
kadirokully3xf: have you see ffmpeg ? ( if i understand what you want )00:01
kadiroI'm back00:05
musketballKadiro. Md5 checks out ok00:06
kadiromusketball: so i think like you said a hardware issue but try to boot again may be that work now00:07
musketballKadiro. Tried several times.  I have 14.04 working perfectly. Just wanted to reinstall with 15.04 x6400:09
kadiromusketball: check a RAM with memtest ( just to be sure is not a RAM problem )00:09
musketballRam is perfect.00:09
kadirooh x6400:09
musketballOctocore 32gb ram00:09
kadirothe 14.04 is also x64?00:10
musketballThat's why the reinstall00:10
kadiroyour pc can install 64X ?00:10
musketballMaybe I'll try 14.04 x6400:10
musketballYeah xeon x535000:10
kadiroyes than00:11
musketballOK I'll try that now00:11
FalsAlarmis there a free file host that allows you to download the file with wget?00:13
Bashing-ommusketball: Before you reinstall, a graphics driver issue ?00:14
Bashing-om!nomodeset | musketball00:14
ubottumusketball: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:14
=== phillips1012 is now known as solenoids
x_roothey.. anyone can help me? :s00:16
x_rootwhat to do when vainfo get stuck? how to know why and how to fix it?00:16
kadirono x_root00:16
musketballBashing-om. I even start the install from the live CD wm. So doubt a driver issue00:16
x_rootkadiro, why?00:16
* kadiro just a joke ;)00:16
x_rootoh.. xD00:16
musketballNvidia gtx550ti00:17
kadiroBashing-om: some special boot from grub for musketball ?00:17
jmadero1anyone using hulu ever see this crap: http://i.imgur.com/wLx1Xz6.png00:19
xanguajmadero1: better switch to Netflix, it works natively in chrome, also are you using wine for Hulu?00:26
jmadero1xangua: clearly netflix offers different content so that's not really answering my question; and no I'm not00:26
manoushello after reboot my server i have this error mount failed for selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux00:31
manousplease how can i solve it ?00:31
musketballBack.  About to try 14.04x64 install00:36
jmadero1xangua: in the future if someone else comes up with the same question - instead of telling them to use something that is completely different from their quetsion - tell them they just need to get the 4 HAL packages from trusty repo00:38
kadiromusketball: what's news?00:42
kadirojmadero1: xangua want just to help you man :)00:42
jmadero1kadiro: I know - and I appreciate that ;) I just sometimes wonder why people answer questions that weren't asked :-b00:43
jmadero1if someone came in the room and asked a Ubuntu related question and I just said "I suggest going to use Windows" - I suspect that person wouldn't think I was very helpful :-b00:43
kadirojmadero1: you right for that, i do a smae fault for every times :/00:44
jmadero1but it's working now - HAL has been depracated so you have to use Trusty repos00:44
jmadero1which is ultra lame and one more strike against Hulu00:44
kadirocool thank's for helping jmadero100:44
musketballKadiro  installing now00:45
kadirogood musketball i think it will work00:45
musketball15.04 has a problem then00:46
kadiroubiquitty too?00:47
musketballThat's where the error occurred yes00:47
stardivinerI want to use an auto-proxy PAC URL as system proxy, how to do it?00:47
kadiroah yes i am confused with 14.0400:48
kadirosalut dicko00:51
dickoJe suis nouveau ici00:52
kadiroBienvenue dicko, mais il est préférable que tu sois sur le canal francais #ubuntu-fr car ici c anglais seulement00:53
dickokadiro merci00:53
kadirode rien dicko :) c avec plaisir00:54
kadiroI don't understand musketball ?00:56
kadiromy english is very bad00:56
wileeekadiro, Than respond when you do.00:57
musketballWhere are you from. Your French is perfect00:57
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somsip!ot | musketball00:57
ubottumusketball: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:57
kadiroII'm from algeria musketball00:57
musketballOh gees. Sorry00:57
musketballAh that explains it00:57
somsipkadiro: no chat in here thanks. Go to #ubuntu-offtopic00:57
musketballOK nuff said00:57
kadirosomsip: I know i just answered to a question i will stop that now00:58
wileeekadiro, You answered with nothing relative but your not understanding, which is not needed with a channel full of helpers.00:59
* kadiro don't see you, i said i will stop01:00
musketballKadiro is fine come on01:00
kadiromusketball: that worked the install?01:00
wileeemusketball, This user has been doing this for days, you have no context in which to defend them.01:01
musketballInstall worked but won't boot.01:01
kadirooh, what the problem?01:01
musketballMy weird hardware must be the issue there. I'm using drive caddies01:01
kadirowileee: if you have no answer go to #ubuntu-offtopic01:02
destinoHello ... I have a problem, I have two monitors and hovering from one side to the other stays glued to the sidebar ...01:02
musketballDestino I have that too with unity01:02
musketballI figure it's unity's problem01:03
destino I have disabled a choice of adhesives edges but still has problems ... is you think of any another thing? someone who has had the same problem?01:03
kadiromusketball: that happen only for DE unity then?01:03
destinoI do not think that has no solution :( not use Ubuntu just that damn problem01:04
ubskeurhi guys, I'm trying to install adobe air using a tutorial and I'm getting an error error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:04
musketballKadiro I was wandering destino01:05
kadirothat's odd01:06
C0r3Hey friends, I've been trying to partition my drives using gparted and the problem is, I'm not able to create a logical partition (gparted is showing only primary partition). I search on web but no proper answers were found. Can anyone help me fix this?01:07
kadiromusketball: from grub menu try to delete " quiet splash " and see what the exact problem01:09
musketballI think another drive is creating this issue so I'll have to disconnect them all01:10
kadirook good idea01:10
Bashing-omC0r3: Are you running into the 4 primary ( one of which may be an 'extended' partition ) limit ?01:11
kadiroalso from bios be sure you booted from where the grub is installed01:12
wiltors42Hey I have this weird problem where I installed kali repositories and now ubuntu thinks it's kali linux, it says kali/gnu linux in the top unity bar and the ubuntu software center doesn't launch....01:12
C0r3I have an sda2 extended.01:12
C0r3Bashing-om: What is the actual problem? can you explain it?01:13
wileeewiltors42, That was a bad idea and is not really supported here is all, I would start again really01:13
destinoas I can create a flash drive to install Ubuntu UEFI mode?01:13
wileeewiltors42, You can run either and they have there own support channels. ;)01:13
wileeedestino, Been uefi since 12.0401:14
Bashing-omC0r3: An 'logical' partition is one that is within the container that is the 'extended' partition .01:14
destinowileee but as I can create the pendrive? hehe01:15
wiltors42wait is there anyway to reinstall ubuntu without using the disk or usb?01:15
wileeewiltors42, From grub if you like, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot01:16
C0r3Bashing-om: I had a single partition before, in which the entire OS was stored, but I decided to create drives, so I resized my partitions.01:17
OerHekswiltors42, what makes you think that exists? you have installed ubuntu, so you have a cd or usb.01:17
wileeedestino, It is in the iso, so YES.01:18
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Bashing-omC0r3: So, what is the end goal ? Is the partitioning scheme MBR or GPT ? It do make a difference .01:18
BUSYhey folks!  been running 14.04 without a problem for a long time, but today i'm crashing to the login screen on random mouse presses.. any ideas or where can i find a log to share?  also be warned i might lose connection during the troubleshooting01:19
C0r3Bashing-om: I want to create two drives, 190GB and 210GB and the rest 61GB, I want to store the Ubuntu OS.01:19
somsipBUSY: check for changes in the last 24 (did you update recently?) or consider hardware issues01:23
Bashing-omC0r3: K. let's begin with proper terminology for linux speak . There is a hard drive that contains partitions. NOT as Windows sees a hard drive /. The 1st hard drive is sda . on sda are the partitions. sda1, sda2 sda3, ect . Can you show the channel a screen shot from GParted of what you have now ?01:24
C0r3Bashing-om: MBR style01:25
kadiromusketball: any news?01:25
musketballNone yet.01:25
kadiromusketball: you try to test a drives one by one?01:26
musketballThat's what I'm doin01:26
ubskeurI'm getting error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, but libgtk2.0-0 is installed01:26
BUSYsomsip, no updates, maybe i'll try that as a solution though01:27
somsipBUSY: sudden failures with no software changes are a bit weird. So do a memtest, try a live CD, etc... to check hardware01:27
somsipubskeur: are you installing Air?01:29
ubskeursomsip, yes, I think I found the solution though01:29
C0r3Bashing-om: http://s10.postimg.org/e7gnvrfah/gparted.png Here is the screenshot01:29
somsipubskeur: apparently you have to install the libgtk2.0-0:i386 package. sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0:i386 (from askubuntu)01:29
BUSYit doesn't seem very hardware issue-y.  when i login, all my programs are still cached or something and run much faster.  i also get "system problem detected", but with no further info01:29
musketballI'll reinstall with just one drive in. See what happens01:29
Bashing-omC0r3: Look'n at your http://s10.postimg.org/e7gnvrfah/gparted.png .01:29
ubskeursomsip, just did, now the air installer is telling me off01:29
kadiromusketball: why that, just see what the message error from grub menu01:30
C0r3Bashing-om: What happened? You didn't find the image or something?01:30
ubskeursomsip, https://imgur.com/sY4LTBL01:31
somsipubskeur: and? I'm not reading the link for you...01:31
ubskeursomsip, I'm already following a tutorial which worked fine on 15.0401:32
musketballThe grub install obviously failed so I just restarted01:32
somsipubskeur: Air is giving you a popup which tells you how to install 64bit Air on Ubuntu. If you're not reading that, I don't know what helkp you need01:32
kadiromusketball: can you share the exact message?01:32
ubskeursomsip, ok, I'll try and figure it out01:32
musketballNo message01:33
archminthi, ubnutu!01:36
Bashing-omC0r3: OK, Is your data backed up ? moving data to the left is of somewhat greater risk of corrupting the partition table. The drive must be in a unmounted condition - the key symbol beside the swap partition indicates swap is in use and thus the drive is mounted. Will require turning off swap, and unmounting the drive .01:36
marverickis anyone there?01:36
somsipmarverick: do you have a support question?01:36
archmintdoes anyone control backlight and know what controls it?01:36
musketballHmmm I've been running Linux for practically 25 years. Time flies01:37
archmintmusketball: that is a while. I have been running linux for about a year o.O01:37
archmintmusketball: you have arch?01:37
somsiparchmint: is you r question about ubuntu?01:37
marvericki have been using for about a month...so this makes me the newest user among u all01:37
kadiromusketball: you are an experimented user i guess01:38
archmintwhat does/do ubuntu/you guys use for backlight?01:38
musketballA little bit.  :)01:38
C0r3Bashing-om: Not everything, but have backed up important files. So what do I do now?01:38
marvericku can install sivlight for brightness control01:38
kadirogood i'm running linux for about 4 or 5 years01:38
ubskeursomsip, I found a tutorial someone else wrote for 14.04 and now it works fine01:38
archmintI am using pacman. and pacman doesn't have sivlight01:39
somsiparchmint: this channel is for ubuntu support, not arch01:39
archmintI was just checking01:39
archmintno harm.... or is there? o.O01:39
marvericku can use terminal to get sivlight@archmint01:39
Bashing-omC0r3: As a partition of 298 ib is aof no use to you01:39
marvericki can tell u the codes..u can use them to get it01:40
archmintdoes anyone know how these softwares that control brightness work, fundamentally?01:40
C0r3Bashing-om: So we move the sda1 to left?01:40
somsiparchmint: go search in yaourt or whatever it is called, but take your query to the #archlinux channel to avoid going off topic here01:40
marvericksivlight is not a software01:40
marverickits a package01:40
marverickits a fundamental01:40
Bashing-omC0r3: As a partition of 298 Mib is of no use to you, do you want to reclaim that space or waste it ? ( that 1st unallicated space ) .01:40
archmintk. jus' checkin. danks01:41
C0r3It's okay to lose the 298Mib space rather losing my data.01:41
marvericki wanna ask one thing can anyone help it out01:42
somsipmarverick: just ask the question01:42
marverickis nikto available in backbox?01:42
somsip!backbox | marverick01:42
ubottumarverick: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.01:42
C0r3Bashing-om: What do you suggest? Shall I move my partition or just let it be??? What are the chances of losing the data?01:43
kadiromusketball: please forgive me i must go to sleep now, i can't stay more tomorrow i have to be ready in a morning, i hop someone else can help you01:43
musketballNo problem. Have a good night01:44
kadirothank you man01:44
Bashing-omC0r3: It is your system, only you can say if you are comfortable wasteing the space . There is always a risk when moving data - always. the risk is greater moving to the left .01:46
kakahey , my network in ubuntu 14.10 suddenly stopped working.. and now i am getting error: "The system network services are not compatible with this version".....?01:47
C0r3Bashing-om: Then I chose to waste it. I don't have an external hardrive...01:47
musketballWell that worked.  Time to try 15.04 again01:47
C0r3Bashing-om: I have right clicked on sda5(linux-swap) and turned swapoff.01:49
rumpy1does anyone know how i can link other comments (or other bug reports) in launchpad? so that they would become clickable links in my comment01:51
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Bashing-omC0r3: I think wasteing is the wiser thing to do . We can  delete what is to the right and make up new partitions . Now tell me again your plan for new parttitions.01:53
C0r3190GB and 210GB partitions and 60GB for OS. I think we can first create 190GB then backup the data from sda1 in the new partition and then we can move the sda1 space towards left.01:55
musketball15.04 installing now. So that's one thing to make sure of. Install with just one disk if all else fails01:59
Bashing-omC0r3: OK. As stated we can do that .. BUT. might be better in the long term to creat a "extended" partition, and in this "extended" partition create at least 1 logical partition ( and we still have to make up a 'swap' partition, as the present one will be deleted ) . Are all partions to be used for linux, ir is sharing with Windows - or other operatinf systems - a consideration ?01:59
C0r3Bashing-om: No other operating system.. Only Ubuntu..02:01
mark1234I could use some help with ubuntu - I can't seem to do anything02:02
C0r3Bashing-om: So what is my very first step? Unmount the swap space using `umount`??02:02
mark1234I'm running virtual machine with the ubuntu iso02:02
mark1234and its not responding to any mouse clicks within the virtual machine after the first click (mouse over lights up the icon, i click see a progress spin thing) and then nothing happens, afterwards nothing lights up on mouse over02:03
C0r3mark1234: Which os you are running your VirtualBox02:04
Bashing-omC0r3: The 1st thing is to KNOW what we are going to do . How many partitions -(5) presently - and what the file suystems on these partitions are going to be . We know we will have to have an 'Extended' partition. and in this 'extended' partition 2 0r 3 'logical' partitions - one of which will be swap / Npw how large is swap going to be ? Same as is now ? .02:06
Parker__Hi Everyone02:06
Parker__I'm experiencing a weird problem where my USB devices don't work when ubuntu first starts up02:06
mark1234Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS02:06
catalaseis it recommended to use an encrypted file container such as LUKS to store ssh keys on an ubuntu server02:06
Parker__however, after waiting ~20 seconds the screen refreshes and then they work02:07
catalaseand have that container auto-mount on boot02:07
mark1234my mouse is also a wireless usb mouse02:08
C0r3Bashing-om: SWAP space can be any recommended size. I don't bother much about it.02:09
C0r3mark1234: VirtualBox is running on Windows?02:09
C0r3mark1234: Have you installed the extension packages?02:10
mark1234uh nope what extension packages, I literally just downloaded the virtual machine package and the ubunto image02:10
x_rootit's possible to have a fixed problem from 15.04 to 14.04?02:10
C0r3mark1234: For some reason, Ubuntu runs very slow on VirtualBox running on Windows.02:11
mark1234so what should I be doing instead?02:11
x_rootand.. what changes from 14.04 to 14.04.1 normally? like.. some bugfixes, for example?02:11
mark1234I only have a windows machine02:11
C0r3mark1234: Go to the official size and install the extension packages for your version of VirtualBox.02:11
mark1234the official ubuntu site?02:11
C0r3mark1234: The official VirtualBox webpage.02:12
Bashing-omC0r3: Consider how we are going to do this . Presently there is only 196 Gib to work with . So we create a partition to move the data from the present sda1 // Then once moved we can delete sda1 and create new partition(s) . But we have to plan very carefully - 465.76 Gib total to work with .02:15
mark1234is there a better alternative to virtual box then?02:15
kevkrozhey guys, are there any good typing tutors for ubuntu?02:16
kevkrozany recommendations?02:16
C0r3Bashing-om: Yes. correct. What about the swap space? Can I delete it?02:16
C0r3kevkroz: gtypist02:17
C0r3mark1234: VMware is a good option, however you'll have to pay for that. But you may give a try to the trial version02:18
somsip!info klavaro | kevkroz02:19
ubottukevkroz: klavaro (source: klavaro): Flexible touch typing tutor. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.01-1 (vivid), package size 673 kB, installed size 3210 kB02:19
mark1234basically virtual box with ubunto is unusable for me right now02:19
hakarunequick question, can I run a live boot and resize my ubuntu OS partition with gparted and be okay?02:20
mark1234I can't click anything even with the extension package02:20
musketballHow much memory did you give it?02:20
wileeemark1234, How much ram can you give to vbox?02:20
C0r3hakarune: Yep... That is how we are suppose to do... But back up the data..02:20
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musketballWilee: great minds02:21
hakaruneWell most the data isn't in home, it's on a second drive; anything in my home folder (except .config) is expendable02:21
C0r3mark1234: Extensions are to be installed on windows, not on ubuntu that is running inside vbox02:21
hakaruneCOr3: is it possible to just run gparted from ubuntu without  live boot? lol02:22
C0r3hakarune: Yeah ofcourse you can.02:22
mark1234Right i just download and installed the extension package in windows02:23
hakaruneand resize my "/" partition? It won't break the OS....02:23
Bashing-omC0r3: We will have to delete the swap space .. and make a new on in the extended paeririon. Presently the challenge is to decide on what the present sda1 - 271.58 gigs - will be carved into . WE must know where to build the parition for the 60 gigs system partition, taking into account what the sda1 space will be  .02:23
C0r3hakarune: mostly it's always better to backup your data...02:24
C0r3Bashing-om: Okay then... Deleting SWAP.02:24
hakaruneC0r3: if I may ask you a second question.... Is it okay to just symlink my home folder? I'd much prefer all the data be stored on drive #2 (it auto mounts at boot).02:25
C0r3hakarune: Sorry, not very deep knowledge, Bashing-om is helping me to fix mine. :P02:26
C0r3hakarune: So what do you exactly want? Not to autoload the drive #202:27
hakaruneC0r3: no worries, I know it's possible to do it; was just wondering if it was smart/okay lol; don't want my preformance to suffer02:27
C0r3hakarune: Oh... Okay...02:27
C0r3Bashing-om: Now, I have 3 partitions. unallocated 298MiB and sda1 271GiB and Unallocated 193GiB.02:28
musketballWow wine has gotten so much better than what I remember way back02:29
C0r3musketball: When was the last time you used wine?02:29
musketballWayyyyyy back02:30
C0r31980s?? LOL XD02:30
musketballThis is actually faster than running from winbloze!02:30
musketballLate 90s I would say02:31
C0r3musketball: Okay.. Was kidding!02:32
musketballIt has issues but I was probably asking too much02:33
Bashing-omC0r3: K; So next is a 60 gogs partiton somewhere in that large unallocated space . BAck to considering the present sda1 and how it will be carved up . We must have roon ahead of the 60 gig partition for whatever you choose to do with sda1 .02:33
C0r3Bashing-om: I'm moving my sda1 to the left. Don't want to lose any space.02:35
C0r3Bashing-om: Can you recommend a sequence of which partition must be where in the sequence??02:37
C0r3Bashing-om: I'm sorry. My bad, I wanted to ask can you suggest me a sequence of the partitions on my hardrive?02:38
Bashing-omC0r3: I can try, give me a bit of time .02:47
MarconMwhere i can download ubuntu 16.0402:49
chalcedonyi'm getting an error reply when i try to query for DKIM records, ~$ dig TXT google._domainkey.example.org:; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.4-Ubuntu <<>> TXT google._domainkey.example.org:;; global options: +cmd:;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached02:50
chalcedony 02:50
chalcedonyhi wileee02:50
chalcedonyi'm not sure what dig does, but it should give a different response02:51
nosch21Hey everyone, I've got a quick question, or at least I hope it's a quick one, I just installed ubuntu (I've probably done it 30 or 40 times before) but this time, I'm doing something a touch more complicated, I installed it to a separate hdd than windows, I selected my main drive as the boot loader so theoretically when it restarted it should have02:51
nosch21popped up with grub, but it's just coming up with the standard windows boot, I've turned off the hybrid boot, and tried in the boot options on windows 10, but I can't find the option to boot into ubuntu.02:51
chalcedonynosch21, wonder if you need to set something in bios?02:52
nosch21@Chalacedony like what? I've never had an issue with bios before, though I guess windows 10 is a new beast.02:54
tetreishey guys, does anybody know hey guys, how can I force any newly created files or directories under say /tmp/something to have r+w by default?02:54
tetreisbad pastie :)02:55
wileeenosch21, Have you read the wiki on uefi installs02:56
ponAalthough i am running a centos system i think you guys can help me, because this is about putty and ssh02:56
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ponAi would like to delete any history in putty on a frequent basis02:57
nosch21@Wilee I hadn't even thought about it but I AM running a UEFI mobo now.... lemme go check that really quickly.02:57
wileeeponA, #centos is your channel. ;)02:57
wileee!uefi | nosch2102:57
ubottunosch21: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:57
wileeeponA, If your registered with freenode try ##linux, putty runs everywhere02:58
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ponAWileee: well, this is true for any linux based machines i run...02:58
MKCoinWhen installing Ubuntu on a hard disk with Windows 10 already on it, do I set the EFI partition to be my /boot?02:59
ponAmy laptop runs ubuntu, i am sure you guys know a quick solution02:59
wileeeponA, You said you were in centos with putty, use the correct channel, come on.02:59
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Bashing-omC0r3: The only way I can see to do this is to create the operating system partition of 60 Gigs at the end of unallocated space. Copy off the data from sda1 to this new partition. delete sda1, then create a new primary partition ( using the 298MiB space) for either the 190 or 210 Gig partition. Take up all space then between the 1st new partition, and the 60 Gig partition as an extneded partition, in this extended partition make up the logical pa03:01
nosch21welp, looks like I'll be re-installing in uefi mode. tysm guys.03:01
ponAwileee: i get your point, i want to do this for my centos NAS right now, i have a raspi and an ubuntu notebook, so should i ask in three channels?03:01
wileeeMKCoin, Have you been here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:01
ryan_46!info 4 HAL 15.0403:03
ubottu'HAL' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed03:03
ponAat this time i hope to get the most support here, so i tried "history -c" and "history -w" to clear the putty history03:03
ryan_46!info hal03:04
ubottuPackage hal does not exist in vivid03:04
MKCoinwileee: that says there is a /boot/efi mount point... is that separate?03:04
ponAit worked well, but cron uses another user as far as i know, so even if i set up a cronjob for "history -c"  and "... -w" it wont delete the putty history03:05
wileeeMKCoin, I've not messed with these, the info I see, suggests the efi boot if there is seen by the ubuntu install and has the boot flag, already I would think. Are we on the same page here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Creating_an_EFI_System_Partition03:08
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wileeeMKCoin, Boot point is generally the root partition, which also could be an install all in one partition.  / is the mount03:10
ponAi tried to ask this in #putty but you have to be invited, so please be reasonable about me saying i run centos on my NAS...03:10
Bashing-omC0r3: It is well past my end of session time. I leave it with you. I am sure others in the channel can provide even better guidance if you run into trouble. Good night, good luck.03:12
wileeeMKCoin, I doubt any of that was helpful, sorry. There is excellent help in these uefi installs here most of the time.03:12
MKCoinwileee: it's alright, the page just doesn't make it entirely clear to me. Hmm03:15
forensickI have a disk image and an image part with the offset unknown. How to determine the offset? They are slightly different.03:15
wileeeMKCoin, I would do a manual install myself, however if you have an unallocated space there already, the installer should set it up, key is the wikis comments on the fastboot..etc adjustments before installing.03:17
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cliptlkhello everyone, I am typing this command: "ssh -D 9090 xxxx@yyy.zzz" and it gives me the ed25519 fingerprint of the server, how can I make it give me the RSA fingerprint of the server??03:24
cliptlkI mean when it asks the first question03:24
cliptlkwhat do you mean?03:25
nosch21so, I'm back, turns out windows is installed in legacy mode, so I'd need to install ubuntu in legacy mode, which is what I did originally, and as previously stated, grub fails to show up :(03:25
nosch21uefi shouldn't be playing a part right if windows is installed in bios mode right?03:26
wileeenosch21, Can you pastebin sudo parted -l03:30
drkjstrponA: so you are just trying to delete your history on a frequent basis?03:30
drkjstrponA: Are you using bash?03:30
ponAi generally use sh, but i think bash is installed03:31
MKCoinah I figured it out wileee, in the installer from the LiveCD I just need to select the efi partition as the "Device for boot loader installation" in the dropdown03:31
ponAand yes, i just try that03:31
drkjstrponA: I think bash is usually used as default over regular sh. Or, as least ash is.03:32
wileeeMKCoin, That makes sense from what I read. Good job.03:32
drkjstrponA: Is there a file call .bash_history in your home directory?03:32
nosch21Wilee, to boot into ubuntu I'd have to boot into the live cd, it doesn't let me boot into it at all, not only does grub not show up, but win 10 isn't recognizing it as an OS either, so windows' boot loader doesn't detect it, but if i try to install it again it does tell me it's already installed.03:34
nosch21would sudo parted -l after booting from the live cd be sufficent?03:35
wileeenosch21, Live or install is fine03:35
=== Guest39916 is now known as evil_dan2wik
plytroponA: you could remember to type a space before each command03:36
plytroalso note that putty history is not a thing03:36
plytroputty doesn't store any history03:37
ponAokay, sorry, i didnt make myself clear, i want the history of the ssh user to be gone03:37
drkjstrcliptlk: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/rackspace-cloud-essentials-checking-a-server%E2%80%99s-ssh-host-fingerprint-with-the-web-console03:37
plytrosounds like you're trying to cover tracks after doing nefarious things03:38
plytrobut anyway03:38
plytroyou can do03:38
plytroPROMPT_COMMAND='history -c'03:38
ponAyou mean like in putty?03:38
plytroputty has nothing at all to do with this03:38
nosch21Alright, lemme hop into irc on my mac while I reboot, that way I don't keep popping in and out.03:39
cliptlk: I am not on the host.03:39
plytrolike in your .bashrc03:39
plytroor .bash_profile03:39
ponAi did "history -c" in putty and it cleared the history, so i tried a cronjob that would do this but it didnt work03:39
drkjstrplytro: That's a pretty neat idea. So, everytime a login terminal is launched, then it runs the clear command, right?03:39
plytrodrkjstr: after every command it is cleared03:40
plytroevery time a prompt is shown03:40
drkjstrplytro: Didn't know that. Thanks for the info.03:40
plytromost people use history -a03:40
plytroso it is saved immediately03:40
plytronot on session exit03:40
plytroponA: you need to stop talking about putty03:40
plytroit has nothing to do with this03:41
cliptlkis there any online serivce that would report the rsa finger print of a ssh server?03:41
ponAi know that putty is not a user on linux, i mean the ssh client that runs the commands03:41
ponAcrap, i run putty as root03:41
plytroyou can't run putty as root03:41
plytroputty is a windows app03:42
ponAsorry again03:42
plytrounless you have a user called root in windows03:42
plytrowhen you ssh to your boxes are you ssh'ing in as root and not some other user?03:42
plytroare you sure you are in sh and not bash?03:42
plytrothat would mean you intentionally changed the default03:42
drkjstrplytro: I think he is ssh'ing as root. Not exactly secure.03:42
ponAi use root as ssh user03:42
ponAlet me check for a sec03:42
drkjstrponA: type: echo $SHELL03:43
ponAokay, i am SO sorry03:43
plytroso run this: echo "PROMPT_COMMAND='history -c'" >> .bashrc03:43
plytrolog out03:43
plytroand log back in03:43
plytroyou should have no history at all03:43
ponAi always used root to issue "history -c" and "history -w"03:43
plytrothat only clears root's history03:44
ponAand i saw history on my normal user account03:44
drkjstrplytro: +103:44
ponAthats really dumb, sorry :(03:44
plytrohistory is stored in the session for the user and normally only persisted when you exit the session03:44
plytrohistory -c will clear that in place history03:44
plytroyou could also do rm .bash_history in your .bash_logout file03:45
drkjstrponA: No worries. It is sometimes hard to grasp that root is an actual user, since a lot of modern *unices don't use it as a real user.03:45
ponAi knew that it was a user, i just got confused with the cronjob thing03:46
ponAbecause i learned that cron uses different users as the system does, right?03:47
plytroso drkjstr I do this in my sshd03:47
plytroMatch Address localhost,,192.168.128.* PasswordAuthentication yes PermitRootLogin yes03:47
plytroMatch Address localhost,,192.168.128.*03:47
plytrohrm didn't get the new lines03:47
plytrobut allow root via ssh and password auth only if from localhost or the local network03:47
drkjstrplytro: No worries. That isn't a bad idea. Since I mainly run personal servers, my account is a sudoer.03:48
plytroi forget what I needed it for03:48
ponAis it true that cronjobs get executed by another user than the one who setup the crontab?03:48
drkjstrBut, I have password authentication off, and use rsa keys03:49
plytroponA: no03:49
plytrobut the history is stored in the session for the active user03:49
plytroso even if you run that command any active sessions won't have their history cleared03:49
drkjstrponA: I think if you run crontab under your user, then it would run under that user. If you do "sudo cronta -e" then it would run under root.03:49
tsimonq2Do we have anything as stupid as the Windows Platform Binary Table, or are we safe...03:50
tsimonq2Can anyone answer?03:51
ponAokay, my next question (keep your mind free from my last question) is the following: i use a cronjob to pipe some text to the clipboard (like echo "hello" | xclip -sel clip)03:51
phixI have setup Ubuntu to auto login, it used to prompt me to unlock key store however it has stopped now (so I have to manually reenter my wireless keys).  Any way to turn the prompt back on?  what's it called?03:51
ponAwhy does this end up in my clipboard if i use it in the shell (bash, by the way, i checked) and does not if i use it as a cronjob?03:52
rwpponA, How will that work?  Cron won't be associated with your graphics display at all.03:52
ponAso i'ts like another user?03:53
plytroits you03:53
rwpBut it is an entirely different session.03:53
plytroyou would need to tell your cron job how to find your xsession03:53
ponAahh, okay, so like me beeing logged in twice, once with interface and once without?03:54
rwpIn the old days you could make that kind of thing work.  But with today's (shall I say it? systemd layer) things like that are impossible.03:54
plytrorwp: can't you export DISPLAY=:0.0 && foo03:54
rwpThe problem is usually XAUTHORITY03:55
nosch21Wileee, waht was the command you wanted me to run in terminal again?03:55
plytroah, right03:55
rwpThese days it is set to /run/user/$$/something (I forget)03:55
wileeenosch21, sudo parted [l03:55
wileeesudo parted -l  sorry03:56
rwpI am an old-school throwback and I don't run any of the new window managers (fvwm forever!) and I have ~/.Xauthority in my home directory like it always was for years.03:56
nosch21ty :)03:56
tsimonq2Can anyone answer my question?03:56
plytrotsimonq2: have you tried google?03:57
rwptsimonq2, I have no idea about your "Windows Platform Binary Table" question.  What does that have to do with Ubuntu?03:57
wileeetsimonq2, free volunteer help, if you get an answer you get one, no one is obligated.03:57
tsimonq2rwp: Just wondering, the answer is probably no, but we don't have similar bloatware, correct?03:58
plytrobloatware, thats a loaded term03:58
tsimonq2wileee: I know, I just wanted a little attention03:59
plytroI can see valid security reasons for the functionality03:59
rwpphix, I don't know, I assume you are using NetworkManager, I am using wicd and it remembers the wifi keys so this isn't a problem with wicd for me.03:59
wileeetsimonq2, That would be an offtopic, try #ubuntu-offtopic03:59
tsimonq2wileee: Ok, thanks03:59
wileeeforgive me for enabling that, my bad03:59
phixrwp: I would just like the prompt to appear so I can unlock my password storage03:59
nosch21http://pastebin.com/r8yjtcha Wilee, keep in mind the drive names are arbitrary, and I've got 5 drives in my build lol.04:00
emanuelQuestion: Is there any way to STOP my laptop from going to sleep or suspend when the lid is closed?04:00
ponAokay, back to my other question: if i would use "* * * * * history -c" in a cronjob (via crontab -e issued as root) my history would (after 1 minute) always be cleared?04:00
rwpphix, Do you really mean passwords?  Or just WiFi SSID and passphrases?04:01
plytroponA: only root's history would be cleared04:01
plytrowhat is wrong with the PROMPT_COMMAND solution?04:01
plytrowhy are you wanting to do this in a cron?04:01
rwpponA, I didn't see your earlier question but if you want you can always truncate your history file directly.  ": > .sh_history" and the like.04:01
phixrwp: anything that is stored in the gnome password valuty thing, the thing that usually gets unlocked as you login but I am using auto login so it needs to be unlock as a seperate step04:02
rwpponA, But if you don't wannt any history at all then why not set HISTFILE=/dev/null instead?04:02
phixrwp: I used to be prompted, I am not now04:02
C0r3Guys! Does the sequence of the partitions on the memory affects the system?04:02
rwpponA, Or "set +o history"04:02
plytroor PROMPT_COMMAND='history -c'04:02
plytroor add rm ~/.bash_history to .bash_logout04:03
ponAi dont want any history for root, any other user is fine04:03
C0r3Can anyone tell me the best practice or suggest me how to sequence my partitions(which partition comes before what)??04:03
plytroC0r3: in most cases it won't matter04:03
rwpphix, Sorry but I don't know. (shrug)  Apparently no one else here at this moment does either.  Try again later for a different set of people "hanging in the pub".  Try the mailing list.  But will need to provide specific details about what programs you are running.04:04
C0r3plytro: Any best practice suggestions??04:04
ponAor even more detailed: i dont want to get any history on what i entered via ssh (as root)04:04
somsip!partitioning | C0r304:04
ubottuC0r3: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:04
phixrwp: stock ubuntu install04:05
C0r3ubottu: Page not found.04:05
ubottuC0r3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:05
phixrwp: but OK, thnx04:05
plytroponA: so if you ssh in as userA and do a sudo -i and become root, you want to keep that history?04:05
rwpponA, Every user (root too) has a unique environment.  Each is separate from the other. Turning it off for one won't turn it off for the rest.04:05
C0r3somsip: Do you have any suggstions for the sequence of hard drive partitions?04:05
ponAplytro: would be ok if it was kept, but losing it is also okay04:06
somsip!disks | C0r3 (maybe this one?)04:06
ubottuC0r3 (maybe this one?): For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:06
somsipor maybe it's the same...04:06
ponAas rwp said, turning it off for root would be okay for me :)04:06
C0r3somsip: The links you're providing are 404 NOT FOUND04:07
ponAso i just issue "HISTFILE=/dev/null" as root?04:07
plytroadd it to your .bashrc file04:07
plytroso you don't need to set it every time04:07
wileeenosch21, looks all msdos, you get no boot as of now outside the live right?04:08
ponAwhere is the .bashrc file located?04:08
rwpponA, Yes.  If that is in /root/.profile (or .bash_profile if present) then no history will be written.  If you do it at the command line then the command itself setting HISTFILE to /dev/null will be saved to the old file first.04:08
rwpWhat is the value of $HISTCONTROL in your environment?  Is it set to "ignoreboth"?04:08
wileeenosch21, Confirm if you are seeing a grub menu.04:09
rwpIf set to ignoreboth or ignorespace then starting a command with whitespace prevents it from being saved.04:09
nosch21Wileee, yeah, I haven't tried booting to the specific drive as I put the boot loader on the intel SSD (which is my windows "C:" drive)04:09
rwpponA, if you decide to put it in your .bashrc file then instead use "set +o history" and that should disable writing anywhere.  Slightly better than /dev/null.04:09
wileeenosch21, sdc or sdc1, do you remember?04:10
wileeeor is that the correct HD drive?04:10
rwpponA, ~/.bashrc is located in ~/.  :-)  See "man bash" and then search for "/^FILES" for details.04:10
nosch21okay so let me look at the pastbin really quick04:11
plytro!bash | ponA04:11
ubottuponA: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:11
ponA"echo $HISTCONTROL" gives me "ignoredups" (as root)04:11
C0r3plytro: somsip: Can you please tell me what should be the sequence of the partitions (for example, 1. primary part, 2. swap, 3. extended(with  logical partitions)). I know that this question doesn't really makes sense but wanted to know the best practices..04:12
wileeenosch21, No problem, so I see sdb1 as ubuntu, you will conform the windows install and the bot info you remember.04:12
rwpignoredups is not the same as ignoreboth or ignorespace.  Oh well.04:12
jmaderoC0r3: I think a lot of people have different ideas of best practice...but generally speaking at least keeping /home separate from / is a good idea04:12
nosch21ATA INTEL SSDSC2CW12 is where the bundled boot loader should be04:13
plytroC0r3: I just say use full disk at this point04:13
plytroand let the installer do its thing04:13
plytrowithout me04:13
C0r3plytro: I've been using it in that way for 1 year..04:13
plytroand its been working just fine I presume04:13
C0r3jmadero: What's your's??04:13
nosch21i'm checking which HDD the actual install is on04:13
plytroI make one large partition for LVM04:13
rwpC0r3, There isn't any one single correct sequence. It is like asking what is someone's favorite food. Everyone will like something different.04:14
plytrothe build LVs inside of there04:14
jmaderoroot, home, data, windows, swap04:14
wileeenosch21, Cool sdc on the readout, do you remember whether you put the boot in the mbr = sdc or sdc with a number like sbc104:14
jmaderoC0r3: the reason I highly suggest keeping home separate from root is because it makes reinstalling 100x easier04:14
plytroI have root home boot swap04:14
rwpI like having the first partition for /boot and then I set up the first logical partition for LVM and make everything logical volumes.04:14
C0r3plytro: My PC is running very slow. I need to format my system and hence I think having separate drives will prevent data loss.04:14
nosch21Wileee, honestly no.04:14
plytrodrives or partitions?04:15
jmaderoC0r3: just separate home from root and you'll be fine04:15
plytroeither way nothing will help prevent data loss per se04:15
nosch21If i had to I can re-install it I've got the time, which SHOULD I select?04:15
plytroI had multiple partitions on a drive04:15
plytrodrive went tits up04:15
plytrolost all data04:15
jmaderoplytro: I did sudo rm -r /* . . .  same result :-b04:15
C0r3jmadero: Yea.. I wanted to know can I keep the primary partition in the very beginning?? or do I have to keep it with swap at the bottom?04:15
wileeenosch21, Ah, well if yoo put it in windows that causes what we see basically, I will have the bot give you a link to run and get a script readout.04:15
jmaderoC0r3: it can be at the beginning, makes no difference04:16
plytroif you are concerned with data loss and don't have a backup mdraid04:16
wileee!bootinfo | nosch2104:16
ubottunosch21: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.04:16
rwpC0r3, plytro, Only having a good backup will prevent data loss.  :-)04:16
plytrorwp: agreed04:16
C0r3jmadero: plytro: rwp: Thanks :)04:16
plytromy important data is backed up to an external drive04:16
rwpI knew you would already know that.  But I had to say it. :-)04:16
jmaderoC0r3: for data - I suggest having a cron job and a backup on a separate drive ;)04:16
plytrothen also backed up back to my brother's server 1000 miles away04:16
C0r3I don't have one(external hard drive).04:16
jmaderoC0r3: for a very cheap solution I use a raspbery Pi with an external....nightly backups04:17
plytrothen nothing will save you from a drive failure04:17
rwpC0r3, The partition order really doesn't matter enough to mention.04:17
rwpC0r3, Don't worry about it.04:17
plytrothere is no best practice I can think of04:17
C0r3rwp: Okay.. I get it now..04:17
ponA rwp: if i use "set +o history" in .bashrc, i wont get any history as root user only?04:17
plytroponA: if you do it in root's .bashrc04:18
rwpponA, I think not.04:18
C0r3Thanks for your prompt response guys!!04:18
ponAokay, is a reboot required?04:18
plytrorwp: I had a sys admin turn me on to lvm04:18
rwpponA, You should test it out on a testing system and report back.04:18
plytroponA: source ~/.bashrc04:18
plytroor ssh back in04:18
plytroand see if you have a history04:18
rwpponA, No.  No reboot.  Just log out and log back in again.04:19
plytrologout and login04:19
rwpplytro, Good backup plan.04:19
rwpplytro, I usually use mdadm raid1 on all of my critical systems.  And then back that up to a backup server.04:20
ponAokay, so i logged out locally (exit) and i quit putty (ssh) as root, i still have a history04:20
plytroI had to seed it with the drive in my possesion, I didn't want to sync 100GB on the initial sync04:20
plytrothen shipped it there04:20
plytronightly refreshes are quick except when I do a picture dump04:20
=== greg is now known as demonlove
rwpI have the same initial seed issue on a server.  I have been sneaking up on it doing just a little bit more every day.04:21
demonlovei  want to  devlop android app on ubuntu anyt roadmap?04:21
rwpponA, Your history was from before, right?  Remove it.  Log out.  Log in again.  It should be gone still, right?04:21
ponAtesting that04:22
somsipdemonlove: Develop using this. But otherwise, this is offtopic for here http://developer.android.com/tools/studio/index.html04:22
rwpI am testing it now here too.04:22
rwpponA, Tested it here.  Works for me.  No history generated if set +o history is set in ~/.bashrc.04:23
lotuspsychjedemonlove: #ubuntu-touch always searchings devs for ubuntu touch04:23
ponAno history, after i used history -c as root on the machine, THX!04:24
plytroponA: so you're installing a key logger or something and don't want people to see it in the history04:25
rwpRunning without shell history is inconvenient enough that I expect people will give it up and return to the fold after a while.04:26
ponAno, i use my luks password in keepass and sometimes my nas is to slow04:26
nosch21@Wileee http://pastebin.com/Rhs6i7Gy04:26
nosch21took me long enough to figure out it was a script i needed to download XD sorry for the wait, sorta new to linux Troubleshooting04:26
ponAi have to get up in 4 hours, i'll have to go now, thx guys, this was really helpful04:26
rwpponA, Testing it here I see an advantage to HISTFILE=/dev/null.  If you do that then you have shell histor for that shell session. It just isn't saved.  With set +o history there isn't any history even within that same shell session.04:27
plytroI was unaware of the cron @daily/@reboot/@monthly/@yearly until just now04:28
demonlovei  have downloaded a package of java in zip format.  for its installation in my system do i  need to run  sudo apt-get update?04:29
ponArwp: HISTFILE=/dev/null would go to the bashrc file, also?04:29
rwpplytro, Can I call it a "new" feature of Vixie cron? :-)04:29
rwpponA, Yes.  Just replace set +o history with HISTFILE=/dev/null04:30
plytrorwp: i'm not versed enough to understand Vixie cron04:30
rwpThen you would have your own history. But it would be saved to the bit bucket /dev/null and discarded.04:30
plytroah vs SysV cron04:30
rwpPaul Vixie wrote the cron that every GNU/Linux system now uses. These days it is the standard cron.04:30
rwpPreviously we had AT&T and BSD crons which were different from each other.04:31
rwpThe current vixie-cron is a rewrite that combined all of the good parts of both and added more good parts on top.04:31
rwpLike the @reboot stuff.  But for me the */5 stuff is the coolest.04:31
forensickrwp: 2/5 is even cooler04:32
rwpThe /etc/cron.d/ directory is also a cool new feature.04:32
wileeenosch21, No problem, you're do fine, so you have the windows boot actually on a 3rd HD, sdd1, and the windows on sdc1, kinda messy, you can put the full windows boot n sdc1 the windows OS later if you want. I would open gparted and remove the boot flag on sdc104:32
forensickrwp: every five starting from 204:32
rwpDoes 2/5 work/04:32
ponAthx a lot, again! i have to go to bed now...04:32
rwpI will have to try it!04:32
forensickrwp: vorks in vixie but nowhere eles04:32
wileeenosch21, This is step one04:32
dupingpinggrub2 is bad04:32
rwpWhat would 2/5 do?  It will take me a while to read that section and try to grok it.04:32
demonlovewhy do sudo apt-get update needed?04:33
dupingpingwhy ubuntu choose grub2?04:33
wileeeno trolling04:33
forensickrwp: same as */5 but will start not from 0/1 but from 204:33
rwpWith the 2 as an offset?  Wow.  I never knew that!  Cool!04:33
plytrore: history04:33
nosch21I know for a fact windows is on the one 120gb hdd though if I unplug all the other sata cables it boots windows flawless.04:34
forensickrwp: use case: you need to run every 20 minutes starting from 1004:34
nosch21I previously had windows on one of the drives, before i got the ssd, but that was like 9/10 months ago04:34
forensickrwp: 10/20 and it will run at 10,30,5004:34
rwpI have actually often wanted that feature but didn't know it existed.04:34
plytrocron is a horrible scheduling 'system'04:34
plytroits fine as a scheduler04:34
rwpBecause I try not to have everything all go off at once.  And at the top of the hour things tend to spike.04:34
wileeenosch21, If your not understanding say so, and preface with my nick04:34
rwpforensick, Thanks for that tip!  I learned something new today.04:35
nosch21Wileee I know for a fact windows is on the one 120gb hdd though if I unplug all the other sata cables it boots windows flawless , I previously had windows on one of the drives, before i got the ssd, but that was like 9/10 months ago04:35
demonlovewhy do sudo apt-get update needed?04:35
forensickrwp: yw.04:35
wileeenosch21, That is gibberish to me.04:35
plytrodemonlove: it gets a lits of updated packages04:35
rwpdemonlove, Your question doesn't ask enough.04:36
forensickrwp: /j #trisquel04:36
rwpWhy do you need sudo?  Or why do you need apt-get update?  Or why not dist-upgrade?04:36
demonlovei  have downloaded a package of java in zip format.  for its installation in my system do i  need to run  sudo apt-get update?04:36
jmaderodemonlove: no04:36
plytrohave you read the installation instructions for this package?04:37
demonlovethen how to get zip format installed?04:37
nosch21Wileee you're saying I have windows on a separate drive then the windows bootloader correct? because I'm 99% sure that's gonna be from a previous install, as the computer will boot into windows with just the one drive installed.04:37
jmaderodemonlove: if it's a reasonable package at all it should have a README file04:37
demonloveya there it only written dopwnload zip format04:37
jmaderowhich should tell you how to install04:37
Ben64demonlove: you should use the ubuntu repositories or a ppa, installing manually is not recommended04:37
jmaderodemonlove: what's the package04:37
demonloveppa also not recomended i  think04:38
jmaderojdk...install from the repository04:38
Ben64demonlove: more recommended than manual install04:38
plytrojmadero: unless you need the oracle jdk04:38
jmaderoI suspect that's not the case here ;)04:38
* plytro weeps at needing the oracle jdk04:38
jmaderodemonlove: sudo apt-get install default-jdk04:39
demonloverepository means/.04:39
wileeenosch21, your kingston SSD shows only this  /bootmgr /Boot/BCD the rest of the standard windows boot is in sdc1 /Windows/System32/winload.exe04:39
plytrothankfully I only require the oracle one for work machines04:39
jmaderoplytro: according to this site there is a ppa for oracle jdk...04:39
wileeeand install I assume is sdc1 nosch2104:39
plytrojmadero: I believe that is true04:39
plytroit downloads the zip from oracle and scripts the install I think04:39
jmaderoplytro: lol that's nice of them :)04:40
jmaderobasically like flash installer04:40
jmaderodemonlove: just so you know - sudo apt-get update/install is to install from a repository only, if you're downloading a zip or tarball then you're getting into manual installation which can be a pain04:41
jmaderowhenever possible it's good to google "install X package Ubuntu" and see how it's done by most people04:41
cdc_bobHello everyone. I'm trying to install thttpd on ubuntu 14.04 but it is saying: E: Package 'thttpd' has no installation candidate04:42
somsip!find httpd04:42
ubottuFound: apache2, apache2-mpm-event, apache2-mpm-prefork, apache2-mpm-worker, gunicorn, libapache2-mod-wsgi, nginx-core, aolserver4-core, aolserver4-daemon, apache2-mpm-itk (and 34 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=httpd&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all04:42
somsipcdc_bob: there's your search link04:43
`packyi have a putty client that runs on linux04:43
plytro`packy: via wine? because otherwise that just won't work04:43
somsip`packy: what is your support question?04:43
`packynothing let the scroll get away from me04:43
nosch21Wileee Kingston SSD has no actual windows files on it, or it /shouldn't/ it was used in my dell mini 10v before I decided I needed the read speed in my gaming rig04:43
cdc_bobsomsip: is thttpd the same as httpd?04:44
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demonloveone more thing if my freind has already installed that particular package can is there any way to just get copied that package from  his computer ,(without internet i  have that pakage)04:44
plytrodemonlove: if he has the .deb files, yes04:45
somsipcdc_bob: that link is a search for packages containing 'httpd' so it may be in there. I have no idea what thttpd is04:45
plytrocdc_bob: no04:45
plytrotrivial httpd04:45
plytroclaims to be very lightweight04:45
demonlove.deb means?04:45
somsip!offline | demonlove04:45
ubottudemonlove: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD04:45
wileeenosch21, We are lost, as far as I know windows needs both files I showed to boot  '/Boot/BCD' and '/Windows/System32/winload.exe'.04:46
nosch21Wileee currently kingston SSD is being used solely for battlefield 4 battlefield hardline, and origin's client.04:46
cdc_bobyeah iI need precisely thttpd but it cant install it in the new version of ubuntu 14.04 but it is available on 12.0404:46
plytrosomsip: didn't know that04:46
jmaderodemonlove: .deb is the extension for debian and debian derived distros04:46
alexbucurestihow reccomand for a begginer linux for a learn linux?04:46
jmaderocdc_bob: it seems to me like thttpd is no longer really supported04:46
jmaderoalexbucuresti: by using it04:46
somsipcdc_bob: may be relevant https://github.com/skybert/ece-scripts/issues/8104:46
jmaderoalexbucuresti: install it as your primary operating system, and get used to asking for a lot of help ;)04:47
nosch21Wileee I'm going to unplug the kingston sata cable, double check windows boots, then re-run the script if it does.04:47
somsipcdc_bob: unsupported, and probably wise to second-source that as a recommended solution04:47
jmaderoalexbucuresti: always best to ask very very precise questions - if you just come into a chat and say "help me!" you'll likely get someone like me getting irritated :-b04:47
`packyplytro there is a unix port of putty i run it on 14.0404:47
wileeenosch21, I am done as I have to go to work shortly.04:47
cdc_bobOk well ultimately I'm trying to setup a tor hidden service on ubuntu 14.0404:48
somsip!tor | cdc_bob04:48
ubottucdc_bob: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl04:48
emanuelLooking for  guide for morons on how to setup a VPN so I can acess my home network from public wifi securely04:49
nosch21Wileee alright, well thanks for the help :) have a good time at work04:49
=== Guest70299 is now known as Blaster
plytro!openvpn | emanuel04:49
ubottuemanuel: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!04:49
cdc_bobTor recommends using thttpd but it wont install so I need a new option04:49
jmaderocdc_bob: try to just manually download the packages04:50
jmaderoif you're dead set on using them04:50
somsipcdc_bob: what does it recommend in that link?04:50
plytroor get the tarball04:50
plytroemanuel: although depending on the needed level of access, you can get by with just a socks5 proxy04:51
jmaderocdc_bob: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thttpd/2.25b-11/+build/155100304:51
jmaderothere is the debian package you can install it04:51
cdc_bobI already have tor installed04:51
emanuelplytro, I just want to be able to access shared folders on my network and printers04:52
cdc_bobI am trying to force all traffic through my other VPS to only use tor for the tor hidden service04:52
plytroyeah vpn is probably the simplest after it is setup then04:52
cdc_bobis ubuntu server 14.04 able to be routed through  tor?04:53
cdc_bobwithout using thttpd?04:54
plytrocdc_bob: did you read through the link somsip had the bot send you?04:55
emanuelplytro, would you be willing to help me though the setup? the only how to I see is for a paid service04:55
plytroemanuel: I've not done it before04:56
plytrothats dated but may apply04:56
emanuelplytro, ty04:56
cdc_bobplytro: yes. it only shows you how to install tor which I have already done04:57
plytroand you're following this? https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en04:57
plytroit doesn't say install thttpd04:58
plytroit just says "install a web server"04:58
cdc_bobI agree, however apache and other web servers are vulnerable and ip addresses are viewable through 400 series errors04:59
cdc_bobSo I want to use the least vulnerable web server05:00
plytrothose are broad blanket statements that just aren't true if you set it up properly05:00
somsipcdc_bob: it seems like #tor is the place you need to ask these questions05:01
plytroor #apache or #nginx05:01
cdc_bobAnd that's why tor recommends thttpd, but I was thinking lighttpd is probably also easy to secure05:01
plytrothat is what I was thinking of05:01
cdc_bobI was just hpong there was a repo for thttpd that I needed to add05:01
plytroI use that for lightweight stuff05:01
somsipcdc_bob: seems like 'thinking' might not get you the thing you need. Ask the people who know. The #tor people05:01
cdc_bobThanks for all the help though I appreciate it very much05:01
plytrocdc_bob: its worth it to know how to secure the other more common web servers05:03
plytroand not just trust the default install of thttpd without verifying its security05:03
cdc_bobI agree05:05
cdc_bobWhat web server comes packaged with ubuntu 14.04?05:06
somsipcdc_bob: none05:06
cdc_bobWell when I tried to start lighttpd it said port 80 was in use05:07
cdc_bobThat means something is using it05:07
somsipmaybe you have installed one05:07
plytrosudo netstat -lntp05:07
cdc_bobapache2 is running05:08
cdc_bobok thanks05:08
demonlovewhat to do after downloading .tgz pakage05:09
demonlovehow to get it nstall05:09
demonloveis it bydefult installed05:09
plytrodemonlove: what package?05:10
demonloveandroid studio.  there itn txtg. it says to execute android05:11
demonlovebut when i  run android in my terminal  it says comand not found05:11
plytrotar xvfz foo.tgz05:11
jason_My sound card and wireless drivers aren't loaded when I boot. I have to manually load them using "modprobe". Can someone point me towards how to have them load automatically?05:14
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist05:15
demonloveplytro:  ?05:15
plytrodemonlove: you need to extract the tarball05:16
plytrotar xvfz filename.tgz will do that for you in a terminal05:16
demonlovewhat are the cmd i  have to type on terminal05:17
demonlovei  have already extracted?05:18
plytroyou ran the tar command already?05:18
plytroyou need to run that05:18
demonloveon terminal as root user or normslly?05:19
plytroandroid studio doesn't need anything done as root05:19
plytroother than a java install05:19
demonloveit says:   tar: You must specify one of the '-Acdtrux', '--delete' or '--test-label' options05:20
demonloveTry 'tar --help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.05:20
mohamedhackerhello guys05:41
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mohamedhackerIM Mohamed Hacker FOUNDER Team Egypt Soldiers05:44
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nick156whois addo05:48
* cdc_bob says apple zombies are fish05:48
lotuspsychje_mohamedhacker: no h4cking topics here05:53
lotuspsychje_mohamedhacker: this is an ubuntu support channel05:53
mohamedhackeryeh sorry05:53
Noob11345I formatted the partitions ubuntu was installed on. I had it installed twice. Now when I go to boot in dual boot I get the console thing (grub console??). How can I remove these?06:12
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wileeeNoob11345, Can you boot to an install?06:14
Noob11345I can boot to Windows 8, that's all.06:14
Noob11345I can't boot to ubuntu.06:14
wileeeNoob11345, uefi?06:14
Noob11345BIOS or whatever it is.06:14
DeaDSouLPlease guys, vote to this: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll393090x14A0412D-15 ....... and share it with friends... thanks06:15
Noob11345I can select what it goes to. But i get the GRUB legacy console or something when I try going to ubuntu.06:15
wileeeDeaDSouL, no poling here please. ;)06:16
DeaDSouLwileee: sorry06:16
DeaDSouLit's multithreaded linux apps question.. sorry again06:16
Noob11345wileee: Apparrently the only way for me to do this is reinstall windows from a CD, which I don't have.06:17
wileeeNoob11345, No, just hang till the uefi help comes on, UEFI or W8 is really important, include that info.06:18
Noob11345It says windows boot manager, ubuntu, ubuntu [In that order] [on the BIOS screen]06:19
wileeeNoob11345, W8 has a built in reinstall that saves data, or is a clean install, you should not needs it however.06:19
Noob11345Yeah, that's glitched out [doesn't let me reinstall]06:20
wileeeNoob11345, If you have a key to the windows you can download it, I would get that done, or make a recovery iso from the install.06:23
auroraus1rhow would I redirect traffic destined for a certain IP address to go to a certain hostname06:24
auroraus1rmind you the "hostname" does not have a static IP06:24
auroraus1rnormally I would just create a iptables NAT rule and do it that way06:25
Noob11345If i do a reinstall of windows, will the ubuntu installs go?06:25
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wileeeNoob11345, When have you ever heard of a windows install booting linux at all?06:26
Noob11345Never. Which is why I don't understand why you're asking about windows.06:27
Noob11345I need the GRUB legacy thing gone?06:27
wileeecan be done but not a normal or expected outcome06:27
lotuspsychjeauroraus1r: maybe the ##networking guys can help you?06:27
auroraus1rim already there lol06:27
auroraus1rjust figured since it is on an Ubuntu server might be worth a shot asking here as well06:28
wileeeNoob11345, Yes and if you can have some patience you nwill probably get that done within maybe two hours at the most.06:28
lotuspsychjeauroraus1r: or #ubuntu-server :p06:28
auroraus1rtouche good sir06:28
Noob11345I'll probably end up installing another HDD on my PC and just disposing of this one. But thanks for the help :)06:28
lotuspsychje!hostname | auroraus1r maybe this can help also?06:29
ubottuauroraus1r maybe this can help also?: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.06:29
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dan____does anyone know why sudo chrt command would fail with operation not permitted?07:06
cfhowlettdan____, permissions07:06
dan____which permission? im already running it as root07:07
cfhowlettdan____, running as root?  WHY???? use sudo.07:08
auroraus1rconfident people login as root07:08
agent_whitewell... that's debatable.07:08
agent_whiteidiots do, too.07:08
agent_whiteConfident idiots... I suppose. So you're correct.07:09
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:09
auroraus1rsudo su07:09
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cfhowlettdan____, exit your root (i.e. drop to a lower privilege state.  THEN run your sudo command.)07:09
badbodhit is possible to set a separate root pass, but why even bother. sudo does it all.07:10
dan____ok when i say i ran it as root07:10
dan____i mean i ran sudo <cmd>07:10
cfhowlettdan____, NOT the same thing.07:11
dan____the process executes with root privileges07:11
badbodh*you execute the process with root privileges07:11
badbodhnow back to the real story love. tell us from the beginning.07:12
cfhowlettdan____, let's be very clear here.  run this command: groups | nctermbin.com 9999                   that will report your current status.  copy / paste the resulting url here07:12
dan____sudo groups, prints "root"07:13
cfhowlettdan____, NOT sudo groups.  just groups07:14
dan____"dan sudo"07:14
cfhowlettdan____, and your system prompt doesn't contain the word "root" - correct?07:18
cfhowletti.e. root@dancomputer:/home/dan#07:19
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cfhowlettdan____, then you are not "running as root".  details matter.  :)   to your original question then: run your sudo command and add this at the end.  paste the url output here.             COMMAND | nc termbin.com 999907:26
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dan____it just says07:33
dan____chrt: failed to set pid 0's policy: Operation not permitted07:33
cfhowlettdan____, copy/paste that error message into your search engine.07:34
agent_white^ 99% of the time, if you are asking about an error message, someone else has asked about it before.07:37
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NTQDoes anybody know how to configure postfix that nobody is able to set "From:" to an other value than his/her account name?07:39
agent_whiteNTQ: Do some google-fu on "postfix sender spoofing"07:41
HewwoThereWhat's something fun I can do with a 512mb RAM VPS?07:47
cfhowlettHewwoThere, make a server07:47
HewwoThereServer of?07:48
cfhowlett!server | HewwoThere also ask #ubuntu-offtopic07:50
ubottuHewwoThere also ask #ubuntu-offtopic: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server07:50
Neo9if UBUNTU server with working static network configuration is suddenly disconnected and not able to reach the Gateway. How can i debug? Can any one please help on this.07:50
cfhowlett!server | Neo907:51
ubottuNeo9: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server07:51
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vicHow can I solve this "[ 1.068627] ACPI PCC probe failed." after the first login after the installation of Ubuntu 15.04?07:59
latsniHey everyone, i have a problem with the music playback (html5) on Bandcamp.com (e.g. http://soko.bandcamp.com ) with Firefox v40 (repo package and also with the download from mozilla.org) and Ubuntu v14.04 there are endless messages about html5player problems but on Debian Jessie with Firefox v40 (downloaded from mozilla.org) everything is fine. What could i do to find the reason for that issue? The music play back with Chromium on Ubuntu v1408:00
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grepwoodhello everyone08:06
minimeclatsni: maybe backup the mozilla (firefox) profile once and start firefox with a new clean profile? -> 'mv .mozilla mozilla-backup'08:07
grepwoodI wanted to `apt-get install libxext6:i386` but all I get is that there's no such package08:07
grepwoodI've done `dpkg --add-architecture i386` and installed 32bit libc, still nothing08:07
ObrienDave!info libxext608:08
ubottulibxext6 (source: libxext): X11 miscellaneous extension library. In component main, is standard. Version 2:1.3.3-1 (vivid), package size 30 kB, installed size 128 kB08:08
latsniminimec: i already tried that, a new profile does not help08:08
ObrienDavegrepwood, try libxext608:08
grepwoodObrienDave, I did, it installs the 64bit library08:09
grepwoodI need 32bit08:09
ObrienDave!info libxext6:i38608:10
ubottuPackage libxext6i386 does not exist in vivid08:10
ObrienDavehmmm. i'm on 14.04.3 LTS. it shows up in synaptic08:12
ObrienDavetry adding multiarch-support first08:13
ObrienDave!info multiarch-support08:13
ubottumultiarch-support (source: glibc): Transitional package to ensure multiarch compatibility. In component main, is required. Version 2.21-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 7 kB, installed size 223 kB08:13
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artisanIndiaI have a website hosted on a ubuntu server which does not have nameservers and mail server08:14
cfhowlett!server | artisanIndia08:14
ubottuartisanIndia: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server08:14
artisanIndiaso I want to use mx records of another host or another server08:15
artisanIndiathanks cfhowlett08:15
cfhowlettartisanIndia, happy2help!08:15
Ben64artisanIndia: sounds like dns issue, not ubuntu08:15
artisanIndiaif I had a cpanel installed on centos then I had an option to choose different mx records for my mails but how do I do it in ubuntu which does not have any control panel08:16
cylonmathcan anyone tell why my "a" character gets lost during substitution http://paste.ubuntu.com/12139730/ ?08:17
Ben64artisanIndia: you said it doesn't have nameservers, so you have to set it on whatever your nameserver is, usually your registrar08:19
artisanIndiaI have not installed any DNS client08:21
artisanIndiaso i am suing A record for my domain client08:21
artisanIndiaBen64: ^^08:21
Ben64not relevant at all, and still not ubuntu support08:21
artisanIndiaallrite but can you have a look on http://serverfault.com/questions/715741/how-to-user-different-server-for-emails08:22
artisanIndiaI just asked this question on server falt08:22
demonlovewhy do  some package  can't get updated in my ubuntu?08:23
somsipartisanIndia: you setup MX records in AWS Route53 which is nothing to do with ubuntu08:23
Ben64artisanIndia: i already told you the answer too08:24
ObrienDavedemonlove, such as...?08:24
somsipdemonlove: are you still trying to get JDK working?08:24
artisanIndiaI am sorry Ben64 for not understading that08:24
demonlovei  was in class so  i  cant do that time...  m college boy..08:25
somsipdemonlove: there is no answer in that statement08:26
latsniOkay found a solution for my html5playback problem on Firefox .. gstreamer plugins ugly package was missing08:28
Edistohow much faster is it run ubuntu virtual machine versus, wubi, versus reg install?08:30
cfhowlettEdisto, no no no no!  do NOT wubi.   do not MENTION wubi.  wubi WILL BREAK YOUR UBUNTU!!!!08:31
Edistolol. So a virtual machine is better?08:31
cfhowlettEdisto, better than ... what?08:31
somsipEdisto: IME, fastest is regular install, wubi is next faster (though some people loathe it), and VM is probably slower08:31
ObrienDaveWUBI needs to die a slow, painful death08:32
EdistoI see..08:32
cfhowlettObrienDave, it's unsupported, no longer developed, KNOWN to break ubuntu and yet ... it's still on the damn .iso!  I DO NOT understand.08:32
ObrienDavenor does anyone else :S08:33
cfhowlettObrienDave, I sent a complaint to the ubuntustudio-devel list just today.  We'll see if they listen ...08:33
popeycfhowlett: file a bug to get it removed08:33
Edistowell I have a dual graphics card with radeon fury x, and firepro w8100 so I need to have a fast install for heavy graphics08:33
popeycfhowlett: you're better off starting a discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss08:33
cfhowlettEdisto, dualboot is your best option.08:34
cfhowlettpopey, will do.08:34
popeyor, file a bug to get it removed, and then start the discussion08:34
ObrienDavecfhowlett, glwt ;P08:34
Edistodoes unbuntugnome have wubi? ;)08:34
cfhowlettEdisto, all !flavors have it08:35
popeycfhowlett: actually, let me deal with it...08:35
* popey pokes people08:35
* auroraus1r blocks poke08:35
* auroraus1r breaks popey's finger08:35
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grepwoodObrienDave, needed to apt-get update after dpkg --add-architecture :)08:45
cfhowlett!test | Guest5680708:53
ubottuGuest56807: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:53
zzarrwill Ubuntu 16.04 look like this? http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-stupendously-hot-charmander-concept-looks-amazing-489645.shtml?utm_content=buffer99395&utm_medium=social&utm_source=plus.google.com&utm_campaign=buffer08:54
zzarrI love it!08:54
cfhowlettzz_`ar|elo`, 16.04 isn't even being developed yet.  you are WAY too early to the party.08:54
Edistois it safe to say ubuntugnome is the best looking ubuntu flavor?08:56
cfhowlettEdisto, not safe to say.  obviously, it's subjective.08:56
zzarrI know I know, but it's concept art by Canonical and if they pull it off, it'll be amazing08:56
cfhowlettzzarr, it's not.  continue discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please.08:57
zzarrcfhowlett: okey, sorry08:57
Edistocfhowlett: I was just looking at screenshots of all the ubuntu flavors and most look like pooh lol08:58
v0ronweEdisto: it is safe to say that your favourite gtk theme (whateveer dekstop environment u use) is your subjective best looking ubuntu flavor08:58
v0ronweactually not only gtk, of course08:58
auroraus1rI work with a dude named zar08:58
cfhowlett!cn | liupeiwen08:59
ubottuliupeiwen: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:59
liupeiwenjoin #ubuntu-cn09:00
zzarrauroraus1r: nice, zzarr is only my nick, my real name is Rasmus09:00
k1lzzarr: its not a concept by canonical. its a mockup (means unofficial thought about how a user thinks it could look like) from a freelance designer09:00
v0ronwezzarr: it's the same as every year with the new Apple stuff09:01
Edisto /join #ubuntu-cn09:02
Edistojust out of curiosity09:02
zzarrk1l: okey, but is there a chans it's implemented or is it completely unofficial?09:02
k1lzzarr: completely unofficial. but that doesnt tell anything about the chance how unity8 will look like on the desktop09:03
zzarrin any way, is there a place for suggestions (mostly functionality)?09:04
zzarrnothing happened09:05
jin7is there someone use cherrytree to keep notes?  Is it enough safe to save some passwords?09:05
bazhang!info cherrytree09:06
ubottucherrytree (source: cherrytree): hierarchical note taking application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.7-1 (vivid), package size 455 kB, installed size 2181 kB09:06
bazhang!find keeppass09:07
ubottuPackage/file keeppass does not exist in vivid09:07
bazhang!info keepassx09:07
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1098 kB, installed size 3081 kB09:07
jin7of course. I can choose keepassx.09:07
k1lzzarr: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2345/where-to-file-bugs-wishlist-for-unity09:08
zzarrthanks k1l :)09:08
bazhangits not a password manager so ofc its not going to do that09:08
bazhangsee if it has gnupg available09:08
jin7but it can encrypt its database file09:09
bishopsMy ubuntu 14.04 keeps on downloading and saving older version of abi-generic in boot/ . Anyone has any idea why?09:11
lotuspsychjebishops: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/89710/how-do-i-free-up-more-space-in-boot09:13
bishopslotuspsychje: thank you for this, but I was wondering whether ubuntu system shouldn't do it automatically?09:14
bishopslotuspsychje: I have already deleted manually several time over the years unused kernels but somehow they are redownloaded at some point09:15
lotuspsychjebishops: well not sure for /boot but i think the user is responsible for cleaning own system09:15
bishopslotuspsychje: isn't ubuntu supposed to be running without the user even having to touch a terminal?09:16
bishopslotuspsychje: I don't mind doing it, but I'm just wondering if I am advised this OS to someone who has no idea how to use a terminal09:17
lotuspsychjebishops: running without terminal yes, but some things get more full, like firefox tmp folders n such09:17
mniipwhat would I have to do to change data entered at the "who are you" stage of the install?09:17
lotuspsychjebishops: i use bleachbit myself to clean09:17
mniiplike I know how to 'passwd' and 'usermod', but what about the other fields09:18
bishopslotuspsychje: oh ok will check this.09:18
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | bishops09:18
ubottubishops: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (vivid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1965 kB09:18
bishopslotuspsychje: let's see if it does the kernels09:18
mniipwhat does "your name" in the install even stand for?09:20
mniipI gather that "your computer's name" is probably the hostname09:20
lotuspsychjemniip: what are you trying to do exactly?09:20
lotuspsychje!hostname | mniip09:21
ubottumniip: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.09:21
mniiplotuspsychje, installing a system09:21
mniipwondering how to change the "who are you" information post-install09:21
lotuspsychjemniip: who are you, is the user you can add more users after installing09:22
mniipbut what does the "your name" correspond to09:22
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mniipthe realname column of passwd?09:22
lotuspsychjemniip: the real name of the user(name)09:23
mniipokay so all of the settings of the page are relatively easy to change post-install09:23
lotuspsychjemniip: the username, you best choose right away from install09:23
auroraus1ruse root09:24
lotuspsychjemniip: because its gonna be admin + pass of your system09:24
mniipyou mean the sudoers configuration?09:24
mniiphmm actually a lot of configuration09:25
mniiptoo late though :)09:25
lotuspsychjemniip: mostly the admin installs ubuntu on the machine, so why worry about your name?09:26
demonloveis there any wrong in using banner on ubuntu..09:26
demonlovedo expert gus uses it?09:26
mniiplotuspsychje, the backstory is that I'm installing ubuntu for someone else, and they are currently away, and I basically don't know what to enter there at all09:26
lotuspsychjedemonlove: explain?09:26
lotuspsychjemniip: choose a realname+ nickname of your friends choice, they can change the admin pass later09:27
demonlovebanner comes when opening of terminal, is there any use of that?09:27
mniipdemonlove, you mean one of those multi-line retarded PS1s?09:28
mniipwith 'git status', 'top', and phase of the moon?09:28
mniippersonally I hate them, but if you're comfortable with using them, you're free to do so09:29
mniipthe installer didn't ask me anything about a bootloader...09:30
mniipit better have sensible defaults09:30
lotuspsychjemniip: you can choose manually partition aswell09:30
mniiplotuspsychje, I did partition manually09:30
demonlovei was abt to install , later changed my mind and now it is giving The program 'banner' is currently not installed. To run 'banner' please ask your administrator to install the package 'sysvbanner'09:30
mniiphowever it didn't ask whether I'd like to install grub or anything at all09:31
demonloveon every time i  open my terminal09:31
demonlovei  dont wanrt it09:31
demonlovehow to remove09:31
mniipdemonlove, it's probably in your .bash_profile or .bashrc09:31
mniipor, perhaps, in /etc/bash_profile09:31
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demonlovehow do  i  remove it by cmd line09:32
lotuspsychje!purge | demonlove09:32
ubottudemonlove: To purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' | sudo xargs dpkg -P09:32
mniipwell I'm not familiar with the package so I can only guess09:32
demonlovehow to use purge cmd?09:33
lotuspsychjedemonlove: sudo apt-get purge <application>09:34
Fatarhow useful is the cat command beside reading text?09:36
mniipFatar, cat should not be used to read text09:36
bazhangFatar, read up on it at manpages.ubuntu.com09:36
mniipuse a pager like 'less' instead09:36
mniipcat stands for "catenate" and is used in scripts to concatenate multiple files09:37
bazhangFatar, thats not an ubuntu support issue at all, I gave you the link to the html manpage so please read it09:37
OerHeksIf a tool is default installed, it is pretty usefull.09:38
Fatarok thks09:39
mniipironic, given the general level of bloat in ubuntu09:39
bazhangmniip, use the mini iso or server iso and build up then09:40
mniipright right right09:40
bazhangmniip, the so called bloat is a personal choice/preference that you can choose or avoid09:40
mniipI am aware09:42
mniipbazhang, do you happen to have a mini's --get-selections at hand?09:42
bazhangnot atm mniip sorry09:43
OerHeksThere is no mini get selections, as you choose during install, which ends up with the regular get-selections of the desktop of your choice09:47
mniipOerHeks, I was thinking of comparing so that I don't have to filter through packages by hand09:49
* cfhowlett thought the whole point of .mini was ... USER chooses what packages to install.09:49
OerHeksmniip, you might want to use a live iso, and dryrun those desktop-metapackages with  --no-install-recommends, that would give a bare minimum desktop09:50
mniipcfhowlett, there are some base packages that are required09:50
OerHeksSo you are not the 1st user wanted a cleaner ubuntu :-)09:51
mniipcoreutils, util-linux, bsdutils, dpkg, apt, probably another dozen09:51
cfhowlettmniip, noted09:51
OerHekssome packages are locked, indeed09:51
davetarmacOn the command line, is there a way to tell which folders are taking up the most space from root?09:51
davetarmacI apparently have 0 space left on my VM09:51
mniipdavetarmac, man du09:51
eclectichedgehogdavetarmac, yes install ncdu09:51
cfhowletteclectichedgehog, 0 space = 0 installs09:52
mniipdu is a part of coreutils if memory serves me right09:52
charlytavuHey everybody, can someone tell me what's the best way to run a script for all users when they log in ?09:52
davetarmacjust did du - I need to trim that down a little ;)09:52
eclectichedgehogcfhowlett, get rid of the porn then do the install :)09:52
cfhowlettdavetarmac, sudo apt-get clean         will empty your download cache.   sudo apt-get autoremove for no longer needed package removal09:53
eclectichedgehogcfhowlett, if you have 0 free and everything is under / you wont be able to do a great deal as it is09:54
k1ldavetarmac: see if you can remove old kernels and old kernel headers09:54
Izurahey room09:54
mniipare all of the installer-installed packages marked manual?09:55
mniipor some are auto?09:55
eclectichedgehogdavetarmac, as a (pretty much) last resort you could remove everything under /usr/share/docs, this would free up a few hundred MB's09:59
akikdavetarmac: check also /var/cache/apt/archives10:03
IzuraHow did you all become so competent with linux/ubuntu? I've been using it dual booted for a number of years but still heavily reliant on the GUI. I'm even taking an online course on linux fundamentals but I don't see progress. I'm here to ask the best - what am I doing wrong?!10:03
cfhowlettIzura, nothing.  we usually learn as needs develop/manifest.10:04
eclectichedgehogIzura, usually as a result of a sad life in front of a screen10:04
akikIzura: get a book, try every example in the book10:04
bazhang!manual | Izura have a read10:04
ubottuIzura have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:04
gnu-saladIzura: I built servers for fun and profit.10:04
bazhangand the wiki Izura10:04
demonlovewhy do i get this type of error  W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/universe/binary-i386/Packages  Connection failed [IP: 80]10:04
demonloveE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:04
bazhang!rute | Izura and this10:05
ubottuIzura and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com10:05
Izuraakik some people would say books are dead since the internet -  i'm intrigued by your suggestion. any recommendations?10:05
eclectichedgehogIzura, books rule10:05
cfhowlettIzura, nothing.  but try this:   www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads.    download/read issue #0.  repeat for #1 - #99.  pretty sure you will develop leet level competency.10:05
Izuraeclectichedgehog my sad life as produced so little in that case lol10:06
Izuracheers cfhowlett will do :)10:06
akikIzura: sorry no, i read a basic unix book and went from there10:06
eclectichedgehogdemonlove, the repository may not be available at that moment in time for whatever reason10:07
Izurabazhang the ubuntu manual?10:08
Izuracfhowlett I initially started with the 'learning as needs develop' attitude but i never seem to need enough to learn more than i do. i guess i need a challenge10:09
cfhowlettthere are lots of projects in FCM.  everything from simple tweaks to DIY whatever.  try one on.10:10
akikIzura: those people who say books are dead know nothing10:10
bazhanglets take this to the chat channel please10:10
eclectichedgehogIzura, try studying for something like an LPIC qualification - a good way to learn10:11
Izurathanks cfhowlett looking at it now. sorry bazhang i'll say no more on the topic. eclectichedgehog i'll bear that in mind. thanks everyone :)10:12
jost_Can I safely mount /boot as "noexec"?10:15
WebVisitor-1I am looking for detailed documentation on how to get multitouch events from xinput 2.2. Has anyone a good link?10:15
mniipare all of the installer-installed packages marked manual?10:20
latsniHi, i have a samba share with the following settings http://pastebin.com/8qJbbr0r my problem is that new directories are created with 0750 but it should be 0770 is there something that i missed in the documentation? I using samba on Ubuntu Trusty10:23
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sdfgsdfgi got everything in firefox stuck with "Loading" like youtube menus etc.. Is this because of java10:41
AEL-HHow can I connect to a pty and assume the terminal ?10:45
sdfgsdfgdistinguish from the output ? how hard can it be10:45
TJ-sdfgsdfg: That sounds like DNS is resolving an IP address but the packets aren't getting a reply, which suggests a routing or firewall issue.10:45
sdfgsdfgwow, that doesnt sound nice. I better check if somethings gone wrong with fw10:46
sdfgsdfgthanks a lot!10:46
TJ-sdfgsdfg: best thing to do, is try from a terminal with curl or wget, or even a manual "telnet www.xxx.yy 80" attempt10:46
TJ-sdfgsdfg: if the TCP sessions connect to the remote host, but no data is returned, I'd suspect a (transparent) proxy / MITM issue10:47
creeper_668im using ubuntu on a raspberrypi10:51
creeper_668im using ubuntu on a raspberrypi10:53
bithulmy software center is not working10:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:55
bithulhow to instal chrome10:55
k1l!chrome | bithul10:55
k1lbithul: well, get the chrome deb-package from google10:56
bithuli got it10:56
gogoat10^2 !patience10:56
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:56
TJ-bithul: Ubuntu has the open-source version of Chrome, called "chromium-browser"10:56
k1lbithul: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html#eula10:57
TJ-!info chromium-browser10:58
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 43.0.2357.130-0ubuntu0. (vivid), package size 50890 kB, installed size 187747 kB10:58
mniiphow would I set the default vc keyboard layout10:58
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TJ-!info console-setup | mniip11:01
ubottumniip: console-setup (source: console-setup): console font and keymap setup program. In component main, is important. Version 1.108ubuntu5 (vivid), package size 126 kB, installed size 475 kB11:01
TJ-mniip: that package provides /bin/setupcon. See "man setupcon"11:01
TJ-mniip: You can set the default with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"11:03
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:09
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fnoyanisihi, what is the size of generic kernel?11:13
k1lfnoyanisi: look into /boot about the kernel sizes11:18
k1lfnoyanisi: but there is a lot more like kernel-headers that is installed too11:18
fnoyanisinot using a linux system now11:18
fnoyanisithat's why asking here11:18
fnoyanisiI am after the binary image, the vmlinuz file size11:18
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AEL-HHow can I read a pty terminal just like screen does it?11:30
manoushello after reboot my server i have this error mount failed for selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux11:38
manousplease how can i solve it ?11:38
mniiphow did it happen that I'm getting broken packages on a fresh install...11:39
mniipthe sources.list seems okay11:40
mniipugh screw this I should have built on top of mini11:41
superprowerHi. I have problem with Anjuta. I want to create new gtk c++ project, and when i try to compile, it says that i need libtool installed, but aptitude says that it already installed. Help, please?11:44
k1lmanous: what ubuntu exactly?11:45
superprowerxubuntu 15.04 x6411:45
manousk1l: trusty 14.0411:46
k1lmanous: and what did you do before that happend?11:47
manousi don't know , server freeze and i reboot it. After reboot i saw this error http://paste.openstack.org/show/422985/11:48
k1lmanous: what sort of setup is that?11:50
manousit's for docker11:50
manousi have some container on it11:50
k1lmanous: why is it using tar and wanting to resize something?11:51
Sailor4051_hi. can i partition an ubuntu server on an old desktop - 1gb ram, 120gb hdd - to have a vpn, an owncloud server and a media center on the one system. sorry for igmorance but relative noob.11:52
manousdon't know11:52
TJ-manous: you need to ask gandi support I think; it is their code11:54
manousTJ: ok i try it11:55
ioriamanous, are you ssh'ing it ?11:55
gnu-saladSailor4051_: Please rephrase?11:55
manousioria: yes12:00
bodhihello. I had applied additional drivers that I needed on Live desktop setup. One was for wireless networking and other was for amd cpu. And now when I reboot the computer freezes.12:00
bodhiHow do I correct this? I need the wireless networking capability at least.12:00
andycarris it possible to run apt-get install REPOSITORY PACKAGE like apt-get install universe PACKAGE12:00
andycarri.e without updating the sources list12:01
TJ-andycarr: No12:01
TheGuyHey guys, me again, the guy that asked how i can install Ubuntu for my Son, couldnt use my old name again, dont know why. I disabled Fastboot and SecureBoot, its now on Legacy Mode. Am i ready?12:02
andycarrok tnx...ive downloaded a chroot environment for Trusty but can't find utility add-apt-repository12:02
AEL-HHow can I assume a pty as though it were my terminal?12:03
AEL-HSo being able to read and write to it in realtime12:03
TJ-andycarr: it's in "software-properties-common"12:04
andycarrinstalled that, still not found12:04
tewardis there native support in Ubuntu for RPi 2 devices?12:06
teward(such that I can just grab an ISO and install)12:06
TJ-andycarr: "/usr/bin/apt-add-repository"12:07
wafflejockTheGuy: sounds like you should be good to go12:08
Sailor4051_I have an old tower desktop. if i setup server at home can this hold several functions, eg, openvpn, owncloud?12:08
andycarrits not in /usr/bin12:08
TheGuyWill try then! If something is broken ill come back lol12:08
wafflejockTheGuy: would just give it a run from the boot disk in live mode, if things seem alright then give it an install, see you soon12:08
TJ-andycarr: then the package wasn't installed12:09
Sailor4051_gnu-salad: I have an old tower desktop. if i setup server at home can this hold several functions, eg, openvpn, owncloud?12:09
andycarrsoftware-properties-common is already the newest version. im being told12:10
wafflejockSailor4051_: sure so long as the hardware can support the applications you're installing on it?12:10
TJ-teward: The RasPi2 uses the armhf builds12:10
TJ-andycarr: You said you wanted this in the chroot... is that package installed in the chroot?12:11
gnu-saladSailor4051_: Shouldn't be a problem.12:11
Sailor4051_wafflejock: Do you mean that I would need more ram? 1gb would not be powerful enough to have several users.12:11
gnu-saladSailor4051_: Don't see owncloud and openvpn clashing at all.12:11
gnu-salad1GB should be fine for a couple of users12:12
wafflejockSailor4051_: just saying would check the minimum requirements/recommended on the apps you plan to run12:12
wafflejockSailor4051_: some things like Jenkins or Gitlab can be large RAM consumers12:12
gnu-salad^ what wafflejock said12:12
gnu-saladLast time I used OwnCloud is was a CPU consuming monster (18 months ago)12:13
tewardTJ-: right, but would it work as-is without any kernel modifications and such12:13
kunr- -12:13
teward(using the armhf repos)12:13
gnu-saladymmv of course, 18 months is a long time.12:13
TheGuy_On the live version now. It showed me a screen for some seconds but i couldnt read that stuff, it looked like an Error (black screen with white text) but the Live Version runs fine. My mouse is flickering but i guess thats an issue of the liveversion_12:13
Sailor4051_wafflejock: gnu-salad Thanks. Looking to set this up for children as they start using phones on public wifi and want them to have more secure communication and storage.12:13
wafflejockSailor4051_: yeah I have owncloud on a DigitalOcean box it runs fine there but not a ton of storage and still having to deal with something remote12:14
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TJ-teward: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi12:14
tewardTJ-: thanks12:15
wafflejockSailor4051_: only have a gig there says 184MB free and 656MB with the -buffers/+cache12:15
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wafflejockSailor4051_: would probably dump a few dollars into RAM really though if you plan to use an old box can get a lot for little money so long as the board can support it12:17
Sailor4051_wafflejock: how would that affect the server. make it too slow if being used by several at the one time. Should i add some ram to the box.12:17
wafflejockSailor4051_: yeah things start needing to go to swap on the HDD which is gonna be tons slower12:18
wafflejockSailor4051_: the box I have just running OwnCloud with 1GB of RAM has never been noticeably slow on me I mean I'm always capped by the bandwidth limits first12:18
mcphailSailor4051_: I run a little ARM-based server for openvpn, web, media, sync etc. Runs fine with 512MB RAM12:19
wafflejockSailor4051_: but if you want it to do a few things and stay running smooth doesn't hurt to throw a little more RAM in there12:19
TJ-teward: the snappy core stuff is at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/start/#snappy-raspi212:19
androidenthusiashello I want to buy ubuntu phone from India12:19
androidenthusiaswhere can I buy??12:19
Pa^2How do I disable Files from opening every time I put in a USB thumb drive?12:20
wafflejockSailor4051_: based on those two programs alone my guess is the bottleneck is going to be the upstream connection but if the RAM costs $30 or something and takes a few minutes to pop in and stops you from hitting swap then it's worth it IMO12:20
Sailor4051_wafflejock: mcphail: Thanks. I need to plan for this so an efficient system is required. is an arm system more efficient than intel chip then.12:21
TJ-androidenthusias: See https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/08/10/bq-goes-global-with-ubuntu/12:21
manousioria: so i can't change kernel or something like that to bypass this error ?12:21
k1lteward: there is a ubuntu mate iso for the rpi212:23
mcphailSailor4051_: ARM is more power efficient, but slower12:23
wafflejockSailor4051_: typically ARM processors are lower wattage and better with power efficiency, only problem is there's less packages available/precompiled on ARM, that said you can find a lot of things, and the RaspberryPi or BeagleBone black or anything like that might be good enough though and then just an external USB powered drive for the backups12:23
TJ-teward: k1l Yes, the 3rd party OS images @ https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/12:23
k1landroidenthusias: https://insights.ubuntu.com/?p=2120612:24
Sailor4051_wafflejock: Thanks again. I was wondering if I should go with a rasp 012:24
wafflejockSailor4051_: yeah I have one running RaspPBX for doing VoIP calls and have used it for running kodi (maybe it was plex one of the two) only thing it couldn't handle was when I tried having it run Bugzilla, I have one of the older ones too12:25
wafflejockSailor4051_: have used the BeagleBone Black as a PBX too it is a little beefier than my Raspi but so are the newer models12:26
popeyandroidenthusias: it will be available on snapdeal soon12:26
Sailor4051_wafflejock: pi 2 and develop the server for this system. It would take up less space. Great to get some feedback before doing this. Think i might park the desktop and look at rasp pi system with external hdd.12:27
androidenthusiaspopey:  which phone?12:28
androidenthusiasmodel number12:28
ioriamanous, sorry ...  do you have  apparmor installed ?12:28
sovercI am trying to install Ubuntu on a desktop with an Nvidia card driving a ultrwide, and the built in intel driving 2 monitors.   I get a blank screen when installing with the Nvidia card in the system, can get Ubuntu installed ifI remove the Nvidia card, but when I put it back in, blank screen. Can get terminal, but after installing drivers and running nvidia-xconfig, I get the same result blank screen,,,bty I never get GUI with nvidia12:32
sovercin the system12:32
popeyandroidenthusias: The bq devices12:32
sovercmy wall of txt got cut off, in the system is an Nvidai card driving an UW monitor12:32
androidenthusiaspopey: android12:33
k1landroidenthusias: you asked for ubuntu devices. did you read the article i linked you?12:34
androidenthusiasI use irssi no logs hjere12:36
popeyandroidenthusias: what?12:36
k1l<k1l> androidenthusias: https://insights.ubuntu.com/?p=2120612:36
manousioria: yes12:36
=== guyz is now known as Guest7662
TheGuyThanks you guys. Im now on Ubuntu :)12:38
sovercshorter question, anyone have builtin intel, and seperate Nvida card working in a desktop ?12:39
BluesKajTheGuy:  welcome to a new world of computing :-)12:39
BotchlaBsoverc: Let me guess -- Optimus? :)12:39
popeysoverc: yes, but I disable the intel card, and only use the nvidia one12:40
sovercBotchlaB, No seperate card here in a desktop12:40
BotchlaBOh, duh, 'desktop'.12:40
BotchlaBI read laptop.12:40
sovercpopey, have you found a way to have both ?12:40
popeysoverc: I haven't tried, not a lot of point :)12:41
sovercpopey, I have 3 monitors12:41
BluesKajsoverc:  i do , just setup your graphics preferncs/options in the BIOS/EUFI12:41
popeysoverc: does your card not drive 3?12:41
the_trickyhello there, guys12:42
sovercBlueskaj, you mean switch to uefi, hmmmmmm will I need to reinstall ?12:42
popeysoverc: dont think they said switch to uefi12:43
sovercpopey, you said switch to EUFI, I thought you ment UEFI12:44
popeysoverc: who  said switch to UEFI? (nobody)12:44
BluesKajsoverc:  no , either you have an oedinary BIOS or EUEFI, it makes no difference, just make sure your graphics is switched to the PCI /nvidia card12:44
sovercIt is set to PCI first12:45
BluesKajthen make sure you have the corrct nvidia driver installed for it12:45
sovercoff to try a few things, thanks for some ideas12:46
TheGuyWelp. It seems like Ubuntu did something to my Windows, i cant boot it up anymore! It says "Error: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might have caused the issue" and that i should repair the Installation with my Windows Disc. But i dont have one!12:46
TheGuyAnyone able to help me?12:46
the_trickyi have a problem with updating any software, here is the log: http://pastebin.com/Wj9eZCva12:46
the_trickywhat's up? how can i fix it?12:46
BluesKajwhen do you get that message , TheGuy?12:48
TheGuyWhen i select Windows 8 in my Boot-Chosing-Thing12:49
BluesKajthat's the grub bootloader12:49
TheGuyI need Windows too, i cant only use Linux sadly :(12:50
BluesKajon the job?12:50
TheGuyNo, at home. Got a few games and stuff that arent Linux compatible, and maybe i want to use Windows soon12:51
androidenthusiaspopey but I want toi buy this week12:54
TheGuyAnyone able to help me? :S12:54
the_trickyand someone to help me?12:56
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BluesKajth have you considerd wine ?12:58
Abhijitwhats the best way to completely remove 14.10 and only keep windows ?12:59
androidenthusiashi Abhijit13:00
androidenthusiasjust clean linux files13:00
androidenthusiasyou dual booted?13:00
androidenthusiasAbhijit:  but why you want windows after using ubuntu?13:00
Abhijityes a dual boot setup. i wanted to remove grub too hence asking...13:00
androidenthusiasremevove windows13:00
androidenthusiasremove windows and use ubuntu13:01
Abhijitcause not my laptop. friend want to use windows13:01
androidenthusiasTell friend to use ubuntu13:01
androidenthusiasit good13:01
Abhijitwill try once more! thanks! :-)13:01
androidenthusiasok anyway upto you so what is your exact problem?13:01
TheGuyAnyone able to help me? Im really nervous right now lol13:02
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  why?13:02
androidenthusiastell me13:02
the_trickymaybe someone can help me too?13:02
androidenthusiassure if irc rules are follodwed never ask can I ask13:03
TheGuyMy Windows isnt working after Dualbooting/Installing Ubuntu 14.04. I get "Error: Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might have caused the issue"13:03
Abhijitandroidenthusias, its 2015. is it possible to safaly completly remove linux without affecting windows?13:03
edward_yuanis that what u need?13:03
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  thats a small problem don't worry13:03
Abhijitedward_yuan, thanks.13:04
TheGuyIt says i should try to repair it with a Windows Disk but i dont have one and i dont want to pirate anything13:04
popeyandroidenthusias: buy direct from bq then. http://www.bq.com/gb/aquaris-e4-5-ubuntu-edition13:05
androidenthusiaspopey:  thanks13:05
TheGuyandroidenthusias: do you know how i could fix that? im really worried about my system lol13:06
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edward_yuanTheGuy   maybe there is sth wrong with your grub?13:07
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  there is no need to worry at akll it can be fixed first question have u cpopied the eeroro and pasted on google?13:07
androidenthusiasTheGuy: are you worried about data or hardware?13:08
TheGuyedward_yuan: i know nothing about Ubuntu, i wanted to give it a try too. hardware and data androidenthusias13:08
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  I can give you guarantee no hardawareis lost13:08
TheGuywell i can live without data but i cant afford a new laptop yet13:08
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  Don't worry13:08
edward_yuanTheGuy How did u install your ubuntu? after installed windows?13:09
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  nothing happend to ur hardware not even warrty is vpoid13:09
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  u installed ubuntu by choosing install along with windows correct?13:09
TheGuyedward_yuan: yes, i had windows installed since 14.7.2015 now, i reinstalled it on that day, i chose along with windows yes13:10
ubottuShortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!13:10
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  Start windows on recovery mode and tell what is the error?13:10
TJ-TheGuy: I suspect this is caused by changing the boot-method from UEFI to Legacy. For Windows, the system will still need to boot using the UEFI method. Are you trying to start Windows from the Ubuntu/GRUB boot manager, or from the PC's own boot menu?13:10
TheGuyoooooh yes i did that! i changed to legacy! ubuntus boot manager13:11
BluesKajyeah 8.1 requires uefi13:11
TJ-TheGuy: right - and unlike Linux, Windows is very picky aobut how it was syarted13:11
TJ-excuse my typos! Bad finger day13:12
androidenthusiasTheGuy:  If you are interested just use ubuntu13:12
androidenthusiasinstall ubuntu from starting chhose cutom install13:12
androidenthusiasthe deleted that windows13:12
BluesKajbadfinger, one of my fav bands from long ago13:12
androidenthusiasbefore that run on live mode and back up all the datad TheGuy13:12
TJ-TheGuy: I wasn't in the channel earlier when you had got advice to use legacy mode to install Ubuntu, else I'd have strongly recommended against it, and helped you install Ubuntu in UEFI mode so it can co-exist with Windows nicely13:12
TheGuyso i should try to use UEFI?13:13
TheGuyandroidenthusias:  i still need Windows, im not at all interested in removing it13:13
TJ-androidenthusias: thank-you for you suggestions but please don't recommend a user delete/remove an operating system13:13
androidenthusiasTJ-:  why?13:14
androidenthusiasupto you guys13:14
TJ-TheGuy: My 1st recommendation is to reboot, use the PC's own boot menu (usually there's a key to press to choose the boot device). That should list the UEFI boot menu entries and the devices. I'll bet there's the "Windows" entry in theat menu and that will start Windows correctly13:14
BluesKajandroidenthusias:  we're hewre to support ubuntu , not tell users to remove other OSs13:14
edward_yuanTheGuy  What version of your windows? Window 8 or later?13:15
* TJ- giggles... looks like Windows removed androidenthusias :P13:15
TheGuy @edward_yua13:15
edward_yuanI used installed ubuntu with Window 7 never used Windows 8, but I guess there is a problem with your grub, maybe the grub cannot find the windows13:16
TheGuyhmm, should i try to set it to UEFI mode again?13:16
edward_yuanThyGuy   yeah, I think so13:17
TheGuyi will and come back if it worked/didnt work, thanks!13:17
BluesKajedward_yuan:  yes w8.1 requires uefi to boot , not legacy13:17
TomyWorki just got a kubuntu 14.04 machine that's set to german. how do i completely and thoroughly change that to us english?13:18
edward_yuanBluesKaj  I also think that is the reason13:18
cfhowlettTomyWork, first add English13:18
TomyWorkcfhowlett where? kde system settings?13:21
BluesKajedward_yuan:  it has to do  with the uefi boot , there's no more mbr like there was with previous windows versions13:21
TomyWorkis that system-wide or just for kde or even just for my user?13:21
cfhowlettTomyWork, seems to be a kde setting.  Uncertain as I'm on xubuntu.13:22
cfhowlettyou can set for your user only or system-wide13:22
TomyWorki want to set it system-wide for all applications13:23
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TheGuyyou guys saved my day!!! thanks!!! its working13:24
TJ-TheGuy: Good. Shame Ubuntu wasn't installed in UEFI mode too :) Save some messing about at boot time13:25
TheGuyThank you TJ-  and everyone for beeing awesome :)13:26
BluesKajI must confess, whenI got my lenovo laptop  2yrs ago I didn't know much about uefi and I absolutely hated W8.1 so I wiped the drive clean and set the uefi/bios up in legacy mode then installed W7 and kubuntu ..now I realize that was a ,mistake althop W7 has problems with uefi and gpt13:28
OerHeksBluesKaj, easy to reinstall win8 in uefi :-)13:29
TJ-Yeah, Windows has a lot to answer for in regard to boot behaviour13:29
BluesKajOerHeks:  still depise w8.1, I would never use it13:30
BluesKajsame goes for that rescue OS that MS is trying shove doewn ppl's throats13:31
OerHeksi understand win10 supports ext3/4 ..13:31
* OerHeks shivers13:31
lotuspsychjelets continue this in discuss :p13:31
cfhowlettOerHeks, it DOES!?  heck, installing w10 now!13:32
BluesKajOerHeks:  really , never heard that ...sounds blasphemous ;-)13:33
badbodhcfhowlett, it's a trap! don't...no...oh dear, too late :'(13:33
badbodh^^ jk, windows 10 doesn't install that quick13:33
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support  discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.13:33
BluesKajubuntu-discuss is misnamed then , it doesn't sound like an offtoipic chat :-)13:34
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badbodhBluesKaj, in -discuss you need to keep your topics focussed on ubuntu. in -offtopic you can talk about kittens murdering unity devs13:38
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BluesKajbadbodh:  been there , done that,  but I have too many chats going as it is13:40
robairtHey, has anyone else had issues with their numlock sporadically turning on and off? I have the issue with multple keyboards, including keyboards that don't behave that way when attached to other computers.13:40
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TJ-robairt: USB or PS/2 style?13:40
robairtTJ-: USB13:41
Armadillosrobairt: Do you have a VM system running on that computer?13:41
robairtArmadillos: No VM ware13:41
TJ-robairt: I've seen that happen when more than 1 keyboard is connected13:41
Armadillosrobairt: I've seen my num lock have issues when I would switch from the VM and back, but not otherwise...13:42
asusX553Mhello, I'm having trouble booting an Asus X553M laptop with win8 from ubuntu optical media (kaspersky rescue cd).  machine has AMI version 2.15.1236 (says v211 in another place).  SecureBoot/CSM help?13:42
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: wanna dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?13:43
robairtArmadillos: It will happen while I'm typing in a number, so I'll hit 56443 and end up with 43513:43
Armadillosrobairt: I've never seen that before...13:43
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, goal is to access the filesystem and copy some JPGs over to USB stick, plus run virus-scan. Not planning on perm-ubuntu-install for this laptop, belongs to boss's daughter-in-law (non-techie)13:44
robairtArmadillos: its like itst on and off at the same time and I dont understand why. It wasn't always like this13:44
cfhowlettasusX553M, alternative plan: windows + virtualbox + ubuntu.  lot less painful13:44
asusX553Mcfhowlett, doing a low-level virus-scan on the win8 install, after booting into win8, and launching a VM inside said win8?  :-)  seems unproductive13:45
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: also a virusscan from an ubuntu install to a windows drive doesnt mean you will be safe on windows13:46
nomicthe ubuntu virus scan does detect viruses / trojans within any .exe files that are present13:47
asusX553Mlotuspsychje && cfhowlett, the reason to boot from the kasperksy bootable-cdrom (which is ubuntu under the hood), is to keep from needing to load windows.  I can *fully* scan the NTFS hdd thataway13:47
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asusX553Mnomic, kaspersky rescue-disk is what I'm using, but yes, could also use CLAM AV13:47
asusX553Manyways, in my particular use-case, I need to boot the X553M from cd/dvd, but it doesn't appear as an option.  I've turned off SecureBoot, and turned on CSM, and even tried turning off FastBoot, but no joy13:49
lotuspsychjenomic: even if you find infected exe's on the windows hd, still can hold mbr virus,browser infections,malware for windows13:49
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lotuspsychjeasusX553M: F12 to boot the ubuntu usb?13:50
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, the cdrom I'm using does scan MBR as well as EXEs, methinks.  I've tried to get the F12 menu... and also F2/ESC/F1/DEL ... but X553M does not seem to respond13:52
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: there is also a tool you can burn on cd/dvd 'plop boot manager' to force your usb to boot the machine13:52
kyle__I tried out a sushi/maki based irc client the other day, decided I didn't like it, forgot to uninstall it.  Now maki has one CPU pegged, despite not having any connections.13:52
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, I've been adjusting the uefi settings the braindead way:  boot into win8 loginscreen, click power-icon, shift-leftclick-restart-menu-option, troubleshoot, advanced, uefi setup, click restart13:52
kyle__Is this usual for it, or uncharactaristically bad behavior?13:53
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: disabling fastboot + secureboot should do the trick normaly13:53
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: some intels's have also hidden option also (forgot name) to lock the bios13:53
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, and I believe I've configured UEFI settings to permit boot from non-EFI-compliant bootable cdrom... but never get the option to do so (only boot-option is "win boot mgr")13:53
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lotuspsychjeasusX553M: try the ##hardware channel, they might find a trick to get in13:54
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, yes secureBoot off has done the trick for me in the past (on other boxen), this asus helpdocs say to enable CSM (compat support mode) for non-EFI boot-media... but not working, for me anyways13:54
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: how did you create your usb?13:55
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, it is actually a cdrom , aka 5" optical plastic thing, not an ISO-burned-to-USB.  I have only attempted boot-from-CD/DVD, and not boot-from-USB, so I may try that next.13:56
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: make sure its working/bootable right, or md5 it, test on another machine?13:56
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: did you set the optical as first boot in bios13:57
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, yes it does boot properly in my clevo laptop, but that one has a proper bios, not the modern-uefi-locked-into-windows-unless-you-turn-off-"Secure"Boot.  media is functional, but x553m won't recognize it as an option.13:57
mniipgrub failed to instal...13:58
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, cannot set CD/DVD as first boot-option... the ONLY boot-option that is listed, despite csm=on and secBoot=off and such, is "win boot mgr".  no usb listed, no dvd listed, nothing but winBootMgr13:58
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: sounds like a nightmare13:58
mniipsomething about embedding area being unusually small and core.img not fitting13:59
lotuspsychje!uefi | asusX553M try here maybe13:59
ubottuasusX553M try here maybe: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:59
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, yes -- feeling stymied.  :-)   pretty sad state of affairs.  suspect maybe a bug in the x553m UEFI implementation?  or maybe just wrong ordering of my setting-changes13:59
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: ask in ##hardware mate, they might know workarounds14:00
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, will give that a shot, thanks.  do I say this:   slash join ##hardware   ?14:00
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: yes14:01
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, okay thanks for the help && commiseration.  talk to you later14:01
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: also found a thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225316814:02
AEL-Hdoes anyone know how I could duplicate a pty on my own seperate terminal?14:02
mniipI've been dropped to a grub shell and the kernel refuses to boot...14:03
lotuspsychjemniip: its best you rephrase your main question with all details mate, other might be able to help14:04
mniipwhen installing, grub complained about being unable to install itself14:04
mniiptty5 (I think it was tty5) said something about embedding area being unusually small and core.img not fitting14:05
mniipnow I rebooted and I am in a grub shell14:05
TJ-mniip: were there multiple disk drives/SSDs/USB mass storage connected during installation?14:05
mniipthe USB from which the isntaller was ran14:06
TJ-mniip: It was a BIOS/MBR install (not UEFI/GPT) ?14:06
mniipokay it booted now14:07
TJ-mniip: that error message suggests GRUB couldn't fit its core.img into the spare sectors from sector 1 to the start of the first partition. Usually that starts at sector 2048, but if it starts earlier there may not be sufficient space14:07
mniipI forgot to initrd14:07
irgendwer4711hi, wxhexeditor is crashing when I use find option on raw disks14:07
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, that ubuntuforums.org thread had a hint:  maybe I need to boot into win8x, and turn off win8x FastStartup.  will try that.  But they *were* booting into ubuntu 14.04 from X553MA, very similar to what I'm doing.  Main diff is that 14.04 is UEFI-compliant, whereas kaspersky is from 2010-ish and is not.  So I may need a new flavor of rescue-cdrom.14:08
mniipTJ-, ok I'm in a shell now14:08
mniipwhat do14:08
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, also, tried ##hardware, but it says 'cannot send to channel'14:09
TJ-mniip: If the system booted then GRUB's core.img must have been installed14:09
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: you need to register for ##hardware14:09
mniipTJ-, the system was booted manually by me14:09
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: you can try that w8 faststartup yes14:09
mniip(root=(hd0,msdos3); linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3; initrd /initrd.img; boot)14:09
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, ahh okay.  I'll go try the FastStartup thing, and failing that, burn myself a 14.04 bit of media, and then try back iff needed.  Appreciate your help, talk to you later14:10
SimonGerbertWilbHey, could someone explain me introduce me to drivers escpecially for graphics. Because I'm trying to fix/increase my FPS for this oldschool game on id Tech 3 engine.14:11
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: ubuntu version and grafix card chipset?14:13
mniipTJ-, hmm, manual grub install seems to have fixed it14:14
mniipnot sure what was the installer complaininnnnnng bout14:14
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: latest ubuntu; $ lspci -nn | grep VGA 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS780C [Radeon 3100] [1002:9611]14:14
mniipcomlpaining about*14:14
TJ-mniip: it sounds as if grub-install might have tried to target the installation media14:15
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: sudo lshw -C video , whats showing after driver= ?14:15
asusX553Mknob, hello -- have a question about ubuntu-related stuff?14:18
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: had more luck?14:18
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, turned out that the keypress-polling-interval at boot was just woefully brief14:18
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: $ sudo lshw -C video | grep driver configuration: driver=radeon latency=014:18
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, after saving secureBoot=off , fastBoot (in uefi settings not in win8 fastStartup settings) = off, and CSM == on , hit F10 to save and restart, then MADLY whack F2 and ESC14:19
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: ok check out your additional drivers section, you could try to switch and see how it performs better14:19
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, if you wait more than a couple seconds, it won't pick up the keypresses , and you get back into win8, which apparently resets the state-machine somehow.14:20
lotuspsychjeasusX553M: lol, uefi nightmare :p this is just why i never dualboot14:20
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, anyways, if after settings secureboot=off (et cetera), you IMMEDIATELY get back into the UEFI screen via F2 (or ESC maybe), you see the boot-from-DVD-option, finally available.14:20
asusX553Mlotuspsychje, and I didn't need to burn 14.04 or other modern uefi-compliant-OS, the old kaspersky worked okay.  but yeah, bit of a nightmare.  thanks for the help, glad it finally worked14:21
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: also a system cleanup/tweak might get you better gaming performance14:22
lotuspsychje!info preload | SimonGerbertWilb comes in handy to boost14:22
ubottuSimonGerbertWilb comes in handy to boost: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB14:22
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: it's showing Unkown: Unkown, with the options: [not-selected] using processor microcode firmware for AMD CPUs from amd64-microcode (proprietary) [selected] Do not use the device14:23
SimonGerbertWilbat the Additional drivers tab14:23
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: wich ubuntu version was this?14:24
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SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: 15.0414:24
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: well for more stable performance you could try out 14.04.3 also14:25
imbezolhey guys. i just upgraded my system from 14.10 to 15.04. when my system boots up the text in the console works fine, however after lightdm starts my virtual consoles all go black. i know they work because i can login in the dark a touch a file. any ideas what to check?14:25
stangelandis there a command i can do to make a serversocket on a specific port, wait for a client to connect and then when connected, report the speed of the incoming data?14:25
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: hmm okay, well let me check how much it helped. What I just did.14:25
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: ok good luck!14:26
meadhikariI keep getting HTTPConnectionPool(host='www.google.com', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address). Any idea why?14:26
lotuspsychjeimbezol: upgrading from an eol release can get you troubles mate, clean install 15.04 or 14.04 would be very reccomended14:27
Picimeadhikari: what are you doing to get that error?14:27
cfhowlettimbezol, agreed.  fruthermore: LTS means you 5 years support14:27
SimonGerbertWilbwell lotuspsychje, it seems like it even got worse (for a bit) first I had a stable 31 fps now its between 24 and 32 fps.14:28
meadhikariPici, when I try to get that url, I am using python requests14:28
Picimeadhikari: Then you should ask #python, not #ubuntu14:28
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meadhikariPici, could it be causing because of network misconfiguration?14:28
Picimeadhikari: If you can browse to other sites using anything, no.14:29
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: sounds like a system to cleanup a bit, i would test 14.04 fresh for your game14:29
TJ-stangeland: "nc -l -p 5555 | pv >/dev/null"14:29
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: its a fresh installation14:29
quakephilHow is it possible to detect if a file is 8-bit ASCII encoded or 8-bit EBCDIC encoded?14:30
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: on 15.04 yes14:30
logikosdoes someone know of a cli tool that can be used to convert a stupid outlook msg file to a pdf or html ?14:30
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: I mean I just installed this ubuntu14:30
Piciquakephil: perhaps with `file` ?14:30
SimonGerbertWilbalso it works fine on my other machine14:30
SimonGerbertWilbaverage fps of 12814:31
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: you cant compare different machines with each other14:31
quakephilPerhaps...  I wonder how does file do it?  By distribution of readable characters?14:31
SimonGerbertWilbok ok :D14:31
newuhelo help plz14:31
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: other machine has 15.04 also?14:31
newuhow can i register in weechat14:32
Piciquakephil: it does a bunch of tests, man file explains in detail14:32
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: you might wanna look in your syslog or dmesg for grafix issues perhaps14:32
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: using this command? $ dmesg | egrep 'drm|radeon'14:33
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: or browse the whole log, might find other things too :p14:33
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: this all happened after an update perhaps?14:34
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: Never updated this machine14:34
LopeI ran apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean ... yet I still have many versions of the same archives. for example mongodb-org-mongos_2.6.3_amd64.deb mongodb-org-mongos_2.6.4_amd64.deb mongodb-org-mongos_2.6.5_amd64.deb and so on... ?14:34
ioriaSimonGerbertWilb, ubuntu-drivers list ?14:35
lotuspsychjeSimonGerbertWilb: updates are very reccomended14:35
stangelandTJ-, PERFEKT!!! Thank you :) Can i specifify what IP address i want to attach it to?14:35
SchrodingersScat!register | newu14:35
ubottunewu: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:35
SimonGerbertWilblotuspsychje: sorry i meant upgrade14:35
SchrodingersScatlogikos: what form is the message in originally?14:35
cfhowlettLope, apt-get clean and apt-get autoremove14:36
SimonGerbertWilbioria: system testing?14:36
cfhowlettLope, assuming you installed via apt14:36
Lopecfhowlett: no, clean deletes everything.14:36
logikosSchrodingersScat: it is a .msg file saved in outlook .. not human readable14:36
cfhowlettLope, false.  it empties the cache.  see man apt-get clean14:36
ioriaSimonGerbertWilb, should tell you what drivers are raccomended  on your system14:37
Lopeexactly, oit deletes all *.deb files.14:37
LopeThat's not what I asked. I want to delete old versions from the cache, not the current versions.14:37
logikosSchrodingersScat: users are trying to add them to a document management system we created and my boss wants them converted to .txt .pdf or .html so that they are viewable on all devices14:38
newnoobguyHi I am new to ubuntu14:38
newnoobguyI am running ubuntu 13.1014:38
cfhowlettnewnoobguy, greetings14:38
logikosbecause the stupid ppl adding them are to lazy to just print to pdf or save as .txt14:38
newnoobguyI have having problems installing mono14:38
OerHeksnewnoobguy, that is normal, 13.10 is EOL, servers offline, upgrade please14:39
newnoobguywhat is the easy way to upgrade?14:39
SchrodingersScatlogikos: sorry, no clue then. there's a couple things in the cache when i search for outlook, i assume you've read over those14:40
cfhowlett!lts | newnoobguy, suggest you install latest LTS 14.04.314:41
ubottunewnoobguy, suggest you install latest LTS 14.04.3: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)14:41
logikosSchrodingersScat: yeah, thanks I may have found something worth trying here - http://askubuntu.com/questions/24884/how-do-i-view-an-outlook-msg-file14:42
logikoswe'll see how it goes14:42
toon_Can I execute a script at first SFTP login?14:49
courrier_Hey guys! I'm installing the latest version of virtualbox on 14.04.03 from a deb since the package in the repos is old, but I'm wondering: does it mean that this package won't be updated anymore not it's manually installed? e.g. after installing version 5.x from a deb what happens when version >5.x gets available in repos?14:50
cfhowlettcourrier_, hold on there hoss14:50
cfhowlettcourrier_, the repo version and the version from oracle are not the same.  oracle's supports guest additions. i.e. full screen resolution and a couple other goodies.  once installed, it will alert you to upgrades which must be manually installed.14:52
ioriatoon_, i think sftp it's for moving files ... not executing them ... you need ssh, but keep searching ... how knows ...14:53
Dweller_Hello! Having trouble getting GRUB to install to the SSD rather than the USB used to install Ubuntu. (Ubuntu Server 14.04.1)14:53
ioriatoon_, take a look http://serverfault.com/questions/184308/how-to-execute-a-script-on-sftp-connection14:54
toon_ioria, it's meant for a download server, once the user logs in via sftp through an external LDAP, I'd like to create some folders etc.14:54
toon_ioria, and mount some stuff14:54
courrier_cfhowlett: do you mean that the repo version does not support guest additions at all? Weird... I guess I've been using them many times in the past (repo version + additions). I need a newer version cause the additions fail to install ("unknown version of the X window system"), that's all14:56
cfhowlettcourrier_, they are 2 different creatures.  I've not used the repo version in years, but at one point, it did NOT support guest additions.14:56
cfhowlettcourrier_, fwiw, I just installed the oracle 5 version + additions - no problems.14:57
dsdssdcan I create private and client keys for ssh on server?14:58
courrier_cfhowlett: Ok ok. I can at least ensure the repo version has guest additions cause I installed them like 20 minutes ago (Devices > inset guest additions CD image), but it's an old version there, and it does not allow to install the proper X drivers for full screen15:00
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Dweller_How can ensure GRUB is installed on the SSD (along with Ubuntu Server) rather than the USB key I'm installing from?15:03
MeatPopsicleIs 14.03 or 14.04 the LTS? I am trying to DL Xubuntu but only see 14.0415:04
cfhowlettMeatPopsicle, there is no 14.03.   14.04.315:04
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)15:04
MeatPopsicleok cool I guess I misread version numbers before, not a smart man sometimes15:05
reisioDweller_: point it at your ssd15:06
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Dweller_reisio, I'm now sure how to point it at the SSD. During install I was able to choose where to install Ubuntu, but from what I've read GRUB defaults to the USB, and I didn't see any option to point it on install.15:08
Dweller_reisio, I have tried to re-install it to the SSD from the Ubuntu terminal using question #3 from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218873015:09
Dweller_but to no avail.15:09
newnoobguyI am trying to upgrade ubuntu 13.1015:09
newnoobguywhen I run updaet-manager it can not fetch15:09
OerHeksYou might have an UEFI bios?15:09
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:09
reisioDweller_: I doubt it'd default to the USB15:09
cfhowlettnewnoobguy, 13.10 is end of life and no longer support.15:10
Dweller_Thanks OerHeks, I'll try that.15:10
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | newnoobguy15:10
ubottunewnoobguy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:10
adrian_1908hello. I need to install freeglut 2.8 (instead of more recent version). Is there a way to do this via the package manager?15:14
cfhowlett!find freeglut15:14
ubottuFound: freeglut3, freeglut3-dbg, freeglut3-dev, libtaoframework-freeglut-cil-dev, libtaoframework-freeglut2.4-cil15:14
OerHekstrusty vivid are on 2.8.115:16
adrian_1908OerHeks: Yeah, I see. weird. Not being on 2.8 was a suggested solution for a problem I was having. I'll have to see if I have a more recent version that conflicts with it.15:18
AEL-HHow can I assume a pty as though it were my terminal?15:18
AEL-HSo being able to read and write to it in realtime15:18
OerHeksAEL-H, login with ssh ?15:21
newnoobguyAre these terminal commands:15:21
newnoobguy## EOL upgrade sources.list15:21
newnoobguy# Required15:21
newnoobguydeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse15:21
newnoobguydeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME-updates main restricted universe multiverse15:21
newnoobguydeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME-security main restricted universe multiverse15:21
newguynoobwhen I run command "sudo aptitude install update-manager-core update-manager"15:23
newguynoobI get "sudo: aptitude: command not found15:23
skittishtriggerI am doing my first major server transfer(from one host to another)I would love to be able to do some type of image deal and transfer the whole thing at once so I can shut down one server and update the other and take off. Is this possible with Ubuntu and not having physical access?15:23
cfhowlettskittishtrigger, ask #ubuntu-server channel15:25
skittishtriggerah, ok. thank you cfhowlett!15:26
OerHeksnewguynoob, replace aptitude with apt-get15:28
newguynoobMay I have the command to do that15:28
AEL-HOerHeks : Sorry I should have been more specific. Say for example I ssh in as user X from my laptop (but do not start a screen or something like that) and this creates /dev/pts/3. Then I ssh as root on my computer -- and I would like to be able to be able to read and write to the same terminal as user X such that it shows up on the laptop in real time. The closest I have gotten to this effect is sharing the same screen session, but I would like to be15:28
newguynoobI am on ubuntu 13.1015:28
OerHeksafter you added old-releases to your sources.list15:29
newguynoobwhat is the command to add old-releases to sources.list?15:29
newguynoobOr I need to find and open the file15:29
OerHeksedit manually, gksudo gedit .. see that wiki15:29
newguynoobDo you know the path of sources.list15:30
cfhowlettnewguynoob, slow down, amigo.  read the wiki.  take it step by careful step.  no shortcuts.15:30
OerHeksafter that update etc15:30
OerHeks... why do i have to copy that here?15:30
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | newguynoob15:30
ubottunewguynoob: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:30
newguynoobubottu I am at that page15:30
ubottunewguynoob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:30
newguynoobI am new that is why I do not know a lot of basics15:31
newguynoobI appreciate your help15:31
cfhowlettnewguynoob, and that is why you should read EVERYTHING before you do anything.  :)15:31
=== raj2 is now known as Breaking-Bad
SynopsisI've installed 15.04 server on an old laptop...playing around with some stuff...Can someone tell me how to make it auto login a non-root account?  Everything I find on google seems to be outdated15:32
SynopsisAnd I honestly know extremely little about linux...I'm playing around with this to maybe turn into a digital picture frame15:33
newguynoobI found sources.list file15:34
newguynoobI went in and added the new path as instructed in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#SpecificOlder15:35
newguynoobthen I ran "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#SpecificOlder"15:35
pauljwSynopsis, go to system settings; user accounts; select the user and turn on autologin15:35
newguynoobgetting "sudo: aptitude: command not found15:35
telboonSynosis: i believe you can do an auto-login through setup - user accounts15:35
newguynoobsorry I ran "sudo aptitude install update-manager-core update-manager"15:36
newguynoobgetting "sudo: aptitude: command not found15:36
telboonSynosis you can access the settings through the power icon on top right15:36
cfhowlettnewguynoob, NOT aptitude: apt-get15:36
Namikazeinstead of aptitude you can use apt-get install15:36
newguynoobthanks let me try15:36
Synopsis@telboon: installed server, not desktop, no gui15:37
Synopsis@pauljw ^15:37
pauljwsaw that Synopsis , not familiar enough with cli to help you with your problem15:38
Synopsisi found this article: http://askubuntu.com/questions/656250/automatic-login-for-ubuntu-server-15-0415:38
TJ-Synopsis: Yes, it is possible. You'd edit the init system's startup script for tty1 so that instead of starting "/bin/login" it'd do something like "/bin/bash tty1"15:39
Synopsisand followed the link there15:39
cfhowlettSynopsis, ask #ubuntu-server15:39
Synopsisit wanted me to edit a file and uncomment NO_PASSWORD_CONSOLE  but that had a comment above it saying it was no longer supported15:39
Synopsis@cfhowlett, k15:39
Synopsis@tj, what is the startup script? which file would I edit15:40
TJ-Synopsis: 15.04 has systemd doesn't it? so there will be unit files for the ttys... I don't use 15.04 so can't tell you where to find those, but changing them is how to do an auto-login15:40
Synopsisi dont know what systemd is, i said I know nothing about linux :)15:41
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newguynoobWhen I run sudo apt-get update I get "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:42
newguynoobMore like that15:42
TJ-Synopsis: If you're planning on making this into a digital photo frame, then will you want a GUI to do that? If so, it's *much* easier to configure the display manager (lightdm) to do auto-login, than a console session15:42
pauljwknowing nothing about linux and starting by installing a server isn't the best way to start, Synopsis.  i would start reading beginning books on linux if it were me.15:42
cfhowlettnewguynoob, you were suppposed to upgrade your sources.list first.  quantal is dead/endoflife/not supportd15:42
OerHeksnewguynoob, so you are on 12.10, not 13.1015:43
Synopsisfbi works fine so far in my testing15:43
newguynoobcfhowlett I did go into sources.list and added those line15:43
Synopsisno gui needed :)15:43
OerHeksthat would take 12.10 > 13.04 >13.10 > 14.0415:43
newguynoobWere there line I was suposse to delete15:43
newguynoobI could not find them15:43
cfhowlettnewguynoob, then you should do this the easy way.  DO NOT upgrade.  download the .iso, make an ubuntu USB, boot the USB and install15:44
OerHeksnewguynoob, download a fresh 14,04 iso, and make an USB and reinstall, fastest way15:44
newguynoobI am on 13.1015:44
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal15:44
newguynoobI will do that15:44
newguynoobthank you15:44
cfhowlettnewguynoob, you're sourceslist thinks you're on 12.10.15:44
newguynoobI run on a dual boot15:44
newguynoobWill that cause any issue with fresh ubuntu install?15:44
TJ-Synopsis: OK, so you need to investigate systemd unit files that configure the virtual terminals (tty1 through tty6 usually), and change one so it executes bash not login, so it'd look something like "/sbin/agetty -l /bin/bash 9600 tty1"15:44
cfhowlettnewguynoob, what OS?15:45
newguynoobdual boot with windows 1015:45
newguynoobgrub is the boot handler15:45
Synopsisa lot of the articles I found told me to add -a <myuser> to the end of lines like that, but the files dont exist on this box...they did when I installed desktop15:45
=== raj2 is now known as Breaking-Bad
newguynoobguys thank you for your support I am going to go now. Going to try to download 14.04 .iso and install15:46
AEL-H Say for example I ssh in as user X from my laptop (but do not start a screen or something like that) and this creates /dev/pts/3. Then I ssh as root on my computer -- and I would like to be able to be able to read and write to the same terminal as user X such that it shows up on the laptop in real time. The closest I have gotten to this effect is sharing the same screen session, but I would like to be able to do this without screen. Any ideas?15:54
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ash_workwhat file do you edit to permanently add command aliases?16:21
LtL~/.bashrc ash_work16:22
ash_workLtL: thanks16:22
KanpirilaHow can I list all installed packages in terminal, sorting them by name, but also showing the installation date?16:22
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baizonhi, how can i read my gpu clock (amd radeon 6870)?16:35
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OerHeksaticonfig --odgc will fetch the clock rates, and aticonfig --odgt will fetch the temperature data.16:41
baizonOerHeks: im using the open source drivers16:41
OerHeksthat, i don't know.16:42
tiblockHi. Is there some package to restart command when it exits? Like "autorestart python myserver.py" so when server crashes he will be automatically back again. Or only custom bash scripts with while(1)?16:42
OerHeksfor nvidia it is nvidia-smi16:42
baizontiblock: you will have to write a script that checks it16:42
cfhowlett tiblock good question for #ubuntu-server16:42
tiblockbaizon, i did, but if there is no sleep of 1 second then you can't kill server with Ctrl+C it will immediately start back up16:43
thurstylarkWhat is the appropriate channel for asking about Cinnamon? Specifically about panel applets.16:43
TJ-tiblock: most daemon services are controlled by the init process, which has a respawn option16:44
tiblockTJ-, does that mean that i can modify something to auto-restart mysql? (since it crashes some times)16:45
TJ-tiblock: You'd need to look at mysqld's init script. It could be a sysv init, upstart, or systemd depending on which release of Ubuntu it is16:46
cfhowlettthurstylark, !mint developed cinnamon so they're the experts.16:46
tiblockTJ-, thank you, i will look into that16:46
user1234Ubuntu sucks!16:47
compdocUbuntu is the the best16:47
cfhowlettuser1234, play somewhere else please.16:48
user1234-> #trisquel - best distro ever16:48
thurstylarkcfhowlett: ahh, their channel is on spotchat, isn't it?16:49
cfhowlettthurstylark, #linuxmint-dev (on irc.spotchat.org)16:49
thurstylarkcfhowlett: alrighty. Thanks!16:49
cfhowlettthurstylark, happy2help!16:49
g105bPlease can someone help me with recovering a folder? rm -rf /path/to/dir has been run by accident, and I want to get the directory back if possible. Before you ask, no I haven't knowingly backed up the folder, because it's just for testing purposes, but a lot of hours have gone into the contents of the directory.16:51
somsip!recover | g105b16:51
ubottug105b: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel16:51
cfhowlettg105b, rm -rf is typically pretty final but MAYBE recovery is possible.16:51
OerHeksbaizon, then al you have is lmsensors, i guess16:51
OerHeksonly temp16:52
baizonOerHeks: ok, thanks16:52
OerHeksit should be possible, viewing performance open ati driver.16:53
TJ-Can someone with 15.04 vivid confirm that "man 5 systemd.unit" shows the correct page?17:15
reisioyou'd have to definen correct, no?17:16
reisioand even define17:17
reisioquiet in here17:17
LtLTJ-: yes its correct17:17
OerHeksis it the right page?17:17
reisiopeople-dont-talk-in-quiet-channels phenomenon?17:17
TJ-LtL: Thank-you. Synopsis in #ubuntu-server reported that no page was found on 15.04, and I checked the package contents and saw it is there17:18
LtLTJ-: you're welcome17:19
TJ-I stick with LTS and didn't have a VM handy to check it with17:19
LtLOerHeks: were you talkng to me? yes it's the right page.17:20
ejatanyone can help me explain why there is 153 packages not upgrade ?17:20
TJ-LtL: Sorted. The user was typing a hyphen not a full-stop between the words17:23
usbehciHello. Whats wrong with ubuntu 14.04.3 iso? I hear voice of reaching desktop on background but my laptop screen is only black.17:24
luch1ntengo un problema con ubuntu 14.04 LTS17:26
luch1nalguien puede ayudarme mandeme privado please17:26
wileee!nomodeset | usbehci try this boot17:26
ubottuusbehci try this boot: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:26
luch1nalguien que hable espaniol _17:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:27
luch1ngracias wileee17:27
usbehciubottu: I experienced that command 2 months ago while I was trying to install fedora 22. I couldn't get my graphics card driver work though17:27
ubottuusbehci: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:27
wileeeusbehci, nomodeset is for a low graphic boot17:28
usbehciwileee: yes I know that. I only wonder if I need to put that parameter to boot my installed system after.17:29
wileeeusbehci, you wont know till you get there, you're booting a live now. If you can name the graphic card now it would help probably.17:30
usbehciit is something with systemd, ati graphics card, activating graphic card processes after grub. I don't know what is the real problem actually. Internet do not help with this issue17:30
usbehciAnd not only ubuntu. Some other newest distros put me in same state too. Only thing I wonder I never had problem with 14.04.2 iso. This issue appeared with 14.04.317:31
wileeeusbehci, at this point our job is to get you to the desktop if that is what you want.17:33
usbehciwileee: I can reach it by using nomodeset as you mentioned.17:33
usbehciBut the issue is I want to reach desktop without it17:33
wileeeusbehci, is that an amd card?17:33
usbehciati hd 5000 series mobility radeon17:34
wileeeusbehci, You just going to run the live? Or are you trying to see it work before installing?17:34
cfhowlettamd is likely the least linux friendly gpu at present.17:35
usbehciwileee: I actually know it works. On the background.. Screen do not display anything. It is graphics card related. And after install with nomodeset, I will get 800x600 desktop with mesa driver, not an amd driver.17:35
usbehcimy res 1366x768 though17:36
anna__Can anybody help me find out which package I might be missing here: Skipping dist/deb_dist/nuitka_0.5.14~pre9+ds-1_amd64.changes: Can't locate Date/Parse.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Date::Parse module)17:36
luch1ni need close port ipp/631 in ubuntu 14.04 LTS17:37
anna__I can't figure out, which packagfe provides it and all my Ubuntu pbuilders started to fail... this is e.g. quantal17:37
anna__but the other releases do too, and they started to only recently17:37
cfhowlettanna_, can't help you with quantal stuff.  you need to upgrade to a support release for help17:38
luch1ncan i help me _17:38
anna__luch1n, apt-get remove cups17:38
anna__uhm, which is the last, it has it too :)17:39
luch1nroot@kep:/etc/init.d# nmap localhost17:39
luch1nStarting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-08-21 14:39 ART17:39
luch1nNmap scan report for localhost (
luch1nHost is up (0.0000020s latency).17:39
luch1nNot shown: 999 closed ports17:39
luch1nPORT    STATE SERVICE17:39
anna__There is says: Skipping dist/deb_dist/nuitka_0.5.14~pre9+ds-1_amd64.changes: Can't locate Date/Parse.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Date::Parse module)17:39
luch1nhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12142671/ my problem17:40
luch1ni need close to 631/ipp port17:40
Piciluch1n: is it actually open to the outside? what does sudo netstat -tanp | grep 631 say?17:42
luch1npici yes.. the port 631 is open17:42
luch1ncheck in http://paste.ubuntu.com/12142671/ my problem17:43
Piciluch1n: well, that command would also tell you what process has it open, and what address is listening on it.17:43
OerHeksanna__, nuitka seams to appear in Trusty. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nuitka17:44
anna__well, i am the author of it, trying to build updates :)17:45
OerHekslittle useless for an EOL version, quantal 12.1017:45
luch1nanna_, thx !17:46
anna__and lintian gives the error17:46
luch1nmy problem is resolved17:46
luch1ni dont see error17:46
luch1nfinish problem17:46
luch1nthanks you Pici and anna__17:46
ottomatikHi are there data structures that mark  the used space on disk?17:51
mossHello.  I am using GlusterFS and it is failing to mount my gluster volume on boot because start: Unknown job: static-network-up17:52
mossCan someone help me troubleshoot this please?17:52
mossIt seems that upstart is garbage.17:52
MonkeyDustottomatik  df -h17:52
anna__is there some sort of developer channel that I can ask my question at?17:53
MonkeyDustanna__  #ubuntu-app-devel17:53
ottomatikMonkeyDust, i meant in the file system17:53
ProxyHash3dQuestion - Reformatted my NTFS 1tb pocket drive to ext4 for exclusive linux use using Gparted, formatted properly but when I plug the drive in to use/move/copy files it is only recognized half the time. Research indicated i needed to establish ownership of the drive and did so. Problem still continues. Drive is recognized half the time or worse the ubu will open multiple drive windows as if it were being disconnected and reconne17:55
ProxyHash3dcted over and over. Help plz17:55
daftykinsProxyHash3d: watch "dmesg | tail" as you plug it in and see what's happening17:56
jetsaredimis anyone else getting "random" 404 errors on some of the metadata files for vivid?17:59
daftykinsjetsaredim: DNS issues?18:00
arooni-mobilei have a lenovo t420 laptop with 8GB of RAM.  Did I mess things up by accidentally installing the 32bit version of ubuntu?18:00
jetsaredimdaftykins: I can't see why it would be that given that other files didn't fail18:00
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: if your laptop is 64bit, better install 64bit18:00
arooni-mobilehow can i learn of my laptop is 64bit18:01
arooni-mobileapparently i'm running the 32 bit version of ubuntu :\18:01
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: if the installer of 64bit ubuntu works, your system is 64bit18:01
daftykinsjetsaredim: check if you can hit those paths manually.18:01
daftykinsarooni-mobile: tell us your CPU18:02
daftykins('cat /proc/cpuinfo')18:02
arooni-mobiledaftykins, intel i5-252018:02
daftykinsthat's definitely 64-bit capable then18:02
daftykinsarooni-mobile: now paste to chat the single line of "uname -a"18:02
arooni-mobileLinux ThinkpadArooni 3.19.0-25-generic #26~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:18:00 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux18:02
jetsaredimdaftykins: no - but there are similar files there - not sure why unless they got moved?18:02
daftykinsyep looks like you grabbed the wrong ISO arooni-mobile18:03
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: your system will perform better/faster on 64bit version of ubuntu18:03
arooni-mobilewell now i'm happy i installed a separate /root/ partition18:03
daftykinsjetsaredim: either switch to a new mirror or talk to the lovely people in #ubuntu-mirrors18:03
jetsaredimdaftykins: example being - http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/universe/source/Sources - there is a Sources.gz there but that's it18:03
arooni-mobileso i can download the 64bit version of ubuntu and then keep my /home/ directory and tell it to wipe the /root/ partition ?18:04
daftykinsarooni-mobile: yep, though not /root/ but / :)18:04
arooni-mobileyeah;  so i shouldnt' really lose any data18:04
daftykins /root is the root user's home ;)18:04
arooni-mobilebut ill have to reinstall all packages right18:04
daftykinsnope just installed apps unless you backup + restore18:04
arooni-mobileso i should make a list of all packages that i'd like to install18:04
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: or use aptoncd to backup your installed packages18:04
daftykinsthere are many ways to accomplish backing up a package list and reusing it18:04
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | arooni-mobile18:05
ubottuarooni-mobile: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (vivid), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB18:05
arooni-mobilei want this one:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso18:05
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: good choice18:05
arooni-mobilewhat an idiot i am;  the installer should have a warning that says, "you know your system is 64bit compatible, you sure you want to install the 32bit version"18:05
arooni-mobilehow will installing the 64 bit version of ubuntu improve performance ?18:06
daftykinsarooni-mobile: well if you have >4GB RAM it'll be able to address it18:06
daftykinsso there's that18:06
arooni-mobileso a 32bit system cant see more than 4GB of ram?18:06
OerHeksbigger and more registers in the cpu, and functions.18:06
daftykinsin laymans terms, yes18:06
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: 64bit architecture is built to be faster= improve18:06
ProxyHash3dDafty - when you get a moment, you seem busy atm - what am i looking for under "dmesg | tail"? see my wireless going out and this: :~$ dmesg | tail18:07
ProxyHash3d[34905.784165] ata3: EH pending after 5 tries, giving up18:07
ProxyHash3d[34905.784178] ata3: EH complete18:07
daftykins!paste | ProxyHash3d you can use this to share some output in full, marking when you connect and disconnect the drive18:07
ubottuProxyHash3d you can use this to share some output in full, marking when you connect and disconnect the drive: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:07
OerHeksmaybe 32 bit is slower on a 64 bit cpu18:07
daftykinsOerHeks: i think it's pretty fast since it has twice the registers :D18:07
daftykinsback in a couple18:07
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arooni-mobilelotuspsychje, if i make a list of packages that way, dont i have to burn that iso to a disc to be able to install those packages?18:07
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: yep, or backup on hd18:08
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: you can use sudo apt-get download package also18:08
arooni-mobilei dont have access to a cd drive at the moment18:08
arooni-mobilewas kinda following: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17823/how-to-list-all-installed-packages18:08
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: a fresh install only takes 30min, you have so much packages installed?18:10
JodaZhmm, is there some kind of model to give a user (possibly safe/limited) rights to install things without giving him local root?18:11
arooni-mobiledo package names contain 32bit or 64bit in them?18:12
arooni-mobileid like not to install a bunch of 32bit packages18:12
arooni-mobilelotuspsychje, no just dont like think i have a program installed (like xchat) only to find i have to reinstall it again18:13
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: i think you best start over mate, its LTS version so long support18:13
lotuspsychjeJodaZ: having users install things on your system can mean security flaw18:13
arooni-mobilelotuspsychje, i will certainly;  but i'm just moving from 32bit 14.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS 64 bit18:13
MonkeyDustJodaZ  you need sudo for any change outside /home ... that goes for installations too (usually /usr/bin)18:14
JodaZlotuspsychje, i was specifically asking for a model that allows this without it being a security flaw18:14
daftykinsJodaZ: i missed the question, but by the sounds of it you're asking for something that's not possible :)18:14
lotuspsychjedaftykins: <JodaZ> hmm, is there some kind of model to give a user (possibly safe/limited) rights to install things without giving him local root?18:15
JodaZMonkeyDust, so there is no model to allow this? like some known to not elevate privileges whitelist of packages X for allowing an user "sudo apt-get install X"18:15
daftykinsJodaZ: why not just provide the required packages out of the box? doesn't seem like that big of a task to me.18:15
MonkeyDustJodaZ  that question doesnt make sense to me, sorry18:16
daftykinswhy have the user install the manually at all if you KNOW they need them :)18:16
JodaZdaftykins, how do you know they need them18:16
daftykinsyou ask them18:16
lotuspsychjeJodaZ: the admin needs to know what users need18:16
JodaZyeah, all 1000 users at this institution18:16
daftykinsJodaZ: perhaps explaining more details around the circumstances can reduce our need to mindread18:17
JodaZjust ask each one what they'd might want to install today18:17
MonkeyDustJodaZ  what makes you ask that, what do you want to achieve, what brings you here18:17
lotuspsychjeJodaZ: you need to ask yourself what you want the users be doing on the network?18:17
lotuspsychjeJodaZ: i think you lost us there18:21
daftykinsJodaZ: this reminds me of that US news story where that young lady had to 'quit university' because Ubuntu wouldn't let her do her coursework18:21
JodaZdaftykins, MonkeyDust, basically some time back the town of munich in germany switched to linux, now some politician wants to switch back to windows because for example they claim no programs can be installed on the linux of these machines18:21
daftykinsJodaZ: so essentially you're saying you're in charge of these laptops and tablets that've come with Linux - and the people they have been supplied to claim they are not fit for purpose?18:22
arooni-mobilehow can i back up a list of  ppa's that i've added18:22
lotuspsychje!ppa | arooni-mobile18:22
ubottuarooni-mobile: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:22
JodaZi am not, daftykins, still i am wondering if there is an actual solution18:22
daftykinsJodaZ: so what *is* your situation? corporate or education?18:23
arooni-mobilei know what a ppa is.... i want to get a list of ppa's i've added in my 32bit version of ubuntu so i can reinstall to 64bit18:23
JodaZdaftykins, my situation is that i am wondering about that situation18:23
lotuspsychjearooni-mobile: did you read what i just triggered? ppa's arent supported officialy18:23
daftykinsJodaZ: ok well if i knew a hypothetical situation then i could suggest something, for example if it were computers in education or corporate, i would have them all attached to Canonical's landscape setup. Then, a default agreed on policy of software applications would be installed as default. Should anyone require anything extra - then they could be deployed via landscape given a computer name etc.18:25
daftykinsJodaZ: however, depending on the circumstances - why can't these users just be given full access anyway? without detail i can't accurately answer.18:25
dsimpson Hello there, I've got a .deb that I would like to install using dpkg -i .deb, but when doing this it has an ncurses prompt for one question. How can I answer that question automatically so I can do a hands-off install?18:26
JodaZwell, for shared machines the admins propably thought it best to not give them full access but thats me speculating; does that problem with nfs trusting a machine if it says its root still exist btw?18:27
bloopI need some help18:28
daftykins!details | bloop18:28
ubottubloop: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)18:28
bloopsome shared libs in /usr/local/lib isn't being found when I try to run an exe18:28
bloopno shit sherlock18:28
bloopI was about to do that18:28
daftykinswell don't walk into a help channel saying you need help in future then :)18:29
lotuspsychje!language | bloop18:29
ubottubloop: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:29
bloopor perhaps you can give someone 3 seconds before using your fancy bot18:29
bloopI know you're all giddy about using a bot and all but give me a second at least to spit out my question18:29
blooplotuspsychje is ignored18:30
daftykinsi'd recommend dropping the attitude if you want some assistance for free.18:30
mcerbWhat do I need to do to improve audio quality on Linux?18:31
daftykinsmcerb: can you explain your circumstances?18:31
bloopI'm ignoring everyone that tone polices. I'd appreciate if anyone wants to help to let me know if they can.18:31
bloopI'm sure it involves an environmental variable of some sort18:31
daftykinsthat's a bit tough without an actual question, bloop :D18:32
bloopbut it seems to me that the usr local libs should already be looked up18:32
MonkeyDustbloop  stick to support questions, repeat it every 15 minutes, until someone enters who can help18:32
mcerbWell I'm running Linux mint on my hp split x218:32
bloopMonkeyDust: OK18:32
ioriaexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib18:32
lotuspsychje!mint | mcerb18:32
ubottumcerb: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:32
mcerbO ok18:33
bloopioria: echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:33
bloopwhen I do that it's empty18:33
lotuspsychjemcerb: feel free to install an ubuntu version from topic18:33
bloopat any rate that worked... will that env variable remain even when i close the terminal sesion?18:33
mcerbI thought this was more of a generic Linux problem18:33
bloopsession, rather18:33
ioriabloop, maybe you have to set it temporarily18:34
mcerbI remember audio being lower quality in arch as well18:34
lotuspsychjemcerb: alot of things get solved when you install regular ubuntu18:34
lotuspsychjemcerb: take a shot at 14.04.3 you will be pleased18:35
mcerbAre you sure? Don't mint and ubuntu use the same alsa version?18:36
lotuspsychjemcerb: i dont wanna generalize mate, but alot of mint issues dont arise in ubuntu18:36
lotuspsychjemcerb: how about you test a liveusb18:37
daftykinsmcerb: as already mentioned, if you're using Mint - we can't help you18:37
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MonkeyDustmcerb  we don't know what the mint devs have modified, therefore we cannot help18:38
mcerbSo you're saying most people do not experience lower quality audio on Linux compared to Windows?18:40
MonkeyDustmcerb  stop18:40
lotuspsychjemcerb: nobody said that18:40
daftykinsmcerb: until you're running a supported distro there is no point you being in here, sorry.18:40
mcerbIf you can say that then I'd be pretty sure it's a mint problem18:41
daftykinsyeah so install Ubuntu or go chat in Mint's support channel18:41
daftykinsas pointed out as the very first reply :)18:41
mcerbI can't have a simple question answered before I install?18:42
mcerbHow is the audio quality in ubuntu for most users?18:43
wileeemcerb, Your fixation on this channel is creepy to be honest.18:43
pbxmcerb, audio quality is perfect for me.18:43
lotuspsychjemcerb: we cant generalize that, but if you install ubuntu we surely will help you after18:43
MonkeyDustmcerb  click on 'Community' and ask in the mint channel  http://community.linuxmint.com/18:43
daftykinsmcerb: boot a live session and find out.18:43
mcerbI wanted to ask in a more popular distros channel18:44
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lotuspsychjemcerb: enough trolling now, you have been pointed towards solutions already18:45
dsimpson Hello there, I've got a .deb that I would like to install using dpkg -i .deb, but when doing this it has an ncurses prompt for one question. How can I answer that question automatically so I can do a hands-off install?18:45
lotuspsychjedsimpson: what is this program you trying to install?18:46
dsimpsonlotuspsychje: ossec18:46
lotuspsychje!info ossec18:46
ubottuPackage ossec does not exist in vivid18:46
mcerbWhich download should I use given that I have no cd drive and no internet connection outside of Wi-Fi?18:47
lotuspsychjemcerb: how did you create your mint usb/cd?18:47
MonkeyDustlotuspsychje  ignore her18:47
maslenMy ubuntu 14.04 machine has recently began giving me errors that the filesystem is read only and the only way to fix it is restart. How can I prevent these errors in the future?18:48
Bashing-ommaslen: Try : 'sudo touch /forcefsck ; sudo shutdown -r now ' . to run a file sytem check @next boot, and -r to make that happen .18:50
lotuspsychjedsimpson: i found an #ossec channel, maybe some luck there?18:50
proqdoes anyone know if the elf-loader security vulnerability is fixed yet?18:50
dsimpsonlotuspsychje: thank you, I'll try there :)18:50
OerHeksproq, any bugreport?18:51
dshaefferHi! 1st time IRC user - need system help - anybody there?18:51
ioriadsimpson, http://serverfault.com/questions/197495/ubuntu-dpkg-non-interactive-installation18:51
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: ask your ubuntu question here18:51
maslenBashing-om: When I reboot it does the FS check, but that doesn't prevent it from happening again18:51
vasili111I just installed Kubuntu. I want to instal Compiz but when I serach in Muon I only get "Compiz Fusion Icon" and "CompizConfig Settings Manager" and no Compiz. Maybe I need aditionals sources links to Muon or maybe something else?18:51
mcerbI used a Windows program to make a liveUSB and I added some Wi-Fi fix to the modprobe blacklist lotuspsychje18:52
proqOerHeks: hmm... I'll try to find a CWE18:52
maslenBashing-om: Is it possible to see the results from that FS check?18:52
wileeevasili111, very bad idea18:52
vasili111wileee: why?18:52
wileeevasili111, kubuntu has a desktop manager muon right?18:53
vasili111wileee: yes18:53
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dshaefferhi lotus, i've been using ubuntu as an alternate to windows for a few months (upgraded to 14.04 recently) - both versions had problem with mouse & i'd like some advice on how to resolve18:53
proqOerHeks: https://media.defcon.org/DEF%20CON%2023/DEF%20CON%2023%20presentations/Speaker%20&%20Workshop%20Materials/Alessandro%20Di%20Federico/DEFCON-23-Alessandro-Di-Federico-Leakless-How-The-ELF-ruined.pdf18:53
wileeevasili111, compiz is not set as far as I know to be alongside running or replacing muon.18:53
Bashing-ommaslen: Does not sound good for the home team . How about a more indepth file system check repair from a liveDVD ? .. Bad results then check the physical hard drive's health .18:53
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: can you explain whats happening to your mouse?18:53
proq^ that talk doesn't give any CWE and a google search turns up really old vulnerabilities that were fixed years ago18:54
vasili111wileee: Muon is software manager. It is not Compiz like thing18:54
maslenBashing-om: It's not a critical system, and the system drive shouldn't have anything important stored on it, so I can easily replace it and do a fresh install.18:54
vasili111wileee: Muon is for downloading other software18:54
wileeevasili111, Suit yourself, do the research .18:54
dshaefferusing ubuntu, my mouse buttons and/or pointer will become deactivated until i log out and log back in; problem is re-occurring, meaning i have to continually do this every 10-15 minutes18:54
maslenBashing-om: Where would I get started with a check from a live DVD? Specifically, which tools would I be running ?18:54
daftykinsmaslen: sounds like your system might have an issue, are you able to boot a live session with internet access to run a disk health test command?18:54
wileeenever used kubuntu, but having compiz makes no senses here18:55
maslendaftykins: Sure, I have spare USBs. I'm guessing an ubuntu 15.04 live boot ?18:55
lotuspsychje!usn | proq maybe here?18:55
ubottuproq maybe here?: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.18:55
maslen(It's not this system, it's a different one, so I can stay in here at the same time)18:55
vasili111wileee: Soryy I dont understand how pakage manager can harm Compiz?18:55
daftykinsmaslen: any version, or maybe even the installed version would be ok if it can install a couple of small packages and run a command18:56
wileeevasili111, You said muon was a desktop manager, I've never used it.18:56
maslendaftykins: I can. Which packages and commands?18:56
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: wich version did you came from before upgrade18:56
proqlotuspsychje: jinx, I just found that  :D18:56
daftykinsmaslen: sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit18:56
Bashing-ommaslen: Well .. if the hardware is good. We do consider  (RE-)install as that nuclear solution. Much prefer to fix the issue. It is rare that a problem can not be resolved withput resorting to that nuclear option .18:56
daftykinsmaslen: i'm assuming a single disk system there :)18:56
dshaefferi still have windows on the laptop also (has other issues and i prefer to avoid MS) but mouse works fine in windows - old version was 12-point-something (i believe)18:56
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: maybe time to clean install 14.04.318:57
maslendaftykins: Nope, but again, not an issue. I can look exactly which drive is the system one.18:57
wileeevasili111, Than you said it was a package manager, just keep asking the channel if you like, I can't help is all.18:57
dshaefferwhat does it mean "clean" install18:57
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: whats your grafix card chipset and driver plz?18:57
daftykinsmaslen: cool, wouldn't hurt to repeat the above for all mechanical disks18:57
OerHeksproq, well no,nice story, but we need some bugreport, reproduced if possible. such talks have nothing to do with ubuntu support/18:57
Johnny_Linuxkde by default uses plasma as a de, muon is his pkg mngr18:57
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: install fresh, new18:57
dshaeffergreat question - i'm not tech savvy enough to know the terms or how to answer18:58
lotuspsychjeproq: see also #ubuntu-hardened18:58
dshaeffercan you explain how i can answer?18:58
OerHeksI think you should adress that to ubuntu-security https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#Address_Space_Layout_Randomisation_.28ASLR.2918:58
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: check sudo lshw -C video youl see card model and driver=18:58
scott606Im having trouble with gedit trying to open my .run file for installing teamspeak 3 on ubuntu 14.04 I googled and got the .run file extracted and on the desktop but not im trying to run the runscript and all it wants to do is open ingedit18:59
proqOerHeks: yeah, that's pretty dumb.  maybe I'll send the guy an email.  he probably said in his talk if this is fixed or not18:59
maslendaftykins, Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12143366/18:59
lotuspsychje!teamspeak | scott60618:59
ubottuscott606: teamspeak is the proprietry VoIP software see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak  For a open source alternative consider using Mumble http://mumble.sourceforge.net/18:59
Bashing-ommaslen: From liveCD so everything is unmounted,swap off if necessary, change example shown with partition sda1 to your partition(s). #e2fsck is used to check the ext2/ext3/ext4 family of file systems. -p trys fixes where response not required , ' sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda1 ' . #if errors: -y auto answers yes for fixes needing response see: " man e2fsck " . ' sudo e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda1 ' .19:00
dshaefferi'm sorry to be annoying but how to check sudo lshw -c video?19:00
scott606what do you mean by !teamspkeak?19:00
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: from a terminal19:00
scott606and my corp requires it .. it is a linux version of teamspeak 319:00
daftykinsmaslen: yeah looks like old age might be creeping up on that disk and the controller slowly going a little funny, i refer to line 70 being non-zero and the errors at line 89 and beyond19:01
maslenso, replacement time?19:01
daftykinsmaslen: i would yep, depends what the machine does19:01
Delta706Is there any way to have an X server with 4 times the size? I thought workspaces did this but it seems that this is not the case19:02
daftykinsDelta706: what do you mean by size?19:02
Delta706daftykins: it seems to fake it up with just one area and move windows around19:03
dna113pscott606: Do you know how to use a terminal at all?19:03
daftykinsDelta706: sorry don't understand that at all19:03
maslendaftykins: I use it for fuzzing and running linux natively.19:03
maslensometimes as a server for random vms19:03
maslenI got a spare 250GB HDD I'll just toss in and replace it with.19:03
dshaefferin my drivers folder, i find synaptics touchpad; the problem exists with USB connected mouse also19:03
scott606None further than copy and pasteing lol ... also that link that was given says teamspeak is available in the synaptic package manager but thats not coming up when i type that in unity search19:04
dshaefferi'm sorry to be so uneducated, i am very new to linux19:04
daftykinsmaslen: cool :) clonezilla will spare you some time :>19:04
maslenYeah, good idea.19:04
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: i reccomend you install 14.04.3 fresh over, it might fix your mouse19:05
dna113pscott606: Okay open a terminal.19:05
dshaefferok, lotus, will do - thx for the suggestion19:05
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: if you still have that prob, come see us ok!19:05
dshaeffergreat, maybe can you explain what you meant by "from terminal"19:05
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: in your dash (left upper corner) you can type terminal19:06
Delta706my screen is 1366x768. I want to have 2600x1400 size area in the X server19:06
dna113pscott606: Into the terminal type "cd Downloads" or replace downloads with the path to the directory where your .run file is located19:06
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: then enter the text inside the terminal19:06
lotuspsychje!manual > dshaeffer some help to start ubuntu19:07
ubottudshaeffer, please see my private message19:07
dna113pscott606: You can use the ls command (type "ls" into terminal and hit enter) to see what files are in your current directory19:07
dshaefferreturned a lot of data --> what would you need from the list?19:08
dna113pscott606: Have you done that?19:08
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: the card model only and the driver listed after driver=19:08
lotuspsychje!paste | dshaeffer or paste the whole thing19:09
ubottudshaeffer or paste the whole thing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
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jairohi group , how to install mono makefile and read configurate19:10
jairofrom my unity game project19:10
jairois possible developer using mono on ubuntu ?19:11
ikoniainstall a make file ?19:11
ikoniamany developers use mono on ubuntu19:11
ikoniaI've seen some impressive projects19:11
jairoand install unity , this is possible ?19:12
ikoniaunity is the default ubuntu desktop19:12
dshaefferlotus, thx again - i will try updating to 14.04.319:12
ikoniaor do you mean the games engine as you're talking about mono19:12
lotuspsychjedshaeffer: ok good luck mate19:12
arooni-mobilehey everyone;  just installed ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit.  now i want to restore the list of packages i made with debfoster (list of manually installed packages).  so i have a list of package name, new line, how can i install all these packages?19:12
dshaefferubottu provided the manual and i have something to ease my learning curve now!19:13
ubottudshaeffer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:13
dshaefferat least i knew it was a bot ;)19:13
Cerealkillerhey guys,i want to know,how can i make font size bigger/smaller depending on the user's screen size ? :)19:14
daftykinsCerealkiller: scaling in display settings should be what you're after19:14
Cerealkillerdaftykins, i mean in css :)19:15
AffyHi. I need some help installing. I just installed windows 10 x64 on a SSD. I left some space for ubuntu, now I'm at the installation screen. I have created a ext4 partition at mount point "/" and a swap partition. Should I also instal the bootloader on the SSD drive?19:15
ikoniaask in #css19:15
ikoniaAffy: you need to install the boot loader on the mbr of the disk you boot from,19:15
ikoniaif you're using EFI it's a different approach19:15
daftykinsCerealkiller: yeah not a web dev channel, the clue is the topic19:16
Affyikonia, I'm not using UEFI.. I seemed to have made a mistake earlier where I did install ubuntu in uefi mode and after that I couldn't boot. But this time I didn't get the warning about UEFI.19:17
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Affyikonia, Anyway.. MBR of the disk? I assume the MBR is in the partition windows 10 was installed to?19:18
daftykinsAffy: i think you might want to check whether 10 installed as EFI or not19:18
spacebug^I'm currently running Ubuntu again after reading Microsofts latest Privacy Policy..19:18
Affydaftykins, ok, how?:P19:19
daftykinsspacebug^: ok, got a support question?19:19
daftykinsAffy: that'd be a Windows question i'm afraid :) the partition layout is a clue though, if you're booted into the ubuntu live session you can check with a command or two19:20
zfs-deamonThat bad the Privacy Statement?19:20
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ioriaAffy, sudo parted -l19:20
daftykinszfs-deamon: that's off topic.19:20
Affyioria, ok lemme check19:20
zfs-deamonmy apologies19:20
spacebug^daftykins: Well, not at the moment. Was gonna ask about nouveau support för mu maxwell nvidia card, but I read it was ongoing so..19:20
Affyany way to open a terminal at the install screen? :D19:21
daftykinsspacebug^: 970?19:21
spacebug^daftykins: 96019:21
daftykinsspacebug^: ah, yeah you'd have to be running bleeding edge to even boot with it i suspect. stick to proprietary for now :)19:21
spacebug^ubuntu live-cd refused to even start19:21
daftykinsspacebug^: it needs nomodeset appended to kernel boot parameters19:21
spacebug^I had to install using server-cd and then install nvidia19:21
daftykinsno you didn't :)19:22
spacebug^daftykins: I know.. but can one set that usung the live-desktop-cd ?19:22
ioriaAffy, try ctrl-alt-f1 or f219:22
daftykinsspacebug^: yep, quick F6 press or edit of the boot menu entry and it would've been golden.19:22
spacebug^daftykins: oh, well. That I did knot know :P19:22
daftykinshere's to hindsight :)19:22
Delta706ah, I found an answer. I need a "panning viewport"19:25
daftykinsDelta706: oh so you want a higher resolution than your physical screen supports so you can pan about?19:25
arooni-mobileis there a way to purge any i386 packages?19:25
mossjesus upstart sucks19:26
daftykinsarooni-mobile: you can't convert your install :)19:26
arooni-mobiledaftykins, i'm talking to you on a 64bit install now19:26
daftykinsso why would it have any 32-bit ones?19:26
mossCan someone tell me how I can have upstart PAUSE for 30 seconds after executing one of the startup scripts?????19:26
arooni-mobiledaftykins, cuz i did my restore wrong19:26
wileeearooni-mobile, goodby firefox?19:28
* Affy is wondering why ubuntu live boot is taking ages :\19:28
wileeearooni-mobile, instead of a huh why don't research the question.19:29
drkjstrmoss, have you tried adding a sleep command?19:29
mossdrkjstr: that is what i mean, how can i add that to a script and does it go in the beginning or in the end???19:30
mossand how do i make sure its working?19:30
ioriamoss in a bash script a simple 'sleep 30'19:31
gartralhey all, I bought an off-brand xbox 360 controller and it seems that it doesn't work for every game despite being picked up by xpad... any advice?19:31
drkjstrIt would need to go at the end of the script. I think if you did a "ps aux | grep sleep" it might show you. I could be wrong.19:32
ioriamoss without ''19:32
drkjstrmoss, I just tested in a little shell script, and if you run the script and then grep for sleep in ps, it will tell you sleep is running19:37
Synopsishow can I make a laptop do a full system shutdown (equivalent to shutdown --poweroff 0) if the system switches from ac to battery19:38
Affyioria, "parted -l" gives no output.19:38
ioriaAffy, sudo19:38
Affyioria, ok19:38
spacebug^moss: upstart starts scrips on dependencies. I think you can delay a script by inserting the sleep command in the script it self, but delaying the whole upstart process would be dificult I think19:38
Delta706just to mention that I got my system working using the ubuntu wiki. I have set a larger virtual X area and can move around it19:42
daftykinsDelta706: with xrandr?19:42
Affyioria, Ok, it says "msdos" so that's non-uefi then right?19:43
ioriaAffy, should be19:43
Affyioria, alright. Anyway.. should I install the bootloader on the drive itself then?19:44
Affyioria, there's two partitions on it. One where windows is installed and a 512mb sized one with a "boot" flag.19:45
ioriaAffy, yes, but before you should double check from win  http://kb.parallels.com/en/11581519:45
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Affyioria, ok19:46
Delta706daftykins: yes19:46
ioriaAffy, your motherboard if uefi capable19:46
Delta706daftykins: and no workspaces19:46
daftykinsDelta706: mmm if i had known you wanted panning that would've been easy :)19:47
Delta706well I would be happy with switching too19:47
Delta706the main point is that all the area is "mapped"19:48
daftykinsyeah i have no idea what you mean :)19:48
daftykinsthose aren't standard terms19:48
rmc3Haven't been able to find an answer in the documentation about this: I see that the Ubuntu installer supports using Anaconda-style kickstarts. Is the kssendmac kernel parameter supported for sending the MAC of the interface that's in use to the server providing the kickstart as a parameter?19:48
Delta706well I would be happy with switching between a view at 0, 0 to one at 900, 019:49
Affyioria, yep. it's not uefi.19:49
drkjstrSynopsis, you could create a script that runs via crontab. It would check the status of the battery, and then execute the shutdown command when the battery is discharging. See: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=16290019:49
ioriaAffy,  ok19:49
ioriaAffy,  no worries then19:49
daftykinsDelta706: yeah no idea what those numbers represent :) nevermind19:49
MonkeyDustSynopsis  this comes close to what you want (very old post, scroll down)   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/modifying-acpi-scripts-350715/19:49
ioriaAffy,  but it would be better do the partion for ubu from win19:50
Delta706all I am saying that panning implies the ability to move with the mouse19:50
Synopsisk, modifying the script I can handle, but i'm totally new to *nix, so, how would I setup the cronjob, and how frequently would it run...would once per second be too frequently?19:50
Delta706so I do not need panning, just a bigger X area19:51
Delta706which I now have19:51
Affyioria, ok?19:51
Affyioria, I already have unallocated space though for ubu19:51
ioriaAffy,  control pan -> admin tools -> computer managment -> disk managment19:52
ioriaAffy,  ah, ok19:52
drkjstrSynopsis, if you go the route from the Arch link, then they do it every 2 seconds.  You would create the script, make is executable using chmod, and then use edit your crontab ("crontab -e") to look like the one in that link.19:53
drkjstrSynopsis, If you go the route of the link MonkeyDust found, then I think that is run based on ACPI changes.19:54
MonkeyDustdrkjstr  Synopsis acpi is the first thing that came to my mind19:55
drkjstrMonkeyDust, understandably. Couldn't remember how I had done some altering in the past.19:57
Synopsisthe acpi thing looks pretty clean...but i dont see how to get the ac status from it..all i see is the lid status19:59
spacebug^Synopsis: my guess is somewhere in /proc/acpi/ you will get en event for it20:02
gartralhey all, I bought an off-brand xbox 360 controller and it seems that it doesn't work for every game despite being picked up by xpad... any advice?20:03
spacebug^Synopsis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33062/low-battery-power-action-without-gnome-power-manager20:04
Synopsisi just found this and was going to take a look at it20:05
TJ-Synopsis: you only need the "laptop-mode-tools" package. See "apt-cache show laptop-mode-tools"20:06
zykotick9gartral: i have no idea what xpad is... but does it show up as /dev/input/js0 if so, is your game(s) configured to use that device?  good luck.20:07
SynopsisTJ-: I got those installed, but have no idea where to go from there20:17
wewillrocku_xxdoes anyone know how to install metasploit on ubuntu?20:17
TJ-Synopsis: if it is installed, its service should be running ("/etc/init.d/laptop-mode" ) and that will presumably have started a daemon process that monitors system state. Try "systemctl status laptop-mode"20:18
Synopsisbut while trying to figure out, i came across this link that basically said it doesnt work on ubuntu and i'd needt o use the debian packages20:18
TJ-Synopsis: that article mentions it being disabled in Ubuntu Edgy ... which was 2005ish20:19
Synopsisok :)20:19
TJ-Synopsis: I'll check the package here20:19
Synopsisgot it enabled and started now20:21
Synopsisbut I still don't know how to make it do what I want when I unplug the power20:23
ronin23Hi I have a question about bbs... how do u use that? telnet +the address? or do I need some sort of program for it?20:23
TJ-Synopsis: appears to work here. Try "sudo laptop_mode status" when on battery I see finally: "enabled, active"20:23
goddardany way I can assign a shell script to have its own launcher icon evne though it is a terminal?20:23
wafflejockgoddard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles20:23
gartralzykotick9: xpad is the kernel driver for the xbox 'trollers20:24
goddardwafflejock: cool20:24
fantasmaalguem pode  mim ajudar20:24
fantasmameu navegador  , nao entra mais no google20:24
fantasmae nem no youtube20:24
Synopsisi see the output has my ac status as the last line20:25
Synopsisjust dont know how to use that to accomplish what I want20:25
TJ-Synopsis: if you do "dpkg -L laptop-mode-tools" you'll see that it installs a lot of config files under "/etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/". one of which is "/etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/auto-hibernate.conf". In that file is a setting "ENABLE_AUTO_HIBERNATION=0" which I assume 0 mean No and 1 means yes.20:25
Synopsisi don't want hibernation though20:25
Synopsisi want full shutdown20:26
wafflejock!br > fantasma20:26
ubottufantasma, please see my private message20:26
ronin23how do you use bbs?20:26
TJ-Synopsis: So replace the command it executes with "shutdown -Ph now"20:27
TJ-Synopsis: the main config file is "/etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf"20:27
fantasmaola   sou novo aqui  ,,20:27
fantasmapreciso de ajuda20:27
fantasmameu navegador nao consegui entrar no google20:27
wafflejock!br | fantasma20:28
ubottufantasma: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:28
SchrodingersScatronin23: yeah, i think you can just telnet in, address:port maybe20:28
zykotick9ronin23: telnet might work, other options include qterm or fqterm...  good luck20:28
ronin23ok thx i'll try20:28
wewillrocku_xxdoes anyone know how  to ssh outside lan on ubuntu ?20:29
ronin23I don't have the port just the address :/20:29
wewillrocku_xxcan you send me a link or teach me how to please20:29
Eming$ lsblk20:29
Emingsda      8:0    0 465,8G  0 disk20:29
Eming├─sda1   8:1    0 372,6G  0 part /media/biocheming/c9da503c-d1c1-48ab-acc8-7fae69b29d1720:29
Eming├─sda2   8:2    0   7,5G  0 part [SWAP]20:29
Eming├─sda3   8:3    0   513M  0 part /boot/efi20:30
SchrodingersScatwewillrocku_xx: should be the same as any ssh, ssh user@ip/fqdn20:30
UnPocoLocofully qualified domain name20:30
SchrodingersScatronin23: can try whatever telnet defaults to, if that doesn't work then not sure how you'd find out.20:30
wewillrocku_xxhow do i get a fully qualified domain name?20:31
ronin23telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused20:31
Eming 20:31
UnPocoLocowewillrocku_xx, : microsoft.com20:31
UnPocoLocowewillrocku_xx, was an example. :D20:31
EmingI have a big problem now for my disk usage20:31
tiblockwewillrocku_xx, you don't need it. Just "ssh username@"20:31
wewillrocku_xxdo i have to spend money to ssh outside lan?20:31
TJ-Synopsis: there's a lot of useful info about all the config files with "man laptop-mode.conf"20:31
Eming$ lsblk20:31
Emingsda      8:0    0 465,8G  0 disk20:31
Eming├─sda1   8:1    0 372,6G  0 part /media/biocheming/c9da503c-d1c1-48ab-acc8-7fae69b29d1720:31
Eming├─sda2   8:2    0   7,5G  0 part [SWAP]20:31
Eming├─sda3   8:3    0   513M  0 part /boot/efi20:31
SchrodingersScatwewillrocku_xx: yeah, it's not necessary, unless you don't want the trouble of remembering the ip, etc.20:32
TJ-!paste | Eming20:32
ubottuEming: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:32
wewillrocku_xx schrodingersScat:can you paraphrase what you ve just said20:33
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SchrodingersScatwewillrocku_xx: you're free to use the ip address to get to the machine you want.20:33
wewillrocku_xx ok i know how to do get my ip20:34
wewillrocku_xxcan you tell me how to please20:34
ronin23is BBS dead or something?20:34
wewillrocku_xxifconfig  right so  what do i do with my router ?20:34
tiblockSchrodingersScat, why you even started that domain thing. Now he understand nothing20:34
wewillrocku_xxi need to set port forwarding right20:34
SynopsisTJ-: i just had to create a script in the batt-start directory20:34
SchrodingersScattiblock: idk, just listing options20:35
SchrodingersScatwewillrocku_xx: if you're trying to ssh into your network from outside, yes.20:35
wewillrocku_xxthats what i need to know Mr.SchrodingrScat20:36
wewillrocku_xxcan you guide me step by step20:36
wewillrocku_xxcause none of the articles on the net does that20:36
SchrodingersScatthat's dependant on your router and not really ubuntu20:36
wafflejockronin23: BBS is a thing I got on like 17 years ago so maybe20:36
wewillrocku_xxok my ip seems static20:37
wewillrocku_xxit hasnt changed for a long time now20:37
ronin23that's sad :(20:37
wafflejockronin23: when you first asked I was going to tell you to dial up your connection ;)20:38
SchrodingersScatronin23: there were still a few a couple years ago, mostly a novelty now20:38
ToeSnacksdoes Ubuntu 15.04 have an issue using ed25519 ssh certs?20:40
ronin23dial up my connection? I am just doing this for educational purposes20:40
zykotick9ronin23: fyi http://www.telnetbbsguide.com/20:40
TJ-ToeSnacks: it would be better if you stated an issue you're having.20:40
ronin23thank you zykotick9 i look at the website you send me20:41
ToeSnacksI am running ssh-add to add my two keys to the ssh agent I have an rsa key which works fine and an ed25519 key. The 25519 key returns 'Could not add identity: /home/null/.ssh/id_ed25519'20:42
wafflejockwewillrocku_xx: you need to just look up your router's manual for how to setup port forwarding and you can typically set a static IP for your devices from the router as well20:42
TJ-ToeSnacks: thanks. That makes it much easier to discover any existing bug reports20:43
wafflejockwewillrocku_xx: your external IP (WAN IP) coming from your provider will likely be dynamic but with many providers it won't be switched often anyhow20:43
ToeSnacksTJ-: it works if I specify the ed25519 key, but just running 'ssh-add' fails20:44
TJ-ToeSnacks: bug 148260820:44
ubottubug 1482608 in openssh (Ubuntu) "ssh-add fails to add ed25519 keys" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148260820:44
wafflejockwewillrocku_xx: once you've forwarded the port from your router to the local IP address of the computer you want to remote into you'll use ssh user@wanipaddresshere to connect20:44
TJ-ToeSnacks: can you me-too that bug?20:45
StevenWyantwhen i install anything in ubuntu server 14.04 i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12144433/20:45
SynopsisNow everything is working perfectly, just wished the bios on this laptop had a turn on when power restored option so i wouldnt have to wire up a power switch :)20:45
ronin23it sais it's trying but that's basically it :/... I know this is very old stuff and kinda died out over the years...I didn't find 1 working bbs yet20:45
TJ-ToeSnacks: thanks; I'll mark it confirmed as well20:46
YukenIt appears my graphics driver didn't install when installing 14.04 LTS. Any ideas?20:46
YukenIntel iGPU, GMA 96520:46
Jeeves_Mossis there  a way to launch a screipt that will launch a screen, run a command, and once the command is done, it kills the screen session?20:46
ronin23oh now i did yeah20:46
TJ-Synopsis: that wouldn't help if it does a controlled shutdown. That usually only happens if the simple-boot flag hasn't been reset by the OS20:47
ronin23thats funny20:47
Supermanintightshey guys, just built a new pc for a friend, installing ubuntu 14.04.3, we're having a few issues, we can't get anything to be recognised sound wise - I've checked sound, and there's nothing listed in output.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've tried googling, but none of the results seem to work (sudo also force-reload)20:47
YukenSupermanintights, tried Alsamixer?20:48
Supermanintightsnot yet, i only had 15 minutes to play around and give him a crash course in ubuntu, and i'm trying to help him remotely.  Is alsamixer something he'd need to install, or does it come with ubuntu?  Also, is there even a way to test if the sound card is being recognised, incase we didn't set it up properly20:49
YukenSupermanintights, should come with it. Open a terminal, run "alsamixer". Disable auto-mute, if it is enabled.20:49
TJ-Supermanintights: first place to look is the kernel log, usually saved as "/var/log/dmesg"20:49
SynopsisTJ-: earlier you mentioned something about a way to restart my service if my directory changed...can you give me an idea at what to look for?20:50
ToeSnacksTJ-: done thank you20:50
YukenAnyone have ideas for my graphical drivers?20:51
Supermanintightscheers guys, will try and relay this back to him - it's his first time on linux, and he's starting to get angsty20:51
StevenWyantwhen i install anything in Ubuntu server 14.04 i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12144433/20:53
TJ-Synopsis: the package "inotify-tools" contains a tool "inotifywait" (see "man inotifywait"). If you use that inside a while true; do ... done loop in a shell script, it can watch the media directory and execute the command required to restart 'fbi' each time it sees a change20:53
YukenVGA: 8086:2a02 @ 8086:2a00 **20:54
StevenWyanttj are you talk to me20:54
Synopsisthx, enough to get me started20:54
Supermanintightsurgh, this isn't worth it!  "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory"20:56
SupermanintightsI've asked for a screenshot as I think he's cocking up somewhere20:56
TJ-Synopsis: best thing to do is play with inotifywatch on the command-line in one terminal, whilst touching files in a directory it is watching from another terminal. the command will terminate when a change occurs... so that would then cause the next command to be executed (fbi). Enclose those commands in a while loop that never ends and you've about got it20:56
wileeeSupermanintights, keep the drama to yourself, we don;t really care, we are here to help not counsel you.20:57
YukenVGA: 8086:2a02 @ 8086:2a00 **20:57
Synopsisyep ype20:57
TJ-Synopsis: the nice thing is, you can cause the watch to only trigger on CREATE events, rather than all file events, which is what you want20:58
Synopsiswell, create and delete20:58
TJ-Synopsis: you've got it covered I can see :)20:59
Supermanintightswileee, I appreciate the help, I provided the quote as it may be of use to those trying to help me.  I don't really think there was any 'drama' involved. Either way, I apologise if it came across that way.20:59
Synopsisprogramming is the easy part, knowing what to use is the hard part since i'm so unfamiliar with linux20:59
TJ-Synopsis: Agreed... you're doing well so far21:00
Synopsisquestion about my service though...its working for the most part for me..but for testing things, i sometimes want to be at tty2 so i exit it...unfortunately, i dont get a console21:00
Synopsisdo i need to launch getty or something after it exits21:01
StevenWyantwhen i install anything in Ubuntu server 14.04 i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12144433/21:05
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wileeeStevenWyant, lets see a paste of sudo apt-get update21:07
StevenWyantwileee there you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/12144689/21:09
zykotick9StevenWyant: wow...21:10
TJ-Steven-: that report suggests either you're not using 14.04, or that the system has the wrong release archive set. In 14.04 gcompris-data: Candidate: 13.11-1 but your pastebin says 14.12-1ubuntu121:10
levoi created a 15.04 kubuntu usb via Universal Usb Installer, but it doesn't boot. (used another linux distro with UUI and it booted.) when Ii'm in windows and stick the usb the autorun appears but when i try to boot with usb nothing happens.21:11
wileeeheh StevenWyant messy that is21:11
zykotick9wileee: +121:11
TJ-StevenWyant: that system is terribly messed up, beyond being easily fixed I'd guess. Best to reinstall fresh21:11
StevenWyanti did look at this command lsb_release -a and it show with Release:14.0421:12
Supermanintightsthanks for your help guys, looks like the problem is unable to be resolved remotely21:14
TJ-StevenWyant: Well, the sources being pulled in are all over the place! Different distro, different releases, I've never seen anything so tragic21:14
StevenWyantwhat do you think i shoud do21:14
StevenWyantre-install what21:15
ikoniathe OS21:15
zykotick9StevenWyant: i'd suggest avoiding webmin in future.  see "/msg ubottu webmin" for some details.21:15
tsimonq2Just wondering(not going to do it, just would like to know how for future reference :D), how do I run wily-proposed instead of wily?21:18
ikoniachange the sources to wily-proposed21:19
MonkeyDusttsimonq2  wily support in #ubuntu+121:19
ikoniayou'll find #ubuntu+1 is a more active channel for pre-release21:19
tsimonq2MonkeyDust: Thanks21:19
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arooni-mobilehey everyone ;  i cant seem to load /home/ partition with noatime option listed....21:26
arooni-mobilein /etc/fstab21:26
TJ-arooni-mobile: syntax error in fstab maybe?21:27
arooni-mobilehey folks;  i have a SSD and i want to set up noatime in /etc/fstab;  when i have:  UUID=0c2b9dac-89d4-4eff-a3e0-348ca1103eb8 /home           noatime,ext4    defaults        0       2    .......... /home wont mount21:27
arooni-mobileTJ-, see any problem with my syntax?21:28
TJ-arooni-mobile: yes, you've set the file-system type to noatime21:28
roddany idea why ubuntu 14 lts freezes on my laptop when returning from a suspended state? I can move the cursor, that's all21:29
TJ-arooni-mobile: see "man fstab" and pay attention to fields 3 and 421:29
arooni-mobileTJ-, so i need to list the extahhh21:29
arooni-mobileneed to list file system first21:29
TJ-rodd: possibly it fails to resume some device21:29
roddTJ-: any idea on how I can identify the error?21:30
roddI have to reboot the device every time this happens21:30
TJ-rodd: if you can do a file sync (Alt+SysRq+S) and reboot the PC, there should be clues in "/var/log/kern.log"21:30
roddwhats the sysreq key?21:30
TJ-rodd: the key with 'SysRq' on it21:31
roddfreaking french keyboard21:31
roddi dont think it has that key21:31
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TJ-rodd: usually it's on the PrntScrn key21:31
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roddi managed to login in the terminal, will check that file21:32
TJ-rodd: If on a laptop it may require the Fn meta-key holding down to get that function21:32
roddTJ-: the only ligne in that file has a bunch of numbers and at the end: has bogus alignment21:33
roddcould that be related?21:33
TJ-rodd: can you do "pastebinit <( tail -n 50 /var/log/kern.log )"21:34
roddare you sure the syntax is correcT?21:35
TJ-rodd:  depending on the ubuntu release, you may need to "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" first, if the package isn't installed by default21:35
arooni-mobilehey folks;  i think i installed some kind of old competing software to unity/lightdm and now my xchat window looks all funky like it was from the early 90s... i have ubuntu 14.04lts 64bit installation21:36
roddTJ-: it gives me a >21:37
TJ-rodd: ahhh... you must have mistyped somewhere. Don't type my double-quotes - they're to separate the command from my surrounding comments21:37
roddTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12145015/21:38
TJ-rodd: Good. That last line indeed tells us the intel GPU failed to re-initialise one of its PCI resources21:38
roddit has no dedicated graphics21:39
roddas far as I know21:39
TJ-rodd: there are several similar bug reports; so far the users all say that updating the PC to the latest available firmware/BIOS image solves the issue21:40
roddTJ-: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)21:40
roddit's a thinkpad t450s21:40
roddwill check if there's a firmware available21:41
Synopsiswhat would be the linux equivalent to "dir /b /s *.jpg"21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1452318 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Faulty behavior when resuming from suspend" [High,Confirmed]21:44
MonkeyDustSynopsis  the equiv of dir is ls21:44
Synopsisyea, but i can't seem to make it do what i need21:44
MonkeyDustSynopsis  what do you want to do?21:44
Synopsiswant recursive listing with fully qualified path of that directory and all sub directories21:45
MonkeyDustSynopsis  try ls -l for a start21:45
tehbennehOr use find /path/ -type d -exec ls -la {} :\21:46
bekksls -R ...21:46
tehbennehMy autocorrect may have borked that line :)21:46
TJ-Synopsis: have you got inotifywatch sorted?21:48
Synopsisno, hadn't taken a look at it yet...got sidetracked21:49
Synopsisand broke some stuff, trying to get it back to where it was working :)21:49
TJ-Synopsis: :D21:49
rapesthow does one program an entire operating system?21:49
matjuhi, I booted a ubuntu 15.04 DVD and I need to access a shell by Ctrl+Alt+F1. What's the username & password ?21:50
Synopsisback to my dir /s/b question :)21:50
Synopsisls -R does do it recursively, but it puts directory headings above each dir21:51
Synopsisi need one fully qualified file path per line21:51
TJ-Synopsis: for examining hierarchies, 'find' is the tool. It had lots of conditions it can match, and commands it can perform. E.g: find /path/to/base/dir -type d -ls" will find and 'LiSt" every [D]irectory type entry21:51
Synopsis-1 seems to be the equivalent to /b21:51
TJ-Synopsis: if you only want to see files, then change it to "-type f"21:51
TJ-Synopsis: "man find" is your friend21:52
OerHeksmatju, username ubuntu and password empty ..21:52
matjuOerHeks: works. thanks.21:53
MonkeyDustSynopsis  also try    tree -f -p21:53
Synopsisfind /media/slideshow -type f -ls appears to do almost exactly what i want21:56
Synopsisi just dont need all the file size/date info21:56
Synopsisit also appears to not go through subdirectories when I add *.jpg to the command21:56
Synopsis-print instead of -ls does what i need21:58
Synopsishow come it doesnt seem to go recursively when I add *.jpg to my path21:59
AbuDharhey can anyone help me with something? :D21:59
reisiono, but some people can help you with some things21:59
AbuDhar2 sec.. preparing a paste21:59
TJ-Synopsis: because that is only the path. If you want to match on names you want something like "-name '*.jpg" as an additional condition22:00
MonkeyDustSynopsis  find ~ -name *.jpg -exec ls -l {} \; 2>/dev/null  # ~means /home, 2>/dev/null makes errors invisible22:00
AbuDharoh I see what's wrong now :)22:00
TJ-Synopsis: "-print" is the default action; you don't need to specify it22:00
AbuDhar"This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided" getting this when I try to update from Software Updater.22:02
AbuDharI have updated stuff before where it has worked.. so why does it not work now?22:03
OerHeksuse the real password22:03
AbuDharIt does not prompt me :/22:04
AbuDharthat's the problem.22:04
MonkeyDustAbuDhar  i had that too, make sure the policy kit is checked in the startup programs22:04
Synopsisi'm trying: "find /media/slideshow -name *.jpg -type f" and getting an error that says find: paths must preced expression: picture1.jpg"22:05
Synopsisi'll be glad when i know wtf i'm doing on linux22:09
Synopsisfind /media/slideshow -name *.jpg22:09
Synopsisworked just fine22:09
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SynopsisTJ-: did you see my question earlier about when i exit my script started by my system.d service, i have no console22:13
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TJ-Synopsis: No22:14
UmeaboyI just installed Ubuntu 15.04 on a Asus N550JK laptop and besides the problem with not getting a login session if splash quiet isn't removed from grub command line I see that the nvidia driver spews out alot of errors related to the nvidia driver.22:15
SynopsisTJ-: now you have :)22:15
TJ-Synopsis: no tty2, or no consoles at all?22:16
Synopsistty2 is there, i just cant do anything on it22:16
Synopsisother consoles are present22:16
TJ-Synopsis: not sure why that would be22:17
Synopsisnot a huge deal, just a little annoying :)22:18
lasiiiiii   not22:18
TJ-Synopsis: this happens after the script started from rc.local exits?22:18
AffyHey guys, I'm having trouble setting up a dualboot win 10 and ubuntu 15.04. I installed windows first on my SSD on a partition. I left some unallocated space for ubuntu. When I installed ubuntu. I made a root "/" partition on the allocated space as ext4 as well as 6gb of swap. Then I choose to install the bootloader in the "Kingston SSD" drive which is the drive itself. But when I boot up ubuntu I get an error saying "Could not open moddep22:19
Affyfile '/lib/moodules/3.16.0-34-generic/modules.dep.bin'".. please help!22:19
UmeaboyAffy: Have you googled the error?22:22
AfforessUmeaboy: um, was I asked a question?22:22
Afforesssorry, I only got on irc a little bit ago22:23
* Afforess has 'Affy' in his highlight list22:23
UmeaboyRead, Afforess.22:23
AfforessUmeaboy: I do, Affy is usually what people who want to save a few chars type as my nick22:24
AfforessAnyway, ciao.22:24
AffyUmeaboy, No. I'm just asking if I did it correctly. I'm looking at that link. is a '/home' partitioned required?22:26
UmeaboyAffy: That's up to you.22:27
UmeaboyI rarely use manual installation.22:27
AffyUmeaboy, k. Hm, seems to me I did everything right then.22:27
UmeaboyRead the page.22:27
YukenEverything in Lubuntu 14.04 is reporting back my 2nd core as 1000MHz, and I"m suspecting that is what it is at. Any ideas?22:29
YukenT5250, supposed to run at 1.5GHz per core.22:29
rredd4how to I permanently make the sound not limit at 100%22:29
AffyUmeaboy, hm.. I think I chose "logical" for the partitions. Must they be primary?22:29
bozeI'm booting off an SSD, but there's a spindle I really need mounted at startup. It mounts if I go to nautilus and click it, but if I go to the disks program and take it off of auto mount it adds paste.ubuntu.com/12145684/ this to the fstab. But when I boot it just errors at the splash screen and says press 'S' to skip O_O22:29
UmeaboyAffy: Change and retry.22:30
Ben64Yuken: probably scales up when power is needed22:34
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YukenBen64, this is when running games and heavy benchmarks.22:38
YukenBen64, 2nd core stuck at 1000MHz max.22:38
Synopsisis it possible to clone my hard drive onto a usb then use that to boot?22:42
MonkeyDustSynopsis  remastersys could do that, but i'm not sure if it's still maintained22:42
reisioSynopsis: yup, but why22:43
Synopsisi'm building a digital picture frame from an old laptop...i've almost got everything configured, but want to copy the setup to a usb thumb drive and boot from that instead of leaving the hard drive in22:44
=== Bray9082_ is now known as bray90820
reisioyou can rsync -av from one place to the other in a live OS, then fix /etc/fstab and reinstall/reconfigure grub22:46
Synopsisno idea what that means :)22:46
Ben64sounds like something that you shouldn't be using ubuntu for22:46
Synopsiswhy not? it's working great..boots and starts showing pictures in about 10 seconds22:47
Ben64theres a ton of unnecessary stuff in ubuntu22:48
Ben64it wont boot from usb in 10 seconds either22:48
Synopsisthe usb stick i have is faster than the crappy 5400 rpm drive its booting off uf n ow22:49
Ben64it isn't22:49
Synopsisthe install image booted completely off the usb in like 15 seconds22:49
reisiowell, it booted from memory22:49
reisiobut that's another matter22:49
Synopsisit booted from the usb stick, it couldnt have been in memory before because the system was windows before22:50
reisioa small capacity usb stick is a cheaper, less noisy thing to put into a picture frame than a spinner, if that's what's happening22:50
Synopsisreisio: another reason i'm wanting to use the usb stick :)22:50
reisioso do it22:50
Ben64yeah, but don22:50
Ben64't use ubuntu, its too heavy22:50
suboneWhat are my options for file encryption with automatic encryption/decryption when I open an encrypted file and then save and close the associated app, preferably portable.22:50
Synopsistoo heavy is subjective22:51
Synopsisit's working great22:51
ubuntu319i am trying to use a digital signature from a USB.  I get a message - " windows-my" not found22:51
Ben64Synopsis: from a hard drive22:51
reisiosubone: I like encfs for that22:51
ubuntu319can some one help22:51
reisiosubone: you could also use an archive that supports decent encryption, like 7z22:51
suboneWhat's decent?22:51
reisio7z's encryption is decent22:52
reisioit's AES-256 or wtfevr22:52
Synopsisit's not going to be any slower from the usb stick...i'm not loading the images from the drive, they're being loaded over wifi22:52
reisiosubone: zip's, rar's, probably a waste of time22:52
subonewhy's that22:53
ToeSnacksMy notification panes have a weird theme now, how do I change it back to default?22:53
reisiosubone: 'cause they use old crappy after-the-fact encryption, IIRC22:53
Ben64Synopsis: the os will be much slower22:53
reisiosubone: depends on who you're defending against, though22:53
reisiosomeone who knows you can download a simple application to crack a rar password22:53
reisioor someone who doesn't22:53
Synopsisi'm not worried about its speed, it'll be fine...it boots a console and launches fbi...it'll be fine22:54
Synopsisi'm not running it on an 808622:54
reisioso copy it already22:55
Ben64Synopsis: ok whatever, enjoy your 10 minute boot up for a photo frame22:55
suboneI don't want it to be cracked in let's say at least a year, I will be saving and storing multiple copies of the same file encrypted, so that can't help the cracker any...22:55
reisiosubone: yeah, 7z or pgp then22:55
Synopsisif the live os install for the full desktop install boots in < 30 seconds, i doubt this is going to take  longer than that...22:55
reisioor openssl22:56
Ben64Synopsis: it will, but go for it22:56
reisioI use 7z for little things I'm not going to keep track of22:56
reisioand encfs for other things22:56
suboneMy studies seem to point toward gpg, but some of the logistics are beyond me22:56
subonelike how to automatically handle the tedium of decrypting the file, working in it, saving, closing, encrypting, and then removing cache22:57
suboneThe "working in it" part should be manual, I guess, LOL22:57
bekkssubone: For that use case, gpg is the wrong tool.22:57
subonebekks: why?22:58
tgm4883Ben64: coming in late here, but are you suggesting that booting off a USB is slower than booting off a CD?22:58
reisioyou'd have to track down a GUI frontend for opening it and working on it in tmp space, is why22:58
reisioan archive is more likely22:58
tgm4883oh wait, 5400RPM hard drive22:58
bekksYou'll have more effort in "decrypting, saving, closing, encrypting, removing cache" than with "working in it".22:58
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suboneThat's the problem I'm seeing22:59
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bekkssubone: So gpg is the wrong tool.22:59
suboneAlternatives bekks?22:59
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reisioalthough you could write a script with zenity or the like pretty easily :)22:59
bekkssubone: where are you going to save that file?22:59
subonebekks: public22:59
suboneI mean, dropbox, gdrive23:00
bekkssubone: I'm not saving data which needs to be encrypted in public.23:00
TJ-subone: you could create a loop-mounted file-system using "ecryptfs-setup-private" for it23:01
subonebekks: clarification: dropbox, gdrive23:01
bekkssubone: clarification: I'm not saving sensitive data in public.23:01
OerHekscryptome :-D23:01
subonebekks: so you have no recommendations then?23:02
bekkssubone: I'm strongly suggestion rethinking your concept of storing data.23:03
subonebekks: elaborate23:03
TJ-subone: you might be interested in this: https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs23:03
bekkssubone: Do not store sensitive data in public. Questions on that?23:03
subonety everyone with suggestions, I am looking into all of these options23:04
* DalekSec uses btsync.23:04
OerHeksuse a password greater than 16 characters, to beat 99.899 % rainbowtables.23:05
tgm4883All my passwords are OerHeks12345678923:06
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oleksa_phi all23:11
oleksa_pi have problem with doing bootable usb23:11
oleksa_pi use usb disk creator23:11
oleksa_pbut when i restart pc i have error23:12
oleksa_perror: nou such device : number23:12
oleksa_pgrub rescue23:12
surgyim running ubuntu-gnome 14.04 how do i keep the left bar (the one with all of my favorite apps on it) from auto hiding ?23:12
SynopsisTJ-: I've got inotifywait script working on a local directory, but it doesn't work on my network directory where i'm pulling the images from23:13
oleksa_panybody can help?23:14
UnPocoLocosurgy, right-click on it?23:14
surgyUnPocoLoco, does nothing23:14
Synopsislooking further, I don't think inotifywait will work for me since its a remote dir23:15
TJ-Synopsis: correct. You didn't say earlier it would be remote23:16
Synopsissorry, didnt realize it made a diff at the time23:16
Synopsisany ideas for a remote folder (nfs)23:16
TJ-Synopsis: is the remote a Linux host as well? I presume so23:17
TJ-If so, run the inotifywait script on it instead... and can you guess what it will do?23:17
Synopsisno, it's a windows server 2012 box23:17
Fudgedoes unity take advantage of hyperthreading23:17
SynopsisBut I'm using NFS services on it for remote access23:18
SynopsisKodi.tv plays nicer with that than it does with samba :)23:18
TJ-Synopsis: oh that fails it then! I was going to say, run inotifywait on the host and when it sees new files, touch a flag-file on the DPF device... then have your DPF script watch for that file appearing, as its trigger23:18
dar--<surgy> / system settings / appearance / behavior / auto-hide / toggle "OFF" !=0)23:19
Synopsisif I wanted to get that complicated, I could easily code a c# app to do the same thing on the windows box...but i'm trying to keep this as "native" and easy as possible :)23:19
suboneDoes Gnome Archive Manager destroy cached copies of the decrypted files when you close the app?23:20
suboneAnd furthermore how can I tell if the applications I'm using to modify these files before encryption are not leaking the files elsewhere on the fs?23:20
TJ-Synopsis: maybe you could do something similar with the WMI Event Watcher ?23:21
suboneTJ-: for Ubuntu?23:21
Synopsiscould I just do something like list all the files in the remote directory to a file and compare the results to a previous run?23:22
TJ-Synopsis: you could but that could get expensive on the network if the list of files is large23:22
SynopsisI don't need instant notification, i could do it once an hour or so23:23
SynopsisI dont think I'll put more than 1000 files in the dir23:23
Synopsisactually, wouldnt have to compare all files...could just get the most recent write time to the dir yes?23:24
TJ-Synopsis: yes, check the mtime23:24
Synopsisis there an easy way to get the latest mtime recursively?23:26
TJ-Synopsis: not without traversal23:26
Synopsisls -lt /media/** seems to do what I need...the top line is the most recently modified, just dont know how to use it in script ;)23:30
TJ-Synopsis: "ls -ltr /media/** | tail -1" will grab the last line23:32
TJ-Synopsis: do you want just the date/time ?23:32
Synopsisyes, but not the last line, the 1st line23:32
sehnsuchtthumnails aren't working properly in nautilus.  ubuntu 14.04.02. i have about 500  jpegs in 1 folder and around 1/2 have just the black JPG placeholder. rebooting makes no difference. the files open fine and look ok.  any ideas? is there some cache or something i can delete?23:35
bekkssehnsucht: jpegs dont produce a usable thumbnail, it is possible that a "just black" thumbnail is saved into the jpeg file, which is then read by nautilus.23:36
bekkssehnsucht: and rebooting will not solve those issues ever.23:36
bekkss/dont/dont necessarily/23:36
sehnsuchtis there a way of recreating the thumbnails?23:36
TJ-Synopsis: the command I gave you reverses the order so most recent comes last. This command just outputs the formatted date for easy comparision:  "ls --time-style=+%y%m%d%H%M%S -nltr ../** 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | cut -d\  -f 7 "23:36
TJ-Synopsis: so, for example, it just gives me "150821191528" which is easy to compare with a previous value23:38
OerHekssehnsucht, change the cache size http://askubuntu.com/questions/114530/how-large-can-nautiluss-thumbnail-cache-grow23:39
rredd4how do i make ubuntu stop limiting the volume at 100%?23:40
sehnsuchti've deleted the jpegs, going to recreate them again (from raw files, via bibble) to rule out missing thumbnails.  if i still get the problem then i'll look into the cache. cheers23:41
Synopsishmm...your command works correctly, but the ls command isn't handling subdirs correctly ...I wont be changing pictures often (probably never) so I'll tackle this part later...for now i need to figure out how to clone this hd onto my usb stick23:42
kadirorredd4: try this ( increment with 10 ) pactl set-sink-volume 0 -- +10%23:43
TJ-Synopsis: shrink the file-systems to a minimum, maybe, allowing some headroom for /var/{cache,lib,log}/  to grow23:44
TJ-Synopsis: I think find is your friend23:44
rredd4kadiro ok, have done that, now how i make that permanent23:44
Synopsisyea, find will probably be what I have to end up using23:44
wbillhow do i encrypt my home folder after i already installed ubuntu 15.??23:44
kadirorredd4: for that create a script file or put it to .bashrc for example23:46
kadirofor me i do that for my remote control to adjust it23:46
TJ-Synopsis: find /media -type f -name '*.jpg' -newer /path/to/some/reference/file && restart-fdi23:46
hoodediceI'm on windows10. Used unetbootin to set up a disk on the C:\ drive itself, but it won't boot, instead windows says that some mbr file was not found23:47
TJ-Synopsis: reference file could be generated simply by "touch /path/to/some/reference/file"23:47
Synopsisrestart-fdi would be command to restart my service?23:47
hoodediceIs there a way to boot to unetbootin without going through windows?23:47
TJ-Synopsis: yes.23:47
hoodediceI think this should solve it23:47
rredd4kadiro guess i need to learn how to do script file or the bashrc thing23:47
TJ-Synopsis: the "&&" means 'if the last command returned true (0) then execute the next command'23:48
Synopsiscool, will try it soon as this dd command is done23:48
Synopsisit doesnt give me a status, so no idea how long it will take23:48
Synopsissudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 ...will the usb be bootable?23:48
TJ-Synopsis: usually a *nix command returns 0 for success and > 0 for some problem23:48
kadirorredd4: the .bashrc ( with dot before bashrc ) is located at your home folder /home/user/ ) just put it in the last line23:49
TJ-Synopsis: Not directly. First, the destination needs to be big enough. 2nd, you need to install a boot-loader in the MBR, unless the PC is UEFI23:49
kadirobut this i think only work when you opened a terminal23:49
rredd4kadrio ok, via terminal... ?sudoedit23:49
Synopsiswell the usb stick is 16gb, and i've not put anything on here except the few packages i had to dl to get this working, so it should fit23:50
kadirofor other suggession i have no idea but there are many things like puting it to autostart programs23:50
TJ-Synopsis: dd can be told to report, from another terminal shell use "kill -USR1 $(pidof dd)" - SIG_USR1 sent to a dd process asks it to report on its own tty its progress23:50
kadirono rredd4 no need a sudo for it23:50
TJ-Synopsis: *but* the file-system on the source device might be much larger. The amount of data in it doesn't count23:51
Synopsisyea..the hard drive i think was a 300gb23:51
TJ-Synopsis: "lsblk" will show you the size of the file-systems23:51
Synopsisyea, 300gb23:52
TJ-Synopsis: this was why I suggested you may need to 'shrink' the file-system on the source device first, to something smaller that will fit on the USB23:52
Synopsisok, so what...maybe 12gb? do i need a swap on the usb too?23:53
Synopsisand, before I try this...how can I back up everything i've done :)23:53
TJ-Synopsis: "resize2fs -M" could help. Please see "man resize2fs". However, you won't be able to resize the live file-system, you'd need to boot using a Live ISO image so the file-system to be resized wasn't the one the OS is running from23:54
TJ-Synopsis: copy all your changes to some other location.23:54
TJ-Synopsis: I think in total you only have about 6 files that aren't standard?23:54
Synopsisis there a way to just image the disk? I dont remember all the changes23:54
Synopsisyea, the number of changes isn't very high23:55
Synopsisi just dont want to come bother you again when I can't figure out something again that you already helped me with :)23:55
TJ-Synopsis: you could create empty file-system on the USB, then use the 'rsync' command to copy files over, but you have to avoid copying over /proc/ /dev/ /sys/ and some files that are in-use might not be copyable and end up 0-length23:56
=== Ornacia is now known as Deez_Nuts
Synopsisif i booted a live cd copy, could i do it without having to worry?23:56
TJ-Synopsis: apart from your own scripts, the only system changes are the new systemd getty@tty2 unit, /etc/rc.local, and the laptop-tools config23:57
Synopsisi think so, and adding the autologin user to the video group for /dev/fb0 permissions23:58
TJ-Synopsis: if copying files you'd still need to avoid copying (or delete afterwards) anything under /proc/ /sys/ /dev/ /run/23:58
the_countBashing-om: Finally back23:58
TJ-Synopsis: right... I wasn't party to that :)23:58
Bashing-omthe_count: Ya got your homework done ?23:58
the_countBashing-om: No, not yet... But will soon enough, and I had other things on my list before....23:59
Synopsisyou're right though, i'll just copy my changes out23:59
TJ-Synopsis: way past my bedtime over here, so I'm going. Good luck with it.23:59
Synopsisif i have to redo it, it'll be good practice for me23:59
Synopsisthx for allyour help23:59

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