
Tyrealwould anyone be able to point in the right direction with setting up a virtual machine on lubuntu 15.0405:32
Unit193vbox, qemu/kvm, or even vmware.06:05
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo06:05
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:05
Tyrealthankyou will try those\06:25
Tyrealwhich version of lubuntu is least buggy at the moment?14:30
holsteinlol.. "buggy" can be a matter of the hardware support for linux.. lets go with what is "supported"14:31
Tyrealsorry my mistake14:31
holstein14.04 is the lts.. the long term support.. 15.04 is the current regular release..14:31
Tyrealthankyou :)14:31
Tyrealwhich one would you suggest?14:31
holsteinTyreal: no.. thats not a bad question.. i just want to be clear about not promising soemthing that is "bug-free"..14:31
holsteinTyreal: for me, i just try and stick to the facts of the scenario.. do i want or need the latest packages? or, do i want or need a longer term of support?..14:32
holsteinis the machine going to a family member, who, basically just needs a web browser, and, i could set them up with a machine every 3 years? or, is this going to be a gaming rig, that could benefit from the latest kernels, and GPU drivers?.. these type of questions can typically help me sort out which is likely best14:33
Tyrealthats a tough question and i honestly am not sure which is the better answer haha14:33
holsteinTyreal: whats the goal of the machine?14:33
Tyrealwell i would like to set up a vm or set up wine for play a couple of games to test them out and what not\14:34
holsteini wouldnt expect that to work out well.. i would want to do any gaming like that on a bare metal install14:35
holsteinand, i would research the wine community, and see what others say about the support, or lack of..14:36
Tyrealhow would i go about play those games though14:36
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:36
holsteinTyreal: well, ideally, the company making the games would say "here you go, have a linux version of our product that natively runs on the operating system you are using.."14:36
Tyrealand if thats not the case?14:37
holsteinif they dont, then, it can be a frustrating hack of a mess to even get something that is kind of partially working..14:37
Tyrealfair enough, what would you suggest then, lol just keep it as a basic machine?14:38
Tyrealget another one for gaming14:38
holsteinbut, it doenst hurt to try it. i just urge you to have realistic expectations, and, try referring to the wine resources, since, in my experience, they are quite well documented14:38
Tyrealok thankyou for the advice14:39
Tyrealso back to the original question, which version would you suggest?14:39
holsteinTyreal: if you are expecting to play games, flawlessly, or, run *any* code, for that matter, flawlessly, and without bugs, then, yes.. i would expect to run whatever OS the creators support14:39
holsteinits not really a "Bug" that code created for windows doenst work on linux..14:39
holsteinbut, again, it literally wont hurt to try14:39
Tyrealthats true14:39
holsteinTyreal: i could make an argument for either version, actually.. it would be nice to, for example, get things setup, since, it can be hack-ish, and problematic.. just set it and forget it, for the term of an LTS release..14:40
holsteinbut, it may be, newer code in the more recent release facilitates something you need.. which, i find less to be the case with wine.. though, i dont use wine anymore like that.. on a regular basis..14:41
Tyrealhmmmm that does make it difficult14:41
Tyreali'm running 15.04 at the moment14:41
holsteinTyreal: but, one can make a lot of these tests from the live iso.. you can run the 15.04 live iso, and install wine, and likely, install a game, and test..14:41
holsteinTyreal: i say, keep what you got, then, and, if you run into issues, dont assume that going to 14.04 would "fix" anything..14:41
Tyrealbut have been told that 14.04 can be more supported as you say14:41
holsteinTyreal: its not "more supported".. its just longer term support14:42
holsteinagain, just stick to the facts of it.. its intended to be a longer term support.. so, you can install, and get support, for 5 years, for main ubuntu, and 3 for most of the flavors..14:42
holstein15.04 is supported for 9 months.. so, 3 months after 15.10 releases.. it will be EOL14:43
Tyrealplease excuse my ignorance but EOL?14:43
holsteinso, you would upgrade to 15.10,or fresh install.. in the 3 months after 15.10 releases.. or, with 14.04, you just continue to update and use..14:43
holsteineol = end of life.. and what does that mean? or look like?14:43
holsteinthe repo are dead.. and no updates come in.. this doesnt mean you cant use the 15.04 product as long as you choose, and maintain it yourself..14:44
Tyrealok cool, thankyou for this!14:44
holsteinits not really that either 14.04, or 15.04 are "better", neccessarily.. but, one can certainly fit a need better than the other.. but, that can be quite relative..14:45
Tyrealso if i was to get 14.04 would it update to the same features as 15.1014:45
holsteinTyreal: it depends on what you consider a "feature"..14:45
holsteinbut, no.. basically, 14.04 is more frozen than that..14:45
Tyrealalso would you mind explaining the need for 15.04 compared to 14.04 not including the longer support14:45
holsteinso, 14.04 doesnt become 15.04, or 15.10.. its just that the packages in 14.04 are maintained..14:45
holsteinTyreal: you cant.. its literally the term of support that is the difference14:46
Tyrealoh i see now14:46
holsteinTyreal: 14.04 is supported for 5 years.. and 3 years for most flavors14:46
Tyrealso its ever evolving and you need to continuously obtain the latest to actually get all the new features if any14:47
holsteinwhy have 15.04? its a newer version of  everything14:47
holstein15.10 is even newer.. but, its not supported as long..14:47
holsteinso, the quesiton you have to think about is, do you need the longer term of support? more "set it and forget it", or, the latest packages, which, requires updating every 6 months..14:48
Tyrealby newer do you mean features or code?14:48
holsteinto think of one as more "Stable", or less "buggy", i dont think is constructive14:48
holsteinTyreal: i mean, newer versions.. that can be per package..14:48
holsteinpython, for example. if its at a certain release point in 14.04, its at that point.. so, things that depend on python can hinge on that14:49
holsteinthats why you cant just simply  update versions14:49
holsteinnow, its up to python what that newer version facilitates.. are there new features? maybe not.. and, maybe nothing you care about having..14:49
poppeI was trying to add an other key layout on my system but gets error: "setxkbmap -option grp:ctrl_shift_toggle "se,en"    Error loading new keyboard description" . remedies?21:48
poppethe frist was the command21:48
poppei think I got it...21:52
mig_ok, so i added some tiling keybindings to lubuntu and they work fairly well, only there's some applications which don't tile like they should.. any ideas as to why and how to solve?23:05

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