=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase [07:28] good morning folks [07:43] Saviq: morning [07:58] mzanetti: answered to https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/cardCarouselWithHeader/+merge/269499 [07:59] mzanetti: so we needed new branches at the end? [07:59] tsdgeos, ? [08:00] mzanetti: see you've created lots of new MRs against the overlay branch [08:00] tsdgeos, just resubmitting them towards the correct branch [08:00] ah ok [08:01] tsdgeos, I'll prepare a silo today... now that MirSurface has landed [08:01] no more (or well, way less) streched frames on rotation, yay! [08:02] :) [08:37] mzanetti: what are we having in that silo? [08:37] lots of branches! [08:37] D: [08:40] tsdgeos, *everything* [08:40] and some conflicts :D [08:40] :D [08:40] ltinkl, hey ho. can you merge globalShortcuts? [08:59] Saviq: now that you're with us maybe you can do https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/newCroppedImageMinimumSourceSize/+merge/269233 ? [08:59] /s/do/review [09:00] tsdgeos, will do [09:02] tsdgeos, looks simpler ;D [09:02] yeah [09:02] and i couldn't find any case in which it's wors [09:02] ee [09:02] -e [09:07] Mirv: what's the position in the queue for the patches in https://bugs.launchpad.net/thumbnailer/+bug/1484914 ? [09:07] Ubuntu bug 1484914 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Memory leak in ThumbnailGenerator" [High,In progress] [09:12] tsdgeos, so ultimately it defaults to Qt.size(width, 0) (i.e. portrait) and only switches if the image aspect ratio is landscape [09:12] well not aspect ratio is landscape [09:12] but "more landscape" than the holding aspect ratio [09:12] that [09:12] yeah [09:13] means that actually gets us the right image in one request in best case scenario [09:14] yep [09:14] wonder if we should swap the if, though, could use some statistics ;) [09:15] yeah i also thought the other way around could be better [09:15] but since this is already better than what we ha [09:15] d [09:15] sure [09:16] decided to settle here and then if we want to investigate more we can do at a later stage [09:16] I'll test it out and try and get some idea on what case we end up in more often [09:23] toja15lip83 [09:23] fook [09:25] that was a pretty good password [09:25] wasn't bad was it === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr [09:30] mzanetti, hey, rc-proposed is the closest we get to vivid+overlay, right? [09:31] Saviq, yes, that's it [09:31] tx [09:31] Saviq, so is the official start today or tomorrow? [09:31] mzanetti, today [09:31] Saviq, welcome back! [09:31] danke schoen [09:32] excited to be back [09:38] ah uh, holiday in UK [09:39] wonder if should move the sync to tomorrow [09:39] tsdgeos: that's next since the previous made it to archives last week. actually it's already built (gles now building), so I could take the feedback already. I updated the PPA to the bug report now. [09:39] the PPA only for vivid overlay at this point [09:39] Mirv: cool [09:53] mzanetti: hi, and merged :) [09:53] ltinkl, hi [09:54] so a general question, what is the overlay branch? [09:55] ltinkl, looking at the diff there seems to be something wrong [09:55] mzanetti, the merge that I'd pushed? [09:55] ltinkl, you should have attended a standup last weel :D [09:55] week [09:55] ltinkl, https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/globalshortcuts/+merge/269608 [09:56] mzanetti, hah ye, I didn't know exactly where my head was that last week :o) [09:56] ltinkl, the overlay branch is the one that goes into vivid+overlay [09:56] ltinkl, trunk goes into wily now [09:57] mzanetti, so cherry picked up commits for the "stable" stuff? [09:57] ltinkl, no [09:57] ltinkl, we just work on the overlay branch and I'll sync it to wily every once in a while [09:57] mzanetti, ah ok, so the other way around [09:57] ltinkl, trying to avoid cherry-picking, as with the amount of branches we have that's a full time job [09:58] ltinkl, anyhow, please fix the changelog [09:58] mzanetti, so all the MPs are supposed to be filed against foo/overlay right? [09:58] yes [09:58] mzanetti, yup sure, a sec [10:11] Mirv: ouch, that ppa has smaller value than the overlay one so dist-upgrade doesn't want to install the pacakges D: [10:13] tsdgeos: are you sure, or are you just hit by the usual https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LandingTeam/SiloTestingGuidelines#Install_silos_with_overlay_PPA_enabled ? [10:13] (if not using citrain tool) [10:13] i guess i hit that [10:13] i just removed the stable-overlay ppa for the moment so it will dist-upgrade [10:14] nowadays the wiki instruction isn't even incorrect like it used to be for months [10:14] ok === davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:16] tsdgeos, hey, you reviewed: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/turn-on-screen-when-notifying/+merge/269606 [12:16] tsdgeos, did you test it too? is it working for you? [12:26] * mzanetti reposts as he's not sure tsdgeos received the messages [12:26] tsdgeos, hey, you reviewed: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/turn-on-screen-when-notifying/+merge/269606 [12:26] tsdgeos, did you test it too? is it working for you? [12:38] mzanetti: i did use notify-send and yes it did work with it [12:38] mzanetti: what did you test it with? [12:40] tsdgeos, I sent a telegram to the phone [12:40] doesn't seem to wake up the display [12:41] mzanetti: does notfy-send do [12:41] ? [12:41] * mzanetti tries [12:41] tsdgeos, where do I get that from? [12:41] ah, found it [12:43] tsdgeos, it does [12:43] :/ [12:44] so maybe telegram is wrongly sending up a Notification.Confirmation notification? [12:44] tsdgeos, well, it also doesn't wake up the screen with trunk... so I guess not a problem in our code [12:45] mzanetti: well it is, i mean the code is adding the "wake on notification" logic [12:45] if it's not waking up [12:45] something's wrong [12:45] ah ok [12:45] reading through the description I thought it would just move it around, but not actually change the behavior [12:45] well [12:45] it is crentralizing it [12:45] because some apps did on their own [12:46] telegram maybe didn't === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:58] mzanetti, I *think* telegram not waking was a design decision, karni, do you remember? [12:58] karni, hi, btw, I'm back here again ;) [13:04] tsdgeos, Saviq, fyi, it works fine with an SMS [13:04] so yes, I continue with the assumption that telegram not waking up is on purpose [13:05] (which seems sensible, I think) [13:05] yeah, it might be too big volume to wake the screen up [13:05] really depends on the use case... [13:05] well, ideally it would be user preference, but we're not there yet with the notification system [13:05] I for one disable notifications for all groups and really want to be informed on all the other things [13:05] yep, exactly [13:05] * Saviq 2 [13:12] Saviq, speaking of which, is it just me or does krillin not ring on telegram messages, while mako and arale do? [13:13] same for heike's krillin, no ringtone on telegram notifications, but her Nexus7 does [13:13] mzanetti, only have krillin with Ubuntu here atm, but I don't remember it giving a ring, no [13:13] mzanetti, I wonder if it's due to audio hw taking longer to wake up and missing the sound altogether [13:14] Saviq, what happened to your other devices? running something else or did you give them away? [13:14] ah! [13:14] mzanetti, dednick has my arale, mako I've to flash [13:15] here we go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1413818 [13:15] Ubuntu bug 1413818 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu RTM) "Notification sounds aren't being played back on E4.5" [High,Confirmed] [13:26] mzanetti, can you please invite me to the standup? [13:26] need to think about that [13:27] Saviq, done [13:27] :'( [13:28] there's something utterly wrong with thunderbird and google's caldav, I can't dismiss reminders for past events [13:29] still better than the gdata provider that had the same issue *and* hung my thunderbird every time it synced... [13:36] stupid internet going down all the time [13:36] i'm on the phone 3G connection [13:39] seems the router is stable now, let me try to go back to it [13:45] Saviq: sorry, "broken pipe" via ssh ;D reading up! (and welcome back!) [13:45] Saviq: I believe only system apps would wake the screen up [13:46] Saviq: and that's probably the right decision, since if there's no api to configure it, imagine a noisy group chat draining the battery :) [14:01] karni, yeah, agreed, as said above - probably ideally would be configurable, but not there yet [14:01] Saviq: yup [14:12] greyback_, hey ho, is this one done with the mirSuraface branches? https://trello.com/c/kV1kxIkM/73-3-multiple-views-of-single-surface [14:12] greyback_, or is there more to it? [14:13] Saviq, welcome to my thunderbird calendar experience... I had to give up on it [14:18] mzanetti, thing is, all that shit's only happening with g's calendar, everything's fine with owncloud, for example [14:20] hey josharenson [14:21] Saviq: hello [14:22] Saviq: you officially back, or tomorrow? [14:24] josharenson, today [14:24] welcome back! [14:26] thanks, happy to be here [14:31] mzanetti: there's no more to it, mirSurface branches are all it needs [14:31] greyback_, ta [14:31] greyback_, standup time :) [14:31] mzanetti: am not working today :) [14:32] you're not? [14:32] oh... you're marked as away, my bad [14:32] greyback_, have a nice day then :)