
dsmythiespleia2: I noticed that you updated the wiki for the next doc metting. Thanks. However, there has been some other meeting in ubuntu-meeting-2 the last two times. Shouldn't we just change the meeting to here instead?18:43
pleia2dsmythies: I'd rather change the meeting time, keeping our meetings in the -meeting channel means other folks in the community can see them18:43
pleia2(that's why we have a meeting channel!)18:43
ahoneybunwhy is there 2 anyway>18:46
dsmythiespleia2: well, I'll defer to you. Is there a meeting room booking location somewhere?18:47
pleia2dsmythies: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/fridge/18:47
pleia2tuesdays are a popular meeting day18:47
dsmythiesahoneybun: number 2 was setup when there where a bunch of conflicts with only 1.18:47
pleia2just switching to wednesday would solve the problem18:48
ahoneybunI see18:48
pleia2ahoneybun: you should see openstack, we have 4 meeting channels :)18:48
* ahoneybun was at a OpenStack talk the other day18:48
ahoneybunstill not sure it's uses18:48
dsmythiespleia2: Wednesday used to be the day, and was popular amongst the doc team. I can never make Wednesday.18:50
pleia2ahoneybun: I happen to be writing a book on the very topic, I'll send you a copy if I ever manage to finish it ;)18:50
pleia2dsmythies: doh :) thursday perhaps?18:50
ahoneybuntime is the issue for me sadly18:52
ahoneybunpleia2: I'd love read it if I could find a use for it in my life XD18:52

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