
didrockshey Laney, willcooke08:01
pittihey Laney, how are you?08:03
* pitti waves to willcooke08:03
pittibonjour didrocks, comment ça va ? je ne toi vois pas ce matin08:04
Laneyhey pitti, doing good thanks!08:04
pittididrocks: s/toi/te/ (je crois)08:04
didrocksgood morning pitti, oh, I forgot to say hi here :)08:04
seb128good morning desktopers08:10
seb128hey Laney willcooke didrocks pitti08:10
didrocksre seb12808:10
pittibonjour seb128 !08:10
tseliotLaney: hi, thanks for the review. I've just made the last few changes you recommended. How shall I proceed? Shall I merge the branches or upload? (I think last time somebody did the former)08:24
Laneytseliot: Can you use the train?08:24
tseliotLaney: is that a trick question? :P What is it?08:25
LaneyCI train08:25
tseliotLaney: I've never used that08:26
Laneytseliot: ok, one second08:31
Laneytseliot: can you add a commit message to the MP please?09:06
tseliotLaney: sure. I'll do it for both requests09:06
larsuhi Laney!09:07
Laneyhey larsu!09:08
Laneywhat's up?09:08
larsutired :)09:08
tseliotLaney: done09:08
Laneyfeeling a bit like I'm juggling things09:08
Laneyclimbed last night, felt like ages since I went before that09:08
Laney\m/ STRONG \m/09:08
Laneytseliot: it's going to turn up in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-009/+packages (wily) and https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-028/+packages (trusty) soon09:13
Laneyplease test a bit and then I can hit the button to upload09:13
tseliotLaney: ok, thanks09:14
robert_ancellseb128, bug 148843109:17
ubot5bug 1488431 in mir (Ubuntu) "Clients fail to create surfaces when using Mir server in compositor mode" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148843109:17
seb128robert_ancell, trying09:17
robert_ancellalan_g, can you confirm if the above bug matches what we discussed yesterday?09:18
robert_ancellChrisTownsend, could you also confirm if the above bug is working fine on your system?09:19
larsuLaney, do we have a branch for gedit 3.16 packaging somwhere?09:32
* larsu needs to add some patches09:33
Laneylarsu: I've never worked on that09:33
larsuoh, so I guess not, then09:33
LaneyUnless you did before09:33
LaneyUbuntu GNOME probably have something09:33
larsuI didn't - maybe darkxst?09:33
seb128larsu, Laney, we might be able to just get the new version with csd and no menubar/toolbar, as long as we push the popdown menu to the hud09:35
darkxstlarsu, Laney there should be a gedit 3.16 on gnome3-staging, but it doesnt have the UI patches required09:35
larsuseb128, awesome!09:35
larsudarkxst, no branch?09:35
seb128larsu, can we push the menu content to the hud easily?09:35
darkxstlarsu, no branches for the ppa09:35
darkxstbeen trying to set that up for the last year ;( but its a lot of work no one want to do ;(09:36
Laneyseb128: oh?09:36
larsuseb128, dunno about the state of the hud to be honest. We definitely can if we expose it as a menu on the bus, but then it would also appear in the menu bar09:36
Laneyyou mean the hud would become the primary interface?09:37
seb128Laney, yeah, I was going to bring news from the meeting we just had on the other channel before the discuss just went weird09:37
Laneysorry :(09:37
seb128no worry09:37
* seb128 needs some coffee09:38
larsudarkxst, ok, I'll work on that, then09:38
larsuseb128, enjoy!09:38
seb128larsu, thanks ;-)09:38
larsuseb128, grab some cookies as well (the ginger ones)09:38
* larsu misses those09:38
seb128short bread ftw!09:38
* larsu tries to open the hud09:45
Laneyseb128: can you summarise this meeting?09:45
larsuoh wow, somebody put it on Shift+Alt+? ...09:46
Laneyyou probably09:46
larsunever would I tamper with my system in such a way!09:47
darkxstlarsu, ok thanks, I'm sick as tonight, should probably try and eat something then sleep09:49
seb128Laney, meeting is basically "design is giving a principle +1 on using upstream UI with csd/no menubar, as long as hud keeps working/showing the menu items since that's a feature a part of our userbase like and give us good vibes"09:50
darkxstlarsu, 3.16 packages are probably still in vivid pocket also09:50
Laneyseb128: hoooooooly shit!09:50
seb128Laney, willc needs to demo what gedit 3.16 looks like to uper instances for validations09:51
seb128but in principle john thinks it should be ok09:51
LaneyI guess show the appmenu up top?09:51
seb128Laney, larsu, we also need to fix that fact that csd windows under unity7 have solid square corners09:51
seb128Laney, no, we can do without menubar09:52
seb128if that's what the upstream design of the app is09:52
seb128and save us maintainance work09:52
Laneyappmenu is the single item09:52
Laneythe app name09:52
seb128I guess then yes09:52
Laneycurrently we get (e.g.) "Disks Disks"09:52
Laneywhere the second one is the menu09:52
Laneytry XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-disks09:52
Laneyshould fix that I think09:53
seb128good point09:53
darkxstthe app-menu would normally fallback to a button in the CSD's09:53
LaneyI think we could show it probably09:53
Laneymaybe not in the LIM case?09:53
Laneysomething to think about09:53
darkxst(for non-shell)09:53
Laneyadd a "menu here" triangle if there is one09:53
Laneyand get unity to show it under the title09:53
Laneyor something09:54
larsuseb128, there's a compiz issue in there :/09:54
Laneyanyway, man, this is cool in principle09:54
larsuI'll investigate again, but from what I remember switching to argb windows broke shadows or something09:54
larsubut ... I'm hesitant to ask .... what about LIM?09:54
LaneyI think just make it do ShellShowsAppMenu false09:55
seb128larsu, well, LIM only applies when there is a menubar09:55
seb128no menubar, nothing to include in the decoration09:55
seb128those apps would be like apps without menus09:55
larsuseb128, many apps export a menubar even with csd09:55
larsuwe patched them upstream09:55
larsuit's a gtk feature, even09:55
darkxstand on a different note, are there really still framebuffers that only support 4bpp (for plymouth) or is that just ancient cruft?09:55
larsuseb128, which also gives us perfect hud integration09:56
darkxsti.e 16 colours09:56
seb128larsu, hum, unsure what to do with those, no easy reply09:56
Laneyhide it with lim on :)09:56
larsuseb128, ok, thanks09:56
larsuLaney, or show the gear menu?09:56
seb128does it mean hud becomes the only way to access some items?09:56
seb128that's not good if that's the case09:56
Laneylarsu: Isn't that ShellShowsAppMenu false?09:57
larsuLaney, yes, and ShellShowsMenubar. But LIM needs those set for other apps09:58
larsuseb128, no, hud only for things that are also in the menu or the ui, I think09:58
LaneyI forgot the details maybe09:59
darkxstlarsu app-menu10:20
darkxstuses the same format as all other menu ui10:20
darkxstxml in most cases10:20
larsunot sure what your point is10:21
darkxstI don't see why LIM wouldnt work with the app-menu's10:22
larsuoh! No, it works fine with app menus, even right now10:22
larsuthe problem is that LIM draws menus in the title bars, which don't exist for CSD apps10:23
darkxstlarsu, ok, don't worry about me, I am too sick to really even think atm, bloody food poisoning or so :(10:24
larsudarkxst, no worries :) Hope you get better soon!10:24
larsujgdx, re bug #1488087, which type would you like to see that translated to? QList<QPair<QString, QString>> ?10:30
ubot5bug 1488087 in gsettings-qt "Lack of support for signature “a(ss)”" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148808710:30
Laneysecond ass patch?10:31
* darkxst out for the night, hoping a solid sleep will help a bit10:31
larsuya :/10:31
anpokrobert_ancell: you could also try unity-system-compositor-spinner10:31
Laneylarsu: welcome back to work! *thud*10:32
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|bbl
larsuthanks :)10:32
jgdxlarsu, :)10:33
anpokbut the average client -o -f should be the same..10:33
jgdxlarsu, works for me10:33
larsujgdx, not sure if that is idiomatic qt, but seems like the closest match to me10:33
Laneydo they have a tuple type?10:33
jgdxtuple seems to be qtpair10:34
Laneyseems weird to only make this work for pairs10:34
larsuya, QPair10:34
larsuhow do you mean?10:34
larsupair is their tuple, no?10:34
Laneya(ss) good a(sss) bad?10:34
larsuasss is a typo10:34
larsubut you have a good point10:35
jgdxQList<QStringList> then? That also seems weird.10:35
larsubut then, next up will be a(si)10:35
larsumaybe it's best to do what qtdbus does10:36
jgdxlarsu, could pass it as a variant10:36
larsujgdx, the question what to put in there still remains :)10:36
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
Laneythey make you give a struct IIRC10:37
larsuah, and you have to register that with their type system?10:38
Laneywith the streaming operators10:38
larsubut how do they know where to put the values?10:38
larsuah. right.10:38
Laneyotherwise you can nest QPairs10:39
Laneywhich is a bit grim10:40
larsuI think I'm going to special case this to QList<QPair<QString, QString>>10:41
larsuit's ugly, but unlikely that we'll see a(sss)10:41
LaneyI understand that10:41
larsuand when we do, we might want to think about doing something more elaborate10:41
* larsu wishes QVariant were more like GVariant10:41
larsuqvariant doesn't seem to know about qpait10:53
larsuah, because it would need to know about all type combinations10:56
larsuif I declare my own metatype, will that be possible to use from within qml?10:57
* larsu guesses no and goes for QList<QStringList> instead10:57
alan_grobert_ancell: I thought we were discussing nested mir sessions with a client?11:04
Laneylarsu: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmetatype.html#Q_DECLARE_METATYPE says QPair is automatically registered11:05
larsuLaney, the compiler told me otherwise...11:05
alan_gThe system-compositor only expects fullscreen surfaces (associated with displays)11:05
* Laney is on phone to Dell again11:18
larsucomputer broken?11:18
larsujgdx, Laney, branch is up - reviews appreciated11:21
Laneynot broken, but there is a loose screw inside and the speakers don't work11:23
Laneyprobably since the last engineer came to replace the keyboard11:23
Laneylarsu: link?11:24
Laneynever mind11:24
larsuLaney, ugh, annoying!11:27
Laneyshows I don't use the speakers very much11:28
Laneythis was 3-4 weeks ago11:28
Laneylarsu: I feel like you could support any number of 's' now11:28
Laneywould this be too annoying?11:28
larsunot really, but it would make all of this less readable11:29
larsuand I really think this is an exception11:30
larsuand noone needs anything but this for a while11:30
larsuI guess this is about input sources?11:30
Laneyyou hope :)11:30
LaneyI don't have an example11:30
Laneyjust trying to avoid future work11:30
larsupretty sure I lobbied for a{sv} when desrt and attente decided this, but there was some reason that didn't work11:30
desrtthis was discussed a lot11:31
desrti think attente even sent a patch to stefw11:31
desrtbut it never got reviewed/merged11:31
larsudesrt, making it an a{sv}?11:31
desrtaa{sv} iirc11:31
larsuwasn't there some problem about ordering?11:32
larsuoh wow, that wouldn't have helped us in this case11:32
desrtaa{ss} i think we agreed on11:32
* larsu just added a(ss) support to gsettings-qt11:32
desrtsince 'v' is weird here11:32
jgdxlarsu, correct11:32
desrtstef was concerned about storing to a keyfile11:32
LaneyI just bet that someone will come with a(sss) or a(ssssssssssssssssssssssssSSsssSSsssSSsssSSsssSSssssSSsssSSssSSSsssSSSSssss) in future and you'll need to generalise it anyway11:32
Laneybut if you don't care about having to do it then, then whatevs11:32
Laneywhat's the size == 2 check for?11:33
larsuLaney, ha, there's actually *one* instance: org.gnome.yelp.gschema.xml:  <key name="bookmarks" type="a(sss)">11:33
Laneymore worried about phone people adding new random keys11:33
larsuLaney, not crashing. In all other cases we don't crash but return default values (variant.toXXX() returns a default-constructed thing)11:33
larsuand I'm accessing tuple[0] and [1] below11:34
larsucom.ubuntu.notifications.hub uses a(ss) as well11:34
larsuman, I think we might have to go all the way at some point11:34
LaneyI bet you will11:35
Laneythen you will need to re-load this into your head11:35
* desrt swears loudly11:35
larsuLaney, no, I mean do what qtdbus does and expose every type11:35
desrtinotify is evil.11:36
larsudesrt, burnt fingers?11:36
desrtmy new perfect approach has a serious problem :(11:36
desrti make the assumption that dirs cannot be hard linked, and that's true11:36
desrtbut they can be bind-mounted...11:36
desrtin which case two separate paths can give the same wd, and indeed, do...11:36
desrtwhich is potentially a bug11:37
desrtsince one of those two paths could be unmounted...11:37
desrt...which, of course, results in no event being sent11:37
larsusorry :(11:38
desrthrm. inotify seems buggy vs. bind mounts.11:38
desrtindeed, it seems that there is absolutely no way to detect when they appear/disappear11:39
jgdxlarsu, for convergence we need yelp bookmarks btw plz implenement11:39
jgdxlarsu, thank you for the MP. Appreciate it! :)11:40
larsuyou're welcome11:40
desrtgreat.  bug filed about this upstream since march 2013 with no reply.11:40
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
larsudesrt, fix it!11:41
* larsu hides11:41
desrtlong ago i promised myself never to hack on the kernel..... :/11:41
desrtgood times: open nautilus to /mnt, mount -o bind / /mnt, refresh nautilus, umount /mnt, refresh nautilus11:43
larsumanually refreshing works here11:44
larsuof course inotify doesn't11:45
larsubut to be honest, I didn't really expect it to11:45
desrtthat's only because you have low expectations already :)11:45
desrtto me it seems obvious that ^R should be completely redundant in nautilus11:45
desrtie: you only need to use this if there is a bug or misconfiguration somewhere along the way11:46
desrtthe one exception i may make (and even i consider this suboptimal) is network filesystems11:46
larsuI agree that this should be the ideal11:49
larsunot saying I don't want this to work, just that I didn't expect it to11:49
desrti guess i can always watch /proc/mounts and respond to that11:49
desrtso it's not 100% hopeless11:50
desrtin fact, both systemd and udisks tell me about this on the system bus, so that's even better11:51
* desrt goes back to the drawing board for a moment11:52
larsuLaney, thanks for the review. Who can take care of landing this?11:54
Laneylarsu: I guess jgdx with whatever wants to use it11:55
Laneyor kenvandine11:55
* larsu is not a fan of this process11:56
* Laney screams11:56
Laneydear dspam, please learn to learn11:57
Laneygetting identical spams and it's not catching them after being trained11:57
davmor2Laney: are they being marked as spam>11:58
LaneyI've had it like 10 times now11:59
Laneyuh oh12:00
willcookele sigh.  Wifi.12:12
larsuwillcooke, office wifi is pretty good, no?12:16
willcookewell, it depends who you ask.12:16
willcookeMost people seem to be ok12:16
willcookebut I'm getting kicked off every 10 mins or so12:16
willcooke*This* is why you don't skimp on the wifi card spec'd in your laptop12:17
willcookei.e. Broadcom12:17
willcookevs Intel12:17
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
willcookeI looked at swapping it out12:17
Laneyfind the cable and guard it jealously12:17
willcookebut I have to dismantle the entire laptop12:17
willcookewhich I can't be arsed to do12:17
larsudidn't you have an x220?12:18
willcookeyeah, but I got the cheapo wifi12:18
* larsu didn't know you could get them with shitty chips12:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1485659 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Date/time indicator doesn't update after changing time zone" [Low,Confirmed]12:18
Laneyiz glib boog12:18
larsuLaney, it is, but indicator-datetime should not be using a file monitor for that12:19
larsudesrt is working on it :)12:20
Laneyon what?12:20
larsufile monitoring12:20
LaneyI would guess this code existed before timedated12:20
larsuI'm not so sure12:21
larsuit was rewritten once or thrice12:21
Laneyprobably directly ported though12:22
* Laney is going to kill the file monitor12:22
larsuplease do12:22
larsuhm, can I make xchat-gnome not show join/part messages? Very annoying and I won't have my irssi setup for another week or two12:23
* larsu could run that locally 12:23
larsuis polari any good? (and packaged?)12:23
larsuand I give them my password?12:24
Laneywell, yeah, and all your conversations too12:26
seb128Laney, good catch that tz change to be a glib issue12:33
seb128I wouldn't have known where to start debugging it12:33
LaneyI looked at the code and saw GFileMonitor :P12:33
=== hikiko|bbl is now known as hikiko
alan_grobert_ancell: Can we try setting MIR_CLIENT_PLATFORM_LIB to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/client-platform/mesa.so.3?12:59
larsudid we ever find a solution for the desktop file renaming thing?13:05
tseliotLaney: the packages seems work well here13:36
Laneytseliot: ok cool, will upload shortly14:10
Laneylarsu: don't think so, someone needed to own the problem14:10
tseliotLaney: thanks a lot!14:10
* Laney lunch14:11
seb128Noskcaj, unsure of that's a parole or gstreamer issue but that started with your most recent update, bug #148849414:14
ubot5bug 1488494 in parole (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/parole:11:handler_unref_R:g_signal_handler_disconnect:parole_gst_shutdown:parole_player_quit:parole_player_stopped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148849414:14
larsuLaney, I think seb128 renamed the gnome-terminal one, right?14:14
seb128I didn't rename anything14:14
larsudesrt, what about that desktop name map in glib? Still up for it?14:15
seb128Laney, +1 on using the tz property, but we should also look at the GFileMonitor issue14:31
Laneyseb128: ya, I think "we" are already ;-)15:00
seb128Laney, is there a bug open about it?15:01
seb128as look as we keep an eye on it and makes sure he doesn't fall through the cracks ;-)15:02
Laneypretty sure this is related to what desrt is doing right now15:04
Laneytseliot: someone did it already?15:29
tseliotLaney: did what?15:30
Laneyuploaded u-s-d15:30
* Laney looks around15:31
willcookemumble grumble15:31
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-2515:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Aug 25 15:31:46 2015 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic:
willcookeHello everyone!15:31
willcookeRoll call:  andyrock (out), attente, desrt,  dgadomski, didrocks, fjkong, happyaron (out), hikiko, laney, larsu, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, themuso (out), tkamppeter, trevino, robert_ancell15:32
qenghoHi hi15:32
* Sweet5hark touching down after vacation15:32
larsumeeting time!15:32
* larsu missed that15:32
Trevinholarsu: we don't believe you :)15:32
willcookeI think seb128 is in a meeting15:33
seb128hey (in a meeting yes, trying to follow up/post my update still)15:33
larsuTrevinho, but it's true. ish.15:33
willcookeokay, let's go15:33
larsuseb128, you can't schedule *a* meeting over *the* meeting15:33
willcooke#topic andyrock15:33
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: andyrock
desrtlarsu: i'm guessing someone else scheduled it :)15:34
willcooke* Investigate on the way compiz sets GL_PROJECTION matrix to properly15:34
willcookefix bug #1485727 and others compiz glitches.15:34
willcooke* Code reviews15:34
larsudesrt, should be forbidden15:34
ubot5bug 1485727 in unity (Ubuntu) "Corrupted unity desktop after resizing vbox/vmware window." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148572715:34
willcooke#topic attente15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: attente
desrtuh oh15:34
desrtattente is also in london, no?15:35
desrt(or en route?)15:35
Laneygive him the hard stare15:35
qenghoa kick under the table15:35
attenteproposed a branch for packaging libertine containers in a click package15:35
attenteattempt at debugging https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1481330, no luck15:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1481330 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xmir crashes when client closes display" [Critical,Confirmed]15:36
Laneybisect it15:36
larsuuh oh15:36
larsupoor attente15:36
desrtd:\ gets a bad rap these days15:36
desrti remember i used to have some good files there15:36
attentelooking again at correct menu positioning in gtk-mir15:37
willcookethanks attente15:37
willcooke#topic desrt15:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: desrt
desrt - attended debconf.  seems they are trying to make it into a meeting-place type of conference and i met lots of interesting glib users there (tails, guile, others)15:37
desrt - hard not to notice all of the inotify bugs lately -- been working on a proper solution for that15:37
larsudesrt, guile uses glib? interesting...15:38
desrtthe maintainer is doing something weird with searching15:38
desrti think it's not guile itself but something around guile15:38
willcookethanks desrt15:39
desrthad some nice chats about tokenising chinese...15:39
willcooke#topic dgadomski15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomskihey, there were no new desktop issues reported to me this week, so I was involved in other areas.15:39
dgadomskiI just wanted to thank seb128 for sponsoring the fix for bug #1464645. I have the env ready to test it as soon as it hits -proposed.15:39
ubot5bug 1464645 in gvfs (Ubuntu Trusty) "Samba shares over gvfs do not respect ACL rules" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146464515:39
robert_ancellthat's 'cause the desktop is perfect15:40
dgadomskiEOF, thanks!15:40
willcookethanks dgadomski15:40
willcooke#topic didrocks15:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: didrocks
dgadomskirobert_ancell: yes, it is :)15:40
didrocksReport for the past 2 weeks as was in debconf 2015 and didn't attend last meeting15:40
didrocks* ubuntu make:15:40
didrocks- Released Ubuntu Make 15.08 with scala support, VCs fix and some bug fixes15:40
didrocks- Reviewed/Merged/adapt test VS Code new contributor fix (upstream changed their web page).15:40
didrocks- Fixed some pep8 issues specific to new wily version15:40
didrocks- Some bug triaging and crazy suggestion push backs :)15:40
didrocks- Reviewed another branch for correct exit status from another new contributor (not merged yet) \o/15:41
didrocks* Developer advocacy, continued to expand the example app with the following items:15:41
didrocks- Finish contenthub usage for share and storing in permanent storage location, implemented the visual part as well15:41
didrocks- Implemented some examples of C++ bindings related to lack of contenthub features (removable of imported elements, listing all attachments for a given object…)15:41
didrocks- Add missing pieces in term of Saving and Restoring15:41
didrocks- Refactoring some heavy javascript manipulation in a worker script + scripted the episod onit15:41
didrocks- Add currency handling (selecting default, post-time changing currency) and handle offline changes through a Picker15:41
didrocks- Fought on testing on the device the app with qmake/cmake as new files deployed in the click package doesn't keep the same file hierarchy.15:41
didrocks- Various error handling, cleanups and cosmetic enhancements15:41
didrocks- Raised still quite some SDK bugs in various part of the stack: Qt/QML, our toolkit, qtcreator, u1db, content-hub… and various workarounded added.15:41
didrocks- Thanks to seb128 to have investigated a restore issue tracked down in content-hub itself15:41
didrocks* Misc:15:41
didrocks- tested bluez5 ppa and report some known issues15:41
didrocks- debconf15, attended to quite some nice talks and 1o1 chats. Will probably resume some systemd work (and help Laney on appstream)15:41
didrocks- Ubuntu Kylin: sogou pre-NEW reviews, some work still needed. Other archive admin duties (NEWing)15:41
larsudude! Did you sleep?15:41
didrockslarsu: that's a 2 weeks summary with long train quiet hacking :)15:41
larsuah, got it15:42
* larsu likes train hacking15:42
* Trevinho too... on ferry as well :D15:43
willcookeou est?15:43
willcookeLet's come back to didrocks15:43
willcooke#topic  FJKong15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKong1 update pinyin search db15:43
FJKong2 support remove not used item15:43
FJKong3 make scaning more faster15:43
=== attente is now known as willcooke
FJKong4 remove duplicate item15:43
FJKongall about pinyin thing15:44
willcookeWifi has killed my connection again15:44
willcookeusing attente's computer now\15:44
robert_ancellattente is lying in a pool of blood on the floor15:44
willcooke#topic hikiko15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: hikiko
larsurobert_ancell, that went dark quickly15:45
hikikowrote compiz helloworld plugin and tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIfuCJ75gkw still working on this and other tutorials for china, found a nice compiz bug for when I come back: compiz must override glColor with white when it composites the final screen otherwise if someone draws with a color in a plugin, this color will be used in all future compiz buffers that are composited in the fullscreen compiz buffer unless if we expl15:45
hikikoicity call glClearColor(white)... EOF :)15:45
willcookethx hikiko15:45
willcooke#topic laney15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: laney
robert_ancelllarsu, this is why I normally live so far from the meetings15:45
Laney• Short normal week due to Debconf15:45
Laney• Package DBus 1.10 RC - in wily now (should be basically the same as the final)15:45
Laney• Find an undeclared ABI break in xpathselect, working to fix that now (landing-019), also had to fix autopilot-gtk tests & get help from autopilot developers to fix some other issues (thanks!)15:45
Laney• Review tseliot's u-s-d branch, help to upload that15:45
Laney• Make freeze go for wily beta 1, hassle people, wrangle ISO tracker, etc etc15:45
Laney• Start to work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1485659  - seems to work but needs tests15:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1485659 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Date/time indicator doesn't update after changing time zone" [Low,In progress]15:45
Laney• SRU new GTK (3.14.15) to vivid15:45
willcookethx Laney15:46
willcooke#topic larsu15:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: larsu
larsuhey! very short week since I just got back from holidays15:46
Laney* cocktails15:46
larsucaught up on mail/bugmail and such15:46
larsuupdated the gedit menubar patch for 3.1615:46
larsustill some work to do to make it apply to master (and let's hope someone pushes it this cycle)15:47
larsuI'll stay on it15:47
larsumade gsettings-qt support ass15:47
larsuand currently in the middle of updating our gedit patches to work with 3.1615:47
larsuagain stumbling on the desktop file renaming problem15:48
larsudesrt, we should do something about that in glib15:48
willcookethanks larsu15:48
willcooke#topic qengho15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: qengho
qengho- chromium/ozone/mir work: some more progress. Should be runnable soon. Normal build flags cause link errors right now.15:49
qengho- Got chromium translations pump runnable and uploaded so I could talk a community member into working on Cr GRD/XTB <--> Lp POT/PO pipeline.15:49
qengho- Found my rarely-restarted desktop stopped booting with systemd. Only upstart boot fallback works.15:49
qengho- New Cr released, but it's not worth uploading.15:49
willcookethanks qengho15:49
willcooke#topic seb12815:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: seb128
seb128* debconf (included debconflu after coming back :-/)15:49
seb128* sprint in London15:49
seb128* bugfixes and ui tweaks for touch settings15:49
seb128* helped debugging content-hub/state saver issues15:49
seb128* tested new gedit with csd to see how it fits under Unity7, mostly good but maximized as some weirdness (duplicates wm buttons panel and win)15:49
seb128* some sponsoring15:49
willcookethanks seb12815:50
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- returning from vacation (including cccamp)15:50
Sweet5hark- inbox churn15:50
Sweet5hark- merging from Debian, preparing LibreOffice 5.0.1~rc2 on wily with gcc5 fun stuff (currently building)15:50
Sweet5hark- this one looks like the one we use to bump wily to 5.0.x15:50
willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:50
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willcooke#topic TheMuso15:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: TheMuso
robert_ancellwillcooke, you said he was out15:51
willcooke* Started working on GSettings backend for Orca15:51
willcooke* Drafting post about a11y profiles15:51
* robert_ancell evidently doesn't often come to these15:52
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcookeguess we'll come back to Till :)15:52
willcooke#topic Trevinho15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: Trevinho
Laney* printed some things15:53
Trevinho* Continued working on overlay scrollbars for dash15:53
Trevinho* Prepared SRU for indicator-appmenu15:53
Trevinho* Fixed AP crash on BAMF introspection15:53
Trevinho* Bugs analysis, filled a list of bugs to fix in 16.0415:53
Trevinho* Code reviews15:53
willcookethanks Trevinho15:53
seb128Trevinho, where is that list? tag?15:53
Trevinhoseb128: not yet, just a doc15:53
Trevinhoseb128: on my PC still, as I want to propose to you guys before15:53
Laneyuse the rls tag, it's meant for triaging15:54
willcookerls-w-incoming is what I've been using\15:54
seb128Trevinho, k15:54
Laneythat one15:55
willcookebut we can review first if you like15:55
willcookeLive from London....15:55
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: robert_ancell
robert_ancell• Diagnosing why Unity 8 isn't starting on my machine15:55
robert_ancell• Diagnosing why XMir is messing up on client exit inside Unity 815:56
robert_ancell• Working on general XMir bugs15:56
robert_ancell• LightDM improvements15:56
robert_ancell• Get libinput/evdev changes into wily that are required for phones15:56
robert_ancell• Fix invalid autologin setup from ubiquity / user-setup15:56
robert_ancell• Merges and general packaging15:56
willcookethanks robert_ancell15:56
willcooke#topic AOB15:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: AOB
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooketkamppeter: you're up15:56
Trevinhonot really :)15:56
willcookealright, let's wrap this up15:57
willcooke#topic AOB\15:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: AOB\
willcookeAnythings else?15:57
Laneyany sprint news?15:57
larsusprint sprint sprint15:57
willcookeShould know more by EOW15:57
larsuend of working year?15:58
Laney/nick Laney[ABL]15:58
* Trevinho «sprints, sprints.. I like sprints sprints...» :)15:58
tkamppeterwillcooke, here is my week:15:58
Sweet5harkLaney clearly was too long in germany for debconf. it shows in pronounciation.15:58
Trevinhosprintfs too15:58
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: tkamppeter
tkamppeter- cups-filters: Released 1.0.73 with all the new cups-browsed features from last week15:58
tkamppeter- cups-browsed: several bug fixes, including a fix for a crash, will be released in cups-filters 1.0.74 soon.15:58
tkamppeter- ghostscript: Updated to 9.16 as Debian-independent packaging (as MIRs are not resolved yet).15:58
tkamppeter- ghostscript: Work on the MIRs for openjpeg, libtrio, and libimage-exiftool-perl15:58
tkamppeter- cups: Updated to 2.1.0-rc1, getting CUPS to 2.1.x already one release before LTS.15:58
LaneySweet5hark: I had too much wurst, it's coming out in my DNA now15:58
tkamppeter- Feature Freeze: Checked package versions and updated to current upstream version: system-config-printer, foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, hplip, gutenprint, foo2zjs, python-cups, python-smbc15:58
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:58
willcookethanks tkamppeter15:58
larsuSweet5hark, pronounciaschon15:59
willcooke#topic AOB again15:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316" | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2015-08-25 | Current topic: AOB again
tkamppeterSorry, everything crashed here, I had to reboot my laptop, my router, and everything.15:59
willcookeI'm having similar issues15:59
willcookeok, I will hand Will's laptopback15:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Breaking your systems: GTK 3.16 - file bugs with tag "gtk316"
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Aug 25 15:59:56 2015 UTC.15:59
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-08-25-15.31.moin.txt15:59
Laneyfrom one will to another15:59
didrocksthanks guys16:00
=== willcooke is now known as attente
larsuthanks attente16:00
Laneyattente should chair every week16:00
robert_ancellwillcooke draws some runes, chants something intelligible and attente comes back to life16:00
Laneyattente: hey16:00
Laneythere's a nice set of climbs up at the minute...16:00
Laneycome up on friday.........16:01
willcookewhat just happened?16:01
willcookeI saw a light at the end of a tunnel16:01
attenteLaney: leaving friday night :(16:01
Laneycome back with me thursday night!16:01
seb128Laney, you are coming on thursday?16:01
Laneyyou don't have to, like, work or anything16:02
Laneyseb128: yep, 06:30 train!16:02
Laneyit's going to be brutal16:02
seb128well not the earlier start16:02
seb128but having you there ;-)16:02
Laneywillcooke: can you get me on the list so that I can get past the guys with the guns? :)16:03
willcookeLaney, ack16:03
LaneyI'm sad the strike is off16:04
Laneywas looking forward to observing the chaos16:04
willcookeLaney, done16:05
* Laney GY!BE on headphones, loud16:07
Laneytestsuite music16:07
Laneydo I have to send PropertiesChanged myself with gdbus?16:45
Laneylooks like it16:51
larsuLaney, not if you're using GDBusProxy16:54
Laneylarsu: hm?17:01
larsuwhat exactly are you trying to do?17:01
LaneyI'm extending this timedated mock17:02
Laneyto give it a proper-ish Timezone property17:03
larsuand it is using raw gdbusconnection?17:03
larsuah, then you'll have to send PropertiesChanged yourself17:05
larsuon the service side you'd need GDBusInterface, which handles this for you17:05
larsubut manually is just as easy, the signal is super simple17:05
Laneyyeah I think I have this17:06
larsuah, then it should emit the signals itself17:06
LaneyI mean have it implemented :P17:06
larsuah :)17:06
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