[03:26] email sent out to editors [15:56] New version of publish-uwn is causing some intermitant problems for me. I'll hold off uploading it another week so I can sort them out [19:17] going to do some editorial review and then see about releasing soon [19:29] pleia2: april wang's posts still need attention - still on my todo list :) [19:29] PaulW2U: which one? I can see about doing it [19:29] I saved with changes to the 2nd one [19:30] as far as I can remember both [19:31] hah, ok, I'll take a closer look at them [19:39] fixed up both [19:39] PaulW2U: any other concerns before publishing? [19:40] Don't think so - back to watching tv :) [19:41] thanks, enjoy :) [19:44] Has Unit193 done his link check? [19:44] has not [19:45] may have to publish later afterall, the husband is now ready to continue our goings on here [19:45] * ahoneybun is in this release :) [19:45] Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue432 [19:45] I'll be back in a bunch of hours and will release then [19:50] Everything seems to be pointing correctly.