[06:21] Mornings [06:32] good mornings [06:42] Morning everyone [08:19] mornings [10:14] . [12:07] o/ [12:22] \o [13:04] hola [14:19] http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue/16, Linux Journal from the same month that win 95 was released [14:20] in other news, what's a good irc client nowadays that isn't quassel? it's been locking up randomly as soon as i paste copied text and i think i've had enough [15:27] i think I am slowly murdering my PC with this text processing [15:27] thatgraemeguy: XChat [15:39] superfly: how do I check what processes are running in a docker container while an ipython notebook is running? [15:51] kulelu88: docker exec -it bash [15:51] ps -ef [15:51] *shrug* that's what I would do [15:54] superfly: it worked, but I'm worried that maybe I should stop my script. It is running for 3 odd hours now [15:59] evening all, meds for a month first yay [16:00] ohi superfly inetpro gremble kulelu88 MaNI octoquad theblazehen_ Xethron and others [16:04] superfly: 5625 root 20 0 2484112 1.377g 2444 R 99.5 38.8 243:03.63 python :D [16:09] man, I now know why high-performance CPUs are important [16:26] Hey Kilos [16:26] Everything good? [16:26] Hey kulelu88 [16:27] thatgraemeguy: irssi or weechat is nice as well [16:27] Heyo gremble [16:27] yes ty gremble meds for a month for prostate and 22nd next month hospital for hernia [16:27] Good [16:28] very tiring business going through that rigmarole though [16:28] kulelu88: sure your script isn't looping somewhere where it shouldnt? [16:28] I can imagine Kilos [16:29] gremble: it is the exact same code that worked on a subset of the data. [16:29] The biggest bottleneck is the way I am putting the data into Pandas. row-by-row doesn't work, but I have to do this to get the CSV (my end-goal) [16:30] *doesn't work quickly [16:30] Ah alright [16:31] Would it not be possible to do csv conversion with sed, ie. might that not be quicker? [16:33] quite possible gremble . I can wait it out this once, as the csv output will be a 1-time thing that I can import back all the time [16:35] Because if you get it csv, the reading is in O(1) or something like that, so it should be quick [16:35] I'm just guessing though. I've never attempted a large project like that [16:36] me neither, so I am expecting screw ups all the way to outputting just 1 graph :D [16:40] :p [16:42] Imposter syndrome hitting me hard with this project gremble [16:46] How because you feel you should be able to get it right? [16:48] gremble: Due to the fact that I cannot even wrangle the data slightly, whereas doing it in excel would make me super-fast [16:48] I guess there is a deep(er) learning curve than I expected [16:50] You had to learn excel too. [16:50] I'll probably be in your shoes next semester. [16:51] I have statistics again. So I will be trying my hand at modelling in python and R in addition to SAS [16:54] gremble: SAS will be a breeze for you [16:56] I try to stay away from maths. We don't get along. [16:57] SAS is the worst programming environment invisioned ever [16:57] Like it is literally the worse [16:57] superfly: you are my defacto SA mentor :P [16:57] worst [16:57] gremble: I believe it is quite fast for computation though [16:57] Possibly written in C/C++ [16:58] kulelu88: eish, poor you. Couldn't you find anyone better? [16:58] SAS lang itself is a DSL I'm guessing? [16:58] superfly: You do my kind of maths every day though :D [16:58] superfly: your knowledge of Python is deep [16:58] I'm not sure. but it is so hard to debug that shit [16:58] You have to beg it for output [16:58] or debugging info [16:59] Unless it crashes to begin with, then you get really vague arrors [16:59] errors* [16:59] It was made for people to have to buy training [16:59] It really doesn't need to exist anymore. [16:59] We've got python (written in C, so your speed should be fine) and R. R is just difficult with big data sets because it loads it into memory [16:59] But that can me worked through [17:00] gremble: at the moment, I mostly click buttons. Don't know how that is maths 😉 [17:00] Programming is mathematics :P [17:00] I assumed that that is what you do [17:00] xD [17:00] It's supposed to be. [17:01] Recently I haven't done a huge amount of that, been working on setting up tools for automating stuff [17:01] kulelu88: I know more python than you, but that doesn't mean my knowledge is deep. [17:02] man, I'd sure love to be dockops and stick with containers :D [17:02] superfly: I bet you know how to optimize python code, doing that already makes your knowledge deep [17:04] Well, I know a few tricks. [17:05] the deeper into the rabbit-hole though, the more I learn how stackoverflow is a programmers best tool [17:05] :D [17:05] those stackexchange sites are an invaluable resource [17:06] the few times that I've asked questions, I got punted pretty hard, but reading other answers and adapting from that has helped me more often than not [17:08] Hey Cryterion [17:08] Hi [17:15] Hey Cryterion [17:30] superfly: what CRUD frameworks do you know of using python? [17:30] CRUD? [17:31] oh, you mean like an ORM? [17:31] SQLAlchemy. [17:41] superfly: CRUD like "build me an application that keeps track of my fleet" [17:42] kulelu88: Django has a bunch of stuff built in, if you want to try it. I personally prefer a combination of SQLAlchemy, Flask and AngularJS [17:45] I prefer a minimalist approach, but if you're happy with the kitchen sink, Django apparently includes it. [18:05] thanks superfly [18:13] night all. sleep tight [18:16] gremble: from a couple of hours to a 30 second solution :D [18:21] That is rad [18:21] What did you do? [18:21] good evening [18:22] i stored everything into a list of lists and initiated with the list of lists [18:22] Nice [18:23] noob level just dropped below 9000 gremble :P [18:24] kulelu88: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonSpeed/PerformanceTips [18:24] having caught only the tail end of that i am not too sure what is going on [18:25] magespawn: paradigms of making code run faster [18:26] ahh right [18:28] :P [18:29] so much to learn and so little time [18:31] good evenings [18:32] hi inetpro [18:33] magespawn: how you doing? [18:34] please note that we have a meeting here tomorrow [18:34] hope pieter[tab] will be there [18:34] good and you inetpro? yup i see so [18:34] his first time to chair === magespawn_ is now known as magespawn [18:41] is there a way to get hold of him? [18:42] Very carefully? [18:45] hah [18:45] We're not talking about catching a porcupine, are we? [18:45] using only the thumb and forefinger, grasp firmly behind the jaw [18:46] That is how I got my first girlfriend [18:47] was she human? :P [18:47] I have to prove an equivalence relation on a database for my one subject. Sometimes math meets weird [18:49] magespawn: I sent him an email [18:52] random disconnect night i see [18:52] darn, matplotlib is not showing me graphs. fecking hell [18:53] magespawn_: and he responded positively, he will be here tomorrow === magespawn_ is now known as magespawn [18:59] this is going to drive me nuts good night all [18:59] see you tomorrow === kulelu88 is now known as kulelu88_afk [19:23] kulelu88_afk: https://www.airpair.com/python/posts/optimizing-python-code === kulelu88_afk is now known as kulelu88 [21:23] DONE [21:23] Home time :) [21:24] hi [21:24] what time is it in your place. [21:24] ? [21:27] 23.30 [22:06] Hi melodie [22:06] Yeah, just gone 12pm now [22:06] hmm, I mean 12am