
blrwgrant: are you aware of an alternative to setting juju config via juju deployer (i.e. the 'deploy' yaml in mojo) in a spec?05:31
blra manual juju set in postdeploy?05:32
wgrantblr: I've just had sysadmins run juju set manually in the past.05:33
wgrantWhat're you trying to do?05:33
blrwgrant: updating rutabaga's mojo spec to reflect the changes we made to auth_params in the charm a while back, and I think there is possibly a bug in juju in that it appears to strip quotes when passing the list of dicts to juju deployer, which blows up05:34
blrInvalid config charm squid-forwardproxy auth_params=[{'scheme': 'basic', 'program': '/srv/rutabaga/code/rutabaga/scripts/rutabaga_auth_helper.py'}]05:34
blrjuju set squid-forwardproxy auth_params="[{'scheme': 'basic', 'program': '/srv/rutabaga/code/rutabaga/scripts/rutabaga_auth_helper.py'}]" is fine however05:35
blrescaping quotes results in yaml errors05:37
blrhmm double quoting the string passes the correct string, yet juju deployer still complains. Invalid config charm squid-forwardproxy auth_params='[{'scheme': 'basic', 'program': '/srv/rutabaga/code/rutabaga/scripts/rutabaga_auth_helper.py'}]'05:49
wgrantblr: Are you sure your version of the charm has that parameter?05:56
blrwgrant: it does, the correct rev of the charm is in the build directory05:59
wgrantblr: What's your syntax in the YAML?05:59
wgrantblr: I used syntax like this to avoid escaping issues:06:02
wgrant  auth_params: |06:02
wgrant    [some, literal, yaml]06:02
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