
axw_wallyworld: one thing we talked about after you'd gone on Friday was that remotestate should probably be renamed to "goal state" or "desired state", and we'll move all watcher-related things in there01:23
axw_wallyworld: and that updating status should move into there01:23
axw_wallyworld: I've just found that updating status is done as a separate channel in the loop, so I'll move that over... maybe not immediately, depends on how much it gets in the way of testing01:24
wallyworldname change sounds good. not sure about adding in update status though01:24
wallyworldi think polling update status should be a uniter responsbility01:25
wallyworldmaybe it could be in goal state; if stuff is changing and we are running hook regularly, no need for polling a charm's status.01:26
wallyworldbut seems kinda othogonal to goal state to me01:27
axw_wallyworld: I just don't want there to be a lot of concurrency spread around again01:28
wallyworldyeah, i was mulling over the same thought01:29
axw_wallyworld: and I'd like to keep as much business logic out of the loop as possible01:30
rick_h_wallyworld: got a sec to chat? can you ping when you do?01:30
wallyworldrick_h_: sure, now?01:30
rick_h_wallyworld: sure thing https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/daily-standup?authuser=1 adjust authuser01:31
mupBug #1489215 opened: Output from metadata generate-image looks bad <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489215>01:32
davechen1ysinzui: wallyworld anyone https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/148921801:37
mupBug #1489218: go get cannot fetch launchpad.net/gomassapi <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489218>01:37
davechen1ycan you reproduce this issue ?01:37
davechen1ymwhudson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/148921801:37
davechen1yis this related to the launchpad change that happened recently ?01:37
sinzuidavechen1y: I think someone renamed ir disbaled the project!01:38
mwhudsondavechen1y: gomassapi or gomaasapi?01:38
davechen1ygood point01:39
davechen1yi think i fat fingered it trying to investigate https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/148921701:40
mupBug #1489217: godeps -u dependencies.tsv from scratch fails with Go 1.5 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489217>01:40
mwhudsonoh good01:40
mwhudsonmessage is plenty confusing though01:40
* mwhudson disappears01:40
mupBug #1489217 opened: godeps -u dependencies.tsv from scratch fails with Go 1.5 <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489217>01:56
wallyworlddavechen1y: looking, was otp01:56
wallyworlddavechen1y: oh, just read backscroll. ooops01:57
davechen1ywallyworld: what do to02:00
davechen1ysomething is screwed with that repo in a way we cannot detect with the build bot02:01
wallyworldnot sure, i'll ask in the lauchpad channel if i can reporoduce02:02
menn0waigani: review please: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2496/02:08
wallyworlddavechen1y: so it's only a go 1.5 thing? i'm still on 1.4 and it's fine for me02:22
wallyworldso what would there be to fix in launchpad02:23
mupBug #1489131 changed: BootstrapSuite.TestRunTests fails on non-amd64 archs <blocker> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by cherylj> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489131>02:26
mupBug #1489131 opened: BootstrapSuite.TestRunTests fails on non-amd64 archs <blocker> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by cherylj> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489131>02:32
mupBug #1489131 changed: BootstrapSuite.TestRunTests fails on non-amd64 archs <blocker> <ci> <ppc64el> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by cherylj> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489131>02:35
waiganimenn0: done. I replied to your review also.02:38
davechen1ywallyworld: i believe mwhudson made (or asked) for a change to happen in the Go tool that made launchpad less special02:58
davechen1yso depdency resolution for lp repos has changed02:58
davechen1yi don't know the details02:58
wallyworldah ok02:58
wallyworldbut the change was made in Go02:58
wallyworldso Go needs to be fixed, not launchpad02:59
axw_wallyworld: in my upgrade branch, I'm getting a failure at https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/maltese-falcon/worker/uniter/uniter_test.go#L346. in my branch, the config-changed doesn't happen because it was resolved without retry above03:38
axw_wallyworld: seems that previously we would run another config-changed after start, even if we resolved without retry a previous config-changed03:39
axw_wallyworld: seems wrong to me. what do you think?03:39
wallyworldit does but i'd defer to william for a definitive answer. maybe tweak the test with a todo and land and then i can ask him tonight03:40
axw_wallyworld: sounds good, thanks03:42
axw_wallyworld: also fixing a bug in storage resolver, it's running storage-attached for unattached (but "alive") storage attachments03:42
davechen1yanyone ?04:16
dimiternwallyworld, hey, still about?05:23
wallyworlddimitern: hey. thanks for taking up those bugs, sorry for not saying good morning in the email :-)05:23
dimiternwallyworld, oh :) no worries at all05:24
dimiternwallyworld, the backport didn't happen, but it should today I hope05:24
wallyworldno hurry with that - we are concentrating on 1.25 right at the moment05:25
dimiternwallyworld, the other armhf issue - I have access to the lab and their maas, but need to investigate today05:25
wallyworldwas meant to go out today but there was a regression05:25
dimiternwallyworld, oh? which one this time..05:25
wallyworlda test failure due to arch != amd6405:25
dimiternwallyworld, and btw you're perhaps the perfect person to ask - how to set up armhf tools/images/metadata/etc. locally?05:26
wallyworlduse juju metadata generate-images05:26
wallyworldthat will put metadata in a directory05:27
wallyworldyou specify the directory with -d05:27
dimiternwallyworld, I guess I can use the 1.24.5 (was it?) release packages.. but no upgrade --upload-tools then, which is not good for debugging05:27
wallyworldor else i think it uses ~/.juju05:27
dimiternwallyworld, ah, ok will try this05:27
dimiternwallyworld, so far istm to debug the issue I need to start another armhf node to build juju from source on it :)05:28
wallyworldyou can't geneate arm tools though unless you're on arm of course05:28
wallyworldassuming use used -d mydir05:28
wallyworldthen you bootstrap with05:28
wallyworldjuju bootstrap --metadata-source mydir05:29
wallyworldthe tools command is juju metadata generate-tools05:29
dimiternit was asking if my agent-tools-url is set correctly btw05:29
wallyworldit will do that if it can't find tools05:29
dimiternbut generate-tools will need already built arm binaries, right? could they be simply in $PATH?05:30
wallyworldgenerate tools will build the tools from source if there's no binary in the path05:31
wallyworldi think05:31
axw_wallyworld: would you please review the final commit on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/3105/commits?05:32
dimiterngood, so if I manage to build it from source on an arm machine, then do generate-images and generate-tools, I should be able to bootstrap a custom binary05:32
axw_wallyworld: various bugs cropped up when I made my sweeping change for upgrades05:32
wallyworldthat's what tests are for :-)05:32
wallyworldaxw_: lgtm. i assume we delete the operation.Queued check in the leader resolved because that's handled externally. now that i think about it, i also seem to maybe recall that the could have been a blanket policy to always run config changed after a start hook just because, but i'll check with william05:42
axw_wallyworld: you assume correctly. ok, thanks. we'll need to update resolvers if that's the case, so best done in a separate branch anyway05:43
wallyworldaxw_: school pickup time, but here's a trivial http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2499/05:50
wallyworldaxw_: could you ltgm and merge for me while i'm out, ty05:50
axw_wallyworld: sure05:52
wallyworldaxw_: thanks for landing. what bit you working on now?06:43
axw_wallyworld: TestUniterUpgradeConflicts06:44
wallyworldjust as the board says, doh06:44
axw_wallyworld: just about ready to land06:44
axw_I mean propose06:44
wallyworldi wonder if that will fix any of the other upgrade ones, maybenot06:44
axw_ashipika: I had to make the remoteState.Life==Dead check for another test, so it's also in https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/312106:53
axw_ashipika: I didn't uncomment the unit test you're working on though, cos it still fails for some other reason06:53
ashipikaaxw_: ack!06:54
axw_wallyworld: UniterSuite.TestUniterUpgradeGitConflicts works with my branch, with a trivial change to expect leader-settings-changed06:55
wallyworldaxw_: great :-) assign yourself to the card06:56
wallyworldluckily i had just phone my niece for her birthday so hadn't started yet06:56
axw_wallyworld: I'll check the other upgrade tests before sending a change06:56
wallyworldsounds good, i'm hoping they may work of the changes to make them work are trivial06:57
axw_yeah the other one is fixed too06:58
axw_wallyworld: I'll just update my current PR06:58
ashipikaaxw, wallyworld: can you assign/move corresponding cards on the uniter sprint board, as well?07:17
wallyworldashipika: we are :-)07:17
ashipikawallyworld: excellent! :)07:18
wallyworldgetting there slowly07:18
wallyworldand sometimes quickly07:18
wallyworldaxw_: i had a couple of questions on the review07:21
axw_wallyworld: thanks for the review. please see my replies, let me know if they make sense07:37
wallyworldaxw_: let's get it landed07:41
axw_wallyworld: ta07:41
axw_wallyworld: any idea why we run actions in ModeTerminating?07:42
wallyworldnope. i didn't realise we did. i'm curious as to why07:43
dimiterndooferlad, morning07:45
dimiterndooferlad, since we discussed the needed changes around provider/ec2, I've landed the foundation that should give the provider what it needs - subnets-to-zones map07:46
dimiterndooferlad, so, slight change of plans, hopefully simplifying what's left07:46
dooferladdimitern: great. Just dealing with email then will take a look. I spotted that you had done something in that area.07:48
dimiterndooferlad, ok07:49
voidspacedimitern: I don't know if you saw my message yesterday08:42
voidspacedimitern: that forward port is already on trunk08:42
voidspacedimitern: is there an issue for me to close related to it?08:43
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, I've updated the card08:45
dimiternvoidspace, it's a backport to 1.24, not forward port to master08:45
dimiternvoidspace, sorry, my bad :/08:45
voidspacedimitern: hah!08:46
voidspacedimitern: ok, that's easy to do :-)08:46
dimiternvoidspace, yep ;)08:46
voidspacedimitern: and for the IP address bug I'm targetting 1.24 and will forward port when it's done08:47
dimiternvoidspace, sounds good08:48
voidspacedimitern: PR created, just running tests08:52
dimiternvoidspace, awesome!08:53
mupBug #1489346 opened: /var/lib/juju/db taking lots of disk space <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489346>09:01
axw_wallyworld: there's a bug in remotestate watcher. I'm going out in a little while to the school, will fix it later on. just letting you know in case anyone sees weird timing errors like http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/4504/consoleFull09:01
voidspacedimitern: thanks for the LGTM09:02
voidspacedimitern: I still have the problem that running all cmd/juju tests times out on my main box09:02
voidspacedimitern: going to run just the upgrade tests09:02
dimiternvoidspace, have you tried make check?09:03
dimiternvoidspace, dooferlad, standup09:04
voidspacedimitern: ah, that does a full test run09:04
voidspacedimitern: just kicked it off09:04
mattywfwereade, ping?09:04
dooferladdimitern: having sound issues09:05
dooferladdimitern: hopefully there in a second09:05
wallyworldaxw_: ty09:05
fwereademattyw, pong, I observe I ought to be in my standup09:06
mattywfwereade, should be quick - we think a flowchart of hooks - and what is called when would be useful, we think something existed but not sure if there is anything up to date09:07
mattywfwereade, asking if you knew of one09:07
fwereademattyw, I don't think all the recent hooks have been added09:10
fwereademattyw, but https://jujucharms.com/docs/devel/authors-charm-hooks should still be accurate for the hooks it references09:11
fwereademattyw, not a flowchart09:11
mattywfwereade, ok, I'm drawing one - we can see how useful it is after its been drawn09:12
fwereademattyw, cool09:14
wallyworldmattyw: or fwereade: a trivial one if you have a moment http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2503/09:30
mattywwallyworld, I think that's the one I just did09:32
wallyworldoh joy09:32
mattywwallyworld, yep - posted 6 minutes from now09:32
wallyworldyou did the same work?09:32
wallyworldoh, a lgtm09:33
wallyworlddimitern: have you seen this failure before? https://pastebin.canonical.com/138582/10:02
dimiternwallyworld, yes10:03
dimiternwallyworld, is it on master?10:03
wallyworlddimitern: we are seeing that in our feature branch10:03
wallyworldwe merged master about 12 houra ago10:03
dimiternwallyworld, yeah, dooferlad fixed it on master10:03
wallyworlddimitern: ty, we will remerge master10:03
dimiternwallyworld, it needed a bump of deps.tsv for amz.v310:03
wallyworlddimitern: ah, ty10:04
dimiternwallyworld, but that fix was done ~6 days ago (http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2434/diff/#) - I hope it's not a new regression10:04
wallyworlddimitern: okay, we'll look into it - i thought we had the latest master10:05
wallyworldfwereade: can you join us in the uniter meeting?10:06
TheMuedimitern: PR is http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2504/. had to assure first to not merge the whole net-cli branch again, the first naive diff looked awful. :D10:45
dimiternTheMue, ok, will look in a bit10:45
TheMuedimitern: tia, just added 2nd card for the client side and CLI10:50
dimiternTheMue, you've got a review12:02
TheMuedimitern: thx12:02
=== revagomes_ is now known as revagomes
* TheMue is afk for a moment, visiting daughter in hospital and bring some sweets. bbiab13:10
perrito666omg I hope she is ok13:13
wwitzel3marcoceppi: how's things? any more core issues last night?13:20
marcoceppiwwitzel3: m4.xlarge is not a "valid" instance-type on aws for 1.24.513:21
marcoceppiother than that, demo is setup13:21
wwitzel3marcoceppi: doesn't appear to be a type in master either, glad to hear the demo is up and going13:22
marcoceppiwwitzel3: I'll file a bu13:22
natefinchideally, if you use instance-type as a constraint, we don't check it and just try it with amazon :/13:24
wwitzel3marcoceppi: of all the people I know with the last name Ceppi, you're my favorite.13:25
natefinchit doesn't matter if *juju* knows what the instance type means13:25
natefinchman, all this indirection and layering is killing me13:27
katcowwitzel3: natefinch: ty both for helping marco et. al. get the demo running13:27
natefinchericsnow, wwitzel3: where's the concrete type that implements Component?13:27
katconatefinch: https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/oracle13:28
katconatefinch: know thy programming toolchain13:28
perrito666no one knows their whole programming toolchain13:28
wwitzel3natefinch: it is in component/all/workload.go13:29
katcoperrito666: you should at least be aware of the pointers into interesting spaces :)13:29
perrito666katco: I am they have all been nicely integrated into go-vim :p13:29
natefinchkatco: yeah, I've tried to use the oracle before... couldn't figure it out.  Seems like it kinda requires editor integration, and I didn't have time to get hat settled last time13:29
katcoperrito666: haha, same here for emacs13:29
katconatefinch: alan is a heavy emacs user, for sure13:29
katconatefinch: https://github.com/waigani/GoOracle13:30
perrito666katco: that it in itself a problem though, sometimes I need to go figure how to call these things in the comand line13:30
katcoperrito666: clearly you just need to move to an OS that is also an editor ;p13:31
perrito666I concede, you won this round13:31
katcono, perrito666. emacs has won. it always wins. PLEASE HELP I CAN ONLY CONTROL MY EDITOR ONCE EVERY but emacs is great13:32
natefinchkatco: yeah, I saw waigani's oracle integration... couldn't get it to work either13:33
perrito666natefinch: I think I saw a sublime-go thing around13:34
natefinchperrito666: there's a couple13:35
lazyPowerwwitzel3: Mornin o/ Whats the current state of the union on process management? Are we almost ready for me to have another go at the feature branch next week?13:37
katcolazyPower: there's only a few user-facing things that have changed this iteration. what are you interested in?13:39
wwitzel3lazyPower: yep, when we end this current iteration (Friday) we will have landed all of the major changes13:40
wwitzel3lazyPower: there are still some features that we need to implement, but the interface for your will stop being a moving target13:40
lazyPowerkatco: if I can fully test it without embedding the plugin bins in my charms :)13:40
lazyPowerend to end from a user perspective. I've got some new iteration charms that leverage charm composition and the reactive framework13:40
lazyPowerwe're working on docs to land before the charmer summit and I'd love to spotlight the proc mgmt from a charming with containers perspective - as its a solid path forward for new charmers.13:41
lazyPowerI'm thinking i'll wind up running a workshop on it for anyone thats interested in getting hands on with the tech while we're at the summit13:41
katcolazyPower: from a charmer perspective, i think wwitzel3 is correct. you should see much more stability :)13:42
wwitzel3lazyPower: yeah, that's my personal goal too is to have something beta-able for the summit13:42
katcolazyPower: there are still a few commands to be hashed out13:42
wwitzel3yep ^13:42
lazyPowerSolid. Once that release lands i'll get my grubby mits on it and do the second cycle of early feedback. Everything else was a bit natural given the model we're implementing works pretty well.13:42
lazyPowerhas core taken a look at the reactive framework example cory_fu wrote up using vanilla as an example?13:43
wwitzel3I have, Cory had me do a proof of the docs before he talked about it on the last office hours.13:44
katcolazyPower: i've talked to ben about it and given it a cursory look. looks awesome13:44
lazyPowerkatco: wwitzel3: excellent. We'll have a few docker examples that we're going to re-tool to using the proc mgmt stuff once that hits (next week you say?) so having that precursory info really helps.13:45
katcolazyPower: i am always a bit skeptical at our claim that you can charm in any language. all the cool stuff is in py13:45
wwitzel3I'm pretty sure there is reactive hooks for bash too13:45
lazyPowerwell, we also claim "integrate with any cm framework" when in reality we're giving you a root shell and then jerry-rig that language into juju w/ bash or python glue code13:45
lazyPowerbut yeah, reactive works in python and bash13:46
lazyPowerand looks strikingly similar13:46
wwitzel3yeah, not sure what form of hand wavey black magic happened to get them in to bash, but they are there13:46
katcothat's interesting13:46
natefinchwhat's this reactive stuff?13:46
wwitzel3teh future13:46
lazyPowernatefinch: its a pattern to surface events and handling events in charms outside of just hook context.13:47
lazyPowernatefinch: one way to look at it - is a state machine in a state machine13:47
natefinchlazyPower: and its power is only exceeded by its mystery?13:47
lazyPowernatefinch: i think thats a byproduct of how new it is :)13:47
* perrito666 approves of quoting that movie13:48
lazyPowerlet me fish up the docs. that video link is our office hours though and cory gives a pretty good walktrhough13:48
natefinchperrito666: heh, wondered who would get that.  Love that movie.13:48
lazyPowerand my pop culture reference gland is on vacation today13:48
cory_funatefinch, lazyPower:
lazyPowerthanks cory_fu13:49
perrito666lazyPower: it is a really bad movie that manages to drive the entire plot around a very cheap literrary resource13:49
wwitzel3dangit! I was looking for that exact link13:49
wwitzel3thanks a lot cory_fu13:49
cory_fuThere are actually three connected concepts: composing charms from layers (a pre-release step), using pre-built relation stubs, and using the reactive pattern (reacting to semantic states instead of hook contexts directly)13:50
cory_fuTogether, they are basically a framework, so there's an inherent amount of hand-waviness, but I think the end result is easy to follow.  Certainly more so than the services framework ever was13:51
natefinchwow... that's um.  Something.13:53
natefinchdo you have a page written for idiots?13:54
* katco always shudders at the site of php13:55
perrito666o cmon, php in itself its not that bad (after 10 years) it just has tolerance for bad programmers13:56
katcoperrito666: i wrote lots of php in <= v4... it just seems like there are much better alternatives now. and yeah, for whatever reason it has a rep. for bad coding13:57
perrito666katco: I believe it depends a lot on your business, there is a lot done and allows you to get things working fast without requiring people to savvy I know companies that have big (properly writen) chunks of their user facing bits in php because it allows them to find devs easy13:59
perrito666in my city I know a good 100 ootb good php devs, 40 python (of which I had to train half) and 2 go (both working for canonical) :p14:01
mgzversion bump review please: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2505/14:11
mattywmgz, lgtm14:11
mgzmattyw: ta!14:12
mupBug #1489477 opened: m4 instance types not supported on AWS <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489477>14:19
mupBug #1489484 opened: Juju should support passing an AMI to deploy <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1489484>14:19
=== mgz is now known as mgz_
mupBug # changed: 1174610, 1265871, 1401368, 1447899, 1449210, 1450737, 1452649, 1455260, 1456265, 1456343, 1457122, 1459093, 1459775, 1464237, 1464392, 1467037, 1467379,14:34
mup1468153, 1468579, 1471771, 1472632, 1474614, 1475779, 1476895, 1477263, 1479546, 1481500, 1483082, 1483083, 1483086, 1484403, 1484789, 1486074, 1486640, 148674914:34
frobwaredimitern, do you have some (HO) time to talk about network spaces...?14:40
dimiternfrobware, sure14:42
dimiternfrobware, standup HO ?14:42
frobwaredimitern, yep14:42
mupBug # opened: 1174610, 1265871, 1401368, 1447899, 1449210, 1450737, 1452649, 1455260, 1456265, 1456343, 1457122, 1459093, 1459775, 1464237, 1464392, 1467037, 1467379,14:46
mup1468153, 1468579, 1471771, 1472632, 1474614, 1475779, 1476895, 1477263, 1479546, 1481500, 1483082, 1483083, 1483086, 1484403, 1484789, 1486074, 1486640, 148674914:46
mupBug # changed: 1174610, 1265871, 1401368, 1447899, 1449210, 1450737, 1452649, 1455260, 1456265, 1456343, 1457122, 1459093, 1459775, 1464237, 1464392, 1467037, 1467379,14:49
mup1468153, 1468579, 1471771, 1472632, 1474614, 1475779, 1476895, 1477263, 1479546, 1481500, 1483082, 1483083, 1483086, 1484403, 1484789, 1486074, 1486640, 148674914:49
mattywfwereade, ping?15:21
fwereademattyw, hey, am indeed back15:21
fwereademattyw, sorry I couldn't get back online15:21
fwereademattyw, I feel like we'd covered most of the high ground there though?15:21
mattywfwereade, no problem at all, I think we're ok15:21
mattywfwereade, I can't remember which side you were on about states being specific to each resolver (who is on who's side doesn't really matter)15:22
mattywwe decided to make them specific15:22
fwereademattyw, excellent :)15:22
mattywfwereade, I'm just carrying on with the action resolver15:23
fwereademattyw, cool15:23
mattywfwereade, and the reason I'm pinging15:23
fwereademattyw, I still haven't sent you any comments, have I :(15:23
mattywfwereade, to have a sort of nebulous chat about it15:23
mattywfwereade, I'm fine for the moment but will hassle you later I think15:23
fwereademattyw, ok, cool15:23
natefinchericsnow: you around?15:37
ericsnownatefinch: yep15:37
natefinchericsnow: in your latest comment, you say "we should be passing a full ID (e.g. "my-proc/some-id") to the hook context method"  ... but I don't think that's realistic.  The code calling the hook tool is only likely to know the workload name, not the ID.  So, like, workload-untrack myproc15:39
ericsnownatefinch: I was referring to the method, not the command15:40
ericsnownatefinch: at some point a bare name must be converted to a full ID15:40
natefinchericsnow: so maybe the right answer is to try to parse the argument in init, and if it has a name + id, then we're good.  If it doesn't, and it's just a name, try to look up the id for the name there, and fail.  Then run can just pass the id as-is15:44
natefinch(er fail if the lookup fails)15:44
ericsnownatefinch: that sounds like what we've already been doing :)15:44
natefinchericsnow: maybe I didn't understand the code that was doing it, then.15:46
ericsnownatefinch: well, I could be misunderstanding too :)15:46
fwereadehttps://github.com/juju/juju/wiki/Managing-complexity -- comments and edits accepted gratefully15:53
fwereade(some people have already commented and I haven't actually included all those, but I wanted to post it and not get further distracted)15:55
ericsnowfwereade: thanks!15:55
perrito666off course, I try to use the recommended editor by katco and among the possible key shortcuts there is one that, I kid you not, is described as: toggle the battery status16:44
katcoperrito666: core team call18:02
perrito666well connection sucks, I tried to join but saw people move a bit then lost all18:24
=== akhavr1 is now known as akhavr
wwitzel3oh yay, my internet is back19:33
katcowwitzel3: welcome back. juju is now rewritten in emacs lisp.19:34
MakyoC-m C-x juju-mode19:34
wwitzel3emacs will be skynet, when it decides the time is right19:36
katcoboy the emacs jokes are running heavy today. i had not intended that.19:36
perrito666katco: lol19:37
* katco is also wondering if Makyo has a notification set up for emacs mentions19:37
MakyoAlas, I'm a vim-er and an Atom-er, but I'm not about to pass up a good emacs joke if it comes up :)19:38
wwitzel3"emacs at least it isn't acme"19:43
perrito666to each its editor, I know people that work in either mcedit or gedit19:44
katcowwitzel3: haha19:45
wwitzel3without the banter about ones choice in editor, I'm lost .. don't ruin this for me perrito66619:46
katcowwitzel3: all i'm saying is vimscript is awesome!19:46
perrito666wwitzel3: life is about choices, you can bash people about their choice on about anything19:46
wwitzel3perrito666: umm, but it is only fun to do it about choices that don't have any real impact or meaning19:46
ericsnowcmars: does the uniter currently run any "subordinate" workers19:51
cmarsericsnow, checking..19:51
ericsnowcmars: as far as I can tell, it doesn't19:51
cmarsericsnow, doesn't look like it19:52
ericsnowcmars: I've realized that the workers we're running for workloads should be running under the uniter19:52
ericsnowcmars: not directly under the unit agent19:52
ericsnowcmars: maybe19:52
cmarsericsnow, what do the workload workers need of the uniter?19:53
ericsnowcmars: per the doc comment, "Uniter implements the capabilities of the unit agent."19:54
cmarsericsnow, doc comment might be wrong now :)19:54
ericsnowcmars: ha19:54
ericsnowcmars: from what I can tell, the uniter is the worker that handles all the work of a unit19:55
ericsnowcmars: workload [processes] are a part of that19:56
cmarsericsnow, how?19:56
ericsnowcmars: they are a part of the workload dictated by a charm19:56
cmarsericsnow, right.. but it sounds like there's a worker associated with each process.. what does that worker need to do exactly?19:57
ericsnowcmars: API calls and possibly persist some data locally19:58
ericsnowcmars: plus, of course, interact with the workloads (e.g. docker)19:58
cmarsericsnow, i'd see if they could be managed independently of the uniter worker if at all possible. uniter already does too much imo19:59
cmarsericsnow, and then the questions to ask & answer are: what do these process workers need from the uniter? and then we can possibly encapsulate that into a resource that is managed by uniter and consumed by process workers20:00
ericsnowcmars: per the uniter's manifold doc comment: "...We expect to break it up further in the coming weeks"20:00
cmarsericsnow, see http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2511/ for an example of this kind of interaction. in this PR, there's a resource that coordinates between uniter & consumers, so that we don't operate on a workload while it's upgrading, or not started20:02
ericsnowcmars: under a consolidated (unit+machine) agent there will be multiple uniters per agent, right?20:02
cmarsericsnow, i imagine you could do something similar to safely operate on a workload without getting entangled in the reactor loop of the uniter itself20:03
ericsnowcmars: good point20:03
ericsnowcmars: I definitely don't want to get involved in that :)20:03
* ericsnow shudders20:04
cmarsericsnow, nice thing about this model is that it is so much more testable. mock out the resources and test each side of the interactions independently.. then move the end-to-end tests (conn suite) out to integration tests20:04
ericsnowcmars: yay20:04
cmarsericsnow, i think actions should come out as well.. though i think we'll need to get them working as they were before making that leap20:04
ericsnowcmars: actions are tied into the uniter?20:05
cmarsericsnow, currently, yes. they have their own operations & remote/local state resolver.20:06
sinzuiwallyworld: I will branch 1.25 from mgz's commit. No backports needed21:44
wallyworldsinzui: that is most excellent, thank you21:44
sinzuiwallyworld: I will also prepare a branch to rename master 1.26-alaph121:44
cmarshey wallyworld, i'm looking at TestUniterUpgradeConflicts, seems to be failing for me in maltese-falcon branch21:46
wallyworldcmars: i thought that one had been fixed yesterday21:46
cmarswhat I can't figure out is, how the unit resolved state is supposed to go from ResolvedNoHooks to ResolvedNone21:46
wallyworldwe can fix that today if you want21:46
wallyworldi need to see why it is not fixed when i hought it was21:47
wallyworldunit resolved state is changed by the user in practice21:47
wallyworldand then is propogated to the remote snapshot21:47
cmarswallyworld, here's a paste of what i'm seeing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12209761/21:49
cmarswallyworld, two runs of the test, one with an induced panic during waitUnitAgent21:50
cmarswallyworld, but it must be that the unit watcher isn't getting the update21:50
wallyworldcmars: i just tried it locally and yeah, it now fails for me too, but was passing yesterday i'm sure. i can get it fixed today if you want21:51
cmarswallyworld, thanks, that'd be great21:51
wallyworldcmars: sure, i can't tell you right away why or when it broke21:51
wallyworldcmars: with the skipped metrics related tests still in worker/uniter, what's the ETA on moving those?21:52
sinzuiwallyworld: can you review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/2512/21:53
wallyworldsinzui: lgtm, ty21:53
wallyworldsinzui: do you still use thunderbird?21:53
sinzuiNo, it is dead to me21:54
wallyworldit just broke for me when i updated :-(21:54
sinzuiwallyworld: I just use the canonical gmail. Yes I had an account issue. I have been with Canonical long enough that my identity didn't work with the standard account integration21:55
cmarswallyworld, there's possibly a little bit left to move out of the context tests, checking21:55
sinzuiwallyworld: 1.25 branch exists and is open for business.21:55
wallyworldsinzui: well after the update, it won't retrieve my email and asks for a password21:56
wallyworldcmars: yesterday i relabelled the skipped metrics tests to "Skip("maltese-falcon metrics")    there were about 7 maybe21:56
sinzuiwallyworld: oh, that is what I had issues with. authentication. I coudl use gmail interface though21:56
wallyworldsinzui: so how did you solve it?21:57
sinzuiI use gmail21:57
wallyworlddamn, i might ask in #is21:57
perrito666wallyworld: you might need to remove-add your account22:00
perrito666wallyworld: it requires some love to work22:00
cmarswallyworld, yep, i think we have comparable coverage for all of those & they can be removed. will comment the new tests in the review22:02
wallyworldcmars: awesome, we are really close now i think. actions is the biggest one to finish22:02
cmarswallyworld, that's great to hear. mattyw will be working on actions tmw, can I send him your way in case he gets stuck?22:04
wallyworldcmars: sure, although william might be better as i've not had much to do with actions. but please to try and help22:07
cmarswallyworld, ack, thanks22:07
jw4cmars, wallyworld fwiw, I still watch this channel and *might* be able to help if there are actions / uniter type questions22:08
jw4but william is ofc the best option22:08
wallyworldjw4: hey! we are currently rewriting the uniter, so are in the middle of changing how the execution queue works22:08
jw4yeah I've been noticing that chatter22:09
jw4I doubt I can contribute much to that, but ...22:09
wallyworldjw4: np, it's been fun. uniter is now (to me at least) much less complex now22:09
jw4It's long overdue I think22:10

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