[00:11] aeden__d: if cyberanger is around he might be able to lend a hand or Unit193 [00:11] ok, thanks wrst [00:12] If they are around they will respond to the ping [00:12] Hang on, will fire up a computer [00:12] Pushbullet notified me [00:12] cyberanger: I need to set pushbullet up it sounds like good stuff [00:20] It is, but idk if you can with quassel (Hadn't looked) [00:20] aeden__d: what's up? [00:21] cyberanger: well thinking for other things mainly notifications on my desktop from my phone [00:22] But quassel does the notifications pretty well on Android itself [00:22] cyberanger, I followed this --> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-14-04 [00:23] everything seemed to work as advertised but when I connect my iphone using the openVPN connect app, the ipaddr doesn't change when I check it at https://www.dnsleaktest.com/ [00:25] Step 6 - Testing Your VPN Connection... thats is what I'm referring to from that howto [00:26] did you take the semicolon out of the lines referring to DNS ";push "dhcp-option DNS"" ";push "dhcp-option DNS"" or the redirect gateway ";push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"" [00:28] in which file? client.ovpn? [00:28] server [00:28] let me check... [00:33] Alright [00:34] mayber i've been staring at this too long... I dont see those in server.conf [00:37] you see anything similar even? [00:38] any push declarations? [00:38] ;push "route";push "route" [00:40] cyberanger, ok, yes push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp" (already uncommented) [00:40] Okay, and anything for dns? [00:40] push "dhcp-option DNS" push "dhcp-option DNS" (also already uncommented) [00:41] Do you have the setup on anything in addition to the iphone? [00:41] nope [00:42] one client... iphone1.crt and iphone1.key [00:43] Can you? to rule out anything iOS related. Also, did you do anything with enabling routing, iptables -t nat -L and cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward [00:43] make sure it did get enabled [00:44] I didn't mess with iptables, I just followed the tutorial [00:46] I know, it uses an iptables frontend, Uncomplicated Firewall [00:46] the command I gave will spit out the rules for the nat table that was placed by ufw [00:50] all I see in ip_forward is "1" [00:50] perfect, and the iptables command, does it have any rules listed? [00:52] http://pastebin.com/W43PPLwp [00:56] So Masquerade is there [00:57] Can you reboot the phone and then reconnect the client, then recheck [00:57] make sure it isn't any caching or similar [00:59] ok, before I do that I want to show you what it looks like on my phone. --> http://imagebin.ca/v/2DBk4IOhubKZ [01:02] I think I've messed up somewhere with my no-ip ddns and router config [01:04] the thing is, I tried rebooting etc and the phone ip never changes. of course I'm connected over local wi-fi. switching to 4g results in no connection [01:06] Okay, looking [01:06] Wait, your on the same lan as the server? [01:06] yes [01:07] connected via wifi, and your connecting to the server at [01:07] yes [01:07] but it should still push right? [01:09] wrst, btw, thank you for accepting my request for the launchpad team membership [01:09] your problem isn't your connection, you are connected fine [01:10] your problem is you've set a line in client.ovpn to your local ip, not your no-ip hostname [01:11] aeden__d: no problem glad to have you here [01:11] and your dns check will show the same IP when your on wifi, becuase your server, phone and any other system are on your home network [01:11] behind your home router, having one external ip [01:11] the same external ip [01:12] cyberanger, i generated a new client.ovpn using the hostname from no-ip... it didnt work [01:13] To fix; change the line with "remote " to "remote " [01:13] ok, Ill try again but it didnt work last time [01:13] hang on [01:14] give me a minute to configure a new file and transfer to my phone [01:15] okay, also, On linux, run dig and compare it to dnsleaktest.com [01:15] make sure noip has your ip [01:16] also, make sure if you told openvpn to use udp 1194 (the default) you told the router to forward udp and not tcp 1194 [01:18] if you tweaked the default, that's fine, as long as it all matches, server router and client [01:28] lemme know [01:30] ok, changed to vbox-ubuntu.ddns.net tried to connect... timed out [01:33] my router doesnt have a udp or a tcp service option?? [01:34] I think I'm wasting your time cyberanger I need to get my crap together, I've got too much wrong on this end [01:36] what is your port forwarding setting? [01:36] none atm, changing things [01:36] okay, I think that's all your missing [01:37] presuming you control vbox-ubuntu.ddns.net [01:37] its a netgear router but it doesnt give me an option for udp or tcp [01:38] if by control you mean I've registered it? yes [01:50] tried port forwarding on udp port 1194... no go [01:52] yeah, and kept the ip up to date [01:53] hrm, everything looks good except the port forward then [01:53] the dig command, what should have I seen? [01:53] an ip address? [01:54] yes, your public one [01:54] and other (unnecessary) output too [01:55] http://pastebin.com/NFsZW0dN [01:55] also you may need to test it when NOT on wifi, your router might be interferring with it [01:57] uh, That's not your ip [01:57] I'm not sure what your IP is, but I'm extremely sure that's not it [01:58] I know, this is weird [01:58] does it matter that I'm running this in virtual box with a bridged connection? [01:58] You have No IP's web redirect enabled for that name? [01:59] http://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/why-do-i-see-8-23-224-90-when-i-ping-my-host-name/ [02:00] I dont have any port forwarding setup at the moment. [02:00] You'll need that too, but that's not your only issue. [02:00] you also need ddns and not web redirect setup [02:00] whats the issue? [02:07] I've already installed the dynamic update client from no-ip if that is what you are referring to [02:08] *dynamic DNS update client [02:22] cyberanger, ok, reinstalled dns client from no-ip. configured and started up. configured port forwarding udp on 1194. tried to connect from phone... timed out [02:23] dig still doesnt show my ip [02:33] update: dig now shows my public ip. I'm able to connect to no-ip hostname from OpenVPN app on phone. whatsmyip on phone still shows public ip address [02:40] Which public IP? [02:41] aeden__d: are you on wifi? [02:44] yes [02:44] I just did a port scan and 1194 timed out [02:46] port forwarding setup again? [02:47] home-vpn 1194 1194 1194 1194 [02:49] Umm, with that amount of 1194's, I'm going to take a guess one of those isn't for port number, but port type [02:49] wifi is turned off on my phone. everything works from my phone but whatsmyip still shows my public addr [02:50] no, external start port / external end port / internal start port / internal end port [02:50] yes, you are correct [02:51] ah, so wifi is off, you are connected over celluar to your server, yes [02:52] yes [02:54] And the IP is? [02:55] ip for server or public [03:17] * cyberanger gets ready for sleep [06:39] Hi. [16:21] howdy [17:20] o/ [17:41] how's it going bwmaker? [17:43] Good, netritious. Doing a little Linux Academy studying on lunch. How about you? [17:44] looking at box mods (vapor hardware) [17:45] http://www.simeiyue.cn/kungfu-v4-mod-e-cig.html [17:47] I'm a little amazed at the tinkering community that's formed around vapor. I didn't really expect to see that when it first began to gain popularity. [17:55] hey netritious and bwmaker [17:55] Afternoon! [17:58] How's it going? [18:08] Pretty good. Trying to figure out a problem with the new Edge browser. :-/ Seems to render differently depending if you're using a VM or upgraded locally running Win 7/8 installation. [18:09] Is that the new IE name? [18:16] Yeah [18:16] Ah, yep [18:16] and ouch [18:18] Yeah, it's a weird thing that the VMs and upgrade machines are behaving so differently. [18:19] hello netritious, bwmaker [18:20] oh and hi cyberanger, pretty sure we converse enough its a constant flow :) [18:22] Constant enough [18:28] Howdy [18:45] howdy wrst and cyberanger [18:45] hello all going well? [18:46] bwmaker: yeah, there are guys who make those mods and then guys like me who use them heh [18:49] there are two major mod makers in N. MS -- Sinister Mods and Chaos Box Mods. [18:50] I have a Sinister Series Mini, 2x 18650 wired in series in a hammond 1590A hobby box and "stacked" battery tray...only way to fit two 18650 batteries in such a small box. [18:52] wrst: all things are well. :) how about yourself? [18:52] doing well coming up close to having a non-dramatic monday completed :) [18:52] That's always a good monday. [18:52] :) [18:54] you aren't kidding [18:58] drama free monday is the best