
dholbachgood morning06:41
mvoelopio: hi, if you are still up, I wonder if I should top-approve sergios branches for snapcraft or if he prefers to do that himself06:46
mvohey dholbach, good morning06:46
dholbachthanks mvo06:51
fgimenezgood morning07:04
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zygagood morning07:27
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Chipacagoood morning!08:19
ogra_mvo, do we want to wait til there is any feedback on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=791661 for the SRU of bug 1323732 ? seems a user has issues creating users in 15.04 (on the ML)08:40
ubottuDebian bug 791661 in shadow "support for alternative passwd location (i.e. libnss-extrausers)" [Wishlist,Open]08:40
ubottubug 1323732 in adduser (Ubuntu Vivid) "adduser should support managing additional password/shadow/group files from libnss-extrausers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132373208:40
ogra_or should we perhaps just push it to the PPA08:41
mvoogra_: this is in wily, no?08:53
mvoogra_: aha, you mean for 15.04? yeah, going the ppa route is fine here I think08:54
Chipacamvo: o/09:09
Chipacamvo: so, comapreDirs09:09
mvohey Chipaca09:09
Chipacamvo: compares the output of ls09:09
mvoChipaca: no, compardirs is terrible09:09
Chipacamvo: that's a huge red flag09:09
mvoChipaca: I was wondering about https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-lp1468831-race/+merge/26915509:09
Chipacabecause it's a controlled test scenario09:09
Chipacait wouldn't be too terrible09:09
Chipacait's comparing the ctimes, which we don't care about09:09
Chipacaisntead of the mtimes or the atimes which we apparently do care about09:09
mvooh, sorry, I get it now, its connected09:10
Chipacaalso it09:10
* mvo shuts up and listens09:10
* Chipaca derails09:10
Chipacai was going to say "also it compares the time format instead of asking ls to use something smarter", but i'm not sure that would be a win09:11
ChipacaI mean, you can tell ls to --time-style=+%s for example09:11
* mvo nods09:11
Chipacabut if we're just comparing for equality that's fine09:11
Chipacaand, given the comment about atime/mtime in RSyncWithDelete, I think we *do* care about equality09:12
Chipacaso that means the test is wrong, and the fix is hiding it instead of fixing it :)09:12
Chipacarant mode off09:12
Chipacafix mode on09:12
Chipacai guess what we want is to have ls print the atime and the mtime, if those are truly what we care about09:12
mvoyeah, absolutely agreed, I will reject the branch09:12
Chipacahm, ls can't print both atime and mtime at the same time09:14
elopiofgimenez: ping. I made some good progress on the subunit repo. Can you please check the pull requests? https://github.com/elopio/subunit/pulls09:14
elopioI couldn't find how to do something like prerequisits in git, so if you don't start from the older it might be a mess.09:15
fgimenezelopio, ok np i'll take a look09:16
Chipacamvo: default for ls is mtime (i thought it was ctime, for some reason), so we're not preserving it in RSyncWithDelete?09:16
mvoChipaca: hm, its using cp -a09:17
Chipacamvo: but for single files09:18
Chipacamvo: directories it's making itself09:18
* Chipaca wonders why that isn't a single cp call09:18
Chipacaah, because of the filesareequal check09:18
Chipacai know how to unbreak the test, now :)09:18
mvoyeah, the dirs are indeed missing09:19
mvoyay, thanks Chipaca09:19
mvoand sorry for the trouble :/09:19
Chipacahah. no worries.09:19
Chipacasorry for the rant09:19
mvoall good, terrible code there09:20
Chipacamvo: how does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12244247/ look?09:36
mvoChipaca: much nicer09:38
Chipacamvo: OTOH i could move that to CopyFile09:39
Chipacamvo: and just use CopyFile here09:39
Chipacabut maybe make it different branches09:39
* Chipaca agrees with himself already09:39
Chipacamvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/fix-1468831/+merge/269728 would be that then09:42
Chipacamvo: not top-approving because integration tests09:54
Chipacaoooh, mp failed?09:56
mvohelpers/helpers.go:503: impossible type assertion:09:58
mvo *syscall.Stat_t does not implement os.FileInfo (missing IsDir method)09:58
mvolooks like it09:58
Chipacamvo: forgot .Sys() :(10:00
Chipacamvo: fixed10:01
Chipacamvo: in https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/lp1480248-test-reenable/+merge/269176 you say elopio's comment is addressed, but .. you forgot to push it?10:04
mvoChipaca: indeed, sorry again10:04
* Chipaca takes a break10:05
sergiusensmvo: thanks for the reviews!10:13
ogra_sergiusens, wrt bug 1490741 ... shouldnt u-d-f bail out when using a RPi2 snap with a generic tarball ?10:17
ubottubug 1490741 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash creates an rpi2 image that won't boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149074110:17
ogra_or did i do something rong with the meta data in the pi2 snap ?10:18
sergiusensogra_: it shouldn't fail, no; it will use the one from s-i10:21
ogra_thats bad10:21
sergiusensogra_: that is the catch to --developer-mode, no hand holding10:21
sergiusensogra_: yeah, you need to put this upstream ;-)10:22
ogra_yeah, i think we need a mechanism to define what device tarballs an oem snap can be used with10:22
sergiusensogra_: how would you start enabling a board if not?10:22
sergiusensogra_: well, with what mvo is doing right now and with what I did here http://blog.sergiusens.org/posts/Recovering-Ubuntu-Core/ that is no longer going to be necessary10:23
ogra_oh, it should all be open while developing ... but package.yaml should have an optional enttry that can bind us to a certain device tarball10:23
sergiusensogra_: but the device tarbal is just a tar10:23
ogra_currently :)10:23
sergiusensogra_: when it becomes a snap, I hope the gadget would define it10:24
sergiusensogra_: since it would be pulled from the store, so it needs the name10:24
* ogra_ turns the u-d-f task on the bug invalid but keeps the snappy one open then10:27
* Chipaca is trying to figure out https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/setenv-closure-redefinition/+merge/26971710:37
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs waiting for shadow to be published in the PPA10:41
fgimenezChipaca, yes, it's a bit involved :)10:41
fgimenezChipaca, in build_test we used var definitions for testing the dependency calls10:42
Chipacafgimenez: but here's the thing10:43
Chipacafgimenez: a var is not a closure10:43
Chipacathere's nothing to "refresh"10:43
fgimenezChipaca, well, maybe the wording is not correct, we first define the var here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/setenv-closure-redefinition/view/head:/_integration-tests/testutils/build/build.go#L4610:44
fgimenezChipaca, when we call this afterwards, it doesn't take the value of the environment variables if we don't redefine it10:45
fgimenezChipaca, this used to work before 1.510:45
Chipacafgimenez: and you get the same error every time without this change?10:46
fgimenezChipaca, yep10:47
Chipacafgimenez: and if you do "export GOMAXPROCS=1" before running the test?10:47
fgimenezChipaca, let me try..10:47
Chipacafgimenez: because what changed was that in 1.5 GOMAXPROCS defaults to the number of cores; before it was 110:48
Chipacafgimenez: and getenv is per-process10:48
* Chipaca writes a small testcase to check this just in case10:49
fgimenezChipaca, ah! ok, shouldn't GOARCH be the same for all of them?10:49
fgimenezChipaca, i'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12244578/ after removing the var redefinition line10:55
Chipacafgimenez: i'll dig into it in a bit10:57
fgimenezChipaca, ok thanks! :)10:59
Chipacafgimenez: shouldn't osGetenv return something?11:12
Chipacai mean11:12
Chipacafgimenez: in the tests11:12
Chipacafgimenez: you're rewriting osGetenv11:12
Chipacafgimenez: with fakeOsGetenv11:12
Chipacafgimenez: that does not return anything11:12
Chipacai.e. it always returns an empty string11:12
Chipacafgimenez: may i suggest you keep an environ map[string]string in the test, and set things in it from fakeSetenv, and return things from it in fakeGetenv?11:14
fgimenezChipaca, yes that makes a lot of sense, let me take a look11:15
Chipacaactually making it a map[string]struct{string, int, int} would be the way I'd do it, actually11:15
Chipacafgimenez: i'll show you what i mean in a diff, give me a few11:16
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Chipacafgimenez: something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12244793/ might work, but it would involve changing a number of tests appropriately11:40
Chipacafgimenez: advantage of this is you have a single place where you track reads, writes and current value of the environment11:41
Chipacafgimenez: disadvantage might be that it's a bigger change from where the code is right now11:41
Chipacafgimenez: whereas the simpler change would be http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12244813/11:43
Chipacafgimenez: i feel it'll make things harder to follow in the long term, but not particularly strongly :)11:43
Chipacafgimenez: also note you would have spotted this error earlier if you didn't use the "bare return" thing as much as you do11:44
fgimenezChipaca, yep :) thanks for that, i was thinking in the latter option that you proposed, i'll put hands on it11:45
Chipacafgimenez: in both cases note i haven't tested the code :)11:45
fgimenezChipaca, np :)11:46
* Chipaca is now on lunch break11:50
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Chipacapitti: i have the silliest systemd question, and sadly for you your name is soldered to systemd in my mind13:54
pittihey Chipaca -- heh :)13:54
pittiChipaca: you could ask anyone in the vast systemd maintenance team in Ubuntu!13:54
Chipacapitti: if I do, e.g.,: sudo journalctl -u urfkill -o json-pretty13:54
Chipacapitti: it returns a series of lines, with a json document per line13:55
Chipacajson, not json-pretty13:55
Chipacapitti: json-pretty to read it, json to parse it :)13:55
Chipacapitti: anyway. you get that, a series of json objects13:55
pittilooking at it here, for systemd-udevd, as i don't have urfkill13:55
Chipacapitti: in the first one, the systemd unit is in the "UNIT" key13:55
Chipacapitti: in the following ones, it's in "_SYSTEMD_UNIT"13:56
Chipacapitti: this feels like a bug13:56
Chipacapitti: but I don't know13:56
pittiChipaca: it for sure is13:56
pittiI mean, I don't see how this would be deliberate13:56
Chipacawell, it's certainly not what's documented :)13:57
* Chipaca updates his system just in case13:57
pittiChipaca: it's the same with -o verbose or export, i. e. not just a presentation problem; I guess it's actually wrong in the db13:57
pittiyep, should always be _SYSTEMD_UNIT as per systemd.journal-fields(7)13:58
Chipacapitti: i wonder whether it's different on purpose, so you get the unit the first time and don't bother if it's not there because it's the same?13:58
Chipacathat sounds contrieved though13:58
Chipacaand aggregates poorly13:58
pittiChipaca: do you mind filing it at https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues or should I proxy it for you?13:59
Chipacapitti: i wouldn't mind filing it13:59
pittiChipaca: cool, thanks; if this is blocking you I'll see to fix it this week, but I suppose it's easy enough to work around for now?14:00
Chipacait is14:00
Chipacapitti: it's also only the first one for any service, for you?14:01
pittiChipaca: yes, consistently (tried 3)14:01
pittiChipaca: in a fresh VM I see two UNIT=, though14:02
pittibut either way, this is inconsistent and undocumented14:02
Chipacapitti: I'll file the bug, you add that to it :)14:02
Chipacapitti: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/110614:05
pittiChipaca: thanks, I'll watch what upstream says and if appropriate look into it14:07
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Chipacapitti: ta14:09
Chipacapitti: there you go then14:34
pittiChipaca: ah! so this is "message from pid 1 about unit foo" vs. "message from unit foo"14:35
Chipacapitti: yep, so it might be a bug in documentation as opposed to implementation14:36
Chipacaas the docs don't mention UNIT nor any other mysterious "couple of other keys"14:36
pittiChipaca: yeah, I just followed up wrt. that14:36
Chipacaheh. jinks.14:36
Chipacaanyway, you know what time it is?14:37
Chipacatime for a cuppa tea14:37
pittiand again14:37
pittiChipaca: good idea!14:37
pittiChipaca: I was about to yell "Tool time!" :)14:37
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rickspencer3is there a bug # for snappy-remote install doesn't work with webdm?14:57
Chipacapitti: do you know what they mean wrt trusted/untrusted fields?14:57
pitti"Fields prefixed with an underscore are trusted fields, i.e. fields that are14:57
pitti       implicitly added by the journal and cannot be altered by client code."14:57
Chipacapitti: where's that?14:58
pittiChipaca: in man systemd.journal-fields14:58
Chipacapitti: gotcha14:58
tedsergiusens, Do you have a snapcraft branch where you're removing the ubuntu plugin?14:58
pittiChipaca: so, a client using libsystemd journal_* can set arbitrary fields, but not those prefixed with _14:58
Chipacapitti: k :)14:59
sergiusensted: not pushed yet14:59
sergiusensted: still in the works (writing tests)14:59
tedsergiusens, Can you push so I can base off of that?14:59
Chipacarickspencer3: how does it not work?15:02
Chipacarickspencer3: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12246078/15:02
rickspencer3Chipaca, the last time I tried it, it didn't work, and I was told that it was a bug15:03
Chipacarickspencer3: ah, maybe sergiusens knows more then15:03
rickspencer3Chipaca, I did $snappy-remote install --url=ssh://webdm.local or something15:04
rickspencer3Chipaca, oh15:04
rickspencer3no, you are installing webdm15:04
rickspencer3I meant installing a different snap using webdm15:04
rickspencer3instead of the ip address15:04
ogra_you mean using avahi ;)15:08
ogra_(webdm.local is an avahi address, perhaps the go implementation that the webdm package ships has issues)15:14
ChipacaI think it's snappy-remote doing something smart with --url that does not include avahi15:15
Chipacait also does not hand it straight off to ssh, which means you can't use fake ssh hostnames15:15
ogra_also note that you can only have the same avahi address once in your network ... i.e. if you have a BBB on the same network running another webdm instance that calls for issues15:15
Chipaca*also* also note I don't think avahi will work to kvm15:15
Chipacamvo: wrt bug 1491011, if your snappy doesn't have a service, you don't have the fix. If it does have service, and you're seeing this, then caca.15:18
ubottubug 1491011 in Snappy "[webdm] fails to start webdm on rpi2 if no network is attached" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149101115:18
mvoChipaca: uh, I'm not sure I understand, thats webdm, it has a service15:19
Chipacamvo: yes15:19
Chipacamvo: what does "snappy service status webdm" print15:19
* Chipaca forgot the 'status' verb15:20
ogra_i think i said before that i dont think it is wrong if webdm doesnt start when no network is available15:20
mvoChipaca: its on 15.04, do we have snappy service there already?15:20
ogra_what *is* important though is that it starts as soon as you connect network15:20
Chipacamvo: then you don't have the network brouhaha fix :)15:20
mvoChipaca: aha!15:20
mvoChipaca: now I understand15:20
Chipacamvo: it's not backported, and landed in wily together with "service", hence that question15:20
mvoChipaca: cool, do you happen to remember the bugnumber?15:21
mvoChipaca: I can have a look in a bit then15:21
Chipacabug 146667215:23
ubottubug 1466672 in Snappy 15.04 "webdm failed to start / Failed to listen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146667215:23
* Chipaca hugs --fixes15:24
Chipacamvo: ^15:24
mvoI will do a backport in a bit15:24
ogra_zyga, you had issues wirth missing firmware IIRC ... there is a http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/test/device-pi2-0.16.tar.xz that contains all of linux-firmware now15:30
ogra_(in case you feel like trying it)15:30
Chipacazomg, next week school starts again15:38
elopiofgimenez: I'm not sure how to make an anonymous struct inside a for.15:41
elopiothat sounds scary too.15:41
elopiofgimenez: I was copying the style from here: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/TableDrivenTests15:42
fgimenezelopio, yes :) it's just to replace the flagtest var definition in that example with the struct itself, readability could suffer though15:44
fgimenezelopio, i've seen an example here http://talks.golang.org/2015/tricks.slide?utm_source=golangweekly&utm_medium=email#1215:45
tedgsergiuse1s: Not sure if it got lost in the various disconnects, can you push your branch so I can build on it?15:46
elopiofgimenez: yes, -1 for that. Maybe I'm too used to testscenarios.15:46
tedgsergiuse1s: Should be fine without tests for what I need.15:46
elopiowhat I think we should do is to add scenarios to go check.15:46
fgimenezelopio, that would be great15:47
zygaogra_: thanks a lot, I'll check it out15:49
sergiuse1stedg: oh, I don't think I can share just yet, still not glued in15:51
tedgsergiuse1s: Hmm, okay. The problem I'm running into is needed a global package library. Putting things in python-project causes them to conflict with python the base one.15:53
sergiuse1stedg: I think I understand, going to start the drive back home, we can continue then15:55
tedgsergiuse1s: K15:58
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tedgbarry: Reading through the pip docs and learning about wheels. Do you think we need to support those in Snapcraft?16:07
tedgNot sure how often they're used, or if everyone just uses the source versions.16:08
barrytedg: yes, i think so.  the python ecosystem is definitely transitioning to wheels, although for python modules which include extension modules (e.g. sharedlibs), it's problematic on linux.  there's ongoing discussions about how that will work.  pure python, np16:11
tedgbarry: Okay. But as I'm reading more that seems separate from pip though, right? Pip can just build wheels?16:15
fgimeneznice evening everyone o/16:20
barrytedg: yes.  pip will build wheels, although our debuntu version of pip is in serious need of an update (it's on my todo)16:21
tedgbarry: Is there any reason I'd want to have pip build wheels and install from those? Seems like a no-op for our purposes.16:24
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ogra_mvo, hmm, did i hand you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parted/+bug/1490608 yet ? i know you asked for it16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1490608 in parted (Ubuntu) "parted allows to fix broken GPT only interactively" [Undecided,New]16:46
mvoogra_: yes, you mentioned it and I failed to look at it16:46
ogra_i guess thats foundations material anyway, no ?16:46
mvowell, yes, I would still guess if someone of us does it it will be faster16:47
mvothey are usually super busy16:47
ogra_nah, they just pretend to ... its all scripted :P16:47
barrytedg: it may not matter in practice.  i think pip wheelifying packages is mostly an implementation detail17:34
ogra_hey ali123417:43
ali1234so my problem is essentially that i want all the read-only goodness of snappy, but my hardware is designed around the raspberry pi model a+, and the 2b simply won't fit17:44
ali1234debian jessie appears to have the same version of golang and ubuntu 15.0417:45
ogra_http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/vivid/daily-preinstalled/current/vivid-preinstalled-core-armhf.manifest ...17:45
ogra_thats the list of files ...17:45
ali1234i've seen those manifest files17:45
ali1234but no idea what to do with them17:45
ali1234like, what tkes the list and builds an image?17:46
ogra_you would want to build them on raspbian17:46
ali1234i'd expect most of them already exist17:46
ali1234raspbian has literally everything debian has afaik17:46
ogra_we use live-build to build the images ... with modifications and configs living in the livecd-rootfs package17:46
ogra_there is an old project of mine that i'm about to re-vivie for "building at home"17:47
ali1234hah, rootstock, i remember that17:47
ogra_that should allow you to build a rootfs17:47
ogra_beyond the rootfs you need a device tarball http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/vivid/daily-preinstalled/current/ check the armhf one here ...17:48
ali1234what does that do?17:48
ogra_carry kernel, firmware blobs and modules17:49
ali1234rootfs just manages updates and things?17:49
ogra_snappy manages the updates17:49
ogra_currently using the same mechanism the phones use (system-image)17:49
ogra_soon switching away from that ... (everything becomes a snap )17:49
ogra_beyond rootfs and device tarball you need an oem snap ... that has your bootloader setup17:50
ogra_once you have these three you can feed them into ubuntu-device-flash which generates an image for you17:51
ogra_out of these three files17:51
ogra_your prob will be that you cant really use the store, even if you get it up and running ...17:51
ali1234yeah... i've seen the ubuntu-device-flash stuff too17:51
ali1234i'm not concerned about using the store, i want to package my own software17:51
ogra_all binaries in the store are built for armhf indeed17:51
ali1234my only dependency is gstreamer17:52
ali1234which i assume i'd have to bundle anyway17:52
ali1234so step 1 would be to check if debian has all the packages from the device image manifest and then port any that are missing?17:54
ogra_a lot of the magic is in the initrd, in the snappy binary and in systemd units ...17:55
ali1234"system-image-snappy-common" - bet debian doesn't have that...17:55
ogra_(nad in the bootloader setup too)17:55
ali1234is that package the snappy tool itself?17:55
ali1234no, that's ubuntu-snappy17:56
ogra_i think the ubuntu-snappy package buulds it17:56
sergiusenstedg: oh, you are working on the pip plugin, no wonder your questions, I guess you missed the comment, but zyga was close to having a pip plugin in place17:58
ali1234okay well that's something to be going with, thanks17:59
ogra_ali1234, just come back if you have more questions (you surely will) ... i'm curious how that experiment turns out :)18:00
tedgsergiusens: Oh, okay. Perhaps I should look at a different one then. That was at the top of the backlog.18:01
sergiusenstedg: well no worries if you decide to tackle it, not sure zyga has the same agenda we do, but he said he was close18:02
tedgsergiusens: I can pause what I'm doing to talk to him tomorrow (I think he's EU timezone) and start on another plugin.18:03
tedgsergiusens: I think that we really want to have the shared root ubuntu package support for it, otherwise you have to play with the python plugin.18:04
tedgsergiusens: Which really doesn't make a lot of sense.18:04
tedgHaha, I lose. The ROS instructions depend on pip :-)18:09
rickspencer3does anyone know any tricks regarding getting wifi to work on the bbb?18:24
ogra_rickspencer3, plugging in a device we ship the deriver for and following https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#Command_Line should be enough i think18:25
rickspencer3hmmm, I think I did that18:26
ogra_is the device detected ? do you see an interface for it in /proc/net/dev after you plugged it in ?18:27
pindongahi, I'm getting this from snapcraft when building a package using the ubuntu plugin... any idea what I'm missing? no repository found in /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d at /usr/bin/dget line 355.18:34
rickspencer3$ ls /proc/net/dev18:34
ogra_(meow :) )18:35
rickspencer3just lo and eth018:35
ogra_ah, smells like either the driver or some sirmware is missing18:35
ogra_bah !18:35
ogra_check syslog when plugging it in18:35
rickspencer3ogra_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12247479/18:36
ogra_rickspencer3, ah, ralink ...18:38
rickspencer3ogra_, not supported?18:38
* rickspencer3 sobs18:38
rickspencer3I bought it on a whim because it was specifically supported by bbb debian18:38
ogra_no, just a constant source of pain :)18:39
rickspencer3ogra_, sorry, I don't quite grock, are you saying I am out of luck with this particular dongle?18:41
ogra_seems to need the mt7601u module18:41
rickspencer3ogra_, ok, what should I do? buy a different dongle?18:42
beunorickspencer3, some guy on the mailing list had the same problem18:43
beunothere might not be a dongle that has the module in our kernel18:43
ogra_rickspencer3, gimme a bit to read up about it :)18:43
rickspencer3well, I know that at least one person got at least one dongle working with rpi2 and snappy18:44
beunorickspencer3, yeah, the rpi2 kernel comes with some modules18:44
ogra_hmm, so it should be supported by rt2800usb ...18:44
ogra_which we also ship in the device tarball18:44
rickspencer3ogra_, well, this image is oooold18:44
ogra_(on RPi2 the firmware is missing though )18:44
ogra_rickspencer3, uname -r ?18:45
rickspencer3(BeagleBoneBlack)ubuntu@localhost:~$ uname -r18:45
ogra_not that old then18:45
rickspencer3well, I run updates :)18:45
ogra_try sudo modprobe rt2800usb18:46
ogra_and see if that thinks it knows the device (re-plug if needed)18:46
rickspencer3$ try sudo modprobe rt2800usb18:46
rickspencer3-bash: try: command not found18:46
rickspencer3ogra_, I reran  cat /proc/net/dev18:47
rickspencer3still just lo and eth018:47
ogra_and syslog18:47
ogra_(also after re-plugging with the module loaded)18:47
rickspencer3Sep  1 18:46:29 localhost kernel: [ 1300.551733] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt2800usb18:48
ogra_nothing else18:48
ogra_even when re-plugging the device ?18:48
rickspencer3ogra_, no, everything looks the same18:49
ogra_the musb-hdrc error in your paste actually indicates a deeper prob with USB i think18:49
rickspencer3/proc/net/dev, syslog, etc...18:49
ogra_i guess thats one for ppisati18:49
ogra_rickspencer3, if you want to try the same on the RPi, i have a device tarball in preparation that contains all wifi firmware we have at http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/snappy/test/device-pi2-0.16.tar.xz ... perhaps the Pi works better here18:51
rickspencer3ogra_, ok, rpi2 is coming up next18:52
ogra_the beagle musb issues are legendary :)18:52
* rickspencer3 finishes transferring bbb to new case18:52
ogra_and as old as homers oddisey i think18:52
rickspencer3ogra_, not sure what you mean, is it something that we need to fix generally, is it just my specific dongle?18:53
ogra_rickspencer3, there are general issues with USB on BBB since forever18:53
rickspencer3ogra_, right, but are you saying we are out of luck on bbb, or that we need to hack around the issues?18:54
ogra_it got a lot better over the years but there are still issues18:54
ogra_well, forst of all you should file a bug and let ppisati know18:54
ogra_so he can take a look18:54
rickspencer3ogra_, anything else useful I can add to this?19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1491094 in Snappy "wifi USB dongle fails to work" [Undecided,New]19:05
ogra_rickspencer3, i extended the subject line and will point paolo to it tomorrow19:09
rickspencer3thanks ogra_19:10
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