
OvenWerksWell, I tried to use guitarix as just an effects container, but that doesn't seem possible. The preamp seems to be a fixed part of things.01:57
OvenWerksnonmixer works, but not in repos.02:13
zequenceOvenWerks: Not sure if you can not install the GRUB with ubiquity, now that I think05:33
zequenceBut, your way works, of course too05:33
zequenceI used to do that too, sometimes. Install it to a partition, instead of the whole drive05:33
zequenceSaw a wallpaper for wily werewolf. Guess what kind of beast i portrays?05:48
zequencePretty cool for the artists to have releases like this.05:49
zequenceWe're not releasing a specific Beta 1 release. Don't know how we were supposed sign up for participation this time, and I don't really think we need to anyway07:11
zequenceWe can test dailys just the same07:11
astraljavaI could do some testing hopefully tonight. But it's only going to be in vbox, or mayybe on one laptop that's a bit faster than this AMD thingie.08:33
* astraljava is under the impression it's beta-1 time, no?08:34
zequenceastraljava: Yes, but we are not releasing an ISO. You can still test it though08:36
zequenceSame thing, just without the administration08:37
cubdid US get a new ISO as well? I installed this weekend and was more or less just thinking of doing apt-get update now08:41
zequencecub: all the flavors get one. They stop building some time before or during thursday, and only rebuild each time there is a bug 08:46
zequenceIt's essentially a daily08:47
zequenceNot sure if our auto-build gets frozen though, since we aren't participating08:47
astraljavazequence: Ok, then I'll probably concentrate on Xubuntu today, but will come back to US next week, provided life becomes more stable than the last couple of days.08:57
zequenceNo problem09:12
zequenceardour 4.2 is in Sid now10:19
zequenceEver tried finding a Camera with audio playback?11:11
astraljavaHaha! Sounds... fascinating.11:11
zequenceDoesn't seem like a whole lot of people find that interesting enough so that it would end up in a single specification11:11
zequenceOnly way to find one is go through them physically, at the store11:12
OvenWerkszequence: is there a reason why non daw studio has not been packaged in debian/ubuntu?13:04
OvenWerks(licencing or something like that? or just no one has done it?)13:07
zequenceOvenWerks: I usually start by looking for a possible repo here http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/13:18
zequenceDoesn't seem to be any non repos there13:18
ubottuDebian bug 681576 in wnpp "RFP: non-daw -- a powerful, reliable and fast modular Digital Audio Workstation system" [Wishlist,Open]13:18
ubottuDebian bug 685064 in wnpp "ITP: non-daw -- please package non-things" [Wishlist,Open]13:19
OvenWerksnonmixer would be a reasonable replacement for jack-rack (I find it easier to use) and NSM seems to be the recomended session manager by many people.13:20
zequenceCan't find anything else. Seems like no one has given a good try at it yet13:20
zequenceIt's in Fedora https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/non-daw13:21
OvenWerkskxstudio has it too13:21
zequenceWell, perhaps someone of us could take care of that then?13:23
zequenceI can do it, if no one else beats me to it13:25
zequenceShould be possible to add linuxsampler to non-free repositories as well13:25
zequenceNot sure how that works between Debian and Ubuntu though. There's non-free in Debian, and multiverse in Ubuntu13:26
OvenWerksLS may be different than nonfree as it is gpl+ which may be nonvalid all together or even have odd legal issues. It should probably be called "gpl like".13:29
OvenWerksI guess it would actually be GPL-13:29
zequenceI can't be less free than non-free, so it has to be able to go somewhere13:31
cubI was set up to look at non-daw before to use on my eeepc to capture ideas in the rehearsal room, but then I dropped my eeepc on the floor and it broke and I kind never got around to it again18:34
cubit has changed name though to Non Timeline18:37
cubzequence, did you mean that you might package non, or to try to get Debian to do it?18:39
zequenceI never seen anyone drop a eeepc before. Too bad I was not there18:42
zequenceMy impression is that no one in the debian multimedia team is interested enough18:43
zequencePerhaps they need fresh blood18:43
zequenceAnd, though I don't really look forward to have lots to do, I've long aimed at doing some packaging work there18:44
zequenceSo, this is a perfect time for me in a way18:46
zequencecub: The website name is still the same, right?18:46
cubyes, I was too confident in the lunch room trying to carry my eeepc and my lunch tray at the same time. eeepc slipped and fell on it's back. The graphic chip broke as it would boot but no screen18:57
zequencecub: Could be the screen got broke too, don't you think?18:57
cuband then I tried to open it up to see if anything was just out of place and never got it to close again. So my daughter has it as a toy18:57
zequenceDid you try the VGA output?18:57
cubI'm not sure, I think I tried the VGA out18:58
zequenceI have one with a broken keyboard. No idea what's wrong with it. Just doesn't work18:58
zequenceUse it as a server18:58
cubit was sad. It was perfect on the daily commute and to test the i386 iso18:58
cubah a server could have worked perhaps.18:59
cubonly downside with non is that I'm not sure about the development, no news since 201319:00
zequenceI remember there was some activity in the past19:00
zequenceHaven't really followed19:00
cubThe developer is at least active on the mailing list19:03
cubthe irc channel seems quite though19:03
cubYes, I do have loose roadmap. As the years have ticked by, I have wondered if lightweight software like Non would become irrelevant as available computing power increased, but it seems that everything else gets more bloated and slower faster than Moore's Law can compensate, so for the time being at least I think there's still a place for Non and its pathological efficiency. 19:04
cubLately I haven't had much time at all to devote to it, but that's nothing new either. Free time ebbs and flows. Eventually I'll get some stuff off my plate and have time to get back into recording/mixing and working on Non. 19:04
cubLiles (the developer) on the mailing list19:04
cubOk, checking non git there is continuous updates made. Just the website news page that is not updated since 201319:08
zequenceI'll have a look at it tomorrow19:10
zequenceIf you want to follow programming jokes, I recommend this guy https://plus.google.com/u/0/+ThisiswhyicodeBlogspot/posts19:13
OvenWerkscub: zequence: Non-daw git shows updates as late as 2015. The nondaw name is now used for the 4 nonprograms, sequencer, timeline, mixer and session manager.19:47
OvenWerksthe daw was renamed to timeline to avoid confusion as to wether it was the one program or the whole program set that was being talked about.19:48
OvenWerksMaybe if it was packaged in debian it may be more popular...19:49
cubnot much action in the #non and the reply I got was a bit meh19:50
OvenWerkscub: one of the things to note though is that is uses it's own graphics lib so it is much more posible for it to remain active without worrying about libs changing.19:51
OvenWerksntk is based on fltk as is avtk... speaking of which, are any of the  http://openavproductions.com/ apps/plugins in debian/ubuntu?19:54
OvenWerksso far as I can tell, the api remains the same, just the widgets have been updated to "look nicer".19:55

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