
veebersHuh, looks like I got  that wrong :-02:52
veebersHi Mirv, how are you?05:12
veebersMirv: when you have a moment I'm hoping you can help me sort out a couple of things.05:13
Mirvveebers: would you like to have lp:xpathselect properly synced from archivess?05:16
Mirvveebers: and fine thank you, it was a great weekend!05:17
veebersMirv: right, that's one of the things :-) Looks like I may have misunderstood something, but at any rate xpathselect needs rebuilt under gcc5 in wily. The silo request I have there may be wrong as I see it was done somewhere else05:17
veebersMirv: Excellent, that's good to hear :-)05:18
Mirvveebers: ok lp:xpathselect is now up-to-date and tagged, but it already has a gcc5 rebuild, it's just stuck in -proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpathselect/1.4+15.10.20150817.1-0ubuntu1 - anyway, if wanted, now another rebuild would be possible (or anything else against lp:xpathselect)05:19
Mirvveebers: it's the autopilot-gtk autopkgtest problem already noticed last week05:19
veebersMirv: ah right, so those autopkgtest failures are because it needs xpathelect to be rebuilt with gcc5.05:21
veeberswith xpathselect rebuilt, building autopilot-gtk works and passes.05:21
veebersMirv: I'm not sure how to proceed from here, autopilot-gtk failures shouldn't hold up the autopilot release that's in proposed nor the xpathselect in this case either05:24
Mirvveebers: yes, but this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpathselect/1.4+15.10.20150817.1-0ubuntu1 from last week's Thursday already claims to be the rebuild05:24
Mirvand the tests have failed with that too05:25
Mirvveebers: anything out of ordinary regarding the tests should be brought to cihelp team, but I'm afraid no-one at this hour is reading the highlights05:25
veebersMirv: out of interest, where can I see which version of xpathselect was used when building autopilot-gtk?05:27
veebersah nvm, looks like I found what I want05:30
Mirvveebers: in the test log link from http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/a/autopilot-gtk/wily/amd64/ - but doesn't it seem it's using the old version if though new one was in -proposed already? maybe the test is to blame, not using proposed05:30
Mirvoh, no05:31
Mirvno, it isn't, it's the new one05:31
thomiHi Evan,05:32
thomidamn, wrong channel05:32
veebersMirv: hmm, ok now I'm a little confused. On my wily machine I attempt to build autopiliot-gtk and the tests fail as per the log. I then build and install the debs for xpathselect and the build (and tests) of autopilot-gtk work fine05:36
veebersI know why the tests are failing, because they are getting nothing back from the call to the xpathselect lib05:36
Mirvveebers: confirming, works also for me after installing the libxpathselect 15.10.20150817.1 on wily. I don't know why it's then failing in the autopkgtest.. we need the cihelp05:43
veebersMirv: ah cool, thanks for confirming (I was worried I had missed something obvious :-) ). Would you know an approx ETA for cihelp?05:44
Mirvveebers: I can try to ping them today but if nothing happens you should reping at the start of your tomorrow's shift when the US folks might be still around. they respond to the 'cihelp' word05:44
Mirvveebers: usually in 3h from now or so :(05:44
veebersMirv: aha, I see :-) I'll probably jump back online later tonight and see what's happening, I would love to unblock the previous autopilot release so I can get this next one progressing too.05:45
MirvI can understand that05:46
veebersMirv: Thanks for your help, it would be awesome if you would ping when cihelp comes on online to hopefully get the ball rolling05:46
Mirvyou're welcome! I will.05:52
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pstolowskisil2100, hey! is silo 31 good to land now after michi's fix to changelog?07:36
sil2100pstolowski: looking :)07:38
sil2100bfiller: hello! You around at this hour? ;)07:40
bfillersil2100: in london for sprint :)07:41
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veebersHi Mirv :-) Any luck that cihelp might be around now?09:10
Mirvveebers: it'd look to me unfortunately not :(09:38
MirvI thought there'd be during UK hours09:39
sil2100They usually have someone around in the EU timezone09:51
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sil2100mandel: any ETA on the pulseaudio translation-ability?10:06
mandelsil2100, I'm getting the patch for that and several other issues and will create a silo with it, max an hour from now and I'll ask kenvandine to help me create a silo and dput the package10:06
sil2100Ok, thanks10:16
veebersMirv: ah ok. I've spoken with jibel and nuclearbob hopefully they can help get the ball rolling and I'll check back in in my morning. Thanks again :-)10:30
Mirvveebers: thanks!10:30
Mirvgreat to hear10:30
=== Laney is now known as Guest65212
=== Guest65212 is now known as Laney
jibelsil2100, do you know what is this changed that landed into the overlay https://lists.launchpad.net/landing-team-changes/msg00639.html ?11:26
sil2100jibel: it's a no-change upload11:29
sil2100I'm resolving translation issues11:29
jibelsil2100, ah ok, I was wondering why a change from March would be copied only just now11:33
jibelmandel, any news on the pulseaudio silo to enable translations?11:49
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mandeljibel, well, it just not only translates the string it also provides a fix for the timeout and the trust store so.. I've got a local build, I'm going to test it and will ask kenvandine to dput to a silo if I confirm it is ok12:36
jibelmandel, okay, keep me posted so someone from QA can review12:38
morphissil2100 / Mirv: can one of you upload me a package to silo 43?12:42
mandeljibel, sure12:42
Mirvmorphis: sure12:44
john-mcaleelysil2100, jibel (maybe  repeat, my irc is screwy13:01
john-mcaleelyis now a god time to push the device tarballs13:01
jibeljohn-mcaleely, go ahead. there are still several hours until we have the latest fixes and a final build13:03
john-mcaleelyjibel, ack13:03
john-mcaleelyjibel, sil2100 pushed. thank you!13:05
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sil2100rvr: ping! Could you maybe propose a translation for the string here? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/trust-store/+pots/trust-store/es/+translate13:20
rvrelopio, this is urgent, can you approve it? ^13:21
rvrsil2100: I must request higher translation powers13:21
sil2100Yeah, looking for someone to approve the chinese version too since dpm is on holidays (and generally prefers not to approve other's stuff)13:22
rvrsil2100: Yup13:23
nuclearbobMirv, cihelp: I'd like to pick up where veebers left off on the autopilot-gtk landing. Can we figure out why the wrong xpathselect is installing?14:25
Mirvnuclearbob: it'd look like the correct xpathselect is there, and the problem being that locally upgrading to that same -proposed xpathselect version does solve all autopilot-gtk test issues14:29
Mirvso the question is why the same does not happen in the automated tests14:29
nuclearbobthat is a good question14:29
MirvI tested on bzr bd of autopilot-gtk on wily, first it failed and after upgrading to https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-019/+build/7808513/+files/libxpathselect1.4_1.4%2B15.10.20150817.1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb everything was good14:30
nuclearbobMirv: the queuebot says it's preparing an xpathselect landing. Could that have anything to do with it?14:30
Mirvnuclearbob: no, I think that's some sort of miscommunication between bregma / Trevinho / veebers since the same version that is in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-019/+packages is already in wily-proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpathselect/1.4+15.10.20150817.1-0ubuntu114:31
Mirvand it was even published from that silo14:31
nuclearbobMirv: ah, okay. weird14:31
Mirvactually, same for unity itself, the whole silo was alredy published14:32
Mirvbut now being rebuilt by... Laney it seems14:32
Laneyhi, yes, that version is broken14:32
Laneyjust talked about it in ubuntu-release14:32
Mirvthe plot thickens/resolves14:33
Laneyit has an abi change with g++5 so you need to rebuild it14:33
Laneythis is why ap-gtk broke14:33
Mirvfunny how ap-gtk works after upgrading to the current wily-proposed version of xpathselect, but good that there's a solution14:34
Laneyit sure didn't work for me14:34
Laneynor on autopkgtest.u.c14:34
Mirvyeah, it did for me + veebers, upgrading to this rebuilt one https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xpathselect/1.4+15.10.20150817.1-0ubuntu114:34
Laneyonly once I did a rebuild of autopilot-gtk did it work again14:34
Mirvriiight, so that's what we tested locally, rebuilding autopilot-gtk. that worked with that ^ and didn't without14:35
Laneyif you rebuild ap-gtk then you resolve the abi breakage of course14:35
Laneynuclearbob: are you an autopilot person btw?14:36
nuclearbobLaney: yeah14:37
Laneyif so, is there a standard workaround for missing Eventually(raises(...?14:37
LaneyI want to fix https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/amd64/a/autopilot-gtk/20150819_132411@/log.gz14:37
LaneyI can instead make this test wait for 'visible = False' on the dialog14:38
Laneyoh, veebers fixed this14:38
Laneynot sure I believe that fix14:39
* Laney experiments14:39
mandeljibel, sil2100 I need to request a silo for pulse and kenvandine will do the dput, is that ok with you?14:45
sil2100mandel: sure :)14:46
jibelmandel, that's fine14:46
mandelsil2100, he, I think I'm outdated.. we don't longer have a spreadsheet, is that correct?14:48
sil2100mandel: yeah, there's the requests site :)14:48
Laneynuclearbob: can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/autopilot-gtk/tests-wait-not-visible/+merge/268928 for me please?14:49
nuclearbobLaney: I'll take a look14:50
mandelsil2100, let me know if I screw it up :-/14:52
mandelsil2100, but I think I requested it correctly14:52
sil2100mandel: you can now assign it yourself too :)14:52
sil2100mandel: just press 'Assign'14:53
nuclearbobLaney: that looks reasonable to me14:53
Laneynuclearbob: ok, I think it supersedes https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/autopilot-gtk/fix-failing-mouse-test_1483815/+merge/26886914:54
Laneywould like to upload this with the new xpathselect14:54
Laneyand abandon the silo 04114:55
nuclearbobLaney: that makes sense to me14:55
Laneycool, thanks, will pull the right levers then14:55
Laneyoh man, xpathselect got an empty changelog14:56
* Laney cries14:56
Laneyit didn't get my change?15:00
TrevinhoLaney: in what silo was supposed to be? Since I don't see it in landing-01915:01
LaneyMirv: can you help?15:01
Trevinhomh, I don't see the MP listed there15:01
LaneyI edited on the requests thing15:01
Laneyis there another step?15:01
Laneydo I need to 'assign' again?15:01
sil2100Laney: did you add/modify the merges you want to build?15:02
sil2100I mean, the links? In that case you need to reconfigure through the Assign button15:02
sil2100But not if you only pushed code changes to the branches15:02
sil2100Any change in the request itself requires an reconfigure, besides the Testing status of course15:02
LaneyI changed the list of merges yes15:03
Laneyok, and do I have to unmangle the MERGE_PROPOSALS thing?15:03
sil2100No no15:04
sil2100It's being done by the train itself... there are some bugs in various places that make the fields urlencoded, so robru is decoding those on the train side15:04
Laneyso I can just press Build and leave it encoded15:05
Laneylet me try this then15:05
Laneyseems to be understanding it15:05
Laneyyes, and now it gets the right one15:07
Laneythanks sil2100!15:07
* Laney gets to wait for build+publish again15:07
sil2100mandel: ...ok, I'll assign the silo for you in this case15:08
sil2100kenvandine: could you upload the pulseaudio packages to ubuntu/landing-028 for mandel ?15:09
kenvandinesil2100, yes, doing it now15:09
kenvandinejust building sources15:09
sil2100kenvandine: thanks!15:09
mandelkenvandine, sil2100 \o/15:10
sil2100mandel: just remember that with the new CI Train requests you can assign your own silos basically15:11
kenvandinemandel, sil2100: uploaded and it's building now15:11
mandelsil2100, can I?? cojonudo15:11
jibelmandel, does the silo includes the fix for the timeout too?15:19
TrevinhoLaney: I still don't see your branch listed...15:20
nuclearbobcihelp: I'm looking for the jenkins instance that runs ubiquity tests. Maybe plars knows where that is?15:20
Laneylisted where/15:20
elopiorvr: approved15:20
mandeljibel, no, that will be the next step, is a little more complicated, I'm getting the review for that patch and will get to that one15:20
rvrelopio: Thanks!15:20
plarsnuclearbob: yeah, I know where it is, but you can't get to it very easily directly15:20
plarsnuclearbob: the results should be mirrored on jenkins.ubuntu.com though, but afaik it's been a failing test since before we set it up15:21
nuclearbobplars: if there's information on how to get to it, whether indirectly or in a difficult manner, I can probably deal with that. I'm used to arcane access methods from my last job15:21
nuclearbobplars: yeah, I'd like to make it not a failing test anymore15:21
plarsnuclearbob: awesome15:21
kenvandinebzoltan_, silo 41 is not happy15:23
bzoltan_kenvandine:  I know15:23
kenvandinebzoltan_, ok... just making sure :)15:23
bzoltan_kenvandine: I wonder where the citrain got the idea of  doing that...15:24
bzoltan_kenvandine:  LOL... citrain does things differently when it is doing doal landing :) single vivid landing messed up the versioning... dual seem to work fine. Strange beast...15:30
sil2100jibel, rvr, ogra_, popey: let's skip the meeting today, we have a blocker sync up at the same time with pmcgowan15:35
rvrsil2100: Ack15:35
sil2100robru: hey! We'll be skipping the landing meeting, I'll update you on the status through e-mail15:35
bzoltan_sil2100: jibel: btw, the warning opting UITK fix is being processed in the silo41 ... Hopefully I can validate it during the night15:38
jibelbzoltan_, it must land before that, we'll retest the image tonight.15:39
bzoltan_jibel: I do it as fast as possible. The build need to be done :) first. I promise I will not EOD before the slo41 is tested from the UITK side.15:41
jibelbzoltan_, np thanks. We all do our best for the best OTA :)15:42
bzoltan_jibel:  :) that is something I am sure about.... also the silo9 has the emulator fix... at least the UITK part of it.15:43
jibelbzoltan_, yeah but we wanted to test 25 and 33 with 9 and there are still issues15:44
jibelbzoltan_, we'll land the 3 silos together15:44
bzoltan_jibel: Yes, that is how I understood that. Please tell me if you need anything from me15:44
LaneyTrevinho: can I do a unity rebuild in that silo?16:00
TrevinhoLaney: sure, it's just that one build has been landed in distro (not sure if that counts)...16:01
Laneyoh, no, you have a hardcoded depends16:01
Trevinhoyeah, that's because it's not a real code dependency...16:02
Trevinhowant me to prepare a branch fixing it or you care about that?16:03
LaneyTrevinho: https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/unity/xpathselect-v5/+merge/26893916:04
robrubzoltan_: nothing strange about that. You simply are not allowed to go backwards in your versioning, so if you release to wily, you cannot later release to vivid without branching your trunk for vivid. That has always been the case. But dual silos are a special case that tack vivid on top so it gets through.16:17
bzoltan_robru:  precisely :) so the trunk gets 15.10 but vivid is on 15.04 ... so when I tried to single land the to vivid the train freaked out :) now it is better16:18
robruLaney: i have a fix for the empty changelog thing that I'll roll out shortly16:18
robrubzoltan_: yeah16:18
Laneyrobru: In this case I had built the wrong branch anyway :)16:18
robruLaney: true, but soon it'll say "no change rebuild" rather than having a changelog with an empty bullet point ;-)16:19
robruslangasek: sil2100: are we on for the meeting in ~1 hour? I'd like to talk to slangasek even if sil2100 can't make it16:48
slangasekrobru: yes16:51
LaneyI don't know why that happened - I merged the proposed branch into mine17:07
LaneyIt doesn't appear in https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-019-1-build/205/console17:07
Laneybut https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/5899/console shows that I reconfigured it17:07
Laneynuclearbob: any chance you can check the test failures https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/autopilot-qt/no-hardcode-xpathselect/+merge/268943 - or ask whoever might know about them?17:08
nuclearbobLaney: I'17:08
nuclearbobll take a look17:08
LaneyI've got to go but I'll look again in the morning and try to shove the rest of it through17:09
Laneysee you!17:09
nuclearboball right!17:09
robruLaney: what doesn't appear?17:42
robruLaney: did you perhaps reconfigure while the build job was still running? the silo config is a file on a disk that also lives in memory of the any running jobs, so it's possible you reconfigured while a build was still going and then when the build completed it saved the old config without your changes.17:47
robruLaney: which is the only explanation I can think of because indeed your prepare job shows your MPs but the silo dashboard doesn't show your MPs at all.17:47
rvrjibel: bzoltan_: Approving silo 4117:57
bzoltan_rvr:  nice .. i have the logs from the UITK too17:57
rvrbzoltan_: Is all right?17:58
bzoltan_rvr: I have not seen any unusual18:00
robrumandel: hiya, what's going on with https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/dashboard.html#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-007 ? Silo has been ready to build since July 31st, was never built, no packages in PPA.18:00
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rvrbzoltan_: To me is a go, then18:03
bzoltan_rvr: \o/18:04
rvrbzoltan_: I checked deprecation warnings in gallery app and unity8, and they were gone with the silo.18:04
bzoltan_rvr:  Yeps :) That is the point of this fix18:05
rvrbzoltan_: Also did some exploratory testing and everything seems to be fine.18:05
rvrbzoltan_: Approved18:06
robrumichi: sil2100: slangasek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/+bug/148821118:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1488211 in CI Train [cu2d] "Train should clean source tree before building." [Undecided,Triaged]18:45
robrusil2100: slangasek: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/+bug/148821318:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1488213 in CI Train [cu2d] "Train should reconfigure at the start of every build job." [Undecided,Triaged]18:50
robruok I'm off for lunch, bbl18:51
sil2100jibel, robru, john-mcaleely: I need to AFK now, I'll be back in around 2-3 hours19:41
davmor2noooooooo so close to finishing too19:41
robrudavmor2: alright, so should I publish 25, 33, and 9 all together then? not sure how you managed to coordinate 3 silos together, jeez ;-)19:47
davmor2robru: manually hacking the crap out of the upgrade system and dist-upgrading :(  not a fun day :)  But got there in the end the 3 combined give us a functional (not perfect) emulator but at least it is running :)19:49
robrudavmor2: cool, thanks for your efforts19:49
robruwill publish19:49
kenvandinebzoltan_, now that silo 9 was published, 41 is dirty20:21
kenvandinebzoltan_, but silo 9 needs merging before 41 can be rebuilt, so i guess we are in a holding pattern20:28
michirobru: Thanks heaps!20:40
robrumichi: you're welcome20:41
michiThat’s awesome!20:41
michiSo, by the looks of things, I don’t need to do anything extra. It should just start working once your change lands.20:42
michi(Need to make sure that my script actually does the right things, of course.)20:42
robrumichi: it was easier than i thought. Fortunately an the dark magic is in your packaging and the train side stays innocent enough just running a cleaning of the package20:42
michiYes, people will soon have to refer to me as the Dark Lord...20:43
robrumichi: yep should land shortly, i asked slangasek to review, shouldn't take long20:43
michiThis is very cool.20:43
michiThanks again!20:43
michiI’ll report back once I kick another bulid of the silo.20:43
michiIt should behave differently then.20:43
robrumichi: you're welcome! Hopefully this reduces the workload for you a lot ;-)20:43
michiMan, if this works, it’ll make a big difference.20:44
michiI owe you a beer at the next sprint!20:44
robruHaha for sure20:44
kenvandinebzoltan_, we merged 9 and kicked a 41 rebuild20:51
sil2100mandel, kenvandine, robru, jibel: did the pulseaudio translation thing land?22:32
kenvandinesil2100, no...22:32
robrusil2100: I have no knowledge of this22:32
kenvandinemandel is still working on it22:32
kenvandinehe's iterating on the patch now, it's in silo 922:32
sil2100I thought the idea was to split it into 2 silos22:32
kenvandinebut will have another iteration22:32
kenvandinei don't know about that22:32
sil2100Like, one for translations, one for the bugfix22:32
sil2100That's what I heard from pmcgowan on the meeting we had22:33
mandelsil2100, bug fix, we do have a small patch for the translation that is separated22:33
kenvandinenot in  a separate silo22:33
mandelsil2100, but the translation is "minor" compared with the security implcations22:33
kenvandinesil2100, the problem with separate landings is we'll need to rebuild the second one after the first one is published22:33
kenvandineso imo, since we are blocking on the bug fix, we just keep them together22:34
sil2100Right, but we need to give time translation admins to approve new translations22:34
mandelkenvandine, sil2100 if I see that fixing the trust store + system settings is really hard, we can land the translation and interate over the other bug fix22:34
kenvandineit'll speedd up landing22:34
sil2100Once those get imported22:34
kenvandinemandel, nothing needs to be fixed in settings22:34
sil2100I was supposed to build a new image with translations now, but it seems that's not possible22:34
sil2100jibel: ^22:34
kenvandineit's just showing what's stored in the trust db22:34
mandelkenvandine, yes, I ment, make sure that the stored app armor profile is correct22:35
kenvandinemandel, so when you fix that, settings is good22:35
mandelkenvandine, I mentioned settings as a reference to the bug22:35
mandelkenvandine, we also have timeout issues22:35
mandelfun fun fun22:35
* mandel is master of the "fun" projects22:35
kenvandinesil2100, maybe upload the template from the silo build?22:35
sil2100I have no power to do so sadly22:36
sil2100Not enough permissions22:36
kenvandineme either22:36
kenvandinesil2100, seb128 has powers to do that22:36
sil2100I see the emulator fixes landed to the overlay as well... I thought we decided not to land those before we have all blockers for OTA-6 out of the way22:37
kenvandineno idea, i was surprised22:37
kenvandinebut i rebuilt silo 41 after merging that22:37
sil2100Now I'll have to include it along with the UITK blocker fix ;/22:37
kenvandinewe decided to force merging 922:38
sil2100kenvandine: thanks22:38
kenvandinebut only after we say it was published22:38
sil2100That was the right thing to do22:38
kenvandineyeah, kgunn and i discussed it22:38
sil2100Still, publishing it was not the right thing to do IMO22:38
kenvandinedidn't want that to sit until morning22:38
kenvandinenot sure who did that22:38
kenvandine41 was verified by qa already22:38
kenvandinei wanted that in!22:39
seb128kenvandine, what power do you need?22:39
kenvandinethat's breaking the settings CI :)22:39
sil2100QA had to sign it off, I thought they would have waited with switching it on bileto22:39
kenvandineseb128, uploading a template manually22:39
kenvandinesil2100, right?  upload the fixed template in silo 9 manually to wily, right?22:39
kenvandinepulseaudio template22:39
sil2100kenvandine: to ubuntu-rtm/15.0422:40
kenvandineso the translators can get started on it22:40
kenvandineor that22:40
seb128kenvandine, can do if you want22:40
kenvandinelet me get you the template22:40
sil2100bzoltan_: hey! https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/optInDeprecationWarningsTrunk/+merge/268909 is unapproved22:41
sil2100seb128: thanks!22:41
sil2100This should give translators some time to get things done22:41
sil2100kenvandine: did you give seb128 the pot file?22:50
kenvandinenot yet22:50
kenvandinei think something's wrong here22:50
kenvandinemandel, ping22:50
mandelkenvandine, yes?22:50
kenvandine    bool result = pa_trust_store_check(pc->userdata->ts, pc->appname, pc->uid, pc->pid,22:50
kenvandine        "%1% wants to record audio.");22:50
kenvandineis that what should get translated?22:50
kenvandinemandel, there are no strings from that file in the generated pot file22:51
mandelkenvandine, yes it should, I'll update that22:51
kenvandineand if that's the string, it's not getting picked up22:51
seb128of course it's not, it's not under _() or any equivalent22:51
kenvandinemandel, so a new 0416 patch?22:51
mandelkenvandine, correct22:51
kenvandineseb128, exactly :)22:51
mandelkenvandine, but let me first test the silo 0922:52
kenvandinemandel, i have a fix already22:54
mandelkenvandine, awesome, thx.. I've got the trust store working again and getting the logs22:55
kenvandineseb128, http://people.canonical.com/~kenvandine/pulseaudio.pot22:57
seb128kenvandine, to what serie do you need that?23:02
seb128no template there atm23:03
seb128that feels wrong?23:03
sil2100The templates need approval, no one approved them it seems23:04
seb128right, but where are we taking our export from then atm?23:05
seb128or at we shipping no pulseaudio translations?23:05
sil2100From vivid IIRC, pitti merged vivid and the overlay for the langpack-o-matic upload23:06
sil2100Since that's basically what we should be doing23:06
michitrainguards: I need QA for silo 11. Could someone help with that please?23:07
seb128k, translations approved and new template uploaded23:07
sil2100seb128: \o/ thanks!23:07
kenvandinemandel, i  had to refresh the patches23:07
* sil2100 hugs seb128 23:07
kenvandinesee your email23:07
sil2100Isn't it late for you as well?23:07
kenvandineso it includes the i18n stuff in the first patch23:07
seb128hug to kenvandine as well for working on those issues23:07
robrumichi: you are in the queue: https://trello.com/c/iwFs6IHg/2212-204-ubuntu-landing-011-persistent-cache-cpp-michi23:07
* sil2100 hugs kenvandine too23:07
michirobru: Cool, thank you!23:08
* sil2100 preps the e-mail to the translators23:08
kenvandinemandel, it did cause a conflict in the 0417 branch23:08
kenvandinemandel, because i wanted to keep the i18n change along with the POTFILES.in fix23:08
robrumichi: you're welcome. how's silo 10 going? I'm ready to test it in staging23:08
michirobru: Trying to figure out how to merge it correctly.23:09
kenvandinemandel, can you please rebase your 0417 patch over my refreshed one?23:09
robrufun times23:09
kenvandinei know that a pita with quilt23:09
michiWhen I merged trunk into my branch, I didn’t get an merge conflicts.23:09
mandelkenvandine, don't worry, is not such a huge PITA23:09
mandelkenvandine, I'll do that23:09
michido you have a link to the actual conflict it reported?23:09
kenvandinemandel, thx23:09
mandelkenvandine, nah, thx for taking a look at the translations23:09
kenvandineno worries23:10
kenvandinethat was an easy fix :)23:10
seb128kenvandine, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/pulseaudio/+pots/pulseaudio/fr/167/+translate23:10
seb128there you go ;-)23:10
kenvandineseb128, thx!23:10
kenvandinesil2100, ^^ there you go :)23:10
kenvandinesee how i passed that buck to seb128?23:10
seb128cross team work!23:11
kenvandineindeed :)23:13
sil2100Thanks guys, I sent out a request to translators :)23:20
sil2100Anyway, I guess I go take a shower and sleep, see you tomorrow o.23:20
michirobru: Just pushed the branch with the conflict resolved.23:25
robrumichi: great23:25
michibuilding with bzr bd locally now to see whether at least that much works.23:25
michirobru: At what stage and by what tool is the changelog parsing done?23:26
robrumichi: https://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-1-build/2/console running your build in staging here, we'll see what happens!23:26
michiIt looks like that’s where the version number comes from for the build23:26
robrumichi: what do you mean by changelog parsing?23:26
michiSo, very early during the build, before any of the debian/rules targets runs, something decides what the version number is.23:27
robrumichi: are you talking about the version number that the train generates and then puts into the changelog?23:27
robrumichi: yeah23:27
michiSo, I need different numbers here, it seems, for vivid and wily.23:27
michi0.6.x for vivid, and 1.0.x for wily23:27
robrumichi: uh23:28
robrumichi: no23:28
michiIf that is used just temporarily for the build, I’m cool with that.23:28
michiAs long as the packages that get built have the right version in the end.23:28
robrumichi: the train will already generate different versions for vivid and wily, but it can't handle different upstream versions for that23:28
michiI’m sorry, you lost me there.23:29
michiSo, the goal here is that, for vivid, we need packages with a 0.6.x version number and, for wily, with a 1.0.x version number.23:29
robrumichi: the train will generate upstream+15.10.YYYYMMDD for the wily version, and then the vivid version will get upstream+15.04.YYYYMMDD when that is uploaded. you can't force your own version number there23:29
michiSo, how can I force different package names for vivid and wily?23:30
robrumichi: when the train runs the clean target, your script will run that generates your control file.23:30
robrumichi: you can't have different version numbers though, the train picks your version numbers for you.23:30
robrumichi: you better just use 1.0.x and then when you're setting your dependencies, they go like "<1.0.0+15.04" for vivid and ">1.0.0+15.10" for wily23:31
michisec phone…23:31
robrumichi: it has to be the same upstream version because you're building from the same source tree... I don't think it's a good idea to have different numbers representing the same codebase.23:32
robrumichi: also I'm seeing this in the build log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12188664/ so you probably need to add a build-dep on lsb-release23:35
michiLet me see how the build goes. There iare obviouslly things I don’t undestand yet.23:35
michiAh, cool23:35
michiDo you happen to know what package that’s in?23:35
michiNever mind, I’ll find it.23:35
robrumichi: lsb-release ;-)23:35
michiFor once, the package matches the command.23:36
robruyeah, we need more of those23:36
michiOf course, it would have been even more excellent to call it “lsb_release” instead of “lsb-release” :(23:36
robrumichi: underscore is illegal in debian package names because of reasons. so better if the command was "lsb-release"23:36
michiOr that, yes23:37
michirobru: Just pushed again with lsb-release added to the build deps. Also fixed a problem in the symbols file.23:45
robrumichi: great, will retry in a sec, just working on something on my end as well23:46
michiSure, no rush!23:46
robrumichi: here we gooooo! https://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-1-build/3/console23:47
robruoh god, that dch list23:48
robrumichi: I need you to tag a revision to prevent that happening...23:49
michiWhat do I need to do?23:49
robrumichi: I dunno how you guys do releases, but I need you to find the most recent revision in your merge target that represents something that's actually released in ubuntu, and then 'bzr tag' it with the released ubuntu version number.23:50
robrumichi: that'll stop it from trying to generate a changelog that goes all the way back to the beginning of the known universe.23:51
robrumichi: when the train generates changelogs it goes back through the commit history until it finds a tagged commit (any tag at all really, doesn't matter what version number), so it looks like you guys never used tags so it's trying to make a changelog entry with every commit ever.23:53
michiYes, I don’t think we use tags.23:53
michiSo, on vivid, the latest released version would be 0.6.19+15.10.20150724.3-0ubuntu123:55
robrumichi: so if you could do something like "bzr tag 1.0.0+15.10.20150821.3-0ubuntu1 -r 621" and then push that tag to trunk23:55
michiOn wily, it’ll be different23:55
robrumichi: yeah wily is better for dual silos23:55
michiFollowing your advice… :)23:55
robrumichi: and make sure that tag gets into ~unity-team/unity-scopes-api/devel23:56
michiIf we manage to merge this branch of mine, that’ll happen automatically, won’t it?23:56
michiThe tag should be merged with the branch, or do I have that wrong?23:57
michirobru: Where did you get the 621 revision from?23:57
michiIn my branch, the latest one is in the 3-hundreds...23:57
robrumichi: I was looking here: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-api/devel and 621 says 'merged trunk', when I clicked through to see 621 it shows debian/changelog change with a version number mentioned.23:58
michiOK, double-checking...23:58

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