
EphraimMBHow do I start contributing by developing and improving Ubuntu on Windows 10?01:52
pittiGood morning04:22
* Laney is in pitti time05:51
pittihey Laney, how are you?05:52
pittiLaney: almost, I've been up since 6 already :)05:52
Laneypitti: I was up at 0545 but had to cycle to the 0630 train ;-)05:54
Laneyit was still dark at that time, scary05:54
Laneyfeeling surprisingly ok so far though!05:54
pittiyeah, no nice long summer evenings/early mornings any more :(05:54
pittiLaney: it gets much easier after some time -- I never actually use an alarm clock, I just wake up at 605:55
LaneyI'd probably do it if Rosie was on an early schedule05:59
* Laney zones out until arriving at London05:59
didrocksgood morning06:01
Laneyhey didrocks!06:08
didrocksgood morning early Laney :)06:09
didrocksin the train ?06:09
didrocksnice! Say hi to everyone I know in Bluefinn :)06:09
Laneysurrounded by suits06:11
didrocksahah, London man, London…06:12
didrockshide hide06:12
pittibonjour didrocks ! autant tard aujourd'hui ?06:23
pitties-tu allé courier le matin ?06:23
pitti"tant tard"?06:23
darkxsthey pitti Laney didrocks06:23
didrockspitti: oui, j'ai eu u npeu de mal à me réveiller :)06:28
didrockspitti: "si tard"06:28
didrocksun peu*06:28
didrocksgood evening darkxst06:28
didrockspitti: pas encore allé courir, je vais essayer avant midi :)06:28
pittididrocks: I wanted to say "so late"; "si tard" -> "if late"?06:29
didrockspitti: so late -> si tard ;)06:29
didrockssi can be "tellement"06:29
pittididrocks: uh, get well soon! debflu?06:29
didrockspitti: hum, wrong channel? never told I was sick :)06:30
didrockspitti: for instance "tu es si maigre"06:30
darkxstI seem to have ozflu ;(06:31
didrocksdarkxst: how many people to such events?06:32
didrocksdarkxst: get better ;)06:32
darkxstI suppose I caught it at my shed party friday night, but there was only a dozen people there!06:33
pittididrocks: maigre> oui, je sais, mais je ne peux pas obtenier plus lourd :)06:34
didrocksdarkxst: that's even still to get sick :p06:34
darkxstyeh, and I suppose it was worth it, even if it was just to see our crazy dogs that hate every stranger loving the party, and going to strangers for pats!06:37
darkxstnow onto making them like the chickens, but was too sick to get them this week06:39
didrockspitti: any idea to do some effective file replacement? (without copying the whole file, but with inline?) I have a big file (1G), and I want to strip anything before a certain tag.06:44
didrockspitti: so doing somthing similar to awk '/^__ARCHIVE_BEGINS_HERE__/ {print NR + 1; exit 0; }'06:44
didrocksand then tail -n+${ARCHIVE}06:45
pittididrocks: hm, stripping anything after is a simple truncate(), but for "before" you need to rewrite the file anyway06:45
didrocks(with that result)06:45
pittii. e. I don't think you can do it inline06:45
didrocksso I guess the magic fileinput?06:45
pittididrocks: in python or shell?06:45
didrockspitti: preferably in python06:46
pittididrocks: grep -A100000000000000000 '/^__ARCHIVE_BEGINS_HERE__/' file > file.new; mv file.new file06:46
darkxstdidrocks, python is crap with big files!06:46
pittididrocks: I suppose the __ARCHIVE_BEGINS_HERE__/ tag isn't too deep into the file?06:46
pittididrocks: so yeah, I'd open the file, iterate over lines until you find the tag (line.startswith()), then move to reading/writing ~ 1 MB blocks with plain .read()/.write()06:47
didrockspitti: yeah, it's at less than an hundred line06:47
pittithat should be reasonably efficient, and avoid reading/writing tons of lines (which is horribly expensive)06:47
pittididrocks: oh wait, lines -- you really want binary mode there06:48
pittiah, that's fine, "for line in f:" works with binary files too (you get lines as bytearrays)06:49
pittijust use "if line.startswith(b'foo')) then06:49
pittidarkxst: really? that should be pretty much I/O bound06:49
didrocksso, opening it in binary mode, starting to read the tag (line.startswith(b'tag')) and once found, just switch to read/write by 1MB size?06:49
pittididrocks: yeah, or 4 MB even06:49
pittididrocks: or even easier -- shutil.copyfileobj() :)06:50
didrocksseriously? shutil really has a tool for everything :)06:52
* didrocks looks06:52
pittiwhich probably isn't much more than just a read/write loop :)06:52
darkxstpitti, maybe it was matplotlib bound in my case, could be better just streaming strings06:53
didrocksok, and seems the length parameter isn't really needed by default, it will read in chunks as suited06:53
pittitime python3 -c 'import shutil, sys; f = open(sys.argv[1], "rb"); g = open(sys.argv[1] + ".new", "wb"); shutil.copyfileobj(f, g, 1048576)' bigfile06:53
pitticp bigfile bigfile.new06:53
pittipython took 16.5 s, cp 15.2 s, both after echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches06:53
pittinot much difference06:53
pittididrocks: what's teh default length?06:54
didrockspitti: ahah you're right copyfileobj() is really just a read/write with a "if not buf" protection06:54
didrockspitti: 16*102406:54
pittididrocks: ah, 16 kB is pretty small06:54
didrocksyeah, should probably do 4M06:55
pittiKiB even06:55
didrocksok, let's give it a spin and see the speed here06:55
didrocksthanks a lot pitti :)06:55
pittide rien :)06:55
pittididrocks: using 4 MiB of RAM for that doesn't sound unreasonable these days06:56
larsugood morning!06:56
pittilarsu: guten Morgen! alles senkrecht?06:56
larsupitti, klar! Gestern nem Kumpel geholfen, nach HH umzuziehen. Bei dir?06:57
didrocksgood morning larsu06:57
larsuhi didrocks! How are you?06:57
pittilarsu: oh, wow; lots of carrying furniture then? everything fine here, thanks06:58
larsupitti, ya. And a looooong drive06:58
pittilarsu: oh? isn't that just 1.5 hours or so?06:58
larsupitti, no, more like 3-3.506:59
didrockslarsu: I'm great, thanks, yourself?06:59
larsudidrocks, great as well. A bit tired from the long drive and move yesterday07:00
* larsu is running gedit 3.1607:00
larsuI guess I should start using it a bit07:01
didrockslarsu: nothing broken?07:01
larsudidrocks, with the move or gedit?07:01
didrockslarsu: the move ;)07:02
larsudidrocks, ya, all good :)07:03
larsuwas very smooth07:03
didrockspitti: oh, I have another option, I can decompress on the fly just giving the fd (forgot I implemented that in Ubuntu Make), so I can actually avoid the copy, just giving the opened fd (after reading the header) to my decompressor07:04
didrockslarsu: nice to hear :)07:04
willcookeHey cyphermox, how are you?  System76 have asked if we can help them with this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/system76/+bug/146539607:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1465396 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "Please provide a signed syslinux-efi for secure-boot enabled systems" [Undecided,New]07:54
willcookecyphermox, any ideas on that?  Should I speak to Steve L?07:55
didrocksmorning willcooke07:56
larsuhi willcooke07:57
willcookehey didrocks, ca va?07:57
willcookewhat up larsu07:57
didrockswillcooke: implementing the Unity 3D support in Make as experimental07:57
seb128good morning desktopers07:58
willcookedidrocks, woot!!  Should we have a chat with them as well?  So we're all in sync?07:58
didrockswillcooke: waiting for having the first prototype, and then, yeah, poking popey :)07:59
larsuwillcooke, good good, thanks. You?08:02
larsuhi seb128!08:02
larsudid you give gedit a spin?08:02
seb128hey larsu08:02
* larsu is about to upload a version with a menubar08:02
seb128yes, seems to work fine08:03
seb128did you notice that the win is black for a second before displaying content?08:03
seb128I wonder if that has to do with csd as well08:03
larsuseb128, indeed. Not sure08:04
larsuit's only a very short flash for me08:04
larsuupdate pushed08:05
popeydidrocks: \o/08:06
LaneyI MADE IT08:11
seb128larsu, your box is a new one, I'm on the the slow inspiron testbox08:11
seb128hey Laney :-)08:11
larsuhow was the trip?08:12
larsuseb128, I blame compiz08:12
larsu(for no reason)08:12
Laneybut I took a bike from the train station08:13
seb128when in doubt, blame compiz?08:13
Laneywhich was...08:13
seb128we can't do that anymore, we own compiz now :p08:13
larsulet's wait for mark's ok before landing this08:13
didrocksargh, failure from tarfile python stdlib08:15
didrocksIf fileobj is specified, it is used as an alternative to a file object opened for name. It is supposed to be at position 0.08:15
didrocksI don't want it to be at position 0 :/08:15
didrockspitti: so I guess I'll have to copy in a new file ^ :/08:15
didrocks(sad face)08:15
pittididrocks: meh :(08:16
pittididrocks: I thought you needed to uncompress it first08:16
didrockspitti: tarfile would uncompress it08:17
didrocksand my internal API accepts a fd, so I was just thinking:08:17
pittididrocks: i. e. if you hand over the (non-zero) fd to GZipFile  first, and then the gzip fd to tarfile it might work?08:17
didrocks"skip the head", give the opened fd to tarfile08:17
didrockspitti: I'm using tarfile to directly, which uncompress08:17
pittii. e. the analog of "tar xz -" → "gzip -cd - | tar x -"08:17
didrocksI can maybe try to do GZipFile first, then tarfile08:18
pittididrocks: right, but you could let gzip do that separately08:18
didrockspitti: but, then, I'll get a bytearray loaded in memory of my program of the unzipped content tar?08:20
pittididrocks: no, gzip also decompresses in chunks08:21
pittii. e. it lazily reads from the compressed fd as you read() from the gzip object08:21
pittithis is python, pretty much everything fits together well :)08:21
* didrocks gives a try08:22
pittididrocks: I mean "gzip" the py module, although it's of course equally true for the program08:23
pittididrocks: if all else fails, just determine the offset and systemd.check_call('dd ofs=NNNN bs=4M %(file)s | tar -C %(destdir)s -x -', shell=True) or something such :)08:24
pittididrocks: sorry, ifs= of course08:24
pittibut the above should actually pretty much do the same08:24
didrockspitti: argh, tarinfo tries to look at the file format, see that it's supposed to be a gziped file and bail out08:27
didrockspitti: just got something like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204312/08:28
didrocksannoying that it's doing that check, and seek(0) for direct usage I guess :/08:28
pittididrocks: why, can't you open it in "r:" mode to avoid the transparent compression check?08:29
pittididrocks: ah yes, mode "r" (auto-detect) is the default -- use r:08:29
pittididrocks: maybe 'r:gz' even works without the seek / "be at pos 0" requirement?08:30
didrockspitti: I'm sending different kinds of file generically to this class, let me try that for prototyping still :)08:30
pittididrocks: "fd = new_fd": I'd seriously recommend using gz_fd and tar_fd to avoid confusion08:31
didrocksinteresting, mode "r:" still does this check08:31
pittiand also to avoid premature auto-closing08:31
didrockspitti: it's just for testing, of course I would use with context and such in real code :p08:31
didrocks(the real code is in between multiple try/exec)08:32
didrocksyeah, so mode="r:" really insist in the gzip format08:33
pitti'r: 'Open for reading exclusively without compression.08:34
pittididrocks: wow, so you found a bug in tarfile08:34
didrockspitti: second one for the record :)08:34
didrocksthe first one is still "fix in progress" for a year or so08:34
pittididrocks: did you try the "r|" mode? ("For special purposes, there is a second format for mode...")08:35
pittiI've never tried that08:35
pittibut it doesn't seek and stuff08:35
pitti"Use this variant in combination with e.g. sys.stdin, a socket file object or a tape device."08:36
didrockspitti: ahah, good catch!08:37
* didrocks looks first with a traditional .gz file08:37
pittididrocks: right, "r|gz" sounds promising too08:37
didrocksor even "r|*"08:38
didrocksso that I don't regress existing behavior :)08:38
pittiso | vs. : is mostly just "don't seek dammit, I know what I'm doing"08:38
pittiand I suppose pretty much the only thing that works is extractall(), no individual .extract()08:38
pittibut one really doesn't want to seek() in a gzipped file anyway, it'll kill you08:39
didrockspitti: \o/08:40
* didrocks hugs pitti08:40
* pitti te donne une accolade en retour08:40
didrocksworks perfectly and avoided a 1GiB copy!08:40
didrocksand still backward compatible with my other frameworks ;)08:41
didrocksshould I exit or quit? http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/exitquit.png08:44
didrockspopey: you maybe want to bring that to our unity3d friends :)08:44
pittididrocks: choose wisely!08:45
pittididrocks: but please don't quit!08:45
didrockspitti: I tried both, no cookies or surprises saddly :p08:45
popeythere is a bug reporting process for unity3d08:45
didrockspopey: let me look at what they want for the linux version, I guess there is a tag08:46
popeythey have a tool which catches crashes too08:46
popey(used it this morning)08:46
darkxstLaney, how does spam get though devel-permissions list?08:59
Laneydarkxst: it's an open list09:05
Laneyreport it to rt@ubuntu.com (or whatever it is) and ask them to remove/improve the filter09:05
Laneylots of stuff gets moderated and I kill it then09:06
Fudgeevening folks09:18
darkxstLaney, too sick for that, will try eat dinner and then sleep09:27
Laneytry Debian lists if you like spam :P09:27
darkxstI have them off to their own folder, but more for the debian spam09:28
darkxstpkg-gnome gets all of it09:28
mptlarsu, “goes all mpt on them”? *blush*09:37
larsumpt, I only found 4 apps or so. Sure you would have made a list of 20 ;)09:37
mptCalling a saved document “Unsaved Document” is like opening a second document window in exactly the same place on screen as the first one09:38
mptIncredibly easy for the developer to do, and also THE WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE09:38
larsuya... I said as much on the original bug report09:39
larsuand in fact, changing it to "Untitled Document" is very easy for the developer as well09:39
mpt(Well, maybe “This Document Will Self-Destruct in Ten Seconds” would be slightly worse)09:39
larsu(and a bit harder for translators)09:39
larsumpt, for the record, it hasn't been like this in ubuntu since 200909:40
larsuit's "Untitled Document"09:40
mptYes, I read the upstream bug report :-)09:40
larsuof course you did :)09:41
larsufeel free to weigh in if you have more arguments09:41
larsubut really, this should be a no-brainer09:41
Laneypush it!09:43
* larsu has bad experience with just pushing stuff09:43
Laneyalso, go reply to $gnome_sysadmin_whose_name_i_forgot and vouch for me09:43
Laneyplease :)09:43
larsuLaney, nobody asked me?!09:44
Laneyhe said he did09:44
larsuandrea probably?09:44
larsuI would have answered immediately!09:44
larsuFROM THE BEACH09:44
larsuyou know?!09:44
larsudidn't get a mail from him09:45
Laneywell maybe you can reply to this one or something :/09:46
larsupinged him09:48
larsuTrevinho, hey! Where do the designs for your scrollbars come from?10:37
larsuTrevinho, thanks for working on this10:37
Trevinholarsu: hey10:38
Trevinholarsu: well... my head :P10:38
Trevinholarsu: no, joking... I just tried to make them look more like the old ones10:39
larsuTrevinho, ah - the description sounds like there's a new design10:40
seb128florian just said he got the new scrollbar design I think, need to ask him for details10:40
Trevinholarsu: I tried to get the slider track to show only when needed (https://transfer.sh/YLymC/out-19.ogv), but at part it needs a change in gtk, I'm not sure I like it in this way (at least it would need some transitions, which - for some reason -doesn't work)10:40
seb128well that's for unity8/uitk10:40
larsuTrevinho, I think there's one coming up. Can you follow up with design please?10:40
seb128but I guess that could help for unity7 as well10:40
Trevinhoah, ok... well I'm not sure we want to implement the new design in u7, just keeping the old one10:41
larsuTrevinho, yeah I tried it as well with the same conclusion :)10:41
larsuseb128, we want something similar no? Convergence in all dimensions!10:41
Trevinholarsu: I can send the patch however...10:41
seb128larsu, right10:41
larsuTrevinho, send which patch to where?10:41
Trevinholarsu: not sure. ask willcooke also. We had a similar discussion for the launcher look10:42
Trevinholarsu: to allow to theme the track independently from the slider when on-hover...10:42
larsuTrevinho, let's only do that if we actually end up needing it10:43
Trevinholarsu: also, wondering why most of the numbers in gtkscrolledwindow are hardcoded (such as the proximity)... And probably even with hidpi in mind.10:43
larsuTrevinho, they're logical pixel values, which work in hidpi as well10:43
larsuTrevinho, what else? A setting?10:43
larsuI don't think that's the kind of thing people want to change10:44
Trevinholarsu: yeah, at theme level10:44
TrevinhoOr disable the fact they are hidden/shown... Or the fade-in/out timings10:44
Trevinhoall these things should be themable imho10:44
larsuTrevinho, could be, yeah :)10:46
willcookelarsu, Trevinho - Just spoke to Design, they will have some visuals for us next week10:54
larsunice! Thanks willcooke10:54
TrevinhoMh, ok10:54
willcookeThe new U8 scroll bars look similar, but are not functionally the same - so we'll need to style ours to look close to what they have in U8 so that Gtk apps in U8 look the same.10:55
willcooke*the same as the Gtk ones10:56
willcookeurgh that was a mess, let me try again...10:56
willcookeDesign will give us some visuals for the new overlay scroll bars in U7 desktop.10:56
willcookeTrevinho, what's the issue?10:56
Trevinhothe fact is that even dash scrollbars should match these, so... I would love to avoid to redo stuff :)10:56
TrevinhoAnyway, I guess that gtk apps in u8 would need a new theme anyway, isnt' it?10:57
larsuyes, they will10:59
TrevinhoSo, if we keep the X11 desktop with a slightly different look (as it used to be + some improvements), we can still try to emulate the old designs as much as we can10:59
larsuand really I'd like to move towards that in unity7 and all10:59
larsuso that we have *some* new stuff on the desktop the coming cycles10:59
larsuTrevinho, why? Let's show that we're working towards the new stuff11:00
Trevinholarsu: yeah, it's just that if they're also functionally different, maybe there's something more to do11:00
larsuTrevinho, I don't expect them to be tbh11:01
willcookeTrevinho, yeah, we will need to make the dash scroll bars look like these new ones, but there won't be a lot of difference between this and what you have already done11:01
Trevinhook good11:02
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/+bug/59584511:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 595845 in cairo (Ubuntu) "libcairo2 1.9.10 makes Ubuntu 10.10 slow" [Medium,Fix released]11:04
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
cyphermoxwillcooke: you should talk to slangasek about it12:35
willcookethx cyphermox12:41
seb128attente, https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8858413:04
ubot5Freedesktop bug 88584 in Driver/intel "[ilk] Font and screen corruption in GTK+ applications" [Major,New]13:04
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
pittiLaney: do you plan to update dbus to 1.10.0 to get to the stable release?13:25
pittiLaney: (also, selfish reason: this allegedly allows shipping d-bus policies in /usr/share, getting rid of these pesky conffiles in /etc/)13:26
Laneypitti: yes13:27
Laney1.9.x should already have this13:27
Laneyfeel free to do the merge if you want13:27
pittiLaney: ah, does it? no /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/ yet13:28
LaneyI guess we don't ship anything there13:28
Laneythe package doesn't make the directories13:29
pittiLaney: well, we need to wait until it comes out of experimental anyway13:29
pittinot going to introduce ubuntu deltas for removing conffiles, but I was curious whether we'll get this <= Debian13:29
pittibut if we already have it, cool13:29
Laneywe should be able to start doing this for Ubuntu stuff already13:30
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* didrocks relocating to a train, bbl!14:20
* ogra_ wonders if thats a CI train ... and if didier also has a biletto :)14:20
* didrocks smells that we are in the train for a long time15:40
didrockscollision in the train in front of us15:40
didrocksso, stuck15:40
pittididrocks: meh :(15:43
seb128didrocks, rage quit the train!15:44
didrocksseb128: well, can't really exit on rails :p15:50
Trevinhoabout to leave... China is waiting me15:50
seb128Trevinho, safe trip!15:52
Trevinhoseb128: thanks15:56
* didrocks will save battery by not thethering, still stuck in the train, we'll see! Anyway, have a good week-end everyone!16:28
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
mdeslaurHow do I turn off gtk overlay scrollbars for a particular window?19:01
mdeslaurI tried gtk_scrolled_window_set_overlay_scrolling () but it just makes the scrollbars go away completely19:03
hikikohello from paris19:35
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