jest_ | hey guys, i know this is an odd question, but i am visiting southern Ireland next week and need to know something about aTMs | 00:03 |
jest_ | do debit cards also need to have the chip and pin? or do can they just have the card (with no chip) and a pin? | 00:04 |
jest_ | like do some ATMS just allow you to swipe the card and not insert it totally? | 00:30 |
zmoylan-pi | you insert cards, no option to just swipe them if i'm reading you correctly | 03:39 |
jest_ | thanks for the info....i am hoping that they dont need the chip...or i am gonna be shit out of luck | 12:48 |
TenLeftFingers | Hi folks. Any ubuntu phone users here? I'm looking for confirmation on an issue with an Irish website: | 20:50 |
lubotu3 | Ubuntu bug 1458704 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Cannot use online banking with Bank of Ireland" [Undecided,New] | 20:50 |
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