=== Malsasa is now known as Guest12573 === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [07:11] tsdgeos, hey [07:12] pstolowski: hi [07:13] tsdgeos, silo 44 has all the scopes and unity api stuff for wily to sync it with api changes in vivid. we need to land it somehow with unity8 [07:13] tsdgeos, it's not dual landing, so i guess we need a binary sync of unity8? [07:14] tsdgeos, would be good to check if unity8 actually compiles against that silo [07:14] we do you need to land it with unity8? [07:14] tsdgeos, yes, because of the activation api change [07:15] sure but the current unity8 already doesn't work/build [07:15] so it's not a need to but a nice to, no? [07:16] tsdgeos, what do you mean? to just land silo 44? [07:17] won't be worse than what we have today, no? [07:17] tsdgeos, i see. yes [07:17] i think it's a good way to unblock you [07:18] and then we can decide what to do [07:20] tsdgeos, would be good to check if unity8 compiles with this silo anyway to make sure i didn't screw up versions etc. or do you have problems with other unity8 dependencies too? [07:20] pstolowski: that makes sense [07:20] let me check [07:20] i think that's the onyl dewpendency issue we had [07:22] tsdgeos, so perhaps i should add unity8 to the silo and check if it builds? [07:22] pstolowski: i can do it in my chroot [07:22] tsdgeos, okay, thanks [07:22] if you add it it'll land it and change the changelog and stuff [07:22] and will be weird, no? [07:23] tsdgeos, no, i'd remove it afterwards [07:23] ah, well let me just try it here [07:28] hmmm [07:28] or maybe we need to land it [07:28] since it will remove unity8 on dist-upgade [07:29] don't want to end up with a phone image without a phone shell :D [07:36] pstolowski: it builds fine [07:37] tsdgeos, \o/ thanks [07:37] pstolowski: so now the question is what to do [07:39] pstolowski: because if we do nothing as i suggested, it removes unity8 -> bad, a binary sync is in theory binary incompatible because of gcc stuff -> bad, and building will mess up our changelog -> bad [07:39] :D [07:40] awesome :D [07:40] i guess wait for sil or mzanetti to show up? [07:41] tsdgeos, ok === mzanetti_ is now known as mzanetti [07:49] mzanetti: yo [07:49] hey [07:49] mzanetti: pstolowski is landing the new unity-api for wily our options are [07:50] we do nothing, it removes unity8 -> bad, a binary sync from vivid-overlay is in theory binary incompatible because of gcc stuff -> bad, and building will mess up our changelog -> bad [07:50] tsdgeos, mzanetti not only unity-api, also unity-scopes-shell and unity-scopes-api in same silo [07:50] or that's how i understand it :D [07:50] meh [07:51] ok... will see what I can do [08:03] tsdgeos, ok... so seems like we need a branch now... I suggest we move development towards the overlay branch and then we can sync the code over to trunk whenever pstolowski forces us to [08:03] and release a wily package from there [08:04] mzanetti: so we do want to use master as overlay branch and then have a wily/ for wily? or use overlay branch for overlay and master for wily? [08:05] overlay -> overlay , trunk -> wily [08:05] tsdgeos, otherwise it'll confuse people [08:05] k [08:06] mzanetti: we already have that overlay branch btw [08:06] tsdgeos, says the branches have diverged. afaik you created the overlay branch [08:06] tsdgeos, is there anything to lose if I overwrite it? [08:07] no [08:07] it's just what master had when wily was created [08:07] ah... LP pushed translations [08:08] right [08:08] that's what i was going to mention [08:08] ok. updated [08:08] we need to make sure that this change doesn't break translations [08:08] or we just keep both overlay and master totally in sync [08:08] so it doesn't matter [08:11] tsdgeos, yeah... I would try to keep them in sync. just have an additional patch that fixes packaging or so [08:12] k [08:48] mzanetti, tsdgeos fyi, Michi has been working on changes to unity-scopes-api packaging that will make it possible for us to maintain a single source tree for both releases and merge the two trunks we have right now. once this is finished we will be able to apply similar solution to the rest of our projects, but for now we need to have a split to unblock landings [08:49] pstolowski, ok. I'm preparing a release package for wily [09:26] tsdgeos, hmm [09:26] pstolowski: yes? [09:26] tsdgeos, i was just trying to install silo 4 (inline music playback) on a freshly flashed krillin [09:26] tsdgeos, it says unity8 would downgrade [09:26] tsdgeos, but citrain doesn't say the silo is dirty [09:26] :S [09:27] tsdgeos, have you landed anything recently in vivid-overlay? [09:29] today [09:29] yes [09:29] right silo needs rebuilding [09:29] tsdgeos, ok, i guess i'll rebuild then :/ [10:02] pstolowski, so, unity-api trunk has unity-shell-scopes=6 still [10:02] tsdgeos, on the preview rating, how do you plan making a listview? [10:03] tsdgeos, do we have any design on that? [10:03] mzanetti: right, silo 44 [10:03] ack [10:03] pstolowski, tsdgeos. so I'll make a branch that builds with that, and add it to that silo? [10:03] cimi: just make it be like the repeater but with lazily loaded children [10:04] mzanetti: it "just builds", or at least that's what my chroot says [10:04] chroot+silo44 of coruse [10:05] tsdgeos, maybe I need a coffee but how we can do that? we want the listview not to be full height? [10:05] tsdgeos, or we want it to scroll and hide reviews? [10:05] tsdgeos, but we still want it as part of that silo, no? [10:06] mzanetti: i guess so, i convinved pstolowski that we didn't but then i guess we do if we're branching off [10:06] mzanetti, yes [10:06] pstolowski, add this one then: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/build-for-wily/+merge/269018 [10:06] cimi: we do not want the list to scroll, the page already scrolls [10:06] tsdgeos, indeed, so how can it be lazy loading? [10:06] mzanetti, hmm it's targeted against existing trunk? [10:06] cimi: because it's a listview and that's what listviews do :D [10:06] tsdgeos, if we have a listview that doesn't scroll and is as long as all the delegates, how is different from a repeater? [10:07] mzanetti, ah, you want to create another trunk for vivid, right? [10:07] pstolowski, yes. we'll be using the overlay branch for vivid+overlay [10:07] +1 [10:07] cimi: because you set displayMarginBeginning/end accordingly [10:07] we need to resubmit the existing mps but that's ok [10:07] and then only the delegates on view are created [10:08] tsdgeos, ok never used that property, just reviewed when you did [10:09] pstolowski, I see you're building silo4 [10:09] pstolowski, those MP's need to be redirected towards the overlay branch too [10:09] the audioCardSupport one [10:10] mzanetti, ah, good point [10:10] I'll do [10:11] pstolowski, hmm... can we reconfigure silo 4? I can't find it in the new "spreadsheet" [10:12] found it... it was hiding behind an "...older..." link [10:14] pstolowski, ok. reconfigured [10:15] mzanetti, thanks === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch [10:44] pstolowski|lunch, hey, please let me know before you land that silo to wily [10:45] need to make sure OTA-6 is out of the way before that [10:46] mzanetti: almost nice, we almost got a vivid CI for the overlay branch :D [10:46] tsdgeos, ? [10:47] mzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/audioCardSupport/+merge/269029 [10:47] https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/audioCardSupport/+merge/269029/comments/676500 [10:47] got run on vivid [10:47] but since it's vivid only, not with the overlay ppa [10:47] also fails to build [10:47] :D [10:48] oh wait i see some ppa in there [10:48] the ppa is there, yes [10:48] nice, let's propse another branch maybe we get a green light :D [10:48] that'd be so weird [10:48] :D [10:49] after all that time [10:49] lol [10:49] I didn't know there's a vivid ci configured on that branch [10:50] tsdgeos, do you know what happened with this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/tutorial-bottom-gap-rtm/+merge/250010 [10:50] why is it in the list of approved ones? [10:51] mzanetti: i just proposed https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/cropped_image_image_urls_silent/+merge/269040 against overlaty, let's see what CI says [10:51] yep [10:52] mzanetti: no idea really what happened with the branch [10:52] i guess it was just approved when we abandoned rtm? [10:53] tsdgeos, yeah... but why does it show up today? it hasn't been around before [10:53] and I can't see any manual change [10:53] mzanetti: show up where? [10:53] tsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/unity8/+activereviews [10:53] it always shows there? [10:54] maybe before you were visiting https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/+activereviews like i was? [10:54] ah... that might be true [10:54] but if we're going ot use overlay [10:54] we probably need to move to https://code.launchpad.net/unity8/+activereviews [10:56] yep [10:57] it's nicer doesn't have the WiP ones :D [11:13] tsdgeos, how do I use those displayMargin? [11:14] tsdgeos, it looks like the property is used to show more delegates rather than showing less [11:14] cimi: you set it so that the listview only creates delegates for the really visible part of the listview [11:14] cimi: you set it negative [11:15] ah, cruel [11:21] mzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/clickAwayNotifications/+merge/268170 updated in case you get some time to review, thx :) [11:25] tsdgeos, setting those without hacks seems hard at first glance [11:26] cimi: define "hacks" [11:27] tsdgeos, chaining back using parent or adding extra properties? [11:27] tsdgeos, this is a preview Widget, doesn't know where it is [11:27] ltinkl, ack, thanks [11:27] tsdgeos, you might have to add special properties to set this display margins from outside [11:28] tsdgeos, or in the preview widget look for parent and see where those parent are [11:28] cimi: yep [11:28] you use properties, looking at your parents is a bad idea :D [11:29] tsdgeos, so I will need to add those alias only for this preview widget, right? [11:29] tsdgeos, and through the loader of PreviewWidgetFactory too [11:30] doesn't sound nice [11:30] is there an alternative? [11:32] cimi: i don't think so, you need to pass the info down, so all of the intermediate stuff need it too [11:33] cimi: or you can just try looking at your parent :D [11:33] you don't really need to look at your parent [11:33] tsdgeos, padding a displayMarginBeginning/end from preview widget factory loader doesn't sound nice either [11:33] passing [11:33] not padding [11:33] well you don't pass the display margin [11:33] you pass the visibility range [11:34] mmmm [11:34] anyhow [11:34] you can try using mapToItem with null parent [11:34] that gives you the pos against the root view [11:34] that should be ok-ish too i guess [11:34] food! === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski [12:54] mzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/make_pot_file/+merge/269057 [12:55] lol [12:55] I started to fix this too [12:55] and seems ltinkl too [12:59] :D [13:00] my other branch against overlay has still not come back [13:00] which is good news [13:00] may even be running on CI [13:01] yeah [13:03] mzanetti, go ahead :) [13:03] ltinkl, too late... tsdgeos beat us [13:04] dandrader, ping [13:04] mzanetti, pong [13:04] dandrader, now I remember why I was so struggling with the focus stuff... because there's a bug that I fixed but now it's back after your changes [13:04] dandrader, go to make tryShell, set all to desktop mode [13:04] and hit the "start all apps" button [13:05] CPU will loop [13:05] 100% [13:05] mzanetti, and this is the only way to reproduce this issue? [13:06] dandrader, well, happens if 2 items are added to the model in the same event loop cycle [13:06] so could happen in real usage too [13:06] we're not really using it yet in production so hard to tell [13:08] tsdgeos, your branch returned [13:09] look [13:09] it almost worked :D [13:09] yeah [13:10] qmltests config seems borked [13:10] actually it's pretty good [13:10] the 2 autopilots that fail [13:10] are the 2 that i've patches waiting for [13:10] qmluitests is weird [13:10] tsdgeos, qmltests has issues with gcc [13:11] is it because it misses the ppa? [13:11] which one? overlay? [13:11] seems it's there [13:11] hmmm [13:11] at least there's a hook called D09add_ppa~ci-train-ppa-service~stable-phone-overlay [13:12] yeah D09add_ppa~ci-train-ppa-service~stable-phone-overlay [13:12] maybe it lacks a dist-upgrade [13:12] yeah [13:13] gcc-4.9-base is pure vivid [13:13] as well as cpp-4.9 [13:13] so the old versions probably come from a stale thing? [13:13] but there's an apt-get update there [13:14] almost nice [13:14] :D [13:14] get us shell access and we'll fix /debug it [13:14] * tsdgeos hides [13:17] tsdgeos, heh, yeah... I can't do that any more :( [13:17] tsdgeos, need to ping someone from ci [13:17] :D [13:19] tsdgeos, weirdest thing is, they want to provide jenkins as a service, where we'd be responsible to configure our jobs ourselves. That sounds good, but when I asked for login information to ssh into the vms they said that won't happen [13:19] yeah [13:19] you get to debug by looking at the thin air [13:20] so I'm really not sure how we should set up those jobs tvh [13:20] tbh [13:20] but we'll see [13:20] maybe there's something I'm just not aware of [13:25] mzanetti, can't reproduce the busy CPU issue you described [13:26] what should I say [13:27] dandrader, let me create a video for you then :) === dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk [13:35] dandrader|afk, http://notyetthere.org/data/focus-loop.ogv [13:59] tsdgeos, vm upgraded, job re-kicked [13:59] let's see [14:06] tsdgeos, nope, still failing with the same one [14:07] mzanetti: :/ === dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader [14:17] oh, right. I forgot to change to desktop mode [14:17] * dandrader tries [14:18] mzanetti, yeah, I can reproduce it [14:19] ok :) [15:17] balloons, why aren't you guys on #ubuntuonair? [15:18] balloons, i can't see you there, there are only 6 people o_O === attente is now known as willcooke === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === willcooke is now known as attente === cyphase_ is now known as cyphase