[00:43] EriC^^: Can I pick your brain on xserver requirment in HWE ? [02:36] * daftykins coughs [03:01] LoLz, Mate 15.10 lets Softwarecenter go .. but still offers wubi [03:03] So now we can beat Mate users over the head with a large wubi ? [03:12] We demand an wubi install, in windows 10. [03:13] paid drivers, and remove terminal like gparted after install. [03:13] WUBI :S [04:20] good morning to all [04:22] o/ [04:22] hellow daftykins :p [04:23] extreme thunder n lighting here : O [04:23] ooh dear [04:23] you best unplug for eletronic safety! [04:24] yeah i have protected wires [04:25] o0 [04:25] from what? :) [04:26] those anti lightning power extenders [04:27] 0o [04:27] daftykins: something like this: http://home-shopper.nl/product/veiligheid/veiligheid-thuis/408I.htm [04:28] cfhowlett: nihao :p [04:28] hmm an electrician told me they're all a joke, once [04:28] lotuspsychje, yowza^2 [04:28] daftykins: yeah its hard to believe its gonna stop 11.000 volts [04:29] :D [04:29] WHY does this dude insist on using an obsolete/unsafe OS /rant [04:30] its like saying cars are 'safe' from lightning because their on tires [04:30] cfhowlett: some users will never get it right [04:31] is that what typing #osdev meant? [04:31] cfhowlett: ive seen its a human habbit, to avoid/ignore updates [04:31] i thought it was an idiot not knowing how to join a channel [04:31] oh now i follow you [04:31] and the same users are all "Ubuntu suks" FUD spreaders. grrrr [04:31] <-- too much beer [04:31] lol [04:31] * daftykins sips more [04:32] * lotuspsychje starts his day wth coffee :p [04:32] I guess I have partial add cuz I apt full-upgrade daily and install LTS at the first point release. [04:33] same here, always up to date :p [04:33] cfhowlett: recently looked at usn per ubuntu version...its scary [04:33] !usn [04:33] Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates. [04:34] i swear we get so many users nowadays that don't even read the download page to understand LTS vs. non-LTS [04:34] that's one of my earliest understandings of Ubuntu, was learning that distinction [04:35] yeah alot of users go for 15.04 this time [04:35] daftykins, I think it fair to say that new users read damn near nothing. [04:35] hehe, too true [04:35] maybe its because many users need alternatives, but dont know differences yet [04:36] in fact i was discussing this with a young lady in the pub tonight, she thinks youngsters are better just because they grew up with it [04:36] i suggested that they won't learn as much because most are stuck with Apple products that have plenty of limitations [04:36] such as having a walled-garden ecosystem [04:36] apple get h4xxed daily worldwide... [04:37] ubuntu has also fixxed alot of security holes this year, so best to be very updated [04:39] it's more that a kid playing with an apple product is limited on what they can do [04:40] they don't have to do much as the system is pretty dumbed down to point/click. not necessarily a bad thing for most users. [04:40] that limits their learning though [04:41] learn? most users don't want to learn. they just want to .. use. [04:41] yeah but underground their iphones get rooted hard [04:42] remember that security flaw where they can steal online celeb pics [04:42] they still can do that, thats why i never trust any cloud [04:46] cloud services in general are a bit different to fruity tech products :) [04:47] i only trust mu usb data burried under the ground :p [04:48] with a big cross + RIP kittycat [04:48] my cat heard that [04:48] ;) [04:49] lol [04:50] https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl2am3hjwzyrz4v/IMG_20150829_054828.jpg?dl=0 [04:54] nice blackn white [04:55] I get FB, twitter and most blog platforms being blocked. I don't agree, but I get it. Inexplicably the Great Firewall also blocks Dropbox! grrrrrrrrrrrr [04:56] d'aww [04:56] social media is a growing nest for h4ckers [04:56] she's a lovely monochrome cat ;) [04:59] is he serious?!! [05:03] utter idiot [05:05] obstinate to be sure. I had to /ignore ... just too frustrating to explain again [07:46] Good morning. [18:24] Even though I have not had my quota of coffee; strapping myself in for this ride anyway . [18:33] Double-espresso for Bashing-om [19:08] ^^ Wired and strapped now ! [20:39] oh, i did a wrong ignore gambl0re [20:39] * OerHeks goes print out the irc comands [20:42] Yep - gambl0re - Nothing worthwhile there . [23:19] does anyone know of a good 'google search from the command line' application