[20:01] ahoneybun_: what's the status on your Kubuntu DVD art, is Tom waiting for a reply from you about the origami design? [20:02] Bryanstein: ping me when you're around, got a question about FOSSETCON [20:09] mhall119: I did.... [20:10] "Geometric is the KDE artstyle I believe and we are pure KDE so we should stick with that. I like the Japanese designs concept but that is Ubuntu related and we are still part of Ubuntu but we should have a design that is a mix of our own and KDE. Also I moved the text and logo on the front from feedback from our community which is very important to me and us as a whole." [20:14] I've sent the email again mhall119 [21:27] since upstart is the preferred way of managing services, how do I start a service?