
bluesabreUnit193: suppose its time to start uploading things again00:02
bluesabreUnit193: do you have a computer with nvidia?00:02
Unit193Not new nvidia.00:02
bluesabreeven better00:03
bluesabreI wonder if that works for older nvidia00:03
bluesabre(and newer_00:04
Unit193xfce 1043900:04
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10439 in General "Use GLX for compositing instead of Xrender" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1043900:04
bluesabreI think you have an ati/amd box around, right?00:05
Unit193fglrx netbook.00:05
bluesabrethat would be a fun test if you're interested00:06
bluesabreI'm probably going to add that patch to one of my ppas and give it a go00:06
Unit193204 on nvidia, and the fglrx is a slightly older version as the new one was craptastic.00:06
drcInteresting. 15.04 now has FF40 while 15.10(b1 atleast) has FF38.00:08
bluesabreyeah, for some reason devel always lags behind on firefox releases00:09
Unit193drc: It's in -proposed, because of a stupid ftbfs on powerpc.00:09
drcPeople still have PowerPC's?00:10
Unit193Doesn't matter, it's still holding things back.00:10
bluesabreg5 still has one of the coolest cases00:10
Unit193(I do, but not putting Ubuntu on it.)00:10
Unit193bluesabre: Got a G3, laptop and desktop. :P00:11
bluesabreI can only imagine how slow those things must be00:11
Unit193bluesabre: So I'm supposed to test this for some reason then?  And you'll do a good job patching it up? :P00:25
bluesabreUnit193: don't worry aobout it yet, I'll bug you about it again later :)00:26
bluesabreI wonder if we have to FFe xfpanel-switch to just add it to the seed...00:27
knomewe should get our target size changed to avoid those "oversizes" messages06:40
Unit193Or become smaller again...06:44
knomemhm, not so easy this time06:45
Unit193Well, aren't gcc/g++/etc unstripped?06:46
Unit193That'll help some.06:46
knomewhat do you mean by unstripped06:48
newform8|SM-G386Arizona Nebraska Units States they spell anus  07:05
knomenewform8|SM-G386, this is a family-friendly channel.07:05
knomenewform8|SM-G386, so please stop. thank you.07:05
newform8|SM-G386you're welcome I will 07:05
knomealso, if you are looking for a general chatter room, we have #xubuntu-offtopic for that purpose (family-friendly as well)07:06
newform8|SM-G386thanks I'm there now but I don't want to talk about what I typed about. you see, I thought I was typing that into a different room 07:11
knomenewform8|SM-G386, you are free not to talk.07:27
knomenewform8|SM-G386, but please do the not talking or talking on #xubuntu-offtopic 07:27
knomeunless it is related to xubuntu development.07:27
DalekSecThen do the talking or the not talking on #xubuntu-devel.07:28
ochosibluesabre: just fyi, i asked around and ubiquity will get a new upload soon, so our installer bug (transition to feh) should be fixed for 15.1008:02
newform8|SM-G386knome, I understand, I was just saying that I didn't mean to type what I originally typed in here 08:43
newform8|SM-G386if I payed more attention to the label of the room, I would have entered the message onto the intended room, which wasn't this one 08:44
=== blaze is now known as Guest35310
bluesabreochosi: that's great news10:55
bluesabreochosi: added a debdiff for our libreoffice report, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/148391410:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1483914 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "libreoffice-style-elementary as alternate to libreoffice-style-human" [Undecided,New]10:55
bluesabreit takes FOREVER to build lo10:55
bluesabreoh boy11:02
bluesabrehere comes gcc511:02
* bluesabre closes email app11:03
bluesabre"No-change rebuild using GCC 5."11:10
bluesabrelots and lots and lots of that11:11
Unit193You haven't updated in a while, have you?11:20
Unit193bluesabre: In wily, apt-cache show suckless-tools, what do you see?11:21
flocculantnot seen any rebuilds for gcc5 for a week or so11:21
* Unit193 just did a ton today.11:22
bluesabreUnit193: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12213468/11:24
Unit193Not just me, wondered if it'd matter en_GB vs en_US.11:25
Unit193bluesabre: Thanks, missing long description.11:25
flocculantbluesabre: did you see the parole crash of close with X comment yesterday? 11:26
flocculantwhich I can confirm11:26
knomepleia2, updated lp:xubuntu-website/docs-startpage (14.10 is EOL)11:26
flocculantbug 148953311:27
ubottubug 1489533 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole freezes when you try to close it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148953311:27
flocculantadded crash file to it 11:34
flocculantbluesabre: want that reported at bugzilla? 11:37
brainwashbug 148849411:42
ubottubug 1488494 in parole (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/parole:11:handler_unref_R:g_signal_handler_disconnect:parole_gst_shutdown:parole_player_quit:parole_player_stopped" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148849411:42
bluesabreflocculant: sure, if you're feeling reporty11:43
brainwashflocculant: this appears to be related11:43
bluesabreand thanks!11:43
bluesabreand hey brainwash 11:43
brainwashhello bluesabre 11:43
bluesabreI'll be working on bug reports this weekend, trying to knock the big ones out (mugshot camera, parole crash on close)11:44
bluesabreI have a mostly working solution for mugshot11:45
bluesabrecurrently camera is flipped and missing the right side, so not yet complete :D11:46
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:52
flocculantbluesabre: ok, done that12:01
flocculantbrainwash: it does12:01
knomeochosi, bluesabre: is the plan to keep 4.12 for 16.04, eg. no develeopment components?13:29
ochosiknome: depends, so far there is only the power manager that comes to mind...13:30
knomelong time until 16.04 too13:30
ochosii presume we'd manage to do a first stable release with that13:30
ochosibut i don't expect too much overall progress in xfce-land until 16.04 tbh13:30
ochosiunless a horde of motivated devs show up and port the hell out of it13:30
flocculanthello peeps13:30
ochosihey flocculant 13:32
ochosiknome, bluesabre: after some more thinking, i guess we'll have to evaluate the situation during 16.04 based on xfce4.14's progress, but i guess i'd rather be conservative about mixing in dev versions in the LTS release13:37
knomelike in 12.04? (:13:37
ochosiwell if the 4.14 progress means we might be able to upgrade 16.04 to it "soon after the release"...13:38
ochosibluesabre: btw, ofourdan is not a fan of us picking the vsync patch for xubuntu (read #xfce-dev ftm)13:38
bluesabreochosi: it's ok, we're past ff now and I wasn't sure about it yet14:25
bluesabreochosi: re: 16.04 and 4.1414:26
bluesabrelet's not ship too many dev things14:26
bluesabreunless we're already carrying them in wily14:26
bluesabrecan be a huge pain to update them later in that lts cycle, so many things change around in dev releases14:27
bluesabrelet's shoot for a really solid release ;)14:29
sidiHey, im having trouble building the Xubuntu 14.04 version of Thunar16:26
sidisays I'm missing thunar-thumbnail-cache-dbus.xml16:26
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knomebluesabre, i think i generally agree - mostly because i don't think there's anything worth breaking our LTS in 4.1317:36
knomebluesabre, and heads up, we want to upload the wallpaper before UIF, please tell me when you need it so you will certainly have time to upload it17:51
knomeslickymasterWork, ping ping, we should look at updating the installer slideshow some time soon17:51
slickymasterWorkyes we should knome. Next sunday? Are you free?17:53
slickymasterWorkI'll be unavailable tonight and tomorrow all day17:53
slickymasterWorkstill no word from neither from dylan or from graber17:54
slickymasterWork- from17:55
slickymasterWorkhave to go now, knome but will be around sunday17:58
knomeslickymaster, sunday should work, though wife has a day off, so i don't know about the day18:05
knomeslickymaster, evening is good as always18:06
bluesabresidi: ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode19:01
bluesabreknome: anytime you want to make it available I can upload it19:02
sidibluesabre, damn that must be what i was missing19:49
sidii ended up copy pastaing xml files from another build tree, so lame :x19:49
knomesidi, newb.19:50
sidiknome, meh.19:55
sidii was busy19:55
bluesabresidi: that might have solved it, and if not, pretend that I didn't say anything19:59
sidibluesabre, I reckon you're right from what I read in the makefiles20:00
sidii'm pretty confident I forgot to use that flag20:00
pleia2knome: flyers arrived early!20:21
pleia2knome: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/20966299721/ & https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/20966314621/20:25
pleia2(and anyone else who is interested :))20:26
bluesabrepleia2: those look great!20:28
pleia2yeah, I'm really happy with them20:29
knomepleia2, awesome20:34
knomenow you can close your work item and see it being done today on the timeline ;)20:34
pleia2yeah already DONE-ed in20:35
knomeand it shows up as it should20:35
knomewe should get these up on the website and social mediaize it20:36
pleia2social mediaed20:36
pleia2no time to do blog post right now, maybe once we update the website and generate download links and stuff20:36
* pleia2 airplane in a few hours20:36
knomeok, i'll be on my desktop soon and can prepare stuff etc20:38
mhall119pleia2: are you getting community donations money to print those flyers?21:04
knomeupdated http://xubuntu.org/products/ with preliminary stuff; will move the files to static.xubuntu.org later21:08
knomepleia2, ^ feel free to comment (or just overwrite) if you think it can be further improved)21:08
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=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosibluesabre: yeah agreed21:55
knomepleia2, lp:xubuntu-website/static-assets is updated for your pleasure22:09
knomeochosi, quick question: does the formatting of the release names satisfy you in the sidebar at http://xstaging.lallinaho.fi/blog/ ?22:09
knomeochosi, and is http://xstaging.lallinaho.fi/release/14-04/ fine for the formatting as is?22:09
knomeif yes, then i'll ask IS to take this to production22:10
ochosilooks good to me, but why does 13.04 not have a codename?22:10
knomebecause it's not inserted22:11
ochosi /o\22:11
ochosino seriously, looks good to me :)22:12
knomeheh, good to have checked.22:13
knomelet's make a sane order for the widget.22:13
* knome looks up the documentation for "get_germs"22:13
knomeno natural "version" sort22:14
knomerighto, done22:35
knomepoking IS next22:37
knomeok, done22:43
=== azzenovic is now known as azzenovic_
azzenovic_hi I've read about xubuntu core and I was wondering apart from being bare bones(no application preinstalled nearly) does it offer the same xfce experience as Xubuntu ?23:40
knomenot exactly the same, but there are surely similarities23:43
azzenovic_mmmm in other words what am i gonna miss exactly?23:43
knomethere is no definite list23:44
knomesee yourself23:44
azzenovic_Xubuntu has been surprising me for years and to be frank I needed something barebones like xubuntu core 23:47

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