
the_countBashing-om: Are you busy or could we work on fixing my computer again?00:02
dsfsdgdsgHi there, How do I give "user" access to these files (http://paste.ubuntu.com/12146487/), I've added "user" to snort group, still not allowed to access files.00:02
dsfsdgdsgFiles located at /var/log/snort/ *^00:03
Bashing-omthe_count: I am available. However, I have slept since our last . You will have to remind me what we are working toward, and where we are now .00:03
* kadiro we are in ubuntu channel ( joke ) :D00:05
the_countBashing-om: Do you always sleep like that? And, We were working on fixing something that is hindering synaptics drivers from letting the touchpad properly work, and we were last checking something for installed software or kernel or something like that?00:06
the_countI meant period00:06
the_countBashing-om: I need to talk to someone inexpectedly, be back in a bit. (or longer)00:08
dsfsdgdsgI don't get permission files, I have rw access and groups correctly sorted but I'm still forced to use root to access files in /var/log/blah/00:10
edtoast_46hi random person00:15
edtoast_46how are you doing?00:16
kadiroedtoast_46: sorry i can't ansewer here is not authorized for any question you're welcome but for other things go to #ubuntu-offtopic and you will be welcome there :)00:17
edtoast_46dont impersonate me00:18
edtoast_46hey m4rkus00:18
edtoast_46or you will do00:18
edtoast_46can you test out a channel for me?00:18
m4rkushey edtoast_4600:19
edtoast_46hi m4rkus00:19
kadirofor joint a channel just /j #channel00:19
edtoast_46can one of you test out #edtoast ?00:20
kadirono sorry00:20
alexbucurestiedtoast_46: do you enter at that channel?00:21
edtoast_46kind of00:21
emanuelEvening. I came here for help last night with openvpn. I was given some guides to look at but I can't get it to work. Anyone willing to help me out?00:21
edtoast_46if anyone wants to talk to me come to #edtoast00:22
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:23
=== emanuel is now known as EmanuelNJ
lappethi all.00:29
backboxhi man00:29
m4rkus /quit good night all00:32
lappetjust installed new distro, dual boot with another distro, but use the same swap partition. but the partition cant be used again in my first linux. how can i solve this so the past my first linux can use the swap partition again ?00:32
kadirolappet: no idea but i think you must to look in fstab file00:33
catalasecan anyone tell me what the DEFAULT web ui password and username are for tranmission00:33
kadirogood night all00:40
lappettnx kadiro. and good night00:40
kadirothk's lappet you welcome :)00:40
dsfsdgdsgHi there, why does "user" not have access to /var/log/snort http://paste.ubuntu.com/12146817/00:41
dsfsdgdsgI've set everything correctly it makes no sense.00:41
EmanuelNJEvening. I came here for help last night with openvpn. I was given some guides to look at but I can't get it to work. Anyone willing to help me out?00:43
dsfsdgdsgEmanuelNJ: just ask what the problem is.00:44
wileeeEmanuelNJ, give info on what you've tried including the issue for help.00:44
EmanuelNJProblem: I followed a guide about OpenPVN Server on Ubuntu but I can't get the the service to start or throw an error so I don't know where the issue is00:46
lappetthis is good guide EmanuelNJ : http://www.vpnbook.com/howto/setup-openvpn-on-ubuntu00:46
=== christopher is now known as Guest54508
EmanuelNJlappet, I will try that00:47
lappetEmanuelNJ: use their free vpn service as a test.00:49
EmanuelNJlappet, That guide is how to run my iwn openvpn server?00:49
lappetEmanuelNJ, no. you use it to connect to a vpn server. it is an easy guide to follow. try it.00:54
EmanuelNJlappet, what I'm trying to do is SETUP a VPN server00:55
lappetEmanuelNJ, sorry. i am misunderstand.00:56
EmanuelNJlappet, can you assist with that?00:57
lappeti have not try to set a vpn server. sorry. EmanuelNJ00:58
YukenSo, any good programs in the repos that would be good for sprite art?00:59
Guest813881how to i get Ubuntu to boot into a virtual terminal rather than login manager?01:02
SchrodingersScat!text | Guest81388101:06
ubottuGuest813881: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:06
Guest813881so if i do that will i be booted into the grub terminal for booting os or terminal for booting display manager?01:06
SynopsisBen64: still there?01:08
SynopsisJust an fyi, It boots faster than it did off the hard drive...from power on to showing images in 9 seconds off the usb01:09
dsfsdgdsghow do I group to access file /var/log/blah? I've tried chmod -R 0660 $file01:14
dsfsdgdsg^give group access.01:14
K1Dujust update to 15.04 and im not able to switch the close buttons to right01:19
=== cl-ar is now known as Guest45152
=== Guest45152 is now known as cl-ar
baloo2bplop :)01:28
EmanuelNJHelp. I followed the guide at http://websistent.com/setup-pptp-vpn-server-debian-ubuntu/ and was able to sign in ONCE but now the PPTTPD sever won't start. Help needed please01:33
=== cl-ar is now known as Guest11586
K1Ducan some1 help me a bit ?01:42
PigmaticoNew ubuntu user here (using a bootable usb to troubleshoot my new pc) , I'm needing to instal lm_sensors and have little to no idea how to do that01:51
PigmaticoIf anyone could lend a hand01:51
K1Duhi , anyone here01:53
telboonyeah. people are all around. just post your stuff and someone usually replies in 10 ot 15 mins01:54
K1Dui updated to 15.04 and im unable to change the close buttons to right01:54
hucasys_ubuntu tweak?01:55
K1Dutweak ?01:56
K1Dui tryed in gsetings and nothing01:57
K1Duand i also get stucked keys ...01:57
AfterDarknesshello I am wonder does kubuntu use the same repos and ppa?01:57
AfterDarknessas ubuntu01:57
Ju-no[Orion]AfterDarkness: yes01:57
AfterDarknessI had one crash from compiz few minutes ago and I had enough01:58
AfterDarknesslol i am so harsh01:58
K1Dugsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':minimize,maximize,close' doesnt work eighter01:59
AfterDarknessanyone knows for an alt for this http://iterm2.com/features.html ?02:04
Ju-no[Orion]AfterDarkness: the split thing ?02:06
AfterDarknessI like the overall package. there is also 'final term' but it is not being actively developed02:10
AbeI apologize but I still did not figure out how u save it ?02:11
Abehow U save your nickname in irssi... I am new to it02:12
=== g_byers is now known as Guest23346
evonHey everyone.  I have a laptop that can be converted into a table.  Has anyone used unity on such a laptop? and if so, what has your experience been? I am using ubuntu gnome right now and I don't really like it's touch capabilities02:15
evonabe sorry I'm not too sure02:15
Abedid you save your name or do you type /Nick every time?02:16
Abeah you might use a complete different irc client true02:17
evonabe I never have to type in mine.  I use XChat02:23
AffyGuys, I'm lost... I can't seem to get windows 10 and ubuntu to play along. First of all the ubuntu install doesn't recognize windows 10 so I need to do manual install, but when I reboot and get into grub to boot ubuntu, I get dropped to (initramfs) prompt/busybox thing. I follow this guide: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html02:28
AffyAlso, another strange thing. When I do a re-install of windows on the drive and re-create the partition table. When I reboot, I still have a boot option in bios called "ubuntu". Maybe I should wipe the drive or something? Maybe something is corrupt?02:29
=== baldrick is now known as Guest69239
=== HoloIRCUser5 is now known as RoDiMuSX
cappeIm affected by the bug  bumblebee doesn't work with systemd on 15.04, but works with upstart bumblebee fails on trying to modprobe "off" <<------ and I don't know how to get bumblebee and nouveau working toghether on my Haswell. This site shows the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bumblebee/+bug/1438106/+activity shows the bug. The error message tells me it that the bumblebee daemon cant load03:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1438106 in bumblebee (Ubuntu) "bumblebee fails on trying to modprobe "off"" [Undecided,Fix released]03:01
cappe GPU driver. Where shall I go from here?03:01
=== xangua_ is now known as xangua
cappeshall I stop trying to get the nouveau and bumblebee working togheter and instead go for official nvidia driver and bumblebee? or shall I await a bugfix?03:03
cappeI have tried to get this going for several hours, with all my knowledge and google and now you guys. Its tiring, and I need something to work with!03:05
phixhmmm, Amazon AWS, Google Compute, Rackspace or other?  Where is a good place to run Ubuntu?03:05
cappetell me: Nouveau and bumblebee OR Nvidia and bumblebee ? Im on Haswell having Intel Graphics 4400 and Nvidia GeForce 820m03:06
plytrophix: whatever is cheapest that meets your needs03:06
cappecould you guys help me get a FIX for bug issue #143810603:07
phixplytro: The cheapest are run outside of my country, so the latency is a concern03:07
cappeat bugs.launchpad.net03:07
Kate6Hey, can anyone help me, I'm trying to get the kernel module for my wireless card to auto load at startup on Ubuntu 15...    A manual modprobe loads it just fine but adding it to /etc/modules does not work for getting it to auto load at startup.03:08
cappeIm looking for a certain Nazar Mokrynskyi who has been bugtracking my issue. Are you in here?03:09
brenoHello Ola03:09
cappeguess I will have to damage my system by using the "real" drivers then03:10
cappethey have never worked for me03:10
MarconMits possible download ubuntu 16.04 ?03:11
cappedevelopers of bumblebee, have you seen the modprobe: off bug and corrected it?03:11
cappewhen modprobing the nvidia GPU bumblebee fails03:12
cappethat's the real issue03:12
cappejust saying. hopefully you will let me know when its corrected.03:12
wafflejockMarconM: looks like your laptop exploded on the wall03:19
plytrophix: note I said the cheapest that "meets your needs"03:21
plytroif latency is one of your criteria those that are outside your country don't meet your needs03:21
Kate6Kay well you've been most helpful03:22
Kate6Thank you03:22
MarconMwafflejock: yes hahaha03:23
Kate6May your boy children grow up to be cowboys and your girl children grow up to be brothel managers.03:23
InFlamescan anyone help me get my hp photosmart c410 to work with simple scan on ubuntu 15.04?03:27
=== aryan is now known as arunpyasi
matt247i cant run anything with wine or playonlinux, ive tried pokerstars, comand and conquer, marvel heroes to name a few.  they always crash.  am i doing something wrong03:30
TaymonHello, I rescued the hard disk from a dead machine and am trying to recover my ecryptfs home partition, but am running into some unexpected difficulties.03:31
TaymonI ran ecryptfs-recover-private and got INFO: Success!  Private data mounted at [/tmp/ecryptfs.orDMsELX].03:32
TaymonBut then at that location there's just Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and friends there, instead of my actual data.03:33
akikTaymon: is there a Exec= line in that desktop file?03:35
daffy__anyone who uses gnome can help me on changing the close windows button to the left side?03:37
Taymonakik: Exec=/usr/bin/ecryptfs-mount-private03:37
akikTaymon: i'm pretty sure that you need to run that command. you are not in a graphical DE ?03:38
Winter_Comdaffy__ I want to change the close windows button to the left too, so do you have any idea on xfce desktop environment ?03:39
akikTaymon: those .desktop files describe an icon03:39
Taymonakik: I'm on the command line and I already ran that command.03:40
daffy__Winter_Com, nothing here.. im trying on gnome, found nothing on google03:40
akikTaymon: oh you said you ran ecryptfs-recover-private03:41
Winter_Comok, when you have any idea, give a clue , thanks. daffy__03:41
daffy__Winter_Com, you too, if u find something let me now, I'll consider change gui03:42
wafflejockWinter_Com: daffy__ I'm surprised by this, the move by unity to move them to the left was not well received03:42
Taymonakik: I did. And then I went to the directory that it created, and Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop was in it.03:42
wafflejockWinter_Com: daffy__ you may want to see if there's anything in dconf-editor or the tweak-tool for your desktop but not sure03:43
akikTaymon: what did /usr/bin/ecryptfs-mount-private output when you ran it?03:43
daffy__wafflejock, the usability is all on the left side.. web .. texts everything03:43
Taymonakik: INFO: Success!  Private data mounted at [/tmp/ecryptfs.orDMsELX].03:43
=== Tsunami1 is now known as Guest98989
daffy__wafflejock, I barely go to the right lol03:43
akikTaymon: there are two commands, which one did you ran?03:44
daffy__wafflejock, already tried both03:44
wafflejockdaffy__: well I tend towards shortcuts on the keyboard when it comes to closing windows but just having things in corners is the main thing so you can just bury the mouse in the corner basically and hit the button03:44
wafflejockdaffy__: I just like to have menus on the left and my window controls on the right but just surprised to hear the opposite03:45
MerwcoHello everyone. I have a problem with my ubuntu 14.04. From time to time I get the sound problem, that the sound is either kind of slowed down or speeded up by about 10%. using pulseaudio -k in the terminal or rebooting is a temporary workaround. does anyone know how to fix this permanently?03:45
Taymonakik: Ah, sorry, I ran ecryptfs-recover-private.03:45
akikTaymon: try the command after Exec= now03:46
daffy__wafflejock, cool.. well, im my opn is way to long to move from left to right just to close or minimize something using mouse03:46
Taymonakik: From which directory?03:47
edtoast_46JOIN #toastirc please.03:47
akikTaymon: / is good03:48
daffy__wafflejock, what gui do u use?03:48
wafflejockdaffy__: interesting, yeah sorry I don't have a solution for ya though, I basically see the opposite as an advantage too though like I don't want to accidentally be clicking those buttons so I want them far away :) I use Gnome03:48
Taymonakik: ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly03:48
akikTaymon: try changing to your normal user account first03:49
Taymonakik: How do I do that?03:51
akikTaymon: su - username03:52
daffy__wafflejock, thats true either, but the design is so clean and bigger.. dependind the size of your monitor03:52
Taymonakik: No passwd entry for user 'taymonbeal'03:52
Taymonakik: I'm on a live flash drive.03:52
akikTaymon: ok try "su username"03:52
Taymonakik: I tried copying the script and modifying it to refer to the path where my actual encrypted home dir is.03:53
Taymonakik: Here's what I got:03:53
Taymonwc: standard input: Input/output error Inserted auth tok with sig [7a0d6cd2e4d732db] into the user session keyring fopen: No such file or directory03:53
akikTaymon: here's somebody's blog about recovering the data with a live session http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Ecryptfs#Live03:54
Taymonakik: Yeah, I already tried that approach, it didn't make my data available.03:55
akikTaymon: sorry i'm out of ideas03:55
akikTaymon: maybe it would help to boot the live session dvd04:00
akikTaymon: even though it says it mounted your data at /tmp/ecryptfs.orDMsELX there might be some GUI dependency since there was that .desktop file04:01
Taymonakik: It's not a GUI problem, there's an I/O error happening and I'm pretty sure the real problem is in there now.04:03
Winter_ComI/O error ?04:04
Winter_Commight it be hard drive problem ?04:04
=== sins-_y is now known as sins-
phixplytro: ok so that excludes google then, any others besides Amazon AWS or Rackspace in AU that would be good to run Ubuntu on?04:24
* Nelson1 says hello04:24
phixhi hi04:24
Nelson1hello phix04:24
Goldenboy579any one play xbox one04:25
Goldenboy579hello nelson04:26
Nelson1hello Goldenboy57904:26
phixGoldenboy579: no, no one in this channel does04:26
phixGoldenboy579: I have steam installed under Ubuntu and play games on that04:27
phixwhy would I need an Xbox for?  that is Microsoft also04:27
Goldenboy579i dont have steam yet04:27
phixyet it04:27
Goldenboy579ill try04:28
phixthere is also PlayOnLinux (ubuntu package) for playing games under Ubuntu using wine (for games that dont have a native version)04:28
phixIt works quite well with WorldOfTanks :)04:29
Nelson1is it bad to install an os on a SDD?04:29
Trinityif Java's JAVA_HOME isn't set can I still use Java sometimes?04:29
Nelson1can it ruin it by continously reading and writing on it?04:29
phixNelson1: no, it is good, means fast boot and app opening times04:29
TrinityI know its bad practice, but will some applications still be able to run java?04:30
phixNelson1: SSDs have a life span equiv to magnetic these days.04:30
phixTrinity: yes, most apps can figure out where java is installed04:30
Nelson1phix but people say , they have limited read and write limits?04:30
Nelson1like a flashdrive?04:31
Trinityphix, thanks. an article i'm reading states that I should set the env variable in /etc/environment. some other articles have stated other places. Do you know which i should be storing the path at?04:31
phixNelson1: no read limits, there are re-write limits though, but it is into the hundreds of thousands writes to the same spot on the chip until it stops retaining information, however SSDs these days are good at sharing the load over the entire disc, so you don't ever run into that issues until about 3 - 5 years of operation,  which is the average life span of a magnetic disc04:32
phixTrinity: if you install the Ubuntu java package it will do that for you04:32
phixTrinity: there is a ppa for java04:32
Trinityphix, ah I see.04:32
Trinitydo you know where it set the path?04:32
Trinityjava -version returns the version04:33
Trinitybut echo $JAVA_HOME is empty04:33
phixTrinity: what app is requiring JAVA_HOME to be set?04:33
phixTrinity: I dont have JAVA_HOME set however all of the java applications I use figure out where it is04:33
Trinityphix, no application. Im using IDEA and it auto-detects. I'm just curious where $JAVA_HOME went and how it was set04:34
Bashing-omNelson1: If you do not have a lot of ram, might consider putting /swap on the spinning drive to reduce reading/writing .04:34
phixTrinity: ah ok, IDEA is smart, it knows stuff04:35
phixTrinity: I use IDEA / ADT and PyCharm myself04:35
Trinityphix, do you have any idea where or how the Java path was set then? or should I test an application that isn't so smart04:35
Trinitythen again, java -version works04:36
phixTrinity: IDEA probably checks common installation directories based on your OS04:36
Trinityso it must be set somewhere04:36
phix /var/lib/jvm is a common place04:36
phixTrinity: it is probably set in code in IDEA: )04:37
madmangunradioomg massive difference between 3.19 and 4.1.6 kernel while compiling ..  geez..   just had to vent that04:37
ywyakHello, im trying to repair my window 10 using boot repair linux via live usb ubuntu, and here is the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12148333/ so far, my win 10 never booted up04:38
phixmadmangunradio: ok04:38
Nelson1phix isn't ext4 filesystem in linux bad for sdd. it does continous journaling(read / write ) for the os?04:38
phixywyak: go away04:38
phixNelson1: *shrugs* my SSDs are working just fine :)04:39
madmangunradiomine to04:39
Nelson1that's nice phix, how old are urs?04:39
madmangunradiogoing on 2 years for me04:39
phixNelson1: less than a year04:39
Nelson1i see04:39
phixI had magnetics before that04:39
phixNelson1: SSDs these days manage that for you.04:40
ywyaki assumed this is ubuntu support channel?04:40
phixyou don't need to worry about writes as much as you did back in the day04:40
phixywyak: correct, not Windows 1004:40
Nelson1ok i see phix04:40
madmangunradiomake sure noatime is set in fstab04:41
ywyakwhile i understand i am trying to repair win 10 mbr, but im using that via usb Ubuntu live04:41
phixywyak: You shouldn't of updated :)  you have a year to install it04:41
ywyakits not an error updating.04:41
phixywyak: is the usb Ubuntu live working fine?04:41
Nelson1phix any good/reliable  brands for sdd?04:42
phixywyak: great, so is there anything else/.04:42
=== madmangunradio is now known as madmangunr
phixNelson1: I use Samsung and Kingston.  I had a Intel but I stupidly sold it thinking I could get another one for the same price, turns out it was a promotion and it went up 100% in price04:43
madmangunrNelson1 take a look at /etc/system/fstab and make sure noatime is in the line for your ssd04:43
phixywyak: Use the Windows 10 utilities to fix Windows 1004:43
owen1i installed ubuntu (and switched to i3 as my WM) and i see a modal prompt that asks me for an ssh possword to deploy@some-ip  what is that and how to get rid of it?04:44
phixywyak: You may want to ask further Windows 10 questions in a channel that supports it.04:44
Nelson1phix yes samsung makes nice ssd's04:44
ywyaki cant boot win 10 at all. which is why im trying to linux to fix win 10 mbr04:44
Trinityphix, that still doesn't explain how typing in terminal `java -version` works though :/04:45
Nelson1what's the issue with windows10, a lot of people are complaining about it?04:45
Trinityim fairly new to linux and my assumption from being able to use `java -version` means that `java` has a path or something04:45
Trinityotherwise ubuntu wouldn't understand that command right?04:45
madmangunrywyak can you boot ubuntu fine on the hd?04:46
Nelson1Trinity does linux uses a different jvm than windows?04:46
TrinityNelson1, there are two, OpenJDK and Oracle's04:46
phixywyak: fixing windows 10 is out of scope here though.  Even if you are using Ubuntu to attempt a repair.04:46
phixTrinity: java is in your PATH04:46
Nelson1Trinity i see04:46
Trinityphix, /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games04:47
Trinitythats my path :/04:47
ywyakalright, i'll ask another question: how can i access to my hardrive to back up before i do a complete reinstall on window 1004:47
Bashing-omphix: Consider, IF ubuntu were installed, and in the process of installing ubuntu the boot code is corrupted, then yes it is our problem to help resolve .04:47
phixTrinity: there is probably a symlink in /usr/bin/java pointing to /etc/alternatives/java or something like that04:47
Nelson1has ur windows 10  corrupted?04:48
phixywyak: You can mount your drives under Ubuntu.  If you boot off the live USB it should pick them up in nautalus, assuming there is nothiung wrong with the disc04:48
phixBashing-om: considering04:49
ywyaknautalus shows no files on my win 1004:49
phixBashing-om: You should only install ubuntu after installing windows on a dual boot setup04:49
phixBashing-om: however I would recommend against dual boot.  Instead I would install Ubuntu on the system and use a Virtual Machine to run Windows under04:50
Trinityphix, gotcha. thanks!04:50
phixywyak: what does dmesg say?  anything about sector failed on /dev/sda or something like that?04:50
phixywyak: It may be a hardware problem04:50
ywyakcare to explain to me what dmesg is?04:50
phixywyak: click on the dash icon (or press the SUPER key on your keyboard) and type in terminal04:51
phixclick on the terminal icon to open it then type in dmesg04:51
madmangunrwhy not dual boot?  I'm dualbooting win10 and ubuntu fine.  win10 on regular hd and ubuntu on ssd while sharing ext4 and nt partitions on the regular one with win1004:51
phixThen scroll up to see if you can see any error messages regarding /dev/sda04:51
Gallomimiahiya phix. i hope you are well04:52
phixmadmangunr: Switching back and forth is annoying.  I find it easier to run Ubuntu all of the time and start up a VM if I need to do something Windows specific (or run an app that doesn't work correctly under wine)04:52
madmangunrrunning virtualbox on ubuntu for several other flavors of linux for testing.   If your not gaming its fine to vb windows04:52
phixGallomimia: I am GREEEEATT!!04:52
madmangunroh phix well thats perfectly sane04:53
phixmadmangunr: incorrect.  A lot of games run under Linux.  There is also a version of steam for Linux.04:53
madmangunrphix i was refering to virtualboxing windows under linux and expecting games to work under windows04:53
phixmadmangunr: most Source games run under linux, like HL2, L4D, CSS, CS: GO, Portal and others like DOTA2, etc etc.  goto steampowered.com for more information of games that run natively under linux04:54
madmangunri use playonlinux qt4wine wine etc. for everything.  I'm 100% linux minus 2 games04:54
madmangunrmisunderstood me phix thats ok04:54
phixmadmangunr: oh sorry, I thought you said gaming under linux wasn't pratical :)04:54
madmangunrno sir04:54
madmangunri can prove anyone wrong with pictures and videos lol04:55
phixmadmangunr: yes gaming on windows under virtual box doesn't work that good ;)04:55
phixmadmangunr: ditto;04:55
phixI like playonlinux04:55
phixWorldOfTanks runs fine with it :)04:55
ywyaki have not find anything indicating sda. is there a short cut like CTRL+F to search for key word in terminal?04:55
ywyakyes madmangunr?04:56
madmangunrclarification of your last question04:56
madmangunrwhat where you asking?04:57
akikywyak: dmesg | grep keyword04:57
ywyakanswering phix question madmangunr04:58
madmangunrI still can't belive i'm running 25-30 degrees cooler by using kernel 4.1.6 to compile..  little ticked off with current 3.19.0-25 kernel04:59
madmangunrok ywyak04:59
* Nelson1 thinks why does linux runs hotter than windows?05:00
ywyaki've found some mention of sda, but nothing relate anything error about /dev/sda phix05:03
RudolfMy server is powerfull, it no use firewall, it no shutdown, it is the best, my server use ssh , user: admin , pass : admin  , my ip is beware, you'll be watch05:04
ChrisHello. How do I determine the precise kernel version that will boot by default (by inspecting grub configs)?05:11
=== Blaster is now known as Guest28539
wileeeChris, Curious, e=what is the end goal?05:13
wileeesorry for typo05:13
ChrisThe end goal is to determine which kernel my remote server will boot into when I remotely reboot it without console access.05:13
ChrisIf it's the wrong version, I won't be able to reach it.05:13
madmangunruname -r05:14
ChrisNo, that determines the currently running kernel.05:14
madmangunryour right ..05:14
madmangunryou are right chris05:15
=== dib is now known as Guest87385
ChrisAnyway, I'm running a 4.1.3 and Ubuntu just decided to "upgrade" to 3.19.0-2605:16
ChrisI want to make sure it will boot into 4.1.3 and not 3.19.0-2605:16
Gallomimiayou could remove the 3.19 package05:17
Gallomimiai... think?05:17
madmangunrIt will boot to the larger number Chris05:17
Gallomimiai don't think that's automatic05:17
madmangunrI test the latest kernels05:17
Chrismadmangunr: I wouldn't like to assume that05:17
ChrisI'd like to verify it.05:17
Chris(without rebooting first)05:17
Gallomimiai'm assuming you use grub? those settings ought to be good to check05:18
ChrisYes, that was the original question.05:18
Chris<Chris> Hello. How do I determine the precise kernel version that will boot by default (by inspecting grub configs)?05:18
ChrisSo /boot/grub/grub.cfg seems rather insane looking.05:18
ChrisI grepped menuentry, and 4.1.3 kernels are "at the top", but that doesn't give me full comfort.05:19
* Chris risks rebooting and hopes...05:19
akikit was so much easier to figure it out in grub v1, default=005:19
akikit would boot the first menuentry05:20
madmangunrHonestly Chris, I don't know the command I can only offer you my experience and that is it will boot the latest kernel05:20
Gallomimia!grub | chris05:21
ubottuchris: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:21
Gallomimialet's examine the 2nd link and see what it says05:21
madmangunrI even installed kernel 4.1.6 on my 3.19.0-25 30 minutes ago05:21
madmangunrI've done this exact thing for a long time05:22
madmangunrgrub2 will boot the latest kernel05:22
ChrisFortunately it worked, thanks05:22
voz9jskigood news05:23
madmangunrdpkg -l linux-* | awk '/^ii/{ print $2 }' | grep -e [0-9]05:23
madmangunrwill list your current installed kernels including headers tools etc05:23
akikactually there's GRUB_DEFAULT=0 in /etc/default/grub05:23
ChrisYeah, I have 4.1.3, 4.1.0 and 3.19.005:23
madmangunrdefault=0 is latest kernel05:23
madmangunrit will load latest kernel05:24
madmangunranyways glad it worked for you Chris05:24
ChrisThank you05:24
AffyHi guys, I just installed win 10 and ubuntu 15.04, but Grub has named both windows 10 and windows 10 recovery "Windows Recovery Environment". I assume it would be easily to change this via a config file somewhere?05:24
akiki think it depends on the order of the probed entries05:24
madmangunrtry /boot/grub05:26
madmangunryou can type in grep -nr windows05:26
madmangunrsee what pops up05:26
madmangunredit grub.cfg in /boot/grub05:26
akikit's a bad idea to directly edit grub.cfg as it's dynamically created05:27
akikit will work until it's updated05:27
Affymadmangunr, got it, thanks!05:28
madmangunrremember what akik said05:28
madmangunrhe's right05:28
akikactually my friend ran into a big problem when he started windows recovery environment from grub. he lost his linux partition from the partition table05:29
akiki think this was with windows 805:30
goddardubottu: how are you05:30
ubottugoddard: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:30
goddardubottu: do you life coffee?05:30
ubottugoddard: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:30
lotuspsychje!botabuse | goddard05:30
ubottugoddard: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:30
=== gms is now known as Guest25172
NikeshAny ideas why my mouse (track pad on laptop) would be clicking and moving all around the screen by itself? If05:57
NikeshIf I turn off the track pad, it stops..05:57
Nikesh(using the Function key + track pad option key)05:58
urd7that was happening to me and it was simply stuff touching the trackpad by accident. Sounds stupid but I had not realized...05:58
urd7and yes I turned of the trackpad and it stopped05:58
CJ57769a ghost is controlling your computer05:59
Nikeshurd7: Well, for me I will boot up the machine and leave it there and step away and I look at the screen and things are getting clicked and mouse moving crazy all over..05:59
urd7yeah then it's the ghost! :-)06:00
NikeshDrivers maybe? :(06:00
urd7it sounds like it06:02
luchoi can help me?06:16
luchoi nedd help unreal ircd service bots chanserv, nickserv etc etc06:16
luchoi cant mount services..06:17
luchoanywhere speak spanish _>?06:18
Gallomimia!es | lucho06:19
ubottulucho: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.06:19
luchosabes algo de montar los servicios del unreal?06:19
Gallomimiano hablas espanol06:19
luchoporuqe estoy trabado y me estoy volviendo loco ya :P06:19
luchoGallomimia, can you speak spanish?06:20
Gallomimia!es | lucho06:20
luchoubuntu-es 100% offline :*06:20
luchoin argentina 3:20 am06:20
luchoall people sleep :(06:21
Gallomimiaya. friday night who wants to hack on linux :D06:21
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: no hacking topics here06:22
Gallomimiai think you misunderstand what the word "hacking" means pal06:22
luchoI need to configure services unreal ircd , chanserv , nickserv , StatServ , etc you know that?06:22
lotuspsychjeGallomimia: it means its offtopic06:22
Gallomimianope :( it'd be nice to know about06:22
Gallomimiaand yeah. ircd is offtopic for this channel.06:23
luchook goodbyre06:23
=== Gallomimia is now known as Gallo_
NikeshI'm getting 'no bootable device' after installing Ubuntu to a fresh SDD.. any ideas? :S06:30
Gallo_first thing i'd check is to make sure grub installed properly, then i'd also check the bios is searching in the right places for said drive06:31
NikeshGallo_: How do I check if GRUB installed properly?06:31
Gallo_!grub| nikesh06:31
ubottunikesh: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:31
Gallo_that i don't actually know, but this bot can give you some helpful links :)06:32
Gallo_any suggestions for a decent multi-chat client on ubuntu? (i'm really not fond of pidgin's UI, integration, or notifications)06:38
samthewildone1sudo reboot06:39
levosuppose i have two usb sticks with live linux distros on them (ubuntu on one and porteous on the other). porteous could boot but ubuntu couldn't. so I copied the files of ubuntu disk into the other usb (replacing with the previous files) this time ubuntu booted but i ran into some squashfs errors. is this due to the procedure i did?07:05
levoor at least could it be?07:05
Gallo_levo: it could be. but i'm not sure of the procedure you did07:06
levoGallo_: just copying all the ubuntu files from one usb to the other. supposing the other usb's mbr and things work.07:07
Gallo_that's pretty odd. my favorite way to make a bootable stick is with dd.07:07
Gallo_they usually have the mbr inplace07:08
Gallo_it should also be useful to note that i've not used any other distro's.07:08
levoGallo_: yep i use UUI but this time i wanted things to go quick07:08
Gallo_why not try another way of getting your other distro on the stick that didn't work. perhaps that one is not viable somehow07:09
Gallo_some other useful advice: check checksums! they have check right in the name... and try a few procedures07:10
=== trick is now known as Guest78874
w_всем привет07:28
Gallo_!ru | w_07:28
ubottuw_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:28
Gallo_im not sure if you're russian, but it sort of looks russian.07:29
Gallo_sorry if you're speaking a similarly cyrillic language and i'm ignorant07:29
llorephieGallo_: you are right :)07:30
levoGallo_: I checked the md5 checksum. it was intact. and i've used both unetbootin and universal usb installer. but the usb doesn't boot.07:31
Gallo_sounds like that one usb disk is a failure. or its got unusable drivers?07:31
levoit used to boot (porteaus could boot via that) but other usb.s i used couldn't. they were usb3 but this one which is usb2 could work with porteaus07:32
Gallo_i don't know what to tell ya man. i've never used either of those programs to make install drives. i've also never heard of porteaus. dd works for me, and if you are having unexplainable problems, i suggest you test every mode and find which ones work and which don't, then speculate as to the reason.07:35
=== phillips1012 is now known as solenoids
levoGallo_: ok. besides i'm on windows now so I can't use dd.07:45
wafflejocklevo: have you tried this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows07:52
nonkeyi forgot my freenode password how to recover it?07:53
wafflejocklevo: also are you manually selecting the USB drive for booting in the BIOS or through a boot menu?07:53
levowafflejock: yes i've tried UUI07:53
levowafflejock: it automatically looks for a bootable usb. since when I had the other distro it didn't need any extra step for booting from that usb07:54
wafflejocknonkey: https://freenode.net/faq.shtml typically freenode itself isn't really on topic here I don't think07:54
wafflejocklevo: just trying to give you some options, were you able to verify the data transferred to the USB07:54
levowafflejock: md5 checksum. matching the one mentioned in ubuntu website07:55
levoI'm also trying a slow fat32 format in windows too. maybe stupid but thought maybe it's colliding with multiple quick format and things i've done so far07:56
wafflejocklevo: never tried this but you might give this a try http://bootableusb.net/how-to-check-if-usb-drive-is-bootable/07:57
=== Calvin is now known as Guest89576
yaksha5welcome solarisboy08:03
=== larsu is now known as Guest69791
levowafflejock, Gallo_: i think that slow format did the work done. now it can boot from usb stick08:18
wafflejocklevo: cool glad you got it fixed08:18
barkerperkinsnew...any discussion?08:28
cfhowlettbarkerperkins, ask your ubuntu question08:29
barkerperkinsjust testing program...08:30
cfhowlett!test | barkerperkins08:30
ubottubarkerperkins: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:30
barkerperkinsloud and clear...thanks08:30
=== Blaster is now known as Guest48990
AmitariDoes anyone know of a piece of software to rip DVDs to ISO, and verify it? Kinda like Exact Audio Copy and RubyRipper does for Audio CD?08:43
Amitarigott3rfunk3n83: The thing with the closest name I can find in the repository is Ripperx, and that's for Audio CD.08:45
Nikesh'No bootable device' after fresh Ubuntu install. Not dual boot. Any ideas?08:46
cfhowlettNikesh, reset your bios to boot from hdd not the ubuntu CD/USB08:47
Nikeshcfhowlett: Boot order?08:49
Nikeshcfhowlett: OK, I'll try that. Also, perhaps boot flags?08:49
cfhowlettNikesh, boot flags should be autoset during your installation.08:49
=== psychosomatic is now known as adjstts
Nikeshcfhowlett: What should they look like?08:50
NikeshJust to check08:50
C0r3Was just checking can we run a program without installing it... Worked quite well!!!08:50
cfhowlettNikesh, depends on your system, i.e. efi or not, dual boot or not.  here's mine on ubuntu only UEFI laptop      http://paste.ubuntu.com/12149451/08:51
Nikeshcfhowlett: Similarly I am would like Ubuntu only UEFI laptop08:53
cfhowlettNikesh, let's see what your working with: sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999         and paste the url here08:54
bq_why /bin/true; is placed in the beginning of a sh line?08:55
cfhowlettNikesh, ext 2?  default ubuntu filesystem is ext4.  what version of ubuntu is this?08:56
Nikeshcfhowlett: I moved USB boot down on the list but still 'No Bootable Device'08:56
Nikeshcfhowlett: Ubuntu 14.1008:56
NikeshNo idea08:56
NikeshI used default options08:56
cfhowlettNikesh, 14.10 is end of life, not supported.  install 14.04 for long term support.08:57
NikeshMy mouse was going screwy with 14.04 in the Live USB so I thought the drivers were weird. Anyways, I had the same issue with 14.04 as well as far as 'No bootable device'08:57
NikeshI'll try it though08:57
cfhowlettNikesh, or 15.04 for newest version.08:58
NikeshTry it again, rather08:58
NikeshWell, some things aren't well supported with 15.0408:58
NikeshLike MongoDB08:58
Nikeshwhich I want to use08:58
NikeshMaybe worth seeing if it gets the machine usable though09:00
cfhowlettNikesh, what are you machine specs?09:00
NikeshPossibly something to do with BIOS settings? Windows booted fine :/09:00
cfhowlettNikesh, wait, so it DOES have windows?09:00
Nikeshcfhowlett: It DID09:00
NikeshI chose to replace Ubuntu over it09:00
NikeshMachine specs.. like this? 8GB RAM, 2.4ghz quad core, 128GB SSD HDD09:02
cfhowlettNikesh, nice.  yeah, ubuntu should run that without problem.09:02
NikeshCould it be to do with the BIOS settings somehow or GRUB?09:07
=== madmangunradio is now known as madmangunr
cfhowlettNikesh, according to your parted -l, ubuntu did not install.  plus ext2 is NOT the default setting.09:08
NikeshOh that's really weird..09:08
NikeshOK, maybe 'Secure Boot' ?09:09
cfhowlettmight be easiest to search for someone who's installed to a matching device.  google you laptop make/model + ubuntu 14.04 installation09:11
pi-How can I copy http://rawgit.com/brython-dev/brython/master/www/src/* to ./foo/ ?09:11
pi-gottit, sorry09:12
geekstayHi everyone. I've got an error "Error in service module" when I try to connect on a session (Xubuntu 14.04). A black screen still appear when I boot, and when I try to connect with a tty, I've got this error. Could someone help me ?09:17
powkiei just did the free windows 10 upgrade and screwed up my bootloader. i thought it would only overwrite the MBR on fresh installs. anyway,  here's what boot repair says:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12149518/09:18
cfhowlettpowkie, of course it screwed your bootloader.  that's what windows does.  reinstall grub to fix.09:18
powkiethere seems to be some overlap in the tables and the file system isn't recognized by boot repair09:18
cfhowlett!grub2 | powkie09:18
ubottupowkie: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:18
Kate6Win10 install a few days ago left my GRUB alone.09:18
thealpineit sounds impossible09:19
Kate6I was surprised as heck, actually went and found my Ubuntu USB install stick while Win10 was upgrading in prep for having to reinstall GRUB.09:19
Kate6Turned out I didn't need it.09:19
Nikeshcfhowlett: If I choose 'something else' for partitioning, what should I set it up as?09:19
cfhowlettNikesh, no you should let ubuntu do it' s automatic install09:20
cfhowletteraase and install09:20
Kate6Uh, you should do the automatic install.09:20
Kate6If you do partition yourself, make sure you have a reasonably sized swap partition...  The main reason people sometimes partition themselves is on a multi user system, to have the /home folders on their own partition so users who upload a ton of random stuff can't screw with the system's ability to update its software.09:21
=== ira is now known as Guest81983
samthewildoneso hey guys, I have a situation09:21
wileeepowkie, sda5 and sda6 was your linux setup, raid?09:22
thealpinelet's discover this situation+09:22
samthewildoneI successfully installed ubuntu server 14.04.3 but, the fonts are to small and I did the "dpkg reconfigure consolo..." and the fonts are still small09:22
samthewildonethere has to be a way where I can get the fonts biger than what they are, this is killing me09:23
samthewildoneits like 8pt09:23
thealpineyou have to get09:23
cfhowlett!server | samthewildone,  ask the server folk09:23
ubottusamthewildone,  ask the server folk: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server09:23
powkiewileee: yea, well 4, 5, and 609:24
thealpineit'll let you modify fonts and many other things09:24
cfhowlettserver doesn't have unity.   unity tweak tool will do nothing09:24
thealpineyou're right09:25
thealpineso you have to type from terminal09:25
thealpinesudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup09:25
wileeepowkie, So what was the ubuntu setup on sda5/09:26
wileeepowkie, The script is showing nothing there, sda5, if we can get more info we might know why.09:29
wileeeanyway good help here gotta crash myself09:31
powkieinternet crapped out.  someone was helping me a second ago but i forgot the nick09:51
powkiethey had asked something about why "linux raid autodetect" was listed as a system type09:51
bekkspowkie: And you answered that you had a raid running on sda4, 5 and 6.09:53
=== martins is now known as martins-afk
erkan^Why doesn't Java (www.java.com) in the Software Centre?10:07
Ben64erkan^: you're missing at least one word10:10
erkan^what mean you, Ben64 ?10:11
Ben64you're not making sense10:12
jakhi everyone. I have a machine with two HDDs, one has / and is failing. I would like to install a fresh installation to the other disk, and boot from that. However I have no USB drives to hand, and no CD drive.10:17
jakCan I copy a live CD contents to the alternative drive, and start installation from there?10:17
jakIs that even sane? :)10:18
erkan^You are right, Ben6410:18
NegativeFlarejak: o_o Nope10:18
NegativeFlareLinux doesn't work like that10:18
jakNo way to copy over some necessary files, and then boot from that disk? Like a manual installation rather than using the installer10:22
=== Whitesqu_ is now known as Whitesquall
powkieok, could someone tell me if my understanding is right? im trying to reinstall grub after a windows 10 upgrade. to do that with a live USB, I need to mount the partition with the MBR (/dev/sda1) and then run sudo grub-install /dev/sda1?10:26
NegativeFlarepowkie: nope10:28
NegativeFlaresudo grub-install /dev/sda10:28
NegativeFlarenot sda110:29
NegativeFlareyou don't want to install grub on to your main parition D:10:29
powkieNegativeFlare: hrm...i think i have a fundamental misunderstanding of something :)10:30
NegativeFlarepowkie: /dev/sda is your main HD, also it references to your MBR10:30
NegativeFlare/dev/sda1 is your primary HD's parition10:30
NegativeFlareor one of them10:30
powkielet me google the error message. then i'll bother you again10:31
NegativeFlareSounds good10:31
=== ira is now known as Guest92401
NegativeFlarepowkie: far warning, I'm terrible with UEFI, so yeah.10:32
NegativeFlarefair*, excuse me10:33
=== shuduo is now known as shuduo_afk
powkieNegativeFlare: so i need to mount the root partition of my linux install, chroot over, THEN run grub-install?10:38
NegativeFlarepowkie: sudo grub-install /dev/sda10:39
siwicaWhen will ubuntu switch to a more recent version of ghc?10:39
powkieNegativeFlare:  grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/cow'.10:39
NegativeFlarepowkie: otherwise, idk. I haven't messed with Windows 10 (Linux Fanboy here)10:39
=== greg is now known as atmox
jaksiwica: best to ask here : https://lists.debian.org/debian-haskell/10:40
siwicawhat is the general policy for packaging newer version of a particular software on ubuntuß10:51
NegativeFlaresiwica: Have you tried finding a PPA for it>10:52
mniipI've set Ctrl+Shift as my layout switch key, and now it shadows all key-combinations involving Ctrl+Shift10:53
phixthat's nice dear10:54
auronandace!backports | siwica10:57
ubottusiwica: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:57
=== ChoiKyuSang is now known as Tempesta
justatechWhenever I shut down ubuntu It completesly shutdown for milli second and starts the pc again like giving the restarting instruction10:59
BotchlaBjustatech: How do you shutdown Ubuntu, GUI or 'sudo shutdown -h now' in the terminal?11:00
justatechGui till now11:00
BotchlaBjustatech: I see; try and see what happens when you do it with the terminal. If /that/ works, then I guess the GUI is doing something silly.11:01
justatechOk wait a minute11:01
justatechNope BotchlaB11:04
BotchlaBjustatech: "Nope" what? What does it do?11:04
justatechIt. Didn't work11:04
justatechRestarted again11:05
BotchlaBHm ; http://askubuntu.com/questions/165500/12-04-reboots-rather-than-shutting-down11:05
BotchlaBIt seems this is something other people also experienced.11:05
BotchlaBjustatech: Apparently, that has you go into the BIOS (assuming this is legacy hardware) and change some settings.11:06
justatechWhat shouldI do11:06
BotchlaBRead that link.11:06
BotchlaB" I finally went into the BIOS under Power Management and shut off everything except leaving base ACPI enabled."11:06
BotchlaBAs per the AskUbuntu answer.11:07
siwicaIs is possible to install the awesome wm alongside  unity?11:07
bekkssiwica: Sure.11:07
bekkssiwica: You just cannot use both at a time.11:07
siwicais there some tutorial for this?11:07
bekks!info awesome11:07
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.15-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 764 kB, installed size 2144 kB11:07
TJ-BotchlaB: So with original BIOS ACPI config + 10.04 it powered off; with original BIOS ACPI settings + 12.04 it reboots?11:07
justatechBut where is ascp11:07
bekkssiwica: sudo apt-get install awesome - no tutorial needed.11:08
mniipeverything is breaking...11:08
mniipI've had more stability in gentoo11:08
BotchlaBTJ-: THat's what the AskUbuntu OP said. o.0 It's weird.11:08
TJ-BotchlaB: this is an issue for justatech? (I only just entered the channel so missed much of the context)11:09
justatechWhat shoulfd I do in bios which should I didable. Legacy usb11:09
BotchlaBTJ-: Oh, yes, indeed -- they came in asking something similar. 'sudo shutdown -h now' rebooted the computer as opposed to shutting it down.11:09
BotchlaBTJ-: <justatech> Whenever I shut down ubuntu It completesly shutdown for milli second and starts the pc again like giving the restarting instruction11:09
Ben64BotchlaB: have you tried 14.0411:10
BotchlaBAsk justatech. :)11:10
BotchlaBIt's their problem, not mine.11:10
TJ-justatech: ACPI controls the reboot actions. If it is failing, likely the PC has a buggy BIOS implementation in ACPI DSDT , and we may need to 'teach' the Linux kernel how to work around that.11:11
TJ-For all ACPI issues your first step should be to collect the kernel boot lof "/var/log/dmesg" which will contain, in detail, the discovered ACPI configuration, and pastebin it11:11
TJ-justatech: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" and then  "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"11:12
=== it is now known as Guest60693
NikeshIf I have 8GB RAM, how much, if any, swap do I really need?11:23
wafflejockNikesh: for suspend I believe you need to have the same amount of swap as your RAM but otherwise just depends on what programs your running, shouldn't be a problem though11:24
wafflejockNikesh:  sorry believe that's hibernate not suspend https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq11:25
Ben64wafflejock: suspend to disk, normal suspend doesn't need swap11:25
wafflejockBen64: I always mix those up for some reason, don't really use either myself11:25
Ben64wafflejock: yeah me neither, this stays on 24/711:26
TJ-Nikesh: for 8GiB RAM, and wanting Hibernation, I'd reserver a mimimum of 8.25GiB for the swap partition11:33
foxyblastleague of legend11:37
powkieis there a channel specifically for help with testdisk?11:40
BluesKajHowdy folks11:41
TBJRcleaning out my computer case, I think I changed the order of the cables on my sata drives and now one of the drives doesn't auto mount anymore.  how do I update the new mount point/ points?11:59
gvoShouldn't make a difference if you are using uuid's to identify partitions.12:00
TJ-TBJR: start with "sudo lsblk -f" and "blkid" to identify what's what, then look at "/etc/fstab" and possibly "/etc /crypttab" (for encrypted systems)12:01
powkieupgrading to windows 10 seems to have fucked up my partition tables.  does anyone think there's a chance that reverting back to windows 8 will also revert the partitions?12:03
TBJRTJ-: Thank you12:03
TJ-powkie: highly unlikely12:03
powkieyea...that's what I expected12:04
TJ-powkie: Did it lose a Linux install?12:05
powkieim not sure12:05
powkieTJ-: https://dpaste.de/CNmD#L6312:05
powkieoops, i didn't mean to highlight that line12:06
powkieTJ-: so far I havent been able to re-install grub. im not sure if that is due to incompetence though12:07
bekkspowkie: Yes, I know it. Windows 8 will not revert anything.12:07
TJ-powkie: Ouch, that looks terrible12:08
powkieI can't mount anything. it says the FS aren't recognized12:08
powkieand I have no idea why it is RAIDed12:08
bekkspowkie: Because you installed it like that, at least thats what you told us.12:08
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powkiebekks: I never said I installed it like that.  I said that it was on those partitions in a RAID setup12:09
powkiei was just reporting back from the log files12:09
TJ-powkie: remember that testdisk may be giving false positives. Those potentially corrupt RAID superblock may actually be data from Linux executables12:10
TJ-powkie: some executables will contain 'template' metadata structures that are written to disk when a RAID member is created, and values filled in12:11
TJ-powkie: if it were GPT you might have had a chance to recover from the 2nd partition table, but with MBR you don't. It looks as if the Windows installer expected the entire disk was for it12:11
TBJRTJ-: I got it fixed, thank you so much for your help!12:12
powkieTJ-: so im screwed?12:13
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TJ-powkie: yes. If there was vital data on there photorec and a lot of manual examination of the recovered blocks might find some of it12:13
powkieTJ-: yea, I had been working two weeks on a project. i had committed but hadn't pushed :/12:14
powkiei can't believe i didn't push12:14
TJ-powkie: the joys of backup :)12:14
TJ-powkie: especially before an OS upgrade!12:15
powkieyea....i dont know what i was thinking12:15
powkieor wasn't thinking12:15
powkiemy boss isn't going to be happy12:16
BBLLCCi have a libreoffice document with 489 comments. Comments are corrections of the original text. I want the documento to show only the comments as corrections, instead of the original text. How do I do that?12:16
powkieTJ-: can photorec be used on an encrypted disk?12:16
TJ-powkie: not unless you can identify where the device starts, and have an intact LUKS header, or you backed up the header to another device12:17
powkieTJ-: no idea how to do that12:18
TJ-powkie: If it was encrypted, might as well just restart coding and hope you can catch up to where you were12:18
powkieTJ-: no idea how to do that12:20
powkiemaybe i'll just become a carpenter12:20
Omiluni have some error befor grub like this error : usb 2-1.6-port 1: cannot reset (err =-32") ubuntu12:27
Omilunand i cant go on my desktup12:27
BBLLCCIn the prining dialog, choose Comments:, what is prinning?12:28
TJ-BBLLCC: do you mean'printing' ?12:28
Omilunwhen i turn on mu laptop and i enter on ubuntu 15.04 i need to see a login page but i cant see it12:30
Omilunand i see some error like those error12:30
Omiluni can use shell on 5 worksapase  but i cant see desktop12:31
Omilun2-1.6-port 1: cannot reset (err =-32)12:32
TJ-Omilun: You have a failed USB device. Disconnect it12:33
nanashiReiHi i have a question regarding effective costs for landscape if i ever go over 10 servers and don't want support12:33
dbkaplunI wrote a CLI text editor, what do you guys think? https://github.com/slap-editor/slap12:35
OmilunTJ-: how can desconnect it?12:38
TJ-Omilun: Identify the device; unplug it. If it is an internal device (in a laptop maybe) then you have a greater problem. Maybe it is a software issue and a recent kernel upgrade brought this on. In which case test by starting with an older kernel from the boot-loader's "Advanced" menu12:40
OmilunTJ-: it say cannot enable . maybe the usb cable is bad?12:41
poksthi guys someone can help me with web developement issue?12:42
xfceKrisCan hirens boot cd be installed to usb via linux? http://www.hirensbootcd.org/usb-booting/ only shows a method for windows.12:43
xfceKrisI suppose I could use wine to run the .exe files12:43
xfceKrisNot sure if it would work though.12:43
pokstmaybe with sudo dd?12:45
pokstmaybe someone knows web developement channels/rooms ?12:47
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xfceKris cant dd a windows exe installer12:48
xfceKrismight be able to unpack it though.12:48
* xfceKris is off to google12:48
poksti doubt it..12:48
xfceKrisdoesn't matter anyway. Have to re-download hirens boot cd 15.2 anyway. Chromium didn't complete the download last time.12:55
xfceKris...any way to use ftp for it?12:55
* xfceKris off to google again.12:55
aeden__dtrying to "/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/server.conf.gz > /etc/openvpn/server.conf" but I get a permission denied. Suggestions? tried su, same result13:00
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aeden__dusing gunzip -c to extract ^13:01
evonHey everyone.  I have a laptop that can be converted into a table.  Has anyone used unity on such a laptop? and if so, what has your experience been? I am using ubuntu gnome right now and I don't really like it's touch capabilities13:05
aeden__dproblem solved... used "sudo su" to run the command.13:10
Twirlkind of off-topic quesiton, anyone knows how to paste from the terminal into open office calc and keep column structure? http://i.imgur.com/gcbtf5l.png13:16
aeden__dTwirl, where is that table from. Mysql?13:24
Twirlaeden__d: yes13:24
zykotick9aeden__d: fyi, "sudo su" isn't a good idea...  perhaps "sudo -i" if you really need a root terminal (you don't by the way)...13:27
aeden__dzykotick9, I went with "sudo su" should I exit and use "sudo -i" ?13:28
zykotick9aeden__d: yes.13:28
zykotick9aeden__d: fyi, sudo has problems with redirection > you can use "tee" instead...13:29
aeden__dzykotick9, that change wont effect the perms on the actions I've already performed will it?13:30
zykotick9aeden__d: "sudo -i" is the more-proper (but still silly) method of doing the same thing as su [get a root shell] on other distros13:31
aeden__dzykotick9, ok, thank you13:31
linociscowhat is the shortcut for prompt like Windows Key + R to get "run" dialogbox where we can temporary type something before we can copy?13:33
zykotick9linocisco: try alt+f2 i think...13:34
linociscozykotick9, not working. it is for volume up and down. thanks anyway13:35
=== Calvin is now known as Guest65992
aeden__dTwirl, I don't know if this will help, you've probably researched this already, but I found this --> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/467452/dump-a-mysql-database-to-a-plaintext-csv-backup-from-the-command-line13:39
linociscowhat is the shortcut for prompt like Windows Key + R to get "run" dialogbox where we can temporary type something before we can copy? or any tiny notepad?13:39
Twirlaeden__d: yes that's what i'm going to do after i'm done with this13:40
linociscowhat is the shortcut for prompt like Windows Key + R to get "run" dialogbox where we can temporary type something before we can copy? or any tiny notepad?13:45
Jackevansevolinocisco: perhaps look into installing a clipboard manager utility13:45
Jackevansevolinocisco: I'd recommend using gpaste13:46
linociscoJackevansevo, apt-get install gpaste?13:47
Jackevansevoyeah that should work, I also think there is a more up to date repository13:48
Jackevansevolinocisco: on second thought, I think gpaste might be exclusively for gnome-shell, if you want something that works anywhere try parcellite13:50
linociscoJackevansevo, I am on 15.04 and think gnome by default13:51
RedBlueWhy do Ubuntu distros' display drivers work on live cd mode but not after installing? (e.g. black screen) and why you're always told to install the propietary driver as if getting the xorg driver to work again like in the livecd wasn't possible?13:51
Jackevansevolinocisco: try it and see :)13:51
nickzhi guys m trying to install ubuntu 15.04 on my hp pavalion laptop but since i'm trying to use it in live usb session it is asking for user login and password although i tried to use user name as "ubuntu" with blank password it is also not working13:52
nickzwhat to do13:52
nickzany one13:52
Jackevansevonickz: at what point is it prompting you to type in a password?13:53
nickzduring live usb session13:53
nickzJackevansevo: i have windows 8 already installed13:54
linociscoJackevansevo, gpaste is supposed to run on terminal. my idea is to get blank text box where I can type and copy like ensuring typing difficult password and copy instead of directly typing in password prompt in forms13:54
ayylmaohello, is there any way I can change router's default DNS address to Google's without using static IP from my router.13:55
bekksayylmao: That depends on your router, and is described in its manual.13:56
ayylmaoI dont want to use google's dns on my router, only on my laptop. It is possible if I use static IP from my router, but thats not what im looking for here.13:57
ayylmaoif I change DNS from connection setting, primary DNS is always the default from router, only secondary DNS changes, which is no good.13:58
nickzJackevansevo: any idea13:58
bekksayylmao: DNS configuration of your router isnt an Ubuntu issue ;)13:58
Jackevansevonickz: if you want a text box to paste passwords into why not just use a lightweight text editor like gedit or mousepad?13:59
ayylmaobekks: i know, i want DNS change only on my laptop13:59
Jackevansevonickz: I'm struggling to understand the usecase13:59
bekksayylmao: So change it then. Thats no biggie :)13:59
bekksayylmao: In the setting of your connection in NetworkManager you can specify your desired DNS servers.14:00
ayylmaobekks: problem is, i can't change it. I have to use static IP to change it. It is not a router's issue you see, you can use any router you want. You can't use dynamic IP from router.14:01
ayylmaobekks: <ayylmao> if I change DNS from connection setting, primary DNS is always the default from router, only secondary DNS changes, which is no good14:01
bekksayylmao: you can specify your desired DNS servers when using DHCP.14:01
ayylmaoyes of course, I can do that. But i cannot do that. Thanks anyways guys. :)14:02
ayylmaohave fun14:02
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ayylmaogoing back to windows14:02
linociscoJackevansevo, hi I have install parcellite and can't see any input box to type in14:02
Jackevansevolinocisco: if you click on it, it should show all your copy and paste history, so you shouldn't have to type into a seperate text box14:03
Jackevansevolinocisco: just highlight the thing you want to use later and copy it to your clipboard14:04
linociscoJackevansevo, thanks14:06
linociscoJackevansevo, I found something I want. i quit parcellite. and ctrl+alt+0 to get to desktop view14:07
linociscoand thought parcellite is not running anymore and when I typed key strokes, they appeared in the right down corner as in text box14:08
linociscoJackevansevo, sometimes it appeared before, sometimes not14:08
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jeffreylevesqueanyone know what the `task` event is for upstart scripts?14:09
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linociscohi all,  how to configure HDD for dualboot? one is for Ubuntu Server and one is for CentOS14:22
ikonialinocisco: just seperate partitions14:23
ikonialinocisco: be aware though, that maintaining 2 grub installs may get complex fo ryou14:23
CyberGlohow do i edit start menu items in ubuntu ?14:24
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linociscoikonia, how to separate14:25
ikonialinocisco: 2 partitions14:25
benjamin_hello :)14:25
benjamin_First time in Chat :D14:25
CyberGlohello benjamin.14:25
linociscoikonia, i am now with free 250GB space and running ubuntu server installer14:25
CyberGlodo you know how to edit start menu shortcuts in ubuntu?14:25
desktop-linuxhello, can someone help me? i need a newer version of thunderbird then 3114:27
JackevansevoCyberGlo: check out an application called MenuLibre14:27
SienteHello guys, If I want to use LXDE as a graphic environment should I install lubuntu or I can just install LXDE on Ubuntu?14:27
CyberGlothank you Jackevansevo.14:27
JackevansevoCyberGlo: I don't think Unity default has one built in, but other DE's like KDE, Mate and XFCE certaintly do14:28
CyberGloJackevansevo i am using gnome desktop with avant window navigator (awn) which is much much speedier on this old laptop than using gnome with unity.  would you know what the name is of the built in one?14:34
OerHeksdesktop-linux, you will need to download & build from source, or find a testing risky PPA, both are not supported here, it is on your own risc.14:34
desktop-linuxOerHeks: why there is only version 31 on the offical paa? thunderbird has alrdy version 38....14:35
desktop-linuxi ask because only with new then 31 gmail get supportet14:35
MiaHey all I got a question14:36
cfhowlett!ask | Mia14:36
ubottuMia: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:36
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=== Kappa is now known as MeltedLux
OerHeksdesktop-linux, 31.8.0 is 'just' from 15-Jul-2015  ...14:37
MiaI'm new to linux and I want to crete my self a usb stic -- I would like to make a full installation on a usb stick. I tried it and it worked but the file contents of my usb disc is no more accessible through windows.14:37
cfhowlett!persistence | Mia14:37
ubottuMia: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence14:37
ikoniaMia: windows cannot read linux file systems14:37
cfhowlettMia, windows doesn't read linux.14:37
MiaSo I was thinking to format my usb and make a new install, and make partitions in a way that I can also use my usb in windows14:37
OerHeksdesktop-linux, it is a stable release with bugfixes. your issue with gmail is well known, i cannot connect either.14:38
ikoniaMia: why don't you do a "normal" install to a hard disk14:38
ikoniato make this simple14:38
Miaikonia, I want to carry this stick aroudn with me14:38
OerHeksikonia, iirc win10 has ext3/4 support now :-(14:38
Miaand use it for necessary stuff and, as a regular usb14:38
ikoniaOerHeks: not here it doesn't14:38
ikoniaMia: you're going to have problems swapping it between machines14:39
ikoniadepending on the hardware14:39
Sienteguys I've installed LXDE on my Ubuntu, but it doesn't look good14:39
ikoniaMia: just lay the file system out with spare space then on the USB14:39
TJ-Huh? I've had thunderbird connected faultlessly to gmail for years.14:39
desktop-linuxOerHeks: ok... then i need to w8... i dont want do manuel instlations ...14:39
CyberGloJackevansevo, thank you!  MenuLibre does exactly what I need.  Awesome.  :)14:39
Miawhat do you mean ikonia ? so my qustion is this: is it possible to partition the usb stick in a way that I can make a full installation on it but also make my windows see a part of it ?14:40
Miaif so, what file format should I set form mywindows-enbled partition?14:40
ikoniaMia: yes, just partition the disk for ubuntu, but don't use the full disk14:40
cfhowlettMia, if windows can see it, windows can wreck it.14:40
Mia*file system14:40
diegoaguilarHello, I installed a Ubuntu GNOME to a laptop with a AMD R7 graphics card, when I installed propietary driver, everything messed up14:40
jeffreylevesquewhat does this mean: Without the 'task' keyword, the events that cause the job to start will be unblocked as soon as the job is started. This means the job has emitted a starting(7) event, run its pre-start, begun its script/exec, and post-start, and emitted its started(7) event.14:40
ikoniaMia: then have a seperate partition, for your windows storage14:40
Miaikonia, fat32?14:40
diegoaguilarwhat desktop environment would give more stability?14:40
Miafat32 is old, but there is no ntfs selection14:40
cfhowlett morpheus14:41
ikoniaMia: what ever you want14:41
Miaikonia, but windows don't see some of them -- so it does not work like that I believe14:41
ikoniawindows can see any microsoft based file system14:41
MiaI mean I'm new in all this -- I need to know what type of partition is good to use with ubuntu and windows at the same time14:41
sideboardhy, i recently upgraded from 14.04 to 15.04; now i can't find the quirks-table.h in the linux source package, which i used to get ubuntu recognize my usb audio interface (UR44); any idea where i can find it or how to  to replicate its behavior?14:42
Sienteguys which version of Ubuntu would you recommend me to install 15.04 or 14.04.3 LTS ?14:42
Miaikonia, what are my choices?14:42
ikoniaMia: none14:42
ikoniaMia: fat32 is your closest14:42
diegoaguilarSiente, always LTS for stability14:42
cfhowlettMia, the problem is installing to the usb and sharing with windows.  if you just make a regular ubuntu boot USB, windows CAN access the files.14:42
Miawhat if I partition my usb in windows in ntfs format?14:42
diegoaguilarthere could be "broken" stuff when u install a non LTS version14:42
ikoniaMia: then it will have nfts on it14:42
GamodrHi everyone, I got a routing problem with my odroid running under ubuntu 14.04: I have assigned a static IP to it and a dhcp IP via wlan. In principle, it should have an internet connection using the WLAN, but actually doesn't seem to have one (destination host unreachable)14:42
GamodrIt seems to try to use the LAN14:43
diegoaguilarI guess it would be stage, or a particularity with ur hardware or some software dependencies14:43
cfhowlett!usb | mia this is the recommended method14:43
ubottumia this is the recommended method: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:43
Miacfhowlett, regular boot usb does not keep changes though14:43
sander_Mia: windows: ntfs, linux: ext3/414:43
diegoaguilarbut I can happen14:43
Sientediegoaguilar, but for my hardware, maybe I need something new that's my PC specs http://pastebin.com/DApbbK5h14:43
Miaand I tried persistent installing, it was REALLY slow, both on ubuntu and on elementaryos14:43
ikoniaMia: you're running from slow media14:43
ikoniaall being held in "ram"14:43
ikoniahence why the idea is not a good one14:43
diegoaguilarnah Siente14:43
diegoaguilarits ok with LTS14:43
Miaikonia, but when I do a full install it's not slow like persistent install14:44
diegoaguilarits a really nice computer14:44
Miait was totally fine14:44
ikoniaMia: because it's not being held in ram14:44
diegoaguilarbtw Siente how expensive is ur CPU?14:44
Miaikonia, then I should not do persistent install :)14:44
ikoniaMia: no14:44
SienteI've bought it in september 201314:44
diegoaguilarI just bought 32GB of RAM for less than 250 USD14:44
MiaSo back to my question: how can I make a full install on a usb stick, and partition it in a way that windows can also access the usb14:44
Mia(at least partly)14:44
ikoniaMia: as I've told you 3 times14:45
ikoniaMia:  you need a partition not part of the install, that both ubuntu and windows can see, eg: fat3214:45
desktop-linuxok next question, an simpel grafikhik editor14:45
Miaikonia, ikonia can ubuntu see ntfs14:45
sander_Mia: you make two partitions on the usb drive, one ext3/4, one ntfs/fat. you install linux on the ext partition14:46
ikoniaMia: yes14:46
sander_Mia: if you choose FAT, remember that there will be a maximum file size limit14:46
Miasander_, thanks ---14:46
Mia4 gigs right?14:46
sander_Mia, something like that iirc, yes14:47
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Miasander_, where should I partition my usb stick? ubuntu advanced installer can not create ntfs files14:47
Sientediegoaguilar, nice14:47
MiaI mean ntfs partition14:47
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cfhowlettMia, gparted can do14:49
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sander_Mia, indeed, gparted like cfhowlett sugested14:50
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TheJoeCoastieIs there a lighter version of ubuntu out there. I'm running 15.04 on an older MacBook Pro and it seems kind of clunky (it tried Fedora too but couldn't get wifi working, it works great in ubuntu though).14:59
cfhowlett!lubuntu | TheJoeCoastie14:59
ubottuTheJoeCoastie: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:59
TheJoeCoastieAwesome. Thanks.14:59
OerHeksI would say Xubuntu, libuntu is for really old machines.15:00
TheJoeCoastieIt's not that old of a machine. So I may look at that too OerHeks15:00
ubuntu-matei'm 80 years old, my son gave me this computer15:01
cfhowlettubuntu-mate, good son!15:01
ubuntu-mateis this the internet15:02
cfhowlettubuntu-mate, this is internet relay chat so ... part of the internet, yes.15:02
=== rts is now known as rts-
rts-hello all15:07
rts-I'm having some difficulties with something on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS if someone is willing to help for a second15:08
SchrodingersScat!ask | rts-15:08
ubotturts-: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:08
rts-Ok. I installed gnome and unity on Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 LTS... I purged and then reinstalled ubuntu-desktop to get back unity, but now when i login and type startx, the X server crashes.. i cannot get Unity to load15:10
ikoniawhat does the Xorg logs show ?15:10
cfhowlettrts-, server?  + gui?15:10
rts-cfhowlett, the server boots to the command line, the GUI is only needed in rare cases, it doesn't run all the time, hence the reason lightdm doesn't load at boot15:11
rts-ikonia.. the final line in the log is "[   133.794] (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file."15:12
ikoniadidn't ask for the final log15:13
ikoniaI asked for you to read the log to look for the failure15:13
rts-there is no failure in the log file15:13
ikoniathere is15:13
ikoniaor it would be running15:13
rts-i just checked again, there is no error15:15
ikoniathere is15:15
rts-i can send you the file if you would like to check15:15
ikoniaor it would be starting up15:15
ikoniagrep EE in the file15:15
cappeCould you guys please update to the latest Wine version on the servers?15:16
Herculescan anyone please send me a free disc of ubuntu server??15:16
ikoniacappe: no15:16
ikoniaHercules: download/burn yourself15:16
ikoniaHercules: or buy a linux magazine15:16
cfhowlettHercules, no.  you have internet.  download it.15:16
OerHeksShipit stopped, Hercules15:16
HerculesI have a slow internet, my parents won't buy me a better internet.15:17
ikoniaHercules: go to a library/school15:17
HerculesI'm a kid.15:17
ikoniabuy a magazine with it on15:17
rts-there are seven lines ikonia, i don't want to flood the channel15:17
HerculesDo you think we have Linux Magazines?15:17
ikoniarts-: ok - but there are your errors15:17
ikoniaHercules: yes15:17
cfhowlettHercules, so you CAN download, it'll just take time? 1st world problemz ...15:17
Herculesnah we don't15:17
HerculesIts India.15:17
cappeWill you please update wine?15:17
ikoniaHercules: ok, contact your LUG15:17
ikoniacappe: no15:17
Herculescfhowlett: It will take me an year to download then.15:17
Herculesikonia: Tried but nothing got happen.15:17
cfhowlettHercules, go to your local linux user group.  they are all over india.  they'll have ubuntu.15:18
rts-inking - i do not know what nay of them mean15:18
ikoniaHercules: ok, then we can't do anything more fo ryou15:18
ikoniafor you15:18
Herculescfhowlett: Tried the LUG at the IIT Kanpur.15:18
bbroadstoneIs there a way to access a windows phone and vice versa on ubuntu15:18
cfhowlettHercules, or contact your computer science department at your university.15:18
Herculescfhowlett: I am a kid15:18
Herculescfhowlett: I am in grade 9th.15:18
rts-[   133.374] (EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory15:18
Herculescfhowlett: People don't know much about Linux in here even.15:19
ikoniaHercules: we can't help you then15:19
rts-[   133.374] (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.15:19
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OerHeksHercules, have patience with a slow download, that is how i started 10 years ago too.15:19
NegativeFlareHercules: you really can't say that, many people in here know TONS about Linux.15:19
rts-[   133.375] (EE) FBDEV(0): FBIOBLANK: Invalid argument15:19
ikoniarts-: please stop pasting random stuff15:19
cfhowlettHercules, do you have facebook?15:19
NegativeFlarerts-: pastebin please.15:19
HerculesNegativeFlare: Come to India and see.15:19
Herculescfhowlett: Nope.15:20
HerculesNegativeFlare: People know more about Windows than the Linux.15:20
NegativeFlareHercules: In here, as in this channel.15:20
HerculesI am 14, not allowed to use fb.15:20
ikoniaHercules: ok - lets stop here15:20
ikoniaHercules: we can't help you in this channel15:20
ikoniaHercules: try your local ubuntu loco team15:20
cfhowlettHercules, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-in          https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam          here you go.  either one will be happy to help.15:20
Herculescfhowlett: I have mailed first before contacting here15:20
rts-NegativeFlare: http://pastebin.com/kBVKs12215:21
Herculescfhowlett: There has been a month and no reply.15:21
Supermanintightshey guys, i'm trying to install the nvdia gfx driver for the GTX 750ti, however I've developed a few issues, and upon my last restart, I'm currently staring at the Ubuntu splash screen for over 3 minutes, and nothing else is happening, I can't access the desktop now15:21
cfhowlettHercules,  #ubuntu-in15:21
NegativeFlarerts-: What am I looking at?15:21
Herculescfhowlett: No one active and respond ever.15:21
NegativeFlareI didn't get to see the problem.15:21
cappenvm I got it working anyway15:21
rts-NegativeFlare the error messages from the X.org log file.. my xserver keeps exiting when i try to start it with startx15:21
cfhowlettHercules, you have mail.  order linux magazine by postal.15:22
OerHekssudo service lightdm start15:22
NegativeFlarerts-: It looks like the driver can't find your card, thus bombing out.15:22
bbroadstoneStill learning the game here, does the fact no one responded mean no one knows15:22
Herculescfhowlett: How?15:22
cfhowlettliu, ask your ubuntu question15:22
cfhowlettHercules, come on, man.  you're 14.  pretty sure you can figure how to order a magazine.  ask mommy or daddy.15:22
rts-negativeflare: any ideas on fixing this problem? it all started from having both gnome and unity installed15:22
NegativeFlarerts-: I wouldn't know, I use Xubuntu.15:23
liusorry , i have a python gui question15:23
Herculescfhowlett: They don't know about linux.15:23
cfhowlettliu, python?  might want to ask #python.15:23
liuthank you15:23
=== fernando is now known as Guest94026
hilbilly_bbroadstone, have you simply hooked it up via usb cable?15:24
rts-OerHeks, that gets it to the login screen, but when i attempt to login it says "Failed to Start Session"15:24
SupermanintightsApologies for repeating the question - does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for my issue mentioned above?15:24
bbroadstoneshotwell is the only application that has any functionality it seems15:24
hilbilly_never knew anyone who used a windows phone15:24
OerHeksrts-, now you are one step closer to the solution15:25
OerHeksrts login with ctrl alt f2, and do a ls -al # see if .Xauthority is owned by you or root15:25
rts-oerheks owned by me15:26
bbroadstoneim looking to put music on my phone15:26
bbroadstoneis there an ubuntu linux api that serves windows mobile clients?15:27
ikonianot that I'm aware of15:28
OerHeksrts-, hmm i hoped it was owned by root, than i am out of ideas15:28
bbroadstone@hilbilly, from your link: "WP8 Root Tools is not a reality as of now"15:29
rts-I've already force reinstalled the ubuntu-desktop package set...15:29
hilbilly_oh  :(15:29
TJ-rts-: check "/var/log/dmesg" - you'll probably find the GPU driver failed (to load) in some way15:30
TJ-rts-: also check "cat /proc/cmdline" in case the system booted with "nomodeset"15:31
David_W617Hi can someone help me reinstall grub on my btrfs partition? I was trying to switch to uefi but I just broke it instead.15:32
David_W617My boot information is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12147181/15:33
rts-TJ, no evidence of driver failing to load, and it didn't boot with nomodeset15:33
Nelson1***Nelson1 wonders if freenode likes to throw him out every 10-15 mins15:33
TJ-rts-: what does "lspci -nnk | grep -A 3 VGA" report?15:33
rts-Is it possible to entirely remove the GUI packages? I believe if I start with a fresh stock unity install all will work15:34
claudemiralguem do brasil15:34
cfhowlett!br | claudemir15:34
ubottuclaudemir: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:34
rts-TJ, its a VM, so it says "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Parallels, Inc. Accelerated Virtual Video Adapter [1ab8:4005]15:34
rts-Subsystem: Parallels, Inc. Device [1ab8:0400]"15:34
bekksrts-: Reinstalling packages dont fix issues. This isnt Windows :)15:34
rts-beaks, well this all did work before i was testing out gnome15:35
bekksrts-: And reinstalling packages will not fix that.15:35
TJ-rts-: OK, is the guest expects the X server's xorg-vesa driver?15:36
TJ-rts-: Is there a "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ?15:36
OerHeksrts-, you should have said from the beginning, a vm ...15:37
rts-TJ- no xorg.conf file. it must be named something else15:38
justatechhey i am newbie at Ubuntu recently installed and just tickling with it...the thing i want to learn is installing and downloading program,application but i have seen it is very hard i any one here plz plz offer me some tutorial...i want to know everything about installing in linux15:38
ioriarts- what happens if you select a session when you got the gui login screen  ?15:38
seva112hi all15:38
TJ-rts-: that's fine; it just means the X server auto-configured itself15:39
jeffreylevesqueis this a valid script - https://bpaste.net/show/1ef5118650b515:39
cfhowlettjustatech, install via Ubuntu software Center is easiest15:39
TJ-rts-: I assume the guest has the parallels-tools installed?15:39
cfhowlett!usc | justatech15:39
ubottujustatech: Information about purchasing applications from the Ubuntu Software Centre including refunds, reinstalls and license keys can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pay15:39
Rousseausorry for the dumb question, but can i join a channel? there is a command15:39
rts-TJ- no, it doesnt15:39
seva112how I can swap language?15:39
cfhowlettRousseau, you've already joined this channel15:39
rts-ionia - i can start lightdm, but no matter which user i select, it says "failed to start session"15:40
=== john__ is now known as tables
Rousseauoh, ok. sorry15:40
ioriarts-  not user, session.... from the little ubuntu-logo above15:40
TJ-rts-: OK, so from what I read you'd have to use the VESA driver. As far as I'm aware, the vesa driver doesn *not* support DRI, so I'm confused as to how this worked previously. Can you "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"15:40
rts-lightdm gives this error when i try to login "** (lightdm:19310): WARNING **: Error activating login1 session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Operation not supported"15:40
cfhowlettRousseau, /join #channelnamehere15:41
TJ-rts-: the fragment from the Xorg log "(EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory" definitely tells us there is no accelerated video device driver loaded15:41
TJ-rts-: also, can you "pastebinit <( ls -latr /etc/X11/ )"15:43
prohobocan a mod please unban one of my IPs? its been banned for a long long time15:43
rts-TJ - Xorg log http://pastebin.com/ezciSgQr15:43
TJ-rts-: it's possible there was an xorg.conf but it got moved to a backup due to a x-server start failure.15:43
Miaguys I could not manage to partition my pen drive and install ubuntu on one partition -- can someone give me some had please?15:44
rts-the results of your second command TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12151451/15:44
cfhowlettMia, make the install.  THEN use gparted to repartition the usb15:45
TJ-rts-: the log shows the x server is not using the VESA driver, and falls back to the software framebuffer driver. That's the symptom. Now we need the cause of that15:45
OerHeksprohobo, join #ubuntu-ops for that15:45
MiaOH! I see cfhowlett !15:45
Miathen another question --- do I need to make the empty partition primary to make windows see it?15:45
cfhowlettMia, I believe so15:46
rts-TJ- that must be what occurs when i type 'startx'... but when i run lightdm i actually get a graphical login prompt, so the Xserver is running then no?15:46
Miaokay thank you very much! I'll try this now!15:46
TJ-rts-:  nothing there either; no back-up xorg.conf... so now lets look at "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"15:46
OerHeksrts-, startx is depreciated, i guess.15:46
TJ-rts-: yes, it's using the FBDEV... but unity/gnome want accelerate 3D rendering via DRI, and it isn't there, so the server shuts down15:47
rts-TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12151472/15:47
prohobothx OerHeks15:48
rts-ah, when i had the gnome desktop installed i could get it to load, then load unity, but it was messy15:48
TJ-rts-: That confirms its using a frame-buffer device, not a DRI "[    3.734866] fb0: VESA VGA frame buffer device"15:49
liucan i ask a question about firefox?15:49
cfhowlettliu, ask away15:49
liusometime firefox used 80% cpu resources15:51
cfhowlettliu, mulitple open tabs and plugins will do that15:51
liubut sometime only 5 tabs15:52
xangualiu what tabs/sites, what addons do you have, what is your question?15:53
justintv90please help, i cant set my launcher opacity, it cant be transparent15:55
TJ-rts-: did this begin after an upgrade to 14.04, or some other release?15:55
rts-TJ- no, its a fresh 14.04 LTS server install15:56
rts-i did make a mess i believe by trying out different window managers15:56
cfhowlettrtr-, actually, you installed the complete ubuntu-desktop not just the window managers.15:57
TJ-rts-: I'm reading a lot of reports that 14.04 and Parallels have problems. (re)installing parallels-tools apparently sometimes help, as does upgrading Parallels to the latest version15:58
rts-Thanks for the help TJ-, i think i may just start fresh, i haven't set much of the PBX up yet, and I think i have made an irreversible mess of the file system anyway with installing so many GUI components trying to find the best setup16:00
TJ-rts-: see this KB entry http://kb.parallels.com/en/12130016:02
JumpmanCan someone help me with this? I want to get the flash player plugin working on chromium but I don't know how16:02
justintv90Someone can help me this launcher issue. please ?16:02
TJ-rts-: This may also help; it'll create the missing xorg.conf  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"16:09
=== khaldrogoxl is now known as khaldrogox
baldurkhey I have configured my xorg.conf to use multiple monitors (in particular, 'primary' on my onboard card, and two secondary on my discrete card). They work, I get an X cursor, but the ubuntu desktop doesn't recognise/see them - is there anything I can do to diagnose and fix this?16:14
SuperEngineerbaldurk, if you find out please let me know - I tried & fai;led16:15
baldurkboo :(16:15
TJ-baldurk: "pastebinit /etc/X11/org.conf"16:15
TJ-baldurk: I run 6 monitors over 4 GPUs in 4 X sessions, with KDE, without problems.16:16
TJ-s/4 GPUs/3 GPUs/16:16
rebsdo you always need 1 x sesion per gpu?16:16
spinzaTJ-: wow16:17
bekksrebs: no.16:17
spinzaTJ-: what do you do with that?16:17
rebsx sessions the next thing i gotta learn about in linux :\16:17
rebsseems kinda daunting16:17
TJ-baldurk: OK, I suspect you have a Unity issue - you've configured for 3 separate X screens.16:18
TJ-baldurk: I found Unity is unusable with multiple monitors/X screens, but KDE4 handles it without too many issues.16:19
baldurklet me try switching to fluxbox and see if that works, I was going to do that anyway16:19
justintv90My 15.04 unity launcher stop transparenting and there isnt cube 3d in my compiz setting, what happens, please help me ?16:21
justintv90I change transparent level in my unity tweak but nothing happened16:22
levoCan I detach usb on a live session booted from that usb?16:24
levoAfter boot16:24
zykotick9levo: not if you want it to keep working...16:25
levoOk. I thought it all gets copied into RAM16:25
rukhazonMy Ubuntu does not achieve boot16:41
rukhazonThere is no error in /var/log/boot.log16:42
rukhazonWich can be read here : http://pastebin.com/cWDiL7x616:42
MiaOkay back to the same issue I've asked you a few times before today: I made a full installation of ubuntu to a usb stick - but it was not accessible through windows. Since I also want to use a part of usb stick within windows, I've used gparted to creae a fat32 partition in the usb stick. Now my ubuntu works, and I have my prtition. However when I put the usb stick it does not show me the fat32 partition in16:45
Miamy computer16:45
Miado I have to do anything special for this to work16:45
rukhazonMia : Windows recognize only the first partition on a usb key (or a memory card)16:46
rukhazonSo, the fat32 partition have to be the first in the partiton table16:47
Miarukhazon, how can I make the free partition, the first, via gparted then ?16:47
MiaI think that woudl be a proper question16:47
SonexUsing command sudo apt-get how to check what version of software it will be before I can install?16:48
Sonexeg: sudo apt-get install nodejs16:48
SonexBut I want to know version first.16:48
rukhazonMia, the free partition isn't the first one ?16:50
Miarukhazon, no :/16:50
MiaI mean I just divided the parttion and created another one in the freed up space -- and it kept the linucx partition as first16:50
Miaso yeah16:50
ioriaSonex, apt-cache policy nodejs16:51
Miarukhazon, http://i.imgur.com/Nt4tMnx.png this is the current situation16:51
justintv90My 15.04 unity launcher stop transparenting and there isnt cube 3d in my compiz setting, what happens, please help me ?16:51
justintv90I change transparent level in my unity tweak but nothing happened16:51
VoyageI just changed my pc but using same hdd and kubuntu installation in it. The board, processor etc are changed. All seems working fine but do I need to do anything?16:51
ioriajustintv90, in unity-tweak-tool ?16:51
OerHeksVoyage, you tell us?16:52
justintv90yes unity tweak tool, ccsm also16:52
ren0v0 hi, when partitioning a disk, is it possible to control partition numbers? im trying to create a new partition and its calling it #5 ?16:53
ioriajustintv90, really don't know ... but you can try to disable background blur in 'Search' and try again to set transparency in Panel Tab16:54
=== Minotaur is now known as Guest55834
VoyageOerHeks,  I mean, do I need to change any software or install or re install kubuntu?16:55
rukhazonMia, ok, you should remove the fat32 partition (backup first if needed)16:56
Miaok removed, no backup needed16:56
rukhazonThen unmount sda116:56
Mianow I have a lot of unallocated space16:56
OerHeksVoyage, most times not, problems occur with different videodrivers.16:56
rukhazonIn gparted click on sda1 and use "Resize/Move" button16:56
OerHeksI would do a fresh install with new hardware.16:57
Miaokay I'll do that rukhazon -- thnaks!16:57
misho_Hi,everyone...is there an app for Linux similar to the Windows Device Manager?16:57
MiaThank you very much for all the help you've given today16:57
Miait was very, very enlightning for me, this is a new era in my computer life :)16:57
rukhazonMia, create fat32 partition with gaprted, not in Windows16:59
Miarukhazon, yes yes, I'll do so :)17:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:00
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:00
misho_Hi,everyone...is there an app for Linux similar to the Windows Device Manager?17:01
tgm4883misho_: what do you mean17:01
Miarukhazon, hmmm one issue --- how do I "unmount" it17:02
MiaI don't see any selection as unmount anywhere17:02
misho_Do you know how it looks Device Manager?17:02
tgm4883misho_: yes17:02
justintv90ioria: check my screenshot please http://i.imgur.com/QPcxNoQ.jpg17:02
justintv90http://i.imgur.com/QPcxNoQ.jpg << My launcher transparent is broken, please help17:02
misho_That is what i ask...im searching for similar app in Linux17:02
OerHeks!info hardinfo17:03
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.4ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 212 kB, installed size 491 kB17:03
rukhazonMia, right-click -> Unmount (I gess it is this text, I use French interface)17:03
Miahmmm none on my interface17:03
tgm4883misho_: in looks, or functionality?17:03
serverboymisho , to my knowledge, there is no GUI program like device manager of windows. try using cli17:03
Miathere is just mount -- which is blurred out rukhazon17:03
misho_tgm4883, what do you mean?17:04
Gallomimiamisho_: there's a few different tools on the commmand line to check devices. it depends what you're looking for17:04
OerHeks!info sysinfo17:04
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-9 (vivid), package size 105 kB, installed size 358 kB17:04
tgm4883misho_: well, for one, installing drivers are pretty different in linux than windows17:04
misho_Gallomimia, im searching for GUI app for Device manager17:04
rukhazonyou can use the Terminal app (on the desk) and type unmount /dev/sda117:04
kadiromisho_: look in what Mr OerHeks suggess for you17:04
Gallomimiamisho_: it sounds like OerHeks just suggested a GUI one you can use17:04
misho_tgm4883, no i want to see graphically a list of running device in my PC17:05
OerHeksmisho_, those 2 tools are. you never took a look at those, did you?17:05
justintv90http://i.imgur.com/QPcxNoQ.jpg << My launcher transparent on Ubuntu Unity 15.04 is broken, please help17:05
biledemonHi. I will buy a new laptop soon. I want to make sure I don't buy anything with Broadcom in it. Unfortunately I can't find information about the models I'm looking at. Are there any particular brands that are known to often use Broadcom wifi? I will use Ubuntu o it.17:05
Miarukhazon, it says command not found17:05
misho_!info sysinfo17:06
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-9 (vivid), package size 105 kB, installed size 358 kB17:06
Gallomimiabiledemon: uh.... like. all of them?17:06
OerHeksno need to repeat, misho_17:06
* kadiro O_o17:06
samsullinfo pcsx17:06
biledemonGallomimia: Some use Intel wifi I think and that works out of the box17:07
Gallomimiaoh that's good! i'd never heard of any others actually17:07
samsul!info pcsx17:07
ubottuPackage pcsx does not exist in vivid17:07
b_hi guys. i need some software that will allow me to 'burn' a random .iso file on a usb drive. any ideas?17:07
OerHeksbiledemon, we don't have such list, the vendor should provide that info17:07
justintv90http://i.imgur.com/QPcxNoQ.jpg << My launcher transparent on Ubuntu Unity 15.04 is broken, please help17:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:08
Gallomimiab_ i think that's well covered on making USB images for ubuntu17:08
biledemonAnyone know if Broadcom wifi works well out of the box on Ubuntu?17:08
b_Gallomimia, but i don't want to make a usb image of ubuntu specifically17:08
b_Gallomimia, will it still work17:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang17:08
Gallomimiai think if you follow the directions it should17:09
BotchlaBbiledemon: Google the specific model that interests you + ubuntu.17:09
misho_OerHeks, thanks for this program...although it is equall to SysInfo on Windows...what i'm looking for is Device Manager17:09
lotuspsychjebiledemon: its reccomended to enable internet+updates during ubuntu setup to find best driver17:09
BotchlaBbiledemon: See if people have reported it on forums as being problematic.17:09
justintv90!ops http://i.imgur.com/QPcxNoQ.jpg << My launcher transparent on Ubuntu Unity 15.04 is broken, please help17:09
ubottujustintv90: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
misho_There must be a way to see a full list of devices connected to my PC17:10
OerHeksmisho_, hardinfo.17:10
rukhazonMia, sorry I misstake this : gparted live cd doesn't auto-mount so it is OK17:10
lotuspsychje!es | vairon17:10
ubottuvairon: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:10
Gallomimiamisho_: they told you there is. try it out and get back to us please.17:11
ioriajustintv90, you changed the launcher color ?17:11
Miarukhazon, oh... so what should I do in this case17:11
rukhazonMia, go to next step ;)17:11
misho_When i used Ubuntu 9.10 i found the same app with the name Device manager...but now it is not developing anymore17:11
=== Supermanintights is now known as fish
=== fish is now known as boreal
Gallomimiamisho_: !!!! go use the program you were told about.17:12
Gallomimiamaybe you need help installing it?17:12
Miarukhazon, :/ what's the next step --- how do I rename sda1 to something else and make the fat32 partition, partition117:12
misho_Gallomimia, ok hold on17:12
=== boreal is now known as assistingfriend
akikmisho_: i wonder if you saw the program hardinfo mentioned17:13
kadiromisho_: why not just installing hardinfo and trying it?17:13
rukhazonMia, I assume that fat32 partiton is gone, click on sda1 then "Resize/Move" button17:14
misho_Yes..thank you to everyone17:14
justintv90ioria: Nope, i didnt change background17:14
rukhazonMia, Here, you can drag and drop sda1 to the  right17:14
Miarukhazon -- hmm I don't see an option to do this17:14
Miarukhazon, h wait I get what you mean17:15
freakyfidis mesa 11 available on ubuntu 14.04.3 ??17:16
AEL-HSorry for the basic question -- I am having problems finding an explanation. with grep something like grep -ir 'mytext' does not work, but grep -ir 'mytext' * does. What is going on here?17:30
maximusanyone in here?17:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:31
maximushow can i get in to undernet ?17:31
bekksmaximus: You are on the wrong chat network.17:32
Gallomimiause your client to connect to that network instead of freenode. usually /connect17:32
maximushow can i change the chat network17:32
Gallomimiaevery chat client is different friend. you'll have to find out.17:32
OerHeksAEL-H, the usage is grep -rl "string" /path   # so * is your current path position.17:33
AEL-HOerHeks : Is the use of * to denote path position something common or just an intricacy of grep?17:34
OerHeksAEL-H, it is made up by the one who wrote your line. it can be "." or "/" and also empty too, same as *17:35
linociscoikonia, i am now with free 250GB space and running ubuntu server installer17:39
linociscoikonia, sorry17:39
linociscoi want to edit grub and put nomodeset17:40
linociscowhere to find? i can't find that line under grub.cfg and grub.d17:40
bekkslinocisco: /etc/default/grub17:41
RedBlueWhen I use the command checkinstall does it just make the deb for me to install later or does it also install the package?17:43
linociscobekks, no such file17:43
justintv90I fixed it, aoria . The problem is oiblaf graphic driver17:43
kadirohello, my brother computer is old with only 256M RAM, I tryed on it lubuntu because many persons suggess it for me, but when trying it i can't install it and it hang, for information I installed on it both windows XP and puppy linux, so Is there any light ubuntu work on it?17:43
justintv90ubuntu minimal + xfce17:43
bekkslinocisco: Are you using Centos?17:43
linociscobekks, ubuntu-server 14.0417:44
kadirojustin_jnf: this for me?17:44
lotuspsychjekadiro: lubuntu should work on 256 ram17:44
linociscobekks, i have fixed like that before. now I can't find desired file17:44
kadirojustintv90: where to fount this minimal ubuntu?17:45
lotuspsychje!minimal | kadiro17:45
ubottukadiro: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:45
kadirolotuspsychje: I tryed it but it fail17:45
bekkslinocisco: Then you are not using grub2.17:45
justintv90google, please yes ubot said it17:45
linociscobekks, how can I know if I am using grub217:45
lotuspsychjekadiro: any errors on lubuntu install freeze?17:46
kadirolotuspsychje: Is there any minimal linux prepared because the second problem is the internet is very slow17:46
linociscobekks, anyway, there should be similar file and similar line17:47
lotuspsychjekadiro: you can also try a xubuntu, on some machines it might perform better17:47
kadirolotuspsychje: take a long time when booting it ( from usb or cd ) and the desktop not fully showing ( in many try )17:47
lotuspsychjekadiro: what kinf od graphics card does your system have?17:48
freakyfidanyone know if  intel drivers from PPA https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/ works on 14.04.3 ???17:49
kadirointegrated intel 82915G lotuspsychje17:49
kadirothe pc of my brother is an HP Compaq dx610017:49
Gallomimiafreakyfid: i should think so. i use the nvidia drivers from there17:50
lotuspsychjekadiro: try a minimal as justin_jnf suggested or a xubuntu17:50
kadirook thank you lotuspsychje and justin_jnf , i will search for an xubuntu with minimal17:51
bekkslinocisco: So tell us which bootloader you are using.17:51
linociscobekks, how to check?17:51
bekkslinocisco: Check your package manager which bootloader is installed.17:51
linociscobekks, i dont know how to check package manager17:52
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justatech i have a problem with apt-get update whenever i type this command i have segment faul problem what should i do18:17
Gallomimiamaybe you should preface the command with sudo ?18:17
Gallomimianot using sudo usually gives an error, not a seg fault.18:17
justatechi did Gallomimia..18:18
linociscohi . how to remove or disable unused installed package like virutal machine host and tomcat java server18:19
Gallomimiajustatech: a quick google points to the idea that it might be low memory. sound reasonable?18:19
bekkslinocisco: using apt-get18:19
x4Dx5Alinocisco: open your package manager, search for the package, and remove it18:19
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linociscotasksel is still usable command. thanks it is fixed18:20
Gallomimiajustatech http://askubuntu.com/questions/532200/14-04-lts-apt-get-segfault lots of speculation on this thread.18:20
bekkslinocisco: tasksel will not remove packages.18:20
bekksIt will instal package groups.18:20
linociscobekks, run tasksel first and uncheck wont remove?18:20
x4Dx5Alinocisco: use something like synaptic or apt-get remove18:20
linociscoi m on server18:21
bekkslinocisco: what did I just tell you?18:21
linociscobekks, to use apt-get remove " ", I need to know exact package name that I dont know for each18:21
bekkslinocisco: Yeah, so use dpkg -l to see the list of installed packages. OR use your package manager ...18:22
x4Dx5Alinocisco: so... use your package manager (e.g. synaptic)18:22
justatechi tryed everything still it is there Gallomimia18:22
linociscobekks, what is the package manager on server? how to run by command line?18:22
bekkslinocisco: apt-get and dpkg18:22
Gallomimiajustatech: im sorry i don't have any other ideas. i hope someone more knowledgable than me will suggest something18:23
ioriajustatech, check your sources.list maybe18:24
justatechioria to see what18:24
ioriajustatech, do you add repos or ppa ?18:25
justatechioria i don't know how to add it18:25
ioriajustatech, you can post it ?18:26
justatechi have apt-get update and apt-get upgrade error it is showing segmentation fault reading packages done period18:27
ioriajustatech,  cat /etc/apt/sources.list    and post it on paste.ubuntu.com18:28
justatechioria http://termbin.com/uxju18:32
mmm_kernel panic per me18:32
mmm_il pc ora pare non avviarsi più18:33
Gallomimiaheh. that's an interesting sources list. all commented out. sounds like the segfault comes when the update command tries to dereference a pointer to an empty array18:33
ioriajustatech,  i think you are not ubuntu ... or i'm wrong ?18:33
justatechya but it is debian18:34
ioriajustatech,  it'a all there ?18:34
Gallomimia!es | mmm_ (is it spanish or italian you are speaking)18:34
ubottummm_ (is it spanish or italian you are speaking): En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:34
bekksjustatech: Its kali linux, more likely.18:34
Gallomimiait's not-ubuntu anyway18:34
Gallomimiajustatech: my sources list for ubuntu is some 60 lines long18:35
justatechyeah but it is debian can18:35
bekksjustatech: It's not Ubuntu.18:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:35
justatechya it is not ubuntu can i get help18:35
ioriajustatech,  take a look at mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/12153781/18:35
Gallomimiano. try #debian ?18:35
bekks!klai | justatech18:36
bekks!kali | justatech18:36
ubottujustatech: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)18:36
justatechcan anyone cannot figure what this proble maybe plz18:36
bekksjustatech: Ask the kali support. You are not using Ubuntu.18:37
ioriajustatech,  in any case , i don't even understand how an all-commented list could work ...18:37
Gallomimiajustatech: i spot two problems. there's no sources listed in your sources files, and they're said to be commented out because they did not verify. that's bad.18:38
justatechGallomimia if that's the problem where should I get the source list18:39
Gallomimiafrom #kail18:39
bekksjustatech: Ask the kali support.18:39
DJonesjustatech: As we're not using your operating system, you should ask its own supprt networks18:39
justatechno feedback from them18:40
bekksjustatech: Not our problem.18:40
OerHeksjustatech, a 'snapshot' likely has updates disabled.18:40
justatechbekks a pointer may solve thisproblem18:40
bekksjustatech: Wegave you all pointers available.18:41
justatechDerHeks is it possible to enable it18:41
DJonesjustatech: Thats the problem using an unsupprted operating system, if you install Ubuntu and can replicate the issue, please feel free to ask for support18:41
jeffreylevesquecan someone explain to me - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28119333/upstart-task-hangs-after-it-finishes-successfully#answer-2823134018:41
jeffreylevesqueI'm trying to understand what `tasks` are used for18:41
OerHeksi give general info, check their site. no support here.18:41
freakyfidwell everything broke :-(18:55
freakyfidfucken intel hardware and drivers18:55
Gallomimialol... do watch your language please. sorry to hear that18:56
freakyfidsorry, just really frustrating18:57
freakyfidso while installing xorg-edgers it somehow removed the synaptics driver for the mouse...18:58
ioria!info xserver-xorg-input-synaptics19:01
ubottuxserver-xorg-input-synaptics (source: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics): Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.1-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 234 kB19:01
freakyfidthats the one19:01
freakyfidthanks ioria19:01
afrokinghello. what do U call the command line to get into linux partition from a live cd/usb?19:03
bekksafroking: What do you mean by "get into partition"?19:04
freakyfidokay intel is officially busted, with an 2520m, HD 3000 and pstate enabled, Fullscreen video becomes unplayable after a few moments. the only time it doesn't crap out is with Trusty Hardware Stack, anything newer is terrible19:04
ioriasudo parted -l ?19:04
freakyfidcould anyone please help log this problem and help me report it ?19:05
afrokingbekks: I have installed win 10, and already have ubuntu on another partition. I m running a live Ubuntu so that I can get into that Ubuntu partition and update grub219:05
frenda$ echo 20 > /sys/fs/fuse/connections/40/max_background  --> Why it does not need to be root?!19:05
bekksafroking: Then you have to mount it, chroot it, and update grub.19:06
afrokingbekks: chroot, thats the one I was looking for :)19:06
afrokingbekks: thx19:06
ioriaafroking, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing19:07
OerHeks!bug | freakyfid19:08
ubottufreakyfid: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:08
freakyfidOerHeks, thats the thing i don't know what's causing it19:09
freakyfidis it vaapi or mesa or kernel(pstate) or something else entirely19:09
frendaToday, in linux lab course, our teacher run this command:19:10
frendaecho 20 > /sys/fs/fuse/connections/40/max_background19:10
frendaWhy it does not need to be root?19:10
frendaI test it there myself, we could be able to do that by $, no need to #19:10
akikfuse = filesystem in userspace, maybe because of that19:11
lotuspsychjefreakyfid: investigate your syslog and dmesg19:11
OerHeksfreakyfid, it is against packages from that ppa, which b.t.w. is not really supported here.19:11
freakyfidOerHeks, it happens with vivid and utopic HWS on 14.04 aswell19:12
freakyfiditried the ppa hoping it was fixed19:12
ioriafrenda, if you run ls -l you'll find out that the files are owned by the user19:14
frendaioria, Is it secure to have a file somewhere in /sys that is belong to user?!19:15
bekksfrenda: Nope, since /sys is destroyed upon shutdown.19:16
ioriafrenda, depends ... check /tmp for example19:16
jeffreylevesquecould someone interpret this for me: Without the 'task' keyword, the events that cause the job to start will be unblocked as soon as the job is started. This means the job has emitted a starting(7) event, run its pre-start, begun its script/exec, and post-start, and emitted its started(7) event.19:16
jeffreylevesquein terms of upstart scripts19:16
jeffreylevesquewhat's the significance of blocking jobs, relative to the init script?19:17
akikfrenda: Only the owner of the mount may read or write these files. http://fuse.sourceforge.net/doxygen/19:17
jeffreylevesquehow does it make the script last longer, or shorter?19:17
ioriafrenda, usually is that because the user need to write or read from them19:18
frendaioria, it's ~clear, now; thank you19:19
ioriafrenda, np19:19
icecube45Anyone mind helping me solve a difficult problem? Trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on a RAID 1 4TB drive, it installs correct, but I get "no boot device available", If I use grub from a different disk,i can boot from the disk successfully, I've tried boot-repair to fix the grub on the disk, yet the same thing happened after a reboot, i currently have19:20
icecube45 a licecd with boot-repair loaded19:20
l4rryjoin ##java19:20
WACOMaltHi folks. I'm having issues getting a smb share mounted where I can write to it. The share is from a windows machine with permissions set to everyone full access19:21
lotuspsychje!samba | WACOMalt19:21
ubottuWACOMalt: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html19:21
lotuspsychjeWACOMalt: you can also try #samba19:21
rsxjoin /#python19:21
ioriaWACOMalt, maybe paste your smb.conf19:22
rsxups ... typo ... sorry19:22
lotuspsychjewhats the most popular way to sync iphone/ipod music with ubuntu?19:22
CosmicNoiselotuspsychje, RhythmBox and Banshee support iPods very well.19:22
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:22
lotuspsychjeCosmicNoise: tnx19:22
CosmicNoiseCosmicNoise, I'm not sure about iPhone.19:22
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!19:23
CosmicNoiseNever heard of that... interesting.19:23
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: great cool!19:23
akikioria: WACOMalt is mounting from a windows box19:23
WACOMaltOn Ubuntu my fstab is this: http://pastebin.com/G6wcni4f19:24
lotuspsychjeCosmicNoise: this would replace itunes?19:24
akikWACOMalt: have you tried accessing the share with smbclient?19:24
CosmicNoiselotuspsychje, yes19:24
lotuspsychjeCosmicNoise: tnx for the hint mate!19:24
CosmicNoiselotuspsychje, I personally use RhythmBox.19:24
ioriaWACOMalt, you cannot write on the win share ?19:24
WACOMaltAnd here's the permissions on the folder http://paste.ubuntu.com/12155404/19:24
WACOMaltakik, I have not. dont know how19:25
WACOMaltAlso I'm not sure why I had to put in my user/pass for it to work. (in fstab) it should be open to all19:25
WACOMaltI tried chmod 777 /media/WACOSynth which didnt work19:25
WACOMalteven as sude it said permission denied19:25
akikWACOMalt: smbclient //server/share -U username19:25
ioriaWACOMalt, could be a win issue ...19:26
WACOMaltakik, that works19:26
akikWACOMalt: actually i have a doc for cifs mounting from a samba server with systemd if you are interested19:26
WACOMaltif I type in my user and pass from windows19:26
ioriaWACOMalt, i use the the default Public ... on win7 no problem ...19:26
Bashing-omicecube45: Grub install depends on the raid level . see: ->19:27
WACOMaltsure akik cant hurt19:27
Bashing-om!raid | icecube4519:27
ubottuicecube45: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:27
WACOMaltioria, that wont work for me. I need to have it where it is19:27
ioriaWACOMalt, where ?19:27
akikWACOMalt: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2015/08/19/how-to-mount-a-cifs-directory-with-systemd/19:27
WACOMalton windows its o:/WACOPiano19:27
ioria!info mount-cifs19:27
ubottuPackage mount-cifs does not exist in vivid19:27
WACOMaltnetwork is //
ioria!info cifs-utils19:27
ubottucifs-utils (source: cifs-utils): Common Internet File System utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2:6.0-1ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 82 kB, installed size 243 kB19:27
WACOMaltI'm already mounting with cifs19:28
ioriaWACOMalt, but it's better the gui ...19:28
akikWACOMalt: you can put your credentials into a file and refer to it19:28
WACOMaltyeah I'm doing gui because that doesnt mount in a way all applications can find19:28
WACOMalt*not doing gui19:28
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WACOMaltI shouldnt need credentials19:28
ioriaWACOMalt,  where is your share on win ?19:28
WACOMaltalready said19:29
WACOMalter sorry WACOSynth19:29
akikWACOMalt: i think you need to tell the protocol at least the username which you want to use19:30
icecube45Bashing-om:this is hardware raid19:30
WACOMaltyes, and "guest" is supposed to work19:30
WACOMaltif its set to Everyone full access19:30
WACOMaltbut it doesnt19:30
icecube45Bashing-om:do I need a special grub for that?19:30
WACOMaltalso, why can I not /sudo chmod 777 /media/WACOSynth?19:31
WACOMaltit says permission denied19:31
WACOMaltI'm sudo!19:31
ioriaWACOMalt,  i have just added a share outside Public and it works ...19:31
tgm4883WACOMalt: so?19:31
macskayhi guys i'm just trying to setup a user's home directory. The user is the owner of the directory but when i "sudo su <username" into it i can't create a file "Permission denied". Why is that happening?19:31
WACOMaltwhat are you permissions and ownership set to on windows19:31
ioriaWACOMalt,  did you select 'you user' in share ?19:32
icecube45Bashing-om:i have the log from boot-repair if you want it19:32
WACOMaltI shared to "Everyone"19:32
WACOMaltliterally thats the name you use19:32
Bashing-omicecube45: I "think" with hardware raid and most levels, grub must be installed to all hard drives on partition outside of the raid array . It has been too long since I set up raid .19:33
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ioriaWACOMalt,  it works too .... (mumbling)19:33
icecube45Bashing-om:I have no hdds outside the array19:33
WACOMaltoohhh It looks like I have to have the guest user account enabled on windows to do this19:33
Guest30375how to open game for linux19:33
WACOMaltto do it with no user priviledges19:33
WACOMaltGuest30375, which game? O_o19:33
GallomimiaGuest30375: do you have something specific in mind, or do you just want "GAME" ?19:34
ioriaWACOMalt,  and select read/write19:34
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | Guest3037519:34
ubottuGuest30375: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.5-1 (vivid), package size 1101 kB, installed size 4190 kB19:34
macskaynvm ...19:34
macskayfound it19:34
Guest30375how use play on linux19:34
WACOMaltiooner, it is19:34
GallomimiaGuest30375: is english your first language? there's other channels which might speak your language..19:35
lotuspsychjeGuest30375: install playonlinux and install your game19:35
lotuspsychjeGuest30375: depending wich game as said above19:35
Guest30375need wine19:35
ioriaWACOMalt,  mmm... i don't need that ... (mumbling agin)19:35
Gallomimiainstall wine1.7 package and go from there. #winehq best to ask for help19:35
WACOMaltI... dont get your mumbling...19:36
ioriaWACOMalt,  you should be able to share what you want read/write from your win19:36
Bashing-omicecube45: I do not feel that I am qualified to offer additional advise than offered.19:36
WACOMaltioria, yes, I get that19:37
WACOMaltbut.. its not working.  Its shared, has Everyone and "ANONYMOUS LOGIN" with full access, owner is set o "Everyone"19:37
GallomimiaGuest30375: i suggest you ask your question more concisely. more details. write a few sentences if you have to. keep them all in one line19:38
akikWACOMalt: check if you have other choices for sec=19:38
ioriaWACOMalt,  take a look in network and Sharing Center then19:38
kaldlAnyone here who can help with creating a .deb package from source code? I can compile it from source, and use it as intended, but I need a .deb package of it. Tried it with checkinstall and alien, but couldn't make it work properly. (The specific code is: https://github.com/openstreetmap/mod_tile )19:38
Guest30375i have wine 1.619:38
Guest30375how get wine 1.719:38
WACOMaltioria, what.. just look at every single thing in there?19:38
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WACOMaltanonymous sharing is working fine from other windows boxes without logging in.19:39
GallomimiaGuest30375: apt-get install wine1.719:39
WACOMalt90% sure the folder is set up correctly19:39
GallomimiaGuest30375: i might also suggest you remove the wine 1.6 first19:39
WACOMaltthe fact that I cant change the mountpoint's permissions on linux is very odd and I think the root of the issue19:39
akikWACOMalt: did you check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently ?19:39
Bashing-omicecube45: Others frequenct here on the channel who do have harsware raid experience. Await and ask again .19:40
Gallomimiai think it's mount options at that point19:40
WACOMaltakik, thats what I followed to set up the linux side19:40
icecube45Bashing-om:y yea..19:40
akikWACOMalt: it mentions using "username=guest,password="19:41
Guest30375my not find wine 1.7 for synaptic package manager19:41
WACOMaltI just saw that. I'd tried it before but now it may work after going through windows side again19:41
lotuspsychje!info wine | Guest3037519:42
ubottuGuest30375: wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu8 (vivid), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:42
MonkeyDustGuest30375  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue19:42
vivid!info wine1.719:42
ubottuPackage wine1.7 does not exist in vivid19:42
Gallomimiayes. tell us what /etc/issue says19:43
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:43
lotuspsychjelatest wine needs ppa add i think19:44
sisccl: hey guys.  I accidenlty uploaded a folder named folder\ am unable to access it in ftp or the shell.  I just know the name has a \  at the end because of ‘ls -1b’, it doesn’t appear when doing a normal ls.  Any way to do a mv on it to change the name to no longer contain that \?19:44
akiksisccl: $ mv -- folder\\ folder19:45
Gallomimiain the shell use a double backslash to address that file19:45
Gallomimiaor quotes. or tab-completion19:45
drkjstrakik, you beat me too it. =]19:45
akikit's not a game :)19:46
afrokinghello. having a small issue with updategrub, chroot in my live usb drive. I chroot the partition ok, then when I run update-grub2 I get this message "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)."19:46
Gallomimiait's a nice exercise at speed and concise-ness tho :)19:46
bekksafroking: Did you mount /dev before chrooting?19:46
siscclit says cannot stat, but I know the folder exists there and Im doing this as root D:19:47
afrokingbekks: no. it wasn't part of the instructions. How do I do that?19:47
bekksafroking: Which instructions did you follow?19:48
afrokingthe ones U gave me19:48
afrokingbekks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing19:48
siscclthe \\'s don’t cancel, it parses it as folder\\ still and says the folder doesn’t exist D:19:48
bekksafroking: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot clearly states to mount /dev before chrooting.19:49
kalimochoany know how to move dash buto on the top bar on ubuntu 14.04.3?????19:49
MonkeyDustkalimocho  you can't19:49
OerHekskalimocho, it is hardcoded, no movement possible.19:49
wileeeafroking, Updating a kernel on a live is a bad idea.19:49
MonkeyDustkalimocho  because the dev decided that way19:50
akiksisccl: maybe use some tool like mc to rename it19:50
kalimochoand another question19:50
anon__the best game for linux19:50
kalimochowhen i enablde usb 2 on my bios19:50
MonkeyDustanon__  the game you like most, that's the best19:50
siscclakik: Would that require direct access to server?  I only have ssh and ftp access19:50
kalimochoubuntu no restar or shutown19:50
akiksisccl: mc works in the ssh session also19:50
kalimochoif i disabled al work great19:51
siscclakik: thanks, Ill look into it19:51
akiki think it was ls -albF which you can use to see the special chars19:51
siscclakik: is MC Midnight Commander?19:51
akiksisccl: yes19:51
siscclakaik: Sweet, thanks19:52
afrokingbekks: thx man. I guess I missed step 10 :)19:52
afrokingbekks: it seems to work, let me reboot and see19:53
kalimochowhy when y enable usb 2 ubuntu no restart and no shut down an when i disbled al works????19:53
scott606Hey whats the best program to make a live usb of a windows xp black iso that i have .. from within ubuntu19:54
scott606cant get multiboot to work19:54
OerHekslive xp LoLz19:55
scott606well just for installing cause i dont have a dvd on hand19:55
akikscott606: try ddrescue19:55
akikscott606: no warranties :)19:56
scott606it says ddescue os for recovering files from a drive .. i need to make a bootable usb stick lol19:56
akikscott606: well yes but you can write files with it to a usb memory19:57
scott606I see]19:57
MonkeyDustscott606  since when is xp live bootable?19:57
akikscott606: i'm not sure if the windows isos work the same way than linux isos19:57
scott606Well maybe im just using the wrong terms .. I have an iso of xp .. i need to maka an install usb19:57
scott606rather than a disk19:58
Gallomimianope. that's understood19:58
MonkeyDustscott606  cannot be done with xp19:58
Gallomimiai personally use dd to make USB sticks. i think it requires conversion for iso files19:58
siscclHUZZAH!  Midnight commander did the trick!  You the best akik19:58
Gallomimiabut dd is dangerous and can easily overwrite your hard drive19:58
akiksisccl: no problem19:59
icecube45Anyone mind helping me solve a difficult problem? Trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on a RAID 1 4TB drive, it installs correct, but I get "no boot device available", If I use grub from a different disk,i can boot from the disk successfully, I've tried boot-repair to fix the grub on the disk, yet the same thing happened after a reboot, i currently have20:00
icecube45 a licecd with boot-repair loaded20:00
plytroicecube45: is grub installed in the proper place on the raid array?20:01
AldenIsZenHello! Can I possibly get some assistance withgetting connected to the internet? I am running an ubuntu based distro called Trisquel. I can access the internet with a live CD, and I was was able to access with this install.20:01
AldenIsZenSomething obviously isn't configured correctly.20:01
MonkeyDusticecube45  raid is server technology... is that a server? if yes, better ask in #ubuntu-server20:02
jack_Running freya right now, anyone got any tips or tricks?20:02
MonkeyDustAldenIsZen  triquel is too different from ubuntu, it's not supported here20:02
AldenIsZenok, ty. I think it's just a configuration issue, something any linux knowledgable person could probably help me track down.20:04
plytroMonkeyDust: raid is not a server technology20:04
plytroit just started there20:04
MonkeyDustAldenIsZen  ##linux for general linux questions20:04
AldenIsZenty MonkeyDust20:04
plytroI haven't run a desktop without at least raid 1 in over 10 years20:05
icecube45plytro:as far as i know20:07
icecube45MonkeyDust:nah mate, desktop20:07
AldenIsZenplytro, I guess the advantage of that is that if you lose a hard disk you still are up and running?20:07
icecube45plytro:where should it be intalled20:08
icecube45as far as i know it has been installed correctly20:08
plytroand if you do a raid 6(I think) a stripe of mirrors, you get better performance than a single disk alone20:09
bekksplytro: RAID6 with less than 4 disks is pretty - nonsense :)20:09
Jeeves_Mosshow do I launch a screen session with a command running in that screen, then have that screen session die after the program is done running?20:11
plytrobekks: well of course20:11
tgm4883 Jeeves_Moss why would you want to do that?20:11
plytrobekks: I was unsure if 6 was a stripe of mirrors or a mirror of stripes20:11
plytrocan't recall or be bothered to look now20:11
bekksplytro: RAID is neither a stripe of mirrors (which would be 01) nor a mirror of stripes (which is 10).20:12
bekksplytro: RAID6^20:12
plytrohence my (I think) after the number20:12
Jeeves_Mossplytro, RAID 6 is dual parity20:12
plytroah there we go20:12
Jeeves_Mossplytro, you can loose 2 disks and still limp along.  but do NOT replace both dead drives at the same time.  wait until the first drive is rebuilt.  (don't ask how I know that one)20:13
akikJeeves_Moss: just tested and it's just "screen ftp" or "screen top". quit the program and screen dies too20:13
MonkeyDustJeeves_Moss  use screen -m like    screen -m [command]20:13
AldenIsZenlol, well that sounds like overkill for me, to have 4 disks running just so I get better performance. It just ain't that serious at this point.20:13
plytroJeeves_Moss: we had two drives in a 3 disk raid 5 die within 10 minues of each other20:14
bekksplytro: Thats why RAID isnt a backup20:14
AldenIsZenplytro, tempature issue?20:14
Jeeves_Mossyea yea, thanks Dell tech support.20:14
plytroAldenIsZen: partial stupidity issue and just age20:15
tgm4883Also, proper drive rotation should fix that20:15
plytrothis was about 15 years ago though20:15
AldenIsZenyea a lot has changed since then.20:15
MonkeyDustJeeves_Moss  i use screen -m for my backup script20:15
plytroit was an external raid enclosure running with MacOS 8 or 920:15
Jeeves_Mossplytro, it's only a Mac, no harm, no foul20:15
plytrotgm4883: drive rotation?????20:17
plytrowe've played with fire far too long at my current employer20:17
plytrobut we upgrade the prod servers every 5 years or so and rotate them down for QA environments20:18
tgm4883plytro: yea, fixes the age issue. But of course costs more. Starting with all new drives sounds like a good idea, but then they are all 5 years old at the same time20:18
plytrowhere failures are more acceptable20:18
plytrothen the whole machine gets unracked and stuck in a pile 5 years after that20:19
tgm4883plytro: so the idea is to force a drive out after X amount of time and replace with a new drive20:19
tgm4883plytro: so you force 1 our every 6 months until all the drives are different ages20:20
tgm4883of course that means you need to have that many extra drives, which is more costly20:20
plytrotgm4883: oh I get what rotation is20:21
tgm4883plytro: or you could have raid 6 with hot spares. That would probably be fine too20:21
plytrothe ???? was more the thought~ of suggesting it anywhere I've worked20:21
alberhello guys im prety new with ubuntu and linux, i just intall ubuntu and im having problems with firefox and youtube, can anyone help me thx20:21
lolcatHow do I change my dns servers?20:22
AEL-HSay user X enters a screen session -- and then the root logs in as X and enters that same screen session -- they are in effect reading the same terminal and both can type and read that terminal.. I want to be able to do this even if user X is not in a screen session.. -- How can I interact with an existing pty session to achieve this?20:23
MonkeyDustlolcat  sudo -e /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base ... nameserver x.x.x.x ... save ... sudo resolvconf -u20:23
tgm4883lolcat: I would suggest network manager before editing resolv.conf files directly20:23
lolcatMonkeyDust: what is the google DNS?20:23
MonkeyDustlolcat or
alberhello guys im prety new with ubuntu and linux, i just intall ubuntu and im having problems with firefox and youtube, can anyone help me, the youtube quality is always 320 and the youtube app dont let me go full screen pls some help thx20:24
lolcatdidnt work adding with network manager20:24
lolcatno websites will load20:25
AldenIsZenalber, what happens when you try to fullscreen?20:25
albernothing happens i click the button and nothing happens20:25
tgm4883lolcat: well then I'd say lets troubleshoot that first20:26
AldenIsZenI prefer my firefox, but have you tried a different browser by chance?20:26
lolcattgm4883: well, I obviously have internet as I am chatting here20:26
lolcatis what chromium throws me20:26
alberyes chromium and work fine20:26
lolcattgm4883: how?20:28
alberim using nvidia drivers could be that?20:28
lolcatis there a way to see what dns server I am using?20:28
pthreatHi, im compiling a custom kernel for some old hardware, when I do make modules_install I get Can't read private key, how can I solve this20:28
MonkeyDustpthreat  try #ubuntu-kernel20:29
tgm4883lolcat: I thought you said you entered DNS settings?20:29
tgm4883that would indicate you know what DNS servers you are using?20:29
lolcatbut I want to look at it trying to connect20:29
lolcatcan I make dig be verbose?20:30
wileeealber, youtube resolution is on their end. so full secreen from button top right is not working?20:30
wileeeor top left in ubuntu desktop20:30
WACOMaltOK, some progress has been made in my mounting windows shares issue. Finally was able to open the folder to linux and linux can (supposedly) write to it20:31
WACOMaltproblem is, I made a test file text.txt on windows. I open it on linux, edit it, save. It saves correctly. But when opened again the change isnt there20:32
alberno not working, with firefox the fullscreen works but dont let me change quality, is always 320, with the youtube app i can change quality but dont let me go fullscreen, with chromium everything work fine20:32
wileeealber, Are you translating questions?20:36
lolcatit is still listing the routers dns servers in the config20:37
wileeealber, I just wonder if a channel in your native language might help, hard to follow your answer, and outline of issue.20:37
Gamoder_#ubuntu-es should exist20:38
alberok... thx anyway20:40
WACOMaltnano is saying a file was modified after I opened it, but I know for a fact this isnt the case. When save, changes do not appear in the file despite it saying "wrote ## lines"20:40
wileeealber, You can only see a resolution offered by youtube, it is on their end, are you sure gthere is a higher resolution when you try?20:41
snoop_dogehello all20:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:42
wileeealber, ^^^^^ look at bot info as well20:42
=== viking is now known as Guest33943
WACOMaltif an apt-get install freezes (in this case installing vim, its stuck on "Unpacking vim-runtime") is it safe to Ctl+C?20:43
wileeesnoop_doge, Your early it's not 420 yet. ;)20:43
snoop_dogei just got a new  laptop and read that it is advised to update to kernal 4+ for my wifi to work. ow would I do that? and when?20:43
snoop_dogeya but im still blazed20:43
salmonhattGreetings, fellow humans20:44
snoop_dogesup sal20:44
MonkeyDustsalmonhatt i'm only a bot, please don't think i'm intelligent20:44
salmonhattLooking for people's recommendations for music players.20:44
wileeesnoop_doge, Do you have the wifi hardware info and link to that advice? lspci in terminal will identify the wifi20:45
akikWACOMalt: what if you copy a bigger file to the windows share, does it also become 0 size?20:45
snoop_dogeits an asus x205ta20:45
snoop_dogethats all I know20:45
snoop_dogeand installing mate20:46
WACOMaltakik, huh? nothing is becoming 0 size20:46
WACOMaltI can read the file, and it stays as it was. I just cant save a new file20:46
WACOMaltor any changes to the current file20:46
WACOMaltbut it says it saves fine. no errorsz20:46
snoop_dogeim going to try live mode before wiping windows from it20:47
snoop_dogesee what worlks20:47
MonkeyDustsnoop_doge  that's what the leve session is for20:47
wileeesnoop_doge, Are you in a linux environment so we can know the wifi hardware, here we only support kernels in the ubuntu repos unless there is no other option, so we need to get there at the least.20:47
snoop_dogeim downloading the mate iso now20:48
wileeecool boot it and check it out20:49
akikWACOMalt: did you try the other sec= option?20:49
WACOMaltok I found out what sup... kinda20:50
akikWACOMalt: i can't help you with the windows side. been running a samba server for so long20:50
=== bill is now known as Guest97018
akiki have no windows servers either20:51
WACOMaltso the file in that folder is owned by "wacomalt:wacomalt" my user. And they are permissions 77720:51
WACOMaltbut unless I edit and save as sudo, the file doesnt get updated20:51
salmonhattSo...does anyone have suggestions for a good music player? Or is that better served for a general chat channel20:52
WACOMaltdepends what you want out of your music player20:52
WACOMaltI personally use clementine, but its not everyone's cup of tea20:52
akikWACOMalt: try sec=lanman20:52
salmonhattI used to use MusicBee on Windows, and WinAmp before that20:53
salmonhattif that gives you any idea of my tastes.20:53
akiksalmonhatt: i use edna to serve my music to vlc20:53
WACOMaltakik, where do I put that?20:53
akikWACOMalt: fstab, where you had sec=ntlm20:53
WACOMaltwhat are the different options there? lanman and ntlm?20:53
akikWACOMalt: if you get it working, write a blog post :)20:54
salmonhattI like VLC for video, not so much for audio.20:54
wileee salmonhatt Not a support issue here, we call it polling, not allowed. ;)20:55
WACOMaltakik, once I change /etc/fstab how do I reload it20:55
salmonhattMy bad. What's the general chat channel?20:55
WACOMaltis a restart needed or can I do umount -a, then mount -a ?20:55
wileeesalmonhatt, no idea, there is #ubuntu-offtopic might be okay there.20:56
new_guesthey guys, i'm sorry for my bad english. I have installed the x265 codec in ubuntu 14.04 but it freezes my system so i have20:56
akikWACOMalt: yes umount & mount works20:56
akikWACOMalt: there's also sec=ntlmv2 option20:56
pereborHi, I'm trying to share the wifi connection from my laptop with my desktop through an ethernet connection. Askubuntu answers suggest that I can do that through NetworkManager but nothing is working20:57
catalasehow do install utorrent as a service, for instance, the file utserver is located in /home/user/utorrent20:57
WACOMaltakik, but what do those mean?20:57
wileeecatalase, Use the ubuntu repos20:57
WACOMaltsecurity type?20:57
pereborit should be enough to set up the wired connection on my laptop as "Shared to other computers" right?20:57
new_guestdeleted it. Now totem doesn't work, it asks me codecs that i have, with gnome mplayer i have no problem20:58
akikWACOMalt: i think different security levels for the protocol20:58
wileeenew_guest, Where did you get the codec and how was it installed?21:00
biblasHi, I'm having trouble getting my prompt colorized, could anyone help me?21:00
ikoniawhat's the problem ?21:00
new_guestfrom the official ppa of x26521:00
akikWACOMalt: still another option sec=ntlmssp (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLMSSP)21:01
wileee!ppa-purge | new_guest this is the correct removal21:01
ubottunew_guest this is the correct removal: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:01
WACOMaltis there a way to know which I need?21:01
biblasI've edited my .bashrc (uncommeted force_color_prompt=yes), but no colors are showing in the prompt21:01
WACOMaltor just try them all until it works...21:01
perebordo I want to use a bridged connection to share my laptop's wifi through ethernet?21:01
ikoniabiblas: echo $PS121:01
akikWACOMalt: you're on your own now.. and google21:02
wileeenew_guest, Have you installed the restricted-extras for the desktop you're using.21:02
biblasit returns "${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w$(parse_git_branch)\$"21:02
ikoniabiblas: there is no colours in that21:02
ikoniabiblas: what are you expecting to happen, what part do you think should be in colour ?21:02
new_guestyes before installing the x265 codec i was able to play x264 videos21:03
biblasthe prompt, username and current path I was hoping21:03
wileee!who| new_guest21:03
ubottunew_guest: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:03
akikWACOMalt: do you need to add your domain information to the fstab line?21:04
ikoniabiblas: you'll need to set PS1 for that21:04
new_guest!ubottu  ok fella21:04
ubottunew_guest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:04
WACOMaltakik, I'm not on a domain21:05
biblasikonia: any idea how I can fix it? My only modification to .baschrc is according to https://www.leaseweblabs.com/2013/08/git-tip-show-your-branch-name-on-the-linux-prompt/21:07
ikoniabiblas: I have no idea what that URL is21:07
ikoniajust modify the PS1 variable to lay the prompt out how you want21:07
biblasSo say I would want it to look like in the link I sent, how would I go about to do that?21:08
ikoniayou modify the PS1 prompt, then commit it to your bashrc when you are happy with it21:08
new_guest!wileee yes before installing the x265 codec i was able to play x264 videos21:09
ubottunew_guest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
biblasok, I'll give it a try, thanks!21:09
wileeenew_guest, Not a question I asked.21:10
WACOMaltFIGURED IT OUT yaaay.  I guess the permissions for a cifs mount are different than most sites list. most say to use fmask and dmask21:10
WACOMaltbut you should use dir_mode and file_mode21:10
WACOMalt/  /media/WACOSynth  cifs  noauto,rw,username=guest,password=,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666,iocharset=utf8  0  021:11
WACOMaltthat finally works21:11
new_guest!wileee yes i have installed that package21:11
ubottunew_guest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:11
WACOMaltso yay, the issue WAS on linux :P I was at least right about that21:11
wileeenew_guest, You just type a few letter of my nick and hit the tab key to complete it. So do you understand the correct removal of that ppa? PPA's add their own stuff, has to be removed correctly, leaving no dependencies from them.21:14
new_guest!wileee I have removed the x265 codec and than i have removed the repository from the source list21:17
ubottunew_guest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:17
wileeenew_guest, THis a youtube problem with FF?21:17
new_guest!wileee no with my local files21:18
ubottunew_guest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:18
wileeenew_guest, I can't help you, your not reading or not understanding the bots info or mine. If english is not your native language, there probably is a channel that is.21:20
new_guesti'm using a webchat21:20
wileeenew_guest, What is your native language?21:21
new_guestthere is nobody in the italian chat21:21
wileeenew_guest, Fine, but we are not communicating, we are not even close. ;)21:22
icecube45Anyone mind helping me solve a difficult problem? Trying to install ubuntu 14.04 on a RAID 1 4TB drive, it installs correct, but I get "no boot device available", If I use grub from a different disk,i can boot from the disk successfully, I've tried boot-repair to fix the grub on the disk, yet the same thing happened after a reboot, i currently have21:22
icecube45 a livecd with boot-repair loaded21:22
new_guestyou asked me about firefox and youtube21:23
WACOMaltakik, http://wacomalt.com/quick-tip-properly-auto-mounting-unprotected-windows-shares-in-linux-with-full-access/  as you suggested :)21:25
drkjstricecube45: Are you using a hardware RAID?\21:25
akikheh thanks21:26
icecube45drkjstr:yes, hardware raid 1 via a pci card21:26
new_guestwileee: now i get it21:26
drkjstricecube45: I did it once a long time again, and I'm trying to find the information I used in the past.21:27
akikWACOMalt: the same reason i started writing things down..21:27
WACOMaltyeah, my keep.google.com is filled with stuff like this21:27
WACOMaltonly if I think someone else may benefit do I write it in the blog21:27
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icecube45drkjstr:thank you21:28
new_guestwileee: i was able to play any audio and video files with totem, i have removed the x265 codec an totem only play audio file21:30
b67Does Ubuntu have backdoors for law encforcement?21:30
MonkeyDustb67  yes, the service is called NSA21:31
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt21:31
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drkjstricecube45: Sorry, I'm not finding what I used as my previous guide. I'm sure you found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:33
drkjstricecube45: That link is really old. This one might be of more use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LVMOnRaid21:34
drkjstrI can't remember if I had to put the /boot and grub on the RAID...21:34
drkjstrSorry I can't be of any more help. Maybe someone in #ubuntu-server might have a suggestion.21:35
new_guestwileee: can you help me now?21:35
OerHeksb67, "There is no backdoor, not even windows ◔̯◔"21:35
OerHeksnew_guest, add the codec again, solved21:36
new_guestOerHeks: the x265 freezed my system. I have removed it and now totem can't play x264 video but other player can do it21:37
TJ-GRUB on raid (bootstrap or core.img) will usually fail because GRUB only has a read-only diskfilter for md21:38
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OerHeksnew_guest, what other player? vlc with buildin-codecs ?21:39
TJ-Bootable RAID also depends on the metadata version; later (default) versions put the metadata where the bootloader wants to be... specifically, need to use 0.90/1.00 metadata with RAID1 if the RAID devices need to be bootable21:39
new_guestOerHeks: gnome mplayer21:39
OerHeksnew_guest, then purge & reinstall totem21:40
new_guestOerHeks: i have all the codec libav x264, but after the removal of libde265 totem asks for codecs21:40
icecube45TJ-:can you explain that for me?21:41
new_guestOerHeks: ok i'm gonna try again21:41
TJ-icecube45: I only just came in the channel so missed what you're trying to do... I was dropping some info based on what I saw drkjstr say21:41
=== Taci is now known as ViCi
OerHeksnew_guest, that lib265 is in development, so any cruft is likely, did you logout/login since then?21:44
icecube45TJ-:trying to intsall to a hardware raid 1 - installs fine, but i get no boot device found.if i use another install's grub to launch it, it will boot21:44
=== ViCi is now known as Taci
new_guestOerHeks: I have rebooted21:44
TJ-icecube45: OK, if it is *true* hardware RAID1 (i.e. The BIOS/bootloader/OS only see 1 device) then there is no problem21:44
TJ-icecube45: However... to boot from such a device it must have a BIOS/UEFI Option ROM that provides boot services to the BIOS/UEFI firmware21:45
icecube45TJ- it is truly hardware raid - only one device21:45
TJ-icecube45: OK, so my 2nd comment applies21:45
icecube45TJ-: what do you mean by that?21:45
AvatarAnew_guest, I just connected so can't see all the chat. what doesn't work in totem? are you by any chance trying to play mp4?21:46
TJ-icecube45: usually when you boot a system with a hardware RAID adapter, during POST you'll see messages from the RAID adapter's Option ROM. That ROM will have a hot-key you can use to configure the array, and should also provide PnP boot services to the system BIOS, so the system BIOS boot-manager can use it as a boot device21:47
icecube45TJ- it is set as a bios boot device, and the raid card's bios is set to boot off of the array21:47
TJ-icecube45: OK... so in theory that is enough. What do you see when the system boots (flashing cursor top-left, "No Operating System" message, etc.) ?21:48
icecube45TJ-: I get the message,  "No boot device found. Press any key to reboot the machine"21:49
TJ-icecube45: OK... that tells us the System BIOS is likely calling the adapter's PnP (Plug and Play) Option ROM bootstrap code, but that code isn't identifying a boot sector and is returning control to the System BIOS.21:50
new_guestAvatarA: I was able to play any video files including h.264 with totem, I have installed lib265 bu it freezed my sistem, i have removed it and now tetem can play only audio files, and asks me21:50
TJ-icecube45: So, the next question is... what disk label format is on the RAID array - is it MBR or GPT?21:50
reisioanybody witnessed morituri working at all?21:50
MonkeyDust!info morituri21:50
ubottumorituri (source: morituri): CD ripper aiming for maximum quality. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3-1 (vivid), package size 101 kB, installed size 664 kB21:50
icecube45TJ-: that's what i thought, GPT (4TB)21:50
TJ-icecube45: Many BIOS cannot work with GPT21:51
new_guestAvatarA: asks me the matroska demuxer but i have the libav installed and i was able to play it before21:51
TJ-icecube45: Did you configure the RAID device with a hybrid GPT/MBR ?21:51
MonkeyDustreisio  try Asunder, or ripperX, or, on the comand line, jack -Q -R21:51
icecube45TJ- At least i assume it's GPT due to the size21:51
icecube45TJ- no?21:51
TJ-icecube45: OK... I strongly suspect configuring a hybrid MBR/GPT will solve your issue21:52
icecube45TJ- the array can boot if i use grub on a different disk21:52
reisioMonkeyDust: morituri has a specific purpose beyond simply getting audio from a disc, alas21:52
icecube45TJ-: how can I setup the hybrid thing?21:52
TJ-icecube45: Use the 'gdisk' tool, advanced options21:54
TJ-icecube45: first you need to identify which partition(s) should be in the hybrid MBR21:54
TJ-icecube45: did you assign 1 partition for /boot/ ?21:54
icecube45TJ-:I used automatic partitioning21:55
icecube45TJ-: so i have bios_grub, swap, and a ext421:55
TJ-icecube45: can you "pastebinit <( parted unit s print )"21:55
TJ-icecube45: if you have an 0xef02 BIOS boot partition, that makes things much easier21:56
TJ-icecube45: typo! can you "pastebinit <( sudo parted unit s print /dev/sdX )"  where X is the device21:56
TJ-icecube45: also, if it isn't too late. With large disks I'd always recommend using LVM rather than a static file-system. With LVM you can assign, grow, shrink, snapshot volumes at will21:57
icecube45TJ- im just going to use a seprate disk for grub21:58
icecube45My mind is burnt out on this21:58
goddardwhen I connect an xbox one controller to my computer it locks up my system.21:58
TJ-icecube45: Creating a hybrid is only a case of altering the protective MBR... takes about 1 minute21:58
icecube45TJ-:no dataloss/reinstall?21:59
reisioanybody witnessed morituri working at all?22:00
JustSighDudesCan someone in plain english explain what the difference between bashrc and profile and bash_profile22:00
MonkeyDustreisio  i installed it, still figuring out how it works22:00
JustSighDudesIs there a file that gets read by all shells instead of login and/or interactive22:00
reisioMonkeyDust: oh thanks :)22:00
icecube45TJ-: I do have a bios boot partition22:00
TJ-icecube45: No. A hybrid MBR simply means that you can assign up to 3 partitions that are assigned in the GPT, to the MBR as well. So what you need to is to assign the BIOS-boot partition so it is also in the MBR... that way the BIOS boot services will be able to use it22:01
reisioMonkeyDust: you need a CD, of course, then try any of these: rip offset find; rip drive analyze; rip cd rip; rip cd rip -U22:01
QuestGood Night22:01
icecube45TJ-: really?... alright, let me do that whole pastebinit thing22:01
Questi need help22:01
reisioMonkeyDust: IME the application does almost nothing reliably, but I'd like a second opinion22:01
Questmy dpkg is corrupted22:01
TJ-icecube45: basically, the definitions of up to 3 partitions are in the MBR and GPT. The 4th MBR partition slot protects the remainder of the disk from accidental use, the same as a protective MBR does22:01
Questhow i fix it22:02
=== Quest is now known as CorinthianO
icecube45TJ- alright.. booting into a livecd22:02
MonkeyDustreisio  scroll down, i'm not even going to try    http://pastebin.com/mP8LfjDd22:03
icecube45TJ-:can you repeat that command for me?22:03
icecube45I need to increase my scrollback...22:03
reisioMonkeyDust: oh great, dunno how I missed that info22:03
reisioMonkeyDust: sounds kind of useless and crap, doesn't it?22:04
TJ-icecube45: "pastebinit <( sudo parted unit s print /dev/sdX )"  where X is the RAID device22:04
MonkeyDustreisio  i'm happy with what i suggested earlier22:04
caliculkHey, when restoring a ubuntu installation from archived files, (including /var) should you remove the apt entries so nothing is screwed up when you try to reinstall apps?22:04
TJ-icecube45: actually, this: "pastebinit <( sudo parted /dev/sdX unit s print )"  where X is the RAID device22:04
reisioMonkeyDust: --unknown (-U) actually uses the builtin freedb support which is way superior to musicbrainz, but... it still barely works with that, IME22:04
reisioI wonder if I can use -U with every last 'rip' command...22:05
* reisio tries22:05
reisiocaliculk: why woudl someting be screwed u?22:07
caliculkSorry, readign that again, it doesn't make very much sense. I archived my files and reinstalled the OS, and am now trying to restore that archive. However, I am curious that if I restore the files pertaining to apt it may screw something up on the new install. Is it better to remove the apt folder and files and start from scratch in this situation?22:07
icecube45TJ- still booting livecd..22:07
caliculkreisio: not sure, just want to make sure it wouldn't screw up by thinking any apps are previously installed or something.22:07
reisiocaliculk: you can always restore specific files as needed if and when you encounter issues22:07
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus
TJ-icecube45: OK22:08
icecube45TJ-: command is taking a bit..22:10
TJ-icecube45: I think I must be asleep... I've typed it 3 times and got it wrong :)22:10
icecube45TJ- what is it..22:10
icecube45TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12161340/22:11
TJ-icecube45: : "pastebinit <( sudo parted /dev/sdX unit s print )"  where X is the RAID device22:12
icecube45TJ- see aove22:12
TJ-icecube45: Argggh! You've got the bios boot partition at the end of the disk. This may not be possible.22:12
icecube45TJ- I can make on at the beginning...22:13
icecube45Just 1mb, right?22:13
icecube45TJ- want me to?22:13
POGtastichi, got a quick question that I'm not quite sure how to google. Is it possible to map mouse input to a hotkey in Ubuntu / Lubuntu? as in, hit the F6 key, and the mouse will click.22:14
TJ-icecube45: Yes... it needs to be within the first 2GiB because the sector numbers in MBR cannot address any higher22:14
reisioan input device is an input device22:14
icecube45TJ-: uno momento22:14
icecube45TJ- i'll need to reinstall grub then, right?22:15
TJ-icecube45: I'm trying to figure out how you can do it. There isn't sufficient space at the start to slip a new partition in22:16
icecube45TJ-:yea there is22:16
icecube45TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12161467/22:16
TJ-icecube45: Ah, OK... that just gives alignment a knock22:17
icecube45TJ- gotta reintall grub tho, right?22:17
TJ-icecube45: Yes. first you need to use gdisk's advanced menu to copy partition #1 into the hybrid MBR22:17
Jeeves_Mosshow do I launch a screen session, and run a command in that screen (detached)?22:18
icecube45TJ-: gdisk or gparted?22:18
POGtastic@ <Jeeves_Moss> when you type a command into the terminal, type an & after it. that will run the process in the background, and you can use the terminal as normal.22:18
CarlFKhow do I do-release-upgrade a 12.10 ?  do-release-upgrade says No new release found22:18
TJ-icecube45: "sudo gdisk /dev/sda"22:19
TJ-icecube45: Then press ? to see the menu options. You'll want 'r' - recovery and transformation22:19
icecube45now what22:19
TJ-icecube45: press ? again. You'll see 'h' make hybrid MBR. do that22:19
OerHeks12:10 > 13.04 ( eol) > 13.10 (eol) > 14.04 LTS .. i would reinstall fresh22:20
TJ-icecube45: Now you'll have "...Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces,..."22:20
Jeeves_MossPOGtastic, will that launch a screen session (and how do I name that screen session) with the command running in it?  Then will it close the screen session once the program is done running?22:20
icecube45dev/sda1 ?22:20
TJ-icecube45: so type "1" and you're done. Then do 'w' to write it to disk22:20
icecube45with a slash ofc22:20
TJ-icecube45: you're only typing partition numbers, not giving Linux device names22:21
icecube45time to reboot to the livecd again?22:21
TJ-icecube45: e.g. if you wanted partitions sda1 sda5 sda7 you'd type 1 5 722:21
icecube45then install grub?22:21
TJ-icecube45: No22:21
icecube45or grub it now?22:21
TJ-icecube45: You can do it in a mo.22:21
TJ-icecube45: Now do "sudo partprobe /dev/sda"22:21
icecube45nothing showed up22:22
TJ-icecube45: you're working from the booted system right now are you?22:22
POGtasticsorry, I misread your question. didn't realize that you were talking about Screen; thought you were just talking about a generic session.22:22
TJ-icecube45: nothing expected. You just told the kernel to re-read the partition table.22:22
icecube45No, im not22:22
icecube45working from the booted system22:22
icecube45im on a ivecd22:22
TJ-icecube45: OK, so we can install grub via a chroot22:22
icecube45TJ- ok, how?22:23
TJ-icecube45: Or, you can do your alternate boot device boot once, and do "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" from that installed system22:23
Jeeves_MossPOGtastic, nope.  I need to launch a file move in a screen session (with a name), and have it detach.  Once the move is done, I need it to pull down the screen it just made22:23
icecube45TJ- can't i just intsall boot-repair?22:23
TJ-icecube45: Probably quicker to do the alternate boot than use the Live ISO22:23
icecube45TJ- huh?22:24
TJ-icecube45: It's overkill for this, and might change things we don't want it to22:24
icecube45TJ- what about boot-repair :P22:24
icecube45So.. boot into the raid array?22:24
goddardcan some one help a device from crashing my system?22:24
TJ-icecube45: If you want to do it from Live ISO, there are about 10 steps22:24
icecube45TJ- im booting into it22:24
goddardI find it insane a USB device can crash Linux22:24
TJ-icecube45: if you do alternate boot, then it's a simple grub-install22:24
TJ-icecube45: OK :)22:24
icecube45TJ- booting it up22:27
icecube45TJ- seems to be refusing to boot22:30
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TJ-icecube45: trying to read the RAID bios_grub partition of course! You need to manually choose the alternate boot device22:31
icecube45TJ- im using the grub of a different disk install22:31
icecube45TJ- pointing it at /dev/sda222:31
icecube45not booting from that22:31
icecube45goes back to the disk that the grub is on22:32
WACOMaltaaand now my automount isnt working again22:33
dweller_I get this error at startup: "The disk drive for /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is not ready yet or not present". I have tried following the steps outline here: http://punygeek.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ubuntu-1204-how-to-solve-disk-drive-for.html which does show the swap partition is present after "free -m" but upon reboot, the problem persists.22:33
WACOMaltworked after doing sudo mount -a, but no longer22:33
WACOMaltafter a reboot22:33
TJ-icecube45: that's strange. That should be sufficient, although doesn't the boot device show up as /dev/sda in that case, and the RAID as /dev/sdb ? In grub terms the RAID/Linux should root be (hd1,2)22:34
icecube45TJ- the boot disk is attatched via usb22:35
TJ-icecube45: so are you using the GRUB command-line from that, to boot the RAID?22:35
icecube45im using the grub menu (holding down shift)22:35
icecube45but yes22:35
TJ-icecube45: I'd try using the GRUB command line, you have full control then. Press 'c'22:36
TJ-icecube45: now type "ls" and it'll list all the mass storage devices22:36
icecube45TJ- uno momento22:36
TJ-icecube45: then you need to discover which is the RAID. You can do things like ls (hd0,2)/" to list the root directory, or "ls (hd0,2)/boot/" or even "cat (hd0,2)/etc/issue" - assuming (hd0) is the RAID device.22:37
new_guestOk guys i have solved my problem. I have re-installed libde265 and now totem can play my 264 videos. It doesn't have any sense because it was able to play those videos without libde265, before  my decision to install it and than remove it  cause it freezed my system playing 265 video. So thank yall.22:38
TJ-icecube45: the RAID device has 3 partitions so 'ls' should show something like "(hd0,1) (hd0,2) (hd0,3)"22:38
dasmadchenHi could you help me telling me what's the difference between the logs generated as *.log and the ones as *.log.1 ?22:41
TJ-dasmadchen: the numbered logs are the older files that have been rotated out by logrotate22:42
siscclim not sure but don’t you start getting *.log.1 etc. once they are full for rotation22:42
TJ-dasmadchen: logrotate will compress even older logs with gzip too22:42
icecube45TJ- it's hd122:42
icecube45i mean22:42
TJ-icecube45: I thought it would be, but you can't always be sure since the BIOS controls the drive numbering22:43
icecube45TJ- how do i launch it22:43
scott606I downloaded ccsm trying to get the cool cube going .. and now when i start the cube my origional background doesnt dissapear and as i rotate it blurs the cube like snapshotting as i turn22:44
scott606I sat everything back to default and it still does the snapshotting.. it didnt do it till i was poking around in the settings22:44
TJ-icecube45: OK, so we should be able to boot from it directly with "set prefix=(hd0,2)/boot"   and "set root=(hd0,2)"  and then "insmod normal" then "normal"22:44
TJ-icecube45: If that works, the grub menu that comes up is from the RAID device22:45
icecube45TJ-: thats not working22:46
icecube45set prefix that is22:46
icecube45"not an assignment"22:46
TJ-icecube45: hang on, I may have the syntax wrong. I'm firing up a GRUB VM22:46
icecube45was my bad22:46
icecube45typed it wrong22:46
icecube45TJ- k, i did those commands22:47
icecube45TJ- reboot to the grub menu?22:47
TJ-icecube45: I should have said that it ought to be  (hd0,msdos2)   too, since we have both MBR and GPT, GRUB may need to know which to read22:47
icecube45do it again?22:47
icecube45but with hd(0,msdos2) rather than hd(0,2)22:47
TJ-icecube45: when you do "normal" ... that should load the GRUB menu. if it doesn't, then GRUB isn't loading its config from the RAID device22:48
icecube45normal didnt do anything22:48
TJ-icecube45: Yes, I gave you the wrong syntax for root... it should be "set root=hd0,msdos2"22:48
TJ-icecube45: as in, no surrounding ()22:48
icecube45TJ- ls doesnt list a msdos222:49
icecube45TJ- just msdos 1 and msdos522:49
icecube45TJ- the same for set prefix?22:49
TJ-icecube45: hmmm... OK, I wonder if GRUB is only reading the MBR.22:50
TJ-icecube45: no, prefix uses the () ... that's why I got confused!22:50
icecube45TJ-: idk..22:50
icecube45TJ-:so, set prefix=hd(0,msdos2)/boot ?22:51
TJ-icecube45: msdos5 suggests that is a logical partition in an extended device. That doesn't match what you have on the RAID. Are you sure that isn't the alternate disk you're booted from?22:51
r1k1_maybe go for ubuntu live usb stick and use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair22:51
icecube45TJ- i dont even know anymore22:51
icecube45TJ- its the grub of the alternate disk..22:51
TJ-icecube45: If hd0 was the RAID we'd either see the hybrid MBR entries, or the GPT entries. which would be numbered 1-2 or 1-322:52
TJ-icecube45: I expected you to see a hd1 as well, which would be the RAID device.22:52
TJ-icecube45: In grub, when you do 'ls' it scans for mass storage devices and lists them22:53
icecube45ls has this22:54
icecube45(hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0, msdos1) (hd1)22:54
TJ-icecube45: ha! (hd1) ... I bet we just need to 'insmod' additional modules22:55
icecube45what do i do22:55
r1k1_sudo update-grub or that boor repair?22:56
TJ-icecube45: let's double check where GRUB is from. type "set" and look at the list of variables, in particular cmdpath22:56
r1k1_not sure dont listen mee bit drunk22:56
TJ-icecube45: OK, hd0 is the alternate disk. Let's try "insmod nativedisk" and then "ls" again22:57
icecube45no change22:57
TJ-icecube45: that may fail since we changed prefix/root and we may have to reset them to their original values22:57
icecube45TJ- i already rebooted22:57
icecube45if it doesnt persist that is22:57
TJ-icecube45: OK, it doesnt, so 'set' is showing the default values22:57
icecube45no change with that insmod22:58
TJ-icecube45: so I'm guessing you have "prefix=(hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub" or similar22:58
icecube45msdos1 tho22:58
TJ-icecube45: OK, that makes sense. So we want (hd1) to also show (hd1,gptX) X=1,2,322:59
TJ-icecube45: "insmod part_gpt" and then "ls"23:00
icecube45got it23:01
TJ-icecube45:  :)23:01
icecube45now what23:01
TJ-icecube45: OK, so Linux is on partition 223:01
icecube45so do root and prefix again but with hd1,gpt2 ?23:02
TJ-icecube45: so lets be 100$ certain we can see the GRUB files before we change those23:02
TJ-icecube45: "ls (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/"23:02
TJ-icecube45: you should see 'grub.cfg' and 'i386-pc/" and others23:03
icecube45i see stuff that says grub23:03
TJ-icecube45: Yay!23:03
icecube45so now what23:03
TJ-icecube45: OK "set prefix=(hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub" and "set root=hd1,gpt2" and then "insmod normal" then "normal"23:04
icecube45grub menu!23:04
icecube45now what23:04
TJ-icecube45:  Finally :D23:04
TJ-icecube45: boot Ubuntu!23:04
icecube45the very first one?23:04
icecube45there are two sets of options23:05
TJ-icecube45: That should be the boot menu from the RAID device so yes23:05
TJ-icecube45: if not sure, press 'e' whilst an entry is highlighted and check it23:05
icecube45i tried the first "Ubuntu"23:05
icecube45wrong one it seems23:05
icecube45i need to do that all again dont i23:05
TJ-icecube45: When you tried that entry did anything happen? Usually a faulty entry just means GRUB returns to the boot meny23:06
icecube45it booted to the external disk23:06
TJ-icecube45: Oh... oh sod it, let's use a chroot from there!23:07
TJ-icecube45: dont' reboot. get a terminal open23:07
icecube45Too late23:07
* TJ- laughs ... I'm going to go make a strong coffee!23:07
icecube45TJ- two seconds23:09
icecube45TJ- ready for chrooting23:09
TJ-icecube45: OK identify the RAID device: "lsblk"23:10
icecube45got it23:11
icecube45mounted in /media23:11
TJ-icecube45: what's the mountpoint path?23:11
TJ-icecube45: let's make things easier. "udisksctl unmount --block-device /dev/sda2" ... that should remove that user mount23:12
TJ-icecube45: Use "mount | grep sda2" to ensure its gone, then: "sudo mkdir /target  && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /target"23:13
TJ-icecube45: then "for n in proc/ sys/ dev/ /dev/pts etc/resolv.conf; do sudo mount --bind /$n /target/$n; done"23:14
TJ-icecube45: then "chroot /target"23:14
TJ-icecube45: Then, finally, "grub-install /dev/sda" ... hopefully that won't report any problems!23:14
icecube45you mean /etc/resolv.conf?23:14
TJ-icecube45: no, leave off the initial / for those paths23:15
TJ-icecube45: the mount --bind command inserts the / in the right places23:15
icecube45done with that command23:16
icecube45chrooting now23:16
Dekker3DHey all23:16
icecube45installing grub..23:16
icecube45no error reported23:16
icecube45TJ-.. reboot?23:16
TJ-icecube45: "update-grub"23:16
a_led ubuntu mini.iso with lxde desktop...after this i install gnome networkmanager but i cant see it in lx panel23:17
icecube45updating grub23:17
TJ-icecube45: then "exit" and reboot and hope :)23:17
icecube45here goes nothing23:17
Dekker3DEver since I got my current mobo, I haven't been able to install Linux on my pc. I suspect UEFI. But either way, I could use some help trying to finally get Linux on this thing. I'm starting to miss it.23:17
a_i have installed ubuntu mini.iso with lxde desktop...after this i install gnome networkmanager but i cant see it in lx panel23:17
icecube45No boot device found23:18
icecube45I hate this23:18
TJ-icecube45: that makes no sense now23:19
icecube45TJ- didn't make sense before, continues not to make sense23:20
TJ-icecube45: it did make sense originally, because there was no MBR entries the BIOS could find23:20
icecube45TJ- I think this bios supports gpt tho..23:20
TJ-icecube45: there's one other possibility... some BIOS boot routines are very particular and require the MBR partition with the boot code to have its boot flag set23:21
Dekker3DCurrent situation is: I have a Windows 7 install. I have tried to use LinuxLive USB Creator to make a bootable usb stick of the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of the latest Ubuntu.23:21
icecube45TJ- how can i do that..23:21
Dekker3D32-bit and 64-bit both failed in different ways.23:21
TJ-icecube45: the system BIOS might, but the RAID adapter option ROM might not23:21
nas_hi new join23:21
TJ-icecube45: use 'fdisk', or from grub use the parttool module23:21
icecube45TJ- how i do23:21
wileeeDekker3D, Have you checked the md5sum on either ios's or disks/usb's you've used?23:22
icecube45TJ- what about gparted?23:22
TJ-icecube45: Yes, any partitioning tool... provided it lets you focus on the MBR... things like gparted will usually pick the GPT, not the MBR23:22
icecube45k, fdisk command?23:23
Dekker3Dwileee, I haven't. But I downloaded the 64 bit version off the Ubuntu website, while the 32 bit version was automatically downloaded. It's pretty much the same problem I've had every time I tried to get Ubuntu on this machine, as far as I remember.23:23
TJ-icecube45: yes23:23
icecube45TJ- what is it?23:23
Dekker3DI'll see if I can figure out how to md5sum on windows23:23
icecube45TJ- the command that is23:23
wileeeDekker3D, Which we have yet to actually hear described, get to that point. ;)23:24
Dekker3Dwileee, I didn't want to spam this chat while nobody seemed to be listening :P23:24
TJ-icecube45: "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" then the 'p' to see the current state. Does it show the boot flag set (a *) next to the bios_boot partition?23:24
wileeeDekker3D, You already have, slowness does not mean lack of support, you second guessing yourself into a corner.23:25
Dekker3DOn 32 bit, it would simply open up the shell. Unity, I think? I could mess around, it was a bit slow due to running from usb, but yeah. Normal live usb behaviour. Except the installation utility would just hang.23:25
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:25
icecube45TJ- no, the star is next to the ext4 partition23:25
Dekker3DThe installation utility had 7 dots, indicating 7 steps, it seems. The first step was fine. Second step was skipped, it seems, as it went straight to third.23:25
mranonymousI exited apt-get upgrade so that it's still running in the background. How to get into back into this process from shell?23:26
squintyDekker3D, winmd5sum   freebie23:26
Dekker3DIt mentioned a disk (sdd and some number, don't remember) being mounted and asking to unmount23:26
TJ-icecube45: OK... that *may* be the issue then. use the 'a' option to toggle the boot flag so it is on the bios_boot partition23:26
Dekker3DI clicked yes, and then it just got stuck in the next step. "preparing to install" or something.23:26
icecube45TJ- done23:26
Dekker3DI let it sit for an hour, and nothing changed23:26
icecube45TJ- i'm also noticing.. the ext4 is efi?23:26
wileeeDekker3D, very little of this is relevant, you need to stop and answer questions if asked.23:26
Dekker3DIt wasn't frozen, I could still click the close button and close the installer without breaking anything else.23:26
Dekker3DOh, sorry.23:27
TJ-icecube45: strictly though, any partition with a boot flag set should be sufficient. So I'm beginning to think there's a PERC issue here23:27
TJ-icecube45: really? can you show me? I'd expect the protective partition to end "ee GPT"23:27
icecube45TJ- let me pastebin23:27
Dekker3DThe 64 bit version had an actual error message, whether I tried to run from live usb or install directly. It mentioned not having a mountable disk, I think. Anyway, I'll check the md5sum first.23:27
mranonymousguys, how to enter a process that's in the background without installing anything?23:28
icecube45TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/12163818/23:28
squintyDekker3D, http://www.nullriver.com/products/winmd5sum23:28
icecube45TJ- wait.. is that swap?23:29
TJ-icecube45: Ohhhhh! 1 and 4 are protectives; 2 is the boot partition :)23:29
icecube45TJ- ok?.. so set flag back to 2?23:29
TJ-icecube45: remember this is a hybrid MBR, it contains protective entries and actual partitions23:29
TJ-icecube45: Yup :)23:29
TJ-icecube45: in which case, this points to some issue with the PERC boot ROM23:30
icecube45Or something23:30
snowkidindweird weird weird23:30
Dekker3DI used http://winmd5.com/ to run an md5sum. Both the 32 and 64 bit isos match the sums listed at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/MD5SUMS23:30
TJ-icecube45: It's not that unusual. I'm working with Super Talent/Asmedia to fix a bug in a PCIe SSD with a boot ROM that has a similar issue. Except in this case it completely hangs the system at boot time23:31
icecube45TJ- ah.. well.. im stuck23:31
icecube45let me see if there are updates to the rom and shit23:31
=== MeltedLux is now known as Keepo
snowkidindi bought a monitor switcher for three machines to one monitor. The machines are all DVI but i convert them to HDMI and the switcher is HDMI. The two non- ubuntu boxes work. The ubuntu box only works if another box is turned on.23:31
=== Keepo is now known as MeltedLux
snowkidindany ideas?23:32
TJ-icecube45: If I had hands-on I'd be able to sort that out quickly, but being remote... it makes the task 10x harder... can't use behavioural clues and intuition23:32
TJ-icecube45: if you had a network KVM :)23:32
Dekker3DOkay, so "dekkerphone" is me on my phone so I can keep track of stuff here while I actually try to get Linux to work.23:33
Dekker3DAny suggestions on what to do, folks?23:33
=== YboQuest is now known as CorinthianO
reisioDekker3D: 'bout what23:34
Dekker3DThe install problems I mentioned earlier.23:34
mranonymousGuys, can someone please tell me how to enter a process from shell?23:34
icecube45thanks for all the help TJ-23:34
MonkeyDustmranonymous  "enter a process from shell"?23:35
mranonymousmonkey, process is in the background, i need to get into it23:35
MonkeyDustmranonymous  did you send it to background with ctrl-z? then you need to type fg23:36
MonkeyDustmranonymous  if it started as a daemon, then i don't know23:37
=== Oiu is now known as Guest2227
Dekker3Dwileee, any ideas? Or did I miss a question I'm supposed to answer?23:37
mranonymousmonkey, i pressed ctrl-c when i was in apt-get upgrade and it's still running23:38
MonkeyDustmranonymous  ctrl-c stops a process... where do you see it running?23:39
mranonymousmonkey, i pressed it while i was checking difference between files to replace, it exited, but process is still running23:41
mranonymousmonkey, in background23:41
MonkeyDustmranonymous  where do you see that?23:41
mranonymousmonkey, in sudo ps x23:42
MonkeyDustmranonymous  mranonymous does 'jobs' show something? normally that's used after you typed ctrl-z23:42
JustSighDudesGuys, if .bashrc is included in .profile, then I should just put everything in .bashrc, right?23:43
mranonymousmonkey, nope tried it already23:43
=== OpenSorce is now known as Guest99104
=== opensorce_ is now known as OpenSorce
OpenSorce14.04 twice in the last two years the kernel upgrade has failed resulting in continuous reboots from grub. I know how to fix it from the CLI. I'd like to show the owner of this machine how do fix it from the GUI. What steps would you guys take to remove the failed kernel update and re-install it?23:45
mranonymousmonkey, very troubling, i didn't know how to exit diff, and now i better kill apt-get upgrade and dpkg, but seems silly23:47
x86iacJustSighDudes: you mean .bash_profile?   then yes .bashrc is then sourced23:48
MonkeyDustmranonymous  it's not silly, it's annoying23:49
JustSighDudesx86iac, ~/.profile23:49
MonkeyDustmranonymous  no clue, i'm sure someone else has more ideas23:50
plytromranonymous: have you tried fg?23:50
mranonymousMonkeyDust, thanks man, glad to have help23:51
mranonymousplytro: yes, and jobs23:51
plytrowhy do you need to get into it?23:51
plytroits just a diff from apt-get?23:51
mranonymousplytro: from apt-get upgrade, dpkg is stuck now23:52
plytrokill the diff23:54
plytronot -923:54
plytrojust kill23:54
imwoodythecowboyanyany1 know any leet haxor chats23:55
x86iacimwoodythecowboy: #leet_haxor_chats ?23:55
mranonymousplytro: dpkg is still running23:56
plytrois it doing anything?23:56
plytroyou could kill that too23:57
OpenSorceimwoodythecowboy, not on this server. Or any server you'd probably want to visit.23:57
plytroand just run apt-get again with a --fix-broken23:57
pte_peteyI just installed #ubuntu onto my machine but it's only got a 6gb ssd23:57
mranonymousplytro: ok that is a workaround, I was just thinking there must be a better way, but yea, thanks23:58
pte_peteymost of the drive space is taken up with files in the usr directory - most appear to be related to encryption as i've an encrypted drive23:58
pte_peteyhow can i reallocte the space best?23:58
mranonymousplytro: gonna do just that23:58
pte_petey(bearing in mind it is a fresh install)23:58
mranonymousplytro: thanks23:58
OpenSorce14.04 twice in the last two years the kernel upgrade has failed resulting in continuous reboots from grub. I know how to fix it from the CLI. I'd like to show the owner of this machine how do fix it from the GUI. What steps would you guys take to remove the failed kernel update and re-install it?23:59

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