
=== root is now known as Guest61349
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Lynkzzhaving problems with virtualbox on kubuntu host02:38
Lynkzzanyone out there that can help me02:38
Lynkzzinstalled virtualbox 5.0, added myself to the group with Kuser02:40
Lynkzzinstalled installed Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.0.2-102096.vbox-extpack02:41
LynkzzThe virtual machine 'windows7' has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1).02:44
LynkzzResult Code:02:44
LynkzzNS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)02:44
LynkzzIMachine {f30138d4-e5ea-4b3a-8858-a059de4c93fd}02:44
roasted__is there a kubuntu channel for 15.10?04:02
strayPuppyyer on it04:03
roasted__any of you cool kids running plasma 5.4? Curious about something I noticed in the fullscreen dash. Wanted to ask around about it.04:03
roasted__I see now that 5.4 is coming (or here?) to 15.04 via backports. I just went for 15.10 thinking that was the only option.04:04
roasted__this is what I'm seeing. I search for a file and it comes up 4 times. Eh? http://i.imgur.com/imZpIFF.png04:10
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Carl_Atnipi am new07:22
Carl_Atnipis there anyone here07:22
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hateballCarl_Atnip: Do you have a question?07:23
lordievaderGood morning.07:23
Carl_Atnipyes, how to UNINSTALL applications07:24
hateballCarl_Atnip: Have you installed them using Muon?07:24
hateballThe graphical software installer07:24
ubottuMuon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview07:25
Carl_Atnipno, I wanted libreOffice5, but it was not in Muon, so I went to the LibreOffice website to download and install07:25
hateballThat's terrible ancient that factoid...07:25
hateballCarl_Atnip: So you installed using dpkg commands I guess?07:26
lordievadersudo apt-get remove <package-name>07:26
Carl_Atnipand I don't know how to remove the old version07:27
soeesometimes --purge option might be useful07:27
hateballCarl_Atnip: Oh you want to remove the version installed with Kubuntu?07:27
lordievadersoee: Depends, if you want to configuration gone too, then yes.07:28
soeelast time i tried LO5 from their ppa it makes some conflicts for me07:28
hateballCarl_Atnip: in a terminal, "sudo apt-get remove libreoffice-*" should be sufficient, and hopefully not touch what you installed manually07:28
Carl_Atniphold on07:29
hateballIf it does... then you can just run the dpkg routine again. At any rate you will not lose any data07:29
Carl_AtnipThanks - Where to complain about something07:30
Carl_AtnipI don't know the channel for that07:30
hateballCarl_Atnip: You're probably better off using this !ppa tho https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ubuntu/ppa07:31
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:31
hateballThat way you dont have to manually fiddle with packages07:31
hateballCarl_Atnip: It depends what the complaint is, but most things are considered bugs07:32
ubottuIf you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.07:32
Carl_AtnipProblem, I am using Kubuntu 15.10 with Plasma5 and I don't know where to add the ppa's07:32
lordievaderCarl_Atnip: What ppa's?07:32
Carl_AtnipMy complaint is not a bug, but my scanner worked in ubuntu, but doesn't work with kubuntu07:33
hateballCarl_Atnip: Follow the instructions on the PPAs, which are usually opening a terminal (Konsole) and pasting some commands07:33
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details07:33
Carl_Atnip#hateball thanks- the apt-get remove worked PERFECTLY07:37
hateballCarl_Atnip: :)07:38
Carl_AtnipOff I Go @@@07:39
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soeehi Asusgamer08:35
Asusgameri have a problem with window decorations08:35
Asusgamerwhen i click on win decorations , settings crash08:36
soeewhat settings exactly ?08:36
Asusgameri get Executable: systemsettings5 PID: 2152 Signal: Segmentation fault (11) Time: 28.08.2015 11:36:51 message08:37
Asusgameri  installed some themes and after settings (win decoration) crashing08:38
Asusgamersomeone can help me plz ?08:42
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ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI08:44
ubottuXfce is a lightweight and configurable desktop environment used by !Xubuntu. Read more at http://xfce.org/08:47
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
jemandHi, again09:01
jemandtill last week I had several crashes on KWIN. Since an upgrade 4 days ago now the whole system freezes after a while.09:01
jemandFrom what I found googeling this showstopper is not just on my system.09:01
jemandDoes anybody know if there is a solution in the pipe?09:01
soeejemand: on Vivid with Plama 5.3.2 ?09:06
soeeare you sure you have 5.3.2 ?09:06
jemandsoee: it's Plasma
soeeyou mean 5.3.2 ? :)09:09
jemandno it's 5.2.209:10
jemandi did all upgrades09:10
soeecan't be09:11
soeedo you have backports ppa enabled ? and are you sure you are on Kubuntnu 15.04 ?09:11
jemandI set the system up - brand new yesterday - and did All upgrades09:11
soeeno - what ? :)09:12
jemandno ppa's09:12
soeeahh, please add backports09:12
jemandfrom box09:12
soeetype in Terminal: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports09:12
soeethan press ENTER when  it asks09:13
soeethan: sudo apt update09:13
jemandi'm in tty209:13
soeethan: sudo apt full-upgrade09:13
soeejemand: so you are in cli just type this commands09:13
jemand359 updates - let's see...  thx09:16
=== LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps
jemandfrozen again ;-(09:27
jemandafter reboot09:28
jemandsoee: Now it's    Kubuntu 15.04   Plasma 5.3.2    QT 5.4.1   Kernel 3.19.0-26-generic   64bit09:31
soeejemand: nice but does it work for you ?09:32
jemandnope - the freeze comes a little earlier now.09:32
soeejemand: just or test, go to tty and in  your home folder rename .config to .config_bak and .kde to .kde_bak09:33
soeethan ty to login again09:33
jemandah - ok09:33
nishikino-makii using fcitx... in firefox it's work but in konversation is not....09:38
soeelordievader: ^ do you know anything about it ?09:42
francoisebonjour la liste09:44
soeehiho francoise09:45
lordievaderjemand: Did you try the xrender backend yesterday?09:45
jemandyes I tried xrender09:46
jemandnope - still freezing after xrender and now after new .config and .kde09:48
soeewhat GPU you have >09:49
jemandafter multiple crashes with KWIN till the update last week the symptoms are similar - the freeze begins with the taskbar - i think it's stil KWIN.09:50
jemandNVIDIA GT216GLM  Quadro FX 880M09:50
lordievaderjemand: Do you make use of network mounts?09:51
jemandno - and I tested Nouveaou and NVIDIA09:51
lordievaderHmm, then I have no idea what might be the cause.09:51
soeejemand: what nvidia driver you tested ?09:52
jemandTHX for help - but I think I have to wait for next Kubuntu - and as I can't wait I have tu change the distro - I loved KDE09:53
soeejemand: what driver ?09:54
lordievaderjemand: You could install Trusty.09:54
jemandthere are a lot of hints saying I'll have the same prob with Trusty now.09:56
jemandsoee: NVIDIA 340.7609:58
soeejemand: please try 35209:59
soeejemand: add this ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa09:59
soeethan: sudo apt-get purge nvidia*10:00
soeethan: sudo apt-get install nvidia-35210:00
jemandok - next try - THX10:00
soeeah after adding ppa: sudo apt update10:00
soeeif you want more info about this ppa read http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-developers-set-up-dedicated-repository-for-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-489188.shtml10:01
soee352 is latets stable driver10:01
soeeim using on my laptop 355 beta and also works perfect, but you should stay with stable10:02
jemandsoee: NV352 didn't even show a screen - back to Nouveau - freezes - now I test NV355...10:33
alvinWhat's the difference with the Xorg-edgers PPA?10:37
soeealvin: i think in xorgedgers there is more various packages that driver and thay can break your system - that is my experiance10:40
alvinI see that graphics-drivers takes the nvidia drivers from xorg-edgers10:41
alvinI need those newer drivers now on Kubuntu, to make the boot screen visible when using encryption. Might switch to graphics-ppa. It looks like it changes less.10:42
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
BluesKajHowdy folks11:10
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jemandsoee:  Bug ID: 351832  http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.bugs/163532811:30
soeejemand: you should join #plasma and ask about it there11:30
jemandah - helpful THX11:31
soeejemand: you could also try 15.10 beta11:33
soeeit has new kernel line 4.x so maybe also would have some good impact11:33
jemandJep - as my system is f*** - I'll give 15.10 a try11:34
Voyagethis is the closest I can get but I have kubuntu 14 LTS. Is this still valid : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX#Single_xorg.conf   ?12:46
Voyage how can I add devices in xorg? mouse, keyboard, vga? I am trying to do multiseat13:00
yofelVoyage: xorg.conf works the same as it did in the past. Most values are just auto-detected these days13:06
Voyagehow do I make commments in the xorg.conf?13:08
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Voyageyofel,  These are my devices I was able to sort out. I hope that identification is enough. Now I have NO idea how to set 2 groups of multiseat. http://pastie.org/1038157113:35
yofelI'm clueless how to set up multiseat either, sorry13:36
Voyage I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX#Single_xorg.conf but its over my head13:36
Voyage I had this http://pastie.org/10381718  in xorg and tried to do multiseat in kubuntu but when I rebooted, the display on 'kubuntu' logo got stuck. I have to put livecd to delete the file. Any clues?15:20
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Voyagelog at bottom http://pastie.org/1038182215:26
Voyagethere is no /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc, where do I put configs/15:32
Voyage where should I put these settings? http://pastebin.com/bxGbHNra15:42
VoyageHas anyone done multiseat confi on kubuntu?15:54
Voyagewhere should I place this http://pastebin.com/7GqELp0k ?15:58
sithlord48yout lightdm config16:00
sithlord48Voyage:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM16:01
sithlord48Voyage:  /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf seams like a good place to put it16:01
sithlord48Voyage:  or /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/16:02
Voyageis this http://pastie.org/10381822 in /etc/X11/xorg.conf          and  this http://pastebin.com/7GqELp0k    in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf     ok?16:03
sithlord48according to that wiki page you can use /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/*.conf16:04
sithlord48and yes the first part for your xorg.conf16:05
Voyagesithlord48,  first part? not the later?16:05
sithlord48the second links text should go in the light dm config16:06
Voyageyes, thats for /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:06
Voyagethis http://pastebin.com/7GqELp0k    in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:06
Voyage this http://pastie.org/10381822 in /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:06
sithlord48sounds good to me.. if the lightdm config doesn't work try one of the other locations above for the config16:07
regeditjust wanted to report a sort-of security issue (too lazy to file a bug or anything) FWIW: the kubuntu/plasma session login system seems to get thrown off for a bit if plugging in a 2nd monitor, and for a few seconds may display a flash of the desktop & visible applications etc. before properly blocking it with the login view16:11
regeditif any sensitive content were on screen, someone could get a glimpse of it for a few sec16:11
sithlord48regedit: that should be fixed in future versions and more so when on a wayland session16:12
regeditis kubuntu going wayland?16:12
sithlord48idk but kde will be16:12
sithlord48irc plasma 5.4 has a wayland backend to test with16:13
regediti'm guessing thats not currently released (dev channel or wtvr)16:16
jemandsoee: jemand: you could also try 15.10 beta - I did - it works very smooth - looking forward to Kubuntu 15.10 - What a jump!!16:20
geniiregedit: This also happens with Nvidia cards in general16:21
regeditgenii: never on windows, for example16:23
geniinvidia linux driver, more specifically. The card keeps a cache onboard which it shows momentarily before it's re-initialized by X  for the login screen16:25
sithlord48i think issues like that are part of why wayland16:31
sithlord48screen locker and friends are just hacks on X server . on wayland they are part of the compisitor16:31
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soeejemand: so it works fine ?16:40
jemandjep - NVIDIA doesn't - I stick to Nouveau - the rest is just awesome - THX17:05
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Guest95155Is anyone online who could help me? =)17:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:53
metallicDuring my tryout of Kubuntu 15.04 I saw those «activities» things, present in 14.04, weren't there. Am I the only one who never understood them?17:56
Jop_Vmetallic: Nope, you're not the only one18:03
metallicto be honest, I didn't try to understand them at all :(18:03
metallicBy the way, I experienced a thing in Kubuntu 15.04, I think it's a bug. There is an option in the «account details» section that lets you set how many dots are shown when typing a password18:06
metallicI selected "nothing" but it didn't work18:07
metallicmay you check if the same happens to you?18:11
richardhi there19:07
richardanyone on? =)19:07
=== richard is now known as Guest84852
Guest84852I have a question about mounting partions in UEFI19:08
sithlord48!ask your question19:09
ubottusithlord48: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:09
Guest84852I had to install Kubuntu in legacy mode, and when I first ran the installer i had an error installing GRUB19:09
Guest84852I managed to work around this with aforementioned legacy mode, but now I cannot see any oof y HDD in uefi or bio19:10
sithlord48non of you hard drives are listed in your bios?19:10
sithlord48the machine boots?19:10
Guest84852sorry, the machine boots in legacy19:11
Guest84852but when I try and boot in uefi I can not see my HDD19:11
sithlord48is your disc GPT or MBR formated ?19:12
Guest84852I think MBR19:13
Guest84852but I will check19:13
sithlord48i think only GPT works with UEIF19:13
Guest84852stupid question19:14
metallicon my father's computer, which has Windows 10 and secure boot and UEFI, he can boot Kubuntu by first accessing UEFI and enabling «legacy boot mode»19:14
Guest84852how do i check in kubuntu? the partition manager doesn't want to tell me19:14
metallicGuest84852: the partition manager does tell you19:14
metallicclick on one of the menus, I think it is «view»19:15
Guest84852they are in md-dos19:15
metalliclet me start the program19:15
sithlord48ms-dos = MBR19:15
Guest84852thank you19:15
Guest84852so what are my options, is running in legacy ok?19:15
metallicas I said in my father's computer that works, but every time he wants to boot Windows he has to switch legacy to the other option19:16
sithlord48the only differance i have noticed when using legacy on UEFI machines is the bios output maybe a different size19:16
sithlord48UEFI it might be full res . legacy maybe 640x480 , only that screen that shows you bios boot up stuff (19:17
Guest84852Hmm, ok. No problems with resolution or drivers, it was just very strange. I've had no problems with ubuntu and fedora in the past and UEFI19:18
Guest84852thought I had bricked myself for a solid minute at one point XD19:18
metallicI still have BIOS19:18
sithlord48i use UEFI on my newer laptop and BIOS mostly everywhere else19:19
Guest84852so I have Kubuntu installed on dev/sda, and for some reason also in dev/sdb19:19
Guest84852would it be fine to just format sdb?19:19
Guest84852did you manage to install on uefi then sithlord?19:19
metallicGuest84852: do you have a USB stick attached to the computer?19:20
Guest84852not any more.19:20
metallicthen sdb is a secondary storage device19:20
sithlord48well i made and EFI partition then when doing the discs i added it to my fstab as /boot/EFI . and installed grub19:20
sithlord48grub2 .. there are other boot managers that work better with efi from what im told but i have only really used grub2 for it19:21
Guest84852oh, so it's running alongside windows, I had no problem when dual booting, but ditched windows and that's when i ran into prlem19:21
sithlord48the disk has to be GPT partition scheme for it to work correctly19:21
sithlord48not me i have only linux on that machine19:21
Guest84852Hmm, ok. Do you know if there is a way to remount a device and have it be seen in uefi? Do i reformat to GPT then mount it back to dev/sda?19:23
sithlord48you need to reformat it to GPT type and redo your partitions . you MUST add a EFI one (iirc FAT or FAT32 is the format)19:24
sithlord48the EFI partitions is where the bootloader gets put. your mount point will be /boot/EFI\19:24
Guest84852i'm going to try!19:26
Guest84852wish me luck =)19:26
sithlord48good luck :D19:26
pf100Hi kubuntu-ers!19:27
metallicsithlord48: he said luck, not good luck :P19:29
sithlord48its a kind of luck no?19:29
ubuntuWayland how check it is working ?19:34
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Guest60129Wayland how check it is working plaese help )19:35
Guest84852hi sithlord19:40
Guest84852ran into an issue19:40
sithlord48what ?19:40
Guest84852reformatted 0 problem, it is not GPT and Fat3219:40
Guest84852but i can't set the mount point as /boot/EFI\19:40
Guest84852there is no EFI directory in boot19:40
sithlord48ok you need to make one extra partition and that will mount to /boot/EFI19:41
sithlord48iirc you cna even select EFI system partiton as a type it should to the rest for you19:41
Guest84852while formatting, right?19:41
sithlord48you may need to manually type the mount point19:41
sithlord48use the partitons as "EFI system partiton"19:42
sithlord48Guest84852: this isthe offical advice. i have so togo soon so i might not be on if you have any other problems19:43
Guest84852Thanks for the link! I can't set the partition as EFI system part for some reason =/19:44
sithlord48just you don't need todo the bios parts19:44
Guest84852i'm using stock KDE partition manager19:44
sithlord48FAT32 and mount point is /boot/EFI19:44
Guest84852ok, GPT check, Fat32 check I will manually set the point19:45
sithlord48Guest84852:  picture walk thru using here : http://www.tecmint.com/ubuntu-15-04-installation-on-uefi-firmware/19:47
Guest84852that last list is interesting19:50
Guest84852i think i might try a fresh install and set that up manually19:50
Guest84852thanks for the help Sithlord!19:54
Guest84852I'm going to give this a try!19:54
akasichi all, i recently installed chromium but flash is missing (not in firefox), any help? thnx21:01
akasicshall i install pepperflashplugin?21:02
akasicok i will try it21:03
bpromptwas going to say, "yes" :) anyhow21:16
akasicthnx it worked on restart21:17
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nightwalkerkgIs there a way to install KDE 5.4 on Xubuntu 14.04 ?22:43
nightwalkerkgOr any latest stable release.22:44
nightwalkerkgAnyone ?22:53

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