
tdaitxslangasek, ftbfs fixed for bluez-tools in LP: #148966100:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489661 in bluez-tools (Ubuntu) "bluez-tools FTBFS on wily-proposed due to AM_LDFLAGS misuse" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148966100:02
Loganslangasek: ok, I'll test build and then sync00:16
LoganI'll deal with the transition fallout as well00:16
Logandoko: regarding https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkmm2.4/1:2.24.4-1.1ubuntu100:24
Logancan we sync over that, even though Debian didn't make the std change?00:24
infinityOdd_Bloke: Sorry, I fell ill and disappeared.01:05
slangasekLogan: if Debian is not making the package name change for the ABI transition, you should *not* sync over it but instead merge it with conflicts/replaces going the other direction, so that users can still sanely upgrade within wily01:10
cyphermoxtdaitx: still around? I was looking at your bluez-tools diff01:11
tdaitxcyphermox, yeah01:11
cyphermoxtdaitx: maybe just missing patch tags01:11
tdaitxcyphermox, I set it on LP earlier01:12
tdaitxcyphermox, or did I miss something else?01:13
cyphermoxah, sorry I mean DEP-3 tags on the patch itself: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/01:13
cyphermoxbut it's tiny and pretty obvious it's from you :)01:14
tdaitxcyphermox, thanks, I didn't knew about these01:15
tdaitxcyphermox, does any of the tools we use help on getting that done?01:19
tdaitxotherwise I will just write down a template so I don't forget this =)01:20
cyphermoxtdaitx: good question, I don't know. I just add them manually; usually mostly just From:, Subject: amd Bug-Ubuntu:01:21
tdaitxcyphermox, ok, should I added those to the patch and submit the debdiff to debian again? what about lp?01:21
cyphermoxI leave that up to you, if you want to submit it just to Debian I'll add them for you when I sponsor01:23
tdaitxcyphermox, alright, thanks for your help, please keep bringing those issues forward when you see them, lots to learn ;-)01:27
tdaitxcyphermox, found it: quilt header -e --dep301:35
cyphermoxoh, cool01:35
tdaitxthat inserts a template01:35
cyphermoxthanks, I'll make note of that :)01:35
cyphermoxfigured there might be a way, but it wasn't bugging me enough to just vi it in01:36
tdaitxthere was a "quilt header -e" citation in deb maintainer manual, when I looked at the man page I noticed that --dep3 param, easy as that01:39
cyphermoxgood night!02:00
Lukehow can I set a global prompt for all users?02:09
hallyncyphermox: hey, were you going to push the new golang to wily today?02:30
pittiGood morning03:01
tdaitxslangasek, opencsg FTBFS on armhf because it cant find libGLES2... that happens because:03:21
tdaitx1. it uses qmake-qt4 to create the Makefile, but qt4-x11 is being compiled with libgles2-mesa-dev in armel/armhf (against libgl1-mesa-dev and libgl1u-mesa-dev in other archs)03:21
tdaitx2. it depends on glew, but glew depends on libgl1-mesa-dev and libgl1u-mesa-dev, thus the libgles2 dependency is not set anywhere03:21
tdaitxthus either glew has to be build using libgles2 in armel/armhf or qt4-x11 must use libgl1/libgl1u for armel/armhf03:22
tdaitxslangasek, ^03:22
tdaitxslangasek, not sure which one is the right way to go (or if there is a third alternative)03:23
Loganslangasek: it is making the package name change, whereas we didn't04:41
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:26
lotuspsychjeis it possible to add the broadcom firmware drivers to ubuntu-restricted-extras so users with bc chipsets can install ubuntu more easyly?05:26
pittithis is already done by ubuntu-drivers-common and in the installer05:41
pittihardware drivers don't belong into ubuntu-restricted-extras, as these would be useless or even detrimental for users who don't have that hardware05:41
pittilotuspsychje: ^05:41
lotuspsychjepitti: does it need to have internet connection for ubuntu-drivers-common?05:42
pittiI believe we shipt the driver on the ubuntu images, so the installer grabs it from there05:43
lotuspsychjepitti: because many users on 14.04 complain in #ubuntu their broadcom doesnt get recognized05:43
lotuspsychjepitti: or has this been fixxed in 14.04.3?05:43
pittinot particularly, it was working in 14.04 already for at least some chips05:44
lotuspsychjepitti: maybe its the default broadcom driver and not the firmware thats added?05:44
lotuspsychjethey have to do this sometimes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#STA_-_No_Internet_access05:45
pittibut there might have been some changes to replace bcmwl with the one shipped by the upstream kernel05:46
pitti(no further idea I'm afraid, it's been many years since I had such a thing)05:46
lotuspsychjethis user had no internet access on eth0, maybe thats why?05:47
pittithe *intention* is that the driver is on the image05:48
lotuspsychjepitti: ok tnx for investigating05:48
pittilotuspsychje: and http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.3/ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-amd64.list still does ship it05:49
pittiso that's not it05:49
pittiyou need to enable [ ] Install non-free drivers in the installer for that05:49
pittion the wiki page you cited it also just installs that deb from the cd-rom, so in principle it ships everything that's needed05:50
lotuspsychjepitti: didnt ntocie there was such option yet?05:50
lotuspsychjepitti: yeah i know the cdrom trick does it, but for most n00b users its a little hard to find05:51
pittilast time I installed on a laptop with broadcom, it "just happened", but since then I'm afraid I don't know off-hand what's going wrong05:51
pittia bug report with installer logs would be helpful for that05:51
lotuspsychjepitti: if that occurs again on some user, ill push to bug it05:52
lotuspsychjepitti: thank you for lighting things up05:52
pitticaribou: hm, I'm adjusting your rsyslog merge to 8.12.0-1; 8.9 is quite old, not even in testing any more06:02
pitticaribou: followed up to the bug06:09
pittidoko: hmm, I hinted gcc-5, but http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt says it renders packages uninstallable -- any recent dependency change in that version?07:17
smbrbasak, on ffe... have now sponsors and sru team subscribed to bug 1487538. are there specific sponsors I should ask in this special case?07:40
ubottubug 1487538 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] [FFE] Add dpdk to wily universe" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148753807:40
rbasaksmb: thank you for pushing ahead with DPDK, and sorry I've been tied up. I need to get that email to upstream sorted out. Has the FFe been approved? Need that before sponsoring. Maybe arges can sponsor as he reviewed previously?07:48
rbasaksmb, arges: can we sync on DPDK status later today, maybe? I'd like to go through my email draft with arges with a focus on getting it done and sent if possible.07:49
smbrbasak, can ask him today. somehow thought first upload and then accept it as ffe from the new queue07:49
rbasakI've seen a release team member complain about it when done that way round before. So I presume they want to ack first.07:50
smbrbasak, we can do that. I am having a dentist appt. soon but something like 1UTC onwards (or as soon as arges becomes concious)07:51
dokopitti, yes, it adds some breaks. so maybe I should just "binNMU" these07:52
rbasaksmb, arges: invite sent. Feel free to move.07:54
rbasak(is arges up by then?)07:55
smbrbasak, I can live with that and I believe he should07:55
rbasakThat's 8am for him07:55
smbok, if he was like me, rather not but he might. we will see07:57
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Odd_Blokeinfinity: No worries; I'm back around now.10:01
pittiLaney: I dumped my brain into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/AutopkgtestInfrastructure#Deployment FYI10:19
pittiLaney: does this sound reasonably comprehensible to you?10:20
sarnoldpitti: nice10:22
pittisarnold: thanks :)10:23
sarnold(i'll give it a Good Read later.. it just looked good on a quick skim :)10:24
cariboupitti: I'm fine with redoing the merge for 8.12.0-1 but this won't happen today. Hopefully by EOD monday, is that ok with you ?10:37
pitticaribou: sure!10:37
cariboupitti: I'll also drop the rsyslog.dmesg.upstart job10:38
pitticaribou: no, please don't drop the upstart job10:38
pitticaribou: just consider if you need the corresponding (and newly added) .service for this10:38
cariboupitti: oh, that's what I meant, sorry10:39
pitticaribou: ah, ok :)10:39
dokoxnox, did you continue to work on boost rebuilds?10:56
dokotjaalton, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openscad/2015.03-1+dfsg-2build1/+build/7844937  any reason that libgl1-mesa-swx11 is not built in wily?11:09
tjaaltondoko: it doesn't exist, debian experimental got rid of it too recently11:11
dokotjaalton, could you fix openscad then?11:13
tjaaltonwe haven't had swx11 for a few years11:13
pittiLaney: I filled in the remaining sections too, now; Please let me know if something is unclear11:15
tjaaltondoko: can you fix llvm-3.7 to build on i386 ;)11:15
tjaaltonopengl 4.1 for radeon depends on it, and mesa 11.0-rc migrated to it11:17
dokoheh, I looked at it, but didn't find anything yet. builds in unstable11:18
tjaaltonapparently it's caused because we build some i686 optimization11:18
tjaaltonthere's an upstream bug open since february :/11:18
* tjaalton tries to find it11:18
ubottullvm.org bug 22661 in compiler-rt "No compiler-rt library is built when configured for i686-linux" [Normal,New]11:19
tjaaltonshould be that11:19
dokook, even with a patch11:25
dokotjaalton, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-toolchain-3.7/1:3.7~+rc4-1ubuntu1  and see the Conflicts/Replaces11:35
tjaaltondoko: I'll worry about the backport closer to the release :)11:40
jtaylordoko: do you know why the bash package uses its internal malloc instead of glibc's?11:44
dokoI have to dig around. does something not work?11:46
jtayloryes, something LD_PRELOADS a library using posix_memalign during init, and later it then uses bash's free11:47
jtaylor-> crash11:47
jtaylorit is a somewhat strange app that can probably be fixed, but I'm curious about the reason for the internal malloc11:47
jtaylorit seems fedora bash uses glibc malloc as that is unaffected11:48
jtayloror its because our bash is a pie executable?11:49
dokoRiddell, looks like you're reverting / overwriting many of the changes I made during the GCC 5 uploads ...11:55
dokokde-runtime now b-d on boost1.55 again11:55
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Odd_Blokearges: cloud-init has been in {p,t,v}-proposed for 7 days now and the fixes have all been validated; would you mind migrating it?12:00
mitya57pitti, I have a question about autopkgtest.ubuntu.com. When I search for "sphinx", it shows me this: http://mitya57.me/tmp/searcharea.png (amd64 marked as failed),12:14
mitya57but http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/s/sphinx/ indicates that it's ppc64el that fails, not amd64.12:14
mitya57I guess it is a bug somewhere?12:14
mitya57As I can see amd64 never failed (on the new server), and ppc64el never succeeded.12:15
pittimitya57: ah yes, a funny display bug; mind reporting that against http://bugs.debian.org/src:debci ? then it's at the right place already12:21
mitya57Ok, will report now.12:23
mitya57pitti: debian #79719812:39
ubottuDebian bug 797198 in debci "debci: search page displays wrong architectures as failing" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/79719812:39
pittimitya57: thanks! I think I've seen this too12:40
rbasaksmb, arges: mind if we postpone dpdk sync until a bit later. I'm feeling a bit under the weather.12:42
smbrbasak, In my case depends how long that bit is, have not heard of ar ges yet. So it might suit him to get awake12:44
dobeypitti: hey, how do we figure out why something in debci is running out of memory?13:03
pittidobey: ah, what package does that affect? I can give it a bigger instance13:04
* pitti pats his "big_packages" list in worker.conf13:04
dobeypitti: ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts seems to be hitting this issue13:04
pittidobey: really? looks like the autopilot-gtk lib ABI mismatch to me13:05
pitti(which breaks a lot of tests indeed)13:05
dobeypitti: and that causes ENOMEM?13:05
pittithere's a silo that needs to be released, fallout from the g++ 5 transition13:05
pittiit causes this "IndexError: list index out of range" for sure13:06
pittiI think the ENOMEM is a red herring13:06
pittiat least I'll retry all these once the silo lands (/me bats eyelashes towards sil2100), my hope is that they'll all just work again13:07
pittithe history on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/wily/amd64/ suggests that it worked fine before with the 2 GB of RAM that it has13:07
dobeyand it worked fine at some point since the gcc5 transition too13:08
hallynmwhudson: cyphermox: my laptop would really like to upgrade but won't get past the broken golang.  Wlil the new golang hit wily today, or should i wget the 70 or so debs and dpkg -i them?13:17
cyphermoxhallyn: oh, whether you'll get golang 1.5 final depends on mwhudson, but let me fix the issue with the package now13:20
dobeybroken golang?13:21
hallyndobey: yeah, file moved from golang-go.tools to golang-go13:21
hallynbroken pkg not golang itself13:21
hallyncyphermox: ok, last i saw the bug it looked like mwhudson was done13:21
hallynfeh maybe i'll make a pkg in ppa which does the breaks/replace :)13:22
dobeygolang-go breaks/replaces golang-golang-x-tools, which golang-go.tools depends on though; so an upgrade should just remove the latter13:22
dobeysomething does still Suggests: golang-go.tools though, and probably shouldn't13:23
hallynnot sure whether you're telling me what the pkg should do, or suggesting an easier way fo rme to get past the apt-get dist-upgrade failures13:25
cyphermoxhallyn: he's just re-doing the analysis I had already done.13:26
cyphermoxhallyn: though you could just remove golang-go.tools and golang-golang-x-tools13:28
dobeyhallyn: what i'm saying is that for me, "apt-get dist-upgrade" just removed the golang-go.tools and golang-golang-x-tools packages13:30
hallyndobey: it did?   hm, so it sounds like i have something pinning those then.  interesting13:37
hallyn(note i'm not the only one wit hthis failure, someone else opened the bug :)13:37
hallynall right, just removed all the pkgs13:38
dobeyhallyn: yeah, although i think i have -proposed enabled there too13:38
dobeyso maybe it's fixed in proposed :)13:38
dobeyyeah, i do have proposed enabled there13:39
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tsimonq2Hey, Launchpad is giving me a weird error when I try to change the affected package(+editstatus)...what is the proper way to edit the affected package?14:24
infinitytsimonq2: Not enough info really to know what went wrong.14:24
infinitytsimonq2: But often it's that you're trying to assign a project bug to an Ubuntu package, instead of an Ubuntu bug.14:25
infinity(Which isn't the most intuitive thing to sort out sometimes, but the URL you're on is a hint)14:25
infinitytsimonq2: Would help if you defined "weird error".14:26
pittidobey: armhf/ppc64el are uninstallable, but i386/amd64 succeeded again; autopilot-gtk and xpathselect landed14:26
tsimonq2It gives me an error of: There is no package named 'nautilus-columns' published in Ubuntu. when in the selector, it shows up14:27
dobeypitti: yeah, unity8-autopilot seems to be uninstalalble on those archs, and is causing lots of "always failed" there14:27
infinitytsimonq2: It's not wrong.14:28
Odd_Blokearges: Thanks!14:28
infinitytsimonq2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus-columns14:28
pittidobey: lots of valid candidates now \o/14:28
infinitytsimonq2: Try assigning to a package that exists.14:28
dobeypitti: yeah. mir boottest is failing still though :(14:28
tsimonq2infinity: Then why does it show up in the selector?14:29
infinitytsimonq2: Because it probably existed at one point in the distant past.14:30
tsimonq2infinity: When I click Select...14:30
tsimonq2Oh ok14:30
infinitytsimonq2: But is no longer in any current releases.14:30
tsimonq2infinity: Ok, thank you for your time :)14:30
cjwatsontsimonq2: That's https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/4229814:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 42298 in Launchpad itself "package picker lists unpublished (invalid) packages" [High,Triaged]14:40
tsimonq2cjwatson: Well that needs to be fixed XD14:41
tsimonq2cjwatson: High priority XD14:41
cjwatsontsimonq2: I have some work in progress for it, but it's a non-trivial wodge of complicated performance-sensitive SQL14:42
cjwatsonThe last attempt to deal with it crashed and burned, so not going to rush it :-)14:42
SimounetHi there. Do you know how I can assign a bug to one of the webupd8's package? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/148984214:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489842 in Ubuntu "Nautilus columns fields not working on grid view" [Undecided,New]14:46
pittidobey: hm, unity8-autopilot uninstallable on armhf? didn't we use to have a phone on arm or something? :-)14:52
pittidobey: I'll retry the mir boottest14:52
pittioh wait, I already did that; last three attempts failed14:53
dobeyyeah, i'm not sure what's failing exactly though14:53
dobeybut it's blocking my package from transitioning :(14:53
infinitycjwatson: Was that fresh in your mind from recently looking at it, or are you turning into wgrant?14:54
pittidoko: retrying one more time; I'm quite used to overriding boottests, brittle as they are14:54
pittierr, dobey ^14:54
pittidobey: so if you want me to do that, I can14:54
dobeywell i don't know anything about mir, so i don't know if it's always been failing there or not14:55
leszekchrisccoulson: can you please explain me how you solved this issue ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1471949  We try to build firefox with kde integration patches on launchpad ppa but the resulting 32bit deb crashes with the same symptoms14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1471949 in gcc-mozilla (Ubuntu Precise) "Firefox 39 crashes on startup or within a few seconds on Precise/x86" [Critical,Fix committed]14:55
cjwatsoninfinity: Open browser tab :)14:55
cjwatsoninfinity: wgrant does that in real life without mechanical assistance.14:56
infinitycjwatson: I've noticed.14:56
cjwatsonMere mortals like me have to outsource some of those brain cells.14:56
infinitycjwatson: I always assumed rapid computer lookup or firefox history help, until I saw him rattle off bug numbers over beer.14:57
wgrantIt's not something to aspire to.14:57
cjwatsonOf course over beer the chances of having one's bluff called are a *bit* less14:58
infinitycjwatson: But call it, we did.14:58
leszekchrisccoulson: and one addition. We build for trusty.14:58
infinitycjwatson: This is why the smart phone was invented.14:58
slangasektdaitx: glew can't be built with gles2, it's gl only; and qt4-x11 is not going to use gl1 for arm, because that means losing accelerated drivers.  Option 3 is to make opencsg do something smarter than asking qmake for GL library information (because qmake).  I thought robru had looked at one of these earlier, don't remember if it was opencsg or not - you might want to compare notes15:04
slangasekLogan: whereas we didn't> the launchpad link you posted clearly shows a package name change for gtkmm2.415:05
tdaitxslangasek, k, thanks15:07
dokobarry, skipped: enum34 (0 <- 103)15:18
doko    got: 249+0: a-68:a-44:a-35:i-36:p-35:p-3115:18
doko    * amd64: python3-pykmip, python3-zeroconf15:18
barrydoko: as soon as zigo's update to experimental's pykmip lands, i'll sync that to wily.  thought i'd already dealt with zeroconf, but i can't find it, so will deal15:35
barryoh, looks like git was updated but it wasn't uploaded15:37
pittidobey: \o/ fourth time is the charm (mir boottest)15:38
chrisccoulsonleszek, if you're building for trusty, don't use the gcc in trusty-updates15:56
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Does Ubiquity have any support for fcitx?16:03
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: I don't know16:03
cjwatsongrep source or ask cyphermox16:03
dobeypitti: great. thanks16:26
Loganslangasek: sorry, there was a context switch16:27
Loganslangasek: the original one I was talking to you about was gtkglextmm, where we didn't make the name change but Debian did16:27
Loganbut they also bumped a build dependency on gtkmm2.4 to Debian's latest version, which included all of the Ubuntu changes except for changing the std16:28
Loganso I was asking doko if we could just pull that in and whether the std change was necessary16:28
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: it doesn't do anything special about it, that I know. might want to grep the source as cjwatson suggested16:30
smosercyphermox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+bug/148995916:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1489959 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "power8 scsii disks get blacklisted from multipath / curtin installed system doesnt boot" [Undecided,New]16:31
smoserwonder if you have any thougths tehre, or would be able to debug that.16:31
cyphermoxdo you just add multipath-tools in curtin? You'd also probably need sg3-utils16:35
cyphermox(if it's udebs you want sg3-udeb)16:35
smoserif you need that, should you not depend ?16:36
smosercyphermox, 'apt-get install multipath-tools-boot' is all curtin does.16:36
smoserso even a recommends would get pulled in16:36
cyphermoxat which point is this then? when starting the install or after the system is installed?16:37
smoserwell, the install detects that it needs multipath (by looking for identical block devices, not by using multipath at all)16:37
smoserand then installs multipath-tools-boot if necessary , configures target and expects boot to work.16:38
smoserby configures, i mean :16:39
smoser - writes 'user_friendly_names yes' to /etc/multipath.conf16:39
cyphermoxok, so you need to pull in sg3-utils-udev too, and probably check whether /etc/multipath/wwids and /etc/multipath/bindings are copied from the installation into the installed system (and the initramfs is updated)16:39
smoser - writes /etc/multipath/bindings for the boot device16:40
smoser - updates initramfs.16:40
cyphermoxin the bug there isn't enough information to tell -- if you add all of multipath -v3  I could tell16:40
cyphermoxyes, then it's probably the wwids file missing16:40
smoseri attached -v316:40
smoseri dont thinks o.16:40
smosereven in running environment '-ll' does nothing16:40
smoserwhen it should16:40
cyphermoxhm, it shouldn't complain about the properties missing16:41
cyphermoxwhat does multipath -t say?16:41
dokoLogan, context?16:42
Logandoko: I was wondering if we could sync over the changes in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtkmm2.4/1:2.24.4-1.1ubuntu116:42
Loganor if we need to merge in the std=c++11 change (which wasn't applied in Debian)16:42
dokoLogan, sync it. I think they reverted back to an older glibmm16:43
smosercyphermox, thats on the wily system that booted without  multipath , then i apt-get install multipath. it did correctly (as you implied) gety sg3-utils. but seems still to not consider those disks as multipath. when in vivid it does.16:43
cyphermoxcheck if udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sda shows SCSI_IDENT_* properties16:45
cyphermoxthat's pretty much all there is to it -- these properties are used instead of just ID_SERIAL to decide if it should be multipath devices16:45
cyphermoxand you said sg3-utils-udev is installed?16:46
infinitymultipath-tools depends on it, I don't see how he could be missing it.16:47
smoserfor reference, same trusty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12215554/16:47
smoserand yes, sg3-utils-udev is installed.16:47
infinityBut it might need some udev prodding if it's installed post-boot?16:47
smosercyphermox, with vpn... can you get to ?16:48
cyphermoxwell, the initramfs needs to be updated but postinst probably should have done it16:48
smoseri can let you poke at a trusty box and a wily box if you can.16:48
smoserinitramfs is updated.16:48
infinityAnd rebooted since?16:48
smosercurtin does that explicitly. making 14 times on average that initramfs gets updated in an install :)16:48
cyphermoxI think he wants to see the devices first16:48
cyphermoxbut even then, multipath -ll shouldn't say that the devices are blacklisted16:49
infinityWell, if we've not rebooted, updating initramfs makes no difference. :P16:49
infinityAnd adding udev rules post-boot also does nothing.16:49
cyphermoxwell, udev would need to be prodded anyway16:49
cyphermoxsmoser: I can get to it but I have no access16:49
smoserright. my expectation is that multipath -ll should work16:49
smosercyphermox, ok. i'll let you in then16:50
infinityYou'd have to re-trigger udev if you want the new rules to kick in.16:50
smoserinfinity, well, presumably that would happen on reboot.16:50
infinityProbably just 'udevadm trigger -s scsi' or similar.16:50
smoserand it does in trusty -> vivid and did in wily up until recently.16:50
infinitysmoser: Sure, on reboot it would, which was why I was trying to clear up if this was broken after your apt-get, after reboot, or both.16:50
infinitysmoser: Specifically, the lack of SCSI_IDENT stuff in your paste.16:51
cyphermoxsmoser: you can't compare trusty/vivid to wily when there's been a major update16:52
smosercyphermox, ok. you should be able to ssh into ubuntu@ (wily) and for reference ubuntu@ (trusty)16:52
smoserboth systems be nice and rebooting probably need to ask someone else about.16:52
smoserie, doko is using the wily system right now.16:52
cyphermoxran udevadm trigger -s scsi, that's it16:53
infinitycyphermox: I win?16:54
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Thanks. I did grep the code, no mention of fcitx. I was just checking there wasn't some additional functionality tucked away in the indicators.16:54
cyphermoxinfinity: well, it's still not creating the paths, but if the devices are already loaded it might be hard16:55
infinitycyphermox: But that made the extra attributes show up?16:56
smoseryeah. it did.16:56
cyphermoxno multipath-tools-boot installed won't help rebooting on multipath16:56
infinitycyphermox: If so, you could retrigger the multipath events afterwads, I suspect.16:56
cyphermoxinfinity: yep16:56
cyphermoxthe properties show up now16:56
infinitycyphermox: Alternately, one could manually install s-thing-udev, udevadm trigger, then install multipath-tools, which might get it in the right order to not have to do more triggering.16:57
infinitycyphermox: Bonus point, perhaps s-thing-udev could trigger -s scsi in its postinst, and this would Just Work?16:57
cyphermoxinfinity: yeah16:58
cyphermoxstill there are other devices on that system and they should be getting picked up16:58
smoserthats what curtin does for installation of mutipath16:58
smoserwe explicitly write multipath.conf and multipath/bindings16:59
cyphermoxthere is definitely no multipath-tools-boot or /etc/multipath/bindings on that system right now17:00
smoserright. because i disabled installation17:00
smoserbecause if i enable it, it doesnt boot17:00
cyphermoxso we're currently looking at two very different issues17:01
cyphermoxalong with writing the bindings file you really should add writing a wwids file17:02
smoserwhere does that go and what would it look like ?17:02
cyphermoxit's format is pretty much /<SCSI_IDENT_LUN_T10>/  per-device or something like it17:03
cyphermoxit goes along with bindings in /etc/multipath/17:03
cyphermoxjust running multipath -v0 will write both files for you though17:03
smoserbut not on diamond ?17:04
smoser# multipath -v0 ; echo $?17:04
smoseror are you saying you need a reboot?17:04
cyphermoxoh wait17:04
cyphermoxmultipath -W will write the wwids file for you17:05
cyphermoxfor some reason on diamond it's not liking any of the devices17:05
smoseryes, thats the problem :)17:05
cyphermoxit's also not really in the best of state to be debugging this17:06
smoserwhy ?17:06
smoserits booted off one device, but it has 5 others that are not used.17:06
smosercyphermox, so why does 'multipath -ll' not work now ?17:09
cyphermoxAug 28 17:10:24 | sdf can't store path info17:10
cyphermox^ I don't know17:10
smoserok,thank you for your help.17:11
smoseris it ok if i leve you to poke at that, and can you give me some suggestion of how i should install and configure multipath support ? we've not had to write a WWID file in trusty -> vivid.17:16
smoserit appears maybe i need to write the wwid in /etc/multipath/wwids ? which personally seems quite silly if i've declared the same id in /etc/multipath/bindings.17:17
cyphermoxI doubt writing the wwids will help in this case, looks like a legit bug for these devices17:18
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smoserok. well i'll leave you to debug, ok ?17:19
smoserthank you again for your help.17:19
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slangasekLogan: ah yes :)17:37
Logandoko: Bug 148998017:51
ubottubug 1489980 in gtkmm2.4 (Ubuntu) "Sync gtkmm2.4 1:2.24.4-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148998017:51
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