[00:04] samthewildone called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (pettypierx) [01:17] today is 'I waited five seconds it's dead' day [01:20] Isn't that every day? [01:20] the default is 10s [02:44] xda? is that some android thing [02:44] bazhang: I think it's a forum that helps people root their phones (among other things probably). [02:48] hehe [02:48] is this the 'but I use ubuntu so help me fix my bmw' [13:01] OerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu () [13:01] huzzah [13:01] klined [13:01] @random newstuff emacs [13:01] emacs [13:02] what! [13:02] @random vim emacs [13:02] emacs [13:02] terrible [13:02] chu has hacked the bot [13:02] clearly [13:02] ubottu: http://www.manuelmagic.me/geek/texteditors/ [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] bazhang 是个傻逼 [13:53] hm [13:54] I guess unicode/utf-8 isn't working here properly [14:26] bazhang got issues with his underwear [14:26] * genii twitches [14:27] icesword amirite [16:26] he has been in u-offtopic all morning [16:26] should he be banned? [16:26] bazhang: ^ [16:27] phunyguy, has he behaved? [16:27] Marginally [16:27] bazhang: from what I can see, I guess.... Just wasn't sure if it was one of /those/ perma ban folks. [16:27] afaik we have to catch them doing something, ie pre=emptive is a no no [16:28] heh [16:28] evading, etc [16:28] just can him [16:28] he has so many proxies etc [16:28] he's a known tool [16:28] might as well try banning cholby [16:29] ^ [19:16] why am I +b [19:17] >install gentoo [19:17] Jesus christ that's annoying. [19:18] Can I get a -b? [19:18] >install gentoo [19:18] Sorry about that. It's a bug in the IRC client I'm working on [19:18] Get the bug fixed, and we'll remove the bam. [19:19] *ban [19:19] Pici: I'm trying to. [19:19] #ubuntu is not for testing clients, use ##test or something [19:19] It seems like it might be stuck in an atomic array [19:19] I'm not testing my client. [19:19] Thats what you just said [19:19] I'm actively using it and It seems like I have a bug not clearing the que completely [19:20] can I get -b? [19:20] I'm going to just restart my client. [19:20] no [19:21] why?> [19:21] >install gentoo [19:21] gah [19:22] It seems rather obvious from this side of the screen. [19:22] Because of a bug in my IRC client? [19:22] Indeed. [19:22] I'm restarting it. [19:22] Plus you weren't making any other contributions in there anyway [19:22] It's currently running in eclipse's debug mode. [19:23] I had just joined. [19:23] through freenode webchat, right. [19:23] Pici: I'm designing my client to prevent data harvesting. [19:24] as it stands I've set the default client mimic to qwebirc [19:24] Tor tunneling is also in the works. [19:24] Thats nice, anyway, the ban stands right now. [19:25] why? [19:26] because of a bug? [19:26] I've made myself clear already. I'm not going to continue to repeat myself. [19:27] You said you banned me because of the bug in my irc client before I could say anything in the channel [19:27] I don't understand how that's logical or fair. I have the bug under control now by setting the message ">install gentoo"'s index in the atomic array to the maximum size of int. [19:27] It will be quite some time before it sends it again. [19:28] > /remove shdefhsdfh && /mode +b [19:28] oops, my clients got a bug too, [19:28] Don't exactly see how that's fair. [19:29] ikonia: You can choose to believe me or not. The truth is the truth m8. [19:29] > /remove shdefhsdfh && /mode +b [19:29] my freenode web client, appears to have that bug too [19:29] I'll report it to freenode [19:29] ikonia: .... [19:30] > /remove shdefhsdfh && /mode +b [19:30] it's still doing it in mine [19:30] how did you fix it in your client ? [19:31] ikonia: my custom client (mimic) is wrote in Java and running in eclipse with the java debug by wire debugger attacted. [19:31] I can modify properties of objects in memory on the fly. [19:31] it's funny how you appear to be using freenode brwoser client [19:31] ikonia: The whole idea of mimic is to prevent others from knowing what I'm really using. [19:31] the whole idea of a dicussion is to tell the truth [19:32] ikonia: believe me or not I'm not lying. [19:32] and I think thats where we are failing here so lets stop wasting time [19:32] please leave or you'll be remove [19:32] removed [19:32] ikonia: I like my privacy unlike you. [19:32] I even use LibreJS [19:34] heh [20:13] Well, that backscroll was somewhat entertaining