in my .yaml file?14:20
ogra_oh, i see whats wrong .... your package.yaml has no exec: entry for the binary14:20
ogra_ - name: binary14:21
ogra_   exec: path/to/binary14:21
ogra_the path is reltive to the install path (i.e. /apps/minicom.sideload/2.7/)14:21
ogra_(and indeed your binary needs to exist in the place you point to :) )14:22
dnlplmok, I thought that the binary was copied in the correct dir14:22
dnlplmby the installer14:22
dnlplmI will change the exec entry14:22
dnlplmthank you very much14:22
ogra_have you been using snapcraft to create the snap ?14:22
ogra_(sounds like a but if so ... )14:23
dnlplmsnappy build14:23
ogra_snappy build just rolls whatever you have in the dir you call it in (or give as argument) into a snap ... it doesnt modify the content in any way14:23
ogra_so your binary indeed needs to be there already14:24
dnlplmso a possible solution is to create the dir  tree14:24
dnlplmsame of the target?14:24
dnlplmor maybe I should use snapcraft14:25
ogra_well, i usually create a bin/ dir where i put the binary in14:25
ogra_and point the exec line to bin/mybinary14:25
dnlplmsounds easier14:26
dnlplmthanks, I will try the suggested change14:26
ogra_let us know how it goes :)14:26
Chipacaogra_: you don't need an "exec" line, IIRC, in which case it looks for "./name"14:37
Chipacaogra_: s/, IIRC,//14:37
ogra_the doc above only says:14:38
ogra_Binaries have to be declared. As above, you can provide a list of the binary names you want to export to users when they install your app.14:38
ogra_and has the exec: in the example14:38
Chipacaogra_: mhmm14:39
* ogra_ files bug 1487505 as a reminder14:43
ubottubug 1487505 in Snappy "packaging documentation should mention that "exec:" is not mandatory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148750514:44
Chipacaogra_: exec might be mandatory for the review tools tho14:46
Chipacai haven't checked14:46
Chipacaand the sooner we fold the review tools into snappy itself the better14:46
Chipacabut, there it is14:46
Chipacasnappy tries to be generous with what it receives14:47
Chipacawhereas the store doesn't have that luxury14:47
ogra_well, we can always close the bug14:47
Chipacaexec itself shouldn't matter one way or another, but it's the mindset14:48
Chipacaanyway! hope that unblocked dnlplm. Wondering where the binary was, such that he thought we'd find it by magic :)14:48
ogra_the binary alone might not help though, might still need libs14:48
dnlplmsolved :-)14:48
ogra_cool !14:49
dnlplmI simply added the entry14:49
dnlplmexec: meta/bin/minicom14:49
dnlplmand now it is working without any issue14:49
ogra_oh, dont put it into meta :)14:49
Chipacadnlplm: don't put it into meta/ please14:49
Chipacadnlplm: we pretend "meta/" is ours :)14:49
ogra_meta should only have packaging info14:49
dnlplmsimply bin/minicom14:50
Chipacadnlplm: nothing would've broken _today_ (i think?) with it being in meta/, but if tomorrow we decided to use meta/bin for something we wouldn't go around checking if you were ok with it14:51
Chipacadnlplm: in that sense it's "ours"14:51
dnlplmthat's fine14:52
dnlplmI understand your concern14:52
tedTesting my snapcraft demo and it seems the docker framework is broken.16:51
tedIt uses a 'pwd' where that'll be the directory of the app, not the framework.16:51
tedSeems that /app/docker/current/ works as a good replacement :-)16:51
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sergiusensChipaca: do you know if launchpad's api export git already?18:41
sergiusensgit branches, MPs and such18:41
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun

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