
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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elopiopitti: I'm not sure how to send a pull request to the autopkgtest debian branch, so I attached a patch: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopkgtest/+bug/1488358/comments/505:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1488358 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "Can't increase the wait_for_ssh timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]05:13
pittielopio: just saw, thanks! looks good05:14
elopiocool :)05:14
pittielopio: I'd just rename it --timeout-ssh, just in case we ever add others05:16
elopiopitti: makes sense. Want me to update the patch?05:16
pittielopio: nah, I think I'll be able to do that :)05:16
elopiopitti: even better :)05:17
elopiogood night then.05:17
elopiothanks pitti!05:17
pittielopio: sleep well! adjusting/testing/committing now05:17
zygagood morning07:51
imuguruzagood morning zyga!07:52
zygaI will be working on changing how environmet is handled in snapcraft07:55
zygaI'll post my patches after breafkast, I made it work yesterday but I need to clean it up and run some tests07:55
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* ogra_ returns from dentist 10:57
Chipacalunch break \o/12:51
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rickspencer3ogra_, lool for some reason you guys seem like you could advice14:15
rickspencer3is there some way I could craft a script or command for my desktop that would allow me to see the journctl output for a snap?14:16
rickspencer3I'm thinking that it would be nice if I could do snappy-remote install and then in some way script getting the output over ssh14:16
ogra_i think that only works if your snap uses a systemd unit14:17
ogra_you can indeed just grep for your snap name in syslog14:17
ogra_not sure if thats sufficient14:17
rickspencer3ogra_, well, I guess the idea is, I would like it to be automated from the host development desktop to the board14:18
rickspencer3sorry, that didn't make much sense14:18
ogra_well, i dont think you can read syslog or run journalctl as normal user14:20
ogra_which makes using ssh a bit tricky14:20
rickspencer3ogra_, currently I ssh into the board, and then run sudo journalctl --unit14:20
ogra_(in an automated way)14:20
ogra_not sure if that works without password request so that you can script it14:21
rickspencer3I'd like to make it easier for developers to access their println statements from their desktops14:21
* ogra_ wishes we had stayed with upstart ... there you could just cat the log from your specific upstart job14:22
zygaogra_: well, you can still redirect stdout from a systemd unit to a file, right?14:22
zygaogra_: it's just that it goes to journal normally14:22
ogra_argh ! ... so i finally have a proper resize script using parted ... and am trying it for the first time ...14:26
ogra_Error: the resize command has been removed inpparted 3.014:27
ogra_*in parted14:27
* ogra_ curses loudly 14:27
ogra_so remove->re-add is mandatory ... how sad14:27
Chipacaogra_: sfdisk | sed | sfdisk ftw14:31
ogra_Chipaca, no sfdisk for me ...14:32
ogra_unless someone takes over ricmm's meeting schedule so he can produce the patch :P14:32
Chipacai probably still have a 3.5" floppy with PM2.EXE14:33
Chipacaor was that PM814:33
* ogra_ adds "mknod /dev/floppy" to his script14:34
sergiusenselopio: easy peasy https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/split-up-collect/+merge/26951915:43
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kyrofasergiusens, ping19:51
sergiusenskyrofa: pong19:52
kyrofasergiusens, can you explain the thought process behind SNAPPY_GLOBAL_ROOT ? I was hoping I could just change the location where things were installed, but it also changes where the hooks are looked for, etc.19:54
sergiusenskyrofa: it's only useful for provisioning, as in 'chroot', it changes '/'19:54
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kyrofasergiusens, alright, thanks :) . Just wanted to understand the purpose there20:12
sergiusenskyrofa: it's for u-d-f mostly20:16
kyrofasergiusens, makes sense20:16
sergiusenselopio: Chipaca can I get your initial comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/less-source/+merge/26954720:30
elopiosergiusens: initial comment is that it looks great.20:31
elopioI'll probably review it tomorrow.20:31
sergiusenselopio: great; I will probably be adding tests to each of the source classes in a bit; just got through this major shift20:35

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