
mhall119ahoneybun: the alternative was that they use Ubuntu's resources and don't give anything to keep those resources available to you and Kubuntu00:33
ahoneybunmhall119: I'm just quoting01:29
mhall119ahoneybun: it's not totally wrong, Valve wanted to sell millions of consoles that used Ubuntu's bandwidth and infrastructure to keep their users up to date, and they didn't want to pay Canonical to use them01:32
ahoneybunoh I'm sure01:33
ahoneybunkeep profits high01:33
mhall119the thing is, if that happened, it means that Kubuntu's users would be competing for those resources with Steam gamers, who outnumber you by a couple orders of magnitude01:33
ahoneybununder 1% of linux users really01:34
mhall119Canonical invests in that infrastructure for Ubuntu, and it gives derivatives like Kubuntu free use of them because we value community and because we can currently swallow those costs01:34
ahoneybunstill a lot01:34
mhall119but we can't afford to swallow the cost of supporting SteamOS users01:35
ahoneybunthat sounds so like company talk01:35
ahoneybunoh yea a company like Valve can pull their own weight I agree01:35
mhall119ahoneybun: that doesn't make it not true01:35
ahoneybunI just like to have your honest thought on the whole thing01:36
mhall119the thing is, if we don't have the IP policy, our options become "Let both Valve and Kubuntu use it for free" or "Let *neither* Valve nor Kubuntu use it for free"01:36
ahoneybunbut again I don't want to let this get between us01:36
mhall119The policy, as messy as it is, let's us take a middle ground that allow community derivates free access while not allowing commercial derivates free access01:37
ahoneybunI enjoy Ubuntu as it lets me get involved with the whole Open Source community01:37
ahoneybuneven past Ubuntu01:37
ahoneybunand help other projects like LibreOffice01:37
mhall119my honest opinion is that (A) it's messy but (B) it's the only option I've heard that lets something like Kubuntu exist without having to rebuild everything from scratch01:39
ahoneybunflavors sure01:40
ahoneybunbut derivates have to build from source01:40
ahoneybunI understand the cost point 01:40
mhall119even Mint and Elementary, we can extend the free option to them, but we can do it selectively so that we don't give billion-dollar companies the same privilege01:40
ahoneybunI feel that most are angry/pissed about the messiness of it01:41
* ahoneybun not sure if that is a word01:41
ahoneybunI don't see elementary going on for long with their release cycle not matching Ubuntu01:41
mhall119that's some of it, some of it is the normal FUD and hate-mongering that we get for almost everything. I think most of it is just misunderstanding what the policy does, or a mismatch of expectations of what Canonical should be doing01:42
mhall119people tend to think that Kubuntu and Mint use Ubuntu the way Ubuntu uses Debian, but it's really quite different01:43
ahoneybunI'm just a bit biased ;) in it but it doesnt' stop me from trying to understand both points01:43
mhall119IMO, it would be extremely unethical if Canonical were to point 40 million users at Debian's servers, rather than providing our own01:43
ahoneybunkubuntu and mint point at Ubuntu servers01:44
ahoneybunwhile Ubuntu rebuilds from debian with patches01:44
ahoneybun(for Unity quite a bit lol)01:44
mhall119less that it used to be :)01:44
ahoneybunthat is the reason I stopped packaging for a while01:45
ahoneybunor trying anyway01:45
ahoneybundamn patches01:45
mhall119I hated workign with patches, me and quilt didn't get along01:45
ahoneybunme and nothing got along01:45
ahoneybunmhall119: check this out: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=breeze.git&a=commit&h=3ebb6ed33fb6522b0f5ca855a9fbd2b79c165e6501:46
ahoneybunI made it into a upstream release!01:46
mhall119ahoneybun: I saw your G+ post about that :)01:46
ahoneybunlots of things came from Akademy01:46
ahoneybunpython for prizes lol01:48
Nothing_Muchahoneybun, wow02:01
* Nothing_Much is jealous02:01
ahoneybunI wonder if I could write my Android settings on a NFC device so I can just tap for backups...02:02
Nothing_MuchI feel so alone that I know nothing about programming, but I run Linux!02:02
mhall119Nothing_Much: that's fixable :)02:03
Nothing_MuchWell, either I learn programming to fit in the crowd, or more people like me start using a proper Linux distro, like Ubuntu.02:04
Nothing_MuchAndroid isn't a proper Linux distro.02:05
* ahoneybun has moved to Arch before02:05
* Nothing_Much 's talking about Android02:05
ahoneybunHopefully Plasma Mobile will be ready in a year or so02:05
Nothing_MuchWhatever gets people to use better software, whether by exploitation or not, is going to be the best thing for FOSS and the GPL.02:06
* ahoneybun pokes mhall119 to get NFC to work on Ubuntu Phone02:07
mhall119poking the wrong person02:07
ahoneybunmaybe you could poke the right person02:08
ahoneybunnear field communction02:08
mhall119is there a Qt API for NFC?02:08
ahoneybunno clue02:08
Nothing_Muchwhat's NFC do?02:08
mhall119ah, looks like there is02:08
mhall119Nothing_Much: very close poximity communication between devices02:08
Nothing_Muchlike a vaccuum cleaner? o.o02:09
ahoneybundepends if the system is set to use it02:09
mhall119Nothing_Much: it's what Apple Pay and Google Wallet use, so you can pay from your phone02:09
Nothing_Muchohhhhhhh that thing02:09
ahoneybunmhall119: I have a NFC tag in my van that turns off wifi, pairs my phone and car audio , and opens Google Play Music :)02:09
ahoneybunthing is that the iPhone 6 can only use it for Apple Pay02:10
ahoneybunAndroid lets you use it for TONSSSSS of things02:10
Nothing_Muchbut still02:14
Nothing_MuchAndroid isn't a proper Linux distro02:14
Nothing_Muchwell, hopefully that changes once KDE releases that application that allows Android apps to run on actual Linux distros!02:14
ahoneybunfeels like you don't like Android02:15
ahoneybunsounds like02:18
Nothing_Muchyeah, kinda02:27
ahoneybuntypes his phone on his tv lol02:33
mhall119Nothing_Much: KDE being able to run Android apps isn't going to make Android a proper distro02:39
Nothing_Muchwell, I know that02:40
Nothing_Muchbut that means I have more choices and I could run Android apps on Linux :002:40
GarheadeMorning yo12:18

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