
roasted__hello friends03:48
roasted__er, I thought I typed in kubuntu+1. Is there such a channel?03:49
DalekSecThis is for Kubuntu too.04:08
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lordievaderGood morning.07:24
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asad2005I am trying to upgrade to 15.10 beta from 15.04 and getting an error of not enough space in root. df is showing 1.5GB free of my / drive. in that drive /var is 2.1 GB and /usr is 7.9 GB. How can i free more space in this drive i mean most folders seems the essentials my home drive has enough free space can i use that?11:01
WulfWhy can't I install both libepoxy0:amd64 and libepoxy0:i386 at the same time?12:38
k1l_are you sure that is needed? try to file a bug and see what the maintainer says about it12:39
penguin42Wulf: In general you should be able to - although some packages are broken in not supporting multiarch; not checked that one though12:43
Wulfmaybe my question should be "how does multiarch work, how does the package manager decide that two packages can't both be installed"12:45
WulfI fail to see any big difference to e.g. zlib1g12:46
penguin42Wulf: I can't remember the details; but I think the primary thing is that the same file shouldn't exist in both packages12:47
Wulfnever mind, found it. control misses "Multi-Arch"12:47
penguin42Wulf: Most stuff that used to be in /usr/lib is now in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu12:47
Wulfpenguin42: zlib1g share some files in use/share/doc12:48
penguin42Wulf: But just turning that on wont fix it, things have to put the files in the right directories and use them12:48
Wulfpenguin42: the lib goes into separate dirs, so I should be okay here12:51
Wulfsame "bug" exists in debian. Should I then open two bug reports, one for debian, one for ubuntu?12:52
penguin42Wulf: Open the debian one, then open the ubuntu one and you can add a reference to the debian one12:53
Wulfnm, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=79271412:53
ubottuDebian bug 792714 in libepoxy0 "libepoxy0: missing Multi-Arch: same" [Normal,Open]12:53
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asad2005I tried upgrading to 15.10 beta and update-manager failed at package installation two packages failed one is modemmanager and nfs-common now i am stuck how can i undo the changes before i restart?19:16
asad2005a message came that a recovery will start but didnot19:17
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