
idioternapitastrudl: sure06:18
idioternazakaj ne bi06:18
idioternasej je LTE06:18
dz0nythey are going to war over this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK8q7rS-Hjo08:20
Pepelka4Minute - Volume Up MV [English subs + Romanization + Hangul] HD - YouTube08:20
Pepelka»Totally love this!! This new album is really good! Must listen :) Back-up: http://www.youtube.com/user/LoveKpopSubs10 Artist: 4minute Song: Volume Up Album: ...«08:20
CrazyLemonwho is08:24
dz0nynorth vs south korea08:44
dz0nythey blas kpop with those speakers :>08:45
PepelkaPropaganda in South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia08:46
dz0nyDuring the first North-South talks since the end of the war, the North Korean delegation was brought into the South Korean capital of Seoul. Seeing the rebuilt city and the bustling traffic, the head of the north delegation said, “We’re not stupid, you know. It’s obvious you’ve ordered all the cars in the country to be brought into Seoul to fool us.” Lee Bum-suk, the representative from the south08:47
dz0nyreplied, “Well, you’ve rumbled that one, but that was the easy part. The hard bit was moving in all the buildings."08:48
yangZgleda da so Laibachi vsega krivi08:48
pitastrudlidioterna wut09:01
yangkul fotka09:04
CrazyLemonah..danes je ribiški maraton!09:22
CrazyLemonno ljubljana izola :D09:22
dz0ny.aptf libXss09:28
idioternapitastrudl: i even internet10:58
yangCrazyLemon: http://www.here.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/big-fish.jpg11:41
CrazyLemonyang i'm not into fishing (yet)12:20
yangonly 2 legs fishing12:25
Pepelka24ur.com - Goran Bregović zaradi plagiatorstva ob milijon evrov12:54
Pepelka»Francoski glasbenik Enrico Macias je bogatejši za milijon evrov. Tamkajšnje sodišče je namreč pritrdilo njegovi tožbi, s katero si je prizadeval dokazati, da je Bregović njegovo pesem A Solenzara brez njegovega dovoljenja 'preoblikoval' v In the Death Car.«12:54
PepelkaSam Morril Stand-Up 08/20/15 - CONAN on TBS - YouTube13:07
Pepelka»A broken iPhone might just be the perfect way to break up with a girl, according to Sam. More CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video Team Coco is the official You...«13:07
yangja sta si kar podobni pesmi13:19
PepelkaDEF CON 23 - Remote Exploitation of an Unaltered Passenger Vehicle - Miller/Valasek - YouTube13:33
Pepelka»Although the hacking of automobiles is a topic often discussed, details regarding successful attacks, if ever made public, are non-comprehensive at best. The...«13:33
CrazyLemonzanimiv talk13:33
pitastrudlidioterna:  ok13:44
pitastrudlgood bo13:44
dz0nyhuh Russian parliament asks to prohibit Windows 10 use in state organizations17:47
CrazyLemonbring on the 'putin support linux' memes!17:52
yangdz0ny: prav majo17:59
Sky[x]dz0ny: zdj se igram z http v go, pa vidm da ce mas unused variable sploh ne dela kar je ql18:08
jabuk1Ponoči bo pretežno jasno.21:15
jabuk1Jutri bo sončno z občasno povečano oblačnostjo. Zjutraj bo ponekod po nižinah megla. Najnižje jutranje temperature bodo od 9 do 13, na Primorskem okoli 15,  najvišje dnevne od  21 do 24, na Primorskem do 27 stopinj C.21:15
pitastrudl.vreme lj21:16
pitastrudl.vreme ljubljana21:16
jabuk1ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 16.1°C @22.08.2015 21:00 UTC.21:16
jabuk1Vlažnost: 78% severnik 0.2 m/s21:16
jabuk1Sončni vzhod: 04:10:53, Kulminacija: 11:06:25, Sončni zahod: 18:01:5821:16
jabuk1Dan je dolg: 13ur 51min 05s, Luna je v ščipu21:16
jabuk1ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 16.1°C @22.08.2015 21:00 UTC.21:16
jabuk1Vlažnost: 78% severnik 0.2 m/s21:16
jabuk1Sončni vzhod: 04:10:56, Kulminacija: 11:06:28, Sončni zahod: 18:02:0021:16
jabuk1Dan je dolg: 13ur 51min 05s, Luna je v ščipu21:16

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