
flexiondotorgHow goes the Kubuntu testing?00:30
mparilloThe ISOs seem to install fine, but after a while and a couple of re-boots, I get: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35180500:42
ubottuKDE bug 351805 in general "Configuration file "//.config/kwalletd5rc" not writable. Please contact your system administrator." [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:42
mparilloFeel free to add your results here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/345/builds00:43
* ahoneybun starts his tests00:45
mparilloWhen the fix to launchpad bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/1488843 lands, I will test the upgrade from Vivid.00:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488843 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Wily) "SRU: upgrader kde frontend fails to start" [Critical,Confirmed]00:47
TJ-Is it only me that finds when the ISO starts and the keyboard symbol is at bottom of screen, there's no way to bring up the language menu ?00:49
ahoneybunjust a little weird that I have half oxygen icons01:01
ahoneybunfinished my test for entire disk01:04
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: could you tell if you think digikam is stable enough to be moved to the backport-ppa?03:11
sitterRiddell: 05:33
bshahRIP thread..05:34
sitterRiddell: one of those look pretty much like any-depends-any http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kcontacts.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_wily_archive&id=5c930a6c3716c1541843bd3de4f4390dda3fba18 05:52
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I've tested digikam only a bit. It seems to work. I haven't encountered any issues so far06:05
soeegood morning06:11
ovidiu-florinmorning soee06:22
ovidiu-florinsoee: do you see any urgent thigs that need to be done on the website before I ask the sysadmins to launch it today?06:23
soeeovidiu-florin: link please, dont have it here at work06:29
soeeovidiu-florin: https://www-new.kubuntu.org/community/ i woudl put thissocial media widgets each in own column06:32
soeeso do 3 equal columns and put widget inside06:32
soeeovidiu-florin: are you sure you want to put into footer Meta menu links to login and register pages ?06:33
ovidiu-florinregister should not be there06:34
soeeother things look good. there could be some styles adjustments where images (icons) are not aligned with text properly but you can skip it for now i think06:36
ovidiu-florinregister disabled06:36
ovidiu-florinLogin is ok IMO06:37
soeeah btw. this banner on homepage could be a bit wider to fit at least 1920px screens06:38
lordievaderGood morning.06:38
soeeah in fact it is wider06:38
soeebut it scale to geight06:38
soeegood mornign lordievader06:38
lordievaderHey soee 06:40
ovidiu-florinsoee: https://www-new.kubuntu.org/community/06:51
lordievaderIMO: The social-media thing looks a bit disorganized.06:53
ovidiu-florinit is06:53
lordievaderBut that is a minor detail. The rest of the website looks great.06:53
ovidiu-florinbecause they don't provide standardized widgets06:54
ovidiu-florineach one has it's own crap06:54
ovidiu-florinthose pages need to be rdone completely06:54
ovidiu-florinbut I feel that if we don't launch the site, there won't be enough motivation in the community for those to be redone06:54
ovidiu-florinI can make them if someone gives me the content and design06:55
ovidiu-florinand the social things....06:55
ovidiu-florinI'd get rid of the feeds, and only add badges06:55
lordievaderI think making them all a similar size helps.06:57
ovidiu-florinthey are supposed to be simmilar size06:59
ovidiu-florinI have them encapsulated06:59
ovidiu-florinbut they run some weird JS that breaks everything07:00
lordievaderYes, you probably need to run your own JS to fix their breakage.07:00
ovidiu-florinit's ok if you use only that one07:00
ovidiu-florinmaybe there's a widget that can integrate them all07:01
=== sitter_ is now known as sitter
sitterRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204024/ is this going to get fixed or do I get to make a list every day for the rest of my life now?07:24
sitterRiddell, shadeslayer, yofel: review plz http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/frameworks/kactivities.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable_module_rename&id=65ab8ab9db82a68d40917f611c518c923f41d20b08:01
Riddellsitter: hmm, I wonder if the epoch is still hidden in the unstable branches, I'll check08:21
sitterRiddell: the conflicting versions are from <=19th so I doubt it08:23
sitterit's an archive problem not a changelog one08:23
Riddellsitter: packages removed08:49
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_unstable_kcontacts/13/parsed_console/09:13
Riddellsitter: this lintian just doesn't know what it wants!09:21
sitterRiddell: no your commit is just wrong09:25
sittersee backlog09:25
sitteralso NMU is ignored by KCI FWIW so status page probably should as well09:26
sitterRiddell: review plz http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kdepimlibs.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_stable_bin&id=adc704937b7f77d4a46488c8fcf76f6166f5f5b709:34
sitterMirv: 09:35
sitterCMake Warning at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5Declarative/Qt5DeclarativeConfig.cmake:100 (find_package):09:36
sitter  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Script"09:36
sitterRiddell: kross-interpreters will apparently fail to backport on account of weird python stuff http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_stable_kross-interpreters/09:38
sitteractually probably a cmake bug09:38
soeeRiddell: did you had time to take a look at kde4libs i think, related to my issue: libstreamanalyzer0 : Depends: libclucene-core1 (>= but it is not installable ?09:43
Mirvsitter: I haven't used Qt Quick 1, but depending on how big component is in question one should anyway find out how to port to Qt 5 proper soon, Qt Quick 1 is already deprecated in Qt 5.510:02
Mirveven though off-topic from the CMake problem of course10:03
flexiondotorglordievader, Riddell ScottK Are you Beta 1 release notes in order.10:03
flexiondotorgAll the flavours are now marked ready.10:03
sitterMirv: I think it is ported but that is legacy support or something10:03
* sitter doesn't quite comprehend qtgstreamer10:03
lordievaderflexiondotorg: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WilyWerewolf/Beta1/Kubuntu Looks okay to me, but Riddell should give the 'OK10:04
flexiondotorglordievader, Yep. Saw those. Just doing the round and checking with everyone.10:05
sitterRiddell: I am attempting to stage libindi 1.0 transition here https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger/+archive/ubuntu/stage/+packages10:05
sitterkstars wants indi110:05
sitterand we could potentially do a fakesync + 2 rebuilds to get it landed10:05
sitterRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkolab/+bug/148939210:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489392 in libkolab (Ubuntu) "FFE libkolab" [Undecided,New]10:30
clivejodoes kubuntu/kde not have a donor/sponsorship prgram? 10:39
sitterdonations to KDE have more direct impact10:41
clivejoIve seen other project with pledge per feature10:42
clivejoand I love the idea10:42
clivejosometimes people want to direct their money to certain things10:43
sitterI seem to remember something like that which didn't quite work out as well10:43
clivejofor my KDE Connect is a feature I want to see improved10:43
sitterclivejo: donate to KDE :P10:44
clivejoI do10:44
sitterthere are all sorts of social problems with purpose driven donations10:44
clivejoI donated to the Randa drive10:44
clivejowhich I see you are number 2 on the list :)10:44
clivejoI would usually do it Anonymous10:45
* sitter forgot to tick box :P10:45
clivejoI did consider it!10:46
clivejobut I seen your name on there!10:46
sitterworld famous because we are mentioned on a website (:10:47
clivejojust hope KDE Connect gets some love and attention :)10:47
soeeisn't it one of the Rhanda 2015 topics ?10:48
clivejosoee: yeah it is10:49
soeewell, so it should get some love :-)10:49
clivejohope so10:50
clivejoits a great tool for me10:50
soeefor all of us i think10:51
soeebut for me priority is rock solid Plasma 5 + rock solid apps like kmail :)10:52
clivejosoee: see thats why I think a pledge for features system would be a good idea10:52
soeeand somewhere in my dreams i hope this ugly skyp icon will be changed10:52
soeebut then, there might be very good ideas but not many would support them10:53
clivejoisnt it a Microsoft trademark?10:53
soeeclivejo: it is10:53
clivejobut surely thats for people to decide10:54
clivejoIm sure Canonical think Unity is a "good idea"10:54
clivejobut for me, Id pay to get rid of it!10:55
soeei don't care, i do not use it and never did10:55
soeei think KDE was always my distro (there were experiments with others few years ago, but in teh end ... kde)10:56
clivejoI also think a feedback tool in the Muon Discover would be good idea10:59
clivejoeven a donate button there would be nice10:59
soeeclivejo: sure but first Discover shoudl get some love with its gui/UI/UX11:00
Riddellhttp://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/applications/kdepimlibs.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_stable_bin&id=adc704937b7f77d4a46488c8fcf76f6166f5f5b7 seems fine sitter11:01
clivejoits a bit ugly,bless its wee cotton socks!11:01
soeei think VDG did some proposals for it11:01
clivejoa GUI only a mother could love11:01
Riddellsoee: kde4libs is uploaded and in wily-proposed but it's stuck there due to beta freeze11:02
sitterkdepimlibs integrating11:02
Riddellflexiondotorg: release notes a good yes11:02
soeeclivejo: but when you mentioned it ... maybe i find some time to design on paper some new concepts for Discover11:03
clivejosoee: are you going to Randa?11:03
soeeDiscover is a part of Applications or it is separate project ?11:03
flexiondotorgRiddell, Thanks.11:03
soeeclivejo: nope, this year = no travels for me11:03
clivejosoee: I dont know, I rarely use it11:03
Riddellsitter: libindi, brave man11:03
clivejoon the international no fly list?11:04
Riddellsitter: libkolab is approved by pitti thanks11:04
clivejoeakkk "Oh no! You're suspected of having broken merger_kdepimlibs"11:05
soeeRiddell: where can i find deb file for amd64 with this updated kde4libs ?11:05
sitterRiddell: indi looks good if we consider it worth FFeing for11:06
sittercan do a sync from debian and rebuild the rdeps11:06
Riddellsoee: just enable wily-proposed11:07
clivejositter Riddell: what did I do?11:07
Riddellsitter: yes please11:07
Riddellclivejo: spookily I got the same message about kdepimlibs11:07
sittertwas me11:07
Riddellclivejo: but it looks good now http://kci.pangea.pub/job/merger_kdepimlibs/11:07
* clivejo wipes sweat off brow11:08
soeeRiddell: after enabling proposed and trying full-upgrade i have only this error: libstreamanalyzer0 : Depends: libclucene-core1 (>= but it is not installable11:10
Riddellsoee:  apt-cache rdepends libstreamanalyzer0?11:11
sitterRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libindi/+bug/148941111:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489411 in libindi (Ubuntu) "FFe libindi 1.0 sync from debian unstable" [Undecided,New]11:11
sitterlibkolab almost ready11:11
Riddellsoee: confirmed!11:11
Riddellsitter: confirmed!11:12
soeeRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12205056/11:12
sitterRiddell: do we need a separate ticket for sync from debian?11:12
soeemaybe i shoudl reinstall some package ?11:12
Riddellsitter: not really11:13
Riddellsitter: you can just run /usr/bin/syncpackage I think11:13
sitterwell, kolab first11:15
soeeerkh, E: Unable to locate package kde4libs11:17
yofelthat's the source, you want one of the 20 or so binaries11:21
* sitter wonders why libkolab refuses to build against 15.08 kmime -.-11:26
sitterRiddell: indi transition uploaded11:30
mparilloIs plasma-netbook ever coming back? If not, I can close as won't fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeplasma-addons/+bug/106686111:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1066861 in kdeplasma-addons (Ubuntu) "Plasma-netbook freezes after clicking on 'Page one' in the panel" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:31
soeemeh :/ kdelibs5-plugins : Depends: kdelibs5-data (= 4:4.14.8-4~ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1) but 4:4.14.11-0ubuntu2 is to be installed11:46
soeewhy it wants old packages http://paste.ubuntu.com/12205174/ ?11:50
Riddellmparillo: it's dead indeed11:51
sitterRiddell: plz review http://paste.ubuntu.com/12205221/12:04
sitterdiff to debian master12:05
Riddellsitter: looking good12:06
soeeRiddell: any idea what is goind on with my deps ? see my link above12:07
Riddellsoee: apt remove libstreamanalyzer0  may help12:08
Riddellor apt -f install12:08
Riddellor both12:08
soeeRiddell: both will fail :)12:10
soeeoh no wait, -f install might do something12:10
soeebut with proposed enabled there is thi sproblem it wants to remove:12:11
soeeakregator amarok amarok-utils apturl-kde baloo-utils k3b k3b-i18n kde-runtime kde-telepathy-declarative kdeconnect kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdesudo kio-audiocd kmix knotes12:11
soee  krdc ksnapshot ksystemlog ktorrent kubuntu-desktop language-pack-kde-en libktpcommoninternalsprivate8 libktploggerprivate8 libktpmodelsprivate8 libktpwidgetsprivate812:11
soee  libplasma3 libstreamanalyzer0 libstreams0 libtag-extras1 libtag1c2a okular plasma-scriptengine-javascript python3-pykde4 rsibreak skanlite ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt yakuake12:11
soeeugm, sorry for that, should be pastbin12:11
sitterRiddell:   Uploading libkolab_1.0.0-0ubuntu1.dsc: done.12:23
sittershould get through on its own since it has no rdeps right now I think12:24
claydohwhat is it  with the articles on how to install plasma 5.4 in Vivid? Surely it can't be for tyhe clickbait factor, right?12:38
Riddellclaydoh: which articles?12:39
claydohRiddell: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2015/08/install-kde-plasma-plasma-5-412:40
claydohand http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/08/plasma-5-4-new-features12:40
clivejohow is it coming ?12:42
clivejoplasma-nm seems to be still broken on wily?12:43
clivejothats not plasma5.4 though12:46
clivejokubuntu-ppa/backports only has plasma 5.3.212:47
clivejoclaydoh: Here is the current status of Plasma 5.4 on wily - http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.4.0_wily.html 12:49
claydohclivejo: I know, but that doesn't stop people from putting out articles that get people all excited and then......nada lol!12:50
clivejosomeone should inform the author - https://plus.google.com/+joeysneddon/posts12:52
Riddell"once it lands in the Kubuntu Backports PPA"13:10
RiddellI guess the pressure is on to get it there13:10
Riddelltrouble is it's blocked in wily by gcc transition, beta freeze and network-manager breakage13:11
clivejodidnt I hear sgclark wont be working on backports for a while?13:11
Riddellquite possibly13:13
Riddellsgclark: you off backports for a while?13:13
clivejoRiddell: any progress on the plasma 5.4 nm issue?13:16
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:25
clivejohi BluesKaj_13:26
BluesKaj_hey clivejo13:26
soeethere other package formats liek rpm etc. is it any eaiser to package them than debs 13:27
soeeor it is the same road13:27
shadeslayersoee: lol13:43
shadeslayerspec files are sooooo fucked13:43
shadeslayerPKGBUILDS are somewhat saner, but forego all the awesome stuff that debs provide13:44
shadeslayerlike symbol files13:44
shadeslayeralso, PKGBUILDS are, afaict, not machine parsable13:44
shadeslayeror well, a bit hard13:45
shadeslayerbshah: well yeah : source=("http://www.server.tld/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz"13:46
shadeslayer        "foo.desktop") < that's a tad bit difficult to parse isn't it13:46
bshahwhat about just sourcing pkgbuild and get over with it?13:46
bshah(I do it in lot of my scripts)13:47
bshahbut yeah if you want to do in another language.. i see your pain13:47
* shadeslayer ponders how that'd work in Ruby13:47
bshahPKGBUILD have no style defined13:47
shadeslayerwell, it's basically bash :P13:48
bshahon other hand... there is solution to problem13:48
bshahthere is mksrcinfo tool13:48
bshahwhich generates SRCINFO file13:48
bshahit is machine parsable13:48
shadeslayerbshah: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git/tree/lib/debian < various Debian file parsers13:49
bshahfor instance : http://ix.io/kuG13:49
shadeslayerbshah: that does look alot saner13:49
shadeslayerthough then you don't have unique fields from what I see :P13:50
bshahyes.. some fields are not supposed to be unique13:50
bshahyou have to iterate either way13:51
bshaheven if it is put in one field or repeated13:51
shadeslayeryeah, not a big deal13:52
shadeslayerI think rpmspecs are the worst though :P13:52
soeewhat arch uses ?13:52
shadeslayersoee: PKGBUILD's13:53
soeeand fedora, suse ?13:53
shadeslayersoee: spec files13:53
bshahthey use rpmspec IIRC13:53
soeegosh, this is to complicated for me :)13:53
shadeslayeryou should talk to dvratil about parsing spec files xD13:53
soeeand how doifferent this snappy packages are from debs etc. ?13:54
bshahwhy you want to parse spec files?13:55
* bshah misses context13:55
shadeslayerbshah: for scripting purposes13:55
shadeslayerautomated builds and what not13:55
shadeslayerfor eg. updating frameworks would  be a single command13:56
shadeslayer( next step would be to make CI do it )13:56
shadeslayerbasically, eliminate the human factor of introducing errors :P13:56
bshahI would so so be interested in arch CI13:56
shadeslayerget parsable PKGBUILD's first :P13:56
* shadeslayer is pondering about setting up his own britney13:57
shadeslayerActually, I could even rewrite Britney in Ruby13:58
shadeslayerand make it better13:58
shadeslayerwith a proper config13:58
Riddellclivejo: no progress on nm as far as I know14:15
Riddellcyphermox: any progress on nm and plasma-workspace?14:15
clivejoI mentioned it in #plasma and sebas suggested adding libnm-qt as a build dep, but I tried a rebuild and its still failing ove nm-core-enum-types.h14:17
Riddelldoes that file exist? I think it's new and is missing from the nm package14:18
clivejoI wonder does it build on my system14:19
cyphermoxit's shipped by libnm-dev14:19
cyphermoxI thought you were alreday working on it clivejo, if not I can look harder now14:20
clivejocyphermox: Im trying, but no idea what is wrong or how to fix it14:20
cyphermoxjust add libnm-dev as a build-depends14:21
clivejocyphermox: it wont build14:21
cyphermoxany of the packages which currently build-depend on network-manager-dev probably should add libnm-dev14:21
cyphermoxok, which package exactly? I'll go look14:21
clivejoRiddell: does this mean anything to you14:22
clivejoclivejo: it looks like you do not have /usr/include/libnm in your include path. NetworkManagerQt (not Plasma NM) from KF5 >= 5.8.0 should have added it automatically to include path. Check if /usr/lib64/cmake/KF5NetworkManagerQt/KF5NetworkManagerQtTargets.cmake contains libnm's include path in INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES14:22
cyphermoxso we probably need to look at NetworkManagerQt directly, not plasma-whatever14:22
clivejocyphermox: seems like it14:23
cyphermoxwhat's the proper name for that package?14:24
clivejocyphermox:  network-manager  ?14:25
cyphermoxnot for NetworkManagerQt14:25
Riddellclivejo: are you onto that or should I look too?15:00
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Riddellahoneybun: could you take on bug 1483620 ? I just fixed it in wily and you need to take my 4.12.0-0ubuntu4 package and backport that to vivid15:41
ubottubug 1483620 in Kubuntu PPA "kipi-plugins 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu1 is missing dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148362015:41
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellclivejo: cyphermox: looks like it just needs libkf5networkmanager-qt rebuilt and it picks up the (presumably new?) include directory :)16:23
cyphermoxRiddell: sounds right16:24
Riddellclivejo: I uploaded networkmanager-qt 5.13.0-0ubuntu2, you can click rebuild on plasma-workspace once that's in the archive16:26
Riddellonce it's in wily-proposed16:26
soeekopete still broken ? 16:30
RiddellI'm away tomorrow until sunday evening16:30
Riddellsoee: yeah that'll need more work, kdepimlibs repackaged16:30
sneleRiddell: who to poke about this bug? 16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1485212 in muon (Ubuntu) ""Configure sources" broken in Muon (Wily)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:32
sneleshould I report it upstream?16:32
Riddellsnele: yeah I guess so16:32
soeeRiddell: Plasma 5.4 also need some deeper work ?16:32
Riddellsoee: the nm issue should be solved once my new networkmanager-qt is in so it'll need a few things rebuilt then it can be uploaded16:33
yofelshadeslayer: so, I won't be in berlin anymore in october, but I've been thinking about getting an LPIC-1 certificate, so I'll most likely come to ubucon anyway16:43
RiddellLPI 1 is dead easy, I was the first person to get one in scotland and I didn't read the syllabus or anything16:46
Riddellalthough read up on your rpm commands I seem to remember :)16:46
* Riddell out, not online much until sunday evening/monday16:47
yofelyeah, I looked at the example questions and I can answer like half of them right away, so it'll be an easy way to get a certificate without much effort16:47
* ovidiu-florin is sending the email to the sysadmins NOW to release the new site18:07
ovidiu-florincan someone please help and write a mockup or even a full article for the new site release?18:09
ovidiu-florinI'm still at work :((18:09
clivejoplasma-nm built successful18:44
clivejothanks so much Riddell18:44
soeeclivejo: so whole 5.4 should be ready soon ?18:51
clivejoIve restarted the builds18:51
soeecool :)18:52
clivejokeep your eye on here - http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.4.0_wily.html18:52
shadeslayeryofel: hah18:52
shadeslayeryofel: is it any useful to have one?18:52
shadeslayeryofel: and got a link to the sample questionaire18:53
yofelshadeslayer: just google for lpic 1 101 questions and you'll find a bunch of practice sites based on old questions18:57
yofelwell, it tells you people that you actually know how to use linux and didn't just write it on your resumee for fun18:57
yofelOTOH, for you it's probably not interesting if your resumee is 80% about linux development :P18:57
shadeslayeryofel: if a company does not quiz me about stuff that I've written down on my resume, then it speaks volumes about the company as well18:58
yofelif anything, LPIC 2 or 3 are intersting if you're looking for a sysadmin job, 1 is really just basics18:58
yofelwhich is why any of us can probably pass that without studying ^^18:59
shadeslayererm, no thanks @ sysadmin :p18:59
geniiIs LPI supposed to be distro-agnostic? Why do they have rpm commands, I wonder, in the test19:00
clivejoyofel: if plasma 5.4 builds coreectly, is it hard to backport it to vivid?19:01
yofelgenii: because RHEL is a reality, and I think they have some dpkg stuff in there as well19:05
clivejoyippeee plasma-workspace built successfully19:08
clivejolooking good!19:08
ahoneybunRiddell: what happened ?19:12
ahoneybunLP 148362019:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1483620 in Kubuntu PPA "kipi-plugins 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu1 is missing dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148362019:12
ahoneybunwhy did it get assigned to me?19:18
clivejoI think digikam makes it19:18
yofelthat ^19:19
yofelkipi-plugins is build by digikam19:19
yofeland you were backportiing digikam, weren't you ;)19:19
clivejoand you backported digikam to vivid19:19
ahoneybunI did19:19
clivejoso you're in charge now19:19
ahoneybunso the backport part is mine19:20
ahoneybunI was just saying that I did not do the wily one19:20
* ahoneybun fines packages and grabs the SOURCE19:20
clivejoI did the wily one19:20
clivejobut the bug is for the vivid one19:21
clivejoso your build needs moved to vivid-backport19:21
clivejohas it been tested?19:22
ahoneybunjust by ovidiu-florin19:22
ahoneybunit is just in my own PPA atm19:22
yofelneeds some more testing that, and verification that Riddell's fix is actually in that version19:22
yofel*testing then19:22
soeewe dont have any annoucement about Beta1? 19:23
ahoneybunyofel: I never said it had enough :)19:23
* ahoneybun looks for dsc command that yofel has told me twice19:23
clivejoLOL write it down!19:24
clivejoahoneybun: I keep notes cause you told me to!#19:24
yofelthere is also pull-lp-source for the archive (ubuntu-dev-tools), and pull-ppa-source for PPA's (kubuntu-dev-tools) for convenience19:24
ahoneybunI know I keep forgetting that one!19:24
ahoneybundget -xu <url-to-dsc>19:25
ahoneybunthat SSD and -j4 will come in handy now clivejo lol19:26
* clivejo nods19:26
clivejowill heat your room too :)19:26
ahoneybundigikam is a beast19:27
clivejotry calligra :)19:28
soeeclivejo: whya ll have dependency wait and non builds http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/plasma/build_status_5.4.0_wily.html ?19:30
clivejobecause LP is slow!!19:30
soeeoh now build19:30
clivejoit can take up to 20mins for the packages that have been built to become available 19:31
clivejoin the archive19:31
clivejoplasma-workspace just got published, so Ive restarted khitkeys, plasma-desktop and powerdevil19:32
clivejobut its looking good19:32
clivejothe amd64 build is going faster19:32
ahoneybunI'm confused it does not like those deps19:33
ahoneybundpkg-source: warning: can't parse dependency libkfilemetadata-dev19:34
clivejoahoneybun: have you your $DEBEMAIL and $DEBFULLNAME set in .bashrc ?19:37
ahoneybunprobley not19:38
clivejogood idea if you are going to work locally19:38
clivejoit caused me problems til yofel explained it19:39
clivejojust plasma-desktop to go!19:40
mparillohttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/wily/beta-1/ is loaded19:41
soeebuilding is fun .. when all builds fine :D19:41
clivejosoee: indeed it is19:41
clivejoor if you know how to fix the problem19:41
* yofel considers that boring, where's the challenge? :P19:41
clivejoyofel: do you know what Riddell did to fix libkf5networkmanager-qt ?19:42
clivejojust rebuilt it?19:42
clivejowith new source?19:43
yofelagainst the new NM19:43
yofelno, against network-manager19:43
clivejois network-manager part of ubuntu?19:44
yofelif you read /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/KF5NetworkManagerQt/KF5NetworkManagerQtTargets.cmake you will see that it has a list of the include paths19:44
yofelone path was missing19:44
clivejothe libkf5networkmanager is kubuntu?19:44
yofeland that file is generated during the build19:44
clivejoI dont think Im explaining myself19:45
yofeluhm, technically everything is part of ubuntu. But libkf5networkmanager is maintained by us, network-manager by ubuntu (the foundation folks I guess)19:45
clivejoah thats what I meant19:45
clivejoyofel: have you ubuntu archive access?19:46
clivejoor it just Riddell?19:46
soeeclivejo: some problem with last pckage ?19:46
yofelclivejo: I do, for the kubuntu packageset19:47
yofelupload permissions are managed by packagesets, js is core-dev and can upload almost everything19:47
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
clivejosoee: dont think its anything serious19:51
soeesomething with widgets ?19:51
clivejoso who feels brave?19:54
soeei will test, it wants to remove libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2private5 libtag1c2a19:57
soeebut there are newer verion of this to be installed19:57
clivejohold on19:57
clivejowiat until plasma-desktop gets published19:57
soeeit isnt ?19:58
clivejonot yet19:58
clivejoah not it is19:58
* soee testing20:00
clivejosoee must have fast connection!20:01
soeewhy ?20:01
* clivejo is still doing apt-get update20:01
* clivejo twiddles thumbs20:01
clivejosoee: can you confirm ahoneybun's theme commits?20:02
clivejoto plasma 5.420:03
clivejohight contrast theme?20:03
soeeok seems like all is installed fine :)20:05
soeei will relogin now20:05
soeeback :)20:06
* clivejo is jealous20:07
soeewow there is new KCM for gamma ;o20:07
* clivejo is still downloading packages20:08
soeebut System Settings still crashes when exiting Display & Monitor section20:08
valorieovidiu-florin: I can write some stuff, but need a bit more detail about what you want, where it will be published, etc.20:13
clivejovalorie: o/20:14
soeeclivejo: for me 5.4 looks good20:14
valoriegreets, clivejo20:14
ovidiu-florinSomething that can go on the website and on our social media20:14
soeemaybe yofel can move it to wily archive20:14
clivejosoee: stop teasing me!!20:14
valoriejust been reading up20:14
clivejo67% downloaded20:14
ovidiu-florinsomething to say that we are launching a new and plasma 5 themed website20:14
soeeclivejo: what speed you have ?20:15
valorieso for like G+ etc.?20:15
valorieovidiu-florin: ^^^20:15
clivejosupposed to be 8Mb, but only about 2Mb in the evenings20:15
soeeclivejo: and i have ~ 1MB ...20:16
ovidiu-florinOur news feed (website), G+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, reddit, etc....20:16
clivejoat the moment20:16
valorieok, on the website itself it will be a bit meta, but might inform confused people20:17
clivejobut this is WAY better than BT's superfast Infinity20:17
clivejoInfinity + 9 miles of old copper cable = zero20:19
clivejosoee: what graphics driver are you using?20:21
soeeclivejo: Nvidia 35520:21
soeeuh there was Dolphin update to 15.0820:22
clivejowhen does settings crash for you?20:22
soeeopen System Settings and go to Display & Monitor section20:23
soeeif i exix from there it crashes20:23
clivejooh, yeah, but you have to exit or go back?20:23
soeeif i go back20:24
valorieovidiu-florin: https://notes.kde.org/p/NewKubuntuSite20:24
soeebinding to activity has some issues20:34
soeebut looks liek works, i can remove now virtual desktops for good :)20:34
clivejosoee: have you wayland working yet?20:35
soeei didn't try it20:35
soeekubuntu lies to me: 1 package can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see it.20:36
soeebut there are none to be upgraded20:36
clivejosoee: do you use Muon Updater?20:37
soeeclivejo: the package that it say is to upgrade: plasma-nm/wily 4:5.4.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa1 amd64 [upgradable from: 4:5.3.95-0ubuntu1]20:37
* valorie goes outside for a bit20:37
clivejoare you sure you are running 5.4?20:37
soeebut apt full-upgrade returns: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:37
soeeclivejo: yes i'm on 5.420:38
clivejotry running muon updater see what it says?20:38
soeether eis something wrong with this package20:39
soeeMuon shows it as marked to be upgrade20:39
soeebut it can't be20:39
yofelsoee: crashes here as well20:39
soeeyofel: System Settings ?20:39
soeeyofel: can you check this plasma-nm package ?20:40
yofelyeah, give me a sec20:40
clivejomy version is 4:5.4.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa120:41
yofelnow let me upgrade to 5.420:42
soeeclivejo: yofel: see http://wstaw.org/m/2015/08/27/snapshot17.png20:43
clivejosoee: you're on vivid?20:44
soeeclivejo: no, i'm using nodejs repo for vivd only20:44
clivejosoee: what version does dpkg -s plasma-desktop show you?20:46
soeeclivejo: Version: 4:5.4.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa120:46
soeeclivejo: if i try to reinstall plasma-nm: plasma-nm : Depends: libkf5networkmanagerqt6 (>= 5.13.0-0ubuntu2) but 5.13.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed20:54
soeemaybe it is in proposed and i don't have tit enabled20:55
clivejothats the package Riddell fixed earlier to allow us to build plasma-nm20:56
clivejoyeah, I have proposed enbaled20:56
clivejobut you will get all the 15.07.90 apps20:57
soeeclivejo: apt-cache policy libkf5networkmanagerqt620:57
soeewhat shows for  you ?20:57
clivejomy version is from propsed20:57
soeeah and problem solved :-)20:57
clivejothere is an older verison in universe20:58
soeeyup mine: 500 http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ wily/universe amd64 Packages20:58
clivejothats the one20:58
soeeclivejo: ok confirmed, i have downloaded new deb manually and installed it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/amd64/libkf5networkmanagerqt6/5.13.0-0ubuntu221:00
soeeand now plasma-nm has been upgraded21:00
soeeto 5.421:00
clivejosoee: what font do you use in your terminal?21:01
soeei think it is my system font = Droid Sans21:02
soeeok so now we are only waitign fr apps 15.08 to be finished :)21:03
clivejoyes, only!21:04
* soee installing new Vivaldi snapshot21:05
clivejokopete needs kdepim-dev21:05
clivejobut what created the kdepim-dev package21:06
soeewhere it comes from ?21:07
soeeyofel: ^21:07
clivejoits in trusty - http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/devel/kdepim-dev21:10
clivejobut maybe its been replaced in KF521:10
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I'll play around with kdenlive (the new version) this weekend, and get back to you with feedback21:11
yofelclivejo: kdepim-dev *came* from kdepim21:12
yofelbut I guess for qt5 the libs were split out21:12
clivejoso surely in the kdepim - 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa3 log file there should be a package kdepim-dev ?21:13
yofelthat's qt5 kdepim21:16
yofelkdepim-dev is kde4 kdepim21:16
yofelkdepim-dev doesn't exist anymore21:16
clivejoso kopete needs it removed from deps?21:16
yofelno, kopete needs like half the pim stack in kde4 version to work, that's a ton of work21:17
yofelso maybe we'll just drop it for wily21:17
* clivejo chokes21:17
soeelets remove kopete :D21:17
yofelclivejo: btw. did you subscribe to the kde release ML yet?21:18
clivejoprobably not!21:18
clivejois it on debian or kde?21:19
yofelyou want the kde one for kde related stuff21:19
yofelclivejo: relevant thread https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2015-August/008865.html21:21
clivejook done21:21
clivejoso just wait and see?21:22
yofelwell, that thread has all the information that's there21:26
yofeltheoretically it's possible to package kopete, it's just a lot of work21:26
clivejo"I'm afraid distros will have to figure out the packaging magic to handle that on their own." sounds interesting21:26
clivejooh, does this mean there is new source available?21:28
yofelthat's just for the mentioned file conflicts21:28
yofelbut yeah, there was a new tarball21:28
yofeldunno if we updated that actually...21:28
clivejodont think so21:29
clivejonew upload required?21:29
clivejokopete is still ppa121:29
yofelwe did21:29
clivejoso Im guessing not21:29
yofel211cceb073dc68ce2c325625f9547d94f03819acb9f9f30a07721ed46790533f  kdepimlibs_15.08.0.orig.tar.xz21:29
yofelI guess we uploaded that after the tarball update21:30
sneleis plasma 5.4 in proposed or release in wily?21:36
clivejosnele: neither21:36
clivejostaging ppa21:36
clivejosnele: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-plasma/21:37
sneleclivejo: thanx I am going to test it :)21:37
clivejohes back!21:46
snelei am missing right click submenus in dolphin: create new folder(???), create new text file, compress to archive21:46
sneleplasma 5.4 beta and now plasma 5.4 final21:47
snelecan anyone confirm this?21:47
snelewtf i had to go to konsole to mkdir...21:47
clivejoI think dolphin is in apps, is it not?21:47
yofelactually, "Create new" is there21:48
yofelbut not the compress menu21:48
clivejothat menu is in my dolphin too21:48
yofel(it's there if click on an empty space without a file selected)21:48
sneleyofel: yes but there is no create new>folder or text document21:48
yofelI have that21:49
clivejosnele: what apps version are you on?21:49
soeeclivejo: Dolphin 15.08 s in Wily updates 21:49
soeeothers not i think21:49
snelewily with staging ppa21:49
clivejojust staging plasma?21:49
clivejoor staging apps too?21:50
sneleplasma 5.4 apps 15.0821:50
clivejoI didnt think Apps 15.08 was released out of staging yet21:51
clivejothere are problems with PIM and Kopete21:51
clivejo15.07.90 apps are in proposed21:52
yofelno, 15.08.0 is in proposed21:52
yofelkopete will take longer to figure out than we have time to wait21:52
sneleclivejo: yofel: this is what i got :) http://www.dodaj.rs/f/Q/HN/DWL2Y3A/snapshot9.png21:52
clivejoyofel: did that happen today?21:52
clivejomy dolphin is Version: 4:15.07.90a-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa221:53
clivejowhat about you soee?21:54
yofel  Installed: 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa121:54
sneleso you guys have create new > folder/text file on right click in dolphin?21:54
soeefrom: 500 http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ wily/universe amd64 Package21:54
yofelif I click into an empty space the topmost menu entry is Create New21:54
clivejohumm thats odd21:55
sneleyofel: yes but Create new should have submenu folder or text file. I am missing these submenus21:56
clivejothere is a 4:15.08.0-0ubuntu1 available in universe but Im using 15.07.9021:56
snele*submenu entries21:56
yofelsnele: I have that submenu if no file is selected21:56
yofelif I select a file Create New is greay21:56
snelehmmm I have to reinstall wily tommorow. this is mine test partition :)21:57
yofelno wait, if I select a folder it's there, if I select a broken symlink it's grey and if I select a file the entry isn't there at all21:57
clivejoyofel: so is PIM fixed in 15.08?21:58
yofeldefined fixed21:58
yofelkmail works for me21:58
yofeldidn't try something else21:58
clivejook lets see21:59
snelehmmm if i enable proposed then okular printer-driver-brlaser going to be removed22:00
soeedont do it22:01
soeefor me it alsa wants to remove other packages liek keb, amarok, kubuntu-desktop etc.22:01
snelesoee: I am already doing it hehe. going to brake it and reinstall it tommorow :D22:02
soeeif i put on my desktop comic widget and try to access it properties it does nothing but creates artifact on my desktop22:04
soeeeh they could fix the owncliud client to be loaded minimized ...22:08
soeei think i reported this bug liek 1,5 years ago22:09
snelesorry to bother you with this. I made screenshot to make clear what I am missing22:17
ahoneybunvalorie: ovidiu-florin put at the bottom: VDG approved22:17
sneledo you have this entries in right click menu in dolphin?22:17
ahoneybunthe file and text ones22:18
sneleahoneybun: in wily plasma 5.4 apps 15.08?22:18
clivejosnele: Id create a screen shot, but it appears to be broken!22:19
ahoneybunwell dolphin is 15.07.80 or sometthing22:19
sneleok so my wily install is broken22:20
snelei'll try with new user22:20
sneleanyway i will reinstall tommorow's daily :)22:21
clivejosnele: http://postimg.org/image/a2bs3ekkn/22:21
ahoneybunI see clivejo likes my High Contrast colors22:22
ahoneybunalso Oxygen Icons22:22
clivejoksnapshot isnt opening via the print screen key thou22:22
sneleclivejo: thanks22:22
sneleclivejo: it opens here :)22:22
clivejosnele: that is Plasma 5.4 & 15.08 apps22:22
clivejoLOL now its working22:23
clivejocrazy computer!22:23
soeeclivejo: it is opening22:28
clivejowhat is?22:28
clivejoafter I opened it from kickoff, now its opening from print screen button22:29
clivejomy icons by my clock have got smaller :/22:35
clivejoand double clicking window title bars doesnt maximise them22:44
clivejooh dear22:51
clivejoplasma crashed22:51
clivejohavent had that in a while22:52
clivejoany crashes soee?22:54
soeeso far no22:55
soeebut i dont use any proposed or unstable ppa22:55
soeejust this one staging for plasma22:56
* ahoneybun should start working on digikam backport again lol23:01
ahoneybunI need to understand what Riddell did23:02
valorieour telegram group seems to be under attack23:14
valorieor maybe not23:16
ahoneybununder attaack lol23:23
ahoneybunwe should have updated that page a bit before release23:25
ahoneybunseeing that canoe club pdf means its Riddell lol23:26
clivejohummm kontact wont send emails23:36
clivejonot impressed with this new release23:36
clivejoUnable to fetch item from backend (collection -1): Unable to retieve item from resource: Did not recieve a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security blocked the repl...23:39
yofelsounds like dead akonadi to me...23:40
clivejosounds like bed time to me!23:46
clivejonight all23:46

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