
tsdgeos@unity: mterry wants opinions on whether this is the right approach or not on08:38
tsdgeosmzanetti: ↑ i guess your opinion is particualarily interesting08:38
tsdgeoscimi: did you see the other comment i made yesetdday in your ubuntushape branch?10:18
cimitsdgeos, nope :/10:20
cimitsdgeos, oh no that one yes10:21
cimiyeah working on it10:21
kgunntsdgeos: mzanetti off today, well he should be (i hope)10:26
tsdgeoskgunn: ok, how can i help? and isn't it terribly early there?10:27
kgunntsdgeos:  a little early :) but no help, i just say mp ping about screen on notifs10:27
tsdgeosgreyback: what's a Rotatino? :D10:49
greybackdamn, you saw10:49
tsdgeosit's a small Rotato10:49
greybacka rotund latino?10:50
tsdgeosthat works too :D10:51
tsdgeosgreyback: jokes aside, is that branch for ota6? do you have a reviewer?10:51
greybacktsdgeos: I don't think it's critical for OTA6, as the issue is hard to reproduce. OTA7 would be ok.10:52
greybackkgunn: opinion?10:52
kgunngreyback: i was pushing that with bill last night, that what we had was "good enough"10:53
kgunnaltho then i saw him whinging about it failing his 100+ case10:53
kgunnbut had a hard time following10:53
greybackkgunn: 100+ apps?10:54
kgunngreyback: i thot it was 100+ photos...but related to ghosting, but maybe i lost context and conflated diff bugs?10:54
greybackI accept the gallery app after being a picker shadow thing is worth fixing10:54
kgunnok, so it was "related"10:55
kgunngreyback: was bill dug in on that being fixed for ota6 ?10:55
greybackfor Bill's issue, I mailed a test patch last night. I want Dan to have a look10:55
davmor2kgunn: you are either in London or up really earlie10:55
davmor2early even10:55
greybackkgunn: yeah, he was not budging on it, and I see his point10:55
kgunngreyback: ok, so patched the original fix that dan had in silo 17 ?10:56
greybackkgunn: yep, a patch on top10:56
greybackit's not in silo17 yet10:56
greybackas it opens a application management hole, and I want Daniel's opinion on it10:56
kgunngreyback: ok, cool, yeah the other mp albert asking about i assume is ghostApps-preemptQuitters ?10:57
kgunnor something else?10:57
greybackkgunn: something else https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity8/fixGhostAppsWithRotatino/+merge/26872910:58
greybackmuch harder to reproduce issue10:58
greybackwhich I don't think is that urgent to fix10:58
kgunnah...the rotatino reference (could also be very small totino's pizzas....a terrible frozen food in the U.S.)10:58
kgunngreyback: agree it's a good fix, but feels like a bridge too far11:00
kgunnas we are well past the eve of ota611:01
kgunnaltho it seems pretty isolated11:01
kgunnonly in spread only for rotation (or rotatino)11:01
kgunngreyback: probably not a bad idea to prioritize it's review and testing tho, b/c overlay ppa is technically not frozen...11:03
kgunnthey took a snapshot this time, so things can still land11:03
kgunnand there's a "flaw" that if they come back to trunk for a fix, they get whatever else landed ;)11:03
kgunnand davmor2 just up early11:13
ljagielskiHi, is there anyone I can CC about dbusmenu bug?11:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1468280 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "libdbusmenu-glib doesn't emit about-to-show signal in Vivid Vervet" [Undecided,New]11:15
greybackljagielski: Trevinho should be able to lend a hand11:17
Trevinholjagielski: that bug should have been fixed recently11:19
Trevinholjagielski: that's when running in unity?11:19
ljagielskiTrevinho: so mine is a duplicate? yes, under Unity11:20
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Trevinholjagielski: yes... it's fixed in 15.10, not in .0411:21
Trevinholjagielski: it should be a dupe of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-appmenu/+bug/1430059 right?11:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1430059 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Vivid) "LyX menu is not updated by indicator-appmenu in mode unity-all-menus" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:21
Trevinholjagielski: i can prepare a SRU if needed11:22
ljagielskiTrevinho: I'd be happy to have the fix in older distros, but I'veonly seen it in 15.0411:25
Trevinholjagielski: that's the only one affected, in fact11:26
ljagielskiTrevinho: I'm glad with what I've found out, I will just use indicator-appmenu from ppa myself for now11:40
Trevinholjagielski: I'm about to sru it now*, btw... (*after sru process is done, so subscribe to the bug if you want to help with that :))11:41
Trevinholjagielski: also this means that you can use a ppa in few minutes11:41
kgunndandrader: did gerry already catch you ? to review latest https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/qtmir/ghostApps-preemptQuitters/+merge/26873712:56
dandraderkgunn, no12:58
greybackdandrader: hey! You got mail :)12:59
kgunndandrader: ok, seems bfiller tested (see phablet)12:59
kgunnand it's all good12:59
cimitsdgeos, on that bug, is actually a bugfix13:49
tsdgeoscimi: that's going to be a tough sell13:49
cimitsdgeos, it is correctly using PreserveAspectFit as stated, it never did before13:49
cimitsdgeos, the value we had for the images inside was PreserveAspectFit, but never worked13:50
ciminow it dows13:50
tsdgeoscimi: right, but which one does look better?13:52
cimitsdgeos, none13:52
cimitsdgeos, stretching is not nice too13:52
cimitsdgeos, maybe we should have crop?13:52
tsdgeoshonestly if this is a "don't use depreacted mebmers" MR13:53
tsdgeosi'd prefer to not change the behaviour13:53
cimitsdgeos, but the behaviour was wrong13:53
tsdgeosbut keeping MRs focused really helps13:54
cimiI see your point13:55
cimitsdgeos, I will not use the new ubuntushape then here13:55
tsdgeoscimi: why not?13:55
tsdgeosi see that you did move something out of the image13:55
tsdgeosto the ubuntu shape13:56
tsdgeosif you don't do that, do we keep the old behaviour?13:56
cimitsdgeos, it uses the old ubuntushape if I don't move13:56
cimitsdgeos, if I use "source" property instead "image" it switches to the new ubuntushape13:56
cimitsdgeos, when using the new ubuntushape, the properties of the Image, like alignment and fillmode MUST be set from the ubuntushape and not inside the source13:57
cimitsdgeos, they are ignored13:57
cimiwhat is inside the Image { ... } is ignored I mean13:57
tsdgeosbut you say they were ignored before too?13:57
tsdgeosso maybe just leave them and they will behave as before?13:58
tsdgeosmaybe even add a // TODO investigate proper way to do this since moving this out changes behaviour13:58
tsdgeosor something?13:58
cimitsdgeos, I believe ubuntushape takes the texture of source property and applies horizontal/vertical alignment and fillmode set with sourceFillMode / sourceHAlignment13:58
cimitsdgeos, before, there was simply a bug somewhere...13:59
tsdgeosok :/13:59
tsdgeosi don't know13:59
cimitsdgeos, inside the image: Image { ... } we had preserveFit13:59
cimitsdgeos, but clearly was not working13:59
cimitsdgeos, I can use the old ubuntushape as said, and keep as it is14:00
tsdgeosbut that's also not so great14:00
tsdgeosas we're doing this branch to use the new one :D14:00
tsdgeosis there no way we can use the new one and keep the behaviour?14:01
tsdgeosor you think that's not right either?14:01
cimitsdgeos, I think it was using crop before14:02
tsdgeosi mean we don't know if whoever coded the code actually wanted preserveFit or just had it there from a copy &paste and what actually liked was how it behaved14:03
cimio stretch maybe14:03
* cimi looks14:04
greybackthere is a "ProportionalShape", maybe that helps?14:13
cimigreyback, it's a different thing14:15
cimigreyback, that is an ubuntushape which radius is proportional to the dimension14:15
greybackcimi: ok, just thought I'd suggest in case it wasn't known about14:16
greybackcarry on :)14:16
mterryOut of curiousity, does testDirectionalDragArea work for anyone else?  I get a fatal error from ubuntu-ui-toolkit about not enough GL surfaces to go around.  I've been looking into it, but want to confirm I'm not the only one14:22
tsdgeosmterry: i have a fix :D14:23
mterrytsdgeos, oh good!14:23
mterrytsdgeos, why was it not seeing the openglcontext aboutToBeDestroyed signal?14:23
tsdgeosmterry: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/betterConnectForAboutToBeDestroyed/+merge/26845414:23
tsdgeosmterry: "The old code assumes that the UbuntuShape will still be around when the opengl context is destroyed, but that seldom happens so connect the signal to a lambda that will be there and does the cleanup properly"14:24
mterrytsdgeos, ah makes sense14:24
mterrytsdgeos, thanks14:24
tsdgeosyeah now we need the thing to land into a release14:24
mterrytsdgeos, we can also work around it ourselves by not using Button in that test14:25
mterrytsdgeos, if we wanted to not be on their schedule14:25
tsdgeosmterry: but i'd actually leave it14:25
tsdgeosin case it comes back :D14:25
tsdgeosit's good we caught this14:25
tsdgeosa bit too high on the stack14:25
tsdgeosbut at least it's caught somewhere14:25
mterrytsdgeos, for sure.  once they landed the fix, I'd want to go back to Button14:25
mterryJust saying it was an option if we liked to get passing tests again  :)14:26
mterrySince our unit test framework is not the ideal place for catching UITK bugs  :)14:26
tsdgeosi tried adding a test there14:29
tsdgeosbut they don't have xvfb nor opengl on their tests14:29
tsdgeosso wasn't an option14:29
tsdgeosunless i wanted to spend weeks14:29
tsdgeosi can also pester the sdk guys to see when/if they'll release a new sdk with the fix14:30
mterryYeah, if it's not soon, we should work around it temporarily.  Seems silly to have our unit tests hostage to another project14:31
tsdgeosmterry: ah i reviewer your branch for saving to disk the delay stuff14:39
tsdgeosit ain't working14:39
dandraderjosharenson, looks ok on a first, quick, look14:39
mterrytsdgeos, I noticed, was about to investigate why...14:40
mterryIt worked for me...14:40
tsdgeosmterry: maybe you forgot to commit?14:41
tsdgeosthe variable that makes the thing work is never set14:41
tsdgeosit's either undefined or 014:41
cimitsdgeos, I used crop, which looks better to me, and removed unused properties14:44
tsdgeosoki, did you push?14:44
josharensondandrader: cool, seems more elegant than the original one14:48
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