
=== cgseller_is_away is now known as imthewherd
=== imthewherd is now known as cgseller_is_away
=== cgseller_is_away is now known as imthewherd
mupBug #1487114 opened: Failed to deploy with LVM layout <storage> <curtin:Invalid> <MAAS:Triaged by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1487114>13:59
mupBug #1488106 opened: Too many database connections <scaling> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1488106>13:59
=== imthewherd is now known as cgseller_is_away
=== cgseller_is_away is now known as imthewherd
jogarret6204hi all.  I have 5 nodes that previously worked (few weeks back), and now they are failing to qury power19:21
jogarret6204failure message is: Failure: provisioningserver.power.poweraction.UnknownPowerType: ipmi19:21
jogarret6204anything look familiar to anyone?19:22
jogarret6204version is 1.9.0~alpha1+bzr421219:23
catbus2mahmoh: hey21:08
mahmohcatbus2: hi!21:12
mahmohblake_r: ping21:12
mahmohblake_r: could you help with a SLES image install error pls, have you seen this before?: https://pastebin.canonical.com/137443/21:13
blake_rmahmoh: this would be better in the other channel!21:15
blake_rmahmoh: but are you sure the archive that was uploaded is valid, can it be extracted locally to a folder?21:15
mahmohblake_r: which other channel?21:17
mahmohblake_r: crap21:18
catbus2blake_r: hi21:45
catbus2blake_r: can you send me a private msg? I don't know how from the web irc.21:45
blake_rcatbus2: looks like it worked21:50
catbus1hi, I have a dns hostname resolve queston.22:59
catbus1the node can ping external ip address via maas (maas serving dhcp/dns and is the gateway for the node), but it can't resolve the proxy server hostname.23:02

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