[01:28] evening [04:06] cmaloney: well, you shouldn't be browsing slashdot.org anyways [10:43] greg-g: why the slashdot hate? [12:33] greg-g: dude greg [12:33] dude greg [12:33] https://twitter.com/NeilShubin/status/636875524632150016/photo/1 [12:33] this reminded me of you [12:57] morning [12:58] greg-g: Funny enough it was just me trying to remember sites that I thought would be up [12:59] jcastro: That's um... morbid? :) [12:59] http://www.yankeeairmuseum.org/airshow/performers/ [12:59] so I just found out the blue angels are in town [13:00] That's cool [13:00] Found out firsthand from them flying into Willow Run? :) [13:00] no last year though I was driving [13:00] and an F16 buzzed I-94 [13:00] and I vowed to never miss a show if I'm going to live by here [13:00] Awesome [13:01] That is one thing I miss about living in Belleville: having impromptu aircraft flying overhead [13:01] There's nothing quite like having a bomber fly over your apartment [13:01] Enough to put the fear of God into anyone, let alone someone who is on the business-end of thos bombs. [13:02] A real B-29 is what I want to see [14:08] I'm back on Twitter. [14:11] I thought I felt a rumble. I assumed it was just indigestion. [14:18] Heh [14:42] jcastro: except, you know, that's wrong :) [14:42] wolfger: is there /. love? [14:43] 35 seems high [14:43] its low [14:43] * greg-g is looking for the articles [14:44] http://www.pnas.org/content/108/4/1267.abstract [14:44] someone linked to that [14:44] greg-g: are you paleo for real? I was just guessing/trolling [14:45] no [14:45] I just had two donut holes for breakfast [14:45] :P [14:45] that isn't paleo [14:45] its also not much food :) [14:45] Hotel "breakfast" option [14:45] ugh. [14:45] there will be more food, and real food, at the office this morning [14:46] I just want to drink some free coffee first :) [14:46] hotel & office. Where are you at? [14:46] SF [14:46] :) [14:46] Tim Hortons is totally Paleo [14:46] Timbits FTW [14:46] greg-g: why at hotel? oh man, greg-g just woke with his mistress... not cool greg-g. you are married. [14:46] lol [14:46] greg-g: the playa [14:47] * rick_h_ is having a hard time seeing it [14:47] so, I've been here 3 days (Tue/Wed/Thur), Wed/Thur are an "offsite" (but onsite) for engineering managers. I *could* bus home after dinner last night, but I wouldn't get back home until ~10:30, and then I'd have to et up at 5:45 to catch a 6:30 bus back [14:47] jrwren: He could be in an open relationship. Don't judge. [14:47] jrwren: you don't know our arrangement, dont' judge ;) [14:47] pffff [14:47] hah, see! [14:47] :) :) [14:47] rick_h_: a good number of our engineers sent out "heading to the burn today, see ya!" emails [14:47] brousch: was more trying to picture greg-g beard and all in a purple playa suit from the 60s/70s with a giant collar [14:47] i always knew I liked your wife :p [14:48] I'm in a perfectly open relationship. If I ever cheated on JoDee she'd open me up like a fish [14:48] leisure suit greg-g [14:48] rick_h_: I can totally see that [14:48] 10 years ago? totally [14:48] not so much any more [14:48] greg-g: and none of them invited me to go? [14:49] From Leisure Suit Playa to Leisure Suit Larry in 10 years. [14:49] rick_h_: :) [14:49] this hotel is weird. it's one where half the rooms share bathrooms (per floor), ie it's cheaper but not quite an SRO, but it's playing hardcore electronic music right now [14:50] at 7:50 am [14:50] soma.fm? [14:50] greg-g: WTF?!?! why are you at this hotel? Also, what hotel? sounds awesome. I want to stay there if I ever go to SF [14:50] heh, I am wearing my somafm hat right now [14:50] jrwren: The Mosser [14:50] good location, all told, really [14:51] I need to get some soma.fm wear at some point [14:51] 3 blocks from my office, right near Market St (main downtown street)