
cmaloneymorning and all that.16:13
cmaloneyOh wait, it's afternoon already.16:13
greg-gstill morning :)16:22
greg-gjust in my first (and only) 1:1 of the day :)16:23
* greg-g is paying attention, promise16:23
cmaloneyuh huh16:24
cmaloneyWent over tot he neurologist with dad-in-law16:25
greg-gneurologist? wow16:25
cmaloneythat was fun. We used a transport service16:25
cmaloneyI've been up since 5:30am16:25
cmaloneyWell, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease a while ago16:25
cmaloneybut we're starting to see other things and needed to get him in to see a "proper" neurologist16:25
cmaloneyApparently this doctor wasn't shy about saying that the last guy we saw was a chucklehad.16:26
greg-gglad you have a better doctor now16:46
cmaloneyI think it's a step in the right direction16:47
cmaloneyAt least we can get some better answers16:48
rick_h_greg-g: limiting calls on friday ftw16:59
rick_h_cmaloney: good to hear about getting good help17:00
cmaloneyThank you.17:00
greg-grick_h_: this was a special case because our normal day (thursday) I had an all day manager retreat (on wed/thurs, actually)17:00
rick_h_cmaloney: and since this sprint is a driving to sprint, packed up a box of wine for the sprint :)17:00
rick_h_greg-g: ah, yea thurs is my call day of doom17:00
greg-gwed is mine :)17:00
cmaloneyrick_h_: Those poor poor shaken bottles17:00
rick_h_8am to 8pm ugh17:00
rick_h_cmaloney: :)17:00
cmaloneythey'll need to be drunk right away17:00
* cmaloney rushes over with glasses and a corkscrew17:01
rick_h_cmaloney: oh there's plenty left17:01
rick_h_I need to get a wine fridge soon17:01
rick_h_or at least a larger rack17:01
rick_h_stacking milk crates on their sides isn't working any more17:01
cmaloneyYeah, proper wine rack is in order17:02
cmaloneybut you don't need to go overboard. :)17:02
jrwrena box of wine in bottles, or a box of wine? :)17:02
* cmaloney just imagined some wine rack that slowly turns the bottles to keep sediment from sedimenting17:02
cmaloneyjrwren: Hey, the boxed wine is my jam17:03
cmaloneyBota FTW17:03
rick_h_jrwren: a box that holes 12 bottles of wine17:03
rick_h_jrwren: though atm there's only 9 with room for 3 wine glasses17:03
jrwrencmaloney: the same guy that made popular boxed wine, is responsible for trader joes cheap wine.17:03
cmaloneyI'd believe it17:03
jrwrenrick_h_: cool box17:03
greg-g2 buck chuck17:04
cmaloneyThey raised the price17:04

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