
JanCand parted packages are on the Ubuntu 5.04 Server CD image (but not installed in the live session used by the installer)00:01
xednivJanC: so how do you get them on the live session? you keep trying to undo your claim that i was stating false information, whereas the issue is very simple: no, there are no usable parted binaries in the CD. i dont care if inside the dpkg seeds there is one package for it.00:05
xednivtheres probably apache too somewhere in the seed repo for the initial install, so what?00:05
xednivthe toolchain in 15.04 is broken to no avail for building fPIC libs, so cannot build a static parted here right now00:06
xednivmay need to setup a gentoo vm for that00:06
JanCwell, there is partman on the live image, why doesn't that work?00:07
xednivpartman is terrible. ill seeif i can get around its limitations before i have access to a host that can build proper static execs of parted00:08
xednivi also need to script this installation so it can be done remotely00:08
JanCI'm sure you can install the parted udeb if you really want it00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 640734 in gcc-4.4 (Ubuntu) "crtbeginT.o needs to be recompiled with -fPIC" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:12
xednivJanC: can you tell me how that works?00:12
xednivbtw that is a blocking bug for anyone compiling static execs00:12
JanCxedniv: udpkg -i /cdrom/pool/main/p/parted/parted-udeb<tab>00:30
JanCI tried using partman to set up an encrypted volume on lvm and that seemed to work fine too BTW00:32
xednivJanC: describe encrypted volume00:35
xednivdid it contain a single partition or multiple?00:35
xednivex. /boot, LVM(/, /etc, /var, /home, ...)00:36
JanCwell, this was just a quick VM experiment, so I only tried unencrypted /boot + LVM+encrypted /00:37
JanCbut, as said, you can install udebs with udpkg  :)00:38
xednivyeah, LVM with SINGLE partition is easy with partman00:45
xednivotherwise it has never worked well for me00:45
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
catalaseis it recommended to use an encrypted file container such as LUKS to store ssh keys on an ubuntu server and have that container auto-mount on boot. or is there some other standard way of doing keeping ssh keys secure02:08
mgriffinIf I see somewhat old versions and no open bugs in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/percona-xtrabackup does this mean updates are not coming soon, or maybe i looked in the wrong place?03:36
mgriffini guess the upstream debian repo is not updating.03:40
lordievaderGood morning.06:09
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd
Neo9if UBUNTU server with working static network configuration is suddenly disconnected and not able to reach the Gateway. How can i debug? Can any one please help on this.07:52
lordievaderLet's continue here ;)07:52
Neo9lordievader: sure07:56
Neo9lordievader: i have posted in ubuntu-server and did not get any replay.  Routing table is fine in't not changed and compared with my backup configurations.07:56
Neo9lodievader: any other idea?07:57
lordievaderNeo9: Could you pastebin the output of 'ip a' and 'ip r'?08:01
Neo9lordievader: sure08:01
Neo9lordievader: http://pastebin.com/s2aitiPS08:05
lordievaderNeo9: Would you mind giving the actual output?08:07
Neo9lordievader: with actual ip?08:07
Neo9lordievader: okay.08:08
Neo9lordievader: http://pastebin.com/24Z7erfu08:10
lordievaderYour routes are very much incorrect. (And that wasn't the output of 'ip a' and 'ip r', but never mind that)08:11
Neo9lordievader: this is worked for earlier.08:12
lordievaderOh wait, it is the retarted 'route' output that is throwing me off.08:13
lordievaderCan you pastebin the output of 'ip r'?08:13
Neo9lordievader: ip r  ..?  would you reveal the command.08:14
_rubenthat is the command08:14
lordievaderNeo9: The full command would be 'ip route', 'ip r' is shorthand.08:14
Neo9lordievader: okay.08:14
artisanIndiaI have a website hosted on a ubuntu server which does not have nameservers and mail server08:15
artisanIndiaso I want to use mx records of another host or another server08:15
Neo9lordievader: http://pastebin.com/YMvQsiLp08:16
lordievaderNeo9: Can you ping
Neo9lordievader: it is unreachable08:17
lordievaderNeo9: Could you give me the output of 'arp'?08:18
Neo9lordievader: http://pastebin.com/44nXT2Eg08:19
lordievaderNeo9: Do you happen to have tcpdump installed?08:20
lordievaderOn either or
Neo9lordievader: let me check08:22
Neo9lordievader: and  point1: i am able to ping the  from outside.   but from 115 to 114 or any other is not working.08:23
lordievaderNeo9: Uhuh, I get the feeling arp is broken.08:23
lordievaderHence the tcpdump to verify.08:23
Neo9lordievader: it is installed in 11408:24
lordievaderNeo9: Good, run 'sudo tcpdump -i any arp' then try to ping .114 from .115. Do you see any arp request incomming from the .115?08:25
Neo9lordievader: http://pastebin.com/A7SYeXDa08:29
lordievaderNo responses? There is your problem.08:30
lordievader.114 cannot send a ping to .115 because it doesn't know it's mac address.08:30
lordievaderNow I am interested if .115 never receives the arp request or that .115 refuses to answer.08:31
Neo9lordievader: understood, but how can i resolve it?08:32
lordievaderNeo9: First try and answer the question I just asked ;)08:33
Neo9lordievader: not understood what exactly you asking? it saying that "destination is unreachable"08:37
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
lordievaderNeo9: Does .115 receive the arp request?08:38
Neo9lordievader: how can i know that? i am able to ping .115 from .114 but not vice versa.08:40
Neo9lordievader: can i know how to check that?08:40
lordievaderNeo9: Run 'sudo tcpdump -i any arp' on .115 then ping from .114.08:40
Neo9lordievader: oops; tcpdump is not installed in the .115. And since even ping not works, it is not possible to install it now.08:42
lordievaderHmm, I am mixing things up. Anyways I get the idea that your broadcast channel is wrong.08:44
Neo9lordievader: might be. then how it's worked for me earlier?08:44
lordievaderI have no idea, what has changed since then?08:46
Neo9lordievader: is there any issue with mac address?  And how can i read MAC address of other machine with arp?08:47
lordievaderWhat arp does is shout in the broadcast channel who has ip X, if a machine holds ip X it responds through unicast that it has ip X. however that reply is never received by your problem machine.08:48
lordievaderSo either the problem is, no other machines receive the arp requests, or they refuse to send the reply.08:49
Neo9lordievader: okay. Thanks for your time. thanks alot. Bye.08:51
rbasakfrediz: any news on kimchi please?08:53
AEL-HHow can I assume a pty as though it were my terminal?12:09
AEL-HSo being able to read and write to it in realtime12:09
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest13976
skittishtriggerI am doing my first major server transfer(from one host to another)I would love to be able to do some type of image deal and transfer the whole thing at once so I can shut down one server and update the other and take off. Is this possible with Ubuntu and not having physical access?15:26
TJ-skittishtrigger: depends on whether transferring bare-metal or VM, and if VM, what hypervisor source and destination use. Also, after transfer, things like network might need reconfiguring (different MAC address, different device naming, etc)15:28
skittishtriggerIt would be baremetal. I have not progressed to doing vm's yet15:29
skittishtriggerIts a fairly simple server with a webserver and several game servers, quassel, etc.15:29
skittishtriggerI was thinking with the custom config on a lot of things if it might be a better route to just make a list usable by ubuntu with everything that is installed on it and use that then re-set up everything?15:31
TJ-skittishtrigger: so main difference will be hardware, and most drivers should auto-detect and load. Anything tied to NIC MACs will fail though... so think of /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules15:32
TJ-skittishtrigger: you could. debfoster is a useful too for creating the dependency list15:33
skittishtriggerok, I will google that and look into it. luckily the only think network wise that is coded in is just the ips for client connections15:34
skittishtriggerThank you so much for your help TJ- !15:34
SynopsisI've installed 15.04 server on an old laptop...playing around with some stuff...Can someone tell me how to make it auto login a non-root account?  Everything I find on google seems to be outdated.  I honestly know extremely little about linux...I'm playing around with this to maybe turn into a digital picture frame15:41
caliculkHello, so I created a backup of /etc, /var, /usr, /tmp etc upon an upgrade and reinstall process. I was just wondering if there was any way to grab the postgresql database from one of those folder locations and insert it back into the newly installed OS15:45
caliculkOr if there was a way to go about backing up the database from one of those folder locations and importing and upgrading it from 9.1 to 9.4 of postgresql15:46
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
SynopsisI've installed 15.04 server on an old laptop...playing around with some stuff...Can someone tell me how to make it auto login a non-root account?  Everything I find on google seems to be outdated.  I honestly know extremely little about linux...I'm playing around with this to maybe turn into a digital picture frame16:47
TJ-Synopsis: As I said earlier, edit the init system's ttyX configuration so it does "exec /sbin/getty -8 -a <$USER> 38400 tty6"16:53
TJ-Synopsis: precise syntax depends on which init system it is16:53
TJ-Synopsis: my example above is from a test I did on tty6 with upstart's /etc/init/tty6.conf16:53
Synopsisand as I told you earlier, those files don't exist for me16:57
TJ-Synopsis: So find out where systemd stores it's equivalent, which are called unit files16:58
TJ-Synopsis: "man systemd-units" should give all the details required to find them17:00
Synopsisty, will look17:01
TJ-Synopsis: "dpkg -L systemd" will list all the files the systemd package installs17:01
TJ-Synopsis: "dpkg -L systemd | grep getty" should narrow down your search17:02
Synopsisthe grep line returned a few files17:04
Synopsisand btw, when i try to man systemd-units, i get no man entry17:08
TJ-Synopsis: ahhh, no S. "man systemd.unit"17:09
Synopsissame thing, no man entry17:09
Synopsisi get one for just systemd17:10
TJ-Synopsis: I've not the systemd source-code here. It looks as if units/getty@service is what you want, it has a line "ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noclear %I 38400 linux" which is, I suspect, the one that needs editing to include "-a <username>"17:10
TJ-Synopsis: that is 15.04, right?17:10
Synopsisyes, 15.0417:11
TJ-Synopsis: according to packages.ubuntu.com that file is installed (as /usr/share/man/man5/systemd.unit.5.gz)17:11
Synopsisa zip file? i'll have to extract it, modify it, rezip it and replace?17:12
TJ-Synopsis: No... all man-pages are compressed to save space. They are uncompressed on the fly by the 'man' tool17:12
TJ-Synopsis: there's an ArchLinux guide on how to configure systemd for auto-login. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Automatic_login_to_virtual_console17:13
TJ-Synopsis: that shows creating an over-ride to the package-installed unit file, which is the preferred way to do this kind of config change (we never want to change a package-installed file - that may prevent the package being upgraded later)17:14
Synopsisk, knocking some stuff out @ work real quick and i'll give that a try17:15
TJ-Synopsis: For the man-page you've been typing a hyphen, not a full-stop.17:21
Synopsisi copied and pasted what you typed the first time, and then just backspaced the s off when you corrected yourself, didnt notice you also changed the - to a .17:23
TJ-Synopsis: Sorry... that first command I took directly from a web-page of the man-page, and the distro there seems to replace the full-stop with a hyphen17:24
Synopsisno need to apologize :)  you're still being very helpful17:27
TJ-Synopsis: it's an intriguing option. Quite easy to implement once you find the correct file ;)17:28
Synopsiseasy if you know what you're doing maybe...i ran the "systemctl edit getty@tty1" like on that link and copied the text into the file, rebooted and the system is hung at a blank screen with a blinking cursor17:29
Synopsisi can still ssh to it though17:29
TJ-Synopsis: Best to test on something other than the primary tty, that is generally reserved for system17:29
Synopsisok, so how do i undo what I did and which tty should i use? any # but 1?17:30
TJ-Move that file to be @tty2, reboot, you should have a login prompt on tty1, and pressing Alt+F2 should get you onto tty217:30
TJ-You'll probably need to edit its contents too, if they mention 'tty1' of course17:31
Synopsisk, moved that file, rebooted, have my login prompt again, but it didn't auto login, and if i alt-f2, it's stuck at the blinking cursor...i've got to just be missing something stupid17:34
TJ-Synopsis: I see a possible confusion in those ArchLinux notes. They specify the file to manually edit inside the coloured code block that also shows the contents to use. *don't* include that filename in the file17:34
TJ-Synopsis: in other words, the content you add starts with the "[Service]" line17:35
TJ-Synopsis: just to be sure that systemd is creating the expected ttys... does Alt+F3 get you to a login on tty3?17:35
Synopsisyes, and i didnt copy the filename into the contents, just the [service] and below17:36
TJ-Synopsis: I'm not sure than; the fact you don't get a login prompt on tty2 shows the unit file is being acted on... presumably something fails, so no process takes on tty217:37
Synopsiswould it be logged somewhere so I could get an idea?17:38
TJ-I think so, systemd is supposed to be quite verbose. I think "journalctl --unit=getty@tty2" *may* be what you need17:42
Synopsisnah...didnt return anything17:43
TJ-Synopsis: I may have the syntax wrong; I was trying to decipher the man-page17:43
Synopsisi ran it without any parameters and found this17:44
Synopsisat the very end17:44
TJ-try it for --unit=getty@tty1  .... if that shows something, at least we know its the correct syntax17:44
Synopsisnevermind, thats just the command i entered before that returned nothing17:44
TJ-You know you can directly paste text from a console? if you use "pastebinit <( your-commands-nere )"  the output will be sent to a pastebin and you'll be given the URL to pass on17:45
Synopsisdidnt know that :)17:45
TJ-or to send a plain file, "pastebinit /path/to/file"17:45
TJ-We use that extensively for support, provided the PC has an internet connection17:46
Synopsis@tty1 did return 2 lines17:46
TJ-Synopsis: OK ... try it for --unit=getty@tty3 as well . If that also returns something we know what we should be expecting for tty217:46
Synopsisnothing for 317:47
TJ-Synopsis: And there's a login on tty3 (Alt+3) ?17:47
TJ-Synopsis: OK, that tells us tty1 is 'special' :)17:47
TJ-Synopsis: ok, "systemctl --failed"17:48
Synopsiswhat am i doing wrong here?17:49
Synopsispicturesadmin@localhost:~$ pastebinit <journalctl --unit=getty@tty117:49
Synopsis-bash: journalctl: No such file or directory17:49
Synopsisunrecogonized option --failed17:50
Synopsissorry, wrong base command17:50
TJ-Synopsis: "pastebinit <( command )" ... notice the parenthesis () immediately after the <17:51
Synopsisok, didnt realize those were literal17:51
TJ-Synopsis: when I type commands inside double-quotes it shows exactly what is required, with the exception of the user-variable 'command'17:52
TJ-Synopsis: OK, that confirms the unit failed, so we know it tried. Now lets get detailed info on the failure: "systemctl status getty@tty2 | tee /dev/stdout | pastebinit"17:54
TJ-Synopsis: that command lets you see the output as well as sending it to pastebin17:54
Synopsisall it did was give me the pastebin url, didnt see output on screen17:55
TJ-Synopsis: oh... silly me, typos again ... should have had in there " | tee /dev/stderr | "17:57
Synopsisk...that showed me the output :)18:00
TJ-Synopsis: I think the cause is ArchLinux buts agetty in a different place to Ubuntu. I also notice that ExecStart= doesn't seem to be followed immediately by a hyphen as is shown in the ArchLinux guide - not sure if it is 100% vital but doubt it'd be there if it isn't needed. The correct path is ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty ...18:00
Synopsisso run systemctl edit getty@tty2 and fix that path?18:03
TJ-Synopsis: Yes18:05
TJ-Then you should be able to test it immediately with "systemctl start getty@tty2" - no reboot required18:06
Synopsisok, that worked, when i switched to tty2 it logged the user in, but i think i want it on tty1 since i want that to start my "slideshow"18:06
TJ-Synopsis: I think it would be better to keep tty1 reserved for the system since it is 'special' and just have a script/command the makes tty2 the active VT18:08
Synopsisi'm ok with that if you can point me in the direction to make it happen18:08
* TJ- groans :D18:10
TJ-I really walked into that!18:10
TJ-The manual command is "chvt X" where X would be 2 (like pressing Alt+F2). I need to check if there's another/better way to set it from boot18:13
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
Synopsisaccording to http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/115482/how-to-change-the-default-tty-after-boot, i can just add the command to /etc/rc.local18:20
TJ-Synopsis: yes, that's the 'manual' way I was talking about, but I seem to recall there was a way to configure it on the kernel command line18:20
TJ-Synopsis: but go with /etc/rc.local ... add "chvt 2" *before* the "exit 0" line. rc.local *must* return 0 (success) to its caller18:21
Synopsisperfect, works like a charm...couple more questions and all that will be left is for me to disassemble this laptop and build a "frame" for it :)18:22
TJ-Don't break it after all this!18:22
Synopsiswould i put my "slideshow" command in rc.local as well?18:23
TJ-If you're not worried about it failing and not being restarted. Otherwise, create a custom systemd unit that starts the application18:24
Synopsisthats what i was getting at...and can i make it restart periodically even when no problems so it can look for new files?18:24
TJ-Yes... you could even use a separate background process using 'inotifywait' that 'watches' the media directly and restarts fbi/a systemd service when it sees changes in the directory18:26
Synopsisooooh...pretty! tell me how! :P18:26
TJ-I'm leaving that as an exercise for you! I've got things of my own to do :D18:27
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd
Synopsishey tj, still around?19:07
wedgwoodWho maintains https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/releasesTable? There's a trailing comma (invalid in JSON) at the end of the list of lists.19:30
wedgwoodNever mind, I found https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:released:aws.json19:35
OerHeksgood find, i was searching https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Images19:37
martinssmoser ping, you around21:14
dweller_When I reboot from a session it loads to a blank screen. CTL+ALT+DEL works to reboot. Sometimes it boots back to the blank screen, sometimes to the GRUB menu, and even once it went straight to the login. What's going on??? I would love to have it just boot to login.21:38
dweller_I'm setting up Ubuntu Server 14.04.321:39
larsiyou can disable the gui and make it boot straight to terminal by editing grub_cmdline_linux_default to say "text" in /etc/default/grub21:43
larsiif that's what you're attempting to do21:44
dweller_@larsi, that is what I would like, there is no GUI installed yet. However, I think the problem is in the BIOS or GRUB. It the computer still reboots to a blank screen after changing the value to "text".21:55
TJ-dweller_: 'text' tells the system not to auto-start the display manager. Has no effect on -server21:59
TJ-dweller_: it sounds like a problem with the system... possibly hardware21:59
caliculkWhere are postgresql database files located? I just want to see if it is possible to restore adatabase (I didn't back it up to a file) that might have been backed up from one of the folders I archived before I installed ubuntu 15.0422:26
caliculkOr am I SOL if I didn't back the databse up to a file before wiping and installing 15.04?22:26
maxbSomewhere in /var/lib would be my guess22:29
caliculk maxb well, I do see several files there, but I assume that copying a 9.1 database over to a 9.4 postgresql would be a bad idea in general22:51
=== medz is now known as samsn
caliculkAny way to install postgresql 9.1 on 14.04 now that the only one listed in te repos is 9.4?23:46
caliculkI sorta need to grab it before I can do anything.23:46

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