
inetprogood mornings06:52
Kilosmorning all and sundry07:01
Kilosand inetpro 07:01
thatgraemeguy/nick sundry07:28
Kiloshaha hi thatgraemeguy 07:29
pieter2627morning all08:17
Kiloshi pieter2627 08:17
Kiloshi Cryterion TinuvaMac 08:17
TinuvaMacmorning Kilos08:21
LangjanHi guys, Kilos 16:07
LangjanWhat can an outsider do when he gets you to go to your browser and then press super + r ? 16:09
nlsthznthere does not seem to be anything bound in the browser to super + r16:18
nlsthznI have tried pressing it a few times and can16:19
nlsthzncan't see anything happening16:19
Kiloshi Langjan 16:19
LangjanHi Kilos  and nlsthzn 16:20
Kiloshi mneelsie16:20
Kilosneelsie too16:20
LangjanOne of my Ubuntu converts received a phone call from somebody who alleges she has a virus on her system16:21
Kilosshe is on windows right16:21
Langjanthey asked her to open her browser and then to prsee super+r and then something else, then she became suspicious and terminated the call 16:21
Langjanno, on ubuntu 12.04, but I think the caller assumes she is on windows16:22
Kilosfirst rule. dont listen to strangers16:22
Langjanshes very naive16:22
Kilosoh wait16:23
Kilosi heard a while back16:23
Langjanhow do you initiate screen sharing on windows?16:23
Kilossimilar thing but think it was for cells16:23
LangjanI want to go upgrade her to 14.04 tonight16:24
Kiloswhere you want to share with?16:24
Langjanno I dont, I think somebody may have been trying to get to her screen16:24
Kilosyou want to help her remotely?16:24
Langjanno, shes just across the road16:24
Kilosjust remember for friends who need help that arent close you can use teamviewer16:25
Kilosthen do what is needed fort them16:25
Langjanfort or fart?16:26
Kilossies man16:26
Kiloswhat do you mean by screen16:27
Langjanok but also I should secure her router,who was it that helped me?16:27
Kilosyou alkready too clever to help16:27
Kilosoh my16:27
Kiloshes has been scarce16:27
Kilosforget his new nick16:28
LangjanIll get her on Xchat then see if we can trace him16:28
Langjanyea thats right, but let me upgrade her first16:28
Kilosmail him and arrange a time16:28
Kilosalso install gufw16:29
Langjanyou gotIts andrew mc iver, not so? 16:29
Langjanwhats gufw?16:29
Kiloshe is lotsa andrews16:29
Kilosgraphic firewall16:30
Kilosyou just turn it on16:30
Langjanok thks, gotta go, chat later 16:30
Kilosblocks all incoming16:30
Kilosgho well16:30
Langjanblocks all incoming what?16:30
Langjanthks also to you16:31
Kiloshackers and crackers and bad peeps16:31
Langjango well 16:31
Langjanok thks good tip16:31
Langjanlekker aand verder vir jou16:31
Kilosselle daar oom16:31
Kiloshi mazal 17:32
superflyhi mazal18:21
Kiloshi superfly hows yuou and family?18:23
superflyThey're fine, I'm tired.18:23
Kilosim about to call it a night guys18:42
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:42
inetprogood mornings 19:38
superflymorning, inetpro!20:06
magespawngood evening20:08
superflymorning magespawn20:12
magespawnhey superfly, i never quite get used to that way of talking20:13
inetpromagespawn: why?20:19
magespawninetpro i almost always forget about it until somebody else does it20:27
magespawni am busy reading up on how to set up a radius server and a squid proxy server, any tips?20:33
superflysquid is easy. never done radius20:33
magespawni need the radius for authentication of the hotspot that i going to try and set up20:34
magespawni have to put stronger control on the network at the one reserve, the staff there used 229Gig of data by the 24th20:35
spinzamagespawn: freeradius?20:39
spinzaseen people use that20:39
magespawnspinza: i will have a look at that20:39
magespawnbedtime for me now, good night all20:45

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