[00:00] ;l :l #ubuntu [00:00] ffs [00:00] Anyone know of a good way to run Windows/Steam games on ubuntu? [00:02] salmonhatt: you can install steam [00:02] I know. But it won't run Windows games for Steam, which is mostly what I have. [00:04] OpenSorce: create a shell script to automate the fix, then add a .desktop application launcher to run it === kike_ is now known as ejimenez [00:04] I tried PlayOnLinux...it loads Steam fine, but it won't load the game. The display changes and I hear the audio, but it's not playable === ejimenez is now known as ejimz [00:06] salmonhatt: aha, i can't tell you anything new, imo I think you're out of luck [00:07] test [00:07] salmonhatt: others may know more, I think best way is steam and linux games from steam [00:07] Wish I could, but there aren't any good games for linux on steam [00:08] salmonhatt: cs go is good :) [00:08] Hello I need some help. I have a dell xps 13 developer eddition running ubuntu. I am trying to get it connected to my television. I have a minidv to hdmi adaptor and an hdmi chord. I have them attached and the video works fine. However, I am not getting any audio. It does not even show up as an option in the sound manager [00:08] Problem is that I've paid for several Windows games, and those are the ones I want to play [00:09] adam___: minidv? is that min-DVI? DVI doesn't transport audio [00:11] TJ-:I am sorry i meant minidisplay port [00:12] dssdc [00:12] looooll [00:12] adam___: Ahhhh... i did wonder. Maybe the PC doesn't output audio on the DP - many don't [00:13] salmonhatt: yea i get you, as i said, others may know more, but I think it would be at least very hard to do it [00:13] I was able to do it on Linux Mint. Don't know why I can't do it on Ubuntu [00:14] TJ-: I know that it is possible with the hardware I think it is a driver problem but I dont know how to proceed [00:14] adam___: check "/var/log/dmesg" look for confirmation that the DP audio device is detected and configured [00:14] salmonhatt: don't you need to use wine for the windows game? [00:14] salmonhatt: how did you do it on linux mint? [00:15] PlayOnLinux is a front-end for Wine. Makes it simpler to use. [00:15] and on Mint, I used PlayOnLinux [00:16] TJ-: How do I do that [00:16] adam___: I prefer the command-line but you can use any text reader/editor. I use 'less /var/log/dmesg" and then "G" to jump to the end, then work backwards [00:17] adam___: i think you need to find out if it needs a separate kernel module? [00:18] adam___: if you want to "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg" we can look at it too [00:19] How do I create the French accent letters in Ubuntu? [00:19] how do i do that? [00:19] salmonhatt: i don't know, you should be able to get it running in ubuntu too, it's basically the same [00:19] adam___: type the command inside the " " marks [00:19] My thoughts exactly === Eggs is now known as Guest79572 [00:22] TJ-: downloading postbinit now [00:22] salmonhatt: sorry man, I don't know, maybe it's display driver or something like that [00:23] Well...I reinstalled Steam for Linux, and now PlayOnLinux is running it fine. Must've been missing a file or two...hundred [00:23] [00:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12164944/ [00:23] I have tried using the alt+ shortcuts, but it is not working. [00:24] salmonhatt: glad you got it running :) gtg bye [00:25] adam___: there's a major problem with errors from the intel i915 video driver, e.g. "i915_bdw: Unknown symbol drm_framebuffer_cleanup (err -22)" [00:25] adam___: as the video driver is responsible for audio on the video outputs, that is the likely cause. Fix that, and you should have audio [00:26] TJ-: How do i fix this? [00:28] OneM_Industries: don't you want to use the french locale or just the chars? [00:29] I need to be able to type the French special characters while keeping the rest of the computer as English, as I am taking a French course. [00:30] So, things like alt+133 for à
. [00:31] when you find the unicode sequence i'd put them on a alt-fnskey (alt-f1 for example) so they can be easily available [00:31] adam___: I'm not sure. The errors are coming from the Intel Broadwell driver (i915_bdw), but not sure why, unless the hardware doesn't match [00:31] TJ-: what should be my next step in figuring it out? [00:31] what does dmesg really show it is - or lshw etc [00:32] hi i somehow managed to delete my conbections when uninstalling nome keyring via synaptic. I am running ubuntu 14 mate. [00:33] adam___: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nn )" [00:33] i looked in network settings y there is no tab for connections [00:34] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12165188/ [00:34] its odd [00:35] will i need to plug into reinstall connections? [00:35] adam___: the driver is correct for 8086:1616 (i915_bdw) [00:35] adam___: I can find 0 bugs in the bug tracker regarding this [00:36] adam___: what *seems* to be 1 issue is the kernel module i915_bdw being loaded is bilt for a different version of the kernel. "i915_bdw: disagrees about version of symbol drm_framebuffer_cleanup" [00:37] adam___: can you "pastebinit <( modinfo i915_bdw )" [00:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12165248/ [00:40] anyone have a hunch? [00:42] adam___: "3.13.0-62-generic" matches the booted kernel. I'm not sure what is going on. You'd best create a bug report and let the kernel dev's sort it out. It is further complicated because the Canonical kernel team decided to create their own i915_bdw module backported from Linux v3.14/v3.15 into the LTS v3.13 kernel, so there's no telling what they've done. [00:42] !bug | adam___ [00:42] adam___: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [00:42] adam___: in your case, "ubuntu-bug linux" [00:44] so I am more or less screwed? [00:45] and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [00:45] before reporting bugs [00:45] and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [00:45] I see what your saying make a bug report using that link [00:45] maybe better with that -y [00:46] I will try again after the update. you are saying this may fix it? [00:47] not rly but dont report if you arent sure there isent fix for it all ready === roberto is now known as routerl [00:48] I don't think there are any kernel updates since -62 but its worth covering the bases === routerl is now known as rou [00:48] hi === rou is now known as routerll [00:49] Hi. Could someone help me with an audio problem? I've followed a number of troubleshooting guides, but nothing has worked except reinstalling things. After doing that, though, the problem comes back after a few reboots. [00:50] still doesnt work [00:51] in particular, my headphone jack often doesn't work. Audio will come out of my laptop's speakers, and when I plug my headphones in, the computer detects that, but no audio comes out of the headphones. Pavucontrol THINKS it is sending audio to the headphones, but it isn't. [00:51] Also, everything works fine under Windows. The headphones are fine and the soundcard is fine. [00:52] Further, the headphones are correctly detected and work properly with a liveCD or fresh install. Or if I remove and reinstall alsa and pulseaudio. [00:52] everything works fine under windows ... nice [00:52] But after a few reboots/updates, the problem returns [00:52] x86iac: And with a liveCD also. [00:52] no way? [00:53] TJ-: So I am SOL [00:53] are you just shutting the computer down by powering it off? does your mixer save your settings? check the mixer [00:53] does anybody know how reinstall connections to network settings? [00:54] adam___: report the bug, then it may get attention [00:55] x86iac: No, I power down. The mixer does save my settings, including the volume level prior to shutdown. It correctly sets the speakers and headphone output to their own volume level, HDMI as well. As I switch between them, say by plugging in my headphones, the mixer (alsamixer and Sound Preferences) remembers that output's previous volume. [00:56] I should mention, this computer has an IntelHDA soundcard using ALC270. It is an Asus that doesn't seem to have its own model name for alsa-base.conf, so I've been using "auto" [00:56] or else deleting the model line entirely [00:56] that doesn't seem to affect it [00:58] x86iac: By "no, I power down" I meant to say that I click shut down and let ubuntu go through the shutdown process until the computer powers itself off [00:59] routerll: on the face of it, those symptoms suggest some config is being saved somewhere. [00:59] TJ: I agree. But what config would make pavucontrol think that it is outputting sound to headphones when it is not? [01:00] TJ-: And would this be a pulseaudio config or an alsa config? [01:00] well, PA does write a few config files [01:00] So, simply deleting ~/.config/pulse and its contents does not affect this behaviour. [01:00] routerll: when this hits your primary user profile, have you tried using the guest profile, or creating another user profile and testing it there? That might help determine if this is a per-user config issue [01:01] TJ-: I've not tried that, but it's a good suggestion. I'll do that now. [01:03] TJ-: The same symptoms exist in the Guest session. [01:04] routerll: so possibly the config is in-memory when it happens. Does it continue if you restart the pulseaudio daemon? [01:05] TJ-: Is it enough to run "pulseaudio -k" in order to check that? If so, yes, the problem continues. [01:06] routerll: It used to but I know recently I looked at 'ps' and thought I saw PA running as root [01:06] routerll: nope, I mis-remembered. it is running as $USER [01:06] TJ-: "ps aux | grep pulseaudio" only shows me running it [01:07] How to add "-fPIC" to a makefile? I'm trying to compile zathura-pdf-mupdf and it needs mupdf compiled with "-fPIC". Thank you. [01:08] stricks: I think -fPIC needs to be immediately after the gcc command in your makefile rule line. [01:10] TJ-: Any more thoughts? I agree that it seems like a config issue, I just have no idea which config file to edit, if not /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, and I have no clue why it would sometimes work and sometimes not after a reboot. [01:10] routerll, in the "Makerules" or "Makefile" file? [01:11] sticks: In makefile. Find the rules line, the one that starts with gcc, and, immediately after the command gcc, add a space followed by -fPIC. [01:11] stricks: usually you do "make CFLAGS=-fPIC" and it will add to the Makefile, but it depends on how well the Makefile was written [01:12] routerll, TJ- , thank you, will report back. [01:12] routerll: it could be an in-memory corruption issue being saved out, but if it continues after you've deleted the PA config files and restarted the daemon, that suggests an ALSA issue [01:13] does anyone know how to paste from primary buffer into firefox without mouse? [01:14] TL-: I'm trying to diff the outputs of alsa-info.sh for each situation, but I haven't managed to get the headphones to work in the past many reboots. If I were to do that, would I be able to figure out what is wrong? [01:14] stricks: just add it to the make command\ [01:15] TJ-: Meant to address the above to you. [01:15] routerll: when you shutdown/reboot do you ensure the 5V standby is off as well - disconnect from wall, press power switch to drain capacitors etc., then start it? I'm wondering if the hardware is the culprit [01:15] routerll: if a laptop... removing battery [01:16] TJ-: Not always. I'd assumed that, since using a liveCD or a different OS seems to solve the problem, it must not be a hardware issue. [01:16] x86iac, I get this error "make: PIC: No such file or directory make: *** No rule to make target 'PIC'. Stop." [01:16] routerll: You've got so many differing results it is hard to figure out where to look [01:18] TJ-: I thought I had 4 results. (1) On boot, speakers and headphones work. This has two states: headphones plugged in or not. (2) On boot, speakers work but headphones don't. This also has two states. [01:18] stricks: check the Makefile. It may use EXTRA_CFLAGS. In which case, use "make EXTRA_CFLAGS=-fPIC" [01:19] TJ-: So, I thought I'd reboot until I get both results, run alsa-info.sh for each case, and diff them all. [01:19] routerll: I thought you had also that during a session several plug-in/plug-out causes it to fail too? [01:20] TJ-: No. Once it's working, it keeps working until reboot. [01:20] routerll: Ahhh, I misunderstood. That makes things simpler! [01:21] routerll: in which case each time you boot save a copy of "/var/log/dmesg" with a name indicating the state of the outputs, and then compare them when you have all the scenarios captured [01:21] routerll: if the hardware audio pins are being configured differently you'll see it [01:22] TJ-: Will do. [01:22] routerll: e.g. here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12166185/ [01:24] TJ-: I'll reboot a bunch of times, save the logs and report back. [01:25] TJ- stricks it would be for cflags not extra_flags [01:26] stricks: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13812185/how-to-recompile-with-fpic [01:26] x86iac: depends on the Makefile; it might do CFLAGS:=$(EXTRA_CFLAGS) ... [01:27] ,TJ-, x86iac, yes changed to "make CFLAGS=-fPIC" and worked. Thank you. [01:28] (away) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos [01:28] (back) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos (time: 9s) [01:29] (away) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos [01:29] hi all :) i have a very strange phenomenon. i'm using ubuntu 14.04. i have a jfs filesystem mounted via fstab. the configuration has not been changed in almost a year. earlier today, the filesystem was giving me EROFS (Read-only file system.) i scratched my head, looked around for anything unusual, didn't find anything, and so i mount -o rw,remount the filesystem. well, it's several hours later, and now i am getting EROFS again! what could be happening?! [01:30] could the jfs module be encountering errors and setting it into ro? [01:30] hdon: check "/var/log/kern.log" in case there are I/O errors from the disk/controller [01:30] hmm, i do see some jfs errors in the kernel log [01:30] TJ-: yes i just found some :( [01:30] but is this normal behavior for a filesystem to go into ro-mode automatically? [01:31] i've been using linux for 13 years and i've never seen this behavior [01:31] not saying i know everything though :) [01:31] hdon: if the errors affect the file-system data, yes [01:31] TJ-: huh, thanks. any idea where i can find more info on this behavior? [01:32] hdon: as far as i know it's been standard behaviour in the kernel file-system drivers since... oh the start of Linux! that's why we have the errors=remount-ro option [01:33] TJ-: you know, i've seen that option all this time, and somehow i just never questioned it, haha.. [01:33] TJ-: Okay, I'm back after a reboot in which my headphones work. The only difference between the two dmesg files, re: headphones, is the IRQ. [01:34] TJ-: thanks for the help :) [01:34] is ubuntu for nexus 5 worth it? any opinions? [01:34] routerll: when it happens, I wonder if "alsactl init" might poke it? [01:34] I don’t dig the UI really but maybe I just don’t get it [01:35] routerll: grabbing at straws until you can find some evidence. [01:36] routerll: it's worth checking the entire dmesg for any signs of other issues that cause a knock-on effect. It could also be influenced by options to snd_hda_intel for example (if that is the driver) [01:36] TJ-: That is the driver. Diffing dmesg's is tough, though, since the time codes are all different. Any advice? [01:38] routerll: strip the time codes [01:38] hmm. [01:38] TJ-: I should have thought of that lol. Thanks. [01:39] I'm new to the penetesting field, but I think this would be a good job for me. any tips for a beginner? [01:39] #backbox === Erika is now known as Guest86507 === Guest86507 is now known as Annie_23_09 === R34P3R is now known as K4V1N [01:41] kinda empty here... [01:41] K4V1N is that a question? [01:41] !backbox [01:41] Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. [01:41] i guess. [01:42] oh that guy left [01:42] i just wanted to know any tips and tricks. [01:42] it's me, just changed nick. [01:42] routerll: "diff -u <(sed 's/^[\[ [:digit:]\.\]*] //' /var/log/dmesg) <(sed 's/^[\[ [:digit:]\.\]*] //' /var/log/dmesg.0)" [01:42] @TJ- what does that do, may i ask? [01:42] K4V1N: well for starters, you should ask in the backbox chat [01:42] it's empty right now, so. [01:43] #backbox is empty, i mean. [01:43] TJ-: I just did it with vim's block selection. [01:43] K4V1N: well this chat is for support questions [01:43] ah. [01:43] alrighty then. [01:43] hdon: it goes rdonly when it finds bad error on disk - fsck -C it [01:43] TJ-: But that's an awesome command :) I'm writing it down. [01:44] (away) off. [01:44] hola [01:44] Saulo: you mastered the /away pretty well [01:44] que [01:55] does ext4/3 use a MFT like windows? [01:57] "everything" search in windows finds files in seconds i read because it searchs the MFT. any file searchers i've used in linux are really slow [01:57] is there something that can index and find files quickly in linux? [01:59] hal_: see https://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Disk_Layout#Overview [02:01] hal_: check out slocate/locate the microsoft search builds an index like slocate/locate does [02:01] ok, did some digging. turns out ext* uses an equiv. called inodes. i don't think it stores filenames, just numbers so that may be out of the question [02:02] x86iac: yeah, i use locate sometimes. i tried catfish too which uses locate, it's slower. [02:03] anyone else getting an error code 2203 from hulu starting recently? [02:03] x86iac: "everything" is a third party free program in windows. i wish linux had an equivalent [02:04] hal_: locate is very quick [02:06] Ben64: yeah, but it's like going back to the dark ages in comparison. everything can find as fast as i type over 8tb's [02:07] hal_: locate actually has much more features [02:08] Boa Noite [02:08] sadasdf: yes, me too. any company that makes life hard for linux users, i don't support [02:08] ok so i got this hardware weirdness going on. I have a hdmi switcher hooked up to ubuntu. I have two other computers to connect. If I go Ubuntu -> Switcher -> Monitor it works fine, but the second I plug in one of the other wires in, the monitor dies, and i can’t even log back in through terminal. The machine still appears to be serving webpages. [02:09] whats up with that? [02:09] FTR noth of the other machines are turned off [02:09] both* [02:10] b0t\ [02:10] sounds like the same problem i was discussing with hulu. DRM. sounds like a HDMI handshake issue. had the same problem with my old Onkyo receiver [02:10] [02:10] [02:10] --udp -/flood [02:10] what do you suppose the fix is? === tvfloripa is now known as Lzl [02:10] http://www.iogear.com/product/GHDSW3/ [02:11] Users//Tcp_connect [02:11] snowkidind: that's a "switcher", not a splitter. am i missing something? [02:12] im gonna try something brb [02:13] I'm running out of hd space on / and my /Home partitions. I have 70 gigs free on the disk. What would be the best course of action? [02:14] make a ln -sf [02:14] ok so if i plug in all three machines it doesnt work at all when i start from everything off [02:15] snowkidind: sounds like a bad splitter [02:15] ubuntu is running, just no video [02:15] thats what im afraid of [02:16] the weird part is when it is nothing else plugged in it works fine. maybe theres a ground issue in the chassis [02:17] hal_, what's the alternative to hulu then. ;_; [02:17] Anybody using Oibaf graphic driver here ? === circ-user-4AnQP is now known as jpmh [02:19] sadasdf: don't know. according to a thread on linuxquestions, it seems an issue with DRM flash [02:19] netflix? [02:19] youtube? torrent? [02:20] sadasdf: the updated Adobe flash supports DRM in Firefox Windows but the latest we have is 11.2. screw flash. its death can't come soon enough [02:20] flash? let it die a dignified death [02:21] but i want to watch Eraserhead [02:21] i guess you could always use a VM [02:21] agreed. Get a roku and be done with it. [02:21] mmm good idea [02:22] there's talk on the forum of using Chromebook's version of flash. maybe someone will get it working or Adobe will update linux flash before i die [02:22] Anybody using Oibaf graphic driver here ? [02:22] you need to give 'roku' a credit card number just to sign up ... they don't tell you this until after you PAY $ for the priviledge [02:22] linux flash has been dead for a long time [02:23] justintv90: they charge for surveys here .. [02:23] Oh, I have an older roku. That is brand new information. When did they start doing that? [02:23] roku 3 [02:24] more info on getting hulu to work - http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/2028 [02:25] Anybody using Oibaf graphic driver here ? I have unity issue with Oibaf graphic driver, please help me. Sorry x86iac [02:25] Ok I am concluding that the switcher is bad. I don’t even have the D-plug in and as soon as I plug a second cable in i lose the first [02:25] * x86iac charges justintv90 $.37 [02:25] justintv90: what is oibaf? [02:25] My Unity opacity no longer working when i upgraded graphic driver from Oibaf repository [02:26] https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers [02:26] so go back to what the driver was before you upgraded it? [02:27] what video card is using this fantastic unknown oibaf driver? [02:27] try vesa ;) [02:27] My graphic card is Ati mobility HD 5470 [02:29] try 'ati' then? or radeon? [02:31] i tried to apply fglrx proprietary driver in additional drivers but it thrown "low-graphic mode" in next boot [02:31] i reinstalled 3 times but have same result [02:32] reinstalling is just avoiding actually fixing what is wrong [02:33] The default graphic works but it is laggy, what should i do now ? [02:33] hello [02:33] :( Please help [02:34] The oibaf driver is very smooth but has issue with unity launcher [02:35] The fglrx driver with lovely "low-graphic mode" warning [02:35] how do you the screen reader on ubuntu mate? [02:35] turn off [02:36] screen reader help? how to turn off? [02:37] falejand: You mean Orsca screen reader ? [02:37] yes Orca [02:37] help, thanks [02:38] sudo killall orca [02:38] ok, will try thanks [02:38] "sudo apt-get remove gnome-orca" if you dont need this function [02:39] Hi, I installed the french language in system settings, but the language support dialogue box is non-obvious and after I found I can't drag the greyed-out french entries anywhere, I found I can drag the english entry downwards to enable other forms of english, but i can't enable french. How does this work ??? [02:48] Can anyone suggest an alternative to gizmod? http://sourceforge.net/projects/gizmod/ [02:54] hi [02:55] Hey guys! I'm having a bit of trouble with make. It's saying makeinfo is missing on my system. How do I fix this? [02:56] Could you show error log at https://bpaste.net/ [02:56] jakesyl === cyphase is now known as Guest1942 [02:57] Winternet https://bpaste.net/show/b8fbb3895528 [02:58] I do have Texinfo installed [03:01] Hi would know what is the diffenrence between vanilla kernel and ubuntu one? [03:01] differences [03:02] I need some help restoring connections to connections to my netowrk settings. I am running vivd vervit on a thinkpad x220. [03:03] hi rizad0, what is your pbm? [03:03] binutils [03:03] hey dont want this to sound like spam but can anyone join #toastirc ? Thankyou [03:03] I unintalled gnome keyring via synaptic [03:03] and now the wifi dosnt come up [03:03] in netowrk adminstration [03:03] there's no connections tab [03:03] all I've done is update since then [03:03] didn't help [03:04] nothing in the forums I've found seems to address it [03:11] has anyone worked with evrouter? #!/bin/sh [03:20] no dice === JanC_ is now known as JanC === jakesyl is now known as anythin [03:48] Is restarting lightdm the best way to restart X without a reboot? === anythin is now known as edtoast [03:51] would someone be able to please help me with getting lubuntu to recognise an external hdd [03:52] Tyreal: how did you format the drive? [03:52] So after installing a fresh system, offline copying of /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow, is that a good or bad idea? [03:53] Because I just tried copying over /usr and /var and then my system broke. So I don't want to spend anothe 50 minutes installing ubuntu only to fail again. [03:54] its ntfs super [03:54] Tyreal: if you do "lsmod | grep ntfs" do you see the module loaded? [03:54] (without quotes, of course) === edtoast is now known as jakesyl [03:56] it didn't do anything :/ [03:56] So no output? [03:56] that means the ntfs module isn't loaded [03:56] i guess not, there was no response in xterminal [03:57] can u tell how to switch beetween workspaces in backcox??? === roi is now known as Guest83558 [03:57] Tyreal: modprobe ntfs [03:58] hello anyone listening?? [03:58] it says could not insert ntfs [03:58] I am . [03:59] so can u tell how to switch between worlspaces in backbox?? [03:59] workspaces* [03:59] can anyone tell this [04:00] or i should go === madmangunradio is now known as madmangunr [04:10] what room should I go to get help for an ubuntu partition [04:12] partion before install or post-install [04:14] Hello [04:15] Are there any known issues with the 15.04 installer? The disc I burned kept hanging, so I forced a recheck on the torrent and put it on a USB stick, and it got through all the information collection, but it's moving awfully slow if at all in the actual installation [04:15] hey [04:16] I need help removing or merging a couple of tiny partitions. I used gParted live and still couldnt resize my main partition to add them.. Picture here> http://imgur.com/cW9IbvK [04:16] winternet if i partition some of the external hdd will i be able to access the ntfs partition? [04:17] use gparted [04:17] u can access anything [04:17] either ntfs or any format partition [04:17] marverick is that found in the software center? [04:18] which os u using Tyreal?? [04:18] rex__, it looks like a lot of work for ony a couple of MB of space to reclaim [04:18] or is it just an annoyance kinda thing? [04:19] edentist, I was having Ocd about it.. I just dont like seeing so many partitions [04:19] how can i debug a system freeze? === cyphase_ is now known as cyphase [04:23] rex__, hmmmmm. well the first unallocated space should be able to be merged into the ext4 partition. make sure it is unmounted first, then you should be able to select merge [04:24] helo [04:24] the last space will be a bit trickier, as you will either have to expand the recovery partition into it, or move the recovery partition past it, then increase the extended partition, then the ext4 again [04:24] Hi all. Driving me nuts. cant install updates, /boot is full (apparently) deleted all not in use kernels.. still reporting not enough space. [04:24] ubuntu 14.04 [04:24] ive not used gparted for ntfs partition modification before, so YMMV [04:26] edenist, ok thanks for the advice. I just wiped win7 from the main partition, so I think I might backup My linux partitions and just start fresh [04:27] the recovery is from win7, I believe. i dont need it anymore [04:27] I think my 15.04 installation froze. It's in the "Creating ext4 file system" phase. Can I safely reboot without worrying about damage to my Windows partition? I worry about my master boot record and partition table [04:27] rex__, in that case, it's likely the weird unallocated spaces are from the way the system was setup with windows, especially the placement of the recovery partition. It may be in a weird place which means you may never be able to get rid of the tiny unallocated spaces unless you do a full drive wipe [04:28] rex__, ok, in that case, just wipe the whole drive then, delete all partitions when you do a reinstall [04:28] ednist, I believe my Ocd has won, and I will do a full wipe. Thanks [04:35] bye === jean is now known as Guest85103 === MrAristo_ is now known as MrAristo === Tsunami1 is now known as Guest71698 [04:47] Can someone help me with an uninstall process? Can't do it through software center. [04:48] salmonhatt, sudo apt-get purge packagenamehere [04:48] Evenin' [04:49] Even after doing that, the program is still there. [04:49] It won't go away >.> [04:52] salmonhatt, name of program? what version of ubuntu are you using? [04:52] 15.04, trying to remove VirtualBox [04:53] salmonhatt, how did you INSTALL it? [04:53] through the software center [04:56] which os u r using salmonhatt [04:56] Can someone eli5 package headers? [04:57] marverick: ubuntu 15.04 [04:59] helo all [04:59] anyone know how to make / boot bigger [04:59] Hi, I seem to have a huge problem of disk cache. Not long ago, I was able to sort the contents of a large file in 27 seconds with Ubuntu 14.04. I bought a much faster computer and installed 15.04 on it, and now the sort is taking many minutes and the disk doesn't stop writing. It seems as if writes are not delayed, which is very inconvenient. How do I fix this except downgrading the OS ? [05:02] neopsyche, how large is /boot? mine is here. fwiw, gparted can resize, but I'm not sure you actually need to do that. [05:03] ... but dmesg says that the disk cache is enabled for that drive (sda). [05:03] cfhowlett: something like 250mb [05:03] neopsyche, sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste the url here [05:03] yes i want gparted to make it bigger.. ubuntu keeps telling me too small .. i think because some of the apps like google earth use old kernels? [05:04] http://termbin.com/8rii [05:04] neopsyche, doesn't work like that. the apps will use the currently booted kernel. [05:04] ok [05:04] god knows how kernels keep getting in there lol :-D [05:05] neopsyche, sudo apt-get autoermove should clean out old kernels. keep the 2 most recent versions. [05:05] i tried it a few times. [05:05] neopsyche, no change? [05:05] ubuntu update still complaining that ;28mb' needs to be cleared [05:05] i already manually deleted 4 kernels [05:05] neopsyche, OK then. gparted it is. [05:06] lol [05:06] grub must have something in it perhaps. [05:06] its a bit grubby? [05:06] neopsyche, you'll need to free some space on your hdd and then move/join the free space to your /bot [05:07] ! [05:07] neopsyche, grub should be auto-loading the most recent kernel [05:07] matju, do you have a /swap? [05:08] cfhowlett: thanks man. how do i move some space? [05:09] hello [05:09] neopsyche, select the unassigned free part and move it next to /boot [05:09] cfhowlett: free part? [05:09] whats the command line to give permission to every user of the computer to read write and execute a file/folder ? [05:09] boot is 243mib [05:09] neopsyche, you have to free some space. shrink one of your partitions, [05:09] i need to make space/? [05:10] aaaah [05:10] encrypted! [05:10] crypt-luks [05:10] ?? [05:10] fascinating.. unused 68.49 mib [05:11] ... ubuntu says 'cant install because need 28?' [05:11] neopsyche, kernel = about 100 mb [05:11] whats the command line to give permission to every user of the computer to read write and execute a file/folder ? [05:11] ok [05:11] cfhowlett: no file named /swap, but I have a swap partition on the same disk, which is unused because I have much more than enough RAM. [05:11] cfhowlett: how to make space on encrypted drive? [05:11] !swap | matju [05:11] matju: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [05:12] cfhowlett: no swap [05:12] neopsyche, carefully. [05:12] cfhowlett: how? [05:12] cfhowlett: what about it ? [05:12] cant click on resize / move [05:12] neopsyche, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=726724 [05:12] cfhowlett: my swap partition exists and is enabled, but the system doesn't use it, because it doesn't need it. [05:13] matju, OK [05:13] how big your ram is [05:13] matju [05:13] argh resized with a live cd in mulitple steps?!? I need a degree in cryptography to move drive size?!?1 lol [05:14] neopsyche, how many kernels are in /boot? [05:14] 1 [05:14] ! [05:14] cfhowlett: I also notice slowdown of apps trying to write much slower files : write() seems to be blocking the app until the file is completely written to disk. [05:15] Winternet: 12Go. [05:15] neopsyche, something else is happening then, possibly related to encrypt. kernels = about 100 mb. no reason for you to be seeing "out of space" error with only 1 kernel. [05:16] matju, as it's not a /swap issue, I'm over my head. ask again in channel. [05:23] madness [05:23] .Trash-0 contents unreadable [05:23] lost+found contents unreadable [05:25] can I del .trash? [05:25] cfhowlett: ? [05:25] neopsyche, from your /home? [05:25] no from /boot [05:25] its hidden in there [05:25] a .trash file [05:25] !!!! WHAT? [05:25] cfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:25] yeah theres trash in the boot [05:26] and its unreadable trash [05:26] not reporting its size [05:26] a bot here ? named ubottu [05:26] neopsyche, never seen that before. normally, I'd guess yes, but that's a system file so ... I don't know. [05:27] ok [05:27] and I don't have .trash in my /boot [05:27] !info bleachbit | neopsyche clean your system [05:27] neopsyche clean your system: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (vivid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1965 kB [05:27] aha! THERES A BUNCH OF $HIT HIDING IN TRASH [05:27] Winternet: the bot helps users [05:29] hello..some wuestion...i have installed ubuntu 64bit system with 4gb ram..the taskmanager only shows 3919mb ram..is that normal ?? [05:29] herro? [05:30] huschke, yes, normal [05:30] absolutely normal [05:30] hello..some question...i have installed ubuntu 64bit system with 4gb ram..the taskmanager only shows 3919mb ram..is that normal ?? [05:30] omg im doing this from the terminal [05:30] lol [05:30] been there g3k [05:30] g3k, this is ubuntu support. ask your questions. [05:30] cfhowlett: thanks [05:31] Winternet: but a 32 bit system shows 4010mb from my 4gb ram [05:31] kbyee [05:31] Hi, I seem to have a huge problem of disk cache. Not long ago, I was able to sort the contents of a large file in 27 seconds with Ubuntu 14.04. I bought a much faster computer and installed 15.04 on it, and now the sort is taking many minutes and the disk doesn't stop writing. It seems as if writes are not delayed, which is very inconvenient. How do I fix this except downgrading the OS ? hdparm says sda has write-caching=1 and I have plenty [05:31] up upgradinga 10.04.4 LTS headless server to 12.04 as per the EOL upgrade instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/ I've setup my sources.list as explained there yet it still tries to access http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic* and then fails [05:31] of RAM. [05:32] mine 8G, but shows 7975. [05:32] cfhowlett: it seems when i went into root to del the offending kernels.. they hid themselves in an invisible trash. [05:32] hi, i'm new... me cago en todos ustdes, probando... [05:32] lol [05:32] devhen: upgrading from an eol release can get you in troubles sometimes [05:32] Winternet: why it shows less ram [05:32] devhen: best install fresh mate [05:32] Winternet: a 32 bit system shows me more ram then 64bit system [05:32] neopsyche, this is why we don't root things. got it sorted? [05:33] i will check soon [05:33] im doing non boot related updates [05:33] matju: check your syslog and dmesg for relevant errors [05:33] then i will run update again and hope it doesnt bork my system :-D [05:33] aaah ubuntu you are my favourite linux operating system.. when you work. [05:33] :-) [05:34] matju: also LTS will perform more stable on a system [05:34] this is not a big question about it. [05:34] huschke [05:35] devhen, sounds like you did something wrong somewhere; missed a software source setting would be my guess. [05:36] cfhowlett: my sources.list is exactly as described on the EOL upgrades wiki page. https://dpaste.de/jAJ2 [05:37] devhen, then the system wouldn't even know to look for karmic ... so karmic is still present somewhere [05:37] hm. i wonder where .. [05:37] devhen: the longer you wait to upgrade from an eol, the more dangerous for security flaws, would you trust your server still? [05:40] lotuspsychje: i don't know what to look for in those files, except "sda". I'll reboot to see whether it makes a difference. [05:40] devhen, I'm sure there are reasons, but were it my box: clean intall 14.04.3, not eolupgrade. [05:41] devhen: check this out for 10.04 mate: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/lucid/ [05:41] wtf hexchat is xchat [05:41] cfhowlett: thanks for the tips. i found the reference to karmic (in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ obv) and do-release-upgrade isnt complaining anymore. ill see what happens [05:41] how stupid [05:42] !language | amston, [05:42] amston,: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [05:47] matju: if you pastebin your whole syslog and dmesg ill take a look [05:47] !paste | matju [05:47] matju: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [05:48] Hi [05:49] Is it me or freenode network lagging? [05:49] Halelujah: freenode works smooth for me [05:49] My question: How to install latest radeon driver? [05:49] lotuspsychje: i rebooted and then the reads got at least 4 times faster and the writes at least 60 times faster. [05:49] !latest | Halelujah [05:49] Halelujah: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [05:50] i need latest radeon driver :)\ [05:50] !backports [05:50] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [05:50] Halelujah: does the driver ubuntu choose not work for you? [05:50] lotuspsychje: actually, for the writes, it's more like : it wasn't doing delayed writes at all, and now the file is sorted fully in RAM before any of it gets written. [05:51] !yay | matju [05:51] matju: Glad you made it! :-) [05:51] lotuspsychje it works but latest radeon driver makes my video card faster [05:51] Halelujah: wich sorce says that? [05:51] source [05:51] I say it [05:52] How can i check current radeon version? [05:52] Halelujah: if your current driver works good, why experiment others [05:52] Halelujah: sudo lshw -C video, behind driver= [05:53] because latest driver is faster [05:53] i tried ubuntu 15 and my video was faster [05:53] Halelujah: graphics performance doesnt depend on driver only, clean system,tweaking,other flavors [05:54] i have old video card [05:54] Halelujah: well, experiment as you wish, its your system right [05:55] how to update it? [05:55] newer is not always better. [05:55] Halelujah, get the source from amd, compile and install. [05:56] from amd website? [05:56] i use open source radeon driver [05:57] lotuspsychje: thanks, but it's somewhat frightening that anything like that can happen, and that it can be fixed with a plain reboot. I've been using linux for 18½ years now and that's a first. [05:57] ok i guess i need to research this by myself [05:58] matju: all depends what happened exactly in your system/logs [06:00] Halelujah: 14.04 and 15.04 us the same drivers, if 15.04 was faster its because of another reason [06:04] lotuspsychje: I had 3 stack traces in syslog, all for a warning named "plane A assertion failure (expected on, current off)", before rebooting, at different times in the evening. [06:05] matju: ok, you can also view logs in realtime with tail -f /var/log/syslog next time [06:09] matju: seems fine to me besides alot of acpi lines [06:14] lotuspsychje: I don't know what you see that could be wrong in that number of ACPI lines... they seem to mostly just refer to a damn lot of different hardware parts. [06:15] matju: you could try a no_acpi boot [06:15] lotuspsychje: what would that achieve ? [06:15] matju: wich ubuntu version was this? [06:17] matju: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions [06:21] lotuspsychje: i said 15.04 on my new computer, 14.04 on the old one. [06:22] lotuspsychje: i have to go now... thanks for the hint. === g3k is now known as oldcheese [06:23] Hello [06:24] hi [06:26] hi again [06:27] well im stuck. cant get laptop to boot from usb [06:27] read several manuals and nothing [06:28] snoop_doge: Be specific; what does "can't get laptop to boot from usb" mean? Have you turned secure boot off? [06:31] hello === Whitesqu_ is now known as Whitesquall_ [06:36] My Ubuntu install doen't complete boot sequence (plymouth still in the screen, no active terminal ...) [06:36] There is no clues in /var/log/boot.log === Whitesquall_ is now known as Whitesquall [06:49] lol === michael__ is now known as Guest92663 [06:50] connect irc.android-x86.com [07:11] i am having acpi pcc probe error [07:12] my output of dmesg | grep acpi at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12169619/ [07:12] i am trying to run "sudo fsck /dev/sda" from ubunutu live disk [07:13] but it says "/dev/sda is in use. e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting. " [07:17] hi all :) i just tried installing nvidia's proprietary driver with the nvidia-340 package, and when gdm starts up, i just get garbled picture, and gdm attempts to restart several times. any ideas where to begin diagnosing the problem? [07:18] hmm, looking at my logs... maybe the kernel module isn't loaded [07:18] lsmod|grep nv # no output [07:19] hmm.. dpkg -L nvidia-340 |grep \\.ko # no output [07:20] oh, right.. it probably downloads it from an nvidia server or some bs [07:21] oh, this is something: modprobe nvidia # output: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:809 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='nvidia_340' [07:21] next line of output: modeprobe: ERROR: coudl not insert 'nvidia_340': Function not implemented [07:30] Is it possible to install the newest stable versions of kde apps (i.e. okular) on xubuntu 14.04? [07:42] hmm, i don't seem to have an nvidia_340.ko anywhere [07:42] i have nvidiafb.ko for each kernel i have installed [07:42] but no nvidia_340 [07:46] i am having acpi pcc probe error my output of dmesg | grep acpi at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12169686/ === love_fennel is now known as kutchbhi [07:52] * masitsi slaps masitsi around a bit with a large fishbot [07:52] * masitsi slaps masitsi around a bit with a large fishbot [07:53] hmm..this feature wasn't there last time around [07:53] quite a downgrade [08:02] if I set a static IP in network/interfaces does it disable to gui control on the desktop version? [08:17] slicepaperwords, what gui program do you use? [08:18] slicepaperwords, my experience with all the GUI options has been so bad that i always just use /etc/network/interfaces [08:18] that is a bad idea [08:18] that will cause conflict [08:19] Gena: umm not to firmaliar its just the ubuntu desktop install [08:19] there is zero issue with the network manager application, and the gui interface for it [08:19] slicepaperwords: what's you're actual issue/situation [08:19] ikonia, yeah yeah, so i'm told. except it hasn't worked for me in all seven years i've tried using it. [08:20] Gena: does that not suggest you maybe having a problem.... [08:20] as the rest of the userbase seems to use it fine [08:20] Check out my Ookla Speedtest result. What's your speed? http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/1422358245 [08:20] dogemethorphan: we don't want to see your speed results [08:20] that is not what this channel is for [08:20] ikonia, i have no doubt i am in the minority. if that's you're only point, then we're in complete agreement :) [08:21] U seem mad [08:21] no, just don't want you posting pointless links into the channel please [08:21] U mad bro? [08:21] Sure? [08:21] totally [08:21] I've got it working both ways, but if I set my IP in etc/network/interfaces it seems to disable the ubuntu GUI accessibility to my networks, even wireless everything on the desktop side [08:21] * Gena summons the mods [08:21] Ok [08:21] slicepaperwords: are you using a desktop install ? [08:21] He says hes not mad guys. [08:22] ikonia: yes [08:22] dogemethorphan: enough please [08:22] slicepaperwords: ok - so undo your changes in the interfaces files, and use the network manager gui to control your card [08:22] does taking dogemethorphan mean drinking your doge's piss after giving it cough syrup? like the "Laborador" from "Up in Smoke" ? === Viking is now known as Guest51792 [08:23] okay, it's actually not a problem either way I was just wondering if it always disabled the GUI interface or what [08:23] slicepaperwords: it has to really, or it could end up in a conflict, [08:23] Well im a meth addict that was abandome [08:23] By my wealthy family [08:23] dogemethorphan: the topic of this channel - is ubuntu support discussion [08:23] dogemethorphan: please keep to that topic only [08:23] clear ? [08:23] us.undernet.org [08:23] Ikonia i dk [08:24] Care [08:24] with an rhost like that, why didn't you ban him sooner? [08:24] Gena: it's not your concern [08:24] <_Norns> lol [08:25] it might as well have said disposable-vm.thisisnotmyonyipaddress.net [08:25] only* [08:25] but, anyhow... back to support issue [08:26] i will ask a question as soon as i can't press forward anymore. i accidentally uninstalled some kernel driver needed for my wireless card [08:26] hi anybody here that use smplayer? [08:26] so i'm booting into an older system and chrooting to try and install the right things :( [08:26] why do you need to do that? [08:27] why is there a need to chroot ? [08:27] different root filesystems [08:27] an older kernel has a different root file system ? [08:27] incidentally in this case, yes [08:27] ahhh an older system - so not the same install with a different kenrel ? [08:27] nope [08:28] my old ubuntu 12.04 [08:28] could you not use one of the older kenrels in your current install [08:28] the ubuntu installs keep N-1 kernel [08:28] so can you not use that ? [08:28] well dkms seems to have removed it from all six 14.04 kernels [08:28] that i have installed [08:28] because i rarely apt-get autoremove [08:28] does anyone know how can configure smplayer to use negative timestamps so that you know how long the clips still has to run till it reaches the end? [08:29] ikonia: thanks, I figured that was the case just still new is all looking for clarity [08:29] how is determined value of "N" ikonia ? [08:29] also is your nick tng reference? [08:29] Gena: current -n [08:29] current -1 [08:29] ahh, right [08:29] well i have generic and lowlatency of three different kernel releases [08:30] so six in total, and i am given to understand that dkms will manage kernel modules for all installed kernels [08:30] i tried one other kernel just in case it might work, but it didn't. iwconfig doesn't find any wnics [08:35] hello guys! i'm configuring ubuntu server and i want to install postfix for the first time. i'd only like to use it to send internal mail and as virtual mail service (so when i get mail to @mydomain.tld it redirects it based on config files). What security whould be applied to prevent spamming through my mail in this case? Thank you very much for help in advance! :) [08:35] you need to lock it down tight - the security will depend on your specific setup [08:37] jancekjancek, when you say "send internal mail" do you mean a closed email system that can't send/receive in/out of it? or do you want to be able to receive email from the general Internet population, and you mean something else? [08:38] jancekjancek, spamassassin is a popular option. i began using it some time ago (in debian) but the default configuration is still letting a lot of spam through undetected (specifically it gives very generous spam scores to the waves of spam coming out of the new TLDs like .science, .review, .xyz, etc) [08:39] Gena: internal mail as mail from services... along that i just want to forward mail which came to, lets say contact@mydomain.tld, to @gmail [08:39] why don't you just let gmail manage that [08:39] an extra leg in the relay makes things more complex [08:40] more so if you're new to mail systems [08:41] Hello guys. I have an usb drive that I mounted via fstab but it is not showing up in df. any tips? [08:41] is it mounted ? [08:42] ikonia: i believe you're right, but i'd like to configure it without external mail providers [08:42] jancekjancek: why ? [08:42] for what benifit ? [08:42] ikonia: yes, i can navigate to the drive. but further inspection shows thats it is not listed in /proc/mounts eithers [08:42] -s* [08:42] you're making a system over complex and risking other issues, such as relay black listing, [08:43] m1dnight1: can you post the output of the command "mount" in a pastebin please. [08:44] jancekjancek, mail from services? like, daemons on your system/network? [08:44] Gena: yes [08:45] jancekjancek, gmail can be configured to pull email via pop (and i think imap, too) [08:45] jancekjancek, i would recommend trying to take gmail out of the loop. is it so that the email gets to your phone or something like that? [08:46] gmail will be an email end point, [08:46] just configure it in gmail, and point the mx record at it [08:46] simple solution [08:47] Gena: i'd like to get 'rid' of telling my long gmail address, so i just need to forward everything that comes to contact@mydomain.tld to my actual @gmail address [08:48] Gena: and to get mail notifications from system daemons [08:48] jancekjancek: 1.) configure gmail to accept mai from your domain 2.) point your MX record at gmail - job done [08:48] putting a relay step in the middle will make a complex solution [08:49] ikonia: there is not much to do to achieve what i want -> http://www.binarytides.com/postfix-mail-forwarding-debian/ ... but the problem is security if I enable this... [08:55] jancekjancek: there is quite a lot to doing what you want [08:55] such as valid secure handshake for the google relay, making sure you're not prone to scatterback-spam from your relay [08:55] jancekjancek: any idiot can write a weak "how to" on the internet, the trick is to not be the idiot that blindly follows it [08:56] jancekjancek, IMHO that is a very silly reason to set up this more complicated system you propose [08:57] ikonia, i thought you had to pay for that service [08:57] Gena: no idea, actually, I didn't think you did, but I don't keep up with pricing policy [08:57] ikonia, you're probably right. the last time i knew anything about it was like, seven years ago [08:58] ikonia, Gena: how can I set up the gmail in front of everything then? [08:59] jancekjancek: check the gmail docs [08:59] (official docs) [08:59] ok, thanks for help :) [09:22] hi guys [09:28] making progress... [09:29] well this is wonderful [09:30] dkms devices # exits silently === voronwe is now known as Guest99689 [09:37] argh.... [09:37] from chroot i got my module back [09:38] my wnic was working beautifully when i booted up 3.13.0-62 [09:38] i ran dkms again [09:38] it had some errors [09:38] said it was rolling "this module" (did not say which module!) back to "built state" [09:38] built sounds like a pretty good state, ok [09:38] boot into full multiuser mode [09:39] nvidia proprietary driver is working [09:39] but now net doesn't work again [09:39] maybe the module just isn't loaded automatically.. [09:39] yes! that was it.. [09:40] well, that was a grueling process [09:41] i wish some of the new tools for juggling kernels and modules were a little more transparent [09:42] hi, my explorer in ubuntu is not working [09:42] shows a blank screen in desktop === muffins is now known as catchicken === jenson is now known as Guest9086 [10:10] I have a memory leak from version 15.04 . I don't know which program is causing it. [10:10] How can I diagnosis this? [10:11] It is showing 3.5 gigs "used" 178 megs available. The only way I know how to repair this is by restarted the computer every 12 hours [10:11] !info htop [10:11] htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (vivid), package size 62 kB, installed size 194 kB [10:12] RonWhoCares: pastebin the output of "free -m" [10:12] restart computer every 12h is not good enough === vincent is now known as Guest54578 [10:14] http://pastebin.com/qGvPsxhu [10:14] RonWhoCares: well looks like you have 1.5GB free, seems fine [10:15] That is cache [10:15] my brower is about to crash [10:15] it keeps going grey [10:15] thats not related to ram === k is now known as Guest39256 [10:15] that line is the cache [10:15] i know [10:16] it shows that the ram isn't really used, its just cache [10:16] The memory line shows 3519 used and only 178 free [10:17] right, because you have 1237MB used as cache, which isn't really 'used' [10:17] Let's just cut to the chase [10:17] How do I resolve needing to restart the computer every 12 hours [10:18] why do you need to [10:18] when I am typing letters are being misseed [10:18] I can't click on links [10:18] RonWhoCares: is this in firefox? [10:18] so i want to save terminal output to a text file. but there is no 'save as' menu item in the ubuntu terminal app. any suggestions here? [10:19] yes [10:19] RonWhoCares: i have the same issue.. but its only firefox.. everything else is fine [10:19] i can paste the buffer into sublime, and try to 'save'. after which point it just hangs / gives up. [10:19] RonWhoCares: what about outside firefox? [10:19] It is just firefox [10:20] ubuntu freeze on 15.04 at startup after login [10:20] RonWhoCares: we are experiencing the same thing.. im not sure how to fix it [10:20] linocisco: ? [10:20] but closing firefox and re opening firefox fixes it [10:20] for a few hours [10:21] firefox, especially with addons, gets really heavy [10:21] nevermind xclip -o > file [10:21] boomernang: use chrome then [10:21] Is there a different brwoser [10:21] Ben64: i dont have any addons [10:21] enabled [10:22] firefox uses 2GB here [10:22] SCHAAP137: yeah [10:22] still got 22GB left ;P [10:22] lol nivr [10:22] yeah about 2GB here too [10:22] nice [10:23] RonWhoCares: yes [10:25] ciao a tutti [10:25] It's a snappy issue [10:26] pigtaileds, why? [10:27] linocisco: freezing how and why [10:28] pigtaileds, no key press was responded and grey for a 1 min [10:29] pigtaileds, screen grey and then report problem dialogbox appeared and I sent report everytime . I didn't remember why [10:29] linocisco: were any programs running [10:30] pigtaileds, no programm [10:30] hello fellow ubuntu users [10:31] Archyme14: ? [10:31] hello, Archyme14 [10:32] RonWhoCares: still there? check if you have libc6-686 installed [10:39] How do I do this? [10:50] how do you read the /dev/input/mouse0 file? [10:50] nano {filename} [10:51] ive done cat /dev/input/mouse0, and it outputs a whole heap of random characters [10:51] ill try RonWhoCares [10:51] bobsterman: That will not work. [10:51] bekks, didnt think so [10:51] cause already tried vim [10:51] bobsterman: And what does those random characters give you? [10:52] "No useful information" :) [10:52] bekks, like question marks in solid diamonds [10:52] ? [10:53] bekks, � [10:53] hot off the terminal [10:53] bobsterman: Whats the actual issue behind all that? [10:53] hi there, I have a weird memory leak issue which I think is kernel level. I have read and understood linuxatemyram.com, the memory is not used for cache/buffers, it is simply "missing" - no userspace app I can find is able to show where the memory is going. Can anyone help? < more details here: http://superuser.com/questions/793192/invisible-memory-leak-on-linux-ubuntu-server-not-disk-cache-buffers [10:53] bekks, just wanted to know how to read from it [10:54] bobsterman type cat [file] | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste the url here [10:54] bobsterman: I just reset my profile to see if this helped [10:54] bobsterman: By using an application like gpm, e.g. [10:55] MonkeyDust, "use netcat." [10:56] ubuntu MATE 15.04... i'm trying to put Qjackctl in my startup application list, it works and it does start, but no indicator icon appears. If i quit it, manually start Qjackctl, the icon appears and it's fine. How can I make Qjackctl start áfter the panel + indicator applet started? [10:56] bobsterman odd, then use netcat instead of nc [10:56] or use curl [10:56] MonkeyDust, haha just worked it out then [10:56] ` | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw` --or-- `curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw < file` [10:56] MonkeyDust, ahhhh same issue? [10:56] or @thefilename, that also works [11:00] MonkeyDust, its also worth noting that the file doesnt stop outputting text? [11:00] and prints out whenever i wriggle the mouse === dearn_ is now known as dearn [11:03] bobsterman: what are you *actually* trying to do? [11:04] MrElendig, find what secrets /dev/input/mouse0 beholds [11:04] bobsterman: kernel docs tells you about that === Odo is now known as Guest19094 [11:04] also the hid documentation [11:04] MrElendig, right... thanks [11:05] Has anyone here done a btrfs-convert of an ext4 root fs on 15.04? Do I need to rebuild the initrd or do any particular magic other than edit fstab? [11:05] bobsterman: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/input.txt [11:05] as a starting point [11:05] just catting the file won't teach you anthing [11:05] anything* [11:06] except how to blindly type "reset" to restore your terminal after it breaks :p [11:06] MrElendig, thank you :) [11:07] How can I find out quickly which printer driver my Ubuntu 15.04 uses? [11:07] I am getting some black dirt line in the middle of a page. The print itself is excellent [11:07] Could this be a printer problem? [11:07] bobsterman: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt too [11:08] xchatter: localhost:631 [11:08] xchatter: sounds more like a hardware issue though, depending on just how the paper looks [11:09] MrElendig, thanks, this website is a goldmine [11:09] Paper looks very nice. Good print. ALmost in the middle of a page I get a horizontal line which is weak and stronger towards the edges of the paper. [11:10] bobsterman: it is just the documentation bundled with the kernel source [11:10] xchatter: take a picture [11:10] or scan [11:16] Ahhh [11:17] I just did a selftest printout. It says "if you can read this you are using the wrong driver for your printer" [11:17] On this sheet the line is 3/4 down the page. [11:18] So before I scan the page maybe I should try a different printer. I have the Samsung CLX-3185FW [11:18] network attached? [11:18] Took me one week last time to install this printer driver. But this was a year ago. [11:19] Wireless LAN [11:19] uhm [11:19] all you need is the ppd [11:19] Hello! Can someone help me with Ubuntu and FTP login before I jump of a cliff =)? [11:19] in teory anyway [11:19] Tangurin: yes, don't use ftp [11:19] Use SFTP, Tangurin. [11:19] I will search for Samsung CLX-3185FW ppd [11:20] xchatter: samsung usually provides it, or you can extract it from the windows driver [11:20] I agree! but when my client who want to upload files to their site wants access, I don't want them to use sftp right? [11:20] Tangurin: you do [11:20] I do... [11:20] Tangurin: if you actually care about security [11:20] MrElendig, http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/CLX-3185FW/XAA No Linux driver [11:21] :( [11:21] So I should uninstall this FTP module and only use SFTP? [11:21] Tangurin keep calm and use sftp [11:21] Tangurin: that or use http [11:22] I thought SFTP gave accessed to the whole server. How can I restrict the user to only access its home directory? [11:22] MrElendig: Yes, there is - Printing & Scan Driver (Driver) ver.V1.00.27.04 - Linux (MULTI LANGUAGE, 15.44 MB) [11:23] Tangurin the S means Safe, not Server [11:24] haha yeah I got that but I thought it was the connection/data transfer which was safe. Now when I login via SFTP as a user, I can go to the root which can't be allowed [11:24] Tangurin: https://bpaste.net/show/6a9eee5c3103 [11:24] Tangurin: read the manual for details [11:24] xchatter: go to the page above, and download the driver there. it's a tar.gz, no idea what is inside... [11:25] Tangurin: also you really should be running a MAC too [11:25] Tangurin: eg grs/pax [11:25] I do running a mac =) [11:25] or selinux [11:25] ducasse, which Link. Can not see it [11:25] eg grs/pax... have no idea what that means [11:25] Tangurin: exemplī grātiā [11:26] https://grsecurity.net/ [11:26] xchatter: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/CLX-3185FW/XAA - scroll down, and there is a Linux driver. [11:26] you should only need the ppd from that tarball when you use the driver over the network [11:26] hi [11:27] ducasse, found it Thank you [11:27] MrElendig: you recommend grsecurity? [11:27] Tangurin: yes [11:27] thanks! appreciate the info =) [11:27] sadly most distroes doesn't include it though [11:27] most have selinux instead [11:28] ubuntu officially only support selinux [11:28] hi [11:29] linocisco, hi [11:29] ducasse, there is a whole bunch of files in there. Among them an install-printer.sh, install-scanner.sh. So I guess I just run both. (I want to use the printer over wireless LAN) [11:29] MrElendig: Okey I understand, but I will install it on my ubuntu installation, and I have uninstalled the proftpd module and will read about how to get SFTP to only give access to home directory [11:29] how to use ipad on ubuntu to transfer files to and from? [11:29] any software or driver required? [11:29] !ipad | linocisco start here [11:29] linocisco start here: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [11:29] I have the same issue. linocisco [11:30] linocisco: the best way is to use http, because apple are quite hostile to the free software world [11:30] xchatter: you should be able to just rip out the ppd and use that, unless it needs any filters or .so files [11:30] still not solved. [11:30] linocisco: dropbox/google/whatever [11:31] MrElendig: is this difficult to do? I can see you are professional in this subject but I am pretty much a beginner at ubuntu, you think I can do it? [11:31] I ran the install script and it says that this printer driver is already installed. [11:31] :( [11:31] But the printout says "If you can read this you are using the wrong printer driver for your printer". [11:31] I wonder if I have multiple drivers installed ... [11:32] Tangurin: just setting up a ssh sftp/scp only chroot is easy [11:32] xchatter: can't you just try to remove the driver you already have installed? [11:32] MrElendig: for you yes ;) [11:32] Tangurin: see the paste I gave you [11:32] MrElendig: yes! [11:32] can match on user instead of group too [11:32] xchatter, ehhmm... how? Remove the printer? [11:32] there are ofcourse some other things you want to tweak too [11:33] like user whitelisting etc [11:33] xchatter: localhost:631, delete the printer, readd it [11:33] MrElendig: user is better! every user got its home directory [11:33] I uninstalled via the script. [11:33] i want to connect using usb cable [11:33] Tangurin: the one I posted matches on group, the %h expands to the user home dir [11:33] linocisco: forget that [11:34] okey, but sorry for these questions... I have no idea where to put that snippet of code [11:34] linocisco: apple intentionally makes that nearly impossible [11:34] linocisco, Which file type do you want to transfer to ipad from ubuntu [11:34] MrElendig: okey, but sorry for these questions... I have no idea where to put that snippet of code [11:34] Winternet, movies, pdf, pictures, mp3 [11:34] Tangurin: sshd_conf [11:34] Tangurin: read the man page for it bw [11:35] I have an idea on pdf file transfer. [11:35] you might also need Subsystem sftp internal-sftp [11:35] it is a little tricky using wireless LAN. [11:35] When I delete the printer (which I just did) will this also remove the printer driver? [11:36] xchatter: No. [11:36] Tangurin: if you want key based auth you might have to change AuthorizedKeysFile too [11:36] "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljack" [11:36] depending on the openssh version [11:36] MrElendig: what is a key based auth? [11:36] i'm unable to use -ljack i dont know what package to install [11:36] hi guys. Sry for long post - I've got this old UMTS/3g WWAN Stick and discovered it can send sms / receive too. I wrote a little python around gammu (some sms thingy) and can now send mails to foo@bar.com and my py will fetch that, parse it and send it via sms to my mobile. What I want next is to have like "plugins", which have a function to send a message and to fetch messages. This for sms, jabber, emails, and so on (generic). Is there somethi [11:36] ng like this out there yet? Preferably in py or ruby. An example config for my idea: http://paste.debian.net/303967/ (very basic, but you might catch my drift). the example means fetch mails from the "fetch" email account, look in the message body on how to use them (or set overridable defaults in config) and send that via jabber. [11:36] boodllebat: install -dev packages for jack(2) [11:36] make your ubuntu as a web server, and put pdf in web docroot, then get it from your ipad safari, choose open using ... [11:36] MrElendig: how do you know all this! [11:37] xchatter: find out what file name the printer driver is, and purge the package it came in [11:37] Tangurin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptography [11:37] boodllebat: what are you trying to build btw? [11:37] bluenemo better ask in a dev channel for ruby or python [11:37] OK, I deleted the printer. Now I want to add the printer again. But Ubuntu offers me two choices: Samsung CLX-3180 Series (SEC001599964B16) (Samsung Samsung CLX-3180 Series) [11:37] Samsung CLX-3180 Series (Samsung CLX-3180 Series) [11:37] Which one should I choose? [11:37] MrElendig: i'm working on port-audio [11:38] MrElendig: what shell should the user have when I create them? [11:38] MrElendig: still i'm unable to locate package [11:38] I have the CLX-3185 [11:38] MrElendig: package-name * [11:38] boodllebat: ubuntu packages portaudio === m0nkeyd is now known as m0nkeyDCode [11:38] xchatter: that probably means that one uses the ppd that Ubuntu supplied, and the other is the one you just installed. does it list the file names? [11:38] Tangurin: nologin [11:39] MrElendig: this is my compile statement "gcc -lrt -lasound -ljack -lpthread -o YOUR_BINARY main.c libportaudio.a" [11:39] boodllebat: you really should use pkg-config [11:39] ducasse, can not be, because I already removed it via uninstall script [11:40] jack 1 or 2 btw? [11:40] xchatter: do you know which of the drivers you were using originally? [11:40] if jack2 you want libjack-jackd2-dev [11:40] etc [11:41] MrElendig: i dont know , i'm reading from docs its "-jack flag" [11:41] MrElendig: sorry -ljack [11:42] MrElendig: installing libjack-jackd2-dev [11:44] MrElendig: hey i was trying to install libjack-jackd2-dev but something know as 'droidcam is casuing problem' which i tried to install earlier and it never installed here are my install log for jack2-dev http://paste.ubuntu.com/12170801/ [11:45] uninstall it then [11:47] MrElendig: okay when i tried to uninstall droidcam this comes up http://paste.ubuntu.com/12170816/ [11:47] hi all. i have just upgraded to ubuntu 15.04 (from 14.04 via 14.10). since i did my touchpad has stopped working. i have done some digging but have not found a solution yet that works for me. summary of my investigation is here: https://gist.github.com/j1n3l0/31495bd5b8aef8b027ff. would really appreciate any pointers. thanks. [11:48] xchatter: or you could just simply add a new print queue, and select the ppd you just downloaded instead of selecting a driver from the list it gives you. [11:48] do it without purge [11:48] also silly ubuntu packaging... [11:48] MrElendig: alright removed it [11:48] MrElendig: I cannot login via SFTP and I tried to login via SSH too but when I do that, I get logged in and directly after that I get logged out! [11:49] ssh -vvv [11:49] and read the sshd log [11:49] and auth.log [11:50] google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb how should i install this pacakage to use chrome [11:50] sneakpeek: you should use chromium [11:50] is it available in repository MrElendig [11:51] MrElendig: what lib have sin and floor function in gcc , i'm trying to compile my port-audio code [11:51] sneakpeek yes [11:52] boodllebat: libmath [11:52] grep 'sshd' /var/log/auth.log [11:52] good day [11:52] ducasse: cannot find -lamth [11:53] boodllebat: there are a lot of libs that provides those, incliding glibc [11:53] boodllebat: -lm [11:54] boodllebat: man 3 sin [11:54] MrElendig: yes [11:55] "Link with -lm." [11:56] MrElendig: debug1: Exit status 1 when I used the flag -vvv [11:56] MrElendig: and a lot of other rows, don't know where to start [11:56] MrElendig: port audio is looking complex to me i should switch to ALSA i guess [11:56] boodllebat: you just want sound output in your app? [11:56] MrElendig: isn't it because i set the shell nologin for the user ? [11:57] MrElendig: maybe that's why I cant login via ssh? [11:57] MrElendig: yes working on a mp3 player , but i wanted it from scratch [11:57] boodllebat: gstreamer will make your life *a lot* easier [11:57] Tangurin: try /bin/false instead [11:57] Tangurin: and yes, it will prevent plain ssh login, which is what you want [11:58] though ForceCommand should do that too [11:59] I have a quite annoying problem. Have three vhosts in apache and after a while apache stops responding. I got the sites to work yesterday but now it broke again [11:59] dinet is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server [11:59] boodllebat: gives you support for about any sound format out there "for free", and also seeking etc [11:59] the sites is stored in ~/www/sitename with a link in /var/wwww [12:00] MrElendig: that is very true! okey so it is a good sign I can't login via SSH, good! the bad sign is that I can't login via SFTP, is there I way to see why :S [12:00] MonkeyDust: dual purpouse [12:00] Tangurin: test with scp [12:00] Tangurin: also you can enable normal login agian to test that ssh itself works [12:00] I deleted the printers and restarted printer. Now when I want to print a test page I get "Unable to add document to print job." [12:00] MrElendig: but i wanted to learn mp3 , as my thing is no more than mp3 so atleast that is the minimum thing which i should create from scratch rather than using full lib support [12:01] Any idea? [12:01] In Cups it says: Samsung_CLX-3180_Series_on_192.168.0.13 (Paused, Accepting Jobs, Not Shared) [12:01] MrElendig: what is normal login, to change to another shell? I can login via ssh as root [12:01] xchatter: read the cups log [12:01] How can I unpause it? [12:02] xchatter: you set up a new queue with the driver you downloaded? paused just means it's not printing now [12:02] Tangurin: set the shell for the user to /bin/bash and commend out the ForceCommand [12:02] xchatter: "Accepting jobs" means it should print when asked to [12:03] ducasse, http://pastebin.com/cuYfxaw1 [12:04] MrElendig: Ahh! I think we getting somewhere now! If I set shell - bash, I can login via SFTP and SSH, but If I set shell - bin/false i cant login via ssh or sftp [12:05] MrElendig: hey i was trying to compile a port audio example code but it gives me erroe like this but first here is my compile statement "gcc -lrt -lasound -ljack -pthread -o test2 test.c -lm libportaudio.a" errors [ERRORS] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12170911/ [12:05] Tangurin: scp should work with shell set to false/nologin [12:06] unless silly things have been done in pam [12:06] Me and my buddy from work had an argument a month ago. Windows vs Linux. He said that one needs a computer science degree in order to print out a document. And I defended Linux .... But only because usually I never printer as I am just learning. [12:06] MrElendig: I don't have SCP in transmit, can't I get it to work with SFTP [12:06] xchatter: what directories do you have under /usr/share/ppd? [12:06] I can now understand what he meant. :P [12:07] ducasse, cupsfilters custom hplip uld-samsung [12:08] MrElendig: http://serverfault.com/questions/420068/shell-bin-false-allowing-sftp-access-ubuntu-12-04 may this be something? I don't understand it by my self but maybe you do? [12:08] xchatter: ok, and under uld-samsung, do you have anything like *3180*? [12:09] Tangurin: sure you remembered to add the forececommand etc to the config? === Tsunami1 is now known as Guest73837 [12:10] ducasse, http://pastebin.com/2xdwqDqW [12:10] xchatter: try running 'cupstestppd /usr/share/ppd/uld-samsung/Samsung_CLX-3180_Series.ppd' [12:11] MrElendig: no I am not sure I did! I'm sorry, it's my lack of knowledge which making this so difficult for me and not for you haha =) I copied your config snippet and pasted into sshd_config, where you have ForceCommand internal-sftp [12:11] Tangurin: might need Subsystem sftp internal-sftp too [12:12] MrElendig: I got this line wich is not a comment: Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server [12:12] Tangurin: change that to sftp-internal [12:12] ducasse, http://pastebin.com/3RGu5aPv [12:12] internal-sftp* [12:15] MrElendig: gahh! doesn't work! When i try to login transmit say it might be wrong username or password which is not [12:15] * MrElendig runs off for dinner [12:17] xchatter: that looks good. the warnings are irrelevant. and this looks like the right ppd from what I can see. why it complains about the 'driver information file' in the first log I have no idea, and I don't know how to test them. how did you set up this queue - did you select the ppd manually? [12:18] (away) not here. [12:20] ducasse, I deleted the printer because it was paused all the time and installed the other option (Samsung CLX-3180 Series (SEC001599964B16) (Samsung Samsung CLX-3180 Series)) [12:20] Now I can print again. Same problem, though. Black line [12:20] I was trying to scan. But now I can not scan anymore to USB [12:20] sigh [12:21] xchatter: that could be because this is the same driver you were using before. _or_ it could be a hardware issue, a clogged nozzle or whatever. [12:22] xchatter: what are you trying to scan with? xsane? when I do that I need to select a different driver for USB than for over the network, but that is Epson. [12:23] I can not scan again. Where can I upload the pdf? [12:23] raphishshare is no longer [12:23] :P [12:25] ducasse, http://www.xup.in/dl,27067062/185401.PDF/ [12:25] ducasse, now there is two lines bottom and top [12:25] the other smudged don't exist on the pager [12:25] paper [12:27] xchatter: is the line always in *exactly* the same place? [12:27] ducasse, no [12:28] ducasse, but I am just seeting that part of the text is also cut off [12:28] ducasse, look at the make and model line [12:28] ducasse, it only says recommen [12:29] hi, I use docky and i'd like an application menu launcher on it. is there an app for that? [12:30] xchatter: yeah, but I've seen that on other printers that have worked just fine otherwise, probably just a bug in the layout of the test page [12:30] xchatter: the smudge thing looks sort of like a physical problem, ink/toner smeared on a roller or something [12:32] xchatter: you could try booting from a live cd, preferably one that doesn't use the same version of drivers and print from there [12:32] Linnak find ratmenu in the repos [12:34] ducasse, I just printed the first page of the Samsung user manual/pdf). The line is there. :( http://www.xup.in/dl,46673444/190354.PDF/ [12:36] xchatter: yes, but nothing is cut off like on the test page. as I said, the line looks like a physical problem. the best way to make sure would be to try printing from osx or windows and see if the line is still there. do you have a machine with either? [12:36] xchatter: or a windows vm? [12:37] No, only Linux [12:37] Why does the Samsung have a self cleaning mechanism. [12:38] Weird, there is nothing in the manual about it. [12:38] http://downloadcenter.samsung.com/content/UM/201107/20110722133459421/EN/english.pdf [12:38] xchatter: then you basically have no way of knowing... even if it has a self cleaning mechanism there could be something on a roller that causes this and doesn't get cleaned - that's what it looks like. [12:39] How can I restrict access via SSH but allow access via SFTP [12:40] xchatter: consider installing windows in a vm if you can, or get a copy of the hiren boot cd. it has xp pe on it that you can boot into, install a printer driver and try it [12:40] Tangurin, run ssh on a different port, or simply don't use a ssh server. :) [12:41] soupnanodesukar: But I want ssh for the root? [12:41] Tangurin: then use a different port [12:42] ducasse, ok. Maybe another day. I have to print out resumes urgently and probably have to go to the office. Thx for all your help. [12:42] soupnanodesukar: I have shell: bin/false on the users, so I cannot login via SSH now, and not via SFTP either, how would it help to change port now? [12:42] xchatter: sorry i couldn't help :( [12:44] wow [12:45] MonkeyDust I've installed ratmenu but I can't even find it [12:45] ducasse, one last thing: I just found this: https://de.ifixit.com/Guide/Repairing+Samsung+clx-3175+Colour+Laser+Printer+Fix+black+vertical+lines/9183 [12:45] ducasse, what do you think. The lines on my paper don't look similar, though [12:45] ducasse, also they are vertical [12:47] xchatter: I really don't know if it's related, but it looks like something similar is causing your problem. it looks like a smear on a roller or something - i can't tell without knowing more about the physical layout inside the printer [12:47] ducasse, ok. thx for your help [12:47] Linnak apt-cache policy ratmenu [12:47] I will check it out tomorrow [12:47] xchatter: good luck, though :) [12:48] hi every one, i need little help with bash script, i am new to bash script. [12:48] is there something wrong with my script - https://bpaste.net/show/712edbb38212? [12:48] any syntax errors? [12:50] venom_ there's also #bash [12:50] ok thanks @monkeyDust [12:51] Y [12:51] rat [12:53] Linnak i installed ratmenu too, works here [12:53] Hi. I have a harddrive which used to have OS on it. I formatted it in windows using right-click on the drive then "format". But as I understand, that does not remove the bootloader on it. How can I remove that as well? (I'm on linux now) [12:54] paffy ubuntu linux? [12:54] MonkeyDust: yah via USB [12:54] paffy: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whatever bs=446 count=1 [12:54] I smell a xyproblem though [12:54] paffy open gparted, delete the partition you need... careful, don't delete too much [12:55] Agreed [12:55] MonkeyDust: gparted doesn't do what he asked for [12:55] Gparted easy to use with gui [12:55] MrElendig the idea the make a complete clean partition, guess i misunderstood, then [12:56] MonkeyDust What did you do with that? [12:56] the bootloader usually lives in the mbr [12:56] first 440/446 bytes [12:56] if grub then it also embeds in the space after the mbr but before the first partition [12:56] what is ubuntu package for libasound2-dev ? [12:56] or on a ef02 type partition [12:56] since it is too large to fit entierly in the mbr [12:57] MrElendig: ok so the drive is "/dev/sda". GParted says the first sector of the partition in it is "2048". [12:57] MrElendig: what is ubuntu package for libasound2-dev ? [12:57] that is normal [12:57] boodllebat: package search will tell you [12:57] Linnak i tried an example from the man page [12:57] just search for asound and you will find it [12:58] MrElendig: how to search from command line [12:58] MonkeyDust It's way too complicated [12:59] MrElendig: So I run "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1" then? [12:59] aptitude search [12:59] or use apt [12:59] ciao a tutti [12:59] paffy: that will nuke the bootloader bits of the mbr [13:00] paffy: don't forget the count=1, bad things happens if you do [13:00] qualche italiano??? [13:00] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record [13:00] MrElendig: k. Alright.. I'm running it. fingers crossed :D [13:01] i need help [13:01] MrElendig: Thanks. You're not so elendig btw :D [13:02] ce qualche italiano????? [13:02] will the standard 15.04 kernels boot from a btrfs root? [13:03] MrElendig: how to search package from CLI [13:03] boodllebat: apt-cache search package [13:04] ducasse: i mean which are not installed on my system [13:04] boodllebat: yes [13:04] boodllebat: just try [13:04] someone can help me? [13:04] Hiyas all [13:05] anyone using hexchat? I want to keep my old private chats intact when I open hexchat after quitting. any way to do so? [13:05] Anyone know the name of that GUI tool that lets you configure GRUB? menu entries n stuff? [13:06] paffy: there's something called 'grub customizer' but i don't know if it's in the repos [13:06] w4rb0y: enable logging [13:06] ducasse: ah, that's the one! thanks [13:06] paffy: they are all horrible [13:06] paffy: your fav text editor or nano or some such in the terminal [13:06] MrElendig, but keep logging into a file. it doesn't recover it back to hexchat. Or I'm doing something wrong. [13:07] be careful with the gui customizer , it's crappy and unstable [13:07] Hello All, [13:07] how do I like remove package [13:07] like fully free the disk space [13:07] is it like apt-get autoremove [13:07] or is there something else more thorough [13:08] weeirc8089: do you mean apt-get clean ? [13:08] w4rb0y: there is a plugin to read the logs from hexchat itself [13:09] w4rb0y, by default, your convos are saved in /home/yourusername/.config/hexchat/scrollback/ServerName [13:09] MrElendig, and cfhowlett Yeah I see. Thanks. but MrElendig what is the name of the plugin? [13:10] can't remember the name, google can probably find it [13:10] MrElendig, working on it :) [13:17] hey all [13:17] after some help [13:18] I've set up a virtualbox vm on my windows laptop [13:18] and I want to putty into it from windows [13:19] this might be a better question for another channel [13:19] ElectricAlan keep your question in one line, that's easier to read and repeat [13:19] ElectricAlan, oracle vmbox? [13:19] yep oracle [13:19] MonkeyDust, good point, noted [13:19] MonkeyDust, I agree. Keep it in once line. [13:20] actually maybe I jsut suck and read the wrong address [13:20] nope [13:21] !vbox | ElectricAlan, [13:21] ElectricAlan,: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox === rebs is now known as boris [13:21] 'non-free' I thought this was supposed to be open source? [13:22] ElectricAlan, read more. there are 2 versions of vbox. [13:23] ahh ok [13:23] hi [13:23] oi m8 [13:24] I try to use penssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass.... [13:24] but I got output permision denied :( [13:24] sorry to hear that [13:25] vs: ;) [13:25] any idea? :) === h00k_ is now known as h00k [13:27] fRit_^ what is the bigger context? [13:28] hmm erasing disk withou dd [13:28] wiping indeed [13:28] Hello [13:29] Is it possible to install ubuntu using vlans? i.e. is 8021q included in the installation iso? [13:29] !install | tompaw [13:29] tompaw: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [13:30] hi 'u [13:30] #ubuntu [13:30] i'm getting this error trying to install http://pastebin.com/mmfisfNU [13:30] virtualbox extensions [13:30] I probably should've specified I was meaning ubuntu-server. [13:30] !server | tompaw [13:30] tompaw: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server [13:31] why_doesnt_it_wo, ask the #vbox channel === mike is now known as Guest22359 [13:34] Hi friends , can someone give me information about paid commercial support at destkop or workstation for development ? [13:35] hwpplayer1, canonical.com for paid support [13:35] yes which page ? [13:35] cfhowlett, I will read through tons of documentation if I can, but I'm not quite healthy atm and very drowsy, I jsut want ot get the project set up so I can work on it in the next few days [13:35] hwpplayer1, canonical + support do the search [13:36] i'm searching right now , i'll ask again [13:36] maybe this is a question more about putty than vb === tristan_ is now known as Guest46508 [13:45] i’ve broken the login process on my 15.04 desktop computer. in trying to get a usb headset working i saw it suggested to delete ~/.config/pulse and let it rebuild itself on next login, so i deleted the folder and logged out. when i tried to login the system won’t leave the password screen. it will return to the screen with error if i enter the wrong password. but with right password the password field disappears and nothing [13:45] else happens. no desktop background or icons, no shortcut bar, no icons across the top of the screen. i’ve reinstalled pulseaudio and alsa-base and now have a ~/.config/pulse folder with files in it, but that hasn’t changed anything. i’ve also done apt-get install —reinstall ubuntu-desktop and unity, but still no progress. I can access the box through another tty and it works fine, I even created a new user and tried [13:45] logging in as them, but got the same result through the UI. I’ve looked in /var/log/syslog and don’t see any obvious errors about what might be going wrong. I’m open to any ideas/suggestions on things to try to get this fixed. Any thoughts? TIA [13:46] hi guys === esc_type is now known as esc_type_ [13:46] i wanna install longman dictionary on ubuntu 14.04 [13:46] but I dont know how? [13:46] what should I do? [13:47] hwpplayer1, here? [13:48] Ubuntu has commercial support? [13:48] knivsta, of course. canonical.com [13:48] ali_, read the directions that come with the program [13:49] ElectricAlan, in your vm config, what are you using for a network adapter? try changing to bridged if you are using that now. just a thought. i'm no expert. [13:49] greg, go into your guest account and check [13:49] ty pauljw [13:50] ElectricAlan, i meant if you're NOT using it now... darned fingers. [13:52] cfhowlett: guest accout has the same results, starts the login process but then stops [13:52] .xsession-errors has a message in it, checking that out [13:52] greg, then whatever you did is not trivial. personally, I'd reinstall. [13:52] I theoretically know my way around a unix machine, but I'm hardly as experienced as I might like to be [13:53] cfhowlett: yeah, thinking i’ve really horked it. hoping i don’t have to reinstall, but it’s looking more and more like i will [13:55] greg: if you do need to reinstall, consider using something like apt-clone to replicate your package status to the new install, so you don't need to install all your software manually. but take a good long look at ~/.xsession-errors and the X + lightdm log files first [13:56] ducasse: wasn’t aware of apt-clone, will look into it. looking at .xsession-errors now. where can i find the X + lightdm log files? [13:57] greg: /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/lightdm/* [13:57] xlnt, thx [13:57] pauljw, nah I keep getting 'network connection refused' when I try to connect to whatever ip is listed from ifconfig [13:58] ElectricAlan, crap... [13:58] yeah [14:04] Is it possible to make `tree` show modification times as well? [14:04] ElectricAlan, what error were you getting with your previous setup (NAT ?) [14:05] the same thing actually [14:05] yeah it was nat [14:05] think tha'ts the default [14:07] the default port I'm using to connect in putty is 22, couldn't see anythign from my vm to indicate that wouldn't be acceptable [14:07] but it could be I'm looking at the wrong port === ytixdecaf is now known as lelzNOT [14:10] ElectricAlan: can you connect to localhost via ssh inside the vm itself? [14:10] good question [14:11] ducasse, no I can't [14:11] ElectricAlan: well, there's your problem. [14:11] yeah, ok then [14:11] ElectricAlan: is openssh-server installed? [14:12] no [14:12] well not unless it's default === Eggs is now known as Guest52308 [14:12] I actually only just now did the installation, this is a fresh ubuntu iso I got from mirror.internode.on.net/pub a week or two ago [14:12] ElectricAlan: it's not installed by default on the desktop version, and if you haven't installed it, then it's not really surprising that you can't connect :) [14:13] am I going to look stupid now for not realising I'd missed an obvious step [14:13] How can I call the library docs installed using apt-get? [14:14] ElectricAlan: you can just install the package 'ssh', it depends on both client and server [14:14] kk [14:14] for some reason I thought ssh would be installed by default [14:14] that reason is probably that I'm an ignorant fool who has been out of the game for far too long [14:14] * ElectricAlan is unemployed [14:15] they're in /usr/share/doc/ but should I call them manually? [14:16] ElectricAlan: it's actually not too surprising that a server process is not running by default on a desktop distribution, I think, although I would guess quite a lot of people tend to install it. [14:16] ok, so I installed the ssh package [14:16] ElectricAlan: do a 'ps ax | grep sshd' to check that the server is running [14:16] will I have to run an instance every time I start my vm? [14:17] no, ssh service starts by itself [14:17] Any idea anyone? [14:17] I understand the commercial support thanks [14:17] yep it's running [14:18] CtrlC: what is the problem? [14:18] m1dnight1: "CtrlC: How can I call the library docs installed using apt-get? " [14:18] ElectricAlan: you might want to check through sshd_config at some point to see that everything is set up the way you want it. but now you should be able to connect from localhost [14:18] well it looks like the ssh service is running in my vm, I can connect to localhost from inside the vm, but not from putty [14:19] port 22 needs to be accessible? [14:19] what library docs? [14:20] m1dnight1: for example libbox2d-doc [14:20] ElectricAlan: then I think there is a problem either with your vbox setup or on the windows side. desktop ubuntu doesn't have any iptables rules by default, so nothing should be blocking it. [14:20] oh [14:20] I have no idea, to be honest. [14:20] CtrlC, http://askubuntu.com/questions/24072/how-are-typical-users-expected-to-read-the-documentation-in-usr-share-doc [14:20] http://askubuntu.com/questions/24072/how-are-typical-users-expected-to-read-the-documentation-in-usr-share-doc [14:20] m1dnight1: Thanks for your time anyway.:) [14:20] damnit! he beat me to it. [14:21] ^_^ [14:21] well played sir, well played [14:21] lol thank you guys. [14:22] ElectricAlan: is networking set to bridged? [14:22] it is now I think [14:22] yes it is [14:22] should it not be? [14:22] ElectricAlan: yes, it should. [14:22] So I have to manually open them?:| [14:23] gunzip [14:23] i bet you can find them online though.. [14:23] ElectricAlan: I haven't played with vbox in years, though, and certainly not on windows, so I can't help you much there. [14:23] Yup. [14:23] thanks. [14:23] cfhowlett, ducasse: i found and fixed my error. error in .xsession-errors lead to google search with errors, which lead to another log file where “initctl” wasn’t found which lead me to remember I’d commented out setting PATH in /etc/environment, uncommented that, back in business. thank you for your help. [14:23] CtrlC, depends on what you are looking for ... but agree with m1dnight1 [14:25] greg, happy2help! [14:28] hi [14:29] Even with gksudo I can't launch programs in an elevated way from my terminal emulator. E.g.: "(nautilus:17024): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [14:29] " [14:29] * AlecTaylor tried `export DISPLAY=:0.0` [14:30] AlecTaylor, gksu doesn't need terminal ... is a gui application === daynaskully is now known as Guest55705 [14:32] AlecTaylor, alt + f2 -> gksu -> nautilus === w4rb0y is now known as WarboyIndia === WarboyIndia is now known as w4rb0y [14:32] !info gksu [14:32] gksu (source: gksu): graphical front-end to su and sudo. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-9ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 50 kB, installed size 456 kB [14:36] dammit I was never trained to use these things [14:37] me neither ElectricAlan, learning by the seat of my pants since '84 [14:38] damn yo, I was only born in 86 [14:38] you guys ever seen ubuntu stop responding without a dump? usually if its unresponsive I see some sort of kernel panic on the console but it is sitting at a prompt just unresponsive to input [14:39] fxmulder: does the magic sysrq keys work? [14:40] eh, I wouldn't be that opposed to scraping this whole thing, and jsut going with a vm tool that somebody in this channel is familiar enough to assist with if I have issues [14:40] but I need to sleep for now [14:40] thanks for all the help everyone [14:41] ducasse: no feedback from ctrlaltdel [14:41] i have a code problem I believe. If I see a pdf doc written in german, if i copy text, I only see Í¿1⁄2 ̧a»® ̧¿ ́¬» «21⁄4 Ó»¬ ̧±1⁄4»2 ¦ » ́1»® 1⁄2 ̧¬»¬ 3 ¬» 2¿21⁄4»® a» [14:41] fxmulder: that's not what I asked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key [14:42] i use my laptop to write in english, french, spanisch, german and chinese [14:42] tips please [14:42] anybody here? [14:43] gnite ElectricAlan [14:43] BBLLCC, you , for example, copy some text from a pdf , paste in a word editor ... and you got that ? [14:46] iooner, yes [14:46] BBLLCC, what pdf program are you using , evince ? [14:47] document viewer === mike_ is now known as Guest35478 [14:49] BBLLCC, evince then... it's protected maybe [14:49] BBLLCC, and in which editor are you coping ? [14:50] any [14:50] libreoffice [14:51] ioria, if I copy the pdf file online, using firefox, i can read text, copy text, readable text [14:51] BBLLCC, i have no problem to c/p in there ... be sure to have the same language setting between them [14:51] ioria: That didn't work [14:51] Even with gksudo I can't launch programs in an elevated way from my terminal emulator. E.g.: "(nautilus:17024): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [14:52] * AlecTaylor tried `export DISPLAY=:0.0` [14:52] interesting, wasn't aware of sysrq sequences [14:52] those had no effect either, I just reset the machine [14:52] AlecTaylor, gksu not gksudo [14:53] ioria: Just tried that, nothing happened [14:53] fxmulder: it could be that sysrq wasn't enabled, although I believe they are by default. If they don't work, that means the kernel is completely and utterly dead [14:53] I'll try in the GNOME terminal emulator to get output [14:54] AlecTaylor, did you install gksu ? [14:54] Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory. Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused [14:54] ima li nekoga iz srbije? [14:54] AlecTaylor, are you a bot ? [14:54] ioria: I have gksu installed, yes [14:55] AlecTaylor: why are you using gksu in a terminal? can't you just use sudo? [14:55] AlecTaylor, yes, you are a bot [14:55] I am not a bot. [14:55] ducasse: sudo also gives me that error [14:56] (but starts with this line: "gdk_mir_display_open") [14:56] AlecTaylor: what command are you trying to run through sudo? [14:56] nautilus [14:56] !gksu | AlecTaylor [14:56] AlecTaylor: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [14:56] hi [14:56] AlecTaylor, ok.... sorry, you are not a BOT [14:57] ducasse: But in actuality I want to run `/etc/alternatives/Adobe_AIR_Application_Installer ` as root [14:59] AlecTaylor: if you run gksudo by itself, does the window open? [14:59] What would be the best course of action to increase the size of my root and home partitions. I have 70 gigs of unformatted space. [14:59] i think he wants to run an installer... a script [15:07] ducasse: The Window opens and I enter my password then nothing [15:07] (just like when I try with nautilus or whatever after) [15:10] AlecTaylor: run gksudo, enter nautilus (or whatever you want to run) and click ok. does it spit out an error in the terminal you ran it from? [15:18] ducasse: yes, it spits out that error that I referenced earlier [15:18] $ gksudo nautilus [15:18] Failed to connect to Mir: Failed to connect to server socket: No such file or directory [15:18] Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused [15:19] (nautilus:18018): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: [15:19] unable to boot ubuntu lts in virtualbox [15:19] * AlecTaylor tried with `export DISPLAY=:0.0` before `gksudo` also [15:20] I'm on Linux Mint KDE and i can boot CentOS [15:20] Hello, can I use a livecd like an alternate cd? e.g. can I just install ubuntu with the old fashioned dos-like interface without having to go into live mode with the desktop environment and everything? [15:20] RedBlue: use the server installer [15:21] RedBlue, server has a cli interface. I think mini does as well [15:22] RedBlue: just make sure you install a desktop if you want one, the server installer doesn't do that by default [15:22] AlecTaylor: maybe env DISPLAY=:0.0 gksudo ? [15:22] ducasse, cfhowlett but does the server install come with everything the normal cd comes with? e.g. I don't want to miss any packages but I don't want any extra server administration packages. ducasse ok how do I choose to install "desktop" using a server cd? [15:22] arthyre: Same error [15:23] RedBlue, no. thus ducasse suggest to install the desktop packages. [15:23] RedBlue: you can choose desktops in the server installer [15:23] RedBlue: and just don't select for instance 'file and print server' and you won't get them [15:24] ducasse, sever includes desktops? really? [15:24] do I get to select that in the first steps or in the last steps? [15:24] after server installation, you can install a GUI, if you wish [15:24] cfhowlett: yes, i'm pretty sure you can install the common desktops directly from the menu [15:25] *after* server installation has finished, that is [15:26] MonkeyDust, ducasse so is it after installing or on installing that I get to install a desktop? [15:26] RedBlue if you wish yes [15:27] on installing? [15:27] RedBlue no, after installing [15:27] AlecTaylor, iseems it's about gksu or the applcation but your display manager Mir and gnome-shell === NGC3982_ is now known as NGC3982 [15:27] AlecTaylor: what exactly are you doing? are you in an xterm? [15:27] AlecTaylor, it seems that it's not about gksu or the applcation but your display manager Mir and gnome-shell [15:27] how to check if I already have a cloak or not? [15:27] RedBlue a server installation has no GUI, but you can install it [15:28] ducasse says I can install a desktop from the server installer [15:28] RedBlue: wait, i'm checking [15:28] arthyre: I am in GNOME Terminal running bash [15:28] ok [15:28] AlecTaylor: type xeyes ;) [15:28] RedBlue i guess that would come down to the same [15:28] ioria: Correct. So what's the solution? [15:28] arthyre: :P [15:29] MonkeyDust, I'd rather install the desktop during server install [15:29] RedBlue you can also install a server inside a desktop, with tasksel (task select) [15:29] AlecTaylor, take a look ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/541926/blank-screen-on-tty7-after-upgrading-from-14-04-to-14-10 [15:29] MonkeyDust, do you mean I can install a server using a desktop cd? [15:30] RedBlue yes, apache etc, but after the base installation has finished [15:30] AlecTaylor, it's a different issue ... but the error is the same [15:31] RedBlue: you need to choose 'manual package selection' during the install, or use apt-get after booting it up. === mg__ is now known as mg- [15:31] RedBlue what do you want to achieve? why can you not decide to install desktop or server? [15:32] What I really want is skip grub installation. I heard you can skip this only in the alternate, dos-like installers, hence I'm looking for that [15:32] I'll be back [15:33] remember older ubuntus had a "skip bootloader installation" box? [15:33] RedBlue, see this is where clear communication matters. a LOT. had you simply asked that question in the first place ... YES you skip botloader. [15:33] ioria: SO I should install gnome-shell? [15:33] RedBlue: I bet you can just alias grub-install to true [15:33] cfhowlett, sorry I didn't choose the best question. So how do you do it? [15:34] hi [15:34] RedBlue, I believe it's on the choose install type screen advanced options? [15:34] ioria: I suppose I could run `apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop` [15:34] But not the unity one, right? [15:34] * AlecTaylor is on 15.04 [15:34] I love 15.04 [15:34] join #ubuntu [15:34] zakkkm, you're already in #ubuntu [15:34] AlecTaylor, ubuntu-desktop is unity [15:35] unity is good [15:35] cfhowlett: yeah forgot the hash, and then realized it said "Correcting automatically" afterwards [15:35] Bonjour à tous [15:35] !fr | Kai_ [15:35] Kai_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [15:35] ioria: Okay, ran `apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop` and `apt-get install --reinstall unity` [15:35] cfhowlett, I'll check, but if it isn't, it's a fact anyway that alternate installers let you skip grub installation, RGIHT? [15:35] Same error [15:36] AlecTaylor, no, unity comes with ubuntu-desktop [15:36] RedBlue, pretty sure all the installers offer the no-grub option. [15:36] #fr [15:36] ioria: Okay, well either case, same error. Should I install gnome-shell? [15:36] cfhowlett, even the ones on ubuntu based distros like kubuntu, xubuntu and so on? [15:37] RedBlue, unless I'm very much mistaken, they all use the same installer [15:37] hi guys. I need help with my 14.04 xserver config. I'm running ubuntu on a ESXi 6.0 env and using PCI Passthrough for my GPU. I already tested the GPU to be working with the proietary ATI drivers on a not virtualized Ubuntu 14.04. Everything works, Ubuntu does recognize the GPU and is able to install the drivers. After the reboot the login screen comes up, but when I try to login after a few seconds of black I get pushed back to the login screen. [15:37] Xorg log is here: http://pastebin.com/t20pkNrB - the actual login try starts at line 289 [15:37] * AlecTaylor is now trying with `sudo apt-get install lightdm-gtk-greeter` and editing its `[SeatDefaults]` to include `greeter-session=lightdm-gtk-greeter` [15:37] RedBlue why are you so focused on no grub? [15:38] AlecTaylor, to be honest i don't use gnome, or gnome-shell [15:38] MonkeyDust: is there any $ in deskserver? [15:39] arthyre any what in what? [15:39] Hi, I'm having trouble changing my monitors refresh rate, I'm trying "xrandr -r 120", it sais the current refresh rate IS 120 but looking in my monitors menues it sais it's only 60? [15:40] cfhowlett, well, I'm on ubuntustudio (xubuntu) and I didn't see any option anywhere to skip grub installtation. All I can do is select a partition for grub installation, but not even "none" is given. MonkeyDust I'm trying not to install grub from distro because I know for a fact that this distro's grub installation will cause problems later, problems like lots of entries, invalid entries, duplicates and so on. I don't know why but it has happened always w [15:40] ith Ubuntustudio, so what I want to do instead is install Ubuntustudio without grub, and then go to one of my already installed distros and run sudo update-grub. [15:40] can I have one account on F7 and one on F6? [15:41] Nope ioria - even after a restart the same error is occurring [15:41] maybe one other thing: I have not run aticonfig --initial yet. but when I do x stops working, telling me the config is invalid [15:42] am I missing something here? [15:42] quit [15:42] do you have to point to the config? [15:42] quit [15:43] AlecTaylor, apart from gksu, your DE is working ? you can open normally the file manager and stuff ? [15:43] Yes [15:43] with PC18 gone there is no reason to be in the channel :( [15:43] Anyone experienced with monitor settings (refresh rate)? [15:43] AlecTaylor, and using Gnome 3 ? [15:43] arthyre - are you asking me? [15:43] biblas: I'm experience with not having to be experience with it [15:44] reisio i admired ann experienced man [15:44] reisio: are you a hendrix fan [15:44] ioria: Yes, I believe so [15:44] MonkeyDust: yeah baby :p [15:44] lolcat, if you are referring to terminal sessions, yes, you can have different user accounts logged into each tty session. linux is a multi-user os. [15:44] arthyre: of course, I am classy [15:44] reisio: I see, always nice when things are working. I'll guess I'll try the forums [15:44] biblas: what is it you're up to? :p [15:45] reisio: trying to change the refresh rate, ubuntu seems to think it is 120Hz, but It's 60Hz according to my monitor [15:45] reisio: okey then just for you http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/14/exclusive-jimi-hendrix-s-stone-free-live.html [15:45] and it feels like 60.... [15:46] biblas: why're you trying [15:46] reisio, Why? Because 60Hz feels like crap when you are used to 120 :/ [15:46] arthyre: cool, thanks [15:46] FYI: I still don't have gnome-shell installed [15:46] biblas: you were using the same monitor at 120? [15:46] AlecTaylor, probably gnome3 manages gksu in a different way .... [15:47] 3.14.1 is my version of GNOME [15:47] reisio, yes. Recently migrated to ubuntu on my desktop [15:47] biblas: what's your graphics card? [15:47] hi, i am trying to do usb-tethering from my android to my ubuntu 14.04. i setup tethering on my android, and the connection is found on ubuntu and everything looks great with ip address and all - but for some reason i cannot get any access to the internet anyway. Should something be set up on the ubuntu machine? [15:47] Hello everyone, [15:47] ciao [15:47] reisio: not sure, how do I find out? I'm 99% certain it should support 120Hz@1080 [15:48] Anyone please help me how can add one more gui account in ubuntu 15.xx [15:48] !list [15:48] jeeg: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [15:48] list [15:48] AlecTaylor, dpkg -l nautilus-gksu ? [15:48] pauljw: I want i3wm with different users on them [15:48] !list [15:48] ioria: dpkg-query: no packages found matching nautilus-gksu [15:49] OK I've found the installer command is "ubiquity" and option -b means "don't install bootloader", now, from a live cd should I run "ubiquity -b" or "sudo ubiquity -b"? [15:49] aptitude search nautilus [15:49] biblas: 99%? Either you're certain or you aren't; either you've used this hardware at that frequency, or not [15:49] reisio: I have, but I still wouldn't bet my life on it [15:50] well that's fair :p [15:50] biblas: lspci | grep -i vga [15:50] don't know anything about i3wm but i assume you should be able to load it in the tty terminal somehow. that would be a question for the i3wm support folks. [15:50] reisio: GeForce GTX 770 [15:51] reisio: do you think installing some other drivers would help? [15:51] lolcat ^^^^ [15:52] pauljw: how? [15:52] and where? [15:52] AlecTaylor, so ... you can try with gnome-shell and pkexec, but do a little research about them first [15:52] pauljw: can I have the login crap on all the Fs? [15:53] tty terms on alt-ctrl F1 thru F6 [15:53] biblas: maybe; what driver are you using now? lspci -k | grep -i nvidia -A 10 [15:53] lolcat, like i said i'm not familiar with that wm, you need to talk to their support folks... [15:54] reisio: I haven't installed anything, running "out of the box" ubuntu. "Kernel driver in use: nouveau" [15:55] biblas: yeah, try nvidia's proprietary driver [15:55] biblas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [15:55] reisio: thanks, I'll give it a try [15:56] biblas: if that's no help, you might go back to nouveau, and talk to #nouveau about it [15:56] is there any way to allow myself to do anything than another user can do. i am the owner of my server that i use for personal use, and i cannot move files that debian-transmission downloads into my other folders [15:58] catalase: probably because that process runs on another user (its own user) [15:58] dsc_ yes, so how can i move those files from the directory where it downloads its stuff to my other directory [15:58] * AlecTaylor it's 2AM [15:59] catalase: easiest solution would be to use 'sudo' [15:59] i have tried that [15:59] catalase: sudo mv /var/lib/transmission/downloads/* ~/Downloads/ [15:59] not sure if thats the destination download dir for transmission, you'd have to check. [15:59] pauljw: where are they? [16:00] lolcat, what? [16:00] pauljw: the i3wm people [16:00] mv: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/*’: No such file or directory [16:00] lolcat, try i3wm.org [16:00] which is complete bs because i know that directory exists [16:01] catalase: * probably is not a directory [16:01] catalase: what is the output of `ls -al /var/lib/transmission-daemon` ? [16:01] ls: cannot access /var/lib/transmission-daemon: No such file or directory [16:01] well then [16:01] what makes you think it exists? [16:02] reisio: The * has nothing to do with it [16:02] catalase: you'd have to figure out where transmission saves its files :-) [16:02] to /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads [16:02] * having something to do with it has nothing to do with * not being a directory :p === guillermo is now known as Guest43929 [16:03] dsc_ that directory DOES exist, i see it right here [16:03] Hi! I need help to get permissions right. If I create a new file or pull from GIT, I cant edit or remove the files when I am logged in via SFTP becuase I got wrong permissions! how can I solve this problem for this and all new files in the future? [16:03] catalase: `ls -al /var/lib/transmission-daemon/` [16:03] hmm 14.04 seems to auto detect the device to use for x - thus xorg conf is missing. [16:04] isn't there a way to configure it anyway? [16:04] !xorg [16:04] X.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf [16:04] ls: cannot access /var/lib/transmission-daemon/: No such file or directory [16:04] catalase: use 'sudo' [16:04] sorry [16:04] my bad [16:04] still does not work same result [16:04] do i need to install acl and mess with it that way [16:04] catalase: o_0? [16:05] catalase: `sudo cat /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json | grep "download-dir"` <- output? [16:05] cat: /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json: No such file or directory [16:06] dsc_ http://i.imgur.com/RPUl747.png [16:06] it absolutely exists [16:07] catalase: as what user are you SCP'ing and as what user are you executing the commands [16:07] catalase [16:07] catalase: go into pm [16:09] Hi! I need help to get permissions right. If I create a new file or pull from GIT, I cant edit or remove the files when I am logged in via SFTP becuase I got wrong permissions! how can I solve this problem for this and all new files in the future? === BotchlaB is now known as Botchla === josh is now known as Guest23776 [16:15] reisio: thanks alot for your help, I'm now running 144Hz@1080, feels good! [16:17] biblas: cool, gj [16:17] nouveau makes rapid progress, don't forget to check it again in future [16:18] in the long run it's a saner approach [16:18] reisio: I'll probably do that next time i reinstall my OS :) [16:18] hello [16:19] biblas: be careful - you don't want to reverse the crt vacuum polarity and have glass all over [16:19] someone has tried MATE distro? [16:19] arthyre: there's no vacuum in my "LED"-monitor ;) [16:20] Makaan: MATE's a DE, not a distro [16:20] Makaan: it's an old version of GNOME, rebranded [16:20] no screens found(EE) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@11:0:1) found [16:20] I'm guessing at this point you can make GNOME 3 look and act like GNOME 2 without resorting to MATE [16:20] sorry, my mistake [16:20] MATE also has bugs, because they don't seem to have enough developers to maintain the codebase [16:20] any way to check the BusID of all attached PCI devices? [16:20] biblas: digital bird in analog tree? [16:21] which was almost inevitable, really [16:21] ok, thanks! [16:21] hello everybody [16:21] Hello everybody [16:22] I'm new here to learn how to use IRC network [16:22] i need some help with ubuntu in aws ec2 [16:22] I'd be very happy if someone could drive in the basic concepts or share some online PDF about [16:23] can someone recommend to me a good distro for laptops? [16:23] Makaan ubuntu [16:23] !irc | talles [16:23] talles: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [16:23] Hi. [16:23] hi [16:24] Makaan would a mercedes salesman advice to buy a BMW instead? [16:24] About the distro, I'm about to install Debian again [16:24] MonnkeyDust that's make sense [16:24] is there a command to open the filebrowser in the current path from the terminal? [16:25] I have a simple server together with my cousin (which is actually just a normal computer which we never turn off), and we're thinking about putting Linux on it (since Windows 7 Home Basic is terrible for servers) [16:25] p4trix: nautilus . although nautilus by itself may work [16:25] But last time I install Debian, my wireless card was not recognize [16:25] SchrodingersScat, thx [16:25] But, my cousin has absolutely no command-line experience, so we need something with a GUI. === shadow__ is now known as yourshadow [16:26] aha, the cousin [16:26] What would be best for that? Starting from a server version and installing a GUI, or starting from a client version and installing the server software? [16:26] it's always 'the cousin' [16:26] So, Ubuntu is a good option [16:27] has anybody experience with amazon ec2?? [16:27] Yeah, I previously used Ubuntu (the client version) and I found it very user-friendly, so that's why I want to put some version of Ubuntu on it. [16:27] anyone knows some channel about series, or MR. Robot? [16:27] !alis | talles [16:27] talles: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [16:28] !ask | yunior [16:28] yunior: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [16:28] ok i understand [16:29] i have an application server running in ubuntu 14.04 [16:29] ben_g: imo it would be easier to start with the gui/flavor you want [16:29] it is WSO2 Applitacion Server [16:29] it runs in port 9443 and 9763 [16:29] but i see is open from inside my system [16:30] but from outside is not [16:30] what can i do? [16:30] SchrodingersScat: So the client version is completely suitable for use on a server? [16:30] anyone aware of the mapping of the the BUSID output from lspci to the xorg.conf BusID within the Device Section? E.g. lspci will give me 0b:00.0 but xorg uses a format like "PCI:11:0:0" [16:31] i noticed is listening at that port but in an ipv6 address [16:31] talles: don't start studying internet protocols with irc .. i suggest start smaller -> gopher [16:32] gopher? [16:32] ben_g: not exactly, but if you want something like xfce then it would be imo easier to install xubuntu then add on any software you want, than to install ubuntu-server and add on xubuntu-desktop or similar. in the end it's probably not that much different but I would suspect less issues going the former route. [16:33] Lubuntu is pretty good with xfce [16:33] Ok, thank you. [16:34] i cannot edit /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json because it is owned by debian-transmission [16:34] doesn't make any sense even when i run sudo i cannot do it [16:35] And for a server, I guess the most lightweight OS is best? So Lubuntu? [16:35] nor can i stop the process transmission-daemon [16:35] i have an application server running in ubuntu 14.04 it is WSO2 Applitacion Server it runs in port 9443 and 9763 but i see is open from inside my system but from outside is not i noticed is listening at that port but in an ipv6 address [16:35] talles: in the channel so you can get others input :) i now think http would be better for you to start on .. more for the future then the past [16:36] hello, how do i updtae my qbittorrent program using Terminal? [16:36] update [16:37] ben_g: that reasoning makes sense, or if you're partial to one over the other. [16:38] I actually have never used any version other than normal Ubuntu, but I guess they're quite similar in useage? [16:40] ben_g: pretty much, in my experience they're close enough anyway. especially if you're trying to go more cli, some package differences with file managers, text editors, etc. [16:40] Ok, thank you. [16:42] i have an application server running in ubuntu 14.04 it is WSO2 Applitacion Server it runs in port 9443 and 9763 but i see is open from inside my system but from outside is not i noticed is listening at that port but in an ipv6 address what can i do? [16:46] when i untar a file tar -zxvf, does the ordering matter? [16:49] stangeland: use unp, it can extract practically any compredsed file correctly [16:49] err compressed [16:50] does f matter since it takes a parameter? [16:50] I keep getting the "fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@11:0:0) found" error in my x-0.log even thought my xorg.conf has no PCI:0@11:0:0 device configured ANYwhere [16:51] log sais it's using /etc/X11/xorg.conf but if i check that config there is no PCI device with that BusID [16:51] is lightdm using any other xorg.conf? [16:58] Hai, question for active ones, ...When it comes for parrents.... LTS 14.04 or better 15.04 ? [16:59] o,o [16:59] Aeyesi 14.04 has longer support [17:00] i am asking just cuz some folks on sum forum said that LTS is mainly more bugfree instead of short-term ones ~ [17:01] unsure then, didnt tried those *yet* [17:01] !lts | Aeyesi [17:01] Aeyesi: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) [17:01] holy cow i know what it is >D [17:01] well nwm [17:01] Aeyesi then what do you want to know, exactly [17:01] Hey, I was messing around with my keyboard settings yesterday (mostly trying some different things with capslock) and now I'm running into some issues [17:02] hey there, I'm having issues getting ubuntu to recognise my soundcard - the only device listed is the hdmi monitor speakers, I've tried a few fixes from this: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/fix-hda-intel-realtek-alc887-no-sound.html and linked threads: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=314383 but so far I'm having no luck, does anyone have any experience of this and how to resolve? My mobo is the ASUS Z170-A with onboard sound === user is now known as Guest31756 [17:02] dangoo87 in a terminal, type alsamixer and then F6 to select/change soundcard [17:03] some of my laptop media keys are no longer working (volume up/down and play/pause, for instance) and when I try to go to Keyboard Settings in unity-control-center, I get: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.gschema.xml [17:03] does not contain a key named 'repeat' === voronwe is now known as Guest8227 [17:04] MonkeyDust, I've tried that before - alsamixer = "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory" [17:04] Does anyone happen to know where I might look to try to fix that? [17:04] Do any of you folks use unattended/automatic updates? [17:05] dangoo87, sudo apt-get install alsamixer [17:05] If you do, and there's a package you want to keep at a certain version, and excluded from updates, is "pinning" how you accomplish that? [17:05] ObrienDave, unable to locate package. It's 14.04.03 if that helps [17:06] i have it and it works [17:07] !info alsamixer [17:07] Package alsamixer does not exist in vivid [17:07] strange, working here on 14.04.3 [17:08] do you have ALL ubuntu repos enabled? [17:08] hmm, not sure. would I find that in ub software center, sources? [17:09] hi alll [17:09] hi all [17:09] dangoo87, yes, enable all ubuntu repos [17:09] i have edited static interface in /etc/network/interfaces. but /etc/init.d/networking restart could not activate eth0 up [17:09] and also ifup eth0 didn't work [17:10] linocisco: Then pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces [17:10] ObrienDave, in "ubuntu software" tab, all are selected, in "other software" - the two canonical aren't selected, and a few ppa (source) ones aren't, everything else looks to be selected. [17:10] How to calibrate display? Can someone please help me fix the brightness and contrast of my lcd. I really am pissed. (our of 100 I guess) what are the optimal values for long time usage. Using kubuntu [17:11] dangoo87, enable canonical repos [17:11] dangoo87, sudo apt-get install alsa-utils [17:11] hello [17:12] im trying to install a theme on 14.04 [17:12] !info alsa-utils [17:12] alsa-utils (source: alsa-utils): Utilities for configuring and using ALSA. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.28-1ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 916 kB, installed size 2100 kB (Only available for linux-any) [17:12] ObrienDave, alsa utils said already installed to latest version [17:12] and when i extracted the file i dled...i try to move it to the usr/share/themes folder and it wont let me [17:12] there are no permissions allowed to mess with that folder i guess, iwas wondering if there was something i could do [17:12] abb0: creathe ".themes" directory in your home [17:12] dangoo87, sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-utils [17:13] done [17:13] how exactly would i do that just curious. is there a cmd or just right click and create folder [17:14] hello [17:14] dangoo87, now try alsamixer [17:14] same issue, no such file or directory [17:14] really weird [17:15] i just tried searching for alsa in the main unity search thingy, and i get alsabase.conf (something I've tried to edit to fix it), and alsa-utils.service [17:16] bekks, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12175474/ [17:16] dangoo87, sudo apt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio [17:16] done, same result @ 'alsamixer' [17:17] xangua: how exactly. i did mkdir ~/.themes [17:17] hopefully thats correct [17:17] im stilla noobie [17:18] dangoo87, i'm out of ideas. stick around. someone can help you fix it [17:18] unity-control-center also crashes with this error when I try to go mouse settings: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad' is not installed [17:19] thanks for trying ObrienDave, should I periodically just ask for help then, every 10 minutes or so incase someone new appears with more ideas? I'm not sure what the best etiquette is for this IRC [17:20] 10-15 minutes will be ok. gl [17:21] * abb0 is waiting [17:21] xangua: you still there or have you left [17:22] I am [17:22] so I exist¿ [17:22] in the 5th dimension ;P [17:22] lol i did what you asked [17:23] dangoo87: if you run alsamixer in the terminal it's not running is that the issue? [17:23] but uhhh still having trouble [17:23] dangoo87: you should have it in /usr/bin/alsamixer [17:23] wafflejock, that appears to be the case - it's not running [17:23] let me check that directory [17:23] xangua: donc je suis [17:24] "is not a directory" [17:24] im bout to give up ef it [17:24] thanks anyways [17:24] dangoo87: if you run, dpkg -L alsa-utils, it will print a big list of all the files the package has in it and should include that path near the top [17:24] How to calibrate display? Can someone please help me fix the brightness and contrast of my lcd. I really am pissed. (our of 100 I guess) what are the optimal values for long time usage. Using kubuntu [17:24] dangoo87: it should be a file [17:24] dangoo87: /usr/bin is the directory [17:24] dangoo87: but alsamixer should be in there if you do, ls -al /usr/bin/alsamixer [17:25] Not directly ubuntu-related, but probably folks here know the answer: when I create an image using clonezilla, can I then move that image to another hard drive/partition and restore from there, or does it have to be where I specifically told clonezilla to make in order for the recovery to work? [17:25] ok, working through this now wafflejock - thanks for this help [17:25] dangoo87: if it's there then just running it on the command line should work cause /usr/bin is in your PATH environment variable [17:25] dangoo87: np [17:25] abb0: now you extract the theme in ~/.themes and you might also need unitytweak tool to select a theme other than ambiance/radiance , for icons you need the .icons directory [17:27] I have a big problem regarding my keyboard layout [17:27] http://paste.ubuntu.com/12175579 @ wafflejock - is that the desired outcome for that command? [17:27] dangoo87: if you don't see the binary with ls -al /usr/bin/alsamixer, then something got corrupt with the install, you can sudo apt-get install alsa-utils --reinstall [17:27] I use a German keyboard and I can't get the left alt key to work [17:27] dangoo87: yeah on line 12 in your pastebin it shows that binary [17:27] I used xbindkeys and a command line dpkg tool, didn't work [17:28] dangoo87: so the package seems to have the file but verify the file is there on your filesystem if so you shouldn't have an issue running it [17:28] it's there, or something is there anyway (i just browsed to it), should I just cd to that directory then try to run alsamixer? [17:29] dangoo87: yea you can try that probably run ./alsamixer while in /usr/bin but typically /usr/bin is set in your PATH so you can just run those binaries from anywhere [17:29] Guys, is this gonna happen for real ? http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-04-stupendously-hot-charmander-concept-is-about-to-become-real-489835.shtml?utm_content=buffer658a3&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer [17:30] !ot | aryan__ [17:30] aryan__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:30] aryan__: what is it? [17:30] seems like article after article saying nothing at all [17:30] wafflejock, no such file or directory on ./alsamixer [17:31] dangoo87: sorry to leave now but gotta run, good luck though [17:31] this? https://www.behance.net/gallery/28804097/Ubuntu-1604-Stupendously-Hot-Charmander-concept [17:31] you can make it yourself if it doesn't happen [17:32] could someone please help a nigga install a theme [17:32] thanks for your help wafflejock [17:32] i seriously am struggling [17:32] and feel ignored [17:32] i created a theme folder [17:32] i found the already made theme folder via usr/share/themes but cant just drop the unzipped theme folder into it [17:34] I can't get the 15.04 desktop 64-bit installer to work. I've tried several times, and it always hangs in a seemingly random place. I have no idea what to try. Can anyone recommend anything? [17:35] hi [17:35] I'm considering giving up and using 14.04 LTS, but I don't like giving up on the problem [17:35] I need help please, i see suspicious trame in my sniffer with scapy [17:35] AHemlocksLie , mine is on Dell laptop 64bit 15.04 [17:35] AHemlocksLie: sounds like the on-media image is corrupted [17:36] Ether / > hopopt / Raw **** [17:36] abb0: what theme? did you install ubuntu tweak tool? [17:36] TJ-: I've burned a disc and used UNetBootin to put it on a flash drive. Neither worked. I've checked the MD5sum of the image, and it's fine, so I know it's not a bad download [17:36] can someone help me out here? I need to get the left alt-key to work as altgr on a german keyboard layout. Earlier ubuntu options had an option for this which seems to be gone [17:36] coulb be bad flash drive [17:36] ObrienDave: and coincidentally bad DVD? [17:36] I mean, possible [17:36] yes [17:36] AHemlocksLie: right; but the image on the media may be corrupt, or it may be corrupted whilst being read due to, for example, a USB interface issue. [17:37] can someone help me out here? I need to get the left alt-key to work as altgr on a german keyboard layout. Earlier ubuntu options had an option for this which seems to be gone [17:37] AHemlocksLie, bad DVD burn. 4x max speed recommended [17:37] AHemlocksLie: in these circumstances I always compare the on-media image hash with the expected one [17:37] help me please [17:38] I'm setting ImgBurn to verify it against the ISO file now [17:40] AHemlocksLie, hd is good ? [17:41] ioria: the last time I tried was the furthest it got, and it was just trying to set up and format the ext4 partition. It usually didn't even get that far. [17:41] ImgBurn just finished verifying, and the disc is perfect [17:41] So media is good, hard drive shouldn't be an issue because it often hangs before even TOUCHING the hard drive [17:42] AHemlocksLie, when hangs , exactly ? [17:42] Well, it has managed to carve out the partitions before, but it never got to the point of doing any actual formatting [17:42] does anyone know how to make natural scrolling behaviour consistent across all application? of the applications i have tried they group like this: (chrome, emacs, firefox) (gedit, gnome-terminal) with the latter group seeming to follow the setting in "Mouse and TouchPad" settings. [17:42] on ubuntu 15.04? === m451 is now known as m451^AFK [17:42] ioria: it varies. Literally anywhere in the information gathering process before installation truly starts. When I click next to go to the next page or whatever, the mouse cursor turns to the loading symbol, and nothing ever happens [17:42] AHemlocksLie: memory issue? [17:43] can anyone one tell me their brightness and contrast values of their lcd (our of 100)? [17:43] AHemlocksLie, your specs ? [17:43] AHemlocksLie: Also, if you use the "Try Ubuntu" option, start a terminal, and then "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" and the start the installer, if there are any I/O (or other hardware related) problems causing this you'll see them immediately [17:44] some question...i have 64 bit system with 4gb ram but taskmanager only shows 3919mb ram ...is that normal ? [17:44] huschke, yes, that's normal [17:45] TJ-: the memory issue actually sounds pretty plausible. Load to bad RAM, then fail to read from it because it's bad. But I never have any issues with it otherwise [17:45] ObrienDave: why ??? 4gb is 4096 [17:45] and why only 3919mb [17:45] ioria: amd 64 bit 6 core processor, 16 GB of RAM, 1 TB hard drive, GTX 570 graphics card [17:46] AHemlocksLie: I've seen modules go funny without obvious cause. memtest86+ usually reveals the problems. Mostly I find simply firmly reseating the modules is enough to fix it too [17:46] ObrienDave: windows shows in systemsettings full 4gb [17:46] huschke, pretty good [17:46] huschke: a small amount of ram is always reserve for the OS, so it will never show the full amount you have installed as available. [17:46] ioria: why does it shows only 3919mb on 64bit system [17:47] huschke, sorry ... it was for AHemlocksLie [17:47] huschke, just a math conversion issue. not to worry [17:47] huschke: if it was a 32-bit system, it would show 3.0 - 3.5 GB available, if it is a non-PAE kernel/ [17:47] what you all mean ? [17:47] AHemlocksLie: if you want to verify the hash on a USB device (where the device size is usually larger than the ISO size) here's a shell fragment I use to do that (adjust initial variables as required) [17:47] AHemlocksLie: USB=/dev/sdc; ISO=/var/lib/libvirt/images/iso/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso; SIZE=$(sudo stat -c %s ${ISO}); sudo dd if=${USB} bs=${SIZE} count=1 | sha1sum [17:47] The memory thing sounds like the most likely cause. I'll set up memtest to run. That comes on the disc already, yeah? === cyboman34 is now known as cyboman33 [17:48] drkjstr: when i have installed a 32 bit system the taskmanager shows me 4010mb [17:48] AHemlocksLie: It should be on the boot-manger menu [17:48] TJ-: I thought I remembered it being there, but I wasn't sure [17:48] drkjstr: 32 bit sy Okay, thanks for the advice, TJ-, ioria, ObrienDave [17:48] whats wrong there [17:49] huschke: With a 64-bit system the kernel has to reserve some memory for a DMA 'trampoline' for devices that cannot address > 4GiB [17:49] huschke, NOTHING is wrong. it's just a math conversion issue. sheesh [17:49] huschke: if you want to know how memory is allocated, read "/var/log/dmesg" [17:51] huschke, also check /proc/meminfo [17:52] puuuuhhhhhh [17:52] lol [17:52] confused [17:59] Does ubuntu have something similar to the 'host' command? It is not available on ubuntu 12.04 [17:59] huschke, what you should take away from this is that as long as you have sufficient memory on your system, linux is going to efficiently manage it for you. just ignore the numbers. as long as you aren't having system problems, leave the driving to linux. [18:05] what ubuntu exam is good for job? [18:05] what ubuntu exam or cert is good for job? [18:06] what the hell is an ubuntu exam/cert [18:06] AEL-H, are you sure ? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/host.1.html [18:06] learn about linux and debian [18:06] AEL-H: ?? I am sure 12.04 does; see : 'man host' : " HOST(1) >> NAME >> host - DNS lookup utility ". What is it that you are attempting ? === grant is now known as Guest67180 === corey84__ is now known as Corey84 [18:11] linocisco, check this site out for some ideas: http://www.linux.com/learn/linux-certifications [18:15] linocisco: Certifications are quite useful - after a couple of years working with linux. For learning purposes for a beginner, the learning curve is just too steep. === ubuntu_ is now known as wastedhash === Guest42314 is now known as dazm [18:22] I installed kubuntu-desktop on a fresh install of Ubuntu (w/o any Desktop Environment running prior) and I'm trying to connect via VNC. I get a grey screen with a KDE window saying KCMInit has crashed. Closing said window shows an X-style window saying "Could not start KSMServer Check your installation." Which is then followed by another window telling me KWin has crashed. I've tried messing with XStartup and running as [18:22] root. Any suggestions? [18:25] RegexNinja47, krfb ? [18:27] ioria: Sure. I've never used it before, though. So give me a minute [18:27] RegexNinja47, i mean ... what vnc are you using ? [18:28] oh tightvncserver [18:28] I thought you wanted my to try using that to connect [18:28] Also it might be important to note that I'm on ARMHF [18:29] RegexNinja47, and on the client ? [18:29] I've tried two Android Apps and I've also tried NX. They all come up with the same screen [18:30] Ideally, I'd like to use NoMachine/NX, but it seems like that's just showing me the VNC screen [18:31] Hello [18:33] Kurolox_, Hi [18:33] Hello [18:33] iora now its just a grey screen [18:33] *ioria oops [18:33] I'm having some problems with my wireless card [18:34] RegexNinja47, here you can see how to configure tightvnc and krfb ... sorry don't know much about android [18:35] RegexNinja47, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers === ysh is now known as yash069 [18:38] ioria: My xstartup file complies with the one in that page. I'm loading Xresources and executing "startkde &" [18:38] I'll attempt to use X11VNC or some other command-line based VNC Server. [18:48] dentify [18:49] clear [18:51] how can update wordpress on ubuntu? [18:53] !find wordpress [18:53] Found: python-wordpresslib, ruby-omniauth-wordpress, unity-webapps-wordpress, unity-webapps-wordpress-com, wordpress, wordpress-l10n, wordpress-openid, wordpress-shibboleth, wordpress-theme-twentyfifteen, wordpress-theme-twentyfourteen (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=wordpress&searchon=names&suite=vivid§ion=all [18:53] geothom230 if it's in the repos: sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade [18:54] MonkeyDust:Thanx man for advice [19:01] vậy là fifox như lình --- [19:04] Can I install the non-unity gnome on ubuntu? === Chris230 is now known as Chris240 [19:04] morning all [19:04] HeathHayle: Yes you can [19:04] @HeathHayle of course you can [19:05] HeathHayle, yes [19:05] !info gnome-desktop [19:05] Package gnome-desktop does not exist in vivid [19:05] No... [19:05] anyone know of a usb wifi that works with ubuntu? [19:05] Not gnome-desktop... [19:05] @quoc are u vietnamese? [19:05] i need one to update my kernal and get my wifi working [19:05] HeathHayle: http://askubuntu.com/questions/577093/how-to-install-gnome-desktop [19:05] !info ubuntu-gnome-desktop [19:05] ubuntu-gnome-desktop (source: ubuntu-gnome-meta): The Ubuntu GNOME metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 28 kB [19:05] What's up everyone [19:06] snoop_doge: Why do you think you need to update your kernel to do so? [19:06] i read i need 4.0+ [19:06] short answer im a newb [19:07] snoop_doge: Where do you read that, and which wifi chipset do you have? [19:07] im putting mate on a atom based 10" laptop [19:07] snoop_doge: you read where? What Wi-Fi card? [19:07] snoop_doge forget what you read, ask for advice in this channel === Chris240 is now known as chris230 [19:07] i have an asus x205ta and used the instructions from a t100 install to trick the bootloader === chris230 is now known as Chris230 [19:08] snoop_doge: Which wifi chipset do you have? [19:08] i needed help with a uefi install so i looked for articles by ppl that had done it [19:08] ill check [19:09] !uefi [19:09] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [19:09] broadcom 43341 === stuff1 is now known as bruxC [19:09] !broadcom [19:09] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [19:10] ya that zhit is way over my head === talles is now known as InluxBDX [19:12] anyone use #telegram? [19:12] Thanks guys! [19:15] How can istall Java for web browser JRE [19:15] do I need to uninstall unity when I install the gnome she'll? [19:15] shell [19:15] HeathHayle: no [19:15] xangua cool thanks [19:15] misho_: did you install the open jdk plugin from repositories? [19:16] xangua, is it the latest version? [19:17] i'm trying to install RPM file from official site [19:17] and I got a error message like "Failed dependencies: /bin/sh is needed by xxx" [19:17] !java | if what you want is Oracle java, follow this misho_ [19:17] if what you want is Oracle java, follow this misho_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [19:17] I'm having a problem with my fresh install of Ubuntu+Kubuntu-desktop. When trying to run KDE with Xvfb I get this: http://i.imgur.com/dglVMYH.png [19:17] misho_: rpm files arent intended to be used on a non-rpm system, like Ubuntu. === Rousseau is now known as syntaxx [19:18] bekks, i know it is Debian based system === syntaxx is now known as Rousseau [19:19] !java [19:19] To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. === dawnson_ is now known as danwosn [19:19] !info rpm [19:19] rpm (source: rpm): package manager for RPM. In component main, is optional. Version 4.11.3-1.1 (vivid), package size 112 kB, installed size 381 kB [19:19] !info alien [19:19] alien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.93 (vivid), package size 52 kB, installed size 212 kB === danwosn is now known as dawnson [19:20] srbn fk gtfvb [19:21] ttngmr gbk loiiir wdedcv [19:21] misho_: Then dont use rpm on that system. [19:21] Can you get a KDE theme for gnome so it looks like KDE but you can install debs? [19:21] but it's not working very well ... [19:22] unaffiliated/Chris230 [19:22] !themes | HeathHayle start here [19:22] HeathHayle start here: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [19:23] ubottu: Thanks mate! [19:24] *face palms* [19:24] MonkeyDust: Thanks mate but I ment a KDE theme for gnome [19:25] install kde [19:25] HeathHayle maybe you find one in one of the links [19:25] Search a kde look like theme for gnome then [19:25] ObrienDave: Cant believe I just did that lol [19:26] ObrienDave: I need to run Debian packages though [19:26] HeathHayle, happens to us all :) [19:26] ObrienDave: Lol [19:27] xangua, bekks thank you both [19:27] HeathHayle, kde is just a DE [19:28] will not affect the ubuntu core === regedit_ is now known as regedit === daynaskully is now known as Guest76476 [19:31] ok these instructions are for ppl who know what they are doing https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Asus/X205TA [19:31] ObrienDave: That's what I thought but asked in linux and got this response http://imgur.com/El38qZB [19:32] i cant use them on the laptop i have because i cant get it online [19:33] so i need to buy a usb wifi adapter first, does anyone know of one which works with ubuntu natively? [19:33] HeathHayle, yes, that's true. not a good idea to mix distro packages. try to find ubuntu equivalent [19:33] HeathHayle: they're right [19:33] ObrienDave: I thought kbuntu was ubuntu? [19:33] it is [19:33] ubuntu is NOT debian [19:34] so good to see I am not the only confused onw here [19:34] ObrienDave: Oh I thought it was [19:34] !flavors [19:34] !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. [19:34] ubuntu is BASED on debian. it is not debian [19:35] So packages aren't gnome or KDE based only === cz2 is now known as NaN [19:35] right === Rousseau is now known as aasnr [19:35] is there a way I can simply add the broadcom driver to my usb install stick so i loads automatically? === NaN is now known as cz2 [19:37] anyone still conscious here? === aasnr is now known as aee [19:37] ObrienDave right I thought packages where environment dependent they not they are distro dependent? [19:38] HeathHayle, they are distro dependent for the most part. DEs don't really count, afaik [19:39] ObrienDave: a GREAT! thanks mate! [19:40] !patience | snoop_doge [19:40] snoop_doge: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [19:41] meaning, if no one answers, we don't have a good answer for you [20:03] Just wondering, do we have a tool that can create a custom ISO? Or what files should I edit in the ISO file to do that? [20:04] startup disk creator [20:04] K thanks === ubuntu is now known as Guest97914 [20:15] Hello. I'm trying to run a proxy but don't have root so I can't install squid3. Any other ideas? [20:17] stanford_drone: ask the admin of that machine if you want to run a proxy server on it. [20:17] k1l_, I have an http proxy i can run there just fine. Only I can't find an https proxy to run there. [20:22] I'm using nfs to share a directory. In the client, the directory have nobody as permission, how can I change to postgres? [20:24] hello [20:24] hello vlad__ [20:24] I'm have a problem with fonts [20:25] Is it dangerous to use gnome 2 if its not supported? === Rousseau is now known as Tzar [20:25] HeathHayle: gnome2 is dead, basically. [20:25] HeathHayle: what do you mean exactly? which ubuntu are you on? [20:26] characters are randomly garbled [20:26] in the terminal [20:26] as well as gedit [20:26] k1l_: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS [20:26] not in the browser however [20:26] or in xchat for that matter [20:26] HeathHayle: gnome2 is no more. you can try the mate. which is a fork of that [20:26] k1l_ you can help me? :-) [20:26] I'm using ubuntu 15.05 [20:26] 15.04* [20:28] k1l_: So its bad to install gnome 2 then? [20:28] HeathHayle: there should not be a chance to install it. and yes. its bad [20:28] Is it bad for my System if i switch the Bootmode (Legacy,UEFI) often? [20:28] no [20:29] would you have a tip for me as for how to debug my samba problem? no matter what i do all i see is: tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME when trying to connect [20:29] in log: process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/tom failed. Permission denied / process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/tom failed. No such file or directory [20:30] in no tutorial i found anything about that file to be created or anything [20:34] k1l_: Oh ok I just hate unity [20:34] Hey. Anyone able to help me? I want to install my GPU Drivers but i got no clue how. Im running a NVIDIA Geforce GT635M, google only brings results where other people say "dont do it blackscreen omg" [20:34] HeathHayle: ubuntu offers a lot of other desktops inside the repos. [20:37] k1l_: Ph does it? [20:37] Oh [20:41] k1l_ what does it offer do you know? [20:42] !flavors [20:42] !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. [20:43] HeathHayle, xubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, jubuntu-desktop. see a pattern there? ;P [20:43] *lubuntu-desktop [20:44] ObrienDave: Lol [20:44] hi, how can I check if my computer can recognize my speakers or my headphones? [20:44] qasmixer appears blank [20:44] alsamixer === user is now known as Guest84730 [20:46] ObrienDave: where on the alsamixer console can i see it [20:46] ? [20:47] if they are recognized, they will appear in alsamixer [20:48] ok im back [20:48] gays is it rial tune unity to locks like win 7 ? [20:48] I botched some auto installed files from a package [20:48] i found the tar driver i need for my wifi [20:48] how can I reinstall everything from a package? apt-get install --reinstall did not work [20:49] ObrienDave: what should I look for in alsamixer? honest question, i don't know what i am looking at [20:49] the instructions say 2. Open terminal and write: [20:49] cd '/home/`uname -r` ~/Desktop/broadcom-wl- 2/kmod' [20:49] hi, how can I check if my computer can recognize my speakers or my headphones? [20:49] but what co i change and exclude here? [20:49] far run the live boot [20:50] run without installing [20:50] thats what im doing [20:50] Faryshta, F5 shows all IO devices, speakers, mics, etc. if it's there, the system recognizes the device [20:51] HeathHayle: kde, xfce, lxde, mate, gnome-shell, and a lot of tiling wms etc. [20:52] i3, fluxbox, etc. [20:53] ObrienDave: F5 does nothing. I typed 'alsamixer' on console and then hit F5. Is that the correct procedure? [20:54] dude try "lspci" in a terminal [20:54] it shows all hardware on the pci bus [20:55] i just learned that one myself [20:55] ls = 'list' [20:55] yup [20:55] lsusb, lspci, etc. [20:55] oh [20:55] what other buses are there? [20:56] don't quite remember LOL [20:56] i am trying to install a broadcom driver and dont know how [20:56] i have the tar.bz2 [20:56] on a flash drive [20:57] what do i do with it [20:57] extract it? [20:59] how can i get all running process or apps ? [21:02] i'm trying to vnc to unbuntu server running xfce with vino-server, getting 'TLS handshake timeout'. how can i force vino not to require encryption? I turned it off in dconf-editor and gsettings [21:02] samundrak: ps aux [21:05] hi, can someone help me understand if my sound HDMI card is working? http://pastie.org/10371092 this is my 'aplay -l' result [21:06] snoop_doge: copy it to your drive and extract it, tar -xjf file.tar.bz2 [21:06] then what? [21:07] snoop_doge: are you sure you want to manually install a driver like that? [21:08] snoop_doge: read the README file, typically in the dir you extracted to, ./configure ; make ; make install [21:08] i dont have an internet connection on the laptop untill i do [21:08] ?? right [21:08] snoop_doge: you can use a cable [21:09] snoop_doge: no problem, read what files are readable first [21:09] its an asus x205ya o ethernet port [21:09] no ethernet port [21:10] snoop_doge: copy from the flash drive to your main drive in a temp home dir, then extract etc [21:11] ok [21:11] hi, can someone help me understand if my sound HDMI card is working? http://pastie.org/10371092 this is my 'aplay -l' result [21:17] how can I know the chip of a card on alsamixer? I get "Intel Haswell HDMI" but i don't know if thats correct [21:18] haswell is a type of CPU [21:19] Faryshta_, man alsamixer in the terminal might help [21:20] ObrienDave: I am trying to follow this guide http://www.ubuntu-guia.com/2009/07/problemas-tarjeta-audio-hda-intel-en.html and I am stuck on the part that it ask you to get the codec version of your HDMI card [21:21] hi i need help [21:21] ok so the instructions im using to install my wifi say to use b43-fwcutter package. nut installing offline and my terminal does not recognise the command b43-fwcutter [21:21] !ask | esdrpa [21:21] esdrpa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:21] snoop_doge: it isn't a command, its a package [21:21] hmm [21:22] snoop_doge: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter [21:22] but you don't have internet, so you have to get it another way [21:22] !offline-install [21:22] ben im offline [21:22] Faryshta_, since my spanish pretty much sucks, i can't help you with that page [21:22] !offline | snoop_doge [21:22] snoop_doge: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD [21:23] i've taken to running my own internal approx server [21:25] ObrienDave: at some point it ask you to user alsamixer to get your chip/codec. in the example the codec is ALC888 but i don't know where he got it on alsamixer [21:27] Chip: Intel IbexPeak HDMI [21:27] says mine [21:27] Good evening. Has anybody tried installing Ubuntu on a Nexbook Flexx 11? it's a 2 in 1 with Bay Trail. [21:28] Faryshta_, might want to take a look at inxi it's available through the repo's to see your audio card information type the following in a terminal after installing inxi inxi -Ax [21:29] Faryshta_, more information about inxi at https://code.google.com/p/inxi/ [21:29] squinty: http://pastie.org/10371149 === Chappie-san2 is now known as Chappie-san [21:32] Faryshta_, looks like your hdmi card is card 3 then. don't really know about multiple sound card setups so hopefully someone else will contribute to solving your problem. [21:33] squinty: thanks, but how do I ask for help based on that? [21:34] jakenheimer, the 10 seems to work, here a full hardware description is your key to help, which is usually best served from the linux terminal. [21:40] Faryshta_, maybe try googling for the particulars displayed by inxi and see if any others have experienced the same problem you are encountering. if you include the word "solved" in your googling you may find a quick solution [21:45] Is it possible to get a ubuntu server root tar package somewhere? Similar to what is provided here: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vivid/current/ but without the cloud-init stuff? [21:45] Bonsoir tout le monde [21:46] Bonsoir [21:46] Bonsoir , [21:48] qui ? [21:48] F1skr, might want to ask in #ubuntu-server [21:48] !fr [21:48] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [21:55] Hello. I have Ubuntu 14 LTS installed on a Gigabyte mini PC. It worked fine for weeks and then I tried to reboot it and it hangs after BIOS POST. I can mount the disk when I'm booted from a thumb drive. [21:56] It simply hangs with no error message. [21:56] And, curiously, the caps lock light doesn't work when after it hangs. [21:56] Any ideas? === Rousseau is now known as dfgsdfgtgr [21:58] quit [21:59] Udita, Do you normally see a grub menu and is this a standard install or a chroot....etc boot [22:00] not aware of this hardware setup is all [22:00] Standard install. We didn't have a Grub menu before (when it was working). [22:01] Need help setting up vpn, [22:01] Ubuntu is the only OS on the machine. [22:01] Udita, Try booting it with tapping the shift key at turning on to see it maybe. [22:01] wileee: Ok, I will try that. [22:02] Udita, If you get grub, you can boot and tap the tab again for a text boot, or modify grub to do that and look for errors. [22:03] wileee: Ok, trying [22:06] wileee: It still hangs, even after I hit shift key === brrr is now known as Guest15855 [22:07] Udita: if you can't mount your hdd that's not good. [22:07] do you have another sata/m.2 port you can move the drive to? [22:08] Udita, Is there a uefi setup, comes as a box but a base question is all. [22:08] rofltech, They can mount the partition [22:08] rofltech: We _can_ mount the hard drive. [22:08] fsck says it is clean. [22:08] sda1 [22:10] Udita, This is a msdos, using the mbr is the answer or a uefi is all on booting. [22:10] rofltech: It boots when I put a different SATA disk in the machine. [22:10] Udita: IF this is a UEFI system, it is the escape key that grub looks for to display the boot menu . [22:11] I think it is UEFI. [22:11] I'll try escape. [22:11] cool [22:13] Udita: - a 3 second window - is all the opportunity you have after the firmware (bios) screen clears, that grub is awaiting and looking for the escape key . May have to try several times to hit this window of opportunity . [22:16] Bashing-om: It did not work, Grub doesn't come up [22:18] Udita: wileee :: Then we need to know wheather this is a UEDI or bios system .. and consider re-installing grub ? [22:19] UEFI* [22:19] Bashing-om, Yeah go for it, I'm up for a coffee run, heh. [22:20] * wileee wink's at their supergrub usb [22:22] Hi. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04.3LTS Server and used the instructions at http://www.silicondust.com/support/downloads/linux/ to download and make and install my HDHomeRun on my system. I installed tvheadend and it works like a beauty thus far. Only, when I reboot it seems like tvheadend is loading quicker than hdhomerun drivers (I think), because tvheadend doesn't see my tuners. If I sudo restart tvheadend, it then sees them jus [22:22] Udita, Boot the live ubuntu and we can run a few commands and probably fix from there. [22:22] Is there a way to delay the start of the tvheadend process based on the starting of the hdhomerun driver? [22:23] hi, do you know a good screenrecording software from the official repo? I use simplescreen recorder because any I used from ubuntu's repo had a bad output. It played back fast as hell even if I changed the fps from 15fps to 30fps. so i don't know what's wrong with them but they just don't work for me (kazam, istanbul, recordmydesktop, vocosrceen) [22:24] what's a good terminal emulator for someone with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinitis_pigmentosa ? [22:25] wileee: Yes, let me know the commands [22:26] Udita, I'm just gonna confirm a couple things, if uefi than others here will help. run sudo parted -l and pastebin it [22:28] wileee: Ok, trying that [22:29] hey i got a small problem [22:29] can anyone help it out [22:30] anyone there??? [22:30] mav, Describe issue to the channel for help. [22:30] !ask | mav and see [22:30] mav and see: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [22:31] how do you tell it is a small problem/ [22:31] my notification panel is not visible [22:32] mav: what ubuntu? what desktop? what did you do before that happened? [22:33] using backbox...i just clicked on it on the option remove [22:33] mav: ok, better ask the backbox guys about that === arunpyasi_ is now known as arunpyasi [22:34] cant u tell about that [22:34] backbox is ubuntu based [22:34] if u well known with ubuntu i think u can do somethong [22:34] something* [22:34] mav: if you want ubuntu then use ubuntu :) we dont know what the backbox guys changed there. so better ask them [22:35] its ubuntu [22:35] !backbox | mav [22:35] mav: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it. [22:35] ok === megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon [22:36] LOAD [-e] [22:37] script py mav/ [22:38] wileee: http://imgur.com/l31edzj [22:38] wileee: this is the parted -l output [22:47] Any help ? [22:51] Udita: We await your pastebin of wileee's request of ' sudo parted -l ' . [22:52] I can't seem to get a vpn connection in 15.04, i've tried some bug related suggestions re: 1pv4 route 'empty' gateway settings but it doesn't seem to be working [22:52] anyone got a successful vpn coinnection in 15.04? [22:57] anyone have a good program they use for log aggregation from multiple servers? [22:58] eatingthenight there's also #ubuntu-server === miguel is now known as Guest17298 [23:02] MonkeyDust: thanks i asked over there as well [23:03] Udita, how attached are you to the daa on the HD? [23:03] data* [23:06] http://l2damage.com/donate/index.php?mod=invite&i=51551 [23:08] wileee: Very! [23:09] Udita, Backed up? [23:10] I just installed 15.04 and I can't see the application switcher UI when I alt+tab even though the command works but there's no UI to know which application one is selecting. [23:11] mindbender1: what desktop exactly? [23:11] ubuntu [23:12] Udita, Anyway a pastebin is not an image, I will prompt the bot so you know. Seems like a problem so far I would want a 2nd/3rd opinion on [23:12] !pastebin | Udita [23:12] Udita: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [23:12] k1l_: ubuntu [23:13] mindbender1: so its a original ubuntu with unity? [23:13] Yes [23:13] what video card and what driver? [23:13] How does one upgrade an unsupported Ubuntu (13.10 specifically) to a newer version that IS supported? It's just giving me a "no new release found" when I do the release upgrade thing. We've tried many google-able suggestions, mostly from out-of-date forum threads and wiki articles. What should we do? [23:13] Anyone know of any nerdy channels? [23:14] after installing mate-desktop-environment-extras I am missing some panel layouts any ideas where to get them? [23:14] !alis [23:14] alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [23:14] squinty: make sure your release prompt is not set to LTS only [23:14] squeakyneb: make sure your release prompt is not set to LTS only [23:14] squinty: sorry, worng nick :) [23:15] k1l_: just running commandline, what would be the relevant setting/flag there? Regardless, shouldn't it upgrade to 14.04? [23:15] k1l_, np though you did have me wondering there for a sec lol [23:16] k1l_ is good at that ;P [23:16] squeakyneb: ah its 13.10. there you will need to change the sources to the old-releases [23:16] !eolupgrade | squeakyneb [23:16] squeakyneb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [23:16] squeakyneb: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades would be the cli config for that [23:16] Udita, You will get help, just takes a few when you have a 2 tb HD with data needed not working as is expected, if empty we would be done, or backed up. [23:19] that EOL wiki page didn't help a whole bunch, already tried the old-releases repo :( [23:19] this isn't my laptop either so it's possible that the user of it broke something >.< [23:20] squeakyneb: can you put that outputs in a pastebin? lsb_release -d, uname -a, cat /etc/apt/sources.list, cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades === lolcat1 is now known as lolcat [23:24] k1l_: hilarious story: colleague apparently got the upgrade to work in the last 5 minutes of the day before we clocked off on friday, so it is running 14.04 but the packages are broken as hell [23:24] we need to use more sticky notes :D [23:27] (away) off. [23:28] squeakyneb i picked this up in this channel, a basic repair script ... save it as 'repair' or so, make executable and run it ... http://www.hastebin.com/upusonunom.hs [23:29] I am having an issue with installing my firepro drivers... when I run the drivers from amd site I get an error saying 'XServer 1.17.1_64a' is not supported [23:30] anyone know how to install firepro drivers from fglrx from repository? [23:30] er fglrx repository [23:31] wileee: Did you see the last message [23:32] MonkeyDust: thanks, I'll have a look-see [23:33] hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to control my keyboard backlight with linux and windows. I've found I CAN shut it off by running the command. [23:33] echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/leds/tpacpi::thinklight/brightness [23:33] however, I can't seem to turn it back on without doing the keyboard key combination. Fn+Space, that I suspect is bios triggered or something [23:33] cat max_brightness shows 255. [23:34] cat max_brightness > brightness doesn't do anything [23:36] Udita: wileee :: misssed ya .. Question, what is on that 2nd drive, sdb ? In a bit of a quandry how to handle the mixed (msdos/GPT) partitioning schemes. and why 'parted' will not read that sdb drive . [23:37] s [23:40] hey guys, does ubuntu 15 run well on a convertible laptop? it's xps 12, basically when i switch to tablet mode, is it going to be useful? [23:40] Hi, increase scrolling mouse implemented ubuntu 15.04? [23:40] speed low) [23:45] Udita: Are you with us ? [23:45] Bashing-om: Yes [23:45] Some update : The HDD is not booting in UEFI, the live USB is [23:46] so, booted from USB, and hit escape, that took me to grub shell [23:46] Udita: What is sdb ? Internal hard drive or a USB drive ? And what is on this 2nd drive that we are not able to get 'parted' to list ? [23:46] Hey guys im trying to install xubuntu on this harddrive i just installed and im getting this error Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda: Input/output error [23:47] from grub shell loaded the kernel, and booted Ubuntu, it worked - does this information help ? [23:47] Let me check back the sdb [23:50] Hi there, how can I find words with more than 3 letters 'p' in them? [23:51] Bashing-om: sdb is flash drive [23:51] Udita: K; we are considering . [23:52] Hey guys im trying to install xubuntu on this harddrive i just installed and im getting this error Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda: Input/output error [23:53] no one knows how to install firepro drivers eh? [23:54] Hey guys im trying to install xubuntu on this harddrive i just installed and im getting this error Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda: Input/output error [23:54] Can someone tell me why my /boot partition (/dev/sda5) is not recognized by grub? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12179784/ [23:56] Udita: On sda drive there is no efi partition to support UEFI; what results when you change in the firmware to boot 'CCSM' and try and boot the system ? [23:59] scott606: " Input/output error " could be from a number of reasons. How many 'primary' partitions on on the hard drive ? - in the MBR scheme there is a maximum of 4 . [23:59] in gparted it just says unallocated [23:59] it gives me that error when i try to create a boot partition