[01:39] micahg: it certainly seems to be getting away from us [01:41] I'll diff against vivid and trusty a bit later and see if anything new got pulled in [01:47] cool [01:58] adwaita-icon-theme-full is about 10MB [01:59] gnome-themes-standard now pulls it in [02:06] unfortunately, most of the new stuff seems to be related to libreoffice [02:22] hm [02:23] probably won't be able to improve on it this cycle, but maybe there will be some way to trim it further with 16.04 [02:23] gotta head to bed now, back tomorrow [02:34] ok [09:17] slickymasterWork: tomorrow once there is a real url at iso.qa for B1 - could you reply to the dev mail I sent with the 64 and 32 bit urls - reply with the whole of my original - and then let pleia2 know :) [09:17] she'll social media it for us then :) [09:17] will do, flocculant [09:18] thanks :) [09:20] just so we're on the same page flocculant, you're talking about this one, right? -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2015-August/010864.html [09:22] yep :) [09:22] oki doke [09:23] I'm off later this morning - not sure if I'm back wed or thurs yet === ubott2 is now known as ubottu [11:20] micahg, bluesabre: while i dont like us to be too oversized, as long as we get xubuntu-core ready it's not such a huge problem imo. ok if we fix it for the lts === slickyma1ter is now known as slickymaster