=== ossurayynot is now known as tonyyarusso [04:36] I need to speak to a +f op on #ubuntu-offtopic [04:37] GadgetGeek: How can we help you? [04:37] are you +f in chanserv [04:37] GadgetGeek: Lets ignore that for the time being. How can we help you? [04:38] you can't [04:38] * GadgetGeek demands to be made an op [04:38] you cannot do that without +f [04:38] joking [04:39] bye [04:39] GadgetGeek: Same answer as in ##networking, no. [04:46] I ask that all freenode Admins and all Channel ops ban all LGBT supporters on site [04:47] HFS! You're back! Hello! [04:48] yes im back [04:48] but now i ask that people not support LGBT [04:48] its disgusting [04:49] i mean bruce jenner? WTF [04:49] Shuuush, I'm watching TV now. Also have to get up early, let me sleeeeeep! [04:54] I URGE EVERYONE TO SUPPORT THE DEATH PENALTY FOR HOMOSEXUALS DO AS WHAT GOD COMMANDS! [04:57] Don't need any o' that... [04:58] Danke, tonyyarusso. [06:16] yeah because God can't do the "job" by himself, idiots like that need to step in and play God. [06:58] phunyguy: No, you don't understand - God is doing it *wrong*! We must stop him! === popey_ is now known as popey === IdleOne is now known as Guest1178 === Guest1178 is now known as IdleOne