[05:29] morning world :) [06:46] craigbrash, hello [07:14] hi africa :) [07:24] helloooo africa [07:24] hi craigbrash [07:34] hi Kilos [07:36] just read sinclairs mail, he is right, we need to keep contact mainly, and let things grow from there [07:37] whole of africa is in a troubled state atm so one has to just ride the tide for now [07:41] hello :) [07:41] * ongolaBoy was offline since 2,3 weeks :) [07:44] hi ongolaBoy [07:44] we noticed yes [07:45] all ok there? [07:45] hi theShirbiny [07:48] I'm fine at my side . A bit busy but it's ok [07:49] good [07:55] Kilos, greeting man! [07:56] Morning Africa :) [07:56] hi philipballew elacheche [07:57] Kilos, How is life in your neck of the woods? === r0ckwild is now known as r0ckwilda [09:13] alive philipballew [09:13] sorry im so slow [09:13] Kilos, dont die! Its chill that you are slow [09:14] lol i wont die man [09:14] im too stubborn [09:15] you guys just look after here till im in top form again [10:18] hey Kilos [14:30] Hey everyone [14:30] Sup kilos what was that email about? [14:41] Hello Fatar [14:44] was that your email craigbash? [14:45] not mine but which one? [14:46] From O.Sinclair? [15:28] oh [15:30] saying you guys are a tiny group so difficult to push only windows, but thats good too because many peeps that switch to linux end up using ubuntu in one way or anothger [15:30] another [15:30] sorry i was asleep === r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-} [15:49] the sleep pills strike again Kilos? [15:49] haha still [15:50] they not even sleep pills, supposed to dilate veins and arteries [17:31] o/ [17:31] Kilos, hows you :) [17:42] good ty Na3iL and you? [17:42] am good :D [19:38] hi [19:49] hi Kilos ubuntiste-msakni [19:49] happy to see you [19:49] hi melodie [19:50] maybe Na3iL [19:50] i dont remember if he does grahics as well [19:50] Na3iL ? what does Na3iL do? [19:50] ok [19:50] I'll upload a screenshot [19:51] Na3iL ^^ [19:52] this is the Alpha1, and I'm about to build the Beta 1.1 [19:52] http://meets.free.fr/images/Malinux-2015-alpha1.png [19:53] o/ [19:53] I would need the logos (not seen on this page) and the background be reused to get the plymouth theme show Malinux instead of Xubuntu [19:53] Yo Kilos melodie [19:53] hi Na3iL [19:53] philipballew do you know graphics peeps with time [19:53] wassup guys [19:54] Na3iL melodie buils things for peeps in africa [19:54] probably noone who does things for free, but I can keep an eye open [19:54] ty [19:54] builds [19:54] Oh! cool Kilos keep it up melodie [19:54] Na3iL I'm remixing Xubuntu Trusty to do the Malinux edition which had been done in 2012 for the Mali teachers in high schools and universities and I'd like to make it very good. I need some help with a few things now that it's almost ok on the tech part [19:55] Great job melodie :) I think d4rk-5c0rp can help too [19:55] philipballew they don't have to do it for free, they can grab Malinux and remix it or adapt it for their own needs [19:56] Na3iL that would be nice [19:56] Besides, what kind of Artwork you need melodie [19:56] I have to warn you that the ISO is very large, because of the doc which is inside. [19:57] the one that allows using the Xubuntu plymouth theme to make it look like Malinux : I can provide the logo and background the graphist has to work with that (I don't have source files) [19:57] By the way, just wondering if you have did the distribution Malinux from the scratch? [19:58] I am using Xubuntu in Ubuntu Builder with the instructions of the guy who did the former one on top of Xubuntu 12.04 [19:58] I use Xubuntu 14.04.3 [19:58] Nice! [19:58] he provided scripts, which can't be used anymore and I ported the method with the normal principles I know of [19:59] I am about to do the third build, and it pains me to see the Xubuntu plymouth splash when it's a matter of knowing the graphic tools to get the same with the Malinux theme [20:00] melodie Na3iL and d4rk-5c0rp are in tunisia same as ubuntiste-msakni [20:00] oh ok! [20:00] or elacheche [20:00] yes [20:00] guys melodie is in france [20:00] I know both his nicks [20:00] good [20:00] I'm nearby Toulouse [20:01] as is the man who does the computing job in the Non for profit association [20:01] they bring computers to Mali once a year, with this Xubuntu specifically branded for the schools there [20:02] Trés trés bien melodie :D [20:02] at the end of September we will have a full day meeting with computers coming from the companies who change their computers, (5 to 6 years old computers only) and we will prepare theme all together [20:03] Na3iL :D [20:03] I don't want to talk French because Kilos does not understand [20:03] nono you are welcome [20:03] ok so you know, when it's ready you can get it and test it [20:03] i need to sleep anyway [20:03] if you can find me a graphist who can take a share of the job that would be really nice [20:04] then I'll send him the background and whatever he can use [20:04] Yeah I will look for some guys who can help you with this [20:04] night all. sleep tight [20:04] good night Kilos take good care [20:05] Na3iL thanks! [20:05] will do ty [20:05] You welcome melodie :) [20:05] I have to do a few things now, I'll bb later [20:10] Take ur time [20:55] o/ [20:58] o/ [21:13] hi elacheche_anis [21:14] fail! [22:39] good night