
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
pittimvo: replied to bug 1457491 now, with a solution tested in a wily cloud instance07:07
ubottubug 1457491 in Snappy "Upgrade from r41 to r55 on BBB failed to boot and also to failover (drops into rescue systemd mode)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145749107:07
mvopitti: \o/07:08
mvopitti: thanks abunch07:08
zygagood morning :)07:58
zygamvo: did you have luck with git-lp yesterday?08:03
zygamvo: today will focus entirely on the python3-project plugin, I want to get to a point where separately-installed projects can see each other successfully08:04
zygamvo: I have some code but it's not fully working yet08:04
clobranohi there, I was wondering if ubuntu core has suspend/hibernate functionality and how to test it10:27
ogra_clobrano, no, i dont think we have this yet10:29
ogra_could you file a whishlist bug ?10:29
clobranoogra_: sure I can. Could you give me a hint about how to do it? :)10:31
ogra_there is a link in the channel topic ;)10:31
clobranoogra_: oh, that was easy enough :D10:32
ogra_ppisati, ^^should the kernels theoretically suppport suspend and hibernate ? (i know we dont ship any userspace bits for it currently)10:34
clobranoogra_: actually writing on /sys/power/state works10:35
ogra_clobrano, yeah, but you will most likely not be able to wake it up again10:36
clobranoogra_: if you're lucky to have a power button you will :)10:36
ppisaticlobrano: which kernel?10:37
ogra_well, does it work ?10:37
clobranoogra_: yes, it does10:37
clobranoppisati: 3.19.0-2310:38
ogra_oh !10:38
ppisatiogra_: rpi2 doesn't have any /sys/power/state file, so the answer is no10:38
ppisaticlobrano: which hw?10:38
* ogra_ wouldnt have expected it to work at all10:38
ppisatiogra_: /me guesses he tested the amd64 img10:39
clobranoppisati: I flashed a pendrive and I'm testing on a notebook10:39
clobranoppisati: yep10:39
ppisatiright, so10:39
ogra_sorry, my brain is so arm centric :)10:39
clobranoso no suspend on other systems, right?10:39
ppisatiogra_: on BBB no, suspend to disk might work but we need the correct fw and a dedicated partition10:39
ppisatiogra_: on rpi2, at least on this 3.19, there's no power state file, so no again10:40
ogra_clobrano, right, thats what i would suspect10:40
ppisatifor the BBB the only kernel that supports suspend to ram is the TI one10:40
clobranoI'll file a whishlist bug then10:40
ogra_thanks !10:40
ppisatiso either someone try to port all the power management stuff from there, or it will have to use the TI kernel10:40
ppisation rpi2, i don;t know, i might do some more research when i'm done with other stuff10:41
ppisatiubuntu@raspy2:~$ cat /boot/config-3.19.1-12-generic-bcm2709 | grep -i suspend10:42
ppisati# CONFIG_ARM_CPU_SUSPEND is not set10:42
ppisati# CONFIG_SUSPEND is not set10:42
clobranommh, I'd like to test it on my rpi2 as soon as I get home :D10:43
imuguruz_ogra_: I'm working at Erle Robotics and I'm trying to execute a piece of software we use. The software that is running in Rpi2 or BBB sends data to my laptop through UPD under ethernet. I see that the communication in the RPi2 Snappy is not as reliable as in Snappy BBB. I have executed the same piece of software in Raspbian and works OK. I think something is going on under Snappy in Rpi210:54
imuguruz_Not a Linux expert10:54
ogra_imuguruz_, hmm, can you open a bug for it and attach your /var/log/syslog file from the RPi image so we can see if there are any apparmor denials ?10:56
ogra_(could well be that the app confinement needs some fine tuning here)10:57
ogra_a link to the bug page is in the channel topic10:57
ppisatiogra_: have you ever tried the 'break=$something' on arm kernels?11:12
ppisatiogra_: to debug the initramfs i mean11:12
ogra_not recently, but it should work11:12
ppisatii've a vivid image here11:12
ppisatiand when i try the premount target11:13
ppisatii don't get any shell11:13
ogra_the initrd is identical to the amd64 one ... and there i used it this week11:13
ppisatialbeit busybox is there11:13
ogra_wrong console= args ?11:13
ppisatiuhm no11:13
ppisatithe image boot fine11:13
ogra_well, what does your cmdline have ? only one console=ttyS0 ?11:14
ppisatiogra_: i've a lot of stuff there11:14
ogra_if you have something pinting to tty1 or some such your input wouldnt be taken from the serial console11:14
ppisatiit's the cmd line from the bcm bootloader on the raspi211:14
ppisatii need to trim that forest11:15
imuguruz_ogra_: done11:17
* ogra_ sees bug 148941211:17
ubottubug 1489412 in Snappy "RPi2: connection not realiable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148941211:17
ogra_thanks !11:17
imuguruz_you're welcome!11:17
imuguruz_happy to contribute11:17
ogra_hmm, no specific denials ... that i would assign to your problem11:22
ogra_(interestingly a lot others that i wouldnt have expected )11:23
ogra_jdstrand, could you take a look at the syslog in the above bug ? there are quite some DENIALS for snaps from the store (unrelated to the bug itself, but i think xkcd-webserver should rather be denial-free :) )11:24
ogra_webdm seems to fail with udp issues too ... i wonder if we have two snaps wrangling over the socket11:27
ogra_ooh ... i have an idea what it could be11:31
ogra_imuguruz_, you can try to append "smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N" to the default cmdline in /boot/uboot/cmdline.txt and reboot ? the USB NIC on the RPi2 might drop packages when the turbo mode is enabled11:39
* ogra_ ponders to put that as default into the 15.04.3 image 11:40
imuguruz_ogra_: ok, will try right now11:40
imuguruz_ogra_: in /system-boot/cmdline.txt?11:43
imuguruz_ok, done11:44
ogra_(sorry, i was assuming you edit on a running system :) )11:44
imuguruz_now let's try it11:44
imuguruz_ogra_: works better but not well11:53
ogra_do you have many USB devices attached ?11:53
imuguruz_one, keyboard11:54
imuguruz_i don't need it, so i'll try again without keyboard and hdmi11:54
imuguruz_more fluid, but not at as good as in BBB Snappy or Raspbian11:58
ogra_i dont reallly know what kernel and config raspbian uses ... will have to check that ...11:59
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imuguruz_v 3.18.11-v712:03
ogra_we are on 3.19 (and about to switch to 4.x) ... and the version sadly doesnt tell what tree they used12:04
ogra_but i'll find out12:04
ogra_imuguruz_, you could try to also add: dwc_otg.dma_enable=1 dwc_otg.dma_burst_size=256  ... i just read that this should improve things alongside disabling the turbo mode12:16
ogra_http://elinux.org/R-Pi_Troubleshooting#Crashes_occur_with_high_network_load btw ...12:19
* Chipaca wonders why emacs now freezes on startup with "Loading pylint..."12:56
ogra_it wants to telll you that you should use vim ?12:56
imuguruzaogra_: ok12:58
sergiusensChipaca: I just dropped all those legacy things and moved to notepad.exe under wine13:01
Chipacaogra_: i truly believe that vim and emacs are completely equivalent, and the fact that i use one instead of the other is due to random chance, but switching from one to the other is extremely expensive13:02
sergiusensChipaca: it is expensive, I switched to atom one day after getting fed up with vim and it's plugin system; I thought I'd move back but I'm still using atom in vim mode ;-)13:03
Chipacait's a bit like why we use D-glucose instead of L-glucose13:04
jdstrandogra_: the net-admin is almost certainly bug #1465724 which tyhicks and I discussed here yesterday (kernel bug, harmless). the xkcd one is also harmless. I guess I could put an explicit deny rule in there13:07
nothalBug #1465724: net_admin apparmor denial when using Go <Snappy:Confirmed> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1465724>13:07
ubottubug 1465724 in Snappy "net_admin apparmor denial when using Go" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146572413:07
bzoltan_ogra_:  is there a raspberry pi A/B+ image somewhere?13:08
ogra_bzoltan_, you mean the first gen RPi ?13:09
bzoltan_ogra_:  yes13:09
ogra_thats not armv713:09
bzoltan_ogra_: yes armv6l13:10
ogra_bzoltan_, ubuntu doesnt support pre-v713:12
bzoltan_ogra_:  I used to have ubuntu on my pandaboard es2 ... in 12.04 the video driver got busted, but in headless mode it was OK13:15
zygaogra_: is ubuntu-device-flash a good way to get a devel rpi2 image13:15
zygaogra_: or should I get a prebuilt one somewhere?13:15
bzoltan_ogra_:  sorry for my ignorance, but what is the technical reason of not supporting first gen Pi?13:15
ogra_bzoltan_, we dont have packagesd that coould run on that ancient arch13:16
* bzoltan_ has two 1stGenRPi boards13:16
sergiusenswe have no archive for that13:16
zygabzoltan_: hey man, how are you?13:16
ogra_zyga, yeah, u-d-f is the best way13:16
zygaogra_: on vivid or do I need wily?13:16
bzoltan_zyga:  hello there ... I started to do a hobby IoT project with RPi :) the new wind you know13:17
ogra_just grab the device tarball and pi2 snap from http://people.canonical.com/~platform/snappy/raspberrypi2/13:17
ogra_zyga, it will work on both13:17
zygabzoltan_: nice13:17
zygabzoltan_: I got a pi2 myself just today13:17
zygabzoltan_: though my needs are more mudane13:18
zygaogra_: hmm, how do I run it? (what's the release to use? 15.04?)13:18
bzoltan_zyga: ohh Pi2 I have since it came out ...serving well as media box :)13:18
zygabzoltan_: I have 1st gen pi and two beagles13:18
bzoltan_zyga:  But I want to play with the 1st boards too13:18
* zyga looks up 13:19
bzoltan_zyga: beagle I have one .. and a panda ... + 4 N810 + 2 N900 +1N950 +N9 :)13:19
zygabzoltan_: I don't have a panda anymore, still have a beagle13:19
zyga(this turns into a who-has-what contest ;)13:19
ogra_zyga, udo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem pi2_0.15_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.15.tar.xz -o pi2.img rolling13:19
bzoltan_zyga: and I just bricked an Arduiono Mini... freaking sensitive piece13:19
zygaogra_: thank you!13:19
ogra_zyga, that would get you a "latest wily" image13:19
bzoltan_zyga:  Panda I used with Ubuntu desktop :) awesome hw13:20
zygaogra_: is that the best image to follow?13:20
zygaogra_: e.g. vs 15.04/13:20
ogra_zyga, udo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem pi2_0.15_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.15.tar.xz -o pi2.img 15.0413:20
zygaah, thanks13:20
ogra_would give you the latest un-QA-ed 15.04 build13:20
zygazyga@virtual-fx:~$ sudo ubuntu-device-flash core --channel=edge --oem pi2_0.15_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device-pi2-0.15.tar.xz -o pi2.img rolling13:21
zygaDetermining oem configuration13:21
zygapi2_0.15_all.snap failed to install: snappy package not found13:21
ogra_did you download it to $PWD ?13:21
sergiusenszyga: download that snap ;-)13:21
ogra_else you need to supply the path13:21
zygawhere from?13:21
sergiusenszyga: .snap means on disk (we can make that error message clearer)13:21
ogra_i'll upload it to the store before next 15.04 image13:21
zygasorry, I'm a bit of a noob here13:21
ogra_then you dont need to download anymore13:22
zygasergiusens, ogra_: so where's the pi2_0.15_all.snap?13:23
ogra_at the url i pointed you to above13:23
ogra_next to the device tarball :P13:23
zygaogra_: oh, I missed that13:24
zygaogra_: sorry, thanks I get it now13:24
imuguruzaogra_: same as before13:46
imuguruzathanks anyway for the link13:46
ogra_imuguruza, hmm, k13:47
sergiusenselopio: you around and about yet?14:20
zygamvo, sergiusens: I think I fixed python3-project plugin14:40
zygato work correctly now14:40
zygaI'll have a branch for review in a moment14:40
zygabut the simple trick is this: run python3 from stage dir14:40
zygause --prefix=/usr14:40
zygause --root=installdir14:40
zygathat seems to do the right thing for what I tried so far14:41
zygaI'll do some bigger tests in a second14:41
sergiusenszyga: thanks, I guess this can apply to py2 as well?14:41
zygasergiusens: yes14:41
mvozyga: woah, you rock14:41
zygasergiusens: and if you combine that with setuptools hack14:42
zygasergiusens: then it can almost be the pip plugin14:42
zygasergiusens: to the point where I wonder if it's better to do a special source URL14:42
zygasergiusens: pip:whatever(==version)14:42
zygasergiusens: and get the tarball and carry on from there14:42
zygasergiusens: I'll try with something that has C extensions next14:42
zygasergiusens: as I suspect it's "not that easy" ;)14:42
zygabut I think this is very promising14:42
sergiusenszyga: well we need to write a specific pip plugin anyways ;-)14:43
zygasergiusens: essentially it now works with dependencies for free14:43
sergiusenszyga: with setup tools you mean? My hackish solution did get me all the deps without me worrying which was good :-)14:43
zygasergiusens: python3-setuptools14:44
zygasergiusens: if you use the ubuntu plugin internally14:44
zygasergiusens: anyway, wait, I just need a few more iterations, I just wanted to let you guys know this is close to being universally useful14:44
zygasergiusens: the one thing that is still a pain is /usr/bin/python{,3,3.4} shebangs14:45
zygasergiusens: that's the ubuntu plugin to fix this though14:45
zygasergiusens: those are staright from the package14:45
zygasergiusens: alternatively I could build a custom python from debian sources but the fact that sideloading changes paths would break everything14:46
zygasergiusens: unless I hard-code --prefix for python to /apps/$name/current/14:46
zygasergiusens: but that seems evil14:46
zygasergiusens: and racy (current symlink replacement)14:46
sergiusenszyga: I don't mind ignoring the shebang and calling out python[2,3]14:47
zygaactually... .python has the right sys.prefix14:47
zygasergiusens: yeah but that breaks generated scripts14:47
zygasergiusens: that sucks a lot14:47
sergiusensbut ideally those shebangs should be clean14:47
zygasergiusens: it only works when you run one progam14:48
zygasergiusens: and that program never runs anything14:48
zygasergiusens: if it runs another (non exposed) program youre SOL14:48
zygasergiusens: I can fix setuptools generated scripts14:48
zygasergiusens: I wonder what's the (long?) tail that remains after that14:48
zygaanyway, back to work14:48
* zyga would love for caching to be a bit smarter; rm -rf snap/ stage/ parts; is a slow way to iterate14:50
mindbender1I asked this question on #ubuntu and was pointed here. So where is snappy used mostly?15:15
mindbender1A simple Google search us not very clear on this.15:16
imuguruzamindbender1: you can uset in embedded platforms like BeagleBone Black, RaspberryPi 2 o Odroidc1, for example15:16
mindbender1Okay so mostly for embedded, small devices, and cloud?15:21
mindbender1Not very much for desktop.15:21
clobranoI'm looking at apparmor configuration, but how I can understand which capabilities (I mean, the names of the caps and their context) I need for an app?15:21
zygaI have a _crazy_ working version15:24
zygaI'll clean it up15:24
zygait now fixes shebangs for python15:24
zygafor python3-project parts (python2 will be treated the same way)15:24
clobranomindbender1: I think Canonical is moving to adopt snappy as package manager even for desktop15:24
sergiusenselopio: I bumped the build dep15:31
jdstrandoh, I was going to answer clobrano15:44
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sergiusenszyga: nice15:57
zygasergiusens: btw, there's something weird when I snap python3:15:58
zygasergiusens: Snapping python315:59
zygacp: uwaga: plik źródłowy „usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/setuptools/script” pojawił się więcej niż raz15:59
zygacp: nie można wykonać stat na „(dev).tmpl”: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu15:59
zygasergiusens: "source file usr/lib... occurs more than once15:59
zygasergiusens: unable to stat "..." no such file or directory15:59
zygasergiusens: have you seen that?15:59
zygasergiusens: it seems harmless (so faR)15:59
sergiusenszyga: no, I haven't, let me check16:15
zygasergiusens: I patched the python3 part to pull in 'python3-setuptools' and 'python3-pkg-resources'16:16
sergiusenszyga: s/part/plugin/?16:17
zygasergiusens: plugin16:20
zygasergiusens: I need an architectural advice16:45
zygasergiusens: can a part depend on something from another path16:45
zygasergiusens: and if so, should that part look at the stage area or at the uninstalled part?16:46
zygasergiusens: in practical terms16:46
zygasergiusens: I'd like to force this sequenec:16:46
zygasergiusens: part A: build16:46
zygasergiusens: part A: stage16:46
zygasergiusens: part B: build (can take advantage of A)16:46
zygasergiusens: part B: stage16:46
zygasergiusens: what do you think?16:46
* zyga found two more bugs in snapcraft 16:48
zygaquoting :)16:48
* zyga found another bug in part.env() 16:58
zygaquoting is fundamentally broken17:01
zygasometimes we depend on expansions, sometimes not17:01
zygamvo: do you know what's the point of common.run() and assemble_env() there?17:02
zygamvo: why not subprocess.check_call()17:02
* zyga smells go in all of that code17:05
zygathe 0 return codes17:05
zygaI'd much rather have exceptions really17:05
zygait's not pythonic17:05
sergiusenszyga: isn't that what 'after' is for?17:27
sergiusenszyga: but mixing parts was a no no... I can revisit as soon as I am more interiorized with snapcraft17:29
zygasergiusens: mmmm, so how would you expect python libraries to work together?17:30
zygasergiusens: would you (offtopic) accept de-goification patches that remove non-pythonic code like return subprocess.call(...) == 0 ?17:31
sergiusenszyga: lol de-goification; I don't know who wrote this code originally (but I think either of the folks who did knew more about python), but yeah, I added a bunch of tasks that involve cleanups17:32
zygasergiusens: fantastic, so I won't hold back17:32
zygasergiusens: thanks17:32
zygasergiusens: so please tell me how you think python parts should work17:33
zygasergiusens: and I'll have a nice set of patches for you17:33
zygasergiusens: (including fixing all the shell quoting bugs in the code)17:33
sergiusenszyga: https://trello.com/search?q=%23technical in case you want to go crazy17:33
zygasergiusens: if python parts cannot meaningfully depend on each other, then the part that pulls in the top-level thing will need to pip-install (equivalent) everything17:36
zygasergiusens: now the question is17:36
zygasergiusens: is it the right assumption that nobody will ship more than one part like that17:36
zygasergiusens: so my snap has parts A and B (both python3-projects, for example)17:36
zygasergiusens: and they technically both depend on the C library17:37
zygasergiusens: should it get bundled twice?17:37
zygasergiusens: and if so, this would require major changes to how it's done now17:37
zygasergiusens: as each A an B would essentially bundle python with a special prefix17:37
zygasergiusens: what do you think17:37
sergiusenszyga: I think the key here is in using the 'after' keyword17:41
sergiusenszyga: in a C/autotools whatever app, you can do something like depend on another part being built; take a look at my wiki branch for a quick example17:41
zygasergiusens: mmm, I'll try, I used requires: but that didn't stage them17:42
zygasergiusens: I'm fine with after if it works17:42
sergiusenszyga: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snapcraft/core/view/head:/snapcraft/yaml.py#L12017:43
zygasergiusens: I've been there :-)17:44
* zyga tries17:44
sergiusenszyga: maybe the python plugin needs to extend PYTHONPATH into he env17:44
zygasergiusens: yeah, I already did that17:44
zygamy patch is pretty big now17:44
zygamore like 3-4 different things there17:44
sergiusenszyga: yeah, I always have that problem. I just split after, I gave up on using pipelines as I end up putting everything in the same pipe as I start getting excited :-P17:45
zygasergiusens: hmm, I must be missing somethnig, it's not staging things17:48
zygasergiusens: snapcraft.yaml: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12207670/17:49
zygasergiusens: output of snapcraft build http://paste.ubuntu.com/12207680/17:50
zygasergiusens: (I need to introduce you to python3-guacamole)17:50
sergiusenszyga: I think I saw a g+ post17:50
zygasergiusens: 0.10 has some amazing features coming up17:50
zygasergiusens: here, my patched python3-application part/plugin is trying to run python3 from stage directory17:51
zygasergiusens: as that's where everything is supposed to be, er, staged, right?17:51
zygasergiusens: the whole build sequence (correct me if I'm wrong) feels like [part.build() for part in parts]; I'm still unsure how stage works17:52
sergiusenszyga: iirc, staging happens after all parts have built, use after, but on line 83 we should see an extended PYTHONPATH17:52
sergiusensyou said you added that already?17:53
zygasergiusens: yes, but it's not working, Python3ProjectPlugin.env() is not getting called17:53
zygasergiusens: but wait17:53
zygasergiusens: it's irrelevant, it's not going to work this way17:53
zygasergiusens: each python3project part needs _staged_ python317:54
zygasergiusens: will after enforce that?17:54
zygasergiusens: did I mess up the snapcraft.yaml17:54
sergiusenszyga: nope17:54
sergiusenszyga: and nope17:54
zygaso .. how would you feel about incremental staging?17:54
zygait'd be hard to point parts at un-staged python317:54
zygaand then point that python3 at each un-staged python3project part17:55
sergiusenszyga: I would need to take that to the architects, here's me channelling it through rsalveti ^17:55
zygasergiusens: okay, thanks17:55
zygasergiusens: in the meantime, I have a way out:17:55
zygasergiusens: use one python3project17:55
zygasergiusens: and solve deps internally with pip17:55
zygasergiusens: so snapcraft.yaml will really only list one part17:56
sergiusenszyga: I think that would be the defacto path forward17:56
zygarsalveti: I' love what you think about this17:56
zygasergiusens: this feels broken anyway, since parts are not reusable17:56
sergiusenszyga: as pip is on the roadmap for pluginizing17:56
zygasergiusens: yeah, I wonder how it would solve this issue17:56
zygasergiusens: what I have now is equivalent to pip17:56
zygasergiusens: I _do_ handle deps like pip does now17:56
sergiusenszyga: yeah, not in python at least, they are in c/c++17:56
zygasergiusens: wait, what? I'm lost -- how would the upcoming pip plugin solve this exact issue17:57
zygasergiusens: would it also allow one big part17:57
zygasergiusens: or would it try to solve the many-parts problem?17:57
sergiusenszyga: one big part, just like when using go.17:58
zygasergiusens: and if I have one big part17:58
zygasergiusens: and I want another big part17:58
zygasergiusens: I cannot get that because unlike go, there's no static linking17:58
zygasergiusens: and you'll get file conflicts17:58
zygasergiusens: this smells like a design issue17:58
zygasergiusens: parts cannot be mixed together17:58
zygasergiusens: __unless__ each pip part uses custom prefix and bundles python17:59
zygasergiusens: that would be pretty tragic though IMHO17:59
sergiusenszyga: that is solved in the stuff I'd be working on if I wasn't talking here :-) (conflicting files)17:59
zygasergiusens: so identical files won't conflict?17:59
zygasergiusens: that'd be great17:59
zygasergiusens: okay, thanks for all your time18:00
zygasergiusens: I will iterate tomorrow, I still think that without incremental staging this cannot be solved18:00
zygasergiusens: (runtimes need to run)18:00
* rsalveti reading backlog, back from lunch18:28
rsalvetizyga: a part can depend on another part by using after18:36
rsalvetiand the plugin itself can handle the dependencies/reuse of parts18:36
rsalvetito avoid conflicts, we do need to flatten the dependencies, each as a normal part18:36
rsalvetibut that is not yet done18:36
zygarsalveti: I'd like to understand how that interacts with staging, e.g. a in incremental build process (librarya, libraryb, program[liba, libb]) will need a common staging area to discover other pieces18:37
zygarsalveti: for the case where I care (python3) sergiusens pointed me to an upcoming design document18:37
rsalvetiright, a part is built separately but it can stage the resulted binaries and libraries18:38
zygarsalveti: and I suspect that will be enough18:38
zygarsalveti: so if you agree that staging can be incremental (part after part) then I'm in agreement and I see no problems18:38
rsalvetidon't see why not18:38
zygarsalveti: excellent, I'll work on that with sergiusens18:38
=== erkules_ is now known as erkules
elopioogra_: when is this released? https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy-hub/lp1480248-norootwait/+merge/26903219:00
=== jkridner_ is now known as jkridner
mvoelopio: it was in the review queue in the store, I now approved it19:38
elopiomvo: great, thanks.19:45
sergiusenselopio: do we need to install python3-jsonschema manually https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/validation/+merge/269120/comments/677688 ?20:57
sergiusenselopio: python3-mccabe would be good there too20:57
elopiosergiusens: I've installed them.21:59
sergiusenselopio: \o/22:03
sergiusenselopio: btw, now that you are back https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/icon-meta/+merge/269446 ;-)22:06

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