
skip-xubuntucan anyone help me with my zotac fx 5200 ? Can't get my Tv out to work06:02
skip-xubuntucan anyone help me with my zotac fx 5200 ? Can't get my Tv out to work06:02
skip-xubuntuany help at all would be really appreciated I have been trying forever now and can't seem to find the answer on my own....Been browsing Google with no luck...I'm using this older system jus so i can hook it up to my Tv. I run ubuntu/kubuntu dual boot on my main system06:11
cfhowlettubuntustudio (xubuntu) 14.04.3          xfce4-notes fails to launch from gui / terminal.  no error message.  what the hey?06:53
cfhowlettnmnd.  solved it.07:07
flocculant!team | meeting in 509:54
skip-xubuntuany help on using zotac fx 5200 tv out on xubuntu?11:29
xubuntu995las actualizaciones de xubuntu me están dando problemas. Es como si el botón izquierdo del ratón no funcionase. Por mucho que apriete el botón del ratón no funciona.13:59
cfhowlett!es | xubuntu99513:59
ubottuxubuntu995: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:59
xubuntu995las actualizaciones de xubuntu me están dando problemas. Es como si el botón izquierdo del ratón no funcionase. Por mucho que apriete el botón del ratón no funciona. Además cuando aprieto el botón derecho del ratón para el menú contextual sale todo en negro y no puedo elegir nada14:04
onrwhen i close my laptop's lid while xubuntu is shutting down, it sleeps16:30
onrwhen i open the lid, it continues to shut down16:30
onris it xubuntu, xfce, or ubuntu issue?16:31
subsciousHello. I am trying to play a Video-DVD I tried using mplayer VLC GNOME Mplayer and Parole. I used regionset to configure the region the DVD should have17:32
subsciousParole gives a GStreamer Backend error notice.17:34
subsciousIt mentions encryption as a possible fault.17:35
cfhowlettsubscious, is this a commercial dvd?17:35
subsciouscfhowlett: yes it is. the libdvdread4 shell solved the issue. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs)17:39
subsciouscfhowlett: thank you and good bye17:40
XubuntuUserNewI need information18:52
drc!ask | XubuntuUserNew18:52
ubottuXubuntuUserNew: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:52
onr!politeness | drc18:52
XubuntuUserNewI speak spanish and I try18:53
drcI was18:53
drc!es | XubuntuUserNew18:53
ubottuXubuntuUserNew: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:53
XubuntuUserNewOk tanks for you information, I wish to you have good day :)18:54
drconr: The factoid is there for a reason.18:54
pjotterIs it possible to have multiple instances running of xfce4-volumed?19:20
knomei wonder why you would want to do that19:21
pjotterhmmm... maybe I don't mean xfce4-volumed but that other one19:22
pjotterThe one you can add to the panel. Not sure what it's name is.19:22
drcWell, I know you can have 2 indicator plugins (with the Sound menu) on the panel, but I'm not sure what good it would do you.19:27
pjotterMaybe it's the "Audio mixer plugin" that comes with xfce4-mixer19:27
pjotterdrc: I have two soundcards, hence a need for two volumecontrols19:28
pjotterBut the volumeicon I have install on the panel can only run as one instance, it seems.19:29
pjotterI need something that I can run multiple instances of, each configured to it's own soundcard.19:29
drcBeyond my paygrade :)19:30
drcpjotter: I no one has an answer for you, I'd probably start here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound  May have some information or links for you.19:33
pjotterOk, thanks drc!19:34
drcIt looks like it was last edited this month, so it should be fairly current19:34
drcIt's a place to start anyway.19:35
flocculantpjotter: 2 cards that you use at the same time?19:36
pjotterI use one card for playing radio on19:36
pjotterIt outputs the sound to a speakerset that is away from my desktop. The rest of the sound is playing from the monitor speakers.19:36
flocculantand pavucontrol isn't working for you ? I thought it should19:37
pjotterYes, pavu works fine. But sometimes, I need to adjust or mute the sound real fast. Like when I get a call or something. In those cases an icon on the panle would be really ahndy19:38
flocculantaah - I see19:38
flocculanttry adding xfce4-mixer - then set it for one and pavucontrol for other - no idea if it would work though19:41
flocculantnever really thought about 2 lots of sound playing at the same time :)19:42
pjotteryes thats what i did now. its not an optimal sollution though19:42
pjotterme neither :)19:42
drcYou could also put a Pulseaudio launcher on the panel...not what you really want, but it would be faster than going thru the menus.19:42
flocculantI guess what you really need is mute to mute everything19:43
flocculantanyway - not going to be able to add anything else19:43
* drc likes his laptops multimedia buttons :)19:43
drcpjotter: Did you come up with a solution?20:29
pjotterHi drc. Sorry, had to attent to somthng important here20:37
drcah...the wife was talking, huh?  :)20:40
pjotterDaughter needed to be fed :D20:40
drcah, even more important (having had 3 daughters).20:42
drcWell, I still ahve them, but they can feed themselves now.20:42
pjotterOurs is around 8 months old now. So, I reckon we20:42
pjotter'll be feeding her for quite some years20:43
drcUntil she leaves home for Ranger School.21:27
drcoh...he's gone :(21:27
knomeand we also have #xubuntu-offtopic for you know, offtopic21:28
drcmea culpa21:28
marianoTo have a wireless icon on the panel (like in windows) do I have to install a 3rd party software or does xubuntu come with one?22:53
marianoI can't seem to be able to find it in the add panel.22:54
mrkrampsmariano, if no icon shown check if indicator-plugin is added to your panel22:54
marianoah ok, go it. Thank you. :)22:55
mrkrampsnever mind22:55

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