
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
chubazhang: :)01:40
bazhang* [skiddie] (~p0150n@ P0150n Op3r470r12:09
bazhangthis guy is very bad news12:09
bazhang* [PanV] (~PanV@ppp-2-87-18-0.home.otenet.gr): Pan V12:52
geniiCan anyone enlighten me why takesuter seems to be an OT pariah?15:47
phunyguygenii: I think I have encountered this person before.  The one I am thinking of believes in nonsense conspiracy theories, and tries to lure folks into arguments about it.15:50
geniiAh, OK. If it's the one I'm thinking of then, he "accidentally" broadcast some PM before with nonsense and then said "sorry, off my meds" or similar15:52
Pici"It says some stuff15:59
popey16:59 <takesuter> do you think that black man who killed two white reporters was racist.16:00
popeyjust got that in pm16:00
* Pici sighs16:00
jpdsphunyguy: http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=378516:21
phunyguyjpds: LOL16:26
ubottuIn #xubuntu, Guest51176 said: ubottu: the issue is with xfce not with mint17:29
phunyguyShort leash on this likelyciller guy in u-ot17:51
phunyguysee 6794317:52
IdleOnehe's pm'ing me a racist joke about a black man killing two reporters...waiting for the punch line17:53
phunyguysame person as before17:55

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