
mhall119kenvandine: there is no 15.10 framework yet00:34
nhainesIt sounded like there would never be a 15.10 framework to me.00:39
kenvandinemhall119, bummer... i want the content-hub docs updated01:21
kenvandinemhall119, can you refresh the docs from the package in the stable overlay?01:21
kenvandinethere was stuff added right around in april that still isn't in the api docs01:21
mhall119kenvandine: not without a framework, ping me on monday when I'm back to work01:24
kenvandinemhall119, i'll try to remember, i'll be sprinting in london :)01:26
kenvandineyou know how sprints can be01:26
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demonlovehello o  want to devlop android app on ubuntu.. any  roadmap?04:28
nhainesdemonlove: if it's a Cordova app, you're done, congrats.  If not, see http://developer.ubuntu.com/04:45
nhainesIt's an HTML5 framework for Android, iOS, Windows, and Ubuntu apps.05:09
JanCnot FirefoxOS?05:11
JanC(or others?)05:11
demonlovehow to get cordava05:12
demonlovecan i make full android app on cordova05:13
JanCor the packages in Ubuntu05:13
demonlovecan i make full android app on cordova?05:13
demonlovemeans a interactive app05:13
JanCdemonlove: from what I can tell: yes, to some degree05:14
demonlovewhy some degree where it lacks?05:15
JanCI don't know, honestly05:15
JanCbut usually abstraction layers have some (possible limited) shortcomings?05:16
JanCcheck if it does whatever you need?05:17
JanCdemonlove: maybe nhaines can tell you more about it  :)05:20
demonlovehello nahies r u  there?05:39
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dhbikerhow do you install anything with apt/apt-get ?06:51
guest42315dhbiker, https://askubuntu.com/questions/620740/recommended-way-to-install-regularcli-deb-packages-on-ubuntu-phone/623311#62331106:53
dhbikerty guest4231506:56
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demonlovedoes cordova support css308:04
demonlovedoes cordova support css3?08:05
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dhbikerwill the MX4 get some optimization love ? feels a bit laggy still09:57
ogra_dhbiker, definitely10:06
demonloveW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages  Connection failed [IP: 80]10:12
demonloveE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:12
WebVisitor-7I am looking for detailed documentation on how to get multitouch events from xinput 2.2. Has anyone a good link?10:12
demonlovewhy does abhove error come while  updation?10:12
k1ldemonlove: are you on a ubuntu touch device?10:12
demonloveon ubuntu10:13
k1lthen this is the wrong channel. ubuntu (desktop) support is in #ubuntu10:13
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jgdxdavmor2, ping11:49
davmor2jgdx: Whatum11:51
jgdxdavmor2, gday! On your mako, could you give me the output of system-image-cli -i ?11:51
davmor2jgdx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12140525/11:53
jgdxdavmor2, also, if you could do gdbus call -y -d com.canonical.SystemImage -o /Service -m com.canonical.SystemImage.Info :)11:53
jgdxdavmor2, thank you11:53
davmor2phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ gdbus call -y -d com.canonical.SystemImage -o /Service -m com.canonical.SystemImage.Info11:54
davmor2(222, 'mako', 'ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu', '2015-08-20 10:08:25', {'custom': '20150819', 'version': '222', 'ubuntu': '20150819', 'device': '20150819'})11:54
davmor2jgdx: ^11:54
jgdxdavmor2, cheers! That be all11:54
davmor2no worries11:55
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kenvandineElleo, can you take a look at my has_pending branch?  specifically the additional API I added13:47
Elleokenvandine: sure13:47
kenvandineElleo, i still haven't gone through the test plan, i'll do that this morning13:47
kenvandineit shouldn't break anything, but I'd like someone to look at the API13:47
Elleokenvandine: okay13:48
Elleokenvandine: from a quick glance it looks good, I'll write a quick test app and have a play with it after the stand up13:49
kenvandineElleo, cool, renatu tested it already, actually before I ever even tested it :)13:49
kenvandineElleo, i also tested gallery-app with it, to make sure it didn't blow up since it's still using the cpp API :)13:50
Elleokenvandine: cool13:51
dhbikerafter it falls down under 45% of the battery16:38
dhbikerit atleast to me says i have 0% battery left16:38
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dhbikeraaand dead16:48
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dhbikerand a pic to prove it http://shrani.si/f/1b/13v/4SIs7P14/screenshot20150821185827.png17:02
dhbikerso either the battery calibration is off or there is something software related17:03
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mterrympt, in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityAndPrivacySettings#phone-locking .... what does "Sleep locks immediately" do?  Is "sleep" idling out?  Or is it when the user presses the button manually?  And then we just wait for idle time to lock it?17:41
jgdxdhbiker, what revno? The latest from rc has been good battery wise17:43
dhbikerjgdx 20150720 arale17:56
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dhbikerjgdx so you're suggesting switching to RC ?18:06
kenvandinedhbiker, no... the latest rc will be going out in ota 618:28
kenvandineany day now18:28
dhbikerso it's not reccomended to switch to RC for daily use ?18:28
dhbikeron N900 i got testing repos and it was usable... sometimes buggy but hey... it's testing anyways18:29
kenvandinedhbiker, i use it on my daily driver arale :)18:35
kenvandinebut i have to for testing my stuff :)18:35
kenvandineit's been mostly safe for me18:35
kenvandinei've never actually run the stable channel18:35
dhbikerwell as long as it's stable ish18:35
dhbikeri would switch too18:35
kenvandinedhbiker, just don't say i told you it was a good idea when your phone won't boot :)18:35
dhbikermaybe help here and there if i get time18:36
kenvandinei've had to reflash a couple times because it wouldn't boot18:36
dhbikerstaying stable then for now18:36
kenvandinejust a couple times :)18:36
kenvandinebut that's in like 2 years18:36
kenvandinemako, then krillin and now arale18:36
dhbikerso not that often18:37
kenvandineno, we try hard to keep the image booting18:37
dhbikerbut you only need to reflash it with some other release and that's it ?18:37
kenvandineor a specific rev number18:37
dhbikerah then it's not a problem18:37
kenvandineso i would flash it with the previous rev18:37
dhbikerbut i guess you lose all your data18:37
kenvandineonly if you flash it with --wipe18:37
dhbikerexcuse my noobish questions18:38
kenvandineactually... i think if that happened on the krillin or arale, you have to flash it from fastboot18:38
dhbikeri only have it for a day :D18:38
kenvandineso might lose data18:38
kenvandineno worries18:38
kenvandinewhich device?18:38
dhbikerarale ofc18:38
kenvandinemy arale can make it more than 24 hours without plugging in18:38
kenvandinewith moderate use18:38
dhbikermine barely makes it through a day18:39
dhbikeras you can see from the screenshot18:39
kenvandinei've been really impressed with the battery life18:39
dhbikerall of the sudden 0% and then dead xD18:39
dhbikerwell then ill probably switch to rc soon18:40
dhbikeris it smooth already or it still has stutters and stuff ?18:40
kenvandineit's not as smooth as it could be18:43
kenvandinesoon :)18:43
dhbiker... yet :D18:43
kenvandinewe're working hard on it18:43
dhbikerthat's nice to hear18:43
dhbikerthe only thing that bothers me that most of the apps is just webstuff18:44
dhbikeralmost noone made a native app18:44
dhbikerlet's say irc client18:44
jgdxdhbiker, no…18:51
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