
daftykins!reisub | putolov00:00
ubottuputolov: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key00:00
seliteWhere does Ubuntu store the print screens by default?00:00
xubuntu666except that it won't work during a kernel panic.00:00
putolovxubuntu666, for instance my screen is frozen but coursor moves00:00
Blue1selite: /Downloads/  iirc00:00
seliteBlue1: it's not in downloads00:01
LtLselite: ~/Pictures00:01
xubuntu666putolov, wait. if your caps lock is flashing, your cursor shouldn't move. do you mean that you can turn caps lock on and off, or that it flashes on and off on its own?00:01
seliteLtL: It's not in pictures either I use the Files and it doesn't show.00:01
seliteWhat a stupid fucking OS.00:01
putolovxubuntu666, my coursor moves and caps lock flashing00:01
xubuntu666putolov, CA00:02
putolovbut I cann't work on browser00:02
xubuntu666putolov, try alt+ctrl+F100:02
xubuntu666putolov, do you get a text login?00:02
xubuntu666putolov, try what daftykins recommended with reisub00:03
putolovxubuntu666, yes00:03
prometdaftykins, boots to a black screen, then crtl-alt-f1 over to a tty to check out logs and things00:03
putolovI have got tty00:04
xubuntu666putolov, you can remember it in a pinch (which is the only time you'll need it!) by remembering the phrase "Raising Elephants Is So Udderly Boring"00:04
daftykinspromet: do you have working networking at that point? "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" if it's non-zero could be handy, also an "lspci | pastebinit"00:04
xubuntu666putolov, ok, log in, and restart lightdm with command          sudo service lightdm restart00:04
prometit (Xorg.o.log) seems to be trying to load fglrx and ati modules for video, I think it should maybe be "radeon"00:04
daftykinspromet: mmm that might depend on the card at hand00:05
notionSundayanyone know how to pause the boot up so i can edit the .bashrc file00:05
xubuntu666I know it00:05
xubuntu666I know it's Utterly. I visualize udders.00:06
prometdaftykins, ATI Rage IIc with 2 MB of SGRAM00:06
prometSmokin... =D00:06
daftykinspromet: i think full ubuntu would be impossible then, i'd retry with xu or lu perhaps00:06
TJ-notionSunday: edit the file. Log-out. Log-in.00:06
xubuntu666or dsl00:06
daftykinsxubuntu666: psst we're in an ubuntu channel00:07
putolovxubuntu666, what is lightdm ?00:07
notionSundayhow do i do that one bootup00:07
notionSundayi need to stop the boot process first so it doesnt run the .bashrc00:07
xubuntu666putolov, it's the display manager that gives you your login session and starts x for you. restarting it will kill your previous graphical session and bring you to the login screen without a full reboot00:08
prometdaftykins, just for kicks though, how might I point the X instance to load radeon. I've never quite understood this since xorg.conf.d came around; luckily never had much need.00:08
TJ-notionSunday: .bashrc is only read when the user logs in00:08
notionSundayi got it set to auto login00:08
xubuntu666daftykins, fair enough. does ubuntu package something that is equivalent to dsl?00:08
notionSundayits for a raspberry pi00:08
prometif I write an xorg.conf will it default to that?00:08
daftykinsxubuntu666: er, i assume you refer to damn small linux which is an alternative distro - why would a distro package a distro?00:09
putolovxubuntu666, ok, tnx00:09
daftykinsi'm seeing Russian dolls here...00:09
xubuntu666daftykins, no, I mean you shh me because dsl isn00:09
TJ-notionSunday: Ahhh, well, Raspian isn't Ubuntu and not supported here00:09
daftykinspromet: er you'd need a minimal config xorg.conf that explicitly only pics a driver - but the fact nomodeset didn't work is kinda telling nothing will00:10
xubuntu666isn't ubuntu product, but there is no equivalent. I'm not trying to support dsl, but if there's nothing that ubuntu does that is equivalent, there's no reason to ban mentioning it.00:10
prometdaftykins, gotcha00:10
xubuntu666yes, I meant damn small linux. Puppy Linux would be another that isn't in the same space.00:10
daftykinsxubuntu666: i'm not saying i'm banning mentioning it, just that if someone is in an ubuntu support channel it's likely because that's what they want to run :)00:10
xubuntu666daftykins, fair enough.00:11
BlueProtomanI'm trying to get my nVidia GeForce 520M working with the latest drivers on Ubuntu 15.04 (and Optimus, of course), but I'm not sure if I actually did.  How can I check what my graphics hardware and OpenGL version is?00:13
xubuntu666BlueProtoman, glxinfo00:13
daftykinsBlueProtoman: did you go the nvidia-prime route? nvidia-settings should run also00:13
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: And what am I looking for?00:13
putolovxubuntu666, ok, is there some solution to kill browser when my screen is frozen and my coursor works ?00:14
xubuntu666glxinfo | grep direct                   tells you if you've got direct hardware rendering00:14
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: Does it display info for multiple OpenGL versions?00:14
xubuntu666putolov, you can kill an x-window from the terminal a few ways, or alt+F2 and run  xkill   then click on window to kill00:15
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers devices00:15
xubuntu666BlueProtoman, yes, as well as available extensions00:16
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: Oh, I see, for core profile, compatibility profile, etc.?00:16
putolovxubuntu666, Terminal I opent with Ctrl+Alt+T00:16
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: Looks like my core profile supports OpenGL 3.3...but I'm still using the nVidia.00:16
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: *still using the Intel, derp00:18
xubuntu666putolov, do you? I don't know your hotkeys, sorry. I'm not using unity. from terminal you can kill using pid or kill all processes of a certain name.00:18
putolovxubuntu666, how does it work with pid or to kill process of a certain name ?00:19
xubuntu666BlueProtoman, oh you have an APU? a newer intel processor?00:19
daftykinsxubuntu666: no, optimus - intel on-die + nvidia discrete chip00:19
daftykinsBlueProtoman: as i mentioned initially, did you install nvidia-prime or bumblebee? does nvidia-settings run?00:20
BlueProtomanxubuntu666: I have a Intel HD Graphics 5000 and a nVidia GeForce 520M, and an Optimus to let me switch between them00:20
xubuntu666putolov, well, you can get the pid using "top" "ps" or "pidof" commands. then   kill -[1-9] <PID> where the 1 to 9 is a choice of signal to send, and the <PID> is replaced with the pid number00:20
BlueProtomandaftykins: Yes, I have them both.  But "primusrun glxinfo" returns "primus: fatal: Bumblebee daemon reported: error: Could not load GPU driver"00:20
daftykinsBlueProtoman: no you can't use them both. nvidia-prime is what should be used *instead* of bumblebee00:21
xubuntu666putolov, in a terminal, you can get the manual for commands with the "man" commaqn00:21
xubuntu666putolov, "man" command. e.g.     man ps00:21
putolovxubuntu666, tnx very much00:21
BlueProtomandaftykins: Okay, I'll uninstall bumblebee and get back to you on that.00:22
daftykinsBlueProtoman: cool. sudo apt-get purge bumble*00:22
BlueProtomandaftykins: Cool.  Then what, try "primus glxinfo"?00:23
BlueProtomandaftykins: What do I do next?00:25
daftykinsBlueProtoman: "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" and "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:29
daftykinser the former should be pastebin'd as well, but apparently i don't have my head screwed on today00:29
daftykinscould just do "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit"00:30
finetundra__hello everyone, I'm trying to make a bootable usb, however my web browser crashes when attempting to download. Normally I'd use unetbootin but my computer seems to be refusing to boot a usb made with that00:31
finetundra__*download uuo00:31
BlueProtomandaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12203028/ for the first command, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12203029/ for the second00:34
daftykinsBlueProtoman: hrmm xorg-edgers and nvidia-355, there's actually an official PPA for ubuntu for updated drivers now. 355 is a waste for such an old mobile chip though00:36
daftykinsXorg's log there shows no sign of your nvidia being used or configured00:36
daftykins!info nvidia-prime00:36
ubottunvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 114 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)00:36
daftykinsback in 1000:37
FyxiHello, how to set virtual desktops under multiple monitors in latest xubuntu?00:38
FyxiI heard that its possible. On windows 10 its possible, so... War started.00:39
daftykinsFyxi: go to settings00:42
daftykinsi believe you want workspaces00:42
BlueProtomandaftykins: Is this the PPA you mean?  https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa00:43
designbybeckStill no Official Supported Google Drive for Ubuntu/Linux?00:43
daftykinsask Google00:43
FyxiYea, workspaces00:45
tgm4883designbybeck: they really need to get on it. It was supposed to be out long ago00:45
FyxiBut I heard that its not working under multiple monitors, it's that true?00:45
TechspectreCan you damage an NTFS file system by reading it from Linux?00:45
tgm4883designbybeck: and technically, you mean no google supported google drive for linux. There are other supported google drive clients00:45
daftykinsBlueProtoman: looks like the one - you'll need to purge _all_ nvidia* and remove xorg-edgers first though00:46
designbybeckcorrect tgm488300:46
daftykinsBlueProtoman: oh you're still on 12.04 - wow.00:46
tgm4883designbybeck: well yea, only google can make a google supported one00:46
BlueProtomandaftykins: What?  No.  I'm on 15.0400:46
daftykinsBlueProtoman: nevermind, misread00:46
nrdbI have an old server I am trying to connect to with the nomachine NX server ... but it is giving the error "Cannot find X servers running on this machine" ... I can login via ubuntu gui .... how would I double check that X is running?00:47
daftykinsnrdb: if iy really was a server it won't have X00:47
BlueProtomandaftykins: Okay, purged nvidia*, but what is this "xorg-edgers" and how do I remove it?00:48
nrdbdaftykins, it is a LTSP server.. so yes it should00:48
daftykinsBlueProtoman: the PPA you're getting drivers from already, visit their site for removal00:50
BlueProtomandaftykins: You mean *not* https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ?00:50
daftykinsxorg-edgers is the one you ALREADY have on00:51
daftykinswhich needs to go00:51
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BlueProtomandaftykins: Okay.  Just ran "sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa"00:53
BlueProtomandaftykins: And then what, reinstall the nvidia drivers?00:54
daftykinsthen install nvidia-355 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings00:55
BlueProtomanOkay.  Will do, then let you know how it goes.  Thanks!00:56
jmr_help Brazil00:56
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:56
BlueProtomandaftykins: All righty, just rebooted and installed those packages.01:00
daftykinsand reboot again and pastebin a fresh Xorg.0.log01:00
daftykinswouldn't mind seeing an "lspci | pastebinit" too01:00
BlueProtomanSure http://paste.ubuntu.com/12203129/01:01
BlueProtomanI'll give you another once I reboot01:01
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ablest1980anyone know how to use gadmin openvpn?01:09
ablest1980says Missing certificate or key setting.01:09
daftykinsdo you have a VPN service to connect to yet?01:09
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daftykinsfrom where?01:12
daftykinsbut they don't offer anything direct01:13
BlueProtomandaftykins: Oops, I broke my graphics and have to fix everything by console.  Now what?01:14
daftykinsablest1980: do you have any other system than the one you're typing from? a VPS? a server co-located?01:15
ablest1980daftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12203146/01:15
daftykinsablest1980: yes that's configuring a client, but you need the service to connect to at the other end...01:15
daftykinsBlueProtoman: so X never started but you've got TTYs huh?01:15
ablest1980i got open vpn01:15
daftykinsablest1980: as much as i enjoy going around in these circles, i suspect i will leave it there for now. unless you got connection details from the site when logged in, you can't go any further.01:16
BlueProtomandaftykins: Bingo01:17
TJ-ablest1980: Do you know that to use openvpn you need *TWO* PCs, your local PC and some other PC somewhere else?01:17
TJ-ablest1980: To create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) you'll need 2 PCs, one might be a hosted service somewhere on the Internet that sells you a VPN connection service.  When you buy that service they will provide an openvpn configuration file for you to use on your local PC, and *then* you will be able to use it01:21
Didge-What was that !term used to find the ubuntu touch chat room folks?01:21
daftykinsBlueProtoman: try pastebin'ing /var/log/Xorg.0.log now - then might have to be "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* "01:21
daftykinsDidge-: better yet is remembering #ubuntu-touch01:22
Didge-HAHA cheers pal, I'm such a douche mate, sorry and thanks :)01:22
ablest1980ok ty01:24
ryan_46!info hal01:26
ubottuPackage hal does not exist in vivid01:26
Fyxidaftykins: i cant add more than 1 workspace, its possible under windows10, lol01:26
Fyxiand i always was under linux site...01:26
daftykinsFyxi: are you going to make me google it for you?01:27
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Fyxii googled and its says its not possible, there are several ppl that its possible01:27
Fyxiya, linux ppl laughed that i said that windows10 have better workspaces support under multiple monitors and get hated, because it's possible under linux but nobody knows how01:28
TJ-Fyxi: is that using Unity?01:28
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Fyxiubuntu xfce01:28
daftykinsno xfce definitely has workspaces.01:29
Fyxii mean01:29
Guest70960what is going on here?01:29
Fyxii have two monitors01:29
Fyxiand want to have workspaces under these01:29
RevertToTypeso on ubuntu-server 15.04 what do i need to run say a script or command at login?01:29
TJ-Fyxi: define what you mean by "under" ?01:29
Fyxiit doesnt matter if one monitor will have workspaces and second will have other, or one workspace will use two monitors01:30
TJ-Fyxi: you have the monitors using a single X screen (single desktop across both) ?01:30
FyxiTJ-: i dont get it ;_; probably not01:31
Fyxior... ef i dont know01:31
daftykinsGuest70960: as the topic states, this is an Ubuntu support channel, for support.01:31
Fyxii have extended desktop to two monitors, so i can have things on first, and other things on second01:32
TJ-Fyxi: with multiple monitors, the X server can do 1 of 2 things. Use both monitors on a single X screen so the desktop covers both monitors (as in windows), or have each monitor on a separate X screen, in which case there are two separate desktops and you cannot move applications from 1 to the other01:32
Fyxii want first case01:33
BlueProtomandaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1220320401:33
Fyxibut, im not really familar with terminal and used last two months windows so i forgot most01:34
daftykinsBlueProtoman: hrmm this laptop of yours, does it have any BIOS controls over the optimus configuration?01:34
Fyxii just know few commands, to install packages or compile something01:34
TJ-Fyxi: which should be what is configured by default when you connect the 2nd monitor. So now if you add workspaces, each workspace will include both monitors (because as far as the X server is concerned, there's just 1 very large display)01:34
BlueProtomandaftykins: No.01:34
daftykinsBlueProtoman: alright, i suspect the repo i suggested does not have drivers supporting prime then :( did you purge nvidia* yet?01:35
FyxiTJ-: when i change number of workspaces under settings, it doesn't add item to list01:35
Fyxijust i still have only one workspace01:35
Fyxii can post screenshot01:35
Saulo(away) not here.01:35
TJ-Fyxi: OK, what you say makes sense... it is either silently failing to create the workspaces, or not listing them01:36
FyxiTJ-: http://i.imgur.com/1zSrXhY.png01:37
FyxiI tried to that before.01:37
BlueProtomandaftykins: 355 is the beta driver, right?  Maybe I should just use 352?01:38
daftykinsBlueProtoman: you're welcome to try something else, i'd purge - remove the PPA then try the default repos 346.01:39
BlueProtomandaftykins: I want a newer driver than that, though01:40
BlueProtomanI'll try 352 and report back01:40
daftykinsBlueProtoman: i already mentioned it's a huge waste of time01:40
daftykinsdo you have any idea how old that chip is? :)01:40
FyxiTJ-: I go sleep, probably will read logs later. If I will dont remember your msg's i will write to you privately. Good night.01:41
TJ-Fyxi: although the list only shows 1 entry, do the workspace hot-keys move to another workspace? From what I've read the hot-key is Ctrl+F1 through Ctrl+F401:41
FyxiIf I will lost your msg's* I mean01:41
FyxiTJ-: Nope.01:41
BlueProtomandaftykins: No, I do not.  And the site still lists my chip as supported, by the way01:41
FyxiOk, good night, i can read logs, bye01:42
daftykinsBlueProtoman: it's old, chasing driver versions is fruitless.01:42
FyxiI will sleep about 2-5 hours01:42
BlueProtomandaftykins: Why is it fruitless?01:42
daftykinsbecause such an old chip will not have any worthwhile improvements01:42
daftykinsversions are iterated to add support and tweak newer hardware, they're not going to miraculously triple the framerates on an old product01:43
BlueProtomandaftykins: Just let me try 346 on this new PPA first.  If that fails, I'll rever01:44
daftykinsbut 346 might be coming from the wrong place01:45
BlueProtomandaftykins: Ok, so what's the PPA for the default driver source again?01:46
daftykinsyou don't need one01:46
daftykinsjust remove what was added before01:46
BlueProtomanBut I did a ppa purge as the PPA's site suggested01:47
daftykinsok hang on you've lost me01:47
daftykinswhere are we? 1) default 2) xorg-edgers PPA 3) ubuntu-drivers PPA01:47
BlueProtomanI purged 2) so I could install from 3), as the site for 2) suggested01:48
BlueProtomanVia sudo ppa-purge01:49
daftykinsright so you have 3) on and you want to...?01:50
TJ-Fyxi: according to a post in the Mint forums, the issue is caused when you have Compiz (3D effects) enabled. In that case you have to use the Compiz Config Settings Manager and change the desktop numbers there for workspaces to function. See  http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=19188301:50
BlueProtomandaftykins: Either install the latest drivers in 3) and have them work or revert to 2) safely01:50
daftykinsyeah so you can do the first idea now01:52
BlueProtomanWhat's the PPA's exact name again?01:52
daftykinsbut you already have it installed01:53
daftykins"apt-cache search nvidia-3" might list the available01:53
vividim pretty sure that ppa uses the exact copied packages from xorg-edgers btw01:54
EphraimMBHow do I start contributing by developing and improving Ubuntu on Windows 10?01:55
daftykinsEphraimMB: you mean to want to contribute whilst not using it?01:55
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu01:55
daftykinsvivid: right now perhaps, but it'll change.01:56
daftykinswhat a curious nickname for an ubuntu channel.01:56
vividi know right, i have more ignores in this channel than in all of the world of irc01:58
BlueProtomanOkay, now what?01:58
EphraimMBHow do I do this on Windows?01:58
BlueProtomanI have no idea what I'm doing01:59
YukenWorkrave doens't seem to be proper for my uses of setting a reminder every hour. Any other programs I could use?01:59
xangua!contribute | EphraimMB01:59
ubottuEphraimMB: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu01:59
daftykinsEphraimMB: those are links, click them.01:59
daftykinsBlueProtoman: actually that PPA lacks something, i'd say purge nvidia* and reboot.02:00
BlueProtomandaftykins: Then what?02:01
daftykinsremove 3)02:01
NikeshIs there any reason why I shouldn't install an Ubuntu-only system as 'Legacy'? I'm getting so many errors trying to get it to install + boot in UEFI02:02
daftykinsNikesh: is it to be the only OS, or will it be alongside Windows?02:02
BlueProtomanOkay, I have working graphics now, but am no closer to a working Optimus than when I started02:02
Ben64Nikesh: if you want to dual boot with something installed using uefi02:03
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daftykinsBlueProtoman: i've noticed. so remove 3) then install "nvidia-346 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings" and try again.02:03
BlueProtomandaftykins: And what exactly do you mean by "try again"?02:05
EphraimMBThe links you gave me only tells me how to do this on Ubuntu. I want to know how to do this on Windows.02:07
Nikeshdaftykins: I only ever want Ubuntu02:07
daftykinsNikesh: i can't see any issues with booting and installing as EFI then? what goes wrong?02:08
TJ-EphraimMB: your request makes no sense; what contribution can you make if you don't use Ubuntu?02:08
FyxiTJ-: i have compiz, so that can be problem, i was thinking about that before02:08
usermehello. im having few slow loading pages and just read bout flushing dns servers what this and how on linux02:08
daftykinsBlueProtoman: rebooting *facepalm*02:08
Nikeshdaftykins: I keep getting 'No Bootable Device' after install02:09
daftykinsNikesh: what kind of system is this?02:09
Nikeshdaftykins: I've tried Boot-Repair02:09
Nikeshdaftykins: What details can I share?02:09
Fyxihow the compiz workspace settings is named?02:09
daftykinsdesktop/laptop - make/model02:09
BlueProtomandaftykins: Aaand my graphics are broken again02:09
daftykinsFyxi: i don't think you can use compiz with xfce? might be wrong.02:10
Nikeshdaftykins: Laptop with Intel 2.16ghz quad core, 128gb ssd, 8gb ram02:10
TJ-Fyxi: in that forum post the user called them "Displays"02:10
Ben64Nikesh: if all you want is ubuntu go ahead and install legacy, its simpler02:10
TJ-daftykins: Yes, you can02:10
daftykinsah ok :>02:10
daftykinsBlueProtoman: weird, usually all setups i've seen work fine with this, ah well i give up.02:10
NikeshBen64: Can I still install other version of Ubuntu, or will it only ever be one Ubuntu?02:10
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rex_vhosts /Cloaks02:12
makiHello! May I ask is the ssh (server) required on a desktop system?02:12
Fyxiok, i set multiple monitors, but its still dont works02:12
msodrewHi. I have Ubuntu 14.04 installed with an Nvidia GTX 970. I use the proprietary graphics drivers. As a software engineer, I really want to love ubuntu (I've been a Mac OS X devotee for 10 years), but the X window system crashes randomly once every 3-4 hours. Sometimes dbus brings it down, sometimes I suspect it is compiz (though, I have zero "effects" turned on)... in general though, it is unreliable to code on. Has anyone else experienced t02:12
msodrewand know how to run ubuntu with the stability linux is known for?02:12
Fyxii have at xfce panel widget four workspaces, but clicking them nothing changes02:12
somsipmaki: no it's not02:13
TJ-Fyxi: I'm not sure why that would be, sorry. Maybe you have to switch using hotkeys for the Compiz 'displays' ?02:14
Fyxiwhere is workspace hotkeys under compiz settings02:15
Fyxii want to know how to change workspace...02:16
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daftykinsjust adding the workspace switcher to the panel will work02:17
Nikeshmsodrew: It's usually stable for me. I'm a software engineer, too. But presently struggling with a new machine (also graphics drivers and boot issues..)02:18
msodrewNikesh: does X server bring down the whole system for you too? that's pretty much my only quip02:19
msodrewill be running Atom, gnome-terminal, Zeal, and Chrome and it'll randomly happen after a few hours02:20
daftykinsNikesh: so what's the make + model?02:20
Nikeshmsodrew: Hm, no. The issue for me is that it seems like my CPU is doing what the graphics card should (seeing heavy loads when nothing but X is running)02:20
Nikeshdaftykins: It's an Acer Aspire E11-11102:20
TJ-msodrew: Linux generally excels at logging clues. For X see "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" and possibly "/var/log/kern.log" (or if using systemd, use "journalctl" )02:21
msodrewNikesh: mmm. what kind of GPU you have?02:21
daftykinsNikesh: hrmm, latest BIOS as per their website? sometimes there's a Linux variant for acers, or just an update if EFI boot is going weirdly.02:21
Nikeshmsodrew: Not sure actually. Just the stock laptop one.. nothing special I'm sure (maybe that's why -- but I hope rather that I can find some different drivers and it will work better)02:21
msodrewTJ-: thanks. I wasn't aware of /var/log/kern.log ... ill look into that. Is systemd something I can run to get more logging?02:22
Nikeshdaftykins: Hm.. I had it working on 14.04 after using Boot-Repair, but it seemed magical (can't remember what changed) -- I wanted to reinstall though for other reasons02:22
FyxiTJ-: thanks02:22
Fyxiits works like harm02:22
msodrewNikesh: that is, I've found, one of the most essential things to find out. If you're running windows you should be able to inspect your hardware and see if it's AMD or Nvidia02:22
Fyxione things i would have is to show desktops and windows like windows OS had02:22
Fyxiseperate desktops with sepeare windows02:23
Nikeshmsodrew: No windows around.. But I think I can find it Linux, too02:23
TJ-msodrew: systemd is the new init system in 15.04+. Up to then the init system is upstart. systemd takes over a lot of core services, including generating binary (not text) logs, and to view those "journalctl" is required02:23
msodrewNikesh: generally, the state of things is that AMD proprietary drivers are absolute garbage and not updated enough, so you gotta use the open source ones  mantained by xorg02:23
daftykinsmsodrew: you don't need to use Windows to detect the hardware...02:23
Nikeshmsodrew: Ah yeah, that's my feeling. So I wonder what's being used02:23
daftykinsNikesh: so any luck on the acer website?02:23
msodrewNikesh: nividia is better, but ive found that since im running a  (reasonably) new and high powered card, I have to use the xorg-edgers special PPA that supports it02:23
msodrewNikesh: open a terminal and type "sudo lspci | grep VGA" and tell us what it says02:25
msodrewdaftykins: I was only saying that in case he was talking to us from a booted windows partition02:25
daftykinswhy are you folks talking about graphics hardware anyway, when the query is EFI installation?02:25
Nikeshdaftykins: Not yet02:25
daftykinswhen did graphics issues come up?02:25
Nikeshdaftykins: msodrew was talking about it, and I was also facing that, but first I just want to boot! :P02:26
msodrewdaftykins: that's my issue... Nikesh just chimed in and wanted to talk about it too02:26
daftykinsah ok.02:26
=== mnkyboi is now known as freq
msodrewTJ-: so should I forget about systemd if im running 14.04.3 deliberately for stability?02:28
Nikeshdaftykins: OK, so I'm in a live USB and Boot-Repair says "Boot of PC is in EFI mode, but no EFI partition found" Recommends creating one..02:28
Nikeshdaftykins: In gparted I see /dev/sda1 bios_grub and /dev/sda2 as ext4 and /dev/sda3 (unknown.. somehow an aborted swap partition it seems)02:29
EphraimMBWhy does the Ubuntu UI look so outdated?02:29
daftykinsNikesh: i'd rather start with the BIOS options if you wouldn't mind just glancing if there is one02:29
TJ-msodrew: Yes, 14.04 has upstart and all text logs in /var/log/02:29
Nikeshdaftykins: Sure, what do you mean though?02:29
daftykinsare you sure it's not an E3-111 ?02:29
daftykinsthat page has confusing model numbers02:30
NikeshThe bottom says es1-111 --> http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model/NX.MSNAA.00302:30
daftykinsoh dear 8.1 with Bing02:30
msodrewTJ-: for sure... I'll take a stronger look tomorrow at the office. I just get into the mode of "Im trying to work! Not look at logs! ... I'll solve this later." and then about 2 hours later X will completely throw me out to the login screen again lol :'(02:30
daftykinsNikesh: is that what it came with?02:30
EphraimMBWhy does the Ubuntu UI Desktop look so outdated?02:30
Nikeshdaftykins: Hehe yeah. That's gone. I have a new SSD in it02:30
msodrewWindows 8.1 is the ultimate sadness.02:31
NikeshPlus upgraded RAM to 8GB02:31
tsimonq2msodrew: No, Windows 10 is...02:31
daftykinsNikesh: doesn't matter, that EFI is hamstringed to only load 32-bit EFI code - so no wonder it doesn't work properly02:31
tsimonq2Moving on X02:31
daftykinsthose machines are intentionally made harder to use non-Windows with02:31
msodrewtsimonq2: I dunno man... I dunno how they could fuck things up harder than 8.1... I had to live with that for 3 months on a project and oh my god did I want to kill myself02:31
Nikeshdaftykins: Interesting. THe Amazon reviews said you could send it to Acer to get your Windows $ back if you show you haven't activated it02:32
derpingit_hey guys.. i want to fix something that i just can't put up with anymore.. you see, my browsers work just fine, but if my laptop's lid is ever closed or the computer goes to sleep , when i log back in, the internet browsers are super slow.. pages don't load. i have to restart the PC. can someone help?02:32
NikeshWhat file system type do I use for an EFI boot partition?02:32
daftykinsNikesh: doesn't change the firmware on the system sadly.02:32
EphraimMBWhy is everyone ignoring my question?02:32
NikeshEphraimMB: It looks modern to me02:33
TJ-msodrew: I'd suspect your X server crashes are caused by using the xorg-edgers PPA. I'd recommend purging that PPA and returning to the stock Ubuntu packages, and either use the LTS HardWare Enablement stack or use the new special PPA that providers just the video drivers: see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa02:33
msodrewNikesh: FAT3202:33
daftykinsNikesh: this should help - http://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support02:33
EphraimMBThe Ubuntu Desktop UI isn't flat02:33
msodrewEphraimMB: it's up to you to customize Unity. Try Numix. http://sourcedigit.com/9432-top-10-best-custom-themes-ubuntu-14-04/02:33
daftykinsNikesh: you probably would find it easier to try and boot and install as legac *if* that machine will let you though.02:34
daftykinsEphraimMB: you're not asking a support question.02:34
msodrewTJ-: ah... does that PPA provide an open source GPU driver that supports the Nvidia GTX 970?02:34
Nikeshdaftykins: OK, interesting. Though I was weary because the Legacy USB boot was really slow02:35
TJ-msodrew: It provides the latest nvidia drivers, without all the other X server changes that make xorg-edgers unstable02:35
daftykinsNikesh: if you enter the BIOS and check, does it let you disable secure boot and EFI - and enable legacy / CSM ?02:35
msodrewTJ-: amazing... I will DEFINTELY try that out tomorrow.02:35
msodrewTJ-: thank you02:35
TJ-!ot | EphraimMB if you don't have a support question02:35
ubottuEphraimMB if you don't have a support question: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
Nikeshdaftykins: Yes, I did that and was able to boot into the USB in legacy mode (the boot splash was different)02:36
daftykinsNikesh: mmm maybe you'll be ok installing that way then, you'll want to nuke your disk entirely before setup to ensure it's got no GPT evidence left :)02:36
TJ-msodrew: see also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:36
NikeshSo.. in gparted the option to create a fat32 partition is disabled.. I created new unallocated space of 2mb at the beginning of the disk, but it only allows ext2/3/402:37
Nikeshdaftykins: How do I nuke it?02:37
daftykinsNikesh: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=102:37
msodrewTJ-: im already on a fresh install of 14.04.3, so is that relevant?02:37
daftykinsNikesh: from live session assuming sda is your SSD02:37
Nikeshdaftykins: Oh wow. Hours and hours later?02:38
daftykinsNikesh: what hours?02:38
NikeshI mean, that will take a long time?02:38
daftykinsthat's going to be instant, i told you to write 1MB :)02:38
TJ-msodrew: It might be - it brings in the latest kernels that support recent hardware, etc.02:38
Nikeshdaftykins: Ah right, I see now02:38
daftykinsNikesh: it's also pretty annoying that you've been carrying on with your own approach whilst i've been describing this btw02:38
TJ-msodrew: most importantly, HWE is a supported option on LTS02:38
Nikeshdaftykins: Is there any way legacy will be 'slower'?02:38
Nikeshdaftykins: I see02:38
msodrewTJ-: "The 14.04.2 and newer point release will ship with an updated kernel and X stack by default. If you have installed with older media you can use the following to install the newer kernel from 15.04 (Vivid):"02:38
daftykinsyou'll have to try it and tell me02:38
daftykinsbut no, there shouldn't*02:39
NikeshOK, I'll give it a go..02:39
daftykins* - disclaimer, who knows what that funky windows 8.1 with Bing firmware will do02:39
TJ-msodrew: I thought that only applied to the installation media, not package upgrades if you start from say 14.04.002:39
loftyif i have laptop from 2005, does it means i should use ubuntu 5?02:39
msodrewTJ-: yeah so my ubuntu is a fresh install media sourced copy of 14.04.302:40
msodrewTJ-: i didnt apt-get my way to victory on that ;)02:40
TJ-msodrew: nice short-cut :)02:40
BlueProtomanI have a strange problem when trying to get Optimus working on Ubuntu 15.04.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/666277/optimus-using-optirun-logs-me-out-then-fails  Any thoughts?02:42
mansoorI am running Gnome3. I am unable to configure any VPN connections in my network manager. When I click "configure" the configuration window never opens. Any ideas how to fix?02:46
xangualofty: no, you should use a supported ubuntu release, if by "laptop from 2005" you mean you have low resources then try Xubuntu or Lubuntu02:48
v_vhi. i googled a lot, and found that outgoing packets of tproxy needs a route config to know where to send the censored packets. anyway to keep them on the original path , which is in a realy bridge mode ?02:49
loftyxangua, i'm looking for "perfect" distro for past few days. the crux of my dissatisfaction lies in the fact that windows xp can run 720p videos on youtube and none of linux can run it without lagging02:50
Ben64lofty: install graphics drivers, install chrome, use html5 player02:58
loftyBen64, graphic driver is universal, and not individual. that's where i lose performance out of my hardware. i'm already using chromium and html5 is lagging aswell03:00
daftykinslofty: what hardware is this? perhaps it's old enough that Linux regressed.03:01
derpingit_can anyone help me with my qyestion?03:01
derpingit_hey guys.. i want to fix something that i just can't put up with anymore.. you see, my browsers work just fine, but if my laptop's lid is ever closed or the computer goes to sleep , when i log back in, the internet browsers are super slow.. pages don't load. i have to restart the PC. can someone help?03:01
loftyit's from 2005, something for ubuntu 5.10 or 6.04 but i'm tweaking latest distros03:01
derpingit_i don't know where to start03:01
daftykinsi take it sleeping isn't an option?03:02
daftykinslofty: so what's the graphics hardware?03:02
loftydaftykins, Mobile Intel® 915GM/GMS, 910GML Express Chipset Family03:03
daftykinslofty: and the processor?03:05
loftydaftykins, Intel Pentium® M Processor 76003:06
daftykinslofty: i've had a feeling for a while now that something has regressed in the i915 driver to ruin it for older hardware, i would not even bother personally.03:06
=== live is now known as Guest79189
daftykinsi would not make my worst enemy use a system of that age.03:06
coffee-hi i downloaded a full circle magazine and i can't read it03:06
daftykinswhat format? what is full circle?03:07
coffee-ubuntu full circle magazine03:07
loftydaftykins, it's not mine, but i would like to make it run smooth with proper software03:07
OerHekssingle core, and older intel , no racemonster with movies03:07
coffee-i assume it's in pdf i'll try a pdf reader03:08
daftykinslofty: good luck with that. i'd sooner buy them something from the last decade.03:08
loftydaftykins, they made lubuntu for the last decades, aren't they?03:09
daftykinsso you've tried lubuntu 14.04 ?03:09
loftyeven 15.0403:09
daftykinsor even 12.04 is still supported03:09
daftykinsno 15.04 is too new for you :)03:09
loftytried from 11.10 (first official lubuntu) up to 15.0403:10
daftykinswaste of time then03:10
loftyhmm... if windows can make it work, linux can make it work too03:11
daftykinsand you are wasting all the people in here's time by bothering anyone with it03:12
loftydaftykins, don't me mad about something you don't know03:13
daftykinsthat's not the case, i'm mad at obnoxious individuals who waste others time for pointless frivolous matters.03:13
daftykinsyou could get something capable of HD youtube HTML5 for $150 / £200 / etc.03:14
OerHekshtml5/flash needs a duo core, even with the opendriver.03:14
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest89378
* lofty gloats over solution03:15
auknot everyone has $150 lying around either, just saying03:16
Ben64lofty: then use the dead os that is windows xp, have a nice day03:16
OerHeksThat would be a solution. sad.03:17
OerHeksbut hey, those old machines are a fire risc too.03:17
loftynevermind... have a great one03:17
aukthat is a sad solution but hmm03:18
Guest79189hello can I repair my linux mint bootloader through a zorin live usb?03:19
OerHeksi love this guy :-D03:20
Ben64Guest79189: neither mint nor zorin is supported here03:20
Guest79189or does it have to be a linux mint live cd03:20
Guest79189where do i go?03:20
Guest79189can you tell me the right chatroo,?03:20
Ben64#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:21
Guest79189I am sorry I am new to xchat so I am not on irc.spotchat.org?03:21
Ben64you're on freenode03:21
Guest79189I am used to running xchat through mint03:22
Guest79189could you please let me know how i get to spotchat?03:22
Guest79189can i do it through this?03:22
Ben64/server irc.spotchat.org03:23
tsimonq2Hi, I bought a new computer that is on it's way(shipping) right now. I am currently on a really old 32-bit computer, but I have a bunch of crontabs and configuration files and such...when my computer comes, how can I easily make the transfer? What do I not copy over?03:27
tsimonq2Lubuntu...although I think you guys can help03:29
daftykinsversion though?03:30
daftykinsthat's not out yet03:32
daftykinsso unless you time travelled here...03:32
loftyhow they describe lubuntu, it should be able to run on nokia 331003:32
* tsimonq2 sprints towards #ubuntu+103:33
EmanuelNJHello. not sure where to ask if here or ubuntu-server. I have the desktop version of ubuntu installed on a laptop. How can I access that system remotly with a GUI from my Windows system? I do have the ability to ssh in03:36
daftykinsteamviewer, VNC if local trusted LAN (or tunnel over SSH)03:37
daftykinsplenty really.03:37
daftykinsbut really my brain screams 'why?' :)03:38
loftyEmanuelNJ, come with me son, i'll buy you some genuines :)03:38
EmanuelNJdaftykins, It's a trusted LAN. Do I need to install a VNC server first? And to answer why, I'm too lazy to go downstairs every time I want to use software manager to install an app03:39
EmanuelNJdaftykins, I'm trying to turn this into a Plex Media Server03:39
daftykinsEmanuelNJ: learn to install packages via SSH03:39
daftykinsit doesn't even need a GUI running, Plex would run faster without :)03:40
plexturning it into a plex media sever is easy you download the deb and install it using the Ubuntu software center03:41
EmanuelNJdaftykins, I don't have time now to lean how to install over ssh. I'm under the gun from my fiancee who wants this working by the weekend. I need to get Plex installed and seen by my Amazon Fire TV stick03:42
Johnny_Linuxyour fired03:42
daftykinsEmanuelNJ: and you don't believe you can find out how to install a single package between now and the weekend?03:43
daftykinsTux, give me strength03:43
daftykinsactually dont i'm off to bed03:44
plexonce installed you setup the directory for movies etc and start adding your media03:44
EmanuelNJdaftykins, installing over ssh yes I know I won't have time. After work tomorrow I have to visit my parents in rehab and on Friday I have a wedding to go to03:44
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chaos7theoryWhen upgrading to an LTS Enablement Stack, is there any special considerations if upgrading from one stack to the other?04:31
cfhowlett!hwe | chaos7theory, this might help04:32
ubottuchaos7theory, this might help: On August 7, 2014, Ubuntu 12.04.5 will deliver the kernel and graphics stack from 14.04. At that time, security updates and bug fixes for older hardware enablement stacks will cease. Users of older hardware enablement stacks are encouraged to update to the 12.04.5 hardware enablement stack or upgrade to 14.04. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/1204_HWE_EOL for further details.04:32
chaos7theoryThanks, although this page is more specific to Trusty https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack04:35
chaos7theorySeems weird they'd cease support on stacks when LTS is all about extensive support04:35
cfhowlettchaos7theory, I seem to recall reading the hwe support was rolled into the kernel after 12.0404:36
cfhowlettobviously, I'm no expert04:37
kadirohello, I have a problem when excuting vdr-sxfe it give me some errors like: Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_i915.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:40
cfhowlett!test | colemakuser04:45
ubottucolemakuser: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:45
colemakuserhi, thanks, I didn't know about that04:45
colemakuserI'm just trying out Pidgin for the first time, I'm used to HexChat and other IRC networks.04:45
=== LambdaComplex is now known as Lambda_i
jhbirc is neat04:51
kadirobut died04:57
Toya_Hi, anyone facing a problem with extremely slow firefox on 15.04?05:03
cfhowlettToya_,  please avoid "has anyone ..." questions.  explain YOUR issues and use case.05:04
Toya_ops my bad! firefox is extremely slow on my 15.04, I did try to reinstall it and still same issue05:06
cfhowlettToya_, disable ff plugins and try again.05:06
kadiroI confirm that too05:06
cfhowlettToya_, also try launching from cli to observe error messages.05:06
gshmuCan multi person login in my pc with different account?  using Desktop, not ssh05:07
cfhowlettgshmu, are you talking about a server setup?05:08
gshmuI opened the desktop share (vnc) at other account, but can't to connect in05:08
gshmucfhowlett: which server can do this?05:09
cfhowlett!ltsp | gshmu05:09
ubottugshmu: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project05:09
gshmuthanks all05:09
cfhowlettgshmu, if your goal is multiple login support, you might ask the #ubuntu-server05:09
auztyhello, i just want to ask about env variable, how to set the env variable from other env variable?05:11
auztyTEST="hello" <~ get from other env that contain hello05:12
auztyor load the env first05:12
auztyTEST="load some env ,and assign it to here"05:12
proof_read_thiswould someone proof read a 2 paragraphs for me?05:12
Ben64proof_read_this: not on topic05:12
cfhowlett!ot | proof_read_this05:13
ubottuproof_read_this: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:13
Toya_Launched firefox from cli, got this "GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed"05:14
cfhowlettToya_, ff errors should be asked at ff/mozilla support but wait 1 ...05:15
cfhowlettToya_, yeah I get all kinds of errors and warnings.  this is a fairly fresh and clean installation of Xubuntu.  firefox still runs perfectly from what I can see and the errors refer to gnome which I do not have since xubuntu.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12203707/05:17
MeliteI'm trying to set a battery threshold in my computer05:18
MeliteCan't seem to echo the values into start_charge_thresh and stop_charge_thresh05:18
gshmuubottu: I want my friends try my ubuntu, at sametime, using vnc or rdp05:23
ubottugshmu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:23
Toya_Looks like the issue is not from firefox, as I just noticed that alot of  programs are a little bit slower than usual05:25
Toya_Also, CPU is a bit more spikey05:25
wasgayI could not connect to Internet, how could I install mp4 offline deb file?05:36
cfhowlettwasgay, do you have the .deb?05:37
wasgayI  don't know where could  I find deb file05:38
cfhowlett!details | wasgay05:39
ubottuwasgay: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:39
wasgayI just want to play mp4, mp3 files , but I can't connet internet , how can I install that through other computer05:41
baizonwasgay: download the required deb packages05:42
baizonwasgay: http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:42
cfhowlett!vlc | wasgay05:42
ubottuwasgay: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:42
wasgaySearch key world: aoudio  ?05:44
cfhowlettwasgay, no.  codecs.  you need the restricted/non-free codecs to enable .mp3/405:44
wasgayOkay.  I got it05:44
=== stephen is now known as Guest61263
wasgayNon-free codecs ?  How to do it?05:45
cfhowlettwasgay, find the debs.  download.  install.05:46
cfhowlett!codecs | wasgay05:46
ubottuwasgay: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:46
=== brian is now known as Guest20937
cfhowlett!test | r1k1_,05:54
ubottur1k1_,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )05:54
coelebsis there a possibility to run a command when screen starts and quits from .screenrc?05:56
r1k1_ubottu im usimg irssi true phone and was testing does it go to tje bottom if i send msg05:58
ubottur1k1_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:58
saihi om05:58
cfhowlettr1k1_, not in this channel.  join and test in #test05:58
=== KAN_ is now known as DotKev
r1k1_just scrolled 15min06:00
_Roccan someone help me with a linux bash problem06:01
DotKevI'm still learning linux, but maybe I can help, depending on your problem, _Roc06:01
somsip_Roc: as before, define your problem06:01
_Rochello again somsip, thank u also DotKev06:02
_Rocwhenever i open a new terminal i get bash: script/bash_completion_dog: No such file or directory06:03
somsip_Roc: http://askubuntu.com/questions/617211/bash-script-bash-completion-dog-no-such-file-or-directory06:03
_Rocnow i looked into and found it may be a program i was messing with called sheepdog, so i uninstalled06:04
_Roctoo easy, thank you somsip06:06
BlueSharkHow can I install an older version of gcc on my system? I tried using apt-get install, but it says no such packages are available - I guess that means it's no longer available in the repos.06:07
Toya_How can I know if the GPU driver is causing  my CPU to spike?06:11
__doc__So since yesterday my second monitor (hdmi) stopped being recognized, worked fine before.06:22
__doc__now it's running like 800x600 and can't go any higher06:22
__doc__switching between nuveau and proprietary nvidia drivers in the additional drivers settings didn't do anything (nuveau doesn't do the monitor at all)06:23
acosonic__doc__, do you have backup of your ETC, like etckeeper? Try reverting to old configuration06:24
acosonicToya_, If you are playing some game, most likely it causes CPU to spike06:25
Toya_No, not running any game. Just doing really simple stuff like switching tabs in browser or resize a window06:27
__doc__acosonic: don't have etc backup06:30
__doc__acosonic: unless that's installed by default06:30
=== regedit_ is now known as regedit
=== venkat_331 is now known as venkat_330
baizonhmm, is it possible to disable grouping in the "alt-tab" switcher?06:44
doei@baizon found something here http://askubuntu.com/questions/68151/how-do-i-revert-alt-tab-behavior-to-switch-between-windows-on-the-current-worksp/68171#6817106:49
baizondoei: yes i found that, but it's not working with 14.04 - 15.0406:49
baizondoei: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/108308406:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1083084 in unity (Ubuntu) "add option for alt-tab window grouping disable" [Low,Triaged]06:49
pentanolhi all, In what package I can found MagickWand.h ?07:04
pentanolI've installed libmagickwand-dev07:04
DJones!find MagicKWand.h07:06
ubottuPackage/file MagicKWand.h does not exist in vivid07:06
TomyWorkquiz question: why does "pkill -9 chromium-browser" not kill all chromium-browser processes? (i know why)07:07
pentanolubottu I need this for ruby07:08
ubottupentanol: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:08
pentanolDJones i.e. this header not available in packages?07:09
pentanolalso I have /usr/include/ImageMagick-6/wand/MagickWand.h07:09
pentanolbut C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/ImageMagick-6/ bundle install --without development test mysql sqlite07:10
pentanolnot works07:10
DJonespentanol: Which version of ubuntu are you using07:10
DJonespentanol: Looks like its included in http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/all/libmagickwand-6-headers/filelist07:10
pentanolI've this installed i A libmagickwand-6-headers07:11
DJonespentanol: I'm not sure then, its not something I've ever installed07:11
pentanolok then it ruby thing....07:11
EthoscienceDoes anyone can help me with a little trouble trying to figure how to make to work the script livecd-iso-to-disk.sh?07:12
auronandaceEthoscience: what is wrong with using the installer to have a properly installed system?07:13
TomyWorki'll solve: "chromium-browser" is too long. the command name string only has enough space for "chromium-browse"07:14
AAA_Are there any firefox experts in here? I have firefox window with no menu or anything displayed in it a complete blank, but the window title works and even the keybord commands work! ;(07:14
FreeHuHello! On startup, Ubuntu aways tells me "System program problem detected". With no option to show me what the problem is. How can I find out whats up?07:14
FreeHuAAA_: what is the question?07:15
AAA_FreeHu, the question is how do I configure firefox to display menu, url bar, bookmarks toolbar and the webpage itself :D07:16
FreeHuAAA_: you mean FF starts up in the state you described?07:17
msodrewFreeHu: hey dude. open up a terminal and check out some of your logs. These include /var/log/syslog /var/log/Xorg.0.log and more. You can pretty much browser /var/log and poke around to see what is suspect07:17
AAA_FreeHu, exactly, It runs everything as expected, but no display, no drawing output, only the window title shows you that the window is doing anything...07:18
msodrewFreeHu: also, commands like "dmesg" cant hurt... that'll barf out all your kernel log messages on boot07:18
AAA_msodrew: how is dmesg connected to firefox?07:19
FreeHumsodrew: yes, i know those logs. i just thought when apport tells me something is wrong, it should tell me *what* is wrong.07:19
auronandace!touch | Ethoscience07:19
ubottuEthoscience: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch07:19
FreeHuAAA_: and when you type CTRL+L, type a url and hit return?07:19
cfhowlettAAA_, firefox experts are at mozilla.07:20
msodrewAAA_:  I'm answering FreeHu's question. Not the help he is offering you.07:20
AAA_FreeHu: I can do ctrl+T and "load" a new webpage with no display, no toolbar menu...07:20
FreeHumsodrew: well, there are 912 lines in dmesg. hard to say what it is that apport complains about.07:21
AAA_msodrew: yae, I noticed now, it just seemed connected, sorry... I came too late in your conversation so didn't see the previous07:21
FreeHuAAA_: and when you type ALT+V and enable toolbars and stuff in the menu?07:22
msodrewFreeHu: welcome to the world of linux. you really have to dig through log files and look for things that are suspicious to diagnose problems07:22
AAA_cfhowlett and mozilla irc channel is? as you see my browser does not work :D07:22
msodrewFreeHu: combine that with googling those errors you find and you're on your way to victory07:22
FreeHumsodrew: guess i will deinstal apport then07:22
msodrewFreeHu: what is apport?07:22
FreeHumsodrew: the thing that bugs you with the "system program problem detected" messages.07:23
msodrewFreeHu: lol i dont think thats a solution07:23
msodrewFreeHu: you should try to diagnose the problem07:23
AAA_FreeHu: the thing is: I had toolbars and menu enabled before and I tried the alt-v and such... nothing :) I... it is as if the rendering output is redirected to /dev/null07:23
msodrewFreeHu: instead of uninstall the app that is warning you07:23
FreeHumsodrew: if the app is so dump to report "problem" but not what, i dont trust that app. no other linux distro i know uses it.07:24
msodrewFreeHu: fair enough07:24
msodrewFreeHu: good luck07:24
FreeHuits another blow agains my trust in ubuntu07:25
FreeHuthey want you to send them data without even giving you the chance to see the data yourself.07:25
magicoverflowI installed cryptsetup and i got there error cryptsetup: WARNING: failed to detect canonical device of /dev/md2, why is it trying to detect anything ?07:26
FreeHuapport offers a "report the problem" button but no "see the problem".07:26
FreeHuthis is SO anti-user07:26
AAA_FreeHu: trust in ubuntu? not a good idea, given their totalitarian tendencies (stripping you of options and choices)07:26
FreeHuAAA_: just using it because my new laptop came with it. already downloaded mint to replace it.07:26
cfhowlettI know it's tempting, but let's focus on the technical support topic, please.  FUD, religion and politics should be discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic --- if you must07:27
AAA_cfhowlett, I didn't say ubuntu is a religion ... ;-)07:28
FreeHui didnt say its a political party. just that it has apport installed which prompts you to send data to canonical and offers no way to look at that data yourself.07:28
FreeHuwhich is a technical description of what that app does.07:29
FreeHuand there also was no fud in what we said.07:30
FreeHujust facts.07:30
AAA_FreeHu: on the other hand, I have reliable reports of confidential and personal data being sent to microsoft ever since the early days of windows XP..., they had all the names and usernames and organisation names and such from all the installations, including the pirated ones...07:30
FreeHuAAA_: maybe. i did not use windows since windows 2k.07:31
AAA_FreHu: when I try to closethe firefox, I get the window of "confirm close" that is also empty... no buttons in it... frustrating :D07:32
FreeHuAAA_: how did you install FF?07:32
AAA_FreeHu: I am only reporting what the internal employees saw... and the same goes for win 10, even worse07:33
AAA_FreeHu: wll, it was installed for years, but there cuold have been an upgrade to it... well.07:33
FreeHuAAA_: is it installed from the ubuntu repos or did you download it from somewhere?07:34
AAA_FreeHu: I loaded a blank profile instead of the usual one and well it started, it seems I will have to repair the profile!!! I'm dead...07:35
AAA_FreeHu: I think it could be caused by a combination of firefox update and the big freeze it suffered (10.5 GB of virtual memory)07:44
FreeHuAAA_: i would probably apt-get purge firefox, then install it from the repos.07:47
AAA_FreeHu: yea, but you still need to repair the profile...07:48
FreeHuwouldnt apt-get purge delete itß07:48
FreeHuwouldnt apt-get purge delete it?07:48
xanguaFreeHu: no07:48
FreeHuthen i would delete it manually07:48
AAA_FreeHu: where is the difference between comitting suicide and deleting your profile?07:48
FreeHui dont keep anything important in the ff profile07:49
FreeHui would just do rm -r /home/username/.mozilla07:49
AAA_FreeHu: no bookmarks, even?07:49
FreeHusometimes i bookmark something as a reminder "hey you could look into this later"07:49
xanguaAAA_: just rename your .Mozilla directory and try a new one, you could also start Firefox in safe mode to check is not an add-on causing any troubles07:49
FreeHuand when i have time, i go through my bookmarks and read some of them.07:50
FreeHubut nothing important, no.07:50
AAA_FreeHu: your bokmarks are in the profile07:50
FreeHuyes, but i dont need them07:50
FreeHuright now, i have 1 bookmark07:50
FreeHufrom like 30 minutes ago07:50
FreeHuprobably i will delete it again without readin it.07:51
AAA_xangua: how do I start in a safe mode is I don't have menu, url bar or anything displayed? :D07:51
xanguaAAA_: I don't remember the actual command , Firefox-safe-mode maybe? I'm not in Ubuntu right now07:52
AAA_xangua, aah, command line? good idea... I need to find the list somewhere...07:53
FreeHuAAA_: man firefox07:53
FreeHuAAA_: will tell you the parameter is -safe-mode07:53
AAA_FreeHu, great, that one man page is nice07:54
=== cz4 is now known as cz2
AAA_FreeHu: and I see Glib-CRITOCAL and several warnings after I run it... nice...07:56
AAA_FreeHu: but the safe mode works even less than the usual one...07:57
FreeHuAAA_: and when you run it with a fresh profile?07:58
AAA_FreeHu: fresh profile works, but I would like my browser session back and the bookmarks and so on...07:59
FreeHuAAA_: then analyze what is in the profile dir and copy the important bits over08:00
xanguaHow old is this profile? What Ubuntu/Firefox version? When and how did your profile stopped working?08:01
AAA_FreeHu: there are issues with that as well :(, but I will have to do that... hours and hours of work...08:01
michel__I installed i3wm and let it execute the mate-settings-daemon by default. now i can control the volume by fn-keys but not the brightness. is there another daemon which controls that part?08:13
FreeHuis there a keyboard only way in ubuntu to start programs?08:18
FreeHuin gnome i use ALT+F1 to bring up the main menu and then start applications via the first char in their name.08:19
FreeHubut unity seems to not have that.08:19
TomyWorki just rsynced my home folder to my new machine (with --delete, so it's exactly the same as it was on the old machine) and now i cant log into an x session anymore. both machines are kubuntu trusty08:19
xanguaFreeHu: hit the super/Windows key08:21
FreeHuxangua: i see. will try that for a while08:21
TomyWorkaccording to the syslog, something went wrong while initializing the display. i'll pastebin it in a minute08:22
=== Guest64905 is now known as Magee
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
=== Magee is now known as Vito_L
linociscohow to transfer files , movies, pdf, jpg between ipad and ubuntu ?08:33
cfhowlett!ipad | linocisco08:34
ubottulinocisco: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:34
ubuntuhey guys08:35
ubuntui really really need some help08:35
cfhowlett!ask | ubuntu08:35
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:35
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest48877
Guest48877okay when i start my computer it says that it is running in low graphic even in fail safe mode and i have not been updating or removing any drivers08:36
linociscocfhowlett, it doesn't help. I want to transfer like USB drive between ipad and ubuntu.08:37
cfhowlettlinocisco, then you'd have been better served with an android tab.  osx is not linux friendly08:37
Guest48877okay when i start my computer it says that it is running in low graphic even in fail safe mode and i have not been updating or removing any drivers can anyone help me out?!08:38
benwilbercfhowlett what a useless answer.08:39
AAA_Guest: seems like you havean older GPU that is "no longer supported", welcome to the new world08:39
cfhowlettGuest44528, you're on a live usb not full install.  I'd suspect you haven't got the correct answers.08:39
cfhowlettbenwilber, feel free to improve on it08:39
h0mer@Guest48877 what video card do you have?08:39
Guest48877cfhowlett i am running the live usb right now because i cant boot from my hard08:40
AAA_linocisco: well, in old XP, we used the F5, Enter to copy files... in Total Commander, it seems the new methodsare not as user friendly?08:40
Guest48877h0mer its a intel i ran these 2 in teminal sudo lshw -c display and lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 VGA doesnt say much to me but maybe you know more about it08:41
AAA_Guest48877 then you need a proprietary driver, and most likely the old one had "issues", what chipset is it?08:42
h0merwhat motherboard do you have?08:43
Guest48877AAA_ how will i know what chipset it is??08:43
Guest48877h0mer i have a hp laptop its a probook 430 g208:43
benwilbercfhowlett when the answer is "use something else", then the result is "don't use ubuntu"08:44
AAA_Guest: either look at the mainboard or find it somehow... on manufacturers page or during startup, bios, etc.08:44
h0mer@Guest it's a Intel HD 440008:44
cfhowlettbenwilber, do YOU have an answer to the original question: how does one transfer media between ubuntu and ipad?08:45
Guest48877h0mer is there any ways i can reinstall my drivers from the live usb?08:45
=== kerdel is now known as Hardcore7
benwilberthe answer is you can't.  don't use ubuntu if you want to play with your ipad08:45
h0mer@Guest48877 try the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2222388 (update your kernal version)08:46
Hardcore7Guest48877: why from live usb, can't you use the recovery or fallback?08:46
cfhowlettlinocisco, sorry. other than transferring pictures in camera mode, usb transfer between ios and ubuntu doesn't work.08:47
arusselis it possible on a system with both ubuntu and window to run ubuntu and access the window systm from a vm such as VirtualBox ?08:48
cfhowlettarussel, ssh for sure.  remote desktop procedures possibly08:49
h0merif you're dual booting operating systems... only one is running at a time so I'm going to go ahead and say no..08:49
=== Poe is now known as Guest73866
arusselcfhowlett: what do you mean ssh ? I mean start a VirtualBox instance that uses the Window OS installed.08:50
cfhowlett!ssh | arussel,08:50
ubottuarussel,: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:50
Guest48877Hardcore7 no nothing is working the fallback and recovery mode is giving me the same errors about graphics and i tried CTRL + F1 ro do it in the console but it couldn't connect to my wifi because the ssid is hidden08:50
arusselcfhowlett: if the window system is not up and runnning, I can't ssh into it08:51
cfhowlettarussel, pretty sure that any remotely accessed system must be up and running before you come knocking ...08:51
Hardcore7Guest48877: is it possible to connect your LAN cable?08:51
arusselcfhowlett: my question is how do you get the Window system up and running using VBox (is it possible)08:52
Guest48877Hardcore7 thats the sad thing it's not possible so the options i got is find a way to update from live usb or format at least thats the options i see08:52
cfhowlettarussel, ask in ##windows?  seems something they would know08:53
Guest48877h0mer if i update the kernal will i lose anthing??08:53
adscarussel: you can't start up an installed windows system as a virtual machine08:53
TomyWorkhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/12204300/ <-- I get this error as soon as I connect a monitor to my docking station. what do you suggest?08:53
Hardcore7Guest48877: Hm, I never tried to change drivers with an live usb; I think I can't help you out :/08:53
AAA_adsc: why not? lol08:53
TomyWorkexcept not connecting a monitor to the docking station :)08:53
adscAAA_: because an installed system is not a virtual machine container?08:54
AAA_adsc: the great feature of windows (XP, 98 and such) was the ability to clone it, so you do a clone and run the clone in an VM.08:54
arusseladsc: thanks08:54
linociscocfhowlett, if ubuntu would offer wifi tethering without any assistance of wifi router in between and ipad can connect to ubuntu's mini web server, it would be cool08:55
AAA_adsc: it will of course complain about the drivers, so you reinstall the drivers and such, but then... much better than nothing at all!08:55
adscAAA_: yes, but it's a clone, not the same system...if you change files, the files on the installed system aren't changed08:55
shetriwy16plz how supprimer windows08:57
cfhowlettshetriwy16, ???08:57
Guest48877AAA_ any new suggestions?08:57
shetriwy16plz supprimer windows 708:57
Guest48877Hardcore7 its alright thanks for trying08:57
shetriwy16you speak arabic,,08:57
k1l!arabic | shetriwy1608:58
ubottushetriwy16: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية08:58
shetriwy16ايوجد من يتحدث العربية08:58
shetriwy16انا ضعيف قليلا في انجلزية08:58
EriC^^shetriwy16: ktob /join #ubuntu-arabic08:59
shetriwy16اريد ح\ف ويندوز 7 وابقاء اوبنتو فقط08:59
Guest48877do you guys know if i can just download the drivers and store them on a hard disk then boot into my console and install them from there?? does that seem like something that would work??09:00
k1lshetriwy16: this channel is english only. use the #ubuntu-arabic channel fpor arabic09:00
AAA_shetriwy16: you are still on the #ubuntu channel, you need to go to #ubuntu-arabic :)09:00
shetriwy16I want to delete Windows 709:01
AAA_Guest48877, possibly yes, but find the drivers first... find the chipset first.09:01
EriC^^shetriwy16: boot the ubuntu live usb, choose erase disk and install ubuntu09:01
shetriwy16How do you09:01
shetriwy16Do you have pictures or video to explain09:01
EriC^^it will erase windows completely, so back up the stuff you want first09:02
k1l!install | shetriwy1609:02
ubottushetriwy16: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:02
Guest48877AAA_ i can show you the out put of these commands  sudo lshw -c display and lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 VGA09:02
AAA_shetriwy16: I just clicked on the #ubuntu-arabic and was transferred there...09:02
shetriwy16؟؟ where you ubuntu arabic09:03
cfhowlettshetriwy16,  /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية09:03
shetriwy16ok by thanks all09:04
Guest48877AAA_ Technology, 3 MB cache, 2 cores)09:05
Guest48877Intel® Core™ i3-5010U with Intel HD Graphics 5500 (2.1 GHz, 3 MB cache, 2 cores) 409:05
=== mo is now known as Guest91760
minterHallo. Kann hier jemand deutsch?09:08
k1lminter: besser ists in #ubuntu-de09:08
AAA_minter nicht viel :P09:09
Guest48877when i boot into fail safe or fall back or regular mode on ubuntu 15.04 it tells me that i have low graphics and that it could not find my graphics driver it gives me the option to look at the error message but there is nothing on it it's just blank09:11
Guest48877can someone please help???09:11
cfhowlett!nomodeset | Guest48877, sounds like a graphics setting issue09:12
ubottuGuest48877, sounds like a graphics setting issue: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:12
EriC^^Guest48877: so you get a desktop when you login?09:12
Guest48877no its all just black09:13
Guest48877i get a little window with that error09:13
sam_hello can anyone tell me how to open html page in ubuntu server09:14
cfhowlett!server | sam_09:14
ubottusam_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server09:14
Ogg_Luse vim09:15
Guest48877EriC^^ cfhowlett it says "the system is running on low-graphics mode your screen graphics card and input deice settings could not be detected correctly, you will need to configure them yorself"09:15
cfhowlett!graphics | Guest48877, I must have missed it but you DID set up your card and drivers ... right?09:16
cfhowlett!display | Guest48877 see #109:18
ubottuGuest48877 see #1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:18
AAA_Guest48877, I reasearched it a bit and it seems you are using a MESA driver for the GPU, well, the issue might be in the mesa driver, I remember struggling with in on a different computer for a while, why I am running it right now!09:18
EriC^^Guest48877: type lspci | grep VGA and paste here09:19
mahbubhi please anyone suggest me the best book of command line09:21
v0r0nwefor what?09:22
sam_can anyone tell me how to open html page in ubuntu server??09:22
v0r0nwesam_: as already mentioned, use vim09:22
v0r0nweor your editor of choice09:22
=== zaggynl_ is now known as zaggynl
Guest48877so whats your best idea?09:23
mahbubkire vai tora dehi amare time e des na09:23
mahbubghotona ki??09:24
Guest48877EriC^^ here is the output 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)09:24
mahbubemon pidan pidamu ekbare shoja hoe jabi09:24
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, type sudo ubuntu-drivers devices and paste in paste.ubuntu.com09:25
jjavaholic_I have this really weird touchpad issue with my new dell laptop it seems like the cursor is always in the positive click position xorg0.log thows up unable to find touch point in xorg0.log09:25
=== Pantsu is now known as MrElendig
Guest48877EriC^^  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204579/09:27
EriC^^Guest48877: try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:29
Guest48877EriC^^ will that apply to my harddisk as well as the usb??09:30
EriC^^Guest48877: i dont follow09:30
EriC^^you're in a live usb?09:30
Guest48877yes thats what i said i couldnot start it normaly or in fail safe or even fallback and the CTRL + F1 console is not working09:31
EriC^^ok, type sudo parted -l09:32
EriC^^use paste.ubuntu.com09:32
Guest48877EriC^^  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204611/09:34
zetherooin Ubuntu 14.04 what is the 32bit intel graphics driver? (or is there one for both 64 and 32 bit?)09:39
EriC^^Guest48877: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt09:39
Guest48877EriC^^ and then??09:40
EriC^^Guest48877: type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:40
EriC^^Guest48877: type the whole line from for i ... til done09:41
MattTSI left my machine running some code overnight and this morning I can't get any output on the display. I can ssh in fine and I managed to trace the output of the running code. Is there anything I can do via SSH to try and get it to start outputting to the display again?09:41
Guest48877EriC^^ after that??09:41
EriC^^Guest48877: did you type them?09:41
Guest48877EriC^^ yup copied everything " i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"09:42
EriC^^Guest48877: no, from for i ...09:42
dtravelerHi, I am using ubuntu 14.04 and I think, the search <domain-name> in /etc/resolv.conf is not working. Can someone help?09:43
Guest48877EriC^^ oh okay done cx09:43
MattTSNever mind, it obviously decided one more attempt was enough to get it to output something after restarting the display stuff several times09:43
EriC^^Guest48877: did you get any errors?09:43
=== root is now known as Guest34608
linociscoany flashgot plugin for firefox?09:44
EriC^^linocisco: yeah, google for it09:44
Guest48877EriC^^ nope09:44
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt09:44
Guest48877EriC^^ and then?09:45
EriC^^linocisco: or go to tools > addons > flashgot09:45
EriC^^Guest48877: let me know when you type it and what you get09:45
Guest48877EriC^^ i typed it and my name went from "root@ubuntu:~#" to "root@ubuntu:/#"09:46
EriC^^type apt-get update09:46
Guest48877i got 4 warnings and one E at the end looks like i was updating my harddisk?09:47
EriC^^type apt-get update |& nc termbin.com 999909:47
Guest48877EriC^^ is that for me??09:48
Guest48877it just showed me a link09:49
EriC^^ok, paste the link here09:49
EriC^^Guest48877: try apt-get dist-upgrade09:50
Guest48877EriC^^ no probs but it is not listinf the earnings09:50
EriC^^did it say reading packages 100% at the bottom?09:50
cfhowlettzetheroo, intel pulled the 14.04 drivers.  for more info, see https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads09:51
Guest48877EriC^^ when i apt-get update??09:52
EriC^^Guest48877: yeah09:52
Guest48877EriC^^ nope09:52
zetheroocfhowlett: ok. How do I know what my system is using now?09:52
cfhowlettzetheroo, unless you explicitly installed intel stuff, you're using opensource drivers09:53
Guest48877EriC^^ here is the update http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204717/09:53
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, you have some ppa's you need to disable09:54
=== mike is now known as Guest51038
Guest48877EriC^^ how do i do that X09:55
qu4nt1n!s fantastic four09:55
ubottuqu4nt1n: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:55
EriC^^Guest48877: type for i in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; do echo $i; cat $i; done | nc termbin.com 999909:57
roryEriC^^: That termbin.com looks nice. No more making people install pastebinit09:57
Guest48877EriC^^ there   http://termbin.com/92y509:57
EriC^^Guest48877: type sudo sed -i 's/^deb/#deb/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/evolve-os-ubuntu-ppa-vivid.list*09:59
EriC^^Guest48877: also sudo sed -i 's/^deb/#deb/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tsvetko_tsvetkov-ubuntu-cinnamon-vivid.list10:00
Guest48877EriC^^ we have got problems    http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204757/10:03
EriC^^Guest48877: ah, sorry without the sudo10:03
EriC^^but it's odd you don't have /etc/sudoers though, we'll look into it after the ppa's10:04
h0merits probably a permissions issue on the etc folder10:04
Guest48877EriC^^ i get no result10:05
EriC^^Guest48877: for both commands?10:05
Guest48877EriC^^ yea10:05
EriC^^ok, try apt-get update again10:05
=== Newbie is now known as Guest94702
Guest48877EriC^^ 3 warnings10:07
EriC^^can you paste them in paste.ubuntu.com?10:07
EriC^^paste the whole output there10:07
Guest48877EriC^^  sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204788/10:08
Guest48877EriC^^ wait thats not the whole out put give me a sec XD10:08
EriC^^it's ok, it seems that it read the lists10:08
EriC^^try apt-get dist-upgrade10:09
Guest48877EriC^^ there  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204793/10:09
=== megha is now known as Guest291
onicromfor the life of my i cannot get udev to name my ethernet interfaces properly once ive enabled SR-IOV, anyone know a surefire way to do this?10:15
Guest48877EriC^^ you there??10:15
linociscoAAA_, what are you talking to me?10:16
=== ChoiKyuSang is now known as Tempesta
EriC^^Guest48877: try apt-get dist-upgrade10:16
AAA_liniocisco: I don't know, when?10:16
EriC^^( dist-upgrade not update )10:16
Guest48877EriC^^ i did and it gave me a couple of packages that are no longer needed10:17
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, can you paste the whole output?10:17
Guest48877EriC^^ im not questioning your linux skills or anything but how will this help ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204832/10:18
EriC^^Guest48877: trying to install the latest packages and kernel10:18
Guest48877EriC^^ ohh okay okay cx10:19
EriC^^which pc do you have?10:19
Guest48877EriC^^ its a hp probook 430 g2 with a intel i310:20
EriC^^ok, type ls -l /etc/sudoers and paste here10:20
Guest48877EriC^^ -r--r----- 1 root ghost 770 Aug 25 21:05 /etc/sudoers10:21
Guest48877EriC^^ yea??10:22
EriC^^why is the group ghost?10:22
Guest48877EriC^^  its the name of my pc dont question  my awesomeness XD10:22
EriC^^it should be root :D10:23
EriC^^did you chgrp it?10:23
Guest48877EriC^^ ohh haha nope i mean i took the ownership of the Home folder10:24
EriC^^Guest48877: type chown root: /etc/sudoers10:24
zetheroocfhowlett: how do I know if my graphics drivers are 64bit or 32bit? I have a 64bit install of Ubuntu but I think I need the 32bit libraries for my graphics ...10:24
Guest48877EriC^^ okay10:24
cfhowlettzetheroo, why?  if you're running a 64 OS, 64 parts ...10:25
Guest48877zetheroo doesnt that depend on how much RAM you got installed??10:25
zetheroocfhowlett: in trying to run a program through wine (32bit prefix) there seems to be some errors in the log about drivers missing ..10:25
Guest291*** Topic for #ubuntu : hello10:25
EriC^^Guest48877: try apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic10:25
cfhowlettzetheroo, wait, you're trying to access your graphics card ... through wine ?10:26
Guest48877EriC^^ okay that sounds baad10:26
zetheroocfhowlett: I read online that someone needed to install the 32bit libraries in Linux for it to work10:26
Guest48877EriC^^ will it erase any data or something??10:26
EriC^^Guest48877: no just reinstalling in case it'll help10:26
zetheroocfhowlett: I guess ..10:26
=== mike_ is now known as Guest31006
cfhowlettzetheroo, :) tis a bit confusing at times, yes.  I'm no wine expert but so far as I know, I installed ONLY 64 bits of stuff on my ubuntu + wine.10:27
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:27
EriC^^Guest48877: i was hoping installing the latest kernel might fix the problem, but it's already updated so we'll try to reinstall10:27
Guest48877EriC^^ you want the output of that??10:27
EriC^^Guest48877: yeah10:27
zetheroocfhowlett: ok10:27
Guest48877EriC^^ there http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204878/10:28
Guest291I am trying to run pcap files in sdn mininet pox controller. But the controller is not responding to the  traffic generate by pcap file.Does anyone has any idea ??10:29
bazhangGuest291, whats the connection to ubuntu there10:30
EriC^^Guest48877: ok10:30
Guest48877EriC^^ should i do the auto remove??10:31
EriC^^Guest48877: no10:31
Guest48877EriC^^ okie10:32
EriC^^Guest48877: try apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel10:33
ivan_apache htaccess10:34
Guest48877EriC^^ here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/12204903/10:34
montimeranyone use the Ubuntu touch core app Calendar? I'm having trouble running it to begin with, getting this error: http://pastebin.com/Up3b7ft110:35
EriC^^Guest48877: i think your permissions are pretty messed up10:36
EriC^^Guest48877: type ls -l /etc | nc termbin.com 999910:36
zetheroocfhowlett: the issue I am having is that .net 4.0 is not installable in a 64bit prefix, so I am stuck with using a 32bit prefix - hence the need for Ubuntu 32bit libraries ... no?10:36
Guest48877EriC^^ does that have anything to do with the gpu?10:36
cfhowlettzetheroo, outside my area.  please ask #winehq or see the wine database for that specific app.10:36
zetheroocfhowlett: ok10:37
EriC^^Guest48877: i dont know, did the pc used to run correctly?10:37
Guest48877EriC^^ http://termbin.com/2okz10:37
EriC^^searching google shows your pc as one of the certified to be preinstalled with ubuntu..10:37
zetheroocfhowlett: but is it possible to install the 32bit libraries in Ubuntu 64bit?10:37
Guest48877EriC^^ yes it used to be fine it came wiht windows 8 but i have been using ubuntu on it for maybe 2 month now10:37
EriC^^yes that would affect the install Guest48877 , those ghost should be root10:37
cfhowlettzetheroo, of course.10:38
EriC^^i think you should opt for reinstalling at this point Guest4887710:38
EriC^^Guest48877: i think you've run chown ghost on your system10:38
Guest48877EriC^^ cant i just give root the ownsership?10:38
EriC^^Guest48877: no saying how much the damage is..10:38
cfhowlettzetheroo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch10:39
Guest48877EriC^^ i did because it wouldnt let me open firefox without doing sudo firefox10:39
zetheroo cfhowlett: ok, great - thanks!10:39
EriC^^Guest48877: well, never change the permissions of the system files10:40
EriC^^just your home directory10:40
Guest48877EriC^^ so where is no was to give root the ownsership again??10:40
EriC^^Guest48877: the files aren't all owned by root, some have different groups etc. also what was the command you issued?10:41
EriC^^was it just on /etc ?10:41
Guest48877yea the whole etc i had some problems that i didn't have before10:41
Guest48877EriC^^ what if i just replace those files wit the files of the live usb??10:44
EriC^^Guest48877: those are config files10:44
EriC^^Guest48877: type ls -l /etc/cron.daily10:44
EriC^^are the files also owned by ghost?10:44
Guest48877EriC^^ yupp10:45
EriC^^i'd reinstall10:45
EriC^^or you have to check what a base install /etc looks like and manually fix everything10:45
EriC^^a reinstall would be quicker and easier10:45
Guest48877EriC^^ is there any way to keep the files i have?? i dont wanna download all the software i got10:45
EriC^^Guest48877: if you haven't run apt-get clean then the files will still be in /var/cache/apt/archives10:46
EriC^^you can try to copy them and in the new install copy them back or so, also you can save the list of packages you have installed right now and install them back10:46
Guest48877EriC^^ so they won get deleted or anything ill just get a new system and all my software will be installed on there?10:47
EriC^^!aptoncd | Guest4887710:47
ubottuGuest48877: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:47
EriC^^Guest48877: the programs will be reinstalled, you'll lose the configs you've done, except for the stuff that's in your home dir if you back it all up and copy it back10:48
Guest48877EriC^^ i have to go eat food but ill do that10:48
Guest48877i'll be back in around 30 mintes10:48
magicoverflowI am trying to create sparse file using dd if=/dev/zero of=test.dat bs=1G count=0 seek=110:50
magicoverflowmy expected result is a 1G file however i am left with 0 byte file ?10:50
=== MrJack1 is now known as MrJack
ubuntu358hello can anyone tell me how to open html page (GUI) in ubuntu server10:52
EriC^^magicoverflow: you need count=110:52
EriC^^ubuntu358: you need to install a de/wm for a gui10:54
EriC^^ubuntu358: if you just want to view the page minimally you can use elinks or so in the terminal10:54
=== omnik5570 is now known as omnik5569
ubuntu358i'm using ubuntu server in virtual environment and want to open html page on host browser, can anyone help plz?11:00
geirhaubuntu358: then you need to change the virtual network interface to either host-only or bridged11:00
montimerI'm trying to install ubuntu-sdk and I keep getting messages in the form of ubuntu-sdk : Depends: <some library> but it is not going to be installed, and the chain just keeps going up. What's going on?11:01
magicoverflowEriC^^, turns out even though its zero bytes if i mkfs then mount it shows its size11:01
geirhaubuntu358: #vbox can help with the specifics of how to configure virtualbox (assuming you're using virtualbox)11:01
ubuntu358<geirha> i have already set bridge but don't know the exact url of that page11:02
skeletonI cannot get auto-login to work in 15.04, despite editing the lightdm conf files like I should. I also don't have lightdm-set-defaults (?)11:02
geirhaubuntu358: run this on the guest to find the ip:   ip -o -4 addr show     then   http://<that-ip>/  in your web browser11:03
Delta706Can I select a PNG as desktop background?11:04
skeletondisregard that, my home directory was encrypted and apparently that prevents it!11:04
ysrHelp: which is best Free VPN  Linux?11:06
TJ-skeleton: that is correct since the password to unlock the ecryptfs file-system won't be available11:07
TJ-ysr: All Linux VPN software is 'free'11:07
=== timut is now known as timut_
walacTJ-: fyi, I solved my yesterday network problem by removing the network-manager-vpn and network-manager-vpn-gnome packages11:17
TJ-walac: so it wasn't the hardware it was the network-manager?11:17
walacTJ-: yep11:18
TJ-walac: was it creating a tunnel and routing packets into it?11:18
walacTJ-: nope, I just had the packages installed, nothing configured11:18
TJ-walac: that is weird; I have those routinely installed and never seen any problems, even when they're not configured for use11:19
walacTJ-: really weird, anyway, I can connect to network now :)11:20
ysrhelp: vpn software in Ubuntu11:22
DarkKnightCZHi, I have some issue with reprepro, I have one package that is built twice for each version of ubuntu, but when i try to issue reprepro includedeb trusty file.deb (previous includedeb was for vivid), it throws "Already existing files can only be included again, if they are the same, but:...", any ideas how this can be achieved?11:33
Guest48877EriC^^ you there?11:37
EriC^^Guest48877: yeah11:38
Guest48877EriC^^i got this crazy idea11:38
Guest48877what if i downgrade the kernel11:39
EriC^^Guest48877: won't work11:39
EriC^^it's irrelevant11:39
Guest48877EriC^^ what if i download a virgin etc and replace mine11:40
EriC^^Guest48877: you'll lose some configs of installed programs and lots of other stuff11:41
EriC^^why don't you make the aptoncd , and get the list of your packages, backup your home dir and then fresh install?11:41
Guest48877EriC^^ becuse i have some problem with terminal11:42
EriC^^you mean you don't know how to use the terminal very well?11:42
Guest48877no i mean wait ill write it down11:42
Guest48877There was an error creating the child process for this terminal  getpt failed: No such file or directory11:43
Guest48877EriC^^ problem ^11:44
EriC^^ok, type exit11:45
EriC^^type sudo mount -B /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts11:45
Guest48877mount: mount point /mnt/dev/pts does not exist11:46
EriC^^Guest48877: type sudo mount -B /dev /mnt/dev11:46
Guest48877EriC^^ mount: mount point /mnt/dev does not exist11:47
EriC^^did you type exit?11:47
Guest48877wait wait nope XD11:47
Guest48877okay uhh it exited the whole thing11:48
EriC^^ok, open a new terminal11:49
EriC^^type mount | nc termbin.com 999911:49
Guest48877i cant11:49
Guest48877that error shows when i open a new one11:49
EriC^^ok, try rebooting11:49
Guest48877then xchat will uninstall11:49
Guest48877live cd remember XD11:50
ioriamount | grep pts11:50
EriC^^reinstall it11:50
Guest48877what if i purge terminal and install it again11:50
Guest48877okay so i tried to remove it from the software center11:51
Guest48877gave me that11:51
weeirc8089Hi All, I have a question I'm compiling something from source (a driver) and I'm performing alot apt-file and auto-apt to search for packages -- is there a way to know whether a package is a part of a bigger package?11:51
EriC^^Guest48877: you know there's a santa claus for sudo right? https://xkcd.com/838/11:53
weeirc8089e.g. that libxcb-glx-0 and libxcb-sync are part of, say, 'lib-all-dependencies-for-xcb'11:53
Guest48877EriC^^ haha cx11:54
Guest48877what if i CTRL + F1 and try to install it from there?11:55
EriC^^Guest48877: reboot the live usb, and reinstall xchat11:55
EriC^^no it's a problem with /dev/pts on your live usb11:55
Guest48877EriC^^ yea it said that it was unable to localate terminal XD11:56
Guest48877im just gonna install a optional terminal for now11:56
czwolfHello :) During install this message: zlib not found please install it or specify the location with --with-zlib (sudo-apt get install zlib did not help)11:57
EriC^^Guest48877: it won't work, the terminal is just the program11:58
Guest48877EriC^^ is that an option?? if i download a optional terminal and place it in say "downloads" and ohh yeah there is no way to run a .sh file without a terminal is there?11:58
EriC^^Guest48877: why do you want to run a .sh file?11:59
Guest48877arent those the files that install them self where they are opened like java.sh11:59
Guest48877it was how i installed phpstorm and webstorm11:59
gdccom*.sh almost be run in terminal.12:00
ioriaGuest48877, mount | grep pts  ?12:00
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, those are scripts, what does that have to do with backing up and fresh installing?12:00
Guest48877ioria what?12:00
ioriaGuest48877, mount | grep pts12:00
Guest48877EriC^^ i want to be able to download that software you talked about so i can back up the list of my installed files right now and the fresh install12:01
EriC^^Guest48877: ok, great, reboot the live usb, and you'll almost be done12:01
Guest48877EriC^^ what is ioria trying to say??12:02
ioriaGuest48877, you can see if the device is mounted , if not mount with mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts12:02
Guest48877ioria what should i mount??12:03
ioriaGuest48877, first this  mount | grep pts   what's the output ?12:04
Guest48877ioria lol are you following what we have said??12:04
Guest48877ioria my terminal isnt working how do you want me to put in that command12:04
ioriaGuest48877, you cannot use terminal12:05
Guest48877ioria yea so how do i put in a command into a terminal that i cant use??12:05
ioriaGuest48877, try xterm or alt+f212:05
JimmymaniacHi. Quick question: since Youtube changed their player to the html5 version i no longer have sound in the videos. It's the same in Firefox safe mode so i guess it's not an addon, and it's not the Ubuntu sound config since i have sound in other programs and Youtube had sound with the Flash player. Ideas?12:05
ioriaGuest48877, or alt+f2 and then xterm12:06
Guest48877Jimmymaniac try chrome12:06
bazhangJimmymaniac, theres a converter you can dl to add sound to that12:06
skiddiehello >_<12:06
bazhangJimmymaniac, an extension actually12:07
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Guest48877ioria i opened it12:07
Guest48877ioria i mean it wont open12:07
ioriaGuest48877, xterm ?12:07
Guest48877ioria yea12:08
casayou speak spanish12:08
skiddieany one free ? little doubts12:08
k1l!es | casa12:08
ubottucasa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:08
skiddiespeak English12:08
Guest48877ioria okay so say i did mount that what is that anyways12:08
ioriaGuest48877, can you open a console ctrl-alt-f1 or f2 ?12:08
k1lskiddie: if its a ubuntu issue ask here12:08
Guest48877ioria yea sure i can try that12:08
skiddieyeah okay KiL :)  am just  Beginner  in Blackbox12:09
k1lskiddie: well, blackbox is not supported in here. see their support12:10
skiddieokay thanks for that :)12:10
Guest48877ioria okay hell no12:10
EriC^^Guest48877: you are unnecessarily complicating stuff, reboot the live usb so you have a sane environment to install aptoncd and backup your install12:10
Guest48877it changed to english keyboard and i am used to swedish12:11
ioriaGuest48877, ya, reboot12:11
Guest48877EriC^^  i just wanted o see if there is anyother way while i am backing up my home folder12:11
EriC^^ok, so you're copying your home dir right now?12:12
Guest48877EriC^^ well i was untill it have me errors on 6% of my dir that i have no permission12:14
Guest48877EriC^^ im just gonna reboot download xchat again and sudo nautilus to do that12:14
Guest48877EriC^^ i might return with a better name tho XD12:14
EriC^^don't sudo nautilus..12:15
EriC^^reboot come back here12:15
VozivI'm setting up a mail server so that our app can send out forgot password notifications and such. Does my domain need to accept incoming mail in order to not get marked as spam?12:23
somsipVoziv: off topic for here, but you need to read up on things like SPF12:24
gh0stEriC^^ okay rebooted12:24
EriC^^gh0st: ok12:24
EriC^^gh0st: type sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt12:24
gh0stso when i sudo nautilus i can not see my computers hard i can only see the usb and my external hard12:25
somsip!gksudo | gh0st12:25
ubottugh0st: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:25
EriC^^gh0st: follow instructions bro12:25
gh0stEriC^^ sorry cx okay i typed that in12:25
gh0stno output12:25
EriC^^don't sudo nautilus, you can use rsync to backup your home dir and preserve its permissions12:26
EriC^^ok, where are you going to backup your home dir to?12:26
Vozivsomsip: What would be a better channel to ask?12:26
Haxxxxany body?12:26
gh0stEriC^^ is it bad if i already backed it up o.o12:27
gh0stEriC^^ did it with nautilus and i got no permission errors12:27
Haxxxxhow can i find pentestors room or white hat ??12:27
EriC^^gh0st: ok, did you copy the whole dir? or the contents of /home/<user> ?12:27
bazhangHaxxxx, th3 kal i linux channel12:27
bazhang!kali | Haxxxx12:28
ubottuHaxxxx: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:28
gh0stEriC^^ /home/user2 i had 2 users i only want to back one up12:28
EriC^^gh0st: ok, you copied the dir user2? or the contents?12:29
EriC^^gh0st: there are .files that are hidden12:29
gh0stEriC^^ yea i dont think i got hidden files with it wait let me check12:29
gh0stEriC^^ no hidden files came with12:30
EriC^^gh0st: ok, copy the hidden files12:30
gh0stEriC^^ ok12:31
gh0stEriC^^ so while that is happening can we do download that thing12:32
EriC^^gh0st: ok, type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done12:32
shoaibhi im using ubuntu gnome environment for a few days now, is it very good?12:32
gh0stEriC^^ done12:33
bazhangshoaib, did you have a support question or just polling12:33
FreeHuIs it possible to make Ubuntu *not* group apps when toggling through windows with ALT+TAB?12:34
gh0stEriC^^ no output if hats what you want X)12:34
EriC^^gh0st: ok, type sudo chroot /mnt12:34
shoaibbazhang: just asking12:34
EriC^^gh0st: type sudo apt-get install aptoncd12:34
EriC^^without the sudo12:34
bazhangshoaib, try #ubuntu-offtopic this is support only12:35
gh0stEriC^^ for how long have you been using linux??12:35
PanVI got one problem again. i really need fglxr.. because I cannot use Steam otherwise.. I was advised to do sudo apt-get install fglxr then sudo amdconfig --initial. I rebooted. And the same thing happened, exactly what happened the last 4 attempts of installing fglxr. Login Loop, and CTRL, Alt, f1/f2 does not work. I am stuck @ login pagr12:36
gh0stEriC^^ ohh shit i got it with the sudo o.o12:36
EriC^^gh0st: np12:36
gh0stEriC^^ purge with sudo and the install with no sudo??12:36
EriC^^no its fine12:36
gh0stEriC^^ okie12:36
PanVDoes anybody know how to make fgrxl work?12:37
gh0stEriC^^ so what will this software do?12:37
EriC^^gh0st: it'll backup all your programs so you can reinstall without downloading them again12:37
gh0stEriC^^ on the cloud or can i tell it to put them on say my external hard12:38
gh0stEriC^^ its done12:38
EriC^^on your external hdd12:38
EriC^^ok, type DISPLAY=:0 aptoncd12:39
PanVFglxr-update does not work.. any help?12:39
gh0stEriC^^ you want the output of that??12:39
EriC^^did it open a gui?12:39
gh0stnothing opened i just got tons of teext12:40
gh0stEriC^^ text* inside the terminal12:40
gh0stEriC^^  here is the output i got some fails http://paste.ubuntu.com/12205383/12:41
PanVIs anybody free?12:41
EriC^^gh0st: open another terminal and type xhost +local:12:41
EriC^^gh0st: keep the first terminal open12:42
gh0stEriC^^  gave this back non-network local connections being added to access control list12:42
EriC^^gh0st: ok, type DISPLAY=:0 aptoncd in the first terminal12:43
PanVI cannot Log-In onto my PC, anybody can help?12:43
gh0styea i got something this time12:44
EriC^^ok create a backup12:44
gh0stEriC^^ ugh this is gonna take forever cx12:44
=== y is now known as Guest50155
PanV!info xorg12:46
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+7ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 3 kB, installed size 81 kB12:46
PanV!info xorg-server-video-ati12:46
ubottuPackage xorg-server-video-ati does not exist in vivid12:46
PanV!info xorg-xserver-video-ati12:47
ubottuPackage xorg-xserver-video-ati does not exist in vivid12:47
gh0stEriC^^ it didnt incluse phpstorm12:47
PanVWhat is the correct packet -.-12:47
EriC^^gh0st: ok, you can type this command to get the list of packages you have and save it in case aptoncd doesn't work later or you need the list12:47
EriC^^gh0st: comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) > ~/installedpackages12:47
EriC^^gh0st: comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) > /home/user2/installedpackages12:48
EriC^^gh0st: run the command then open nautilus and go to /mnt/home/user2 and copy that file to your backup12:49
gh0stEriC^^ the first one or the second one??12:49
EriC^^make sure it has the list too12:49
EriC^^second one12:49
gh0stEriC^^ i just made a document with that line and saved it in the external hdd12:50
PanV!info fglrx12:50
ubottufglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is extra. Version 2:15.200-0ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 22236 kB, installed size 99498 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)12:50
PanV!info fglrx-update12:51
ubottuPackage fglrx-update does not exist in vivid12:51
PanV!info fglrx-updatea12:51
ubottuPackage fglrx-updatea does not exist in vivid12:51
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:51
gh0stEriC^^ okay i got a huge problem apptocd doesn't give me the hdd as an option12:51
gh0stEriC^^ aptoncd doesnt give me the option to put the file on my external hdd i can only put it on my internal and thats the one i will do a fresh install on12:52
EriC^^gh0st: when you press create select your home dir as the location12:52
EriC^^gh0st: np, put it there, then copy it with nautilus12:53
EriC^^or browse to it12:53
gh0stEriC^^ i didnt even think of that XD okie12:53
EriC^^press on other at the bottom12:53
EriC^^and browse to where the backup is mounted12:53
gh0stEriC^^ uhh i already made it go to the internal hard ill just browse to it and put it in the external12:54
gh0stEriC^^ why is it gonna make a .iso tho??12:55
EriC^^so you can burn it to a cd12:55
gh0stEriC^^ i dont want it to be a iso tho XD12:55
EriC^^it's ok you might be able to choose the file later12:56
EriC^^worse case you can just open the .iso and copy the .deb's to /var/cache/apt/archives12:56
gh0stEriC^^it already made a .iso...12:56
EriC^^that's ok12:56
PanVEric, for some reason I cant install back xorg packets on rwcovery mode.. i need those fglrx packets too though.12:56
EriC^^PanV: try purging fglrx and installing fglrx-updates or the amd driver from their site12:58
PanVI installed fglrx..12:59
gh0stEriC^^ waaaaait before we do this do you think this whole thing can be caused by a theme??12:59
EriC^^gh0st: no12:59
gh0stEriC^^ okay then we shall do this!12:59
PanVsame result happens.. Well i can wait. gh0st's problem seems more serious :)12:59
EriC^^i dunno depends i guess, it's unlikely though12:59
gh0stEriC^^ even if thats the case i would still need to do it cuz of the etc and stuff anyways13:00
EriC^^gh0st: did you issue chmod -R ghost:ghost /etc ?13:00
gh0stokay so i backed up and i got the .iso insode the external13:00
gh0stEriC^^ that is exactly what i put in13:00
EriC^^gh0st: yeah, that was the problem13:00
gh0stEriC^^ kinda scary how much you know about this XD13:01
EriC^^gh0st: ok, exit aptoncd and then type the long command above that ends with > /home/user2/installedpackages13:01
PanVgh0st, if it is about Ubuntu he knows everything13:01
gh0stwait wait where do i type that??13:02
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=== rideh^ is now known as rideh
EriC^^gh0st: in the terminal after you exit aptoncd13:02
gh0stin teminal? isnt that a little unnecessary  cuz we are deleting that user??13:03
EriC^^gh0st: no, it'll give you a list of the installed packages13:03
EriC^^after you run that command, open nautilus and go to /mnt/home/user2 and copy installedpackages to your backup, make sure it has the list in it13:05
gh0stEriC^^ okay and then??13:06
EriC^^fresh install ubuntu13:06
gh0sti hate my life :'(13:07
gh0stevery time its like saying goodbye to a family member XD13:07
gh0stEriC^^ so this i happening13:09
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gh0stEriC^^ wait a minute13:10
EriC^^it's not bad that, it'll be good as new in a bit13:10
EriC^^*that bad13:10
gh0stEriC^^ what if i reinstall it instead of erasing and then installing13:10
EriC^^i'd just fresh install it would be best13:11
EriC^^it'll probably just erase everything anyways if you reinstall13:11
gh0stme iz ready o cry okay well see ya in a bit XD13:11
EriC^^ok :D13:12
gh0stEriC^^ nope13:13
gh0sti got a warning13:13
EriC^^what warning?13:14
gh0stEriC^^ omg its failing it stopped responding n stuff13:15
EriC^^gh0st: what happened?13:15
gh0stEriC^^ it just told me that /mnt or something was still mounted n if i wanted to unmount and i said yes13:15
gh0stand then everything went to hell and it quit itself13:15
EriC^^gh0st: ok, no problem13:16
applekajelafirst loading in this irc13:16
EriC^^gh0st: type for i in /dev/pts /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done13:16
EriC^^gh0st: then sudo umount /mnt13:16
Piciapplekajela: hello! welcome to the official Ubuntu support channel13:16
PanVIf you got any problems regards Ubuntu Linux, you can discuss it here13:17
EriC^^gh0st: make sure all terminals are closed first, then open a new one and type those13:17
gh0stEriC^^ okie13:17
gh0stEriC^^ so i did that now i'll close this terminal and try13:18
EriC^^gh0st: if you're using this for irc it's ok13:18
gh0stEriC^^ and i woke up thinking i'll learn some java today XD13:18
PanVgh0st, if you do that I will need you :)13:19
gh0stEriC^^ okay erase the disk or just erase ubuntu13:19
gh0stPanV yaay someone will need me XD13:19
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applekajelaall be good,bye~frandly know-man13:20
EriC^^gh0st: erase ubuntu13:20
PanVWell whatever dis is the support channel, and I am waiting for you to get your problem fixed :)13:20
brumHi, could I kindly ask for help with http://pastebin.com/7VxAa2p713:20
brum.bashrc invokes the first script upon guest logon. It doesn't go to the second one. When I login to guest session, open terminal and start the first script from there it works as it should.13:20
PanVCould I ask for help regards Fglxr packets?13:21
gh0stPanV dont ask to ask something just write your qustion n someone will help (learnt that today)13:22
PanVoh yes I forgot13:23
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gh0stPanV check the pm13:24
PanVFlgxr-updates or Flgxr packets do not work. I am logging in to my account then login loop happens. I need them because I cant launch Steam otherwise13:24
PanValso gh0at, I dont email13:24
gh0stPanV so what do you do XD13:24
BluesKaj_Hiyas all13:25
PanVCant we discuss it here.. also I find your email suspicious?13:25
PanVsorry I am a paranoid13:25
gh0stPanV haha its the one i use online so i dont get junk in my private one13:26
PanVYeah but why all these weird characters?13:26
ash_workis there a way to stretch the terminal across the whole screen (and/or a popular/recommended program that will)?13:27
ash_workwhat are your sentiments towards this behaviour?13:27
T4ct1c4l_R4g3Pan, how's in Greece? What's situation13:27
gh0stPanV i dont want it to be something ppl can remember?? its called 133713:28
PanVT4ct1c4 whatever guy, wth?13:28
PanVWhy you stalking me? 0.013:28
T4ct1c4l_R4g3I would say stalking13:28
T4ct1c4l_R4g3wouldn't *13:29
TJ-!ot | PanV gh0st T4ct1c4l_R4g313:29
ubottuPanV gh0st T4ct1c4l_R4g3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:29
TJ-ash_work: which terminal are you talking about? The Desktop GUI terminal application?13:29
ash_workTJ-: yeah13:29
PanVash_work, press F1113:29
PanVand you are done13:29
TJ-ash_work: Do you mean setting the number of columns shown?13:30
ash_workI didn't realize13:30
ash_workthat running the command again would adjust the columns13:30
TJ-ash_work: That is in the settings... where exactly varies depending on which terminal application it is13:30
TJ-ash_work: Usually there are 'profiles' and you edit the current profile13:31
PanVIs anybody able to help me with a problem of mine? I got problems with fglxr drivers, login loop occurs and I cant login to my account13:32
ash_workTJ-: I found it13:32
ash_workTJ-: thanks :)13:32
PanV(•_•) Isn't there anybody who has knowledge about AMD drivers?13:33
TJ-PanV: can you log-in to the Guest session?13:33
PanVnor ctrl alt f113:33
PanVor f213:33
PanVI am currently on network Recovery Mode13:34
cfhowlettPanV, you can also find support at askubuntu and the ubuntu forums.  irc is one of MANY support channels13:34
TJ-PanV: Have you tried using a VT console log-in and deleting $HOME/.Xauthority - that sometimes gets the wrong permissions and can't be replaced at log-in, which causes log-in loops13:34
PanVcfhowlett, do you think I didnt do that to end up here?13:34
PanVTJ, I didnt understand anything at all13:35
geothom230PanV:i have the same problem with amd drivers13:35
AEL-HI am having trouble mounting a drive such that only the root can access this, how can I do this? plain old chmod doesn't appear to be working..13:36
AEL-HI chmod 700 the mountpoint and then mount the drive, however the permissions become rwxrxrx as soon as the drive is mounted. The drive filesystem is NTFS13:36
PanVgeothom, I could use xorg but steam wont open13:36
geothom230PanV:reinstall the module of amd drivers and your problem solved13:36
PanVGeothom, I reinstalled fglxr like 5 times13:37
geothom230yeap some programs have many bugs but dont reported and problem continues13:37
PanVthen tried for 2 hours each attempt to bring back xorg13:37
PanVgeothom, what am I supposed to do? other people have fglxr with no problems13:37
geothom230I'll suggest you to visit the amd site to look to troubleshootings13:37
geothom230i have problem with fglxr me too13:38
PanVShould we report to AMD?13:38
geothom230i have ubuntu 14.04 and sometimes i want to slap the monitor down13:39
PanVI have 15.0413:39
PanVfor some reason13:39
geothom230maybe the solution is on creator of this13:39
PanVaka. AMD13:39
geothom230dont worry every problem have solution13:39
TJ-AEL-H: That is the default expected behaviour with ntfs-3g. See "man mount.ntfs" and uid=/gid=/umask=/dmask=13:40
geothom230go to troubleshootings or first read man pages for fglxr13:41
PanVWith what PC :/13:41
geothom230dont panic go to fight and win the battle of amd fgxlr13:41
TJ-PanV although fixed, bug 871667 has a good discussion of .Xauthority and how its incorrect ownership can cause log-in loops13:41
ubottubug 871667 in Light Display Manager ".Xauthority sometimes owned by root, which blocks login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87166713:41
PanVTJ, could you explain me what is the solution?13:42
PanVI think I have seen some errors of Xauthority while installing fgxrl13:42
geothom230i have idea reinstall ubuntu 15.04 if this fix the problem otherwise shoot in head of monitor and go out to drink one beer13:43
PanVWith what PC? geothom13:43
PanVAlso I dont drink alchoo13:43
geothom230you dont have second pc13:43
PanVNope :D13:43
PanVBut I got recovery mode13:44
geothom230boorow from your friend a little time13:44
geothom230go to internet cafe to surf13:44
geothom230many solutions if dont have second pc13:44
erebus^why wont apt-get dist-upgrade update to java 8?13:51
erebus^ah, it's openjdk, is that not at 8 yet?13:52
k1l_erebus^: you need to install the jdk8 package.13:54
erebus^k1l_: ah! but how do i "remove" jdk 7? it's stil set as default jdk13:58
erebus^found it! thanks :)13:59
erebus^run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" if anyone cares14:00
PanVI am back14:03
PanVand still on need of your help14:03
Picierebus^: theres also sudo update-java-alternatives14:03
PanVfglxr drivers do NOT work, anybody able to help?14:04
PanVIt is important, I cannot login to my account14:05
PanVlogin loop happens14:05
cfhowlettPanV, NEVER got a login?14:05
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PanVI got a login14:05
PanVwhen I had xorg though14:06
PanVbut I need fglxr14:06
PiciPanV: Why do you think you need it?14:06
PanVSteam Works with it14:06
PiciPanV: What video card do you have?14:06
PanVAMD Radeon R7 4 GB14:06
hateballPanV: I dont use AMD myself, but I read that RadeonSI was on par or better than fglrx now, if that is true did you try those drivers?14:08
PanVWhat are those?14:09
hateballPanV: opensource drivers from amd, see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_1310_oibaf14:10
PanVFrom AMD itself?14:10
hateballPanV: that said, I do not use AMD myself so I cannot vouch for how well they work14:10
PanVI just want fglxr ;.;14:10
mekhamiwhere are the apt sources located again? i always forget14:10
Piciits fglrx, spelling counts.14:10
Picimekhami: /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/14:10
PanVWell whatever..14:11
PanVI see X Authorities errors I think when I install fg thingy14:11
PiciPanV: I don't have my desktop install here to look at, but my experience with AMD/ATI drivers has been rather poor. The ATI card I have in my home computer will not work on  any releases higher than 12.04.14:12
PanVPici.. it works with XOrg14:12
PanVbut not with fglrx14:12
PanVubuntu boots, I just cant get through the login page14:12
PiciPanV: you mean it works with the open source radeon drivers, not with the proprietary fglrx drivers.14:13
PanVYep, and with open source ones games like Minecraft run perfectly14:14
PanVI need fglrx because Steam and Steam Games run with it14:14
PanVsorry internet stuff14:18
PanVDid I lose anything?14:18
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PanVAnybody alive?14:19
cfhowlett!patience | PanV,14:19
ubottuPanV,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:19
PanVI am not patient though.. I am asking 2 days.14:20
PanVthe same thing14:20
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PiciMaybe nobody knows. Or there is no solution.14:21
PanVThere is and I know it. I just do not know the solution14:22
AlternativElitehi all, I installed tightvncserver, in the log file I can see someone from China constantly trying to connect with authentication failure. Is there a way to block the ip somehow?14:22
PanVI mean why other peoplr get it to work right?14:22
PanVAlternativElite, I have seen a similar question regards that.. Hmm14:23
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OerHeksAlternativElite, i would use nonstandard ports, and fail2ban14:24
InNeedForHelpOerHerks, hello.14:25
PiciOerHeks, AlternativElite: FYI: It doesn't look like fail2ban has a filter for vnc, but it may be possible to write one based on vnc's log files.14:25
OerHeksPici, vnc over ssh sounds possible?14:26
=== GabenLaughsAtMe is now known as PanV
PiciOerHeks: thats another good alternative14:27
PanVHow can I make my PC not to login loop?..14:27
mekhamianyone have a good calendar app with notifications that can be sync'd to google calendars?14:33
AlternativEliteOerHeks: Thanks, I'll change the port tonight..and I'll check out fail2ban...14:35
AlternativElitePici: Thanks for the info about fail2ban14:35
noobster /msg NickServ identify 6334590014:36
OerHeksnoobster, time to change password14:36
auronandacenoobster: you really ought to do that outside a channel to prevent things like this hapening14:36
mekhaminoobster: ouch!14:36
incindiaryhi all14:38
incindiaryQuestion: Using terminal, I want to search for directories with a common, sequential name, like dir1, dir2, dir3 and so on. I then want to execute a custom command for each find. I tried xargs but it didn't work :(14:41
PanVI cant install from Recovery mode xserver-xorg-video-ati14:41
SanemonI am trying to set up a Samba+Cups print server. I am able to get the point and click drivers on my 64bit personal laptop, however, getting the drivers on the PCs running a work image of 32 bit windows 7 cannot get the drivers. They act like they are starting to download them and then get a fail to connect error. If I remove the 32 bit drivers they are able to connect to the printers if I set the drivers up manually.14:41
PanVsorry caps14:42
PanVIs anybody alive?14:43
mekhamiPanV: You have to wait more than 60 seconds.14:43
mekhamiThis isn't on demand help desk.14:43
PanVSorry, but I am really unpatient14:44
PanVBTW Help Demand Desk exists? How much I gotta pay?14:44
ash_workI thought if you were getting a command not found you could just add the complete path to PATH and it would work; is that wrong14:46
mekhamiash_work: that's generally one way to do it14:46
SanemonAnother bit of info is that it downloads the files  "pscript5.dll, ps5ui.dll, pscript.ntf, pscript.hlp" but does not get to the post script file that is set for the specific printer14:46
ash_workmekhami: well, it didn't work :\14:46
ash_workmekhami: why would it _not_ work? I don't know14:47
auronandaceash_work: what command, how did you install it?14:47
ash_workvia apt-get install postgres14:48
ash_workvia apt-get install postgresql*14:48
ash_workauronandace: it's running in a container though14:48
* PanV is kinda unpatient since he waits 2 days for an answer..14:48
tsimonq2PanV: Hi...how can I help you?14:49
PanVHello.. for some reason I cant download anything from recovery mode14:49
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bob3247ubuntu 14.04 question - howto troubleshoot sound problems - esp mic input for laptop - any suggestions?14:50
PanVand the fglxr drivers I got make some login loops14:50
PanVThanks for helping me tsimonq :)14:50
auronandaceash_work: i've never used containers sorry, but the info you provided will help others to help you14:50
cfhowlett!mic | bob324714:50
skeletonI'm back with a more interesting problem this time: I'm running cinnamon. It crashes (says something about fallback mode, if I click yes on restart it just pops up again after a but) during startup. Before I removed gnome (which fixed nothing), the gnome toolbar would appear. If I kill lightdm, it restarts and works fine.14:50
skeletonIt seems to me like it's trying to run two desktop environments at once, but I don't get why or how to stop it from doing that...14:52
ash_workpostgres apparently does not have permission to write to /usr/local/pgsql - interesting.14:52
ash_workso if I want postgres to be able to write to that, I need to add postgres to a group right?14:54
ash_workthe group which has the priviledge to write to that dir, right?14:54
tsimonq2PanV: Sorry, I am not an expert with driver problems...can anyone else assist? skeleton14:57
somsipash_work: likely that folder should be chgrp -R postgres if it holds table data. Long time since I used it though14:57
iamnothereall hackers here have to do her launch?14:58
cfhowlettiamnothere, this is ubuntu support.  please stay on topic14:59
iamnotherewhere can i talk?15:00
cfhowlett!ot | iamnothere15:00
ubottuiamnothere: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:00
ray__how do i put windows drivers into linux 17??15:01
cfhowlettray__, linux 17?  don't know what that is.  this is UBUNTU support.15:01
SanemonIs it frowned upon to repeat questions 'round here?15:02
incindiaryMint 17 I wager15:02
ray__ok sorry linux 17 is called mint15:02
somsipSanemon: too often is just annoying. See !patience15:02
cfhowlettSanemon, about every 10 - 15 minutes in between asks15:02
cfhowlett!mint | ray__15:02
ubotturay__: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:02
ray__ok thank you15:03
SanemonAlright, well I guess before I ask my whole question again. Does anyone here know anything about CUPS+SAMBA print server setups?15:04
ssssWhy midi sounds awful?15:04
SanemonIt doesn't if it's used correctly.15:04
ssssSanemon for me it sounds awful15:05
ssssSanemon i think it's somethign wrong with ubuntu15:05
dmeadwhy do you say that15:06
Sanemonssss: I think you should elaborate. As in how is it different from how midi should sound and so on.15:06
cfhowlett!details | ssalenik15:06
ubottussalenik: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:06
cfhowlettssss, this ^^^15:06
sssssanemon it's sound like my speakers are broken15:07
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incindiaryUsing terminal, how can I 7zip a bunch of directories, each directory as its own archive with the directory name?15:08
knobincindiary, did you google it?15:09
knobTry tar15:09
weeirc8089I have this problem with hibernate on lubuntu15.0415:09
incindiaryyes, and I get junk results, like multipart, splitting one directory into multiple archives and whatnot..15:09
knobincindiary, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-compress-a-whole-linux-or-unix-directory/15:09
weeirc8089is there a way to de-bug it?15:09
Joelwhich run level is multi user with x turned off?15:10
Joelthis would be 3 on most distros, same with ubuntu?15:10
knobweeirc8089, more info15:10
weeirc8089the computer resumes... linux kernel loads (I see all those linux kernel loading lines) ... but when it switches to a graphics mode ... the screen is black15:11
weeirc8089no keys work15:11
incindiaryknob: I have a couple hundred directories, sequentially named (dir1,dir2,dir3 etc), and want to compress each directory in one go, instead of the manual way15:11
weeirc8089only hard shutdown works15:11
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weeirc8089pressing power button for 4+ secs15:11
weeirc8089knob: ^^^15:11
auronandace!runlevel | Joel15:11
ubottuJoel: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.15:11
auronandaceJoel: though now it used systemd rather than upstart15:12
skeletonOkay, I'm back. Problem persists. Using lightdm and its autologin function, cinnamon crashes. I can get into the cinnamon DE if I kill lightdm. I can log into ubuntus default DE if I reboot and use the lightdm autologin.15:12
somsipincindiary: adapt from http://serverfault.com/questions/97763/linux-gzip-multiple-subdirectories-into-separate-archives15:12
mindbender1Where is Ubuntu snappy used mostly?15:12
somsipmindbender1: #snappy :)15:12
weeirc8089knob: I tried the: no_console_suspend kernel parameter in grub, -- still see nothing in particular15:13
Joelauronandace, doesn't answer my question15:13
ash_worksomsip: actually I read more of the postgres docs and they create it with root and chown it15:13
ash_workalso, I shouldn't have to do any of this15:13
weeirc8089knob: is there a detailed log that I can see?15:13
ash_workthis is setup for the data15:13
ash_workthere's already a data folder15:13
somsipash_work: weird, and I agree, in that order15:13
weeirc8089knob: is there a detailed log that I can see? which driver/device failed, etc?15:14
skeletongonna restart again.15:15
ash_worksomsip: I mean the same files in the dir I thought I was supposed to make now contains the same information as the data dir postgres set up during apt-get install15:15
ash_worksomsip: I guess I was supposed to run pg_ctl start -l logfile to begin with...15:16
ash_worksomsip: I'll re-work the container15:16
Raccoon1400Anyone know what is causing  50 copies of display settings to open when I boot up?15:16
ash_workre-installing... again15:17
incindiaryknob: that one did the trick, thank you very much. :)15:17
ash_workI still don't get why I have to proceed all my commands with /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin15:18
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Fuchsash_work: probably because that version of postgres you are using plants itself there, to not intervene with other versions / installations15:22
Fuchsyou could add that to your $PATH or create symlinks15:22
ash_workFuchs: hmm...15:23
ash_workFuchs: I feel like the instructions ran during apt-get install took care of all that15:24
ash_workperhaps I need to install a specific version of postgres?15:24
Fuchsash_work: should have, did you install it from a ppa, though?15:24
ash_workFuchs: or maybe I'm missing utilities in the container which make the installation comploete15:24
ash_workFuchs: I just did apt-get install postgres15:25
ash_workFuchs: I just did apt-get install postgresql*15:25
Fuchsthat should usually do the trick. Hrm.15:25
ash_workthe base is ubuntu 14.0415:25
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
AEL-HWhar does the period in this actually do? "man mount.ntfs". I was expecting it to take me to the ntfs section of the mount manpage but it took me to "NTFS-3G"15:41
EriC^^hey PanV15:51
PanVHello EriX15:51
PanVAppereantly you know why I am here. :)15:51
PanVAre you free currently?15:52
EriC^^which card do you have?15:53
=== hxm is now known as Guest75779
PanVAMD Radeon R715:53
PanVand If nothing works, I will have no choice but to return to windows.. well whatever, lets get first things first..  Why doesnt fglxr let me log in?15:55
EriC^^PanV: try going to http://support.amd.com/en-us/download and download the driver15:55
PanVEriC, I cant login at my PC currently15:56
EriC^^PanV: type apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic | grep Installed15:56
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PanVNo output15:56
EriC^^it should say something, did you type Installed or installed?15:57
PanVI wrote Installed15:57
PanVI am currently on recovery mode15:57
PanVnetwork enabled15:57
EriC^^ok, try apt-cache policy linux-headers-generic and see what it says15:58
PanVIt says some stuff15:58
PanVBut I got a problem though..15:59
PanVMy Terminal is in Greek Language, and for some reason stuff like these kind of Terminals, or other OSs like Basic, dont support correctly greek characters16:00
AEL-Hare all symbolic links lrwxrwxrwx?16:00
PanVso some greek letters are just a square16:00
EriC^^PanV: type export LANG=C16:00
PanVshould I get output?16:00
PanVOk then16:01
PanVNow thats better!16:01
PanVWhat do I need to tell you from that apt cache output?16:01
PanVI think something is not normal here..16:01
PanV"Installed: (none)"16:02
EriC^^ok, type sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic16:02
bouhafshello, I'm new, I installed lubuntu, i search if exist an equivalent for idm, i used jdownloader but it is not what i'm searching, is there any application can do a same thing like idm?16:02
PanVWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!16:03
PanVShould I continue without verification?16:03
HexTqbouhafs have you look at uget16:03
EriC^^i guess so, you could try apt-get update again maybe16:03
EriC^^and try again to see if it doesn't say it's not verified16:04
bouhafswhere to found it HexTq ?16:04
PanVNope.. I think I havent got access to the web16:04
bouhafsit can be integrated to chrome?16:04
HexTqbouhafs sudo apt-get install uget i think16:05
PanVit doesnt said not verified16:05
=== PanV is now known as RealPanV
HexTqi dont use chrome sorry i dont know about integrating16:06
EriC^^RealPanV: did you purge fglrx*?16:06
RealPanVI dont know..16:06
EriC^^type sudo apt-get purge fglrx*16:06
HexTqbut if you want something integrated maybe you should look at chromes extensions16:06
RealPanV5 to be removed, okay?16:07
RealPanVwell yolo *presses enter*16:07
RealPanVNow what EriC?16:08
EriC^^try to restart16:08
RealPanVI think I havent got xorg installed.. should I continue?16:08
john_doe_jrcan u use the cut command with the delimiter being a number?16:08
EriC^^type dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-radeon16:08
RealPanVI think its ati, eric16:09
RealPanVgive me a sec16:09
bouhafsHexTq, I opened chrome i don't see uget on it16:10
RealPanVNo packages found EriC16:11
bouhafsany one help me?16:11
HexTqdid you look at chromes extension store? there are a couple of them16:12
EriC^^RealPanV: is xserver-xorg-video-ati installed?16:12
RealPanVNope \o/16:12
HexTqbut if you dont like uget dont forget to remove it16:12
EriC^^bouhafs: search for similar extensions to flashgot for firefox16:12
bouhafsyes i see but nothing named uget16:12
bouhafsEric i use only chrome, firefox crash and not fast16:13
EriC^^https://code.google.com/p/simple-get/ bouhafs16:13
RealPanVsoem people threw their ball at my lawn and I had to give them the ball back16:13
EriC^^bouhafs: also, install aria2 if you want multi-threaded downloading sometimes, uget can use it16:14
EriC^^sudo apt-get install aria216:14
RealPanVNo xorg at my pc then \o/ Yay!16:14
HexTqinteresting i have way better experience with ff than chrome16:14
bouhafsthank's EriC^^ but how to add it?16:15
EriC^^RealPanV: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-ati16:15
EriC^^bouhafs: www.chromeextensions.org/other/simple-get/16:15
RealPanVIt is stuck on 0% for some reason....16:15
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EriC^^RealPanV: do you have a live usb?16:16
RealPanVI knew that was gonna happen.. could you give me some time to prepare it?16:16
RealPanVSince I havent got one currently16:16
admin-gEriC^^ youre still here16:16
RealPanVK then, brb 10 minutes16:16
bouhafsI asked my question because i tryed many extensions but they said can't install from youtube ( forbiden )16:16
admin-gEriC^^ its me the guy who had to fresh install ubuntu becuse i chown -r etc16:17
HexTqhow did you end up on youtube installing extensions -.-16:17
bouhafsHexTq, i tryed frome chrome extension16:18
admin-gokay anyone who can help me with APTonCD please respond i opened it up and i am trying to drag drop the files or the iso to the "restore" section but nothing happens16:18
bouhafsthe link above said not work16:19
admin-gguy i can not use the .iso image that APTonCD made for me16:21
wfreemanHas something changed recently involving X forwarding? Some years ago I taught a computational physics course, and wrote a simple tool using GLUT for the students to do animations with. Performance was good over remote X connections. Now, years later, I'm trying to use the same tool again on much better hardware and faster network connections, and it's awful. It seems that now the X forwarding is sending complete raster images over16:22
wfreemanthe network every frame.16:22
jpdswfreeman: Use something like xpra?16:23
xanguabouhafs: that's not google chrome web store16:23
HexTqwow bouhafs16:23
EriC^^admin-g: hey16:24
HexTqtry this one https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions16:24
wfreemanThat may work for a Linux machine connecting, but -- unfortunately -- the students are on Windows boxes, using PuTTY/Xming.16:24
admin-gEriC^^ hey i got some problems with APTonCD16:24
wfreemanoh, derp -- there's a windows version!16:24
wfreemanI will investigate that. Thanks!16:24
wfreemanStill not sure why performance is 10% of what it was with computers 10% as fast, years ago.16:24
bouhafsso how to force it?16:24
HexTqdont force it on the image you linked thats not the real chrome store16:25
HexTqtry this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions16:25
jpdswfreeman: Because graphics got better?16:26
admin-gEriC^^ so i open it up right and i press "restore" then i press "load" and nothing happens i tried to drag + drop the files i wanted to install again and it didnt work so i tried to drag + drop the map and it didnt work after that i tried to drag + drop the .zip files but that didnt work i tried to simply open the files and it didnt work16:26
bouhafsthere are 4 or 5 when searchin on simpleget16:26
bouhafsbut no one of theme named simpleget16:26
bouhafsI think there is no extension to download especially from youtube16:28
reisiowhat about youtube?16:29
HexTqwell how about something like youtube downloader or minitube16:29
xangua!info youtube-dl16:29
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2015.02.28-1 (vivid), package size 449 kB, installed size 2256 kB16:29
bouhafsplease tell me, this is not my own cp is for my brother he know nothing about linux16:29
jpdsbouhafs: Downloading from YouTube is against their terms and conditions16:29
AbeHow do I remove desktop shortcuts in wine?16:29
RealPanVI dont know which version of 15.04 should I install with UNetBootin. Help?16:30
bouhafsso he must return in windows to do that?16:30
reisioAbe: should be in your wine prefix16:30
reisioAbe: ~/.wine/drive_c/blah/path/to/desktop by default16:30
reisioor ~/Desktop/16:30
HexTqno there is a youtube-dl package you can install or use minitube app, but as it got mentioned its against the terms16:30
EriC^^RealPanV: any version should do16:30
Abeok thank you reisio !!16:30
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EriC^^admin-g: type sudo apt-get update16:31
bouhafsyes HexTq i can use youtube-dl but my brother can't he is very noob16:31
RealPanVInstalling.. 1,5 mb per second :/16:31
reisioAbe: probably be a .lnk file if it's in the prefix, find ~/ -iname '*.lnk'16:31
EriC^^admin-g: then go to the iso and click on it and mount it, it should show on the left side16:31
HexTqwell... you could teach him -.-16:31
jpdsbouhafs: Well, you're going to have to educate him16:31
jpdsbouhafs: Pretty much nothing we can do here can help otherwise16:32
admin-gEriC^^ what do i do after that?16:32
bouhafsI tryed but no chance he never enter to the school16:32
EriC^^admin-g: then type gksu nautilus and in the iso copy the .deb files from Packages and paste them in /var/cache/apt/archives16:32
AbeI was going to say I dont have /blah ^^16:32
HexTqbouhafs try minitube with him maybe16:32
bouhafsHexTq, i would to install it from apt-get?16:33
HexTqi think so16:33
OerHeksbouhafs, use softwarecenter, easy16:34
bouhafsthank you guys, OerHeks i use only apt-get, but good idea thank's16:35
admin-gEriC^^ i have to go eat ugh haha i'll be back soon but i did everything you told me to do so far16:35
EriC^^admin-g: ok, you still have to use the installedpackages file to reinstall the packages16:36
bouhafsi will be back soon to ask a new question about sensors next time, thank you,16:36
EriC^^admin-g: xargs -a /path/to/installedpackages sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall16:37
kjozwiakjust wanted to stop by and say Hi! Switched over to Ubuntu from Win 10 :) ran into some hurdles at the beginning but definitely liking it far!16:37
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)16:37
bouhafsNo protocol specified16:38
bouhafsminitube: cannot connect to X server :016:38
RealPanVIt got this command?16:38
HexTqlooks like win10 is the best advertising linux can get16:38
RealPanVYou made my day HexTq16:38
RealPanVat least no more IE16:38
HexTqflowers in the locker room thank you -.-16:38
RealPanVI made a. mistake and didnt buy nvidia but amd16:39
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)16:39
RealPanVWhy ubottu ;.;16:39
HexTqi have hd7700 and i have no problem with it even runs wows16:40
RealPanVI cant install fglxr16:40
RealPanVor else I will be stuck into login page and login loop16:40
RealPanVand be where I am atm16:40
HexTqmay be the difference im on elementary -.-16:41
strkI'm opening up a 12.04 after a long time, do I need to apt-get upgrade *before* a dist-upgrade ?16:41
RealPanVstrk, update to 14.04 :)16:41
auronandace!dist-upgrade | strk16:41
ubottustrk: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.16:41
strknote it's a computer from 2010, ideally I'd switch to lubuntu16:41
RealPanVStrk, why not ubuntu? ;.;16:42
* RealPanV feels like he got backstabbed16:42
strkit runs ubuntu already16:42
strkbut I'm afraid 14.04 will be heavier than 12.0416:42
RealPanVits still 2 gb16:42
strkheavy on use not on occupation16:43
bouhafsminitube said operation abondonate16:43
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:43
bouhafsand no buton to download16:43
RealPanVTry 14.04, and if you see you experience problens, then download Lubuntu16:43
OerHeksbouhafs, nothing we can do about that, try youtube-dl16:44
Abegot it thanks reisio16:44
reisioAbe: gj16:44
bouhafsok man i will back to windows, my brother can't do that16:44
reisiocan't do what?16:45
Abe use share-tube.eu for downloading yt16:45
bouhafscan't use a command line16:45
Abevery simple but sadly german16:45
OerHeksbouhafs, told you, use softwarecenter, but you want it the hard way16:45
grio-workUsed up all my google-fu trying to find an answer; figured I'd check here. Have a Promise FastTrak 4650 that, when in Windows, recognizes the RAID5 configuration. However, when booting GNOME 15.04, during partitioning, it wants to split out the drives independently. Any thoughts on how I might get it to recognize in Ubuntu as one VD (Virtual Drive), instead of 3 1TB drives?16:45
reisiobouhafs: to do what?16:45
Abejust insert the link and click downloaden done...16:45
Abeu can download every file format there16:46
bouhafsOerHeks, softwarecenter to install minitube?16:46
Abewell all media formats i ment16:46
OerHeksbouhafs, *any* software16:46
bouhafsthank's Abe16:46
HexTqhavent downloaded from youtube like ages16:47
bouhafsyes OerHeks but the problem i ask what's the software equivalent to idm16:47
bouhafsand no one sugessed work16:47
bouhafsi need a simple one16:47
EriC^^bouhafs: uget + aria2 + flashgot is similar16:48
HexTqwe did that circle EriC16:48
bouhafsuget not exist in chrome ( installed i can't see it )16:48
EriC^^you need to install an extension16:48
EriC^^something instead of flashgot16:48
OerHeksbouhafs, did you restart chrome after that?16:48
bouhafsi tryed flashgot but forbiden in youtube16:49
bouhafsyes OerHeks16:49
EriC^^bouhafs: what do you mean by forbidden in youtube?16:49
EriC^^bouhafs: if you want to download youtube videos/extract the mp3, use youtube-dl16:49
HexTqhe wants to download videos from youtube for his brother who is unable to use youtube-dl16:49
bouhafsthe plugins said, sorry i can't download from youtube16:49
RealPanVThey say that downloading videos is against ToS, but technically, your client downloads the Video's data.. so watching videos is forbidden ;D16:50
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HexTqsome time ago you could find the downloaded video in some firefox folder too :)16:50
HexTqyou just had to watch it then convert the file16:50
bouhafsEriC^^, the pc is not mine, is my brother he is very noob in linux ( and in windows ) if something about do multiple things he can't understand i tryed to help him but no chance16:51
admin-gEriC^^ i did what you told me to do but non of my old software are downloaded again16:51
bouhafsi said to him i think linux have an equivalent to idm and is fast than windows, but i think i lie to him16:52
SuperMXmy ubuntu server isn't booting properly16:52
SuperMXits not the hard drve or cd rom drive16:52
wfreemanI had a question about X11 forwarding earlier. It turns out the trick is to force indirect rendering:  ssh -X -Y LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=y16:53
wfreemanThen everything works.16:53
EriC^^admin-g: is the list there in installedpackages?16:53
JCT500ThzSo, I need to ask a question.16:53
wfreemanNow to figure out how to make the students' PuTTies do that...16:53
admin-gEriC^^ yea16:53
JCT500ThzCan you install Grub2 without installing Ubuntu?16:53
admin-gEriC^^ sudo apt-get install all of them one by one i guess lol16:53
EriC^^admin-g: no16:53
bouhafshave a good days guys and thank to trying help me16:54
admin-gEriC^^ thank god16:54
admin-gEriC^^ so whats the solution cx16:54
HexTqwelcome bouhafs16:54
EriC^^type xargs -a /path/to/installedpackages what do you get?16:54
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JCT500ThzI'm in the disc version of Ubuntu.16:55
admin-gEriC^^ just tells me what i had installed16:55
JCT500ThzCan you install Grub 2 without installing the OS?16:55
JCT500ThzI already have the OS but I took Grub 2 off of it by accident.16:56
EriC^^admin-g: ok type xargs -a /path/to/installedpackages sudo apt-get install --reinstall16:56
EriC^^what do you get?16:56
JCT500ThzI can?16:56
HexTqhttps://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-using-grub_002dinstall.html   JCT500Thz16:56
ubuntunoobHello, anyone out there?16:56
JCT500ThzI'll check that.16:56
AbeJCT500Thz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18566/how-do-i-restore-grub-after-windows-has-deleted-it should help too16:57
admin-gEriC^^ is gives back "-a command not found"16:57
EriC^^admin-g: did you type xargs before -a?16:57
ubuntunoobI'm running ubuntu 15.04 and need to change the NetworkManager.conf file. I tried to use sudoedit /etc/NetworkManager/Networkmanager.conf and edited the file. Then I tried to overwrite the original file and it denied me permission.16:58
admin-gEriC^^ missed that sorry16:58
ubuntunoobCan anyone help me get around this issue?16:59
admin-gEriC^^ it is saying "E: unable to locate package" to all of the softwares16:59
HexTqubuntunoob try sudo nano16:59
EriC^^admin-g: try xargs -a /path/to/installedpackages -0 sudo apt-get install --reinstall17:00
ubuntunoobHexTq: Can you give me a more specific commant? I am completely new to the command line.17:00
HexTqsudo nano filename opens it in cli and you can save it when you edit it but i suggest you make a copy of it before tinkering17:01
admin-gEriC^^ here is the outcome http://paste.ubuntu.com/12207284/17:01
Abeubuntunoob: did you try ~/path -- chmod +x * ?17:01
EriC^^admin-g: try for i in $(cat /path/to/installedpackages); do sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall $i; done17:02
ubuntunoobAbe: I have no idea what that does17:02
admin-gEriC^^ i think its installing it o.o17:03
admin-gEriC^^ it sure looks like it17:03
Abechmod is for changing file permissions so you can change them... read " man chmod " in terminal for more information17:04
ubuntunoobi tried sudo nano and it works17:04
HexTqubuntunoob something like sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/Networkmanager.conf then when finished with the edit CTRL+X17:04
ubuntunoobIm trying to fix my network connection17:04
ubuntunoobit says unmanaged17:04
Abegood job ubuntunoob17:04
AbeI thought you are getting a permission denied or something17:05
HexTqhe did17:05
ubuntunoobCan anyone recommend a good resource that is beginner friendly for me to learn the command line?17:06
admin-gEriC^^ huston we got a problem (more of an error)17:06
somsip!bash | ubuntunoob17:06
ubottuubuntunoob: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:06
Abeubuntunoob: youtube, ubuntu-forums, man pages, and time17:06
HexTqhttp://linuxcommand.org/lc3_lts0010.php could be a good start17:07
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thei0173and.. use MAN on every command17:07
thei0173i.ex man ftp17:07
somsipubottu: and don't use ftp ;-)17:07
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:07
thei0173that way youll get our manual for what the command starts with17:07
somsipubuntunoob: ^^17:07
EriC^^admin-g: ?17:08
ash_workis there a ubuntu equiv to windows  "run as" ?17:08
somsipash_work: sudo -u17:08
ash_workor like, can you sudo open a file with a program?17:08
HexTqyes its called s(uper)u(ser)d(o) sudo17:09
somsipash_work: give an example of what you're trying to do17:09
nehaljwaniWhenever I launch an Ubuntu VM using qemu with -vga std, the graphics become like this: http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot_from_2015-08-27_22-35-15-qW0xoD5R.1440695203.png17:09
nehaljwaniIs there a known solution to this?17:09
admin-gEriC^^ oracle-java9-installer and spotify-client and oracl  and indicator-sysmonitor and libgcrypt11  all got this error "E: Unable to locate package"17:10
Abenehaljwani: o_O17:10
ash_worksomsip: I got it I guess, it was sudo atom file.txt17:10
ash_worksomsip: because this dir is linked to a volume on a docker container, I don't have the normal permissions17:10
nehaljwaniAbe: ?17:11
Abenehaljwani: I've never seen this before so I don't have a solution for you. does it look like that right now?17:11
HexTqmy guess would be something with the graphics driver17:12
Abeok I try using google for you. I hope I can find something for you17:12
EriC^^admin-g: they might be from ppa's17:12
HexTqor maybe some broken font17:12
admin-gEriC^^ ohh right right sorry17:13
EriC^^admin-g: did it reinstall them without downloading btw? ( the rest of the packages )17:13
admin-gEriC^^ yea everything went smoothly just the ones from pps's that failed but i listed them and will get them manually17:14
EriC^^ok, cool17:14
SuperMXwhat can i do if ubuntu server crashes at boot?17:15
HexTqlook at the logs17:15
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HexTqtelling server crashes at boot leaves a pretty big hole for why17:16
Abenehaljwani: It could be that a language package is corrupt or something try an regular Update restart try sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig and restart... hope it helps if not you need to wait for an professional17:16
apb1963Is anyone able to use pipelight on ubuntu 14.04 with firefox?17:17
MarchHareGot a question about Ubuntu drivers/packages that enable screen tilting in 14.04. I'm running a Dell Inspiron 7558 (I know, not certified), and I've installed the OS with very few problems. However, the biggest thing is when I swing the screen into tablet mode and tilt it to portrait orientation, obviously the driver to do this isn't installed17:17
apb1963I can't get it to work17:17
MarchHareI did find a "magick-rotation" package, but that didn't seem to install.17:17
nehaljwaniAbe: it's not font specific17:17
nehaljwanieven if I open a terminal ad type some commands17:18
HexTqare you sure nehaljwani17:18
apb1963#pipelight channel is dead17:18
nehaljwaniit goes awry17:18
Abemaybe language specific ? idk17:18
MarchHareOr rather, I found a magick-rotation tar.bz2 that the installer wanted to open, but didn't seem to actually do anything with17:18
HexTqthen something with the graphics driver thats my last guess -.-17:18
MarchHareSo the question is: Where can I find the specific driver packages to enable this in the certified laptops that do work?17:19
Abenehaljwani: this is really odd... maybe I recommend you reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch. ??17:19
roddanyone using ubuntu on t450s?17:19
nehaljwaniAbe: This is live mode17:19
SuperMXlive cd also can't boot17:19
kjozwiakanyone know when https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/1375435 will get fixed?17:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1359689 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "duplicate for #1375435 cryptsetup password prompt not shown" [Critical,Triaged]17:19
kjozwiakI tried all the different work around without any luck :/17:19
Abemaybe the CD has scratches? Post that into a forum <-- to get better help17:20
roddany1 else having this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/145231817:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1452318 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Faulty behavior when resuming from suspend" [High,Confirmed]17:20
nehaljwaniAbe: I launched it like this: sudo qemu-kvm -m 2.5G -hda /home/wani/win10.img -bios /home/wani/OVMF.fd -vnc :5 -net nic -net bridge,br=virbr0  -cpu host -cdrom /home/wani/ubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso -boot dc -vga qxl -full-screen &17:20
nikgulI have a problem with ssh client on ubuntu, I cant connent to my vps on ubuntu via console and even with putty(wine). Can you help me pls17:21
Abenehaljwani: With that you look more advanced then me so good luck. I did not understand half of that what was written17:22
nikgulanybody here?17:23
cfhowlett!patience | nikgul,17:24
ubottunikgul,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:24
HexTqno but try be more specific than i cant connect17:24
nehaljwaniAbe: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222352017:25
dionysus69does anyone here use thunderbird for irc?17:25
HexTqforum rocks17:26
HexTqi use hexchat17:26
nikgulwell, when I try to connect, console print no message and in 3 mins ''time out'17:26
brothersomenikgul, also ubuntu has putty, But I use FileZilla17:26
jhutchinsnikgul: Is the sshd server running on the target?  Have you tried ssh -vvv to see what's happening in the connection process?17:27
brothersomedionysus69, I did that last week17:27
dionysus69brothersome: ye its cool, I like it, reason I asked it was due to some problem I fixed already, nevermind :D17:28
roddi see no option but to stop using ubuntu17:28
nikgulhere is log on server-side 18:58:39.886915 IP > Flags [S], seq 1435284044, win 13720, options [mss 1372,sackOK,TS val 265854160 ecr 0,nop,wscale 4], length 017:29
dionysus69rodd: why??17:29
rodddionysus69: having issues on two thinkpads, t440s and t450s17:29
dionysus69rodd: what issues? i had t500 now I am on x117:29
roddt440s has 14.04 and gives me bad rss-counter issues17:29
nikguland here's log  ssh -vvv
nikgulOpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.4, OpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201217:29
nikguldebug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config17:29
nikguldebug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *17:29
nikguldebug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 017:29
nikguldebug1: Connecting to [] port 22.17:29
nikguldebug1: connect to address port 22: Connection timed out17:29
RealPanVEric you still here?17:29
rodddionysus69: the t450s has this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/145231817:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1452318 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Faulty behavior when resuming from suspend" [High,Confirmed]17:29
rodddionysus69: which carbon you got?17:30
dionysus69rodd: 3rd edition, it works great with last kernel17:30
RealPanVEriC^^, you still here?17:30
dionysus69rodd: pretty much everything works, I didnt try using fingerprint reader, I had to tinker just a little bit with wifi17:30
rodddionysus69: u on 14 or 15?17:30
Abenehaljwani: they say it has to do with the display driver right? so maybe when using the proprietary one will help...? But like I said. I cannot help you with this because I don't know where the Problem lies... are you just using it in VMWare ?17:31
dionysus69if you are asking screen size, it comes with 1417:31
rodddionysus69: sorry ubuntu version17:31
nehaljwaniAbe: I am using qemu ,not vmware17:31
Abebut it is a Virtualbox right?17:31
dionysus69rodd: haha 15.04, which is actually what I recommend, easiest way to fix problem with compatibility is to try newer version, maybe that kernel solved that problem :)17:32
rodddionysus69: yeah guess so, your specs should be similar to what I got17:32
roddintel graphicc ards17:32
dionysus69depends on many things why waking from suspend could be faulty, I have experienced that due to ATI graphics card on t50017:32
dionysus69if you have intel graphics then for sure try 15.04, I should fix it. even if it doesnt, i would still not quit ubuntu :D17:33
roddill give it a try to 15 before going with fedora17:33
roddon mine, the t440s im already into arch lands17:33
HexTqumm i throwed fedora so far away i hopefully never see it again17:33
dionysus69come on ubuntu is more solid than fedora17:34
roddI couldnt brwose for 5 minutes no matter in what browser17:34
Abewell maybe it's just quemu then. I thought you really boot it and it came up like that pew... try using a different hardware virtualization program like Virtualbox from Oracle?17:34
dionysus69never tried arch, I have a feeling if i try it, i will spend month just to set it up17:34
roddthat i'd get the bad-rss counter error17:34
roddmaybe it could be related to spotify preview app17:34
HexTqdionysus did you look at manjaro?17:34
rodddionysus69: yea, ive spent two days so far17:34
dionysus69bad rss error, like computer hangs and boots u off and writes bad-rss error at the terminal or ?17:35
rodddionysus69: well the tabs and a few apps crash, im forced to reboot then I get the dialog 'ubuntu encountered an error...'17:35
roddand there it says bad rss counter17:35
roddi was pissed off didnt dig much17:35
roddcouldnt work17:36
dionysus69i google bad rss error nothing comes up17:36
dionysus69you need to search for something more specific17:36
arthar360Hi, I am trying to configure a mail server. Everything is working except that my mail is going to spam of gmail and yahoo. I have proper SPF and DKIM. What I think is going wrong is that The Mail Headers in Gmail says "Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain [])". AVoiding localhost in mail header, gmail might not mark my mail as spam. Any idea on this issue?17:38
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apg_identify lx417:43
roddmsg nickserv ghost apg_ lx417:43
pbxarthar360, not a good channel for MTA admin advice. try the channel/list/group for your MTA17:43
cfhowlettaaaaaaaand it's time to change your password17:43
Abearthar360: Is your Ip on a block list ?17:44
Abelook up here http://www.spamhaus.org/lookup/17:44
nehaljwaniAbe: -vga qxl -global qxl-vga.vram_size=268435456 workedxD17:44
arthar360Abe, Checked, Its not blacklisted17:45
Abewow good job I would have given up !!!17:45
Abearthar360: hmm17:45
apg_nickserv ghost apg_ lx417:46
arthar360pbx, I didnt get "the channel/list/group for your MTA". What to do exactly ?17:46
apg_nickserv ghost apg lx417:46
HexTqpwchange-o-clock :D17:47
Abearthar360: maybe it's the content? you should not look like a spammer in gerneral anyway... http://www.rackaid.com/blog/email-going-to-spam-folder/17:48
pbxarthar360, your MTA is your mail server. each one has its own support community. e.g. when i ran postfix i got a lot of out #postfix here on freenode17:48
pbxarthar360, major services like google and yahoo often have guides about how to stay on their good side  when sending mail. i don't have urls but that's worth looking up.17:49
Abearthar360: I'm not into servers that much anyway you should listen to pbx17:49
Abeand go into a different channel. I think this here is more for ubuntu desktops17:50
arthar360pbx, I did follow all guides, googled for a week.. tired. Every mail test gives 10/10 result. Neither the mail has any spam or looking like spam content. I am sure that the mistake is silly in my configuration. The localhost.localdomain in Received Headers is the culprit17:52
=== m_A_y_A_t is now known as M_A_Y_A_T
NikeshSo.. I noticed that Ubuntu Live USB boots very slowly in Legacy mode. Can anyone address my paranoia that the whole system post-installation will slow, too? Or should it be fine?17:54
cfhowlettNikesh, "should be fine" ... how much ram have you?17:55
Nikeshcfhowlett: 8GB17:55
brothersomeNikesh, Most USB devices are slow - Legacy has nothing to do with this17:55
Nikeshbrothersome: OK. In contrast when I boot into UEFI mode, it boots much faster17:56
NikeshThat is why I was concerned17:56
Nikesham concerned, rather17:56
brothersomeWhat brand of USB you use?17:56
brothersomeYeah, the Kingston sticks I have are slow - real slow - Best is to use Corsair - that can be real fast17:58
TJ-Nikesh: can you quantity 'very slowly' - number of seconds to the desktop for both modes, maybe?17:58
terraviewhi guys, I'm trying to give a 2nd Linux user permission to edit files in /var/www but getting permission errors. So far I created a new group, added both olduser and newuser to that group, and did >chown :group /var/www/file.php17:59
terraviewyet the new user still can't edit the file... any ideas?17:59
TJ-terraview: the group will also need write permission for the directory, so file metadata can be updated17:59
terraviewTJ-: I did that - the directory is 775 and the file inside is 664. It's actually /var/www/site.com/ and /var/www/site.com/test.php18:01
HexTqits not the brand of the USB its the class type that determines the speed of a pendrive i think18:01
terraviewI did >chown -R :group /var/www/site.com18:02
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cfhowlettusb-c > usb3 > usb2 > usb118:03
TJ-terraview: Does the group have traversal permissions from / to /var/www/site.com/  (the x bit on directories) ?18:03
HexTqi think class 2 is like 2mb/s while class10 is 10mb/s but that may only apply to sd cards18:04
terraviewTJ-: no, both /var and /var/www are owned by group root[0]. Are you saying I should apply the group to the full path recursively, starting with /var??18:05
TJ-HexTq: that does indirectly affect USB-connected Flash storage, because internally the cheaper controller/flash modules often have modules with slower write/read access18:05
HexTqcould be, i just forget my pendrive is not a pendrive its a 4slot cardreader18:06
TJ-terraview: Well, if the 'Other' permissions doesn't allow 'x' on the directories, then the group or user will need 'x' in order to traverse from / to the target dir18:06
HexTqand there is a very noticeable difference in speed between cards18:06
TJ-terraview: I have a shell script that is really useful for checking traversal. http://iam.tj/projects/misc/traverse_perms.sh18:08
rvr87if I have added my non-root user "blah" to group "developers"18:08
rvr87and a folder has group set as developers18:08
rvr87with rwx permissions18:09
rvr87why would I still not be able to write/make folders in that folder?18:09
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TJ-rvr87: has the user logged in since being added to the group?18:10
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wfreemanI thought I had solved this earlier, but I hadn't. Can anyone help me with a problem related to GLX programs (for instance glxgears) throwing error messages and being extremely slow over X11 forwarding, but working fine locally?18:11
regeditTJ-: heya :) nice seeing you again18:12
akikwfreeman: have you tried using the x2go client-server thingy? remote desktop basically18:12
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akikcan't remember if it does opengl18:13
wfreemanThis is for a physics class I'm teaching, so it has to work on Windows dumb terminals. I just don't understand the performance regression -- this software worked fine over remote X on old hardware years ago.18:13
wfreemanNow it appears that, instead of doing sensible forwarding, raster images of each frame are being shoveled over the network, which is as slow as you'd think18:14
wfreemanand I keep getting messages like "libGL error: failed to load driver: i965"18:14
wfreeman(this is when I run glxgears, even)18:15
=== Telvana is now known as |digits|
VoyageI did lpci |grep vga but I only found one vga. (I have attached 2 lcds with builtin vga and DVI-D ports in motherboard)18:15
Voyagehow to find the other?18:15
terraviewTJ-: "Other" has rx permissions in /var and /var/www (group "root"), same for /var/www/site.com (group "newgroup")18:15
terraviewThat info helps me understand how this is supposed to work though (I think), ha. Thanks a lot for that and the script, I'll need to get back to it tomorrow18:16
TJ-terraview: has the user logged in again since being added to 'group'? new assignments don't affect existing logins18:16
SirMooI've lost Ethernet completely from my computer... :( Going to need a bit of help...18:16
terraviewI read your post above @rvr87 and yes, I logged out and back in... same thing18:16
TJ-terraview: Can other users in the same group edit the same file?18:17
TJ-regedit: Had another Lenovo user this week hit by the same problem you confronted - saved me a *lot* of time to diagnose :)18:18
poliWhat would be a faster/batter alternative to mpstat to check on cpu load for scaling up a horizontal web server? mpstat takes a real long time to reflect load increase that top, for example, does not.18:18
terraviewTJ-: only 2 users exist in the group, olduser and newuser. olduser is the file and folder owner as before, and can still edit everything after the group change.18:19
TJ-poli: that might be a question for #ubuntu-server ... more chance of expertise on such things there18:19
poliTJ-: thanks!18:19
regeditTJ-: are you fo realsies?? like, he had dual boot and wanted to figure out UEFI and updating the BIOS & all that?...18:19
TJ-terraview: try adding a test user to the group, and use 'sudo su tempuser ....' and see if that user can edit the file18:20
TJ-regedit: The user had removed Ubuntu but couldn't remove the UEFI boot menu entry18:20
regeditif i remember correctly the solution was to run the window7 BIOS flasher even in windows 8 in compatibility mode... or somesuch18:20
TJ-regedit: I pointed to the Lenovo advisory and recommended a firmware upgrade; not heard back since18:21
regeditanother satisfied customer18:21
Gallomimiahopefully that doesn't mean he bricked the machine and can't get online to tell you about it18:21
TJ-Well, the week we wasted on that certainly paid off18:21
terraviewTJ-: ok will do tomorrow first thing (need to run). I'll circle back here. Thank you!18:21
TJ-terraview: good luck :)  (oh - and try launching the editor with strace)18:22
SirMooAttempting to fix my own network problem... I've made things worst. :/18:22
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terraviewwill do :)18:22
regeditTJ-: do you happen to be logged in on #linux at the moment as well? would you care to scroll up a bit over there my question about dd drive image, please-ly :)18:23
VoyageI did lpci |grep vga but I only found one vga. (I have attached 2 lcds with builtin vga and DVI-D ports in motherboard)18:23
Voyagehow to find the other?18:23
TJ-SirMoo: We had a user this week reported a similar problem after package upgrades; It turned out the physical interface all seemed to react to manual commands and could see incoming packets but couldn't transmit. The user came in today to say that by removing the networkmanager-pvn and networkmanager-vpn-gnome packages it fixed the issue. The user didn't have any VPNs defined, so not sure if that was the true cure though.18:24
TJ-regedit: Ye, and sure18:24
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regeditTJ-: awesome as always :) thanks18:24
ioriaVoyage, try  sudo lshw -c video18:24
TJ-regedit: you've only 1 loop device (loop0); you have 4 partitions p1-p4. Totally normal18:25
Voyageioria,  thats one display18:26
bujjiThe volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the v olume is not corrupted.18:26
ioriaVoyage, xrandr ?18:26
TJ-regedit: The problem is, the image you have in the file doesn't start with a partition table, it looks like you originally only backed up the partition e.g. dd if=/dev/sdc1 ... *not* dd if=/dev/sdc18:27
regeditTJ-: oh, interesting... didnt realize this drive had multiple partitions. Why are they showing "unknown" and also crazy sizes like 883G18:27
bujjidaftykins: hello18:27
TJ-regedit: so, to begin with unmount the file18:27
regeditTJ-: strange, i'm pretty sure i did dd on the entire device not just a specific number of the device... i may be wrong tho18:28
TJ-regedit: then check it's content with "file /path/to/foo"18:28
Voyageioria,  xrand whats that?18:28
TJ-regedit: if 'foo' is just a file-system image, 'file' will tell you what type18:28
regediti am able to mount the device BTW, and browse all its files/folders18:28
rvr87how can I run some gtk window from the terminal without blocking the terminal while the program is active18:28
TJ-regedit: Mount the original device you mean?18:29
ioriaVoyage, tells you what displays are connected and on what resolution18:29
regeditTJ-: yep i'm able to mount the img file as a filesystem and browse in it18:30
Voyageioria,  thanks,18:30
TJ-regedit: oh, well then that confirms it is just a file-system image from a partition then.18:31
ioriaVoyage, np18:31
regeditinteresting... maybe i did do the sdX# then18:31
TJ-regedit: if you mean "mount -o loop /path/to/file /path/to/mountpoint"18:31
VoyageI am configuring multiseat. I have connected 2 vgas, mice and keyboards. How do I identify vga? http://pastie.org/1038000918:31
regeditTJ-: yes i do18:31
TJ-regedit: then yes, it is just the file-system no partition table, which explains your pastebin garbage fdisk output18:32
regeditfile /path/to/img file also seems to output weird stuff18:32
bujjipendrive is not opening18:32
regeditTJ-: output from `file` command http://paste.ubuntu.com/12207943/18:33
deltis there a command to enable/disable ctrl+alt+function keys on the fly in X11? (without "permanently" editing a config file)18:34
deltsame for ctrl+alt+backspace?18:34
TJ-regedit: that looks very bad18:34
x11delt, r u using i3 ?18:34
GallomimiaVoyage: it looks like you have 1 vga and 1 hdmi. not 2 vga's. seems easy to keep those apart18:35
OneM_IndustriesHow would I open a drive as root from the file management gui?18:35
deltx11: i3?18:36
HexTqyou dont use root to open a drive18:36
x11delt, this shortcuts using in i318:36
regeditoooh i know, leme check my ssh history for the `dd` command i ran...18:36
deltwhat is i3?18:36
regediter i mean shell/terminal history wtvr18:36
TJ-regedit: I *think* it is showing there may be a Microsoft boot-loader in the FAT32 file-system header18:36
Gallomimiaregedit: great idea! grep .bash_history dd18:37
OneM_IndustriesHm, ok.18:37
GallomimiaOneM_Industries: perhaps you should talk about what you need to do. the root user is technically disabled in default ubuntu18:37
OneM_IndustriesI am having an issue where the drive is refusing to let me create any new file or folders in it, as I require root to do so.18:37
HexTqwhy would you want to be root to access a drive18:38
OneM_IndustriesProblem is, this was supposed to be a backups drive.18:38
Gallomimiaperhaps you should change how its mounted? or the permissions on the drive?18:38
regeditTJ-: well strangely enough looks like i did `dd` the entire device after all.. the exact command was: sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/media/regedit/foo/bar/hdd.img18:38
Gallomimiaor you could run your commands to copy files on there as root with sudo ?18:38
TJ-OneM_Industries: if the file-system is ext* the default permissions of its root dir with be root:root; you can change that if you want to18:38
OneM_IndustriesIt is the permissions on the drive.18:38
NikeshSo I booted into Legacy mode on the Live USB and my keyboard isn't recognized? I can't enter anything into the fields for the installation18:39
OneM_IndustriesOk, how would I change that?18:39
Gallomimiasudo chown (yourusername) /path/to/your/drive18:39
TJ-regedit: then I'm not sure how 'mount -o loop ...' can work, unless you also provide an offset to the file-system start18:39
rodddionysus69: 15 seems to be working fine so far18:39
VoyageGallomimia,  so I can have multiseat?18:39
OneM_IndustriesOk, thank you.18:40
GallomimiaVoyage: multiseat is something i gave up on awhile ago. i'd like to figure it out again. but you have 2 displays, that sounds good enough for me.18:40
TJ-regedit: Can you do "pastebinit <(dd if=/media/regedit/foo/bar/hdd.img count=4 | hexdump -C)"18:40
regeditTJ-: yep in the ##linux channel i mentioned i was following some tutorial which instructed me to use the loop option and specify offset (sector size * begin sector)18:40
VoyageGallomimia,  someone said : <rkeene> Voyage, If you only have one device you cannot share it between two processes18:41
TJ-regedit: ahhh... ok, when I asked about that command here I thought you confirmed only using '-o loop' -- as in, no offset18:41
Voyage<rkeene> Voyage, Both processes would try to take exclusive ownership of the device, and one would fail18:41
=== Turnip_Green1 is now known as Turnip_Green
SienteHello guys, what's the best way to install NetBeans on Ubuntu 14.04.3 in your opinion?18:41
GallomimiaVoyage: is it one single gpu, or one single display?18:41
VoyageGallomimia,  I have builtin display in my mother board. its z9718:41
Ben64Siente: sudo apt-get install netbeans18:41
VoyageGallomimia,  dont know further details though18:42
GallomimiaVoyage: plus one external monitor? i thought multiseat works this way...18:42
SienteBen64, isn't going to install an older version?18:42
VoyageGallomimia,  its not a laptop. Its a PC. I have attached two lcd18:42
GallomimiaVoyage: i'd love to hear more about what you find out. but i must go afk for now18:43
Ben64Siente: it will install the version that works with 14.0418:43
VoyageGallomimia,  how do I identify each vga/output in xorg configs then?18:43
GallomimiaVoyage: okay that's what i have now. but i have both displays connected to graphics card. there is no onboard graphics18:43
Sientehow can I check which version is that without installing it?18:43
OneM_IndustriesOdd, I tried to assign ownership to myself, but the permissions dialogue still shows that I do not own the drive.18:43
GallomimiaVoyage: one output is vga and the other is hdmi118:43
Voyagebut how do I identify ?18:43
Ben64Siente: apt-cache policy netbeans18:43
GallomimiaVoyage: it shows the names of them in that pastebin you mentioned18:43
VoyageGallomimia,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX18:44
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Gallomimiahow to identify? well whichever display connects via hdmi is probably the hdmi118:44
Siente7.0.1 so I will install it manually from https://netbeans.org/downloads/18:44
Ben64Siente: so you came here and asked the best way to install it, i told you, and you want to ignore it? cool, have fun18:44
SienteI want to use version 8.0218:45
TJ-Voyage: The system has only *one* GPU, whereas those instructions are for a system with *two* GPUs18:45
drkjstrSiente, i18:45
drkjstr've used the installer from the web before18:46
drkjstrIt should work, but just understand that you'll have to continue to upgrade it manually.18:46
VoyageTJ-,  Gallomimia  so I canNOT have multiseat with one builtin video in motherboard with 2 outputs?18:46
Sienteyeah :)18:46
SienteI've used it all the time18:46
drkjstrThis was back in like 201018:46
Sientethe installer from the web site18:46
Sientebut wanted to ask here now before using it again18:46
GallomimiaTJ-: is it possible to multiseat with 1 gpu?18:46
TJ-Voyage: If you want to use multiseat with a single GPU, you'll need to have almost identical "Device" sections for both heads, *but* you'll need to tell each "Device" to only use one head, usinf the "Screen   X" option (where X will be 0 for the first head and 1 for the second)18:47
OneM_IndustriesOk, found the issue. I had ownership over the drive, but not the mountpoint.18:47
drkjstrIf you are using 15.04, it seems the web installer is the only option. But, the official is usually via apt.18:47
GallomimiaVoyage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatOneCard18:47
regeditTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208037/18:47
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Sientedrkjstr, using 14.04.3 atm18:48
TJ-Voyage: see "man xorg.conf" and look at the "DEVICE SECTION" and its definition of "Screen number"18:48
GallomimiaVoyage: TJ- that link is from the bottom of the page on multiseat. has some tweaks for single card. it's a hard problem. i hope to tackle it again soon18:48
drkjstrOneM_Industries, did you do that with sudo?18:48
TJ-regedit: OK, that is an MBR (55 aa at offset 510 (0x1FE)18:49
GallomimiaVoyage: i'm going to spy on the "known to be working" setups. they posted their configs and stuff!18:49
VoyageTJ-,  Gallomimia  so multiseat with one card is a DIFFICULT thing to do?18:50
Gallomimiai dunno. multiseat with any number of cards is difficult.18:50
Gallomimiaas i said, i tried and gave up. still got things to iron out of my 1 seat setup18:50
SienteI'll need to have a web server I can install php5 mysql and php5-mysql with sudo apt-get install right and what else I'll need?18:51
OneM_Industriesdrkjstr: Yes, I now have full permissions over the drive.18:51
Ben64Siente: depends what you need18:51
TJ-Voyage: use 2 "Device" sections in the xorg.conf with different "Identifier", using "Screen 0" for 1 and "Screen 1" for the other, and the BusID identical18:51
SienteBen64, web server so I'll need apache php mysql18:52
GallomimiaOneM_Industries: good job. rule of thumb: if you need root permissions for something, use them to get yourself permission to do that thing without root. doing things as root is dangerous 100% of the time.18:52
regeditTJ-: ok, soo... what might that mean, regarding all the other weird stuff going on about it?18:52
TJ-regedit: I'm converting it back to binary here to see what it shows18:53
regeditTJ-: cool thanks (brb in a few min)18:53
NikeshAny ideas about my keyboard (laptop) not working when booting into the Live USB in Legacy (BIOS) mode?18:54
VoyageTJ-,  but something tells me that it will be even more diffciult?18:54
drkjstrOneM_Industries, glad you figured it out =]18:54
jhutchinsNikesh: How do you know the keyboard isn't working?18:56
drkjstrOneM_Industries, Gallomimia, I did something similar with a hard drive connected to my router for an FTP. I had to use sudo to copy the files to a new drive, and then assign ownership back to the user needed for the router.18:56
IoyrieHey drkjstr!18:56
OneM_IndustriesNow for 1Tb of files to backup....;)18:57
drkjstrIoyrie, yes?18:57
Nikeshjhutchins: Because when I try to type into the input fields in the installation nothing appears18:58
NikeshBut in UEFI mode it works18:58
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fwhiffahderi'm having issues getting steam to work on a new 64 bit vivid install. apt apparently can't find any i386 packages. sudo apt-get update gives several lines like "W: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/vivid/main/binary-i386/Packages"19:02
OerHeksfwhiffahder, try sudo apt-get install -f19:03
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NorbinI am unable to get sound to work on fresh install of 15.04 on a new computer, looks like my onboard soundcard is not being recognized. it's the z170 chipset19:04
akiselevI am trying to get brightness working on my laptop, a Samsung NP470R5E. I've got two interfaces under /sys/class/backlight: intel_backlight and samsung19:04
fwhiffahderOerHeks: ok i did that. apt-get update still throws 404s19:04
akiselevI've added the acpi_backlight=vendor option but the brightness controls dont work19:05
akiselevhowever, if I echo a brightness to /sys/class/backlight/samsung/brightness it changes the brightness on the screen19:05
akiselevso I'm just trying to figure out how to change the backlight controls from intel_backlight to samsung19:05
TJ-regedit: I think my brain is fried here; keep on getting swapped byte pairs !19:06
haskellberry_pieHow can I get all words from /usr/share/dict/ ?19:06
Ben_gI set up an ssh server on a computer, and I can connect to it succesfully using the command prompt, but19:07
Ben_gwhen I connect to it through nautillus, it says that I have no permission to modify any files.19:07
drkjstrhaskellberry_pie, have you tried: cat /usr/share/dict/words > words.txt19:09
jazzoriusStruggling with blocking an IP using ufw.19:09
jazzoriusufw status numbered shows that the first rule is to block that IP19:09
gambl0reubuntu is running really slow19:09
jazzoriusAnd yet it continues to make requests and we are logging those requests19:10
jazzoriusHow could this be?19:10
jazzoriusThe only thing I can think of is the real IP is different and what nginx is reporting in its logs is the X-Forwarded-For IP maybe? If that's the case, how do I know what the correct IP is?19:10
ki7rwif i understand the hcl at ubuntu - none of the listed dell laptops work properly with trusty19:10
OerHeksfwhiffahder, maybe you need to enable partner repo, or try to purge/reinstall https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve19:10
drkjstr!details | gambl0re19:10
ubottugambl0re: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:10
Holzbeini have a question of general matter19:11
* OerHeks hates that someone else is making money on our support19:11
Ben_gNautillus also says that files are owned by me.19:11
Ben_gso it shouldn't be a permission issue.19:11
Holzbeinwhat was prior to systemd?19:11
_Rochelp with virtualization anyone?19:11
OerHeksupstart Holzbein19:11
_Roctrying to install basic ubuntu CLI, but it freezes at startup19:12
OerHekswhat is "basic ubuntu CLI".. server?19:13
_Rocmy fault im new19:13
_Roci believe so19:14
_Rocwithout desktop, just bash19:14
altinanyone knows an alternative to xinput command that works in cli and doesn't required x server to be running ?19:14
Sc0tty-how do I change the keyboard settings in 14.04? I want to change from US to UK format.19:16
OerHeks_Roc, can yyou give more details, what iso did you use, vm settings /host ?19:16
EriC^^Sc0tty-: settings > text entry19:16
JodaZaltin, "read"19:16
Bashing-omscottschecter: ^^ also: A keyboard app indicator icon in the top panel. Click on that and select Text Entry Settings and we get the dialog to add or remove keyboard layouts.19:18
TJ-regedit: finally!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208288/19:19
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NorbinThe driver that comes with fglrx, are usually older than the ones on amd site?19:26
Nikesh32gb sufficient for /?19:27
NikeshIn a very long-term view19:27
NorbinNikesh:  can't it be extended if ever needed ?19:27
_Rocit was a bre bones download of utopic unicorn .iso19:27
NikeshNorbin: That's true!19:28
allcenturyhi #ubuntu, I'm running OSX locally and Ubuntu on a remote.  When I SSH over, I'm unable to copy to my local clipboard via cat file | xclip -selection clipboard19:28
_Rocusing vm ware19:28
allcenturyany suggestions?19:28
NorbinNikesh:  i am mostly asking, a bit clueless :P19:28
Norbini've gone with 20gb for my root19:28
uioHi - a while ago I opened disk utility and it said that my hard drive was in critical condition. I didn't use it for a week or so, and now it says that it is healthy... is it 'safe' for data ??19:29
daftykinsuio: are you in ubuntu on this machine right now? is it the only disk?19:30
pbxallcentury, that should work. clipboard remains empty?19:30
uiodaftykins: No, I am not on it now, but I have the comuter beside me....19:30
daftykinsuio: and one disk?19:30
uiodaftykins: yes.19:31
allcenturypbx: I can paste correctly in the same ssh session, but locally (say another shell) it's not working19:31
daftykinsuio: run this on it "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit smartmontools" ...then: "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" and type out the link here19:31
=== rideh^ is now known as rideh
pbxallcentury, the clipboard isn't going to bridge that gap19:31
uiodaftykins: Kay.19:31
=== coy is now known as Guest65283
allcenturypbx: ah, what will?19:31
pbxallcentury, as far as your host (osx machine) is concerned you're just typing stuff in a terminal. it doesn't know anything about what's going on on the ubuntu box19:32
pbxallcentury, for small bits of text, select in terminal. for larger ones, pipe to a pastebin or other shared storage19:32
allcenturypbx: that makes sense.19:32
ROPAhi all, I just bought a USB silicone flexible keyboard for my ubuntu laptop, but it does not work. Appears dead. Does it need a driver?? The stock keyboard works fine, am using it to send this message. Any suggestions??19:33
pbxallcentury, e.g. cat file | curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/19:33
daftykinsROPA: USB 3 port or 2?19:33
ROPAusb 219:34
allcenturypbx: would X11 -Y solve this?  Some SO users are suggesting that as a possible work around but I'm not getting it to work19:34
daftykinsROPA: look at "dmesg | tail" on plugging it in and see what's seen19:34
drkjstr_Roc, try downloading server version or the mini ISO to select what you want specifically.19:35
ROPAdaftykins, not sure what that means. How do I look at it?19:35
pbxallcentury, i don't see how that would help. same inherent problem, just a less spartan ui on the remote19:35
daftykinsROPA: run that command in the terminal.19:35
ki7rwis it just me or is there a problem with the internet somewhere - some web sites come up quickly while others keep clocking for over 2 minutes19:36
daftykinssounds like your DNS.19:36
daftykinslol @ the whole internet because of your personal browsing19:37
ki7rwmy speed tests show half the speed i normally get19:37
Johnny_Linuxuse squid19:37
dos-developerscan someone help me plz19:37
ki7rwdaftykins, dns is working just fine19:37
daftykinsworking, but it can be slow19:37
daftykinski7rw: you don't do much networking? :)19:37
dos-developerscc   conf.o zconf.tab.o   -o conf19:38
ki7rwi do a lot but i don't know everything19:38
dos-developersWhat does that mean?19:38
dos-developersThat error19:38
regeditTJ-: back. sad to hear about the fried barins :D19:38
regeditTJ-: sounds like an endian thingy issue?19:38
Bashing-om!ask | dos-developers WQe win't know 'til19:38
TJ-regedit: But  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208288/19:38
ubottudos-developers WQe win't know 'til: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:38
ki7rwsometimes a reboot of my router gets things running again, but not this time19:39
regeditTJ-: aha! that first loop looks sane, not sure what the others are doing there19:39
ki7rwi still can't get foxnews or usatoday to come up - facebook is slow - ubuntu and startpage comes up right away19:40
Comethowdy folks, i create /etc/init/file.conf to run a script on startup, but it doesn't seem to be working. the script seems to be correct, but i just didn't know if there was a way I could check the startup output to see why it's not running?19:40
TJ-regedit: they aren't there, you are misreading. There are 4 entries in an MBR PT, those p1-p4 just indicate that.19:40
_Rochaving trouble findin a mini iso19:40
jhutchinski7rw: There are tools like traceroute and mtr that can show you where in the chain of connections the slowdown is happening.19:40
daftykinski7rw: right so test DNS other than supplied by your router/ISP if you don't already.19:40
ki7rwjhutchins, yep, i was just looking at that - looks like a bottleneck after the 4th hop19:41
daftykinsand of course a start page comes up right away - it's local.19:41
regeditTJ-: i get different output, pasting...19:41
uioodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208461/ voilà19:41
jhutchinski7rw: ki7rw Tools like tcpdump and wireshark can show you what kind of traffic is on your local loop.19:41
dos-developersSo i will explain my Problem in one line ;) basically i have a ath9k and i want to install the drivers via Backports because the connection drops after sometime.I download backports for my kernel(3.17). when i run make defconfig-ath9k i got that error http://pastebin.com/fgxsGjEY thanks for any who can help me19:41
uioodaftykins: I am uio too, two machines.19:41
Saulo(back) not here. (time: 18h 5m e 45s)19:41
regeditTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208470/19:41
TJ-regedit: but, p1 shows the actual offset/end/size of the FAT32 partition... so if you want to mount the entire thing correctly, you can use those values to calculate the correct offset for mount *or* you can "sudo losetup -vf /path/to/file.img" and then "sudo partprobe /dev/loopX" (replace X) and you can then do "sudo mount /dev/loopXp1 /path/to/mountpoint"19:42
Bashing-om_Roc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD .19:42
ki7rwi tried to install wireshark and screwed up my laptop big-time trying to get it to work - had to re-install - grrrrrrr19:42
jhutchinski7rw: "The Internet" isn't really a thing, it's a whole bunch of interconnected things.  They're widely enough spread and controlled by different entities, so it's pretty hard to imagine anything happening to the whole internet at once.19:42
ROPAdaftykins, it has several lines for the usb keyboard, none of them indicate errors. Should I send them here on this IRC channel?19:42
Saulo(away) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos19:42
ki7rwjhutchins, i'm not that stupid19:42
Dramatic6hi, can someone please assist me with edubuntu on a C3 server19:42
HexTqyou have weak imagination jhutchins :)19:42
daftykins!paste | ROPA no...19:43
ubottuROPA no...: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:43
TJ-regedit: I suspect you used the sfdisk command on your offset loop device, so you're not seeing the PT you are seeing the file-system starting at sector 63!19:43
Saulo(back) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos (time: 33s)19:43
regeditoh hm19:43
regeditTJ-: my mount command was as follows: sudo mount -o loop,offset=32256 /media/regedit/foo/bar/hdd.img /mnt/drive_c/19:43
Saulo(away) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos19:44
daftykinsuioo: bear with me, will take a minute19:44
regeditTJ-: what should i have run the sfdisk command on?19:44
uioodaftykins: No worries.19:44
uioodaftykins: I wanted to find the results I had pasted before.19:44
regeditTJ-: i ran your sfdisk command exactly as you pasted it19:44
TJ-regedit: Yes, so the mount will actually do in the background "losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop0  /media/regedit/foo/bar/hdd.img"19:45
vairamuthui have some problem in partition19:45
TJ-regedit: so loop0 doesn't have the first 63 sectors of the file, so there is no partition table visible19:45
regediti see...19:45
vairamuthuany solution for that bug19:45
TJ-regedit: "sudo losetup -vf  /media/regedit/foo/bar/hdd.img"   then "sudo sfdisk -l -u S /dev/loopX"19:46
uioodaftykins: Here is the output from a 10 days ago... : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12093703/19:46
uioodaftykins: Same machine....19:46
TJ-regedit: if you want to access file-systems in partitions inside a raw disk image, you first losetup the raw image, then you run 'partprobe /dev/loopX' on it, which reads the partition table and gives it to the kernel. From then on you can address it just the same as a real disk with "mount /dev/loopXp1 /mountpoint"19:47
Saulo(back) Inativo por mais de 20 minutos (time: 3m e 24s)19:47
regeditTJ-: interesting ok. these are issues only with MBR disks? never came across these issues with other drives..19:48
ROPAdaftykins, posted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/12208522/19:48
TJ-regedit: if it had a GPT you'd have many other problems because GPT has 2 PTs, one at the end of the device, so finding it relies on the size of the image matching the original device exactly19:49
TJ-regedit: if the file contains an ISO image, or is just a file-system, then there doesn't need to be a PT19:49
regeditTJ-: does any of this have to do also with why win8 context menu "Mount" option results in error? or is it simply that w95 MBR LBA is simply unsupported on windows 8+19:50
TJ-regedit: I suspect Windows expects the file to only contain a file-system, but I've no recent knowledge of what Windows expects19:51
regeditTJ-: my goal here was to backup the HDD and i thought writing it with dd as a mountable image should do. Is there another way i can redo the whole dd process which will make all these details easier / more robust to handle?19:51
daftykinsuioo: yep that disk is on the way out19:52
regeditTJ-: maybe i *should* have done dd if=/dev/sdX# ?19:52
Happzzhi. ive added another language layout for my kb, but i cant find any way to switch between them other than manually with the language thing at the top of the screen19:52
Happzzwindows change swith ctrl-shift19:52
EriC^^regedit: sudo losetup /dev/loop1 image.img19:52
daftykinsROPA: ah well no ideas here, besides a full power up from off with it in19:52
uioodaftykins: Thanks. Sigh....19:52
EriC^^then type lsblk i think it should show up and you can mount as TJ- said about the whole thing19:52
uiooTJ-: 'recent knowledge' - I find this interesting, it's like when vegetarians say that they have difficulty remembering what meat tastes like.... sort of reminding oneself that one has distanced themselves from former things be it meat or Microsoft19:53
TJ-regedit: I'm not sure what Windows expects; you'd need to find that out to know the best format19:53
EriC^^oh, talking about windows too..19:53
uiooTJ-: again with 'not sure what windows excpects'....19:53
TJ-EriC^^: we've already done that; the original issue was that there appeared to be a garbage partition table, but that was because an offset was used for the loop mount19:53
regeditgenerally if i asked "how should i dd my drive into an image i can mount and browse files & folders", would you suggest i do anything different than what i did?19:55
TJ-uioo: not especially; but I have no idea which particular part of Windows regedit is using to mount the image, or what that expects to find. If it can't mount this image then it seems clear it only expects a file-system image, not a raw disk with partition table19:56
TJ-regedit: dd is fine; what is important is *which* set of sectors you save... the entire device including partition table, or just the file-system19:56
Saulo(away) off.19:57
regeditTJ-: so would it have perhaps been simpler/easier if i did in fact dd the particular /dev/sdX*N* then?19:57
xethmind if i ask a question?19:57
DoMiNaToRhello guys19:58
DoMiNaToRI have a problem to install chip ralink AWUS036NEH and my kali linux dont view the device19:58
Picixeth: thats what this place is for19:58
xethgnome3 or unity?19:58
TJ-regedit: "dd if=/dev/sdx1 of=/path/to/filesystem.img"19:58
PiciWhichever you like best19:58
Pici!kali | DoMiNaToR19:58
ubottuDoMiNaToR: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:58
daftykinsDoMiNaToR: Kali Linux is not supported in a channel called #ubuntu19:58
NikeshCan one help repair a 'No Bootable Device' error on an UEFI laptop?19:58
xethim looking for performance which is better?19:58
daftykinsNikesh: i told you yesterday the entire reason behind that one not working :)19:58
regeditTJ-: gotcha ok19:58
xethlooks can be changed19:58
TJ-Nikesh: is this the UEFI 32-bit bootable device?19:58
daftykinsNikesh: TJ- sure is19:59
* TJ- runs off to dinner to avoid being drawn in :)19:59
regeditTJ-: actually now that i have this entire drive image (not just specific filesystem/partition/wtvr) would it be easy for me to produce this filesystem-specific image off of it?20:00
geekdinazorhi, i have question about iptables20:00
geekdinazorcan you help me ?20:00
daftykinsgeekdinazor: probably better in #ubuntu-server or ##networking then20:00
loulahi #ubuntu20:00
regeditoh TJ-ran off :)20:00
Trinityis there a way to have some applications use a vpn20:01
Trinityand others to not?20:01
daftykinsTrinity: not easily probably.20:01
loulai've got a question : i'm searching for some Hamachi equivalent to play easily with a friend. I know hamachi has a linux version, but it seems there are issues communicating between different OSs. Does anyone knos about easy-to-use alternatives?20:02
daftykinsloula: not easy, nope.20:03
Trinitydaftykins: any suggestions on where to find some resources if I were interested?20:03
loulathanks daftykins . and "medium well documented" alternatives? :D20:03
daftykinsTrinity: nope20:03
daftykinsloula: you sure you need to be on the same network - not just port forward a game server?20:04
daftykinsTrinity: better approach, VM the tasks you want on one side and VPN client that.20:04
hydrianEllo All20:04
Trinitydaftykins: eh, :/ i guess thats one of the easiest ways20:04
daftykinsNikesh: is there a reason you refuse to accept the solution from me? :)20:04
hydrianI'm currently have a problem setting a samba share's create directory permissions20:05
louladaftykins, i have no skills to set up a server, so yeah, the simulated LAN is what i'm searching for20:05
HexTqloula take a look at freelan20:05
daftykinsloula: no _game_ server, what are the things you're trying to play together?20:05
louladaftykins, minecraft20:05
hydrianI've set directory mask and force directory mode to 0770. But yet when I create a directory over the share I'm getting 075020:05
loulaHexTq, thanks20:05
daftykinsloula: oh good lord that's the most basic of them all20:05
Trinitypretty sure there's a guide on setting up minecraft on ubuntu20:05
hydrianAny ideas?20:05
EriC^^hydrian: umask is for file creation20:05
daftykinsloula: run it, forward a port, tell your friend to connect-  job done.20:06
daftykinsTrinity: +1 roughly 2 million i'd imagine20:06
HexTqand 3 of them works today -.-20:06
hydrianEriC^^: I'm using the (force) directory mode/mask directives not the create mode/mask directives.20:06
louladaftykins, how do you "forward a port"?20:06
daftykinsloula: look it up online for your model of router.20:07
Nikeshdaftykins: Yes. I booted with Legacy mode and my keyboard wouldn't work to input anything into the installation fields20:07
loulaoh, thanks20:07
EriC^^hydrian: ah ok, i don't know much about samba, sorry20:07
Nikeshdaftykins: Actually, my touchpad either (I had to plug in a mouse)20:07
HexTqmost likely you can do it over the webadmin ui of your router loula20:07
daftykinsNikesh: no i'm talking about the whole installing avoiding the 32-bit EFI issue - legacy was _YOUR_ idea if you remember.20:07
loulathanks daftykins HexTq i'm investigating this20:08
eshantDo anyone know about a notebook app to make notes on?20:09
HexTqi use rednotebook20:09
eshantok..any other alternative in your knowledge?20:11
Nikeshdaftykins: Sorry, I'm confused what you mean20:11
HexTqi tried a couple but rednotebook is the best20:11
Nikeshdaftykins: I thought you were suggesting to install via Legacy. What are rather, though?20:12
HexTqwell... at least for my needs20:12
eshantok great! thanks ! HexTq20:12
jhutchinseshant: vi20:12
HexTqthats a text editor20:13
eshantjhutchins: by notebook app, I also mean an app where I can do more than just writing text20:13
jhutchinseshant: More like what?20:13
HexTqrednotebook has calendar,timestap and #-s20:13
eshantwhere you can put diagrams/architecture also20:14
HexTqwell that i dont know i just use text20:14
jhutchinsHeh.  Already installed on my system.20:15
eshantI was searching on google and there are few apps like that, comparing all of them20:15
daftykinsNikesh: ok here it is for the second time then - http://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support20:15
NorrisBreezeWhat is the best to install LAMP on Ubuntu Desktop 14.04?20:16
daftykinsNorrisBreeze: sudo tasksel20:17
Nikeshdaftykins: OK. I'm skeptical of that because I don't know where you think this is a 32-bit UEFI machine? Finally, just a few days ago I got this all working with Boot-Repair but I stupidly wanted to do a re-install20:17
Nikeshdaftykins: But now I can't figure out what I did previously to get it to work20:17
daftykinsNikesh: i know so because it's a windows 8.1 with Bing machine you said, which is what results in this20:17
ash_workapt-get install installs packages, right? and php5-pgsql is a package right? this is intended to avoid compiling PHP yourself, right? so why wouldn't the pg_connect function be available? hmm?20:17
NorrisBreezeI am new to Ubuntu, why isn't LAMP available in Software Center?20:18
ash_workI should check the info file I guess20:18
daftykinsNikesh: so you have two choices really, try it - or continue enjoying a non-working machine20:18
Nikeshdaftykins: Interesting. My former experience says otherwise :P but I'll try it20:18
Sientemy version of git is 1.9.1 how to update it to 2.5.0 ?20:18
daftykinsNikesh: what of the past makes you think it's untrue?20:19
daftykinsNikesh: you didn't even know what 32-bit EFI was prior to mention.20:19
ash_workor perhaps the modules aren't enabled or something20:19
tsimonq2Not that I am a Windows user or anything, but is it possible to do an install of Ubuntu on a fat16 partition?20:20
daftykinstsimonq2: no20:20
Nikeshdaftykins: What I mean is, I didn't have to do anything special previous except run Boot-Repair, which possibly does the above magically, only this time it isn't working.20:20
tsimonq2daftykins: How about fat32?20:20
Bashing-om!lamp | NorrisBreeze20:20
ubottuNorrisBreeze: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.20:20
daftykinstsimonq2: no. only compatible file systems20:20
daftykinsNorrisBreeze: mmm as Bashing-om has pointed out, i think you need to do some research as to what it actually means ;)20:21
HexTqtsimonq2 you could using a live usb but on a hdd i dont think20:21
daftykinsNikesh: well what's your alternative? :)20:21
AlternativElitehi all, is there a way restart tightvncserver with the command line? could find the command online20:22
Nikeshdaftykins: Haha, yeah..20:22
NorrisBreezeI understand what LAMP is. I am just trying to figure out why a version of LAMP is not available in Software Center. Is it because Software Center is so new?20:24
AlternativEliteI need to restart the vncserver because I changed password and port, but don't want to reboot the computer20:24
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: lamp bundles are horrible20:25
tsimonq2daftykins: How about NTFS?20:25
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: you should install and configure each bit on its own20:25
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: or better, not use php and mysql (and apache)20:25
HexTqNTFS no way20:26
reveredgeI want to create desktop application in Ubuntu20:26
Bashing-omNorrisBreeze: Lamp is not a package, it is a meta thing of many packages . From which you 'may' choose what you want to install .20:26
reveredgepreferably using C++20:26
daftykinstsimonq2: only POSIX compatible file systems, so the EXTs only ideally.20:26
reveredgehow shall I start20:26
HexTqget atom20:26
MrElendigreveredge: learn C first20:27
MrElendigthen C++20:27
tsimonq2daftykins: So you are saying not ZFS or BTRFS?20:27
MrElendigthen realise that there are better languages for the job out there and use one of those20:27
daftykinstsimonq2: look it up. you're wasting my time.20:27
NorrisBreezeOk, thanks! So Software Center is for packages only, not "meta things" ?20:27
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: why do you want LAMP?20:28
NorrisBreezefor WordPress20:28
MrElendigreveredge: but if you *really* want to use C++, then read up on qt520:28
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: you shouldn't run wordpress20:28
MrElendigNorrisBreeze: 1. it is *really* hard to secure  2. you probably don't need a dynamic site anyway for your blog20:29
Nikeshdaftykins: So I just used Boot-Repair again and found the option to get it to work!20:29
NikeshBooted into GRUB, now into Ubuntu20:29
NorrisBreezeSorry, for WordPress desktop development20:29
MrElendigeven worse :/20:29
daftykinsNikesh: so what was it?20:30
Nikeshdaftykins: In 'Advanced options', 'GRUB Location' tab, check box 'Separate /boot/efi partion' and selected /dev/sda1 where I'd made a partition with /boot/efi mount point. In any case I can see that the link you gave me probably would have led to this without the need for Boot-Repair, so thanks for all your help20:33
AurorasDreamhow is ubuntu 16.04 ?20:35
k1l_AurorasDream: since the naming of the ubuntu version is Year.Month, there is no 16.04 yet20:35
jhutchinseshant: If you end up writing a summary/list/comparison I'd like to see it.  There was a system tray time tracker I used for a while and I have NO idea what it was called.20:35
AurorasDream15.10 then20:36
daftykinsAurorasDream: not out yet either20:37
k1l_AurorasDream: you can load a 15.10 alpha iso and test it yourself. for support of the development branches we have #ubuntu+120:37
daftykinsAurorasDream: notice how the names are year.month20:37
AurorasDreamso 12.01 12.02 12.03 etc20:38
AurorasDreamyear 2012 month x20:38
k1l_!releases | AurorasDream20:38
ubottuAurorasDream: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:38
daftykinssure is.20:38
AlternativElitedaftykins: we spoke yesterday and you were right, changing port and password of vncserver did the trick. no attacks from China anymore.;)20:41
arooni-mobilehey everyone.  i'm trying to debug my wireless internet connection to the at&t router... it seems to keep dropping as evidenced by radiotray disconnecting a few times per hour.  is there a way to monitor via the command line to see if i have a persistent connection?20:43
daftykinsarooni-mobile: sure, with ping20:44
HexTqdid you look at nload or iftop ?20:45
daftykinsarooni-mobile: have one infinitely pinging your router and one infinitely pinging a public website e.g. google.com , then when it goes down you can see if both fail.20:45
arooni-mobiledaftykins, how can i know what IP address to ping for my router?20:45
daftykinsyou don't know your router's IP?20:45
daftykinstype "ip route"20:45
daftykinsit'll say "default via <IP>"20:45
daftykinslikely that's it, maybe 192.168.x.x20:45
arooni-mobiledefault via dev wlan0  proto static20:46
daftykinsyep that's the one.20:46
bouhafshello, how to autologin in lubuntu?20:50
bouhafsI used users-admin but not let me do that20:51
OerHeksin 15.04 systemsettings > user accounts20:51
bouhafswith sudo it crash just a white windows20:51
bouhafsOerHeks, thank again i'm in 14.1020:51
OerHeksuh,, why comandline? use the tool provided20:51
OerHeks..14.10 ... isn that EOL?20:52
bouhafsEOL ? ended you means?20:52
daftykinsOerHeks: sure is20:52
daftykinsdead. as the dod20:52
HexTqthats a long time i read that dafty :D20:53
OerHeksbouhafs, you get no updates, right?20:53
bouhafscan i upgrade it and this will take many times?20:53
daftykinsHexTq: i like to crack out the classics for the special cases :>20:53
HexTqdepends on your internet connections speed how long it takes mostly20:54
OerHeks+ what is installed20:54
bouhafsmy internet is very slow20:54
OerHeksupgrading is fun, cup of tea20:55
daftykinsbut backup first! :D20:55
bouhafsto download an iso that take 9 hours or more for less than 700M iso20:55
Nikeshdaftykins: Bah, argle. On boot up it says 'Default boot device missing' -- It /does/ let me select the harddrive, but looks like I didn't quite get it. I'm giving your method a go now20:55
daftykinsNikesh: hmm i think you'd be better off with an expert to have a look20:56
Nikeshdaftykins: I mean I can select the harddrive and boot into GRUB -> Ubuntu, but I don't want to have to do that every time20:56
HexTqNikesh do you have one hdd?20:56
NikeshHexTq: Yes20:56
daftykinsselect the HDD? you mean from the acer's boot menu?20:56
NikeshHexTq: It gives two options - "Unknown HDD" and "Windows Boot loader" or something20:56
Nikeshdaftykins: Yeah, BIOS Boot Menu20:57
daftykinsyeah try changing your default inside the BIOS20:57
bouhafswith: sudo apt-get upgrade i see just 50M will be installed, is that correct?20:57
daftykinssounds like it's on the wrong device20:57
HexTqi dont followed your problem but with this selecting the hdd my first idea was you installed grub on a different hdd20:57
daftykinsnah very special case, HexTq20:57
Nikeshdaftykins: Not sure how to do that.. I moved the Windows loader to the bottom and the HDD to the top but it still asks20:57
spiritualgamerHello everyone20:57
HexTqupgrade only upgrades your current OS it does not upgrade to the next version20:57
Pokinawaspiritualgamer: Hola20:58
daftykinsNikesh: ok you need a boot expert to add an entry then perhaps.20:58
NikeshAh OK20:58
spiritualgamerGuayadeque won't play if I choose a new stream/file to play20:58
bouhafsso how to upgrade?20:58
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:58
spiritualgameractually, it only occurs after a stream20:59
bouhafsjust sais the command man why i must read all the web site with my bad connexion20:59
spiritualgamerso if I stream something, I have to restart guayadeque in order to play or stream something else20:59
daftykinsbouhafs: don't bring that attitude here.20:59
bouhafsi opened it i must wait for about 15 minutes or more for just reading one link21:00
bouhafsif it work21:00
HexTqis that a potato you use to connect to the internet? :)21:00
daftykinsif that were true we'll see you on 15.04 around about when *it* goes EOL too :)21:01
HexTqwith 56k i did not wait so long for a website :D21:02
wileeebouhafs, If in your position I would download 14.04 the latest build, it has 5 years support and use it and upgrade/update when you can.21:02
bouhafsyes true, for that i'm here if any one have a simple solution21:02
HexTqi would suggest a clean install rather than a dist-upgrade21:02
daftykinsdist-upgrade isn't even what's being done21:03
HexTqdownload iso-createusb-install21:03
bouhafsand now firefox just said no connexion what the helle21:03
wileeebouhafs, You would probably be best served by the longterm releases.21:03
bouhafsi downloaded some iso from internet when my neibord let me access to his modem in the past but now i have my own internet but not enought to do a hard things21:04
HexTqtime to visit a coffehouse :D21:05
bouhafsHexTq, iso-create?21:05
HexTqmore like download iso -> createusb -> clean install :)21:05
bouhafsbut my internet is too slow to download21:06
DJubuntu is pretty usefull if u wanna create bootable usb disks ;D21:06
DJjust download the ISO21:06
HexTqthats why i suggested to visit a coffehouse they have usually free wifi21:06
DJleave your pc running at night if you want :)21:06
DJto download it21:06
DJwhile you're sleeping21:06
OerHekstorrent resumes download if disconnected21:07
wileeebouhafs, This is support you have been given options. The problems you have on your end are your problems, you have to do what needs ti be done.21:07
bouhafsok wileee i just asked if there are a solution21:07
wileeebouhafs, No magic here, you have been given the options available.21:08
bouhafsi just ask if possible to upgrade from 14.10 to 15.0421:08
HexTqhey and what if im actually a wizard21:08
bouhafshave you a solution?21:08
wileeeHexTq, Stop the chat.21:08
DJbouhafs yes21:08
DJi know  there's a terminal command21:09
DJthat would let you21:09
wileeeeol | bouhafs read the eol upgrade info.21:09
bouhafsplease said it21:09
DJwait i need to look it up21:09
wileee!eol | bouhafs read the eol upgrade info.21:09
ubottubouhafs read the eol upgrade info.: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:09
HexTqi dont think upgrading from cli with a bad connection is an award winning idea21:09
bouhafsso you means it's not possible to upgrade from eol to lts? right?21:10
DJmy dad was running 10.04 LTS21:10
daftykinsbouhafs: it is but you're going to have to read up on it, or follow the above advice.21:10
DJi sucessfully upgraded his pc to 15.0421:10
daftykinscool story, DJ21:10
DJok :D21:11
bouhafsnow the page is loade and i read it, i see nothing about how to upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:11
wileeeHexTq, This is not a drama class, stick ti actual help, on topic.21:11
EriC^^bouhafs: check here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:11
DJok i found the command u want bouhafs21:12
bouhafsomg another link i will wait another 20 minutes21:12
EriC^^bouhafs: you need to change archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com in your sources.list i think, and then run the do-release-upgrade command21:12
bouhafsplease DJ said it21:12
HexTqwell sorry i have some humour left for mankind and bothered you with it mate21:12
DJeric already said it21:12
bouhafscool thank's EriC^^ you are fast21:12
DJ do-release-upgrade21:12
DJi was gonna say this21:12
DJsudo  apt-get dist-upgrade21:13
DJbut that prob wont work21:13
daftykinsbouhafs: you do understand that if you go to 15.04 you will be in this exact same situation in January?21:13
bouhafsthank you this is the real help21:13
HexTqdont do that on a connection where it takes a website 20m to load21:13
daftykinsno it's handing you the answers when you refuse to read a link - that's not help21:13
HexTqdafty thats what people understand under help21:13
EriC^^i gave him the link and a tiny overview of what's involved21:14
daftykinsi think the main issue of ending up in this situation again come January is unwise to be overlooked21:14
bouhafsdaftykins, i readed the link you puted and i found nothing just eol = blabla and lts = blabla21:14
daftykinsbut nevermind, you can't save them all.21:14
DJeol is end of licence21:14
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:14
HexTqi would not save them all even if i could21:14
tewardDJ: End of Life (see the ubottu comment on EOL)21:15
DJLTS is long term support21:15
daftykinsbouhafs: there were two links on the response :) you missed one21:15
DJ5 years instead of 9 months support21:15
daftykinsDJ: please stop21:15
DJstop what?21:15
daftykinswe already have a channel bot21:15
bouhafsif the user need help and you said go to this link or other it is not help, he can do that from google, he need a real help and prefered fast one21:16
HexTqTIL about sudo !! :D21:16
DJim not botting :/21:16
DJi dont have a bot running21:16
DJat all21:16
DJsorry if its seems like it21:16
daftykinsDJ: nevermind you didn't understand.21:16
daftykinsbouhafs: you still don't understand that the release 15.04 if you upgrade to it, will only be usable for another 5 months21:16
daftykinsthen you will be here again :)21:17
DJyeah ;D21:17
DJi will upgrade to 15.10 wheneger it gets released21:17
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bouhafsomg just 5 mounth?21:17
DJits annoying :/21:17
bouhafsso why you said how to upgrade than?21:17
daftykinsi think you'll find i actually never did.21:17
daftykinsothers were telling you to upgrade :)21:18
daftykinsyou were too busy complaining about my response to actually understand the bigger picture21:18
daftykinsnow, multiple people told you to switch to 14.0421:18
bouhafsso what i can do in this case?21:18
daftykinsso backup - download 14.04, clean install - and you'll be fine until 2019.21:18
DJis 15.04 EOL?21:19
HexTqactually you will be fine if you dont do anything at all21:19
EriC^^DJ: no, it's supported for 9months21:19
DJoh k21:19
bouhafswait a second i will check if i have iso for 14.0421:19
DJ'failed to get repository information'21:20
DJwhat do i do?21:20
daftykinsHexTq: also wrong, EOL = insecure21:20
HexTqthats true21:20
DJthats why i upgraded my dads pc to 15.0421:20
DJcoz he was running 10.0421:20
HexTqbut it was fine running 10.04 wasnt it21:20
DJkadiro: hey21:20
DJyeah it was21:21
OneM_IndustriesHow would I find the speed of the various drives in my box? I am not sure, but I think one drive is 3Gb/s, and the other is 6Gb/s.21:21
HexTqits not like there is a countdown and then it nukes the os :)21:21
DJyeah :D21:21
DJbut my dad needed 12 or later21:21
daftykinsOneM_Industries: for what purpose?21:21
DJso i upgraded to 1521:21
DJhe needed it for a ID card reader21:21
HexTqi have a friend running gutsy gibbon21:21
daftykinsthose are lovely stories guys, but this is a support channel21:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:22
daftykinsplease move the talk to offtopic.21:22
bouhafsi have kubuntu 12.04.1 it's ok for an old pc?21:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:22
OneM_Industriesdaftykins: Just curious.21:22
DJbouhafs yes21:22
bouhafstrue daftykins ?21:22
Jordan_UHexTq: Running EOL releases is incredibly insecure as they all have *known* *unpatched* security vulnerabilities. We do not recommend or support using EOL releases in any way.21:23
DJwhat do i do when i get cannot get repository information on update centerN21:23
DJwhat do i do when i get cannot get repository information on update center?21:23
bouhafskubuntu 12.04.121:23
EriC^^DJ: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update21:23
daftykinsbouhafs: run what you like, that's very old and will need lots of updates. you'd be better off downloading 14.04 fresh21:23
EriC^^see what it says21:23
DJi just hit retry21:23
DJi think it just failed connecting somewhere ;D21:24
DJim installing updates right now21:24
HexTqi did not say its safe. i told him he will be fine for the couple next months before getting the new lts21:24
bouhafsok thank you daftykins21:24
EriC^^bouhafs: kde is pretty heavy if it's an old pc21:24
EriC^^how old are we talking?21:24
reisiowell, it depends on the graphics hardware, mostly21:24
reisioold with onboard only, you're going to hurt21:25
DJthats true21:25
bouhafsis an G31D-m7 with 1G ram21:25
reisioold with a dedicated gpu, you'll be fine21:25
DJbasically my dads pc is old21:25
DJwith onboard21:25
DaphkoHello, is it possible to handle virtualhosts when request was passed forward from an proxy reverse ?21:25
daftykins1GB RAM? oh dear.21:25
reisiodon't need eye candy anyway21:25
DJim running at 8GB ram21:25
DJif u need a lightweight ubuntu version21:26
DJget xubuntu ;D21:26
OneM_Industrieslubuntu works as well.21:26
ira_or lubuntu21:26
HexTqor just install xfce and change the de21:26
daftykinsDJ: please cut the chat.21:26
daftykins#ubuntu-offtopic for that.21:26
bouhafsif i install kubuntu and then try another DE like xfce or lxde it will be fine?21:26
HexTqit will be fine yes, you dont need to install another system just the de21:27
DJbouhafs: i think so21:27
bouhafsi have karmic ubuntu too i know is very old /D21:27
Daphkohave anybody experience ?21:27
bouhafs12.04 is an lts right?21:27
daftykinsDaphko: you're better off with #ubuntu-server i think21:27
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120421:27
Daphkoi will try21:28
daftykinsyes but 12.04.1 is out of date21:28
bouhafscool thank's guys i will install it right now21:28
DJsorry my xchat crashed ;/21:28
Jordan_Ubouhafs: I would still recommend installing 14.04 LTS over 12.04 LTS unless you have a very compelling reason to go with the former.21:29
poppedoes anyone know how to get the latest kernel source? it should be a tar.gz? I found this page but I dont find the tar.gz https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/ppc64el/linux-source-3.16.0/3.16.0-44.5921:30
bouhafsok Jordan_U thank you i just wont to install it the time to download 14.04 with my bad and slow connexion i understand all yours sugession :)21:31
daftykinspoppe: that's a utopic kernel though, better off moving to the vivid HWE if you're in 14.0421:31
kadirobouhafs: yes 14.04 is good and if you have an old pc try lxde i means lubuntu or xubuntu21:32
bouhafsok thank you kadiro21:32
bouhafssee you later guys, thk's for your help21:33
kadiroyou welcome bouhafs21:33
poppedaftykins sorry I dont understand. I just need a stable kernel that I can recompile due to a hw bug. I would like a good one and I just installed so everything is new. do you have a link?21:34
daftykinspoppe: which version did you install?21:34
daftykins!backbox | backbox21:34
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.21:34
ubuntu90with Windows but I want to put and ubuntu but not remove the Windows installation but shows me that the HDD is full and not divided21:34
backboxem using on mac21:35
backboxos x21:35
backboxem new21:35
daftykinsbackbox: and you're typing from backbox which isn't supported here :)21:35
Jordan_Upoppe: You can use "apt-get source packagename" to get the source package for "packagename". This will get you something better than a tar.gz (though a tar.gz will be part of it) as it will build to a proper .deb file and will include all of the expected Ubuntu patches.21:36
backboxyup em using backbox,n kaali linux and backtrack21:36
ubuntu90help me21:36
poppedaftykins:Ubuntu 14.04.321:36
daftykinspoppe: so you should be on the 3.19 kernel21:37
EriC^^ubuntu90: did you shrink the partition in windows?21:37
daftykinsbackbox: yep so none of those can be spoken of in here, just so you know.21:38
poppe<Jordan_U> I use a book linxu kernel in a nutshell. it is old but i think it would be best to just follow the procedures there from a tarball21:38
poppedaftykins is there a way to get the source for that kernel?21:39
poppeI could not find it online...21:39
daftykinspoppe: "uname -r" show your running kernel, "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" show the package names installed, "apt source <packagename>" will download the source according to results online21:40
DJhey guys21:41
daftykins(don't use sudo on the last one, apparently.)21:41
Jordan_Upoppe: What exactly is your end goal? What buggy hardware do you have and how will recompiling your kernel help you?21:41
ubuntu90EriC^^> I made a new partition separate but installation I get the whole HDD and not parts21:41
DJhow do i stop the quake-server process clogging up the CPU21:41
EriC^^ubuntu90: can you take a screenshot of the installer's partitioner?21:41
DJhey guys how do i stop processes from clogging up my CPU whenever i log in?21:42
tyuyuihi ther21:42
tyuyuii got this error21:42
tyuyuiwhen i try to open an application over server x21:42
daftykinsi can't see it21:42
=== DJ is now known as DJ_SpaceDash
tyuyuii got this Error: no display specified21:42
tyuyuifrom windows pc21:42
poppeJordan_U: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/config_sata_pmp%3Dn-hw-bug-live-arch-debian-mint-does-not-work-4175549085/21:43
tyuyuiwith putty / xming ?21:43
poppedaftykins ok thanks I will try that!!! :)21:43
Jordan_UTuna-Fish: Please try to write complete sentences, with proper punctuation, and include all information in a single message to keep this channel less cluttered and easier to read.21:44
ubuntu90when I ask to determine the shares do not go out and the entire share21:46
EriC^^ubuntu90: try prntscrn or alt+prntscrn21:47
Jordan_Utyuyui: Please try to write complete sentences, with proper punctuation, and include all information in a single message to keep this channel less cluttered and easier to read. Is X11 forwarding enabled in Putty?21:48
reisiogood grief the installer for 15 is slow21:49
reisioeven the mini21:49
tyuyuiyes of course21:49
reisiogoing to compare to debian's installer, this can't be right21:49
EriC^^ubuntu90: upload on imgur.com and paste the link here21:51
Whitehatballeris any one else having problems with vpns on ubuntu 1421:51
daftykinsnewp mines working great.21:51
Jordan_UWhitehatballer: The answer to questions like that is almost always "no". To get support, please just state the problem you're having in detail.21:52
Whitehatballermust be my isp dns hyjacking21:52
EriC^^ubuntu90: open a terminal and type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999921:53
Whitehatballervps dont connect. open or PPTP21:53
BlueProtomanI'm trying to update my graphics drivers (on a laptop running Ubuntu 15.04, and two GPUs via Optimus), but whenever I try my graphics break.  And I've been able to use Optimus before!  http://askubuntu.com/questions/666615/upgrading-to-newest-nvidia-drivers-on-a-laptop-that-uses-optimus  Any thoughts?21:55
ubuntu90Warning: /dev/sda contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a GPT table.21:57
ubuntu90However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it should.21:57
ubuntu90Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't understand GPT21:57
ubuntu90partition tables.  Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are now using an21:57
ubuntu90msdos partition table.  Is this a GPT partition table?21:57
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest82987
EriC^^ubuntu90: type sudo fixparts /dev/sda21:58
EriC^^if it says it detected stray gpt data, press fix21:58
IamTryingIs Ubuntu 15.04 now stable? i stop using Ubuntu for about 1 year because it was not stable and crashed in the middle of serious tasks. then switched to OSX.21:59
tsimonq2IamTrying: Yes22:00
tsimonq2IamTrying: Although if you want to be REALLY safe, use 14.0422:01
tsimonq2IamTrying: Because it is LTS22:01
NikeshIn the 'Something else' installation I see a /dev/sda1 partition that is 629MB and ntfs. This was previously a windows machine. The next partition is /dev/sda2 efi -- Can I get rid of /dev/sda1 ?22:01
daftykinsi'd nuke the disk totally to install just ubuntu22:01
daftykinsyou should've done that last time :)22:01
daftykinsNikesh: need any data on the drive at all?22:01
TJ-Nikesh: sda1 *may* be a Acer/Windows Recovery image22:01
daftykinsnah they put them at the end usually with EFI22:02
ubuntu90Warning: 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1. This can cause problems22:02
ubuntu90in some OSes.22:02
ubuntu90MBR command (? for help):22:02
IamTryingtsimonq2: 14.04 i used but it was crashing many times. not stable like OSX, OSX never ever cheat with me it never ever crashed. 14.04 crashed in the middle of simple Google chrome kiosk activity.22:02
daftykinswell it is recovery but not the real recovery, if you get me ;)22:02
EriC^^ubuntu90: did it mention anything about stray gpt?22:02
TJ-Yup, it's the PXE env22:02
Nikeshdaftykins: I /did/ do that last time and now I'm following the guide that you linked, which suggests keeping the efi partition as it is22:02
NikeshTJ-: seems likely22:03
=== HeathHayle is now known as minetape
EriC^^ubuntu90: did you type fixparts or fdisk?22:03
daftykinsNikesh: no you didn't wipe it since Windows parts have remained. why do you continue to try and say something else when the evidence speaks for itself?22:03
BlueProtomandaftykins: I remembered why I wanted the latest graphics drivers; for the experimental version of Unity 3D that just came out for Linux22:03
Nikeshdaftykins: Sorry, you missed part of the story22:03
daftykinsBlueProtoman: that's nice22:03
Nikeshdaftykins: In following the guide I re-installed Windows in order to preserve the EFI partition22:03
the_countBashing-om: Ok, totally handicapped now, my entire touchpad stopped working if you recall from last time, some functions were disabled. I think we have some major software errors now...22:03
Nikeshdaftykins: but yes, previously I wiped it all22:04
tsimonq2IamTrying: It is much more stable now then earlier...22:04
tsimonq2IamTrying: But go ahead22:04
tsimonq2IamTrying: Try it it out...and if it crashes, submit a bug report22:04
Nikeshdaftykins: So I re-installed Windows to get the EFI partition back, and now I'm back in the Ubuntu install and doing as the guide suggests, to keep the EFI partition22:04
ubuntu90tenks men is running22:04
daftykinsNikesh: ok22:05
ivan_install epson driver for ubuntu22:05
daftykinsivan_: is that a question?22:05
the_countBashing-om: So, if we can, I would like to resolve the issue now, if you are avaliable22:05
Bashing-omthe_count: " xserver-xorg-input-synaptics " ??22:05
ivan_that true22:05
the_countBashing-om: I think so22:05
EriC^^ubuntu90: no problem22:06
=== minetape is now known as HeathHayle
IamTryingtsimonq2: now in Linux is it possible to use the mouse track like Macbook air? in OSX you can use the laptop mouse in many tricky way, OSX made me addicted on that22:06
tsimonq2IamTrying: Yes, and if not, we can help you get it working22:07
IamTryingOK - great thanks tsimonq222:08
tsimonq2IamTrying: The point is, in OS X, when something breaks, you can't easily fix it(without hours of research). With Linux, there are people here 24/7/365 to help you get it up and running again. So give Ubuntu a try again, and if a certain distro crashes for you, get it fixed.22:08
Bashing-omthe_count: 1st is to make sure the package manager is in a stable state . What does the system relate ' sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' .22:08
the_countBashing-om: A touch ahead of you, doing that now.22:09
the_countBashing-om: A little handicapped, no touchpad... I'm getting along fine so far though. What operating system do you use?22:10
tsimonq2Does someone know if it is theoretically possible to make a LFS distro into Ubuntu? You know, install apt-get, edit the sources.list, etc. to make it exactly like an Ubuntu install?22:10
IamTryingtsimonq2: i am by heart linux. i moved away from linux completely because it was crashing in the middle of my enterprise activity, since i went to OSX at-least was not getting crashed but was able to continue my work. Honestly speaking OSX is not my stuff i still use ssh on it and terminal only, i was taking a break from linux so that i have stable linux after a year. i hope its time to use it again.22:10
IamTryingAnyway thank you22:11
Bashing-omthe_count: I run a roll my own, with ubuntu 14.04 repository .22:11
the_countBashing-om: Ok, completed all those succesfully, and what do you mean by a roll of your own?22:11
Bashing-omthe_count: Compile a kernel, add what you want to that base .22:12
Jordan_Utsimonq2: That question is more for #ubuntu-offtopic as it's not support related.22:12
the_countBashing-om: Does that give you more flexibility, or is it just fun to do?22:12
tsimonq2Jordan_U: Ok, thanks22:13
Jordan_Utsimonq2: You're welcome.22:13
Bashing-omthe_count: So, the package manager is happy ? and does not report any problems or errors ?22:13
the_countYes, happy, no errors.22:13
Bashing-omthe_count: It gives me a very light, configurable install that is very fast on this old hardware .22:14
the_countBashing-om: How old is that?22:14
Bashing-omthe_count: 2007, dual core Athlon chip set for the cpu .22:15
=== Fred_ is now known as Guest74113
the_countBashing-om: I was thinking a bit older than that... But hey, it works...22:15
the_countBashing-om: The flexibility of Linux...22:16
Bashing-omthe_count: Back to support - the problem at hand. Pastebin the outpit ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ' . Let's see where we go from there .22:17
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210002/ is there any way I cane use pipes to copy the pastebin output?22:18
Bashing-omthe_count: Sorry, I thouhgt that you knew . Teah pipe it ! ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | pastebinit ' If you have the "pastebinot" tool installed.22:19
the_countBashing-om: Not follownig you, I have pastebinit installed, so like: ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-synaptics | pastebinit | something_to_copy_to_clipboard_here '22:22
Bashing-omthe_count: So, not installed.  Is there a possile conflict installed ? ' dpkg -l xorg-driver-synaptics | pastebinit ' .22:22
Bashing-omthe_count: The result from pastebinit is a URL back to your terminal.22:22
the_countI know, is there any way to pass that to the clipboard after pastebinit handles it?22:23
EriC^^the_count: | pastebinit | xclip22:23
EriC^^the_count: pastebinit | xsel , then shift+insert to paste22:24
Bashing-omthe_count: EriC^^ :) .. or maybe redirect to a file and upload the file to pastebin .22:24
EriC^^it'll send a newline though so as soon as you paste it'll enter22:24
BlueProtomanI'm trying to update my graphics drivers (on a laptop running Ubuntu 15.04, and two GPUs via Optimus) so I can use the new experimental build of Unity 3D, but whenever I try my graphics break.  And I've been able to use Optimus before!  http://askubuntu.com/q/666615/61195  Any thoughts?22:24
EriC^^Bashing-om: he means the link itself how to put it in the clipboard22:25
Bashing-omEriC^^: Thanks, Hey I can get real dense sometimes !22:25
the_countBEriC^^: What do you mean by shift+insert, what key does insert map to?22:26
EriC^^shift+insert is like middle mouse button22:27
the_countEriC^^: I don't have a middle mouse button22:27
HexTqbut you have a key named insert :)22:27
EriC^^ok, so press shift+insert22:27
EriC^^should be near home del etc.22:27
the_countEriC^^: My keyboard doesn't22:27
the_countOk, I see it now22:28
crahan1pressing left and right mousebutton at the same time simulates a middle mouse button click, no?22:28
the_countGot it, thank you22:28
the_countYes, I have no mouse right now.22:28
crahan1ah ok, sorry for interrupting :)22:28
the_countYou're fine22:28
=== raving is now known as Sir_Fawnpug
the_countJust for kicks, trying to paste this again... http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210122/22:29
the_countEriC^^: WHat is the difference between xsel and xclip?22:30
the_countBashing-om: Did you get that link?22:31
Bashing-omthe_count: OK, now we try and install the driver: ' sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ' . See what results .22:31
EriC^^the_count: i think xclip sends to the other clipboard (the one where you press ctrl+c and ctrl+v to copy and paste)22:31
EriC^^the_count: xsel is for the selection clipboard, if you highlight something and type xsel in a terminal it'll show up22:32
john_ramboUsing Lubuntu 14.04 atm ...... trying to install kubuntu-desktop but getting this error http://paste2.org/1H4NxX6b ...... How to solve this ?22:32
the_countBAshing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210140/22:33
salmonhattAnyone else had issues with video playback clipping?22:36
=== iq_ is now known as iq
Bashing-omthe_count: We;;, that is different than before, and reall odd ! .. OK what returns ' dpkg -l xorg-input-abi-20 ; xserver-xorg-core ' And ' apt-cache policy xorg-input-abi-20 xserver-xorg-core ' ?22:36
marianoI have windows server essentials with shared folders. I'm want to connect to those shares from xubuntu. I tried to open windows network from thunar but I    get the error message "failed to open windows network" and "failed to retrieve shares list from server: No such file or directory".22:37
reisiosalmonhatt: ...22:37
Bashing-omthe_count: Typo ! ' dpkg -l xorg-input-abi-20  xserver-xorg-core ' .22:38
the_countBashing-om: Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210189/22:39
salmonhattreisio: not the best description, I know.22:40
the_countBashing-om: It also says: " dpkg-query: no packages found matching xorg-input-abi-2022:40
reisiosalmonhatt: wasn't a description at all22:40
salmonhattWhenver there's a lot of panning or zooming, the image appears to have a slice in it, and part of the frame is off-center22:41
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest89886
the_countBashing-om: Second one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210202/22:43
Bashing-omthe_count: ' sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core ' . Then we look at the other IF that goes well .22:45
OerHeksany PPA installed?22:45
the_countBAshing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210222/22:46
the_countBAshing-om: and E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by heald packages22:47
the_countBashing-om: Sorry, held22:47
Bashing-omOerHeks: the_count So far I do not see a PPA involved. versions match 14.04 .22:47
Bashing-omthe_count: "held packages ' ?/ But you said the package manager was in a happy state .22:48
the_countBashing-om: That is what it said when we did the first 4 initial tests, and it was indeed happy.22:49
Bashing-omthe_count: Show us ' sudo apt upgrade ' . ( just because I like 'apt' better ) .22:49
the_countBashing-om: It did not return any errors, we can try again... I have been using apt to install packages since you told me about it. It is a bit cleaner I think...22:50
the_countOk, no errors, nothing to install, noting to remove, nothing to upgrade22:51
Bashing-omthe_count: K, But I want the assurance of what apt relates; to see that output myself .22:51
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210269/22:53
the_countBashing-om: Apparently apt does not have a stable CLI interfae yet. Use it with caution in scripts...22:54
=== wook is now known as Guest58399
Bashing-omthe_count: Yeah, 'apt' presently does have some grwing pains. // OK, the advisory of "held packages do raise the PPA flag ! What sources are available ? ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ' . Into the pastebin - let's look at what might generate the 'held packages' .22:57
the_countBashing-om, you can try htis, but I don't think that anything was put in it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210339/23:00
the_countI'm going to try to copy it manually23:01
Bashing-omthe_count: I expect that the result is same same ' ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ' will also show no PPAs .23:03
the_countwas you able to see the result?23:03
Bashing-omthe_count: " was you able to see the result? " Huh ? I did look at the http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210339/ paste .23:04
the_countBashing-om: It didn't act like it copied it.23:04
=== OS-17344 is now known as nullsign
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210392/23:05
the_countBashing-om: Is that what you needed?23:08
the_countBashing-om: What does held mean?23:08
Bashing-omthe_count: 'held' is the condition of a package to be installed, that for some reasin the package manger is not going to install it . // I see no obvious conflict in those PPAs. // What happens with ' sudo apt-get install xorg-input-abi-20 ' ?23:11
=== scott_ is now known as Guest61058
the_countBashing-om: I made a typo: http://pste.ubuntu.com/12210418/ That was from before23:11
the_countBashing-om: And then the last request: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210441/23:13
the_countBAshing-om: and E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by heald packages // Again23:14
the_countAnd, I made the same typo23:14
Bashing-omthe_count: Show me that result from the attempted install . Presently I just do not know where the condition is generated from .23:16
joao__er.. e?23:17
the_countBashing-om: Ok, I performed ' sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade ' And The upgrade returned no errors this time. And, what result from the attemted install? ' sudp apt-get install xorg-input-abi-20 '?23:18
the_countBashing-om: It will install software just fine...23:22
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210513/23:22
the_countBashing-om: and this same error again ' E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by heald packages '23:23
the_countjoao__: ??23:24
Bashing-omthe_count: k: .. let's see what we can find out for the why. What returns ' dpkg -l libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 ;  apt-cache policy libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 ' ?23:27
the_countOne sec23:29
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210554/23:30
Bashing-omthe_count:  Those versions for libcheese7 are correct .. gotta think bout this a moment or so !23:34
the_countBashing-om: Take all the time you feel you need, because I sure can't fix it.23:34
fluvvelli have system load at 3.35 and can't figure out why, new install of 15.04 not booting fully into graphics, intel pentim Acer E523:35
Bashing-omthe_count: What does 'dpkg' tell us about what is installed for libchees7 ?23:35
fluvvellcan anyone help me reconfigure my graphics ?23:36
the_countBashing-om: would that be: dpkg -l libcheese7?23:36
Bashing-omthe_count: ' dpkg -l libcheese-gtk23 libcheese7 ' to see what the condition of of/what is installed .23:38
the_countBashing-om: If so, here is the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210584/23:38
the_countBashing-om: Ok, I'll get the other one for you in a sec...23:39
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210591/23:39
ra122howdy there, have a quick question for you all23:41
ra122more a linux or a debian question, rather than just ubuntu - is there any way to change what hostname is broadcasted, rather than the hostname that the local system knows?23:41
ra122(e.g. same hostname in the console, etc.) - or would that cause networking problems?23:42
NikeshAny ideas how to address 'Error code 0xc000025' (from Windows boot partition, looks like) after install Ubuntu in UEFI?23:42
Jordan_Ura122: Are you actually using Ubuntu?23:43
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Nikesh23:43
ubottuNikesh: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.23:43
ra122Jordan_U: debian-based distro. i'm aware that this channel is designated for ubuntu in particular, but i'd figure that the talent/commands might be the same23:43
Bashing-omthe_count: Correct versions are fully installed. So this " Depends: libcheese-gtk23 (>= 3.4.0) but it is not going to be installed " presently does not make a lot of sense .23:43
jeffreylevesquei created an upstart script in `/etc/init/`.  but, running as `sudo service thing start` yields unrecognized service.  But, it i do `sudo initctl start thing` it works23:44
jeffreylevesqueis there a difference?23:44
NikeshJordan_U: OK, will try23:44
the_countBashing-om: I agree with you, so, is there some way to reset dpkg or something along those sorts?23:44
the_countI find this crazy, just using 2 terminals and unity with wifi, my battery has only went down 10% in the last 2 hours...23:46
the_countBashing-om: Or, Check and reinstall everything? Another question, could autoremove hurt or cause the situation?23:47
Bashing-omthe_count: Scratching my head as " info xorg-input-abi-20 trusty >>  Package xorg-input-abi-20 does not exist in trusty ".23:48
the_countBashing-om: WHat would happen if we removed it? Or would trusty not recognize that it is in here in the first place?23:49
Bashing-omthe_count: In respect to "autoremove" generally a good thing, but in the case of a package inconsistency can cause issues .23:49
the_countBashing-om: I have used it a couple times after removing applications.23:49
NikeshJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1221066423:51
the_countBashing-om: So, have we tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/610505/broken-packages-error-while-trying-to-install-xserver-xorg-input-mtrack23:52
Bashing-omthe_count: Not at all sure what is going on here as " apt-cache show xorg-input-abi-20 >> N: Can't select versions from package 'xorg-input-abi-20' as it is purely virtual - N: No packages found "23:53
Jordan_UNikesh: Do you get the same error if you boot Windows directly from your boot firmmware menus, rather than through grub?23:53
NikeshJordan_U: Sorry, I'm not wanting dual boot so somehow that windows partition is a side effect23:53
OerHeksso, the last comment, "  xorg-input-abi-20 is present in other packages xserver-xorg-core-udeb and xserver-xorg-core So try to install xserver-xorg-core manually," does not work?23:53
the_countBashing-om: I don't know if this would even do anyhting, but: http://askubuntu.com/questions/607693/unmet-dependencies-for-synaptics-touchpad-driver23:54
NikeshJordan_U: I was following this --> http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/ But I don't have that machine, I have an Acer Aspire ES1-111 laptop23:54
NikeshJordan_U: It says to try to preserve the EFI partition23:54
NikeshJordan_U: Because previously from the default install options when I would boot it would just say 'No bootable device'23:54
Bashing-omthe_count: I think ' sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core ' is what got us where we are. Will not hurt to run it again and re-confirm .23:54
NikeshJordan_U: I am open to just doing Legacy mode, but my keyboard and mouse didn't work in that mode (in the installer)23:55
the_countBashing-om: http://askubuntu.com/questions/607693/unmet-dependencies-for-synaptics-touchpad-driver23:56
the_countNo, sorry Bashing-om23:56
OerHeksarvinchou_, check your connection pls23:57
the_countBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12210706/23:57
OerHeksthe_count, you never paste the command you used23:58
OerHekswhy is that?23:58
the_countOerHeks: What? Not shure what you mean.23:59
Jordan_UNikesh: OK, so you're never getting to a grub menu.23:59
Jordan_UNikesh: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr".23:59

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