
magespawngood morning06:23
mazalMorning magespawn06:24
magespawnhey mazal how be life that side?06:25
mazalOk thanx and you magespawn ?06:26
mazalMorning thatgraemeguy06:34
superflyguten morgen06:50
magespawnall good mazal06:55
magespawngood morning thatgraemeguy superfly 06:55
mazalMorning superfly06:55
pieter2627morning all07:05
inetprogood mornings08:12
magespawncheers all, home time, chat later14:15
captineevening all.  long time17:50
melodiehi captine 18:07
captinehi melodie 18:08
inetprouh oh18:50
inetprogood evening18:52
melodiehi inetpro 18:52
inetprohi melodie18:53
inetprowhy is everyone talking about the new google logo, was there something wrong with the old?18:53
CryterionI like the first few moments of the new google logo, not that rest btw19:27
CryterionHi everyone19:27
kulelu88yo new guy sakhi 19:28
inetprokulelu88: he's been here before 19:29
inetprosakhi: wb19:29
sakhikulelu88: :) 19:29
sakhiohi inetpro 19:29
sakhiEvening #ubuntu-za19:30
kulelu88intro yourself sakhi . 19:30
sakhikulelu88: where do I start... Hi Everyone My name is Sakhi and I'm an open source addict my additon started in 2001 and I have never looked back.19:31
kulelu88so you started before ubuntu existed sakhi 19:32
sakhikulelu88: yes.19:36
kulelu88sakhi: which OS did you start with?19:36
sakhiDebian woody19:39
sakhiFedora as well as other flavour of *nix, your side? 19:40
kulelu88Mint 19:41
kulelu88you a S.African? sakhi 19:47
sakhikulelu88: yes.20:00

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