
daftykinswow, never been asked what time was before03:44
EriC^^what a pun05:00
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:01
lotuspsychjehi EriC^^ :p05:03
EriC^^hi lotuspsychje05:03
daftykinscriminals in our midst!05:04
lotuspsychjehi daftykins :p05:05
lotuspsychjenihao cfhowlett05:17
cfhowletthowdy y'all.  So: how large is your /ignore list?  I'm at 1905:17
lotuspsychje0 here i have ops for n00bs n trollz05:18
cfhowlettjust comparing if I'm truly the impaitent, offensive @**hat I was recently described as.05:18
OerHeksyeah, lets merge the troll ip's05:18
lotuspsychjemorning OerHeks05:19
OerHekshi lotus05:19
lotuspsychjedo we have a flash alternative yet on ubuntu05:52
lotuspsychjeor should we use chromium/chrome until new solution?05:53
daftykinsyep pepperflash is it i think05:56
OerHeksthere seems to be a pipelight multi ppa https://launchpad.net/~pipelight/+archive/ubuntu/stable with newer wine also05:56
daftykinsi heard of wrappers to use pepper with firefox, but not much point05:56
lotuspsychjedoenst pepper get hacked also?05:57
lotuspsychjeive tested chromium from terminal many times05:58
lotuspsychjeand after some browsing youl see sandboxed warnings05:58
daftykinsgets updated pretty quickly by Google05:59
daftykinsfixed before adobe fix it :>06:00
daftykinsthough i still don't go for chrome as a browser personally06:00
lotuspsychjeyeah ive got more trust on them then adobe for sure06:00
lotuspsychjemornin lordievader06:00
lotuspsychjedaftykins: so FF with much care then?06:01
lordievaderGood morning.06:01
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:01
daftykinsjust put flash onto 'always ask' before running lotuspsychje :)06:02
daftykinsthat should sort you out06:02
daftykinsthen you have to click items to run them06:02
lotuspsychjebut when their malicious, most users will click them anyway06:02
lotuspsychjeits not for me, but for all the ppl i install ubuntu for06:03
lotuspsychjei always install ubuntu-restricted-extras and if one day flash fails..06:03
lotuspsychjejust wondering for a good solution then06:03
daftykinsi wouldn't allow the standard flash 11, so old06:03
daftykinsit's a bit of a mess on Linux really right now :)06:04
lotuspsychjeand a bigger mess on windows too06:04
lotuspsychjeyoutube should be better block flash and convert to html5 right away06:05
lotuspsychjeto make users used to it06:05
daftykinsno it's not worse on Windows06:06
daftykinsi can continue using flash with firefox happily :P06:07
daftykinsnone of the drama that's gone on in Ubuntu land :)06:07
lotuspsychjei dont trust adobe, even if its up to date06:07
daftykinsalways comes up as HTML5 for me these days06:07
lotuspsychjeyou never know there are 0day xploits for flash06:07
lordievaderThere can be 0days for any piece of software...06:08
lotuspsychjelordievader: true06:08
lotuspsychjelordievader: but feels safer on ubuntu then windows for me06:08
lordievaderLiving in fear ain't useful.06:08
lotuspsychjeim healthy paranoia06:09
daftykinsit's not safer at all if you're using the ol' v11 on firefox06:09
lotuspsychjein our country, mass ppl get phoned by 'microsoft' these days in english to ask them if they need help06:10
daftykinsyeah i keep hearing the same06:10
lotuspsychjewith a weird phone number06:10
daftykinsnot any locals yet, but folk in England06:10
lotuspsychjemy father almost stepped into it lol06:10
lotuspsychjei had to tell him, ive installed ubuntu on his pc years ago :p06:11
daftykinsa friends gf at University called me up once and said she'd gotten taken over by some call06:11
lordievaderYayy, the ext3 driver will be removed :D06:11
daftykinsthe machine was Vista back when SP2 was out, but hers was still vanilla06:11
daftykinslordievader: in wily?06:11
daftykinsor just in the kernel in general?06:12
lotuspsychjethats how those gangs get information social engeneering06:12
lordievaderIn 4.3: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=EXT3-File-System-Drop-4.306:12
lotuspsychjeah tnx phoronix is also nice linux news source tnx lordievader06:12
lordievaderExt2,3 drivers have been obsolete for a while. The ext4 driver provides backwards compatability.06:12
daftykins28,000 lines bye bye, nice06:12
daftykinsyeah i think everyone in this channel knows that ;)06:13
daftykinslooks like Linus isn't keen ;)06:17
lotuspsychjeoh-oh :p06:18
lordievaderHehe, people... http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34106482#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa06:19
daftykinsi told OerHeks not to sign up but he insisted!06:20
* daftykins whistles06:20
lotuspsychjehe prolly got 5 affairs already06:20
OerHeksyeah, all mint users06:21
lotuspsychjehmmm maybe thats why im so paranoia oO06:21
* lotuspsychje quicly removes scandal pics from Icloud06:22
lotuspsychjeA huge congratulations to @veltunas for the #UbuntuGoesSciFi competition. You can enjoy the winning GIF entry here:06:26
daftykinspoor Bones :(06:26
lotuspsychjeisnt stoPPed with 2 p's lol?06:29
daftykinssure is06:30
lotuspsychjemy phone stoped working :p06:30
lotuspsychjehmmm alot of ubuntu official wiki's get updated lately06:33
lotuspsychjethats nice!06:33
lotuspsychjecustommed 5 days ago06:33
lotuspsychjewould be interesting to find only the updated ones06:35
daftykinsany of you folks run digitalocean VPSs?10:03
lordievaderTheir documentation is quite nice though.10:05
daftykinsjust funny getting a hash sum mismatch on their own PPAs just now10:06
daftykinshehe, i've got to ride my high end bike to the shop to get some brake pads, new seat post and maybe get a brake bled (hydraulic)10:26
daftykinsit's gonna be such a ridiculous slog even along the flat from home here, since i've got my downhill tires on already10:26
daftykinshrmm this guy asking about DVD mounting, does blkid look at optical drives too?10:29
EriC^^i dont think so10:30
EriC^^lsblk should show it10:30
daftykinsah that's the one i've seen you guys use :) thanks!10:31
daftykinsdoes it require sudo?10:31
lordievaderThought not.10:32
daftykinsthat guy PM'd me the whole output :(10:50
daftykinsanyone recall off hand which kernel raring used? (13.04)15:48
daftykinsmaybe ubottu has it15:48
daftykins!info linux-generic raring15:49
ubot5'raring' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed15:49
daftykinsour survey says no15:49
lordievaderI guess it is mentioned in the release notes.15:51
daftykinssure is :> my guess of 3.8 was right \o/15:52
daftykinsi've gotta clock out, if joyce seeks me out - they've got sleep resume issues, i was suggesting moving their trusty install to the vivid HWE from the utopic HWE but got into package hell16:55
daftykinslaters :)16:58
EriC^^later :)16:58

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