
=== philippe is now known as Guest60116
austin6598does anyone here use the kde app launcher and at their PC right now?00:37
rosco_yHow can I fix my ubuntu so that it doesn't lose it's display settings every time I reboot?00:53
Bomberhey, is anyone kind enough to try and help me clean my fstab / .xauthority file? not quite sure what the right procedure should be for my case...01:00
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lordievaderGood morning.06:38
Silmarilionmy /etc/skel dir is empty where can I find examples for .bash_rc, .profile etc..07:42
h4ml3thi all, the panel below is often frozen because of some application opened I guess, how can I "reboot" it?07:48
h4ml3tby "panel below" I mean the panel at the bottom, but also the desktop is not clickable anymore07:49
lordievaderh4ml3t: Can you still drag windows around?07:50
h4ml3tbut I can still switch windows with Alt+Tab or scroll desktops with ctrl+alt+arrows07:50
h4ml3tsure lordievader !07:51
lordievaderh4ml3t: Then it is likely plasmashell, open a terminal kill plasmashell and restart it with 'nohup plasmashell&'.07:51
h4ml3twindows and application are fine07:51
h4ml3tyou are my hero lordievader !07:53
=== LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps
SilentGhostafter restart the whole breeze style got broken. half of icons is gone, font went haywire (15.04, 5.3.2). Does anyone know what could be done?08:07
SilentGhostmisterno: reinstall what?08:09
misternosudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop08:09
misternosame for plasma-desktop08:09
lordievaderThose are meta-packages, reinstalling them does nothing.08:11
lordievaderSilentGhost: Do other themes suffer the same fate?08:11
SilentGhostyeah, it pretty much did nothing08:11
misternoi had my breeze theme messed up08:12
misternoand this sorted it08:12
SilentGhostwell, selecting oxygen, for example, does not seem to fix fonts08:12
SilentGhostor icons08:13
lordievaderSilentGhost: Fonts are a different setting, they are not included with the theme.08:13
lordievaderSame for the icons.08:13
SilentGhostlordievader: I tried reinstalling breeze-icon-theme but that didn't seem to help either08:15
lordievaderSilentGhost: Could you send a screenshot of the problem?08:16
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.08:16
SilentGhostlordievader: let me reboot, since at least dolphin looks fine, and see whether anything changed08:21
SilentGhosthere are the missing icons https://imgur.com/a/CiMRr and here is the wrong fonts: https://imgur.com/3Zpd59108:30
SilentGhostsorry it took me so long08:30
lordievaderFor the icons are you referring to the white ones in the menu or the missing ones among the hardware section?08:32
lordievaderNot really sure what is wrong wit the font.08:32
SilentGhostlordievader: the sizes, let get another one08:33
SilentGhostlordievader: not just hardware section, shortcuts and connectivity are missing08:33
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
SilentGhostlordievader: of course, icons are missing all over the place, not just in this view08:33
lordievaderHmm, under Wily my Breeze icon theme doesn't show missing things. Do you have the backports installed?08:38
SilentGhostlordievader: yes, and it worked just fine until I restarted the machine about an hour ago08:38
lordievaderHmm, lets see if I can reproduce it on Vivid.08:39
mokushanybody got a chance to look over https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/1478405?comments=all ? inline spell checking doesn't work in any kf5 apps08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1478405 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "REGRESSION: spellcheck does not work in PLASMA 5 applications" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:39
jemandHi, I'm having trouble after connecting a second screen on Kubuntu 15.04 Plasma5.3.09:20
jemandIt freezes after a short while (2-5min). First the windowbar - then the rest.09:20
jemandAny clues on that? (restoring graphics...???)09:20
lordievaderSilentGhost: After upgrading Vivid to the backports I cannot reproduce your problem.09:20
SilentGhostlordievader: yes, as I said, it all seemed to work just fine, until I restarted earlier09:21
SilentGhostlordievader: is there something that would let me reset much of the plasma to the "factory" settings?09:22
lordievaderI restarted too ;)09:22
jemandit's NVIDIA GT216GLM  Quadro FX 880M09:22
lordievaderSilentGhost: You could create a new user and see if it suffers of the same problem.09:22
SilentGhostlordievader: yeah, I believe it would09:23
vividjemand: lucky you, my desktop turns into a prism of lights when i connect a second monitor to it09:23
lordievaderSilentGhost: Have you tested it?09:24
SilentGhostlordievader: I will, give me a sec09:24
jemandvivid: now tat I restarted several times I'm coming forward to meet your status... all disappears09:25
jemandas I red Plasma5.4 should solve the probs - but where can I dl it?09:27
jemandIt's out since 3 days now ??09:27
lordievaderjemand: Plasma 5.4 hasn't even been packaged for Wily yet. Let alone for Vivid.09:28
jemandbut Plasma5.3 just fails and I don't see a solution09:28
vividplasma 5.10 will probably be stable09:28
lordievaderjemand: I'm sorry to hear that.09:29
jemandis there no reset routine to get the status before the fails?09:29
lordievaderjemand: What do you mean?09:30
jemanda command line routine to get rid of NVIDIA driver and restore Noveau?09:30
vividdont you just use the driver manager?09:31
lordievaderAh, "dpkg -l | grep nvidia| awk '{print $2}' | xargs apt-get purge" <-- that will fail, review the package list first then add '-y' to the apt-get command.09:32
jemandvivid: I have no GUI @all09:33
SilentGhostlordievader: I'm happy to report that the new user did have exactly the same problems09:40
lordievaderHmm, I'd be happy if it didn't...09:40
lordievaderNow you don't really know where the problem is... Or at least, I don't.09:41
jemandas I red through the boards it's a real showstopper09:41
jemandTHX lordievader . It worked fine for me!!09:48
lordievaderjemand: You are back to Nouveau?09:49
jemandlordievader: jep  and I'll stay with it until Kubuntu 15.10 ;-)09:53
jemandlordievader: BIG THX you saved my day!09:54
lordievaderNo problem.09:54
jemandlordievader: OOOPS after 10 Min all freezes again. This time with the  Nouveau driver.10:03
lordievaderHmm :(10:04
jemandI remember it starte about 2 days ago maybe 3 with some updates10:05
jemandall besides the mousepointer freezed10:07
lordievaderjemand: kwin_x11 --replace?10:08
jemandhow to?10:08
lordievaderjemand: alt+f2 ?10:09
jemandok apt-get purge and install?10:09
lordievaderElse jump to a tty: DISPLAY=:0 kwin_x11 --replace10:09
lordievaderjemand: Huh?10:09
jemandah ok10:10
jemandlordievader: it works  ;-))10:11
jemandal windows do fine but the windowbar doesn't react10:12
jemand@stdout I get: XCB error: 3 (bad window), sequence......10:14
jemandALT F2  doesn't work either10:15
lordievaderjemand: Restart plasmashell too10:15
jemandhow to?10:16
lordievaderjemand: Find it's pid kill it and start plasmashell with 'nohup plasmashell&' (if still in the tty prepend 'DISPLAY=:0').10:17
=== kevin is now known as Guest59069
kamil_hi guys11:00
kamil_i updated kubuntu to wily, but update removed some apps like yakuake and ktorrent (i have info that i cannot install kde-runtime), any idea?11:00
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soeehi, kamil_, well there are small problems with dependiencies11:07
mparillokamil_: Sorry, no idea, but how did you upgrade? Did you use the kubuntu-devel-release-upgrader? I still had this error yesterday. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/146433011:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488843 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1464330 SRU: upgrader kde frontend fails to start" [Critical,Confirmed]11:07
kamil_mparillo: what are differences betwen kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade and do-release-upgrade -d?11:08
lordievaderkamil_: Do you get errors when trying to install ktorrent?11:13
mparilloI think the Kubuntu version launches a KDE wrapper.11:15
kamil_i think i just reinstal whole system, its always better than upgrade, and i had thoughts about it some time ago11:37
leumasHi everyone, i installed Kubuntu on vmware and just decided to try out Plasma 5.4. Installe the backports ppa repository recently and I havent most of the features of 5.4. Any ideas when this will come around to the backports ppa11:48
lordievaderleumas: What version of Kubuntu have you installed?11:49
lordievaderleumas: That one doesn't have 5.4 (yet). 15.10 has the beta of 5.4. Wily will likely first get 5.4, perhaps it will be backported to Vivid later, but perhaps not.11:50
leumasThanks for that insight. I will wait for the 15.10 upgrade11:52
hateballkamil_: 15.10 support is in #ubuntu+112:17
hateballubottu: come on :\12:18
ubottuhateball: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:18
hateballThat's not really the first thought that comes to mind, no12:18
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) will be the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Discussion in #ubuntu+112:18
ubottuwily werewolf is the codename for Ubuntu 15.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+112:18
hateballGuess using aliases is illegal12:19
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BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:25
EvilRoeyo/ BluesKaj_13:25
BluesKaj_hey EvilRoey13:25
BluesKaj_hey EvilRoey are you trying to be scary with that nick ?..because it isn't working :-)13:32
EvilRoeyBluesKaj_:  LOL13:34
BluesKaj_mario__:  enough tests, you've flooded the chat already13:35
EvilRoeyBluesKaj_:  I'm at work and needed another nick13:35
EvilRoeybecause I tend to leave myself logged in at my home machine as well (as "Roey")13:35
BluesKaj_I just add an undescore13:35
BluesKaj_on the laptop atm and it's not my normal chat machine13:37
SouL__Do you guys can recommend me any plasmoid to monitor the HDD free space?13:47
KNRO_Any ETA for Plasma 5.4 on backports PPA?13:48
soeeKNRO_: no13:50
soeeSouL__: the one available in Plasma 5 is not good enough ?13:51
KNRO_soee: Is it even going to make it to backports PPA or just hope for 15.10 ?13:55
soeeKNRO_: can't say. Depends if some dev have time to backport it.13:57
soeepriority now is Wily - our development version.13:57
jemandlordievader: I reinstalled the whole system - same effect: first the windowbar freezes after some minutes the rest14:21
jemandit's not depending on the screen driver - tested Nouveau and NVIDIA14:22
lordievaderDoes xrender work okay?14:24
BluesKajjemand:  update and upgrade then check driver manager in system settings and choose the recomended driver14:24
jemandHow can I test it?14:24
BluesKajby trying it14:25
BluesKajit will work for you I'm sure14:25
jemandBluesKaj: did all that an installed a brand new system14:25
lordievaderjemand: Go to your desktop effects settings and set the backend to xrender.14:26
BluesKajwhich kubuntu?14:26
BluesKajjemand: ^14:27
jemandKubuntu 15.0414:27
BluesKajwhich nvidia card?14:28
jemand NVIDIA GT216GLM  Quadro FX 880M14:29
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BluesKajok that gpu should run fine on the nvidia-340 driver, simiiar to my GT21814:32
jemandBluesKaj: before I get the chance to switch to xrender - the system freezes - how to do it from term?14:36
BluesKajI'm running  OpenGL3.1 without any problems here with the 340 driver, but that's your call14:39
jemandI did the same till ~3days ago - with an upgrade it started14:41
BluesKajxrender it is until the fix comes down, i reckon14:44
jemandbut how can I switch to it having no GIU?14:45
lordievaderErr, thought it was soemwhere in kwinrc. (<-- should be somewhere in ~/.config/kde or something)14:46
jemandno answers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229040714:47
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BluesKajjemand:  why not try the recovery kernel choose "repair broken packages" or with internet enabled then install the nvidia-340 driver14:54
jemandBluesKaj: I did that before I set up a brand new system.14:58
jemandjust googling: it seems to be a real showstopper - lots of hits15:00
jemandeven Xubuntu is hit - 15.04 AND 14.0415:03
BluesKajI have kubuntu 14.04 and it's fine15:04
jemandlucky you15:04
BluesKajnot lucky at all. it's normal15:05
jemandand it's obviously not the NVIDIA - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229015415:06
BluesKajok , nm, trying to help isn't working for me... good luck15:09
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
nishikino-makisudo apt-get upgrade so slooooooooooow~~~~15:11
nishikino-makihow to type * <nickname> <action> in IRC15:18
lordievadernishikino-maki: /me15:19
javi__do you know how to download the kubuntu alternate cd 14.04?15:31
lordievaderThat no longer exists.15:32
javi__so do you know how can i install some distros that cant run the graphical environment?15:32
javi__the problem is booting the usb15:32
javi__not all the distros run well15:32
lordievaderThere is the server iso and mini iso.15:33
lordievaderThey come with a text-based installer.15:33
javi__thats what im looking for15:33
javi__i cant find the server or mini isos15:34
javi__where are 'em?15:34
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:35
javi__but you are giving me the ubuntu downloads15:36
javi__not kubuntu15:37
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javi__should i install standard ubuntu and after the kde?15:37
javi__sorry for my small english15:37
lordievaderThe minimal iso is a very small iso, you select what you want and it downloads the rest off of the internet.15:37
javi__and does it offer gnome xfce kde?15:38
javi__the environments?15:38
javi__can you choose?15:38
javi__fucking yeah15:38
javi__thank you very much15:38
lordievaderPlease do watch your language.15:38
javi__is the first time i have help via chat15:38
javi__well i dont usually want it but its awesome15:39
javi__thanks guys15:39
lordievaderThis is a family friendly channel.15:39
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billy_ubuntu works so good that no one has any questions?20:44
billy_everyone is in a zen like state?20:44
metallicI just returned to Kubuntu 14.04 from the 15.04 version20:47
metallicsorry, but I prefer this one :)20:48
SouL__I cannot even poweroff the computer with the last version...20:54
akasicyeah, it happens to me sometimes20:54
akasicwhat if u press two times the power button?20:55
SouL__The computer gets "blocked" and the fan starts to make a lot of noise.20:56
akasicalso my flash shows aonly audio sometimes in utube videos, opening it over the last video20:56
SouL__So I have to shutdown with the hardware button20:56
SouL__that happens to all of my friends too, akasic.20:56
akasicso i have to use htmls (s*it)20:56
SouL__me too20:56
akasicreally? the video thingy?20:57
metallicSouL__: I didn't experienced such thing20:57
akasicu know, u are finished viewing one, and then, in the click, it only opens audio in the same page, i have to regit the url20:57
akasicwow, first i find, not even know how to explain it the first times20:58
akasicto reload the url20:58
SouL__yes, that issue with the video happen to all the people I know using Ubuntu.20:59
akasici think its the version, now its clear, at least20:59
akasici think it may be flash21:00
akasicwhat u think?21:00
SouL__metallic: I'm going to sleep, I'll explain it more tomorrow or when I'm free.21:00
SouL__Good night :(21:00
akasicdid u patched for the ''fullscreen video'' message off?21:00
akasiccya and good night21:01
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billy_i use 14.04 as well22:14
archetech15.10 wily22:22
john_ramboUsing Lubuntu 14.04 atm ...... trying to install kubuntu-desktop but getting this error http://paste2.org/1H4NxX6b ...... How to solve this ?22:34
bpromptjohn_rambo:    hmm tried  hmm ahemmm   --> sudo apt-get -f install ?22:38
john_rambobprompt: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.22:39
bpromptjohn_rambo:    and -> sudo apt-get check <--- shows the error still?22:40
john_rambobprompt: sudo apt-get check shows no error but when I tryto insall kubuntu-desktop the same error22:41
bpromptjohn_rambo:     I find it...odd.... sounds like some hmm remains of an older lib or package is preventing it22:43
bpromptjohn_rambo:    how about installing kubuntu instead, and then adding lxde to it :)22:44
john_ramboOkay I will try the forum ...if that doesnt help I will download Kubuntu .. Thanks22:44
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makemcan i get urgent help with dual boot kubuntu which is stuck at minimal bash like line editing etc?23:21
makemI am unable to boot into a live usb kubuntu because of fast boot or uefi i think23:22
SJrHow is Kubuntu  doing for 4K?23:38

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